1458 Latimer Ave. (TR6910) Acct. Items Amount 3372 Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) 3372 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) 3372 Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) 3372 Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) 3372 Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) 372 Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) 3372 Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) 3372 Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) 3373 Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) 3373 Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) 3373 Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) 3372 Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) #~S-. 6-() 3372 Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) 3521 Cash Deposit 3521 Faithful Performance Deposit 3521 Maintenance Bond Deposit TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P . W . F i 1 e No. TOTAL Name Address fY\~R- ~ .~() (YL~'f-- . i' ~ (lA~e3 FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date Lf332-- g,d:<S (9-0 CL~Y ;3-/ ') - s/ ~I -30 ( , $ ~s;-; &V Phone Zip 3'7/)- ft;/o3 cr5~ Januarv _ 19R1 P . W . F i 1 e No. TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. Items R 1-301 Amount 3372 Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) 3372 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 72 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 ~ 3521 3521 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($l60.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL ;)00,00 $ ;:200.00 ~-f Y,;J(O;5 . Lw3 Q40b/ Name ~t~9 ~~ Phone Address c;t / -;01-1:;7 . J e ULt! ~ Zip Receipt No. 4- "3 to 7 Amount Pa i d .::as J.. D n Rece i ved by {l, # ;1-;10-9'1 FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Date Januarv _ 19R1 P.W. File No. ~---~ TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. Items Amount 3372 Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) 3372 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 ,., L ?""72 :'...,2 3372 3373 3373 3373 G7D 3372 3521 352,1 3521 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name 6fYJ6 ~U.1'1d-e.v:s Address ;;2../ fI-o'Jlr> fh,e,KPJ(/JOf'rJ fl( Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. ~ G 907 .-') c-.o CJ Amount Paid ~ -.) Received by ~ ~ Date /-)~-8::L Vt:2.s-:ao $ ~s-. 00 &'0-g;[~3 q #JIll I January, 1981 P . W. F i 1 e No. TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. Items '8~-/O I Amount 3372 Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) 3372 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 ""72 ~.../2 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 ~ 352~ 3521 ') ~ Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name ~fY\S h~ Address.::2l -HorJfl AI It ~ ~ 'ReJfI~ (1~ / / / Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. to CJ q 9 Amount Paid ,~06. 00 Received by f2 c Date I II ~ 1'bJ- 3CJo,00 $ 3~c>~ 0 0 -~0~ - R:llrJ,::;; Q40rol . January. 1981 TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P . W . F i1 e No. 1i2., ~ ~ I 0 creDit" Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 Q-ill) 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3521 352'1 3521 Items Amount Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($76S/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of va 1 ue g- .L- Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00). Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit jFlr~ /I ~Yo.j" /-r__'-' TOTAL Name F rA "< ~ (i" La, ,"-~v J-,'...... Address L ( Hoa.-~ Q ~ Av1"" . k~,I we.o+ C<jY Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date :l:'~ /r -.:2-d -~v 2- ot'D .... .~ //.J- ~ $ 177 ~-_.- ?'~o to 3 February, 1980 TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: Acct. 351 365 351 351-- /~ 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 352 352 352 351 351 380. 1 380. 1 380. 1 Name Address Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) -'>f' 100, Ou Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) P . W . F i 1 e No. Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value less $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. 6(:)'70 ~ Amount Paid g/tG~ CJ CP Received by ~~ Date 3 -/7'--70 'bJ / P- / Amount $ J tOn. 0"0 . February, 1980 V' 0 2 . +oJ 0. Q) 0 "0 f . t1) .... "0 ~ - r:::r co Q) S- o +oJ +oJ S- o. 0 IC 0. S Q) 0:: I+- 0 III - ~ .... 0 0 VI (..) ~ .. - . . ,.- ., .genda deadline ", " TRACT NO. G Cf /0 t L ~genda deadl ine'c":' ,-; Council meeting ....' I Agenda deadline for approval Council meeting " " Items needed to meet City Council of Final Map: Date Recld Letters: Sanitation District No.4 (release) P.G. & E. (easement approval) P.T. & T. (easement approval) Improvement Plans (signed by San. Dist. 4) Final Map (signed and notarized) Agreement (signed and notarized) l \ ~ 7.. \ -3"0 1 \ - 2-~--a-D /I-}3- Yo 11'"J..S-2r"O \ \ - 2.6- ~ , Bonds: Amount Faithful Performance 01 foc[) / I ~ J~ ~ 8 D Labor and materials 4.WD /1- J ~&O C. ,C. and R. IS 'O-tb~ Fees (payable to City): Amount Final Map fil i ng Ice 11-20-80 & co~t. i~P. ;.. Plan exam. ..,., 1\-70 -n S'C\- Po. Total Fee (payable to County): Recordi ng ,. -~ .;. " ............,<,~ 'Zoo, r-;z....4f.t;; o Items needed before Final Map can be recorded: Tax letter from County Tax Collector ,~ t .~" tL""i~ A.('''' ~, 1 ~ . lL.t. -;> . vJ ' fit., '"'1"Di Tax Bond Subdivision Guaranty MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To; BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date; 1'7 I ',.., c) . f'.' ((, '.." ,.. i ,,~., ,.'. . -,- ..- From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- " The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLI CANT BUILDING ADDRESS ~: 1\ \ <'J t, t. 1-' (<,.., ", COUNTY ASSESSOR I S 1. ,<) 'c' PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBbr tL (~''') 10 (...1+ ! . f , ! 't" "'] < t I ( L. f\ F /'c,) L /\ T I f.J, t. 1--. l\, \Jt.:... , -::';(, I - "t' 1 .:;< \. (:,) JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Da te: . "...JI'~"""'-'''''''''''''''''''''''' ..,.,~,.<:~..~,:..-L:,,;,.~... -;..,.,.~.f'..,.,~::...~.. .."_..~r:_'''',..':'''=I''""''"'''.-tr-...,. :'.....~ "7"'-'<'" ~.,...-..."!o'~..\;:..~......... ",. . _r' CITY OF CAMPBEll 715 NORTH CENTRL A Vi..: . CAMPBELt.:, CALIFORNIA 95008 TO 8t ;lfCORGtD WiThOUT fU: SfCnON 6103 GOVfiNWNT CODE NOTICE OF COMPLE~~b~ RfQUfST Of CITY Of CAMPBEU NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and Joseph Elliott the undersigned, as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the__ 6th of April , 19 8L_. That the name of the subdivider said owner is SMS Builders day for That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME City of Campbell That the property herein referred to and on which said .J~ .Jw."d 11 b'1/() C 727 ;J.~~: 197 7338308 FILED FOR h.cCORD (. AT RE "CST OF AFft II 45 !,J 'B2 o~rl'jLLi.'_ rEC;);~~r5 SA.' ~ .!,t' t. :~ :~, ' ": y : .. .- . : ... "., ",; ~. Abover~~a~fkfor; Re~ore~r REC FEE MiCRO LIEN NOT SMPF ADDRESS 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract No. 6910, 1458 W. Latimer and having the following address: Dated April 13 , 19 82 ...---- I (.~ .'//. /';:/~ . AoffiH ELLIOTT CITY ENGINEER 1 of 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SSe I, Joseph Elliott being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge, A :~/ ~ff# J~PH ELLIOTT CITY ENGINEER Subscribed and sworn to before me this /3 -ti day of C~ r24mh4U m. (~ Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California. , 19 ~2. ,-,~.~~ OFFICIAL SEAL i~ CHARLENE M CASE ') NOTARY PUBLIC - CALlFOli~\lIA !' .\ SANTA CLARA COUNTY :\ My camm. expires OCT 1, lSSJ II ...... _ ~__ '~~-;;:"';";':"+v-~.- ,.J: 2 of 2 jJf j4. (0'110 , I '" 7:'; ( .~(. RESOLUTION NO. 6280 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 6910 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that all improvements in Tract No, 6910 have been completed in accordance with that agreement entered into October 2, 1980, concerning said tract; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that Tract No. 6910, together with all improvements thereon, be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improve- ments. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1982, by the following vote: 6th day of April AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Hammer, Paul, Doestsch NOES: Counc i 1 men: None AB SENT: Counc i 1 men: None APPROVED: . ../~. / ',,(.' / , .j, .._' . ,,.~. ,/__./' ,->-:'----Ce~-// _/.k':,I'.// ) .. .. . ---:,...-- Ralph Doetsch, Sr., Mayor ATTEST: /( /' /' .,.L/ C i ~C ..LdY O. Acker, City Clerk T~IE FOr::EGO;NG nY~TRU~I1CNT IS A TRUE AND CO'lc:cCT OOPY Of' THE ORIGiNI\L ON FILE I'~ nw. CFf'ICE. ATTEST: PHYLLIS O. ,\C>;L:!;, CITY CLERK CITY OF CA_MPSl::LL1 CAur'ORNIA BY i?&dA~ @ . f1~,-- ":./ DATED <..( I) / J .J- ~ '"- <:) '-..I ~ ~ ~ \ '3 l'J i ~ \ ~ ~ - - - :::::--'1< 1 /-- }- , -- ~ /- - -"''''''''' // Z I c- / J ~ ~ \~ "'~ 'it! ~ i ~ ' :~ ~ ~ l-": ,Vi.l,t' .... , I " .... , .... , ...... tt) " , l- '~v :2 -c.'..\. :::l ~ ~ C> ----------;.;;::,. 10 l- ::2 :::I / / / / / -0 , / a d 0 N ~ --0 a -0:> to Ul 0 2 / " " " " " / / .- " I ----T---- , / / I / 7~- ----~ ~ :::- _______9 ........, .~ I- -::z. :;::) ~ ~ "I( ... .... ~ , \ ---..., ",' ~ c.,) ~ \.:..\ .... ~ ~ ~ ',ZOoZ8N, ,0\ '/OJ ...' /1 """.,., ;V ___ _ t.J f . .... " \ ..... \, , .... , .... , , \ \ -i'M. ~ .... , \ , .... \ \ I' , \ \\'. ( \\ ~., -'lIT. ,": c:L- \i -7\ ~ , I.... I " -.:S>~~ .... -- I , I , I 'I , ... " \. .... .... ... .... ....... t- :2 ::;) ~. ,0\\, ., . '" ' ~\ ~\ L- -.---___-.-!;~jC--. . -----{ l' ,. It- 'vtJ,,/J' .1'1'1/.1/71 X:; /lIt'.r . /."',111..1 !IX.1--- ,- '1'-'; , . /. "/" S " - I' "E^ 'V - l~~. ~~ -~ ~\\ '~_. ---~\_\- W;;t.:.t?',' ::. :" .", ~ \; . - ~ _\!~~ii-~~;~~~~1t}:~t.~::~~;.~. ,":Cr",.~>: ,,' _,: :t.A....2:. A . . I - I ~3Wll~' ~I ~1 ~ '!!3nozu~~~ I -----==i=~;p: ~, ~;j ~ ~ I ~ /1; __ I ~ /' '.-i~;1,I~~-(....~........:.T'1~3i~2~':"" '-,.. .+- . 'd;;Y..lc r--- << n '.~ '. ~ '" d 1 ~. 5 ~'. ,t. t .;6 jJ. ... '\", .. ~; ~~ '7 Y " ., .. :\ ~ .: :t o o ci o ~ 11- \ \ ~ ~ \ ; .;" ~,: ,~, <> o 00 10 . tn o 2 ~ i!l .. ::>1 ~ --- .~ ~.I ., ~: U)t nJ L ~ ~ .~ :J" 'l' 2f ~_f ,... ~1: C).~ O~~ _'~ >ff(:. 2~: 0';" 01 --.J ~ ~ ltj ~ to t << ~ I II ~ f, ~ t I ')(1'1't-"\3015 ~ NIlSJx3 I I:I:- -- :r=4= -----I-T I _! . ~I -~I~ 4 _ - - -~ ~J;)ce: <of . ~~::;"," "~/ I .~ J JJ.t ~ (,,(1 I () .~oJ RESOLUTION NO. 5998 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6910 ON LATIMER AVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6910 on Latimer Avenue for approval; and WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which coveres certain conditions of approval of said ma~ has been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Sub- division Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved, and that any real property offered for dedication for pub I ic use is accepted on behalf of the publ ic in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of 1980 , by the following vote: December AYES: Councilmen: Paul, Doetsch, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Hammer NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer Mayor ATTEST: PhylllS U. Acker City Clerk rt /~: 1.4 f. 6~) j"'. '9/0 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378.2407 November 21, 1980 City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re Tract 6910 (Latimer Ave.) This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer (J~ If ~ By P. R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN: kk ,0/l': L-4 i 6 t.J I...... ~ Cf/D PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ~@~JE + 10900 NO. BLANEY AVENUE CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 (408) 253-2010 ~tr. Joseph Elliott · Director of Public Horks 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, Ca. 95008 · November 20, 1980 . Subject: Easement Approval for Tract # 6910 Latimer Ave., Campbell Dear Sir: The Public Utility Easements shown on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please_call Mr. Don Dixon at 253-2010~ SiJi':Jt~ A. Stevenson District Electric Superintendent cc: PT&T San Jose Civil & Construction Consultants, Inc. 7246 Sharon Dr. San Jose, Ca. 95129 .. .. @) I Pacific Telephone 1333 Lawrence Expressway Building 300, Suite 300 Santa Clara, CA. 95051 November 7, 1980 REeE/V ~, CD I nv, '-' i.. ',' Mr. Joe Ell i ott City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA. 95008 . PUB ; J (f1J Zlc Vrn, IrG/lV~ ;vi;J/,) ER/IVr; RE: Tract No. 6910 Dear Si r: We have no objection to the P.S.E..s as shown on the attached map. P.S.E.'s do not, however, constitute lIan easement acceptable to the util i ty, II as descri bed in our Rul e 16 1. C. 2b. It may, therefore be advantageous for the developer to grant our Company a Right-of-Way for a portion of the telephone facilities to be placed on the property served. Any arrangements for such an easement will be made directly with the developer. Yours very truly, /~i /:7~/'J/ ;//{' ~ /L';:. "/r;h<!-<- W. R. Jo s Engineering Manager WRJ/pal cc: Civil & Construction Consultants, Inc. 7246 Sharon Drive San Jose, CA. 95129 I ~$ 1"'1 ...., f------ I _ _r'Z.I.6.!. _ _, I~ ...... ~O; ~ I I I I 36 I ('4 I ~... I I I o~ 000, 30 I 3/ I 33 t 1 34 35 37 9\~l"\.- "Y- 0 8 1 ~ - 91.89 - ('4 I I t-- .r\lu \ I Tt.'f/P 1'1'\(,..1 IJi' . I 112 AC. NET _i! 4 I \p cJt>-~" '......1. 37 8 or I -.. 0. I 5 6 I 7 ~ S8 36 24678 L__ I l~o 1 w. l-l. . . _ _ ~1.B.;_ 1 ___ 598.59 ~~ I\) 0 10') m ~$ lOt (]I l' ~~ I\)~ I-tl. .t> Iv.. (}.I ..... ::0 (;:~ I~ N - 0 . I ... 111 rf\ ~(7\ ~~ I...... I "t5 , 59.2.7 II ..-1 f-'i: ---".-W. 't ! 4'" L{) (\j I Cl ~ ~ Q:: ~ ~ <;t r0 peL. A @ ~ ill L I;)~ 1.13 AC NET iB5 1;)('4 27 ...00 .. 1 1\)~ i-i 17..s-.6s-----T 27 I //' I It , 1;;- ) -:: /tJO i 26 I I j-- 10656 0 ONTARIO <ll 0 S:.74 Z I ::> I Q ~- 2 I~ ~ e:.li'! ,0 O'\~ 0... ~~ ~ I~ ~~ ..is - I'" - - - i - -- ~'" - - .. ~ i ~ · ~ -- - - - ~ 0>- :[~_:_i___~_~=~\:= -I~_:_~_- , '.1.. ~I'O I ~ g I~ m;::"'.{I..,::j I~ ~ % QI\~ ~ ~ I~ m :'~J : ::j '... ~oo " I __ _ _ _ _ -J- - -- - - - ',(]'I - - - - - -- t- --- ... I ... 1>\ ... I ~ ?3 . I~. (]1 I a; I~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ 101 (]I 0; I =4' I -----t------ 0\ ------+--- I :;-.2): ..... I I~ .t> I it> I~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ I~ .t> I W I I _____L_____ ----T-- I ~... I~ (}.I I ~ 1<'" g; t= ;: ~ Iv.. (}.I I ~ <:) I '>01 .. ,I -----t----- -----t--- CJ 3 ()) Iv.. N I ~ I~ ,:; 0\ I", I ~ ::u (; 0 <0 I ~ i ~ 0 ." N I 104 I 104 \04 I ------1------ 0 -----i--- I ::0"111 I ....a N I~ I ~.\>I I...... ;z N i~ N ~ " ~ 1'8 N o 3C ' 30' I I 64 I 94 m I II!:. L^\/E ----.-- MV . r----, /408 /396 /388 ~ 51,1 <;;90 6'2,57 I~ 28 ~. ~'B 38 <Xl, en <Jl~ --- ",." ~. -~~ - ' ~ "~2/ 0, ~ ~. -- Q. ::~~.. 3 ~I; 39., ~ ,- - 34 ~ ~ 1&O.~6__ -t' 7"4 80.&6 eo t=-1~3_ _ _ _ 31 1 32 I 100.74 1 I 33 Ig g t'-- /8 _J:: 1- 100 I I 60.&6 I ... ())~ 0.... I IN 10. 2 I~ I B21 ~---r----a '-3 i 28 I 29 lit> '" 25 1;;- 24 I B2.14 I 81.31 /.'$ /465 175,05 22 , ~ ~ al 30 '" W \J\ O:II'l a:: 23 r--~ ~ W 66' ~o.17 /39$ 85.11 I ~I ~l I I ~ o 1;)<1) '" ~ /9 J.Z <1l .., 6i,iS TR. N~J2631 SAN TOMAS"fTERRACE /4'0 11& 109.93 LN, o ~ ! I I~ ,Q ~ I 1ft Ig ,g, 60' 1 ~ g 16..:-1 15 /3 ~ ~ <D I .... , ~ ~ _ _ _ ~1~L _ _ -!- _ _ _ 1~ -0- _ _ I ~1 ~I 01 ~ r.: ~ U g;lr) @ Franklin Communications 21 Horgan Avenue 1. Redwood City. California 94061 Phone 14151366-3607 SMS BUILDER SERVICES October 16, 1980 City of Campbell PUBLIC ~RKS 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ATl'N: Lynn Snyder Dear Ms. Snyder: RE: TRACT 6910 SMS Builder Services 0"" Please find enclosed the CC&R'S and on 1408 LatDner Avenue. the latest preliminary report If you have any questions, please call me at (415) 366-8263. si~nceJ:e1Y you,7 ,"" ..' I ' / . ,". 1".( /tuc, lfwl Daniel L. Sheehan DLS: caps Enc. @) Franklin Communications 21 Horgan Avenue Redwood City. California 94061 Phone 14151366-3607 SMS BUILDER SERVICES 366-8263 October 2, 1980 City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Cambpell, CA 95008 Attn: Robert Moehle Dear Mr. Moehle: Please find enclosed the two copies of the agreement (identified as No. TR 6910) which are signed and notarized. Please note that the name of the company is SMS BUILDER SERVICES, a Partnership, not SMS BUILDER SERVICES, INC., a Nevada Corporation. the change and each of the partners initialed the change. General We made Thank you very much. .'^ Sincerely yours, i~/~ DLS : 11 Ene. ( ['IIf OF CAMPBELL Department: Public Works >>"............ . . ~ Ell Ion Ii HAI'~[)~:<; I '--,--- I H:LMS RETURN TO_ DiSCARD ,-- D!AZ I Fli E I CASE ~- - . , ~ 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Apr i 1 25, 1980 Mr, Robert Ferguson Ferguson Drafting Service 33B North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 RE: TRACT NO, 6910 LANDS OF SMS BUILDER SERVICES, INC. Gentlemen: The following items are needed in order to place the subject Tract Map on the City Council Agenda for final approval: 1, The Final Tract Map signed and notarized. 2. The improvement plans signed by County Sanitation District No, 4. 3. A letter of release from County Sanitation District No.4 saying that all of their conditions have been met. 4. Letters from PG&E and PT&T saying that easements shown on the Final Tract Map are adequate and satisfactory to them. 5. A copy of the CC&R's for our review. 6, The original and one copy of the enclosed agreement signed and notarized, 7. A faithful performance bond in the amount of $9,600.00 and a labor and materials bond in the amount of $4,800.00 to insure the installation of street improvements OR a letter of credit in the amount of $9,600.00. 8, A check payable to the County of Santa Clara in the amount of $5.00 for the map recording fee. Mr. Robert Ferguson 2 April 25, 1980 9. A check payable to the City of Campbell for the following fees: a. Final Map filing fee..................................$IOO,OO b. Balance of plan examination and construction inspection fee...,....,...,.....................,...., 82,00 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 82 , 00 The following items need to be brought in prior to the City Council meeting but do not necessarily have to meet the agenda deadl ine: i. A letter from the County Finance office regarding taxes due and a tax bond if necessary. ii, A Subdivision Guaranty. Here are the dates of upcoming City Council meetings and their agenda deadl ines: Agenda Dead 1 i ne City Council Meeting Noon, Thursday, May 15 Tuesday, Hay 27 Noon, Thursday, May 29 Monday, June 9 Should you have a question, please call the undersigned at your con- venience. Very truly yours, James L. Penoyer Engineering Technician By Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide LMS/le enc 1. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR .~:,~:, r.\ ~.:.:; .~. 'i:;' ~'. ~',- . F:., \. . I L r,. .:k .~', L.r-n .r M c..t,. fi.."; e' . Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb and Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb and Gutter Si dewa lk Driveway Approach Handicap Ramp Barricade A. C. Pavement inc. Excavation Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade Monument Box w Monument Street Tree (15 gallon) Pavement Striping Pavement Legends Stop or Other Sign Street Name Sign Street .Li ght i ng Electrolier Conduit Conductor, pair Pull Box Storm Drainage 12" or 15" RCP 18" or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole.,..,. u .r:1."tL,I\ tj. l,,:>~ I ~\ Break and Enter Ma"k.le. ' 02/15/80 Lump Sum L.F. @ $ 2.50 S.F. @ 2.00 L.F. @ 8.00 EA. @ 400.00 .-' . . I L . F. @ 1 0 . 00 t . ~,. ,.~. ,n ._ S.F. @ 4,00 ::~'. (,';S.F. @ 6.00 EA. @ 600.00 ~ ( L. F. @ 20 . 00 = (! t/!-~ ......, S. F .) ($0.30) (~II) = . .. .-.-- EA. @ 175.00 EA. @ 100.00 EA. @ 250.00 EA, @ 100.00 = L.F. @ 0.50 EA. @ 50.00 = EA. @ 70.00 EA. @ 60.00 . ::,"?? .'*:; EA. @ 2,200.00 L. F ,@ 9 . 00 L.F.@ 3.00 EA. @ 250.00 .,"'\,. ~ L.F.@ 35.00 L.F.@ 40.00 EA, @ 1,000.00 EA, @ 1,200.00 EA. @ 500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND l"\ '. fl. ~ '.,~ Date .~,- ! i~'" Pi C B.... . . ... f..~' Y , . ." '.i . ' .' ... f'..' .f"'. 1\." , '" $ ,-, ~~" ...... . . , "" ~t.~l.. rJ- 'CJ , ~..~~ .'J ~" ,,.) .t ~~ '4:; j. \.. " '., :" L:'->>{~:). t:);'~) .i.. _~l L ~~i~/"~~). ._:l'L~, . ~ ';::;. -_.-~~,' ~', '.'-' .... '" . ,., ,'" ,,::., ' .., ~,-" , , }., = :' i ~ Ii '!5'~)- -1 ,t:' . ,\t) = = ..s,", ", , '. _,'1""', " . " = '" '" ~:,':, -t'; .;~,. ;~..;f.(_', '" $ :'_'-. a', -~ .' .1. ,.,_' . . $ '",. ......:~ "" f ~ .. .>!-' ~ ._' i..:.: ;._~. 'i. .. ' ;~. _.t, ;,t-,l~' ~. . ~) ~'..;, .~'4L..-~ COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378.2407 April 2, 1980 RECEIVED APR (0 ....v'I.J . !vx. r l .. ~ ....... City of Campbell Public works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ) 'KS r.......i-.~.,J.\ ENGi~H:.Udl~G Re Proposed Projects Other Latimer Avenue (APN 307-47-030) SMS Builder Services Attention Jim Penoyer We have reviewed the tentative map. The sanitary sewer system will have to be a public one with the necessary sanitary sewer easement dedicated on the map. We are requesting a proposed layout for the buildings and we will advise the engineer of the requirements for the sanitary sewer system. Prior to recording a map the following will be required: Frontage fee None Acreage fee None 6% plan check fee and inspection deposit. 100% performance bond fees and bond will be determined after we receive an improvement plan. Upon application for a connection permit approximately $130 per unit will be due. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman Manager and ffginenrA WJ~ By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM:kk Encls. xc: Franklin Communications, 21 Horgan Ave. Redwood City Rapattoni & Assoc/Frank Lewis 442 Martin Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95050 Public Works I' - oJ"v)') .{.' tlCL~-.r , h ~ ( y..JJ'-r v11 I r_ (TI.J- ( v t O-tj (. J -r00/ t V7 a ). '(j .()/V7 J 13 r7 0+ n t c.e > Say I'~ ,,"{ dCf; a{ a ~-(- 'I h-t. :;'hI-{ vi IM-J '^" .:.> v-{ "1 -(0 I V) o .1_ '. f ~ v f P <; ({ . I I~ v- { 0 i ~v.A' " l ,,'t-v, , "\ - rtrvL C/ dtti c( fl Ci 6 t --rf'V( s I~-d ~ I _ '. ,{, d' .A (vi .b t.-.. L /* 7 -.h v rrvf ,I ~ ( C ~M 07/) -> _ . (. LJ rY.-1C11 yZ-,v v 1'1 f-l/'" K - vt! (,;/ ( J JJ ') .. f~{ l;' { ., . . , J .fr- v( ( i-u ~q I ~ ( {.f-r--v<--J ,,~-' {'I VJ ~...,.( C i:' ,-t i x ( ~ .{.-r ';''1 ../-vvt..{- , y'l~ Y2'=>1~ ENGINEERING DIVISION Gentlemen: SUBJECT: Tentative Subdivision Map of: SMS Builder Services APN 307-47-030 The enclosed Tentative Subdivision Map has been filed with the City Engineer for approval. A copy is being sent to you for the purpose of obtaining any comments or suggestions you may have with respect to it. If your comments or suggestions are not received prior to April 4 , 19BD-, it will be assumed that no comments are forthcoming. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ) :/~':: -11:10( ....J '1,-"')f;' ~ by James Penoyer Engineering Technician /' JP:tp Enclosure WRITE MESSAGE IN UPPER HALF. REMOVE PINK COPY (PART YOUR FILE PLACE REST OF SET IN OUTGOING MAIL. PART 2 WILL BE RETURNED WITH ,,_ ~ Y WRITE REPLY IN BOTTOM H. (PART 2) IN OUTGOING MAIL. ~ / L/JJl tv> "i1/1~4 :T AIN WHITE COpy FOR Y 'R FILE PLACE YELLOW COPY REPLY LETTER TO SEND REPLY TO WRITE MESSAGE City 0/ Campbell 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 PHONE 378-8141 FROM SUBJECT TS f1J MESSAGE DATE S--2c; ~l CervV1~~- 980 fNGIN WORKS SIGNE REPLY SIGNED DATE