20 LaVonne Dr. (67-8) 1, '\ \ '/L~,.,_) --:'l/[~'./'- ") ( / V' ',h PLANNING DEPAlt'nlC,JT CITY OF CM,lPBELL 7S NOlz'J'!1 CE;~TRAL AVUWE CA~IPBELL, C^LIFOI~NIA DATE: March 4, 1969 CONDITIONS ATTi\CllEU TO "SII AP1'ROVAL OF PLArJS Of George H. Coombs TO BE LOCATED AT: , FOR CONSTRUCT I Ol'~ OF 20 LaVonne Drive 6..unit apartment CONDITIOi~S : conditions attached I " Section 9316.1 of the Campbell r-Iunicipal Code reads as 10110\\"$: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eiBht)' (180) clays after the elate upon which such approval v:as granted, u;11css an extension for such approval is obtained by m<d~ing I'lrittcn al'plicCttioL for san:3 to the Planning Commission at least .fifteen (IS) days prior to the expjration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued aftcr the expiration datc of 211)' approval until a nCIY c..pproval has been obtained in the maIlner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CM,IPBELL PLANNli\G Cmr~1I55IO;J AT A REGULAR :,IEETH:'C HELD ON THE . 3rd DAY OF March, 1%.9--- '. C1 TYOF CA~,lPDELL PLANNING C00I~lI 55 ION att: cc: Engineaeingw/att. /' ./ / / ;:.", . / . / ' I \_, -A:.; __,/ By.~-"- ~!{fl~{Jn~-If,~~~IY---- The applicant is ified as part of this apT cation that he is reauired to meet . e following conditions in . _cordancc with Ordinances of the City of Ca .Dell. A. Applicant to install a 2~ gallon water-type fire extinguisher in cabinet on second floor landing. B. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driveway approach. C. Applicant to . I storm drainage fee in ! amount of $180.00. D. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. E. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. F. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, tele- phone and television cables, etc. G. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign ,ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. The applicant is notified that he 5]1all comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbcll which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. Approval, subjec~ ~ the following condition. 1. Property to b", fcnced and landscaped as .uldicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material location of h?se bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencin~, to be sub- mItted for approval of the Planning Director at time of appli- cation for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,500 to be posted to ins~re.landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking area wIthln three (3) months of completion of construction or a~plicant ma~ ~ile ~ritten agrcem~nt to complete landsc~ping, fencIng and strlplng OI outdoor parkIng area prior to final Building Department clearance. - -'"'.......~. ~ 14 April 1967 [,Ir. George iI. Coombs 1601 Province Town Drive San Jose 29, California Ref: Applicati~ "S'~_ 67-8 Letter (Coomos to Hogan) /(;f:.- (r< dtd 4-11-67 Dear Mr. Coombs: I have consulted with Mr. Wren regarding your request for overhead electrical service to your new buiIJing. In view of the existing physical development and the immediate availability of th e overhead connection, you arc authorized to have overhend electrical service. Since you will be required to provide underground service to any new construction on that part of your property adjacent to Campbell Avenue, you should make plans now so as to avoid any unnecessary expense. Very truly yours, CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT R. V. Hogan, Planning Director RVll:~t/ ~), /~> cc -11f. G. Wren, City bz{giiiccr'/.. :/ 72.-,,,- tval1ace Byron, Buildin,r~_J)ftici-ai. '- ( ~"I --> .~.... .1..;,,'-_,.....-t-'..~t~;L..'"' " /'__--1 ,/2"'/') ,~ April 11, 1967 Mr. William G. Wren Director of Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. Wren: We are about to start construction on a building at 30 LaVonne Drive. While discussing the service connection with a PG&E representative, I was informed that the City of Campbell in some cases requires this service to be underground, but that between you and Mr. Hogan you can waive this requirement. We respectfully request that you allow us to use an overhead connection for the following reasons: 1. The pole is right at the rear corner of the lot and is now serving overhead to the house next door and those to the rear of us. 2. A portion of fence would have to be removed in order to go up the pole. 3. This service is in a very inconspicuous location and would therefore not detract from the beauty of the neighborhood. 4. Going underground is very costly and because we were not aware of it, was not included in the contract. Thank You. Sincere ly, ,/"'" , q~,: (y..{I;' c:_ t"- (17;'- !' J ' . ,/ George 'fi. Coombs 1601 Province Town Drive San Jose 29, California ('/ ,-J ~ ',/ --.PI ' , 1i..'-'Y ( / 4- ) , 1--, <-- . ".." , .,. v.1 X--AL- ~ V' l . ~ , t. ~/ PLANNING DEPARLIENT CITY OF CAI.IPDELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL A VHlUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 2-9-67 CONDITIONS ATTACHED Ie "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF George H. Coombs , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF~:unit apt. bldg. N/E corner Campbell Ave. & LaVonne Drive TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: 1. 2. ORDINANCE Payment of storm drain tee for entire parcel at standard ra~. Construct standard residential sidewalk and driveway approach. (Contractor to obtain excavation permit.) RECOMMENDATIONS 3. Landscaping plan indicating type of plants to be submitted when application for building permit is made. 4. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure completion of landscaping within three (3) months after final building inspection has been made. 5. The undeveloped portion of the lot shall be cleared of all dead trees, debris, and grass to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall. 6. Fence alonR southerly line of development to be 12' from the southerly side of the building to provide a more effectual recreational area. *.***.. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell ~unicip~l Code reads as follows: Any approval granted uader this section shall expire one hundred e:.g~lty (180) days aft~r tile date upon whic~l such approval was granted, unless an extansion for such approval is obtained by making written applica~ion for same to the Planning Commis:-ion at least fif~een (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval, No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OX:; CAMPBELL PLANNING CO!\l;\nSSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE ill_ DAY OF February, 1967 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CO~IMISSION By: T) ,'Y:-:- r c. c. :. n -" Secretary RVH:bt R. V. HOgan --- DES C RIP T ION All that oertain real' property situate in the City of Campbell. County of Santa Clara. State ot California, described as follows. Be7inniug at tho Southwesterly cornar of Lot 1)1 in the Easterly line of La Vonne Drivo as said Lot and Drivo are shown on that certain Map entitled, -Tract No. 2747 Coventry Village Unit No. 3", which Map was filed for record in the offioe of the Reoorder of the County of Santa Clara,State of California, on June 23, 1960 in Book 122 of Maps, pagoo 4 and .5; thenoe South 00 17' 20" E.~ alo~ said Eaatorly lino of La Vonne Drive, 179.29 teet to the beginning of a ourve, to tho left; thence Southeasterly along Guid curve to tho loft, having a radius of 20 feat, a oontral unglo of 920 32' 10. tor an arc diatanoe of 32.30 feet to a point in the Northerly line of Campbell Avenue as shown on said Map; thenco North 870 10' 30" E. along said Northerly line of Campbell Avenue 79.19 feet to tho Eastorly lino of that' oortain parcel of land convoyod to Dura-Style Homas, a Partnership by Dood reoorded April 30, 19,9 in BOok 4401, of Official Records, page 616; thenoe North 00 17' 20M W.. along the Easterly line of said parcal or la.~d. convoyed. to Dura-stylo Hot:joa, Baid line also being the Southerly prolongation or tho Eaatorly line or Baid Traot No. 2747~ 200.20 feet to the Southeastorly oornor or sald Lot 131; thenoe South 870 10' )0. W. along the Southerly line of 8&id Lot, 131. 100.10 toet to the point or beg1nning. /~1 /~RaA- !c~~ 1- ~ ;06-38-14 10-011 IN/n'b -2- II .. '. ~. -----.---- ------.---.-------..-.--- ~ l : J . t " ! , , i i t , . '" ,; ,;,;. .. . ',~ .. :.::....,.. -~-J. ., PLANNING DEPART~mNT CITY OF CA~W~ELL, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS F0R "s" APPRO" AL t \TART :\.-.Jcn Ol~ ll<;E !"E~~nTS The na~o (5) anJ RccorJer's N~mbert of logal om)cr (5) of subject property must b~ suppliod as part of a~plication. ,A photo copy ~f doed may be subr.1i ttcd for this information. Please fill in necessary information: Geo1r:e H. Coombs Name 5) as shown on Deed Doe # 2~74446 - Paul R. Tei1h, Recorder Recorder's Number Book 5963. Page 31 For Office US0 Only Filed as part of a?plication for for Filed by 8 8 I- d d ~~ Z LI"'\ LI"'\ :J M M 0 0 .. .. " .. .. J: ::; <( .. .. Ul U * <( .. U u .J .. .J .J U \() \() 0 III ...I 0 0 m 0 0 :~J I.LI .( ~ m z \Q ...0( , d \Q D. a:: \1 .. u" ' t- o II: :~,,~ j ~ Ll. '~~ J w n.. 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