McBain Ave. (75-2) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA /f- /).--01 .a:J CHECK fo -' IG (p " THIS RECEIPI' MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 8931 CITIZEN COpy o MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT FES -5-75 025 *****51.00 FES -5-75 51 025A ****51.00 <!,>, / BY ,/q / j ""'..... ( ThanV~ou CIT~AMPBELL CITY CLERK TRAN. ~TTAL SHEET - BONDED ASSL .JMENTS It, Ii I t J ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. L.I.D. NO. 18 BONDED ASSESSMENT NO. 8 - A YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST I , , 1970-71 766 , 69 1,704 , 42 , , 1971-72 930 ,25 954 , 19 1972-73 930 '25 891 ' 40 , , , , 1q7~-74 o~o .?t:; 828 I 61 1974-75 , , 996- 69 763 49 1975-76 996-'69 693 ' 72 1q76-77 qqn 'nq h?~ , 01; . 1977-78 996 '69 554 ' 18 , . 1978-79 996 '69 484 ' 41 , , 1979-80 996 ,69 414 , 64 , , 1980-81 qq6 'fio 344 ' 87 , , 1981-82 996 ,69 275 ' 10 , , lq82-8~ 996 '69 20') , ~1 , , 1983-84 996 ,69 135 , 56 1984-85 996 '69 , 67 78 I -- , , I TOTAL $14 ,521 '03 8,941 ' 65 BY DATE CITY OF CAMPBELL LOCAL IMPH.OVEf'lENT DIS'I'lUC'r NO ._~a CITY OF CAMPBELL, SAN'l'A CLARA, CALIFORNIA PARCEL NOS. 8 AND 9 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ON AMENDED ASSESSt-mNT AND SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF UNPAID ASSESSt-mNT UPON CERTAIN PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. 1. An assessment has heretofore been levied against said parcel or parcels, being a portion of said Local Improvement District, and said parcel or parcels are proposed to be divided or com- bined as described upon Exhibit A, attached hereto. 2. Pursuant to law, an application has been duly filed with the Street Superintendent requesting that the amount remaining unpaid on said original assessment(s) be apportioned or com- bined by said Street Superintendent to said parcel or parcels of land as described upon said Exhibit A. 3. It is recommended that the assessment on said original parcel or parcels be apportioned to said proposed parcel or parcels and new assessment number(s) be assigned thereto as follows: ORIGINAL ASSESS~lliNT NUMBER(S) 8 9 ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT $6,954.37 7,566.66 NEW ASSESSMENT NUMBER ( S ) 8A APPORTIONMENT OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT $14, 521.03 Dated:~J II 1925 . ~~ftg~ Superintendent of Streets, City of Campbell I. the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell, do hereb~ certify that the foregoing apportionmen~ of asse~sment, together v/lth diagr~ffere);b attached, was recorded ln my offlce on the day of ~~..K ~5"" ' 19 7:;;- . tJ!I~!1 ~k1 Superintendent of Streets, City of Campbell r' I EXHIBIT A LOCAL IMPROVEMEN'I' DISTRICT NO. 18 CITY OF CAMPBELL, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA ORIGINAL PARCEL NOS. 8 AND 9 The proposed new parcel or parcels are described as follows: All of Parcel "A" as shown upon that certain Tentative Parcel Map of Lands of Norman K. Husted filed January 13, 1975, in the office of the City Engineer, City of Campbell, California. CITY OF CAMPBELL LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 CITY OF CAMPBELL, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA PARCEL NOS. 8 AND 9 NOTICE OF FILING OF REPORT AND AMENDED ASSESSMENT FOR SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF UNPAID ASSESSMENT UPON CERTAIN DIVIDED OR CO~ffiINED PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND AND GIVING NOTICE THAT A HEARING THEREON MAY BE DEMANDED. TO: Stone and Youngberg Russ Buildinq, San Francisco, CA 94104 the original purchaser of bonds issued to repre- sent unpaid assessments in the above project: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an apportionment of the unpaid assessments on the above-described parcel or parcels of land has been made as shown upon the attached Report of the Superintendent of Streets: NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN to you as the original purchaser of said bonds which are now outstanding that you may demand in writing a hearing upon said report and amended assessment within 14 days from the mailing of this notice, which is the date hereof, and that, unless you make such demand, said amended assessment shall be recorded. Dated: 9rfc~ /1, /97~ . J'~~. .Xt t<k !dr, a~. ~r~ Superintendent of Streets, City of Campbell CITY OF CAMPBELL LOCAL IMPHOVEHENT DISTRICT NO. 18 CITY OF CAMPBELL, SAN'l'A CLARA, CALIFORNIA PARCEL NOS. 8 AND 9 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ON AMENDED ASSESSMENT AND SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF UNPAID ASSESSt-lliNT UPON CERTAIN PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. 1. An assessment has heretofore been levied against said parcel or parcels, being a portion of said Local Improvement District, and said parcel or parcels are proposed to be divided or com- bined as described upon Exhibit A, attached hereto. 2. Pursuant to law, an application has been duly filed with the Street Superintendent requesting that the amount remaining unpaid on said original.assessment(s) be apportioned or com- bined by said Street Superintendent to said parcel or parcels of land as described upon said Exhibit A. 3. It is recommended that the assessment on said original parcel or parcels be apportioned to said proposed parcel or parcels and new assessment number(s) be assigned thereto as follm.;s: ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT NUMBER(S) 8 9 ORIGINAL ASSESSl'-lliNT $6,954.37 7,566.66 NEW ASSESSMENT NUMBER (S ) 8A Dated'~('~ II . 19p APPORTIONMENT OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT $14,521. 03 111am . Wre , Superintendent of Streets, City of Campbell I. the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell, do hereb~ certify that the foregoing apportionment of assessment, together wlth diagram thereto attached, was recorded in my office on the day of , 19 William G. Wren, Superintendent of Streets, City.of Campbell r.' . EXHIBIT A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 CITY OF CAMPBELL, SANTA 9LARA, CALIFORNIA ORIGINAL PARCEL NOS. 8 AND 9 The proposed new parcel or parcels are described as follows: All of Parcel "A" as shown upon that certain Tentative Parcel Map of Lands of Norman K. Husted filed January 13, 1975, in the office of the City Engineer, City of Campbell, California. .. CITY OF CA~WBELL APPLICATION FOR AMENDED ASSESS:-1ENT AND SEGREGATION APPORTIONMENT OF UNPAID ASSESS~lENT UPON PARCEL NOS. 8 AND 9, SOUTH BASCOM AVENUE - CAMPBELL AVENUE LOCAL IMPROVE~lliNT DISTRICT NO. 18 , CITY OF CAMPBELL, Sfu~TA CLARA, CALIFORNIA TO: Superintendent of Streets City of Campbell, California PART I A. Application is hereby made that you apportion the amount of the remaining unpaid assessment upon the subject parcel or parcels of land. B. The subject parcel or parcels Clara County Assessors Map as Book Paqe Parcel of land are shown upon the Santa follows: Record Owner 288 288 9 9 59 60 Norman K. Husted Norman K. Husted C. The subject parcel or parcels have been or are to be divided or combined as described upon Exhibit "A", attached hereto. D. A fee of$lOO.OO has been paid for each part or parcel into which the original parcel or parcel~ are to be established. A fee of $5.00 has been paid for the recording of the required Amended Assessment Diagram. E. A Preliminary Title Report has been submitted for purposes of verifying the names of all persons who own an interest in the subject parcel or parcels of land. F. Signature of the owner of any interest in any of the subject parcels. Date 7J1Z1&f /(, /f17.i ~~~.AfL ~ ~~ , AppllC nt 7 Rece~:::' \-u~~-= ~&-~e:::::: PART II x Application is hereby made that the assessment as apportioned and shown in the Report of the Superintendent of Streets, dated March 11, 1975 , be recorded. Signatures of all persons owning an interest in the ori~inal par~e!. or parcels of land: ~ _: /.""' .-;----/1-:;>< Dated~7 J/ /f7j~ ~dl' ,r.;ft</~// , Dated ~/U /~/77~-- ~~_~~~ ~. - I S:c"VriJ..,~ Dated ~ 0 A. Dated Dated Dated B. (Optional to eliminate the need for Notification and 14-day wait- ing period.) The undersigned, original purchaser of the Bonds matter, hereby consents to the foregoing Dated~-(- u-!r-/9 7p~ .- .....~ (Original Purchaser of Bonds) /NO'l'E: All signatures in Part II of this application must be notarized. Received: Date \ \ ~o.V \~., "S \-~~" - ", \&vo- L.C..\J \)c;N<L1C P.ti. 75-2 corm I T IONS OF APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP OF LANDS OF HUSTED APN 288-9-59 and 90 1. Final map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval, and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. 2. Application to be filed with the Superintendent of Streets to segregate the assessments levied pursuant to said Local Improvement District No. 18 pursuant to the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code. The fee for segregation of the assessments is $100.00. Approved by the Planning DirectQr of the City of Campbell on January 30, 1975 / Approved by the City Engineer of the City Campbell on January 30, 1975 '"'