LaVonne Dr. (63-16) )1/~ - -- - ~ ;747 CONIITlONS OF >>,ftOVAL OF TENTATIVE SUBltVIS ION MAP OF BAYLAWN ESTATEs (Subd ivlslon 1963-16, City of Callpbe 11) , AS APPROVEI BY CAMPBELL CITY COUNCIL ON MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1963: I. Septfc tank must be pumped and backfilled to Health lepartMent specifications. CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY COUNCIL L' ._~7 /1/ - /I -, '/ //1, ,.,/F :" _~ By // '/J?~/_. ,.e.e_-~: V~ M. Sheehy, Deputy Cl,rk county of santa 01 HEAt..:TH ".PART_It..T, W. ELWVN TURNER, M.D., M.P.H., DIRECTOR ' July 19, 1963 Crunpbell Planning Co@uission 75 lforth Central Avenue Cmrrpbell, California /tAle Gentlemen: The ilealth cJepartm,ent has revievJerl the proposed ~lav~ '~~ subdivision located on C@upbell Avenue and La Vonne Drive wl~~ii1-~ne City of C@i~bell as ShOivD on a tentative map submitted to this depart- ment cJ.ated July, 1963, preparer} by ,Jennings and I.IcDerrrrott Engineering. It is notec, that there are 7 numbered lots. F'ielC: survey revee.leC: a ~ill.n~~d _c:",J2E2,V.~!~,~~~Yr~~~,~11~~9.~_3;~oP;Y~,t.e.ln, E.r?-..1,g:t..2: 'I'll], s s..~t i c:.... ~nust be__pumpec1 and backfilled and existing residence connectec, to -~~. ,"-~.~~" Domestic water supply shall be furnisl1.eCi. b;y San Jose vlater l'Jorl:s. Sewa~e disposal is to be provided by sanitary sewers installeC by tne subcUvic,er and connected by i1.im to one of tile existing tnml<: sevJers of tile Scmta Clara COlll1ty Sanito.tion District_E9~~. 4. i'lpproval of this subdivision should be contingent upon the posting'by the sub- ai vider of an adequate bond to insure completion of sewers as planner:.. All sewers and their appurtenances shaulC: be CLesigne:i anc" constructed in accordance vri tn specifications of tile City of Campbell or Santa Clara County Sanitation District No.4. Please be advised that the health (J:epartment has no objection to tile proposeC. subdivision provic.ed tlle cievelopers assure to tile satisfaction of tl1.e City of Campbell that the utilities as claimecl vrill be installeo. '['he use of individual sei,n;;,ge C::.isposal in tile progosed subdivision is not approved. Very truly yours, CITY ENGINEER FILE COpy "ECEIVED JUL 2 2 1963 Irvin ;1. Falli s Director of Sanitation ! J ,,,,'/,/1v1 J " C(/~1-1')u.(,<,vL"< Jmnes :~t. Germaine AE.sistant Director of ~~anitation JStG:ml cc: Jenning.s ;'.; ~lcDe:rJ::J.ott 2220 MOORPARK AVENUE SAN JOSE 28, CALIFORNIA CYPRESS 7-1636 HERMANN J, GERDTS President VIOLET V, ENANDER District Secretary GLENN F. DODSON Executive Administrator ALBERT T. HENLEY Attorney J. ROBERT ROLL Chief Engineer EDMUND A, MIRASSOU Vice-President SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DIS'rRICT . . . 15420 ALMAOEN ROAD . SAN .JOSE 24, CALIFORNIA . TELEPHONE ANOREWS 9-3650 July 19, 1963 FILE NO._~J~- J 5 _ Campbell Planning Commission 7) North Central Avenue Campbell, California Gentlemen: This offi~_ha~ reviewed the tentative subdivision map of ~aIl~_~~"I:~.~~Clt~"\lOcated near the intersection of Carnpbel Avenue and LaVonne Drive, and finds that the District has no easements, appurtenances, or other inter- ests upon the proposed subdivision property. Therefore, this office has no com~ents to make. ---,,'J... Thank you, again, for your past coope:r>ation. Very truly yours, c;t:d~C~ Hydrographic Engineer JdC/gld CITY ENGINEER FILE COpy -rCEIVED .JUL ') 2 19G3 DIRECTORS HERMANN J. GERDTS DIV. I . ROBERT T. SAPP J. J. LENIHAN DIV.2 DIV. 3 . F. A. WILCOX D. J. RI BISI DIV. <4 DIV. 5 . E. A, MIRASSOU JOSEPH CHIRI DIV. 6 DIY, 7 santa clara county ~~ FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT CCNALC K. CURRLIN MANAGER - COUNSEL 70 \NEST ROSA STREET SAN .JOSE 1D, CALIFORNIA CYPRESS 9-2031 July 15, 1963 Mr. Myron D. Hawk City Engineer City of Campbell Public Works Department 70 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. Hawk: We have reviewed the Tentative Map of Baylawn Estates and have no comments to make other than to say that the drainage from the development should be incorporated into your City's Master Drainage Plan. Very truly yours, ./~pe/~ Lloyd C. Fowler District Engineer cc: Jennings-McDermott Engineering I r ,\~~!\ .~CE\\1t.\J JUI. ,L : FILE COpf. CU'l ENGINEER