450 Marathon Dr. (73-3) INTER-DEPIHlTtIENTl'.L !1~I10n2\NDUl'.1 TO: Building Departmen~ FROM~ Public l~?orks Department The requirements of the Public Horks Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICJ.'\NT~ \ o...tyV\ c:-; t \' v,,> S~n l:--. COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUl'.mER 4 s'o fv\ 0, -y<", .~ I"~ ~Ot-) ~ 2 -'s.- 0 "s t>c- BUILDING ADDRESS "S" APPROVAL NUI1BEH. PD 7'S ~- -7 L-AT. -~ CJ PUBLIC '1iJORKS FILE NtJ]\1DER W'ILLIAN Go WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ~JORKS By-W-- Date. G!2p4 - - RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA d ~ . ./ / ,,^M.)/~ /. ~ U/'~.. ..7 ,OOR'" 7/J/{- .; ~~ ~.,~ _ f.l7t! ~?ja<f/ - 1;3 ~.3 - .:J.Fo I~~t::/I'~ ~~d~J~ - 1,71/- ., -i?rI-1l ~ ~3t/-~ iJ~ I. -f,r- i '/ '7;;z 7 M ":! ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER II- ,- t(u 7"" .../1'6 )Zl CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER f (J ---.j /" ~ ...; o CASH THIS RECEIPf MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JUN 19 -74 JUN 19-74 . 0 61 007 A ** * 589.00 51 o07A ***138.00 ~, 5206 lLL CITY CLERK BY CITIZEN COpy hank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR 450 MARATHON DRIVE Lat. (39) PD 73-3 1. C1earinQ and Grubbing: Curb and gutter removal: 31 lin. ft. @ $2.50 = $ 78.00 2 . Earthwork: (2) (9.5)(215) = 151.3 d @ $5 00 27 cu. Y s. . = 757.00 3. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 31 1in. ft. @ $4.00 = 124.00 b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: (9.5) (215) = 2,043 sq. ft. @ $1.00 = 2,043.00 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: (9.5){28) = 266 sq. ft. @ $1.25 = 333.00 4. Misc. Surface Improvements: street trees, five-gallon size: 4 @ $24.00 = 96.00 Sub Tota 1 : $3,431.00 15% contingencies: 515.00 TOTAL: $3,946.00 1. Use $3,950.00 for bond amount. 2. plan examination and construction inspection fee is $138.00. 3. storm drainage area fee is $589.00. (0.770) (765) prepared by: Lawrence C. Versaw, June 17, 1974 ,~i (.,.,--0'. - \.' I' '\ t- - 1\,,) (-? () F:- \ ,}-, ---i~ ~~/ 00 OF. D I l~ II N C J: Ii 0, 898 I', i: I L C (\:: U i<;; I:: !\:1 C:: 0 r T 11 Eel T Y CO un elL 0 r T HI: C.tTY c,;' C/,,)'l'::;~,J, ALJP'fl:;C PL/\l:S, l;L).lVfl';'1~1:;:~, I,,;;;) jii: ,'Lei; ::1;;'1' :-':C:i.':')UL:': rOJ< 1\ POJ~TI o:~ 0)' 'j'lll.: P Lt.:; :: ;,}) T';~ Ii j L () i' i: r in Z 0 i: r: ^ S L S T r\ B L 1 ~~ Ii L D BY CF,l)J:,t,;;c;: ;;C). !t:JS :d)CPTi.llJ Oll TEI: 22illJ DAY L1~);;L lC:tjli, (J\pplication of L. Eotor;oc!:L or '..:alloce) . 'l" he C 5,\ y C 0 ll1l cU. 0 r t rJ e C it y 0 f C a n~ p bell cJ. () (" S 0[' d i1 in a 5 i:' G .i ~_ (1 .,'; ~:~ ; ~, "t: c: T 1 U 0:; I: : 'f[,:1 t the Z 0 n ins 11 a p 0 f t 11 C c i t Y 0 i' C: 2' P r 1)('.1], 5,; he;;!':!>Y c:,(\i'i'c,d e,nc~ tluc,ndcd by i.1Jo!Jtin~':thc atcaciled t\[):hib.i.-~ AI! ~ll-~'.'I,:'JV(:~ 1'}'L.n:" (~llll Slcv,,,t.J.on:;, "L>:h:ibit E" cntit}cd "TJcvelop;lCYlt ScL~:el\.:}c", <-'.nd 'iL);llj:):t Clt~ entitled tlI'l(lP of saie: Propel~tytl~ de'; i)':~:: cq;plicc:tiulI of Lee) RotGn00 011 bCfl<llf of Billy \'I2.11a(:8 on Pl'Cp",-ty Ju""u-d "t 'I 0;0 ~larathon Dl'ivo in " P-D Zone- Copies of ;; ~l .i d (;:; h ii' it;; d l' e en i i 1 co in t 1: e P 1 ,1 n n i!l f, De par t 1:1 e n t 0 f f j c c , S aid 0 p p r. () v i:i 1 pO'. 0. n t e cl sub:i e c t t 0 'C 1-1 e f 0 11 0 H in g con d it i 011 S : \.-~ ~:; J\ . added 1 J l"l c> P (:; r' t >/ to be fenced and 1 and s c ~3. P C c1 a~; indicatGcl and B . ,a n d s (' ape p]. d 1l j n d :i cat in E t Y P c 0 f P 1 ant r: d t C:' r' i d J.., lo C 2ll. .i 01\ of )!u;;(- L::>,:; 0.'-' s})1'5,';\;:J.Cl~ ::;yt,tcm c'lle} tYl)(: of fencJTlL t,o be s11brnit:t0c1 1~);- i:~!pre'\'il) ot the Fl.anninG n:il'cctor D.t timE of vJl}jl:ici~ti()n [(,r 1; l: ::. .1. (-1 i 11 g P ::;~., rn it. iTl :t y' ,~_. (-1 II ;. I.:; ...J, on pla11b I \.,. Li:\i'll"cbpinS ;;1],,111,8 maintilinccl In ;:;ccorclancc \.:ith tllc ;? 7-~, " ') r C' 'I e d 1,:1 n c1 s C ;J P (? P J (~-i Yl . )1. Idit1:hJl PCy'jOC'l.!(llJCe bOllo 1.1) tIle <1;l\ount of ~1,5C10 to be po;;'ccd tc J L~;Ul'\: J.<:rJ(,~ca.ping ~ fcnc5J:)(~. CJllcJ ;,;'()~ipj,l)[, oi' !,'cn')cing 2l)"'ea ,.:i.1::~:'l '\:)1,-"(' \3) EiOLt:;:, Df cCi;;;p:ict5on of (.:())Jc,tY"\Jctioi1s OJ' applicd"''-- ""', fl.'C ',';'-',',:\]1 d,(1y(~,.:r~crlt tD C0ilpJ_StC l:-:ndscclr-:'Ji.;, fcnci.n); ::1(\(.', <~T]'.i}:..ilig ell. p: ii;)i', {)1'Cd 1)I,jor' to iJl~a,l }),):i.l(~iLi" dC'!,<'rtr;':,nt c1'::c.rD"LC.C. C'(~'r\'{ t 1~ (:. c: (;'/ l'~ ~_;) ::)'.~ .~: j 1 't: (' '\. , " ..I.J Lc- 1. 0 C:. ~I ( -:;: c1 i ]: Cl U ::1 ill. :L t Y <> r ,:.: ( ;; ) n c \.:~ C: ~~~ ~-~ ~'t ~e V i~ {) 'J 'I'd ::' h c C', n "c ,',: ; ~ C ," ( ~.:) c: ,1 ~;:I ~" C :3 n d /. {~ ; {l '~-" \."l.1 " t ~,\ (.~ '(( \. -. j~.i\'~-;:; ()tli1 -:1'.:~; :~.:_'. Ti~_)'( ".'.l ~., ~'i C} I.., ~: ll'} iJ, ';; ',-, .'," 0 v (-' (~ b \7 .t. 1 \ '.: . \. ~c,) ,; )) a }. 1 c C 11 ,-; :i. ;~ " \: .L c (, ;-.. t._ ~. " t) ;': ", u.r-,."n\j:~{lCU. )--:.,1' (.i ~,~c~i.5 -.1 ,.'Z'.!. ':.) ~' r . J: C L (: C~ <<n (l 1': d \' (' ~ ~ c l()~:, ':. ( .. I " \ ,:--~ ,J, ,;\ ~:: >. c ~~) I..~ r ' . ~~ ~,: '.' .). ,Ji."'j ( f ::. to, c d L }.;.... r t 1':) ~ 11 ~_ f ,';:! '.' }" , .) ~.! <:c "I '. ~_,.\: i'l '-, .::. :.' t- ,.l.:.} ~. (l " C G::' '/ C ' " '.' J 11 C 0 '~-: .- I' 't c , ~.... ;-.' U \' ::. '- l t ~. " 1'~ i ': " ...... ~ -,' , -i Z.c t (; r.. (\ ;"; :,:' ~,' c "': c c l~ T'l., . u,,;c:', c ~~, ,~~. (~ :\ 1 J 1 ; ,~~ fl C' \ * : " .-" \ , (~ ,~ c \ ; ~"\ ,~ 1 " ('c' " i- n 't-, ~~ ~ \" ': ,.... I,': \. 1 ~ , ~ r " c' \.: c.' t" , {- ~, ~. : j I' Ii. Plc,n,; ::uJ;lIiitt(;d to the J)uiJJil'f, <1('1';U:,t:;,('))t for plan c:ICCK S ] I<.d. J Ll d :i. Cd t.' c J. '2,~ r ]. y t li (' 10 C d t i (1 n 0 f a 1.1 co 11 nee t ion s for \.l 11 d n r- g r 0 l' 1 i c). \l t i]. 5 t i (: ::: in c 1 u c1 ill g \1 ate r, EC. C \! e l"', C 1 c c ,,,[, i cst e .1 c P 11 0 n EO a',;: tel c v .i ~) i 01"1 c: a}) J (~ ::..;, (: t c . :1 . S i L 11 iq' ~) .1. i c i': t i 0 11 t 0 b e ~,U L T'1 i t t ~ din Cl C C (\ :c daD C C \-l i t 11 p l' C) vi " ion;; u:f. t [1 c Gig nor c. :i 11 a 1) c e f (; r all s} [; n s . l: 0 s i ~T. n to b (' i n ::i 1. i d J. (; cl lJ " t 3..1. <. p p 1 i cat ion i ,; a. p pc 0 v e d iJ n d per;, i t i ::; c; 1..: c d b Y t 11 (:' lJu j J (J. --LJ1L, d('l-~(tr't-:~I('.nt t ,L 0 r' d j il a. nee I! C), 'I B ') 0 f the C a. 1n p h c 11 1: u n i c i F c, 1 C 0 cl cst j D \.: ~ ,'i t c ,,; the'."I. ".ilIY CC'j,tr',:I~;t fo):' tbe collectiC11 and cJi:;pos;:.l or refuses g:1J'];a;~e, h (' t ," " r )) e L C 0 ,', d r \.1 !) b i ,~h 1~ )' 0 due e d \::i t h i J) t J: ':; 15m :i t s 0 f the C i t Y (> f Cii~ii}>':)':Jl shall be li\lld.-; v!ith Gl'C8n VDllcj j)j.sPQsa.1 Co;"pClTlY. This T'C'Cluil'('!;ler,t appJic" to 2.11 ~.~i11g1e family d',.'cllini;s, multiple i::ll1:rt- 1:1 C II t \J 11 its > t 0 a 11 con ": ex' c: i Ci 1., bus:. n co s S \ in c1 u s t ria 1, 1:1 a 11 u f a c-t: u r i 11 t': , a.n.d constructiOYl establi~.~hlllcnts. K. Provide a cOl~pJ.cte1y 01.ltollo.tic fiI'C spl....inLlc-f' syste.\il. L. Pr'ov.lJlp 1t2/dl,C" fir'c extinguishers as requil'ed by the fi)~e cJcpartr.1C'llt. M. Construct balance of street improvements on total frontage of (le\?cj~()pj.l-\c~nt t; N. S"l:Ol'J:\ c1r'ainagc ,H'ed fee J.1i.lsecl on ~,;"l65 p.'Y' (leY'c. T ),: c '--11' P 1. J, C a) It :i. s ,; o"t :i f :; i: d t b i'; t 11 e ~; L ii }.1 C (J ;;i]) J Y \i j t h <'.11 <J p P 1 i c.:; b 1 (' CO(:(::: LJ): ()l.rJiTlLll\CL'S ():~ ,[ :10 City of C':lmr.})c.1.J. .,.,Lich Po)'1.."in to this 0. c \' (; J 0 P i~) C r: "l: iJ ! 1 d oJ'" C not 11 0'. l' 8 in [; p (; c i r :i c c.J. . 25th F !\ ~:; ;:'. }~ )J ^ F n 11 1) 0 F 'j' L n t hi s__ _d______ c1 a y -t h e f 0 11 0 ',I 3 ,1 i~ r 0 J. ], C. '--t 1 } v 0 'c' c; : of J'une 1 ~~ 7 3 , ---~'-'- -- -- ..--~..~_...<- -~... ---_._~._.' ---.--. A Y J~S: Councilmcn: Doetsch, Ha~ner, Paul, podgorsek Chamberlin by nOES: Counc ~;.1111C,-'1 ~ None 1\ 1, ~~ r ;. T : c () 1.1 n c 5 :t, \:~ (; J J ;: None A F i ;. (I \. L. T) : Deo..n R, Chamberlin r'; ;.\ '-;' O~") t. T T;' ~-'. ',i DClt'othy Tn,-h\:th~.!l_ \, ~( 't ,'-, "I \.....t .,.' ,_'."._+U ...~....' -"_. \ I i l \ 1 I I \ \ I \ \ I t _...<.J . ,." ----_.- ... . ..~ \ ',' \~'; ...~,. ~~.---.I <'';~~ .:~. i (". C\ {-=, I, ,-~.. ~ C', ...,~ (-::;: - S-' , .' ). I l..\... . I' ~ I'";.,} \ \,.C J U ..\ r? \'~: '( L. ::: "'. ':'. C~:.- ""i.:-;' '. ': " '.'." ~ 3 /... .-,..... 1. ..-....- -~--~_.+~ .--,..--,+~~.._----_....----~~..- ~ .-- -'.'- -........ "~~j . i u ') " .)'.;,.--;:' ..'"" ( \ I i r:- (L '2 : ~)::- '.-! ..: :-~ ; : .-,- ') ~l:'; .--- -----". .---- .--- ---~ ...-- ...-- --.- .~'- -- -.,. - - -"." ~_.- ~.-'. I~Cl. ; ~.!-.;):~ l...!,: t,!r:~~' ., o '.' 42 -. _ j--'l r) :._ I... --' ....~.._._...~.... .~.~ .-.-....--..-...-. .'.... ~,.....~." ,..,,, '- ". . ()~ :~ I ~~ 1 - I 1 \ \ \ ('\ /; I I i \ \ \ I I \ \ ' \ ___ ." __ .___!::.:------- . . . _,....\ \"'='''_~'' .._J~._~O~<--~-_~..^.n.-.--.~t. \ '~i5 . t , \ '\ \; \ c ' \ I , { ,. ,-' . i. ..' '-.., ...." ._..._...j~:::::'.L..--...... .._..._..L'?_r:.......~. ~O'"' C$''''~O<'''':~ ..=7,.,..,..=........,,""'~-__~.<.I; ..,... ...,..-.._~...... .... F? [) r'" '.~ ''1 / C>~ OJ' l:t ., -, t'-- f ':\ {-'. .( ....., ,~ \ t,', , . f< t: ; .'~.', .' f.{ r.J '.'. ? ,'_~I '~)' , . ..-- ~!.--.~ : ?r;: }';1 J.IIC' ;1:':.'.l,I}!,;C li}:Ll y T!ll~; (",;,(T~~~',-l~J_,ij i'},;~;:l<li;C: C '::.~ISSJ,J~~ ; : /: \. :~ ~ ~ J. :', ! J \,'-, ." ~ ..... . '... , ;'. ~ 1 (" ~, \ . :1 C .' ~ \ ,'. I i "1 " 1\'..""\,' :1 , C (";;-1"'; '!,'1 ....,~. (-~ r ; (; Co~:r'~"~< ~~- c~lrl-L h ::_; ~ r'~ i r -, ~ --, ' " : ';' '1-' r (, ~-; l~ :'C.'I ( : ~ ~ 1.A : . C" " .~., " ~}'::..-t. r~. :r.'t ()f \..-;;: r~ :., ,~~ <...l..') ~~ 1-) , '\ ',', .l\-" ,... (', 1:,)! .. ,~ " I .... , " ~~,(.'C}: . T ()1j t,- l,,-',n ',r 'c'} ntc1y ,;,ft(;;-:, c5ty :.'r~:~J'ovZ:},j or a ]1'2.:-::],:1)':: r . ~:: ..... 't 11 .~ ~ ' ,-. ~. ,I. f"', ".-' Cl';i an t , ~.' (".1 t;_:'c ~;, ~~~.i..~ (, u '_ \-,,-.,c} " o.~ C :):'l'-~ ";'1'" I:: :.... (: + r) 1 1..0'.' , ,. t .' cl ~ . .,'"' J :.~" 1_ TI"; :~_',_.t (~ 1. ~,/ t :"'1.) c. 'c, i. 0 f} ~ 90 d ~~'J~ ~j to ':< c, r:-:Z3. x .1 :;~ ',~ T~ \" il r CL 1"1111 f~ j"- BEGINNING at the intersection of the Easterly line of M3rathon Drive, as said line was established by Deed from Sunrise Investment co., Inc., a corporation, et al, to the city of Campbell, a municipal corporation, recorded July 19, 1966 in Book 7447 of Official Records, at page 32, with a Southerly line of Parcell, as said Parcell and the aforesaid Marathon Drive are shown upon that certain parcel Map filed for record in the office of the Recorder, of the county of Santa Clara, state of California on December 5, 1969 in Book 262 of Maps, at page 18; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, along a southerly line of said Parcell, above referred to, North 88089'44" East, a distance of 156.00 feet to an angle point in said parcell; thence South 0065'20" East, along a Westerly line of said ParcelL a distance of 215.00 feet to a sout,hvlesterly corner of said above referred to parcell, on the Northerly line of that certi1in Map entitled, "Reversion to Acreage Tract No. 48G8-A," which said Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder, of the County of Santa Clara, state of California, on February 24, 1971 in Book 279 of Haps, at page 17; thence South 88059'44" West, along the Northerly line of said Tract No. 48G8-A, to a point on the Easterly line of Marathon Drive ffi said Drive was SO established by the Deed recorded in Book 7447 of Official Records, at page 32, and as shown upon the Parcel Map recorded in Book 262 of Maps, at page 18, above referred to; thence North 0055' 20" vlest:, along the Easterly line of said Marathon Drive as so established and shown as above referred to, a distance of 215 feet, more or less, to the POINT OF BEGIKCNING. @ , '.1 ~ W. + HAMILTON . ....... ^' o Vl '" o G' /~, -J+.- "S/ SCALE /' ~i~~ri tf(~~~ J[!!~~r i l~iJ! fi :ljfl :r- fill !~ ~Ir~~ ~I f~l!:[ I =. S' · f J ~. ~h ;! ;: , IV ..0 'j ,", 100' @ "' w. ("" 13501 30 8 <:) ,,., 'n o 11,oJ ~ N '" /55 I~ IV J> I~ --~ IV \Tl ~ )> n z:. rn -I TRACT 1>- I ~ }> ;Q p -1 I o z:. GALE PARCEL MAP '2'22 M'l'2 70 I' 70 ~o I-to. '- ,~ I\:) I~ 7'- L 7397 r I ,. , w 00 I I I.. 18 I~ I I ,~ II' v' '--.1 60 I '0 .0 1'\1 "'-1 I~ AVE. ? O. ,- V U)n "'-- r- IJl ' Y n z rn '--I I~ NQ. 4BOB-A DR1VE ?; 70 /(; It l~ !l zZ: !.J' ':1 u' ., i Iw '''' 10 -- V illn \jlr ill. J..N n Z rn ., ~ "., Vl ! 74 ~-j C> ;oJ ~h .. \, -1 (_) '''''0 " - z::. ~o t>.. C ....., Z,N =40' .,..) L. o :>; lOOa (, 1'\1 w 6:' ,P() ?, N I\) r,.") -t- SPRINGFIELD WESTMONT ESTATES'UN~O; DR 0 TRACT N9 3906 ,0 62 o N < m I I ,_ 10 " 10 1 --..J I 00 I \.D I 6 _ _ .23_'TL. .f. _ -- _ L _ _ _ J -- - I I I 0\ I \TI I ~ I \,) ~ 1-- ,..... I I :g'~ I g ~ I ~ I I~ I I I I I I 60 I 67 ,- \0 I..... 0\ 1- ao () o L,.._ -L LATI M E ~,~), ) It, , ~k( ... ...", -"" ':i~ '-o.~~ ~. @ 6'2 I I I~ I ,~ I I I I I I I .t.- .. .- -t-- I I ,,") I I I I I I I ,- -- AVE: o o N 1(:; 8: 60 , , -r~- _, ..,..; ~:r ..... '-- 1'1'104 1<11 ~ rll'j07 -t. \ I ""') I \:J l> N N -< I '-' U ~~ l> ,( ).) ) (, I rn r-- ? -> )> '0 nJ <T\ rV > -> . U) 30' ~ - ~ o .., " (') ,., o .., @ n o C "Z. ." ..( ~ tJI U fTI LIl VI o ;u c' ,. L. 'j ~ n r J> :0 ,. . t G IV , \ I I n L Z -1 -< n ,. r .., o ).J 'f ., ~ I -&- ())CJl 08 C1l~ ';=:::: rv~ luG' ,.,