1444 W. Latimer Ave. (TR7127) MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: ,..'" ~~~ . "'" ".'". .r::" f <-'~'7 I , From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- .. The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT ) . '....~) l'! i ~ ! ._ BUILDING ADDRESS -1 < ".I ',\.'. '," ,\ i J COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER / / '( f F r-:- I E' t 1 I " ' ... '\ I (...~.... 't,i ,..: 1_-,. / ~ '. \,1 C-, , -->,. -:--1 .'f-l"-~J ft.- "7 I -, . ! !~ "T" ,;, -,,\ JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Date: TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. 3372 ~ ~ 3372 3372 3372 6~zi) 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3521 3521 3521 Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($O.SO/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name ;{ 4 tll>U'~ / ~ Address\l..o J'-'''''-l-JO ') r l ~ ~ / ~ 7 __ o r. / ~~ t ~ {loA V Lv u-"" P . w. F i 1 e No. L- A -r (3 ~) TlZ- 71L.7 Amount o~ 524 ~ 420 .. ., --- /DIO 00 -- $ /O~4 Phone Zip 417-2..~11 C; 5-0 CD L> FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date 0?&~.? ':$ /0 'I c.j, 0 c) GAt __ 7//~/f/ I January, 1981 P . W . F i 1 e No. TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. Items 3372 Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) 3372 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value 3372 @) 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3521 3521 3521 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($O.SO/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($lO.OO) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL I' I Name--4- '1 on 1 C.I ~ '- Add ress . ~ 14. t-~ c yo u '- r(~ IA..t 1~7 / . L.6. / I"c-. Phone 1D ~ - '33&-- "38-&7 Zip 'SO~C FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. I $L 7 <2J Amount Pa i d ~ / ~ t) 6-e:> Rece i ved by C2- # Date .3 - 16 ... 8 / Amount ~o 1)..0 - t::.rr:::> $ /20~ Januarv , QQl f\J " ~ \J ~ ~ -.c V) \ ~ - ~ ~ 0 \oJ ~ J. "1 Q " ... ..:r ~ L ~ lU -1 \J.. ~ . U. +.l u.. 0- '.!J Q) Cl """\ "'0 Vl Q) . Vl ~ en Q) .,.... "'0 ~ :::s r- "'0 0- eo "'0 Q) ltl ~ 0 +.l Vl +.l - ~ 0- ~ 0 ltl Q) 0- E "'0 Q) .,.... 0:: 4- > 0 .,.... Vl "'0 r- ~ ..Cl .,.... :::s 0 0 V') V') U TRACT NO. 71 '2-7 Agenda deadline Jv\y l~/I'''/ Agenda deadlineJu\y 30 I""; ,., .,/ Council meetingJ-..)ly 2..7 Council meetingAuG.,/o . Items needed to meet City Council Agenda deadline for approval of Final Map: Date Rec'd I) Letters: Sanitation District No. 4 (release) P.G. & E. (easement approval) P.T. & T. (easement approval) ~Improvement Plans (signed by San. Dist. 4) 3~Final Map (signed and notarized) ~Agreement (signed and notarized) 7-1'''' /r/ 7-2S-gj 7 - 2.1-8') 7 - 2-0-8'/ 7 - 1(" - Y) J) Bonds: Amount Faithful Performance J 2 Ooe> Labor and materials Go coo (., C. ,C. and R. IS 7 Fees (payable to City): Amount Fi na 1 Map fil i ng # 100 Plan exam. & cons t. insp. 420 Fire hydrantmaint. -0- Storm Drainage area 5"2..4 f Total 10'14 Fee (payable to County) : Recordi ng ~ 7- 1'-- tl 7- I~ - ~ / 7-/3- y-/ 7-/(,.- il 7 - I" - 1/ 7 - 14- - 8'""/ " -3-5/_ Items needed before Final Map can be recorded: Tax letter from County Tax Collector II Tax Bond ~~ toJ Subdivision Guaranty II Testing Engineers, Incorporated 'RECEIVED' JUL 3 0 1982 OU""j '01.. C Vto,?x. .. ~ '::--t:'7'f;."~ ' ..; Quality Assurance Services Materials Consulting ~ ~ ... Work Request No. G3916 INSPECTION REPORT Week Ending 7-16-82 Project No. D 56 61 "L" Type of Inspection Place of Inspection Lattimer Avenue o Concrete/Rebar o Stressing Project : Townhomes o Steel !Welding o UT /Visual 00 Jobsite o Other 1444 West Lattimer o Soils/Asphalt o Roofing Campbe 11 o Masonry ~ Other ANT700 Nuclear/Density Date 7-15-82 7-19-82 Hours 4 N/D 2 N/D Miles/Zone Zone 1 Zone 1 Inspector Pinelli Fravnick Report: 7-15 As requested, performed Nuclear in-place density tests method CAL231 in compacted native subgrade at elevation: -15" finished grade in the digout area on Lattimer Avenue adjacent to the Latimer Town Homes development. Sampled material - brown claey silt with gravel - and ran CAL216G moisture density curve. 7-16 Performed one nuclear density tests consisting of three sites on compacted Hillsdale class two aggregate baserock. Samples were obtained for maximum density determinations. Tests were conducted according to California Test Method 231. lee: Antonicic & Fleming Attn: Mr. Jeff Fleming lee: City of Campbell Public Works Department Attn: Mr. Norm Sampson Reviewed by Form T-16A SAN FRANCISCO · OAKLAND · DIABLO VALLEY. REDDING · SACRAMENTO · STOCKTON · MONTEREY 401 Aldo Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050 · 408.988.8888 ~ ~ TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND SANTA CLARA GILROY 401 ALOO AVENUE · SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 9505 (408) 988-8888 LABORATORY NUMBER G3916 RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST - NUCLEAR DATE Week Ending 7-16-82 Job 05661 "L" ANT700 File Test No. Lattimer Avenue Type of Material Cl.AY6Y SI L.T WITH G fZ.A"&t.- Townhomes Material From ~An"E. 1444 West Lattimer Impact by -r.i? ~ .:r. 6. Nuclear by -,-: f". (:. :r. f.3, Campbe 11 Date ,- los - 'i3'Z- Date 7 - I ~ . <&2- Show test location and area limits C. Non Biased Plan No. ~ Gage No. B "L 2- A ---z -S S ~ , A R LA T.I ^"" S R- AVe -- - \co - ~D'Q:"r -- @ I t-- ",,' --l IN-PLACE TEST BY NUCLEAR IMPACT TEST DATA Site Den,CI.~ DT Std. Count Density J Initial Wet Weight of Test Specimen (Grams) I 'Z SO 0 '2.317 , : Specimen 1 2 3 4 1 , , , , , 123,0 I , , I Water Adjustment /0 0 +2- -z. +4 , I IZG.:D , I , Tamper Reading 10.4 ,0,4 IO.~ 10.(., 2 I I , :2-,(, , 0 1 I : : K Wet Density (gm/cc) Z'2.~ z..Zg 2-.2.4- 2.2-4 I I I Z$,b I I K From Table 1 Test Method 216. Highest Density is Test Max. 3 I ;2.1"3 I 0 ~ I 1 I I I L + 3/4" Agg, Adj. SAMPLE FOR ROCK CORRECTION I I I Fix' J:a'~'A % + 3/4" (Q) Adj. M Total Sample WI. (gm) 4 ' ,/1-' J' I I I I Moist Count 20 or less. . . . . . 1 .00 N + 3/4" Wt. in Air (gm) A I , 1 : I I : I 21-25 ..,..,...0.99 0 + 3/4" Wt. in Water (gm) 5 I I 2: I 26-30 ,..".,..0,98 P + 3/4" Vol. (ee) (N-O) I 31-35 """...0.97 6 1 I I I 3, I I I I 36-40 ."...... 0.96 Q % + 3/4" 100(N/M) , , I 4' I , I 41 -45 ."..,... 0.95 R % - 3/4" (100-Q) I I I I 5, I , I I I 46-50 ...,..,., 0.94 S Density of + 3/4" (NIP) 7 I I I I , , I I 6, I I I I Std, Count Moist. T % + 3/4" I Dec. of + 3/4" (Q/SL) I I I I 7 I I I I I , I I I U % - 314" I Den. of - 3/4" (R/K) 8 . I , 8 I I I I , I V Sum of T and U (T+U) , I I I I B ~ I 11e;-= 1.3 ~ I ~ I , I W Adjusted Density gm/cc (100IV) I I . I C X : :z; q) 18' GIXI I , I I , , I CR(C/F) 112.:' ~ ? CR(G/I) I I I , I D x Den.gm/cc lIlt:. I (/? H Ix H20 gee I I :l I I , E X Den, Corr, for Moist":t I I X , I I I I "E = D ::: Diff. Bet. X Moist. Fr. Common TM & H I Spec. hndividual I qc:; 0 Percent Relative" I 0 <gf, "- Compaction IMov. Av. I E Ol "ElK for 10% < + 3/4"; E/W for> 10% + 3/4" ~ '00 If Common Test Maximum is used (X) K or W = I X H20 = C Q) Z.~ 0 From Tests Dated Remarks: Zz>- Z :2.0 +4- -2- 0 +z Water Adjustment - "7., Test Method No. Calif. 231-F ~ ~ TESTING ENGINEERS. INCORPORATED 401 ALDO AVENUE · SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 9505 (408) 988-8888 SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND SANTA CLARA GILROY LABORATORY NUMBER G3926 RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST - NUCLEAR DATE Week Ending 7-16-8, . Job 05661 "L" ANT700 File Test No. Lattimer Avenue Type of Material ~ Z. A6Gl RSc,A n:; BASe; Townhomes Material From H'l-L5DA<<-E 1444 West Lattimer Impact by '-.K. Nuclear by l.. . K.. CamDbe 11 Date ,- ,q-~z.. Date -, - I q -~z. Show test location and area limits Non Biased Plan No. 7 Gage No. I~.gca I L-A 71 A/\ E R- AVE: - - r~- 0 (i) r- ~(,'" ~ IN-PLACE TEST BY NUCLEAR IMPACT TEST DATA Site Den.Ct.~ D.T. Std, Count Density J Initial Wet Weight of Test Specimen (Grams) I 2...500 , '11, , : I:~<g Specimen 1 2 3 4 1 , , , 1 I ,7 c:, , ,16,0 Water Adjustment -tz. +4 +-(, , , I\:q .~ I 1'5" Tamper Reading I I . I IO.q FREe 2 1 , , 'I,Cl" I , 11 :5,0 K Wet Density (gm/cc) 7_. ,:::z, 2.'"1 wATE::~ I , I : 7", Ot C, 115,0 K From Table 1 Test Method 216. Highest Density is Test Max, 3 I :7IO,LJ.. ~ 1 , II '4Q L + 3/4" Agg, Adj. SAMPLE FOR ROCK CORRECTION I I I Fix' 1 : , ~5:l) % + 3/4" (a) Adj. M Total Sample Wt. (gm) 4 , I I I , Moist Count 20 or less. . , . ' . 1 ,00 N + 3/4" Wt. in Air (gm) A , , 1 : I I : 21,25 .",.,...0.99 0 + 3/4" Wt. in Water (gm) 5 , , I I 2: 1 26-30 ",.,.". 0.98 P + 3/4" Vol. (cc) (N-O) , 31-35 ."..,." 0,97 , I 6 I I , , I 3 I I I I 36-40 ,...,.,.. 0.96 a % + 3/4" 100(N/M) 'I I , I 4 I I I 41,45 .,..".,.0,95 R % - 3/4" (100-0) I I I I I 5 I ~ 1 46-50 ,.."....0.94 S Density of + 3/4" (NIP) 7 , I I , 6 I I I , Std, Count Moist. T % + 3/4" I Dec. of + 3/4" (O/SL) I 1 , I 7 I I T 1 1 I I U % - 314" I Den. of - 3/4" (R/K) 8 I I , I 1 8 I , I I V Sum of T and U (T+U) I , B ~ I 'tTl'513 ~ I , I I , , 1 W Adjusted Density gm/cc (1 OON) I C X I , :1 ~qlz Glxl I I I I CR(C/F) T I ! z.. '6' 3 CR(G/I) I I I T I I D I x Den,gm/cc 12,l1 ',* H Ix H20 gcc I I ~ , I ~ E X Den, Carr. for Moist"::t T; I X ! I , I "E = D :!: Dill. Bet. X Moist. Fr. Common TM & H I Spec, Ilndividual I &t S- o Percent Relative" I 0 100 '- Compaction IMov. Av, I E Cl .E/K for 10% < + 314"; EIW for> 10% + 3/4" Z: 'in If Common Test Maximum is used (X) K or W = I X H20 = c: Q) From Tests Dated 0 Remarks: z,.l "5'- "Z,IO <50 \00 I ~o Water Adjustment - Grams Tp.!':t Mp.thorl No r.:\lif ?::l1-F /, :~,- 7_~ -- ,f)' 7,. " L- yt..1...'1 ' ',~ ---' '- ~~ ~ OC~ ~t. /.i~,., <"2 " ~... 4t~/;'i ~ <) ~,,::-/ ~ r..anklinMoney runa" (' I~ 7 I 2 7 October 8th, 1982 City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: Dave Valkenarr Public Works Dept. SUBJECT: A/C of Eric Antonicic Franklin Money Fund Dear Mr. Valkenarr: Per our client's request, I am writing to inform you that a certificate for $2,700.00 will be issued against the balance on his Franklin Money Fund account, on October 20th, 1982. Mr. Antonicic has informed us that this certificate will be turned over to the City of Campbell as collateral on a project. While the certificate is outstanding, Mr. Antonicic will not be able to withdraw the funds which it represents. Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Sincerely, SERVICES, INC. ___ ~ -;:-0-'<'1 t.d "'1 (;'1 6<-1.M/) VU~7 c> CeV~tH-t1 k .if {Ii 0' [; %' () S I h ,}v Y-' If 2 .70 Of Ol? r C [.IA/v'~'/ ( of 1- ",{r 7- c.- j .5 [)1 t -it, C' k1 U (/ {~ ,t.-- SiJ.,(- kvt:'1 ~/[(;~1 Lv"~ . " ~ J.k"/ ft~ ~\ lift.- ~ f-t~ . .( 1<.4+rv" Services DA:ps cc: Eric Antonicic 20595 Saratoga Toll Road Boulder Creek, CA 95006 ....'1 JV ' ',1/" f 'I'" "t,....--' Ir 155 Bovet Road. PD Box 5994, San Mateo. CA 94402 800-632-2180 (in californi~~ ~~~-227-6780 (out of California) BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF FINAL INSPECTION The Building Department has received a request for a final ins~~8t'~~'U~~S ~tO --nL-. E.NG\I~[G~\NG this date 9.~j/-tf.~t /L/t1~ /1/ i~~~ It is requested that the I~~~-- )f/I"~~ Department inspect this project for your final inspection requirements. Please answer the following and return this form to the Building Department after final inspection. 1. Did the project comply with your requirements? Yes 2. If the project did not comply, was the owner or agent informed of your requirements? Yes No 3. Date of Inspect ion "OQl\IDT RELEASE" 4. Name of Inspector ThQ r('Qllirco Public Works Improvements ;,J';'~ flat t.eell comp\()ted. JOQ E'I:;"H Oii'''dor ot Public Works .~ nVl\.. ,,\.,,- Bj~. N,<l-Z/-~c:. z15 g) ~ GJ ~eCE\VED S r P (2, I. E'j'l No -7 /-.~/ / ~,. '7 ___.___.________.....__--- _0' ..____ ~-7';tN~ ~ ~-4/cJL ~.~ ~~.l-'~P ~ ~~~~ &u-.(J'j ~~ .5X ~ /"c. c:?- z /- .~)7 ;:: ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE The Public Works Requirements Have Been Met Joe Elliott, Director of Public Works By~Date Ib/JJ/K'~ I 6~d f.J kcl ....---._-_.~--- -, RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA h' - . NAME ~11....- 'iYLrYYlV'/5, --n.!. ut ADDRESS /~ ij~).f"L 12/f ~ 0 ~ : / try-: $qqL/~"~~vL '1)-t~ ./ '. /) H?] /1 .1/7 ~' .b ~')q FOR 1:5 0 UACro-y,-A. (> (. 0 ;;1'\ 0 2> REVENUE ACCOUNT NO'd ~ J. 0 ~ ./ ) FUND NUMBER ~ -/" //-3::;;- ~ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER ~ d..; '/00, ao 3So< ( o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS IEeEI" MUST IE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED mow. ~/~g 70-0.&0 FINANCE DEPT. :,~~g.z ~) 2Q?~n BY ThanIc You CITY OF CAMPBELL 1 ~ 1 r~Oc 1~ 9 ~:t~ v f r~~ ! ~ (V') i N r- ... iC (Di~ q- e : ~ ; i C) ~ I- o Z II. "'C = =' ~ ~ = o ~ = I ._ :!2, = ~ a.. ~ o o > >- . D. o Q : z ;) :)z o !La: III >2 a: w- .. z~ ~ Ou ;):1. ~ !2 z .J!: ~ ~i o ~~ ~ !L- Lf'l CX) ......... N N ......... M III l- . o . ~Q)CX) M:;:'O .cx:o r-f.gr-f~ ~~n1 ~! () l:l .ct: '0 ~ u "8 d .. (j~t~ ~ ~.[ (j~~a It') M ..... \D ~ r-f o o Z II. o ilia: :1:111 1-0 oa: 1-0 :; o >- ~1 B .. .c; ... ~. ~:. .~ ~~ i;'!- ~ r v ~ .c.:, ~.j /" '~ b: ,~cff# .~ ~ ,~~ ~, ~ .~~ ~~~ ~-:~ ~ o o . . EXJ .r EXJ .r ... .. - co U1 r1'l z. 0 .~ 0 :10 0 o~ ... ~. nJ <10 ... ~~ .. .0. - D.1Ii .c;) ~ ~~ . U1 1:> r1'l ;., t'- .~, cJ] ~~ .r ",>- ... z.J :: 8 ~ - o '" . .. .. '" ~ .= ,- .c; ...J .. " 0 ~ ~ ~ (; .. :( co CIrrY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2'100 Department: Pub 1 i c Works February 15, 1985 Bart Bruner, Account Specialist Correspondence Department Franklin Administrative Services, Inc. Po~t Office Box 5994 San Mateo, CA 94402 SUBJECT: FRANKLIN MONEY FUND, A/e #11101680576 RE: ANTONICIC,LAT"(39) Dear Mr. Bruner: 2- -'','.'''IN>"'''' -' \ ~~' ~ ' "r, \ ',_ , r, cH:c:l~ rilrf::1'~ '~';i~J ,mAl ~-l;j"-jj i_.__ -1\ i . ~~~ Ii -"..-.t ~ . :.-.t- ] Thank you for your February 8 letter. I apologize for our clerical error that did not enclose the letter of instruction from Mr. Antonicic. Enclosed is the original. Please follow the directions in our previous letter. Very truly yours, Joseph Ell iott Director of Public Works David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil DNV/le J.dB~!llI NlIlU!IlI enclosure. 01 - ~ ~ II _ O~O~ ~ d~fS351m~c/)'i:lt:;:jp fli:i' tft'ilc;;icn~o~;;: l5. gJ ffi m . rtC i_l:c ~:s:: g CI c:; ~ t:;:j t:::l::lUl !':' rt 0 ~cn (1) >< a o ... DO ~~!:;> n- ntO 8~ ;l>.j:::.1 a to ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... tN ::: ~ g ~ tJ1 ~ 00 z I--' c: 0'\ !: o !!i :'"' ~ ~ Gl ~ ! ~l AI"r 'l UI&WJO:f Sd ~ ~ . oori - 8';l~ g!!l ~ lli'cn ~ [ !; II~ s s ~ a ~~Q , i;;l ~ I Zl ~ rJ Q.~ IJ~ : ~ ~ ~ g li !f~ ~ ~ i i! 11m i liI': Q. Q. Ii .... i C/O i~ ! ~ i Em . !i~ t: I:: i - ~. 5'1 !l: I li.~ a I~ J! I i ~i ~.... : -< : ""':!I c:~ : .: ;n:U " (1'1 Z ~ r III - '1 (j) () Ul . ~ ~i?~~,~~!DJ CITy ,.) p , C.c- CA, l..4NN1NG l\1:D8EL OC:PAR L 1MeN]:: 20595 Saratoga Toll Road Boulder Creek, CA 95006 October 20, 1982 Frankl in Money Fund 155 Bovet Road San Mateo, CA 94402 ACCOUNT NO. REFERENCE 11101680576 Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, hereby request 1 iquidation of 2700 shares from my Franklin Money Fund account. Certificate No. FRLAOOOll3 for 2700 shares is en- closed. Please forward a check for the proceeds of this 1 iquidation to: City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Very truly yours, Eric Antonicic ~~~ c~.,.~~... t:r --"r-- ... - --- . ... . ,...... .. ~. ,~ .~ NTE'En' .... /l'r-.-''''-- . lJ'~:'Id,z,"','.~" t.INK ~-- . " ;... " ~:,":' j,' -: ;~.-.~ COUNTERSIGNED: FRA KLIN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, INC. Transfer Agent 'I . / ~i- , 0/ ~ Et o Q) .c:: ... ,~ rn.~ J:J oS ='500 (1) ... Q.... ()O::;~ C ... () ell (1)~ (1) ell E-<C.cCll ...(1)'" o......ui Q.) ~ 0 C =' rn ell 0 ..... (1)'" ~ &~~ ~=,-;jr::: Q.:>,Q.)8 Q)~.cl.s Z l5 E-< cIS ........;1: 0~g8 .c '0 bIl .. rJJ ~~<~ ~ Q) ...... ... C .~ .::;~=, ::= 'O.crnr::: 0 r:::"'r:::O =E!cIS... '0 ~'""~~ ~ >-- >. ... ..... ~:a~& l5 0.......l5 .c :e ~ ~() ] C... Q) ;::;0'O.c ::: .!IoI (1) ... = .~S~:>, '0 .r~ ~ 'm .0 ~ '....(1)..::; ... ~ Qo(1) .... 1110 r::: ~.: 0 .:.ll4 - 0 -8 ~ og '0 (J -a ~ z:..;: Q.) rn .c ::f'J ~ rn Q) ~ ~Z.a~ 6iJ , .~ ~ = Cf'.J om ~~:s ~ ~ (1) ~ oca~ Z III .c>:>, '0 Q.) Q) .0 r::: utS.co.... CIl "'r:::o C ...'0 :>, in f 0 o .0... Q.) ..... z~ r::: Q) Z ~ e~ .S ..a Q.) 8- Uld ..a .~ = l5 :::sn l5 ~ ca () Or::: e- 1: > Q) ~~ 8 8 Q) .c:: e mgJ ... _~ Q) :E! co '0 S"" :: E-c Q) d ~ ~,;,....,~, -d r::: ~, i .ii . Q) Q) ~ .. rn 11)' m.cl .. ~Q) 1I).Il4:S"'O, Q)2'O~e- gJ~r:::-oa; ... ! Q)'Q) (J (J .s o~~~::! " ." Q) 8 0 Q) ~ '0158'Q.)eIlZ _ s::l .. Q.) (1) . ~ ; cIS Q) Q.'O ~ m ~ ,!>~,i.,~j~i ! '. f t: 8 ~ :.t<~~1i~li'.. () CD < ~ ">' ,... ',. (,J., .,,;. ,t', , A,a,,'! c :a Q) ~ ~,~~q~:,~\"';.:~"fI.ri;.' "~"I:~.' . it:;" ofi-.eo;-. };:f::;':;;:',;:::~, ~ . " ;:.1i ':s ~ .g .s . ~,-:'~"'!-"',,~-' ".', '- --:-.-'~'.,; "';,-~,.~,'~~,,;_.:~.u/...,', . . :::,-;- < ;:!'....:;.' ~~. 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"'"''"11''''''' o e 0-0 0:::0 o ..IV\ ....0- a t-c u uc ....\D~ uO.... .......111 zeD:: oo:::u t-e zen a: c '" V\Q uo--' ....V\::I 0:00 IIINCD .== ~ 1 c: ..t ;',' . ~ ~ &):" '~r~~ ~\tt...~~~": , ~!~fi:":~?l'!L',~};~ *:,~. 0') en M o o c2: , :- CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works ~{f L'11- (31) CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Proje~t or C" Z - / ..,-Z Permit No. t5 c::>' PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT /t/l/L/ tV ./~ -h~ L, Page of Name or Location ~rr 7/2 7 Date ~~ z 1- Pt:' r:,p ~I (.,)~,,~ - h~ (J~A~, )),,) "',--8-< _' /J < / L J- / "- ~_..4-~1;;; ,J.,4':2 ~ <- zP~ /) z) y.f" .~- V?~??Z~~ CITY ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT INSPECTOR SU~~TY INSURA~CE CCMPANY OF CAlIFOQNIA P . 'J . F, 0 X 2 .4 3 C LA HA~RA, CALIFl~\IA 00t31-163) REQUEST FOR GO~D STATU~ CITY GF U,,-,p Jc II DEPT OF PU;,lIC WCF,KS 75 NORTH CENTPAl AVE~UE CAMP~~ll, CA 952:8 F~[RUARY 13, 19S3 ACCT NO. 4-1:-S4976 SOND NO. 551056 TERM 7/16/81- 2/30/83 Rc CDrHRAC T NO. OR DE SCR I PTI ON ___JE~~~11-2-!!.~n_i~~-p~!>!:!:.c:...?.EE~~t-1~e.r-o..Y~~~~t_----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tract No. 7127 CO:H:-',ACT PRICE __3!~L02Q~~~------ ---------------------------------------- cc;nFACTOK ANTGNICIC, ERIC W. ANC ANTCNICIC THIS COMPA~Y IS SURETY ON THf 20ND COVERING THE A?OVE CONTRACT. WE WILL APP~ECIATE YOUR P~JVIDING US wITH THE INFORMATIO~ ~E~UESTED ?ELOW WITHI~ TEN DAYS" PETu~(rH:\jG IT TJ US Ii': TH':: :::r';CLCSED selF-ADDReSSEr) ENVELOP:::. IF hJRK IS COMPL~TED -------------------- DAT~ OF ACCEPTANCE DATE CF CCMrL~TION ------------------- ------------- ~MOUNT PAID CONTRACTGR -------------- FI~Al CJ\TRhCT PRIC2 ----------- HAS Cc.HnRACTiJR P.tID I--:IS LA~OR Ar~D lAATERIAL bIllS ----------------------- ------------------------ IF WJ~K IS NOT CGMPL~T~D PERC::I"HAGc OF wC?,K CGt"PL=TED ?JS70 cSTIM.AT:=O COMPLC:TION D,ATE 77 I , --------- -------- P\i'UIH PAll.} TO CT-;TRA,CTfjR. ___I:!A:.-----At"CJUr-H DUe CCNTr'ACTCR ------------- !-f1 IS WO~K SATISFACTCnY__~~l------IS \"JOR K P R or.. p.~ 5 S H'G m; SCHEDULe:: ARE lAseR ANG MATERIAL RIllS ~EING PAID ON TIME ----------------------- R:.~.^-KS <'1 J -1-0 ' (' /1' I r: ,h!-' 7'-'~ct"2e. _ _ __ _ r ~!r~_ _'~ _ft f ~.:. _ __l-:1I1.r2~~ difr - - - ~J..qq!?- - -~ 1: .!.~-- o--t WI!'..k. /':> f(.,f -k? /.1(, d~, AUTHORIZED k~PRESENTATIVE OF 03LIGEE -------------------------------- SIGNATURE -------------------------------- TITLE MEMORANDUM ~' U' (4"<,06'<,, ,~ ~ -"..... .. ,":'. * . . q v - " -'? ~ ~ 6't(1 (".....,...0 CITY OF CAMPBEll To: ARTHUR A. KEE Planning Director Date: April 10, 1981 From: JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works Subject: Tentative Subdivision Map Lands of Antonicic APN 307-47-31 ------------------------- The following conditions of approval are recommended concerning the subject tentative subdivision map submitted by Riley Associates Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the sub- division in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. 2-.. 1 2 Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the sub- division in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said water company. Fire hydrants and appurte- nances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant maintenance fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195 per fire hydrant. Subdivider shall create or provide any public service easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilities. 3 4 Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions of the Campbell . Municipal Code. 5 Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee of $524.00. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. Subdivider shall (install street improvements and post surety to guaranty the work) fe~ee~te-an-a~~eeffient-aAe-~8st-s~Fety-t8-~R5tall-&t~eet-~mp~o~i= 6. ment~-tn-the-f~t~re-and-a~~ee-te-~8+A-a-b8eal-~m~F8YemeRt-g~5tF~'t~. Dedicate additional right-of-way to widen feet from centerline. to 8 9 C.C.&R.'s to be approved by City Engineer to insure provisions for maintenance of buildings and common area. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. Obtain an excavation permit and pay fees and deposit for all work in the public right of way. 10 . Pay the plan examination and construction inspection fee. 11. Driveway approach is to be a minimum of 25 feet wide and 5 feet from the property line. By: BILL M. HELMS Enq;neer;ng Manag~r