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() Oz:z:~ :0 0 CJ-.) ~oz c ~ - m Z n -I -l " > -< Z " s: 0 9 " 0 ::u n ~ lD lD " IT1 (, -< ." -l g; ~ -l ;:: rc i\ r ~~, lT1 0 : (") z Gi () .... .... lT1 ~~ ~ n IT1 -< > )> N N ..:.. , 0 .:..... r "tl > < " -.I :u ~ \ "T1 ~ -I J: J: 0 , S:O lT1 0 "0 ;g C I :u " :0 ~ Z [l) FT1 r V, ~ > ITI r " - '1\ r 0 0 r C) 0 0 \- ~ (\ 0\ 0\ > f'~ ~ \1 ... :> () ;:: :> n .. It- (fI :j It- .. 0 J: -< c \ ~: n It- .. ~ ,... It- If. '" N N " " V1 V1 ~ 0 0 C> C> RESOLUTION NO. 3818 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF B. J. M. COMPANY AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by B. J. M. Company an agreement for the development of its real property in accordance with prescribed conditions; and, WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement, and concurrently herewith it has submitted grant deeds of certain portions of its property for street purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of said city; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be a,nd the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of Dpr.pmhpr __, 19~, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Podgorsek, Paul None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Norm::ln P::llll Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk f~/J T. (;2 7 ) sur) ... c~./ .:;;;..... '...., .;." ,'1 ~o_~ ,. ,. 17 1..,." . , " "" '..... ~' - . w .....l.'-.. ... ....., .' ... ..............~.. ~~....;~. -~-,-".............. ~, '-. <> ......-- . ;1,=:::S':~ =':'~-.:.i\:.2 t; ~/.J ...\" SC.~1 '~'C...._~ .-......._......:..-....'~ -:.' -.... ,:: .;...,'...,;t;.;.l.O. ~G _, ..1"-'_ ~..:. J 3.....:.-....~-~o:.:--ize .. '.' ',~' ~ ..J..... ......~__..... >J_ ,J..... c::.' C' ~ -...;:::, _ ..;,...... v ",. r .~' -~. ~.___ ".' -. .. ~ .......,. .....__ <wi :--: 2-; " x 2.' ;j -- ,-..~ v._v S;:;.u-L,~-~ s:.ce c:. ........;~.., "...-- ~---..... ,\~--'-' .." _,;...-.I......~.~_ ,.-_w ......._.._...;., ..._v ...c.:\,;:o,J ........;)-.1 v~ .... .... ,- v.i..\..:: C:c::'"C.. e~ .....:.::..8 c: C~5S~&~ ~:iVJ~ '...:_~ s 1 e':' t. 2:~ .-- , ::c(~-~i:...e~ . ,... 2. ~ pl....0:-:lr.-~2..:, C.J..~r G:._SO c..c..~,r:_28 ~rc":;. IrG :.-'cc-c. e&st, of ..:-- -,," '-<I........,..,-'r:_..: I.... ::"5 .......1",.; :i~.C:::-c., :i.c~1.(;c.. J,:y c..r\;..~:.-~. ?:36.38 :ee.J.. .:.ree '-c...........i.. . ~ l:L Y01:... h c-... \l c; c.:::..y c::.:.estic~-:s. Si~.ce-"''''Z;=-Jr , ;...i~-.--... "'.^ ... .....,...).. \..... -.;..... ~ ~,' _:~0 C:::"G= C ' -- .s.:npC3~_ ',' ,.... -":=' .J.........J.. V ~'s:)2..:,""<~r;iGr..-:" //4- /:..- ----~ /~.-<- _.-:--/..~::---!.-C' / .~~ . ,'// -- ... -,- ""i..:.;,'";" r~:" ;:.;_"_ -:~-,-:..or.. v...i.~~. C' .~.- .., . u. ,,;-... ~0Gr:':::":''''''Cl, Fire ?rcver..tiCi..~~ _......:........:.:...:;..'-. ;J-o.lb2.ic ";forks u~. . ~-;.z. ::'~l. C C r:.z:g L. .:~ r~_. ~L ,.0 C': t_) /)~ r~.,. E r":' l I '- ' .~~/ ",frCr- ft-' Vv' G \V FTL G. ;" ~ :':. , -'- ''lil'.' , 3887 June 18, 1974 J.J. ' -. DESCRIPTION CASA BONITA CAMPBELL .' LANDS TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL) Ail that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California described as follows: . v BEGINNING at the intersection of the westerly prolongation of the Southerly line of Tract No. 459, filed in Book 15 of Maps at Pages 17, Santa Clara County Records, with, the Easterly line of San Tomas Aquino Road, said Easterly line being 43.00 feet, ,measured at right angles, Easterly from the monurnented centerline of said San Tomas Aquino Road as shown on said map: thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING along said Easterly line North 0022' 38" East, 180.52 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 88039'22" for an arc length of 30.95 feet to the Southerly line of Latimer Avenue as shown on said map; thence along said Southerly line of Latimer Avenue North 89002'00" 'East, 2.00 feet; thence leaving said Southelry line from a tangent which bears South 89002'00" West, along a curve to the left, having a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 88039'22" for an arc elngth of 30.95 feet to a point 45.00 feet measured at right angles, Easterly from said monurnented centerline;- thence parallel with said centerline, South 0022'38" West, 180.52 feet to said Westerly prolongation of the Southerly line of Tract No. 459; thence along said line South 89002'00" West, 2.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ... ...... /' Containing 0.009 acres more or less '- .- ,... --= ---=- . - Prepared by the firm of MACKAY & SOMPS Santa Clara ~ . -- - .......,- .:--::- . ~ .-===- LA TIMER I AVE. - v" . -p~o c::l t'r) .' ...... ,... IV 89 .tJ Z ()(J"G ~ :;.$I - ,~ o. ~r> r.oo' -.#0 -_ C?3 I -.$"- ..;r . 'f:l- < ~~., I " r> ~o'''..9_ ',.9 ~ I ~ ~. r>-_ ~ I 0\. \:) 43' ~' I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ < " I ~ ~ '- ~ I ~ k <J.. ...... I ~ ~ ~ I -..j ~ ~ '-l tf)' ~~ I ~ I '" I \) ~ {~ I I < I ~ I I 43' SLY. LIN6 45' S8tr02'tJo"/y i t. 2'. (Jo' D' 'Y. PiA T TO ACCOMPANV f).GSCR/PT/oA/ STREET OEfJ/CA T/ON CAM BELL C'A'-IFO~J./IA 1Itae~~ & StNII/U CIVIL ENGINEERS 3000 GORDON AVENUE SANTA CLARA CAL.I FORN.IA SCALE: /"=40' DATE: ../UAlff /'74 J08 NO.: .'!J P.M. 74-18 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP OF LANDS OF JOHNSON/COOK, 1490 LATIMER AVENUE APN 306-31,5,6, and 7 1. Final map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON JUNE 17, 1974 APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON JUNE 17, 1974 / \ /1,1' ()/' al 0 ~~1r J(Y c p-/Y!4/} Will iam Wren, City Engineer ~vr' U)J