McGlincy Ln. (67-72) i ''/1/ /- / )fV<~",(J /":..c _~ l75/ RGM if -"1 I ,.- '" (../r.:>- tM <--, ~ I f~ , 'J..) ;..,-Jl .-,,.-J <.. ~ .~ !D Ie ( v--- RENATO G. MARTINEZ. C.E. ,If f'_{ L/t Ie. .r ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT P.O. Box 177 LOS ALTOS. CALIFORNIA 94022 TELEPHONE (41!5) 948.110S OFFICE. 146 MAIN STREET Loll ALTOS. CALIFORNIA TI 179 22 August 1979 Mr. Arthur Kee Planning Director City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re: Winchester Drive-In Theater Traffic Study Dear Art: The accompanying report is submitted for your review and comments. Essentially the additional screen is not expected to affect traffic conditions significantly and provides an opportunity for traffic management by staggered movie starting times. There are also some striping and signing improvements which can be readily implemented. Please advise when this matter will be scheduled for consid- eration by the planning commission. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard. Sincerely yours, Renato G. Martinez, C.E., T.E. Transportation Engineer cc: Vincent Raney Bee ~:::JI~ RECEIVED {\". :: ;~.... 1979 PULh.IG woaKS P.o. BOX 177 . LOS ALTOS. CALIFORNIA 94022 . TELEPHONE (41~~~!~~~g~G RGM ASSOCIATE S RENATO G. MARTINEZ. C.E. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT P.O. Box 177 LOS ALTOS. CALIFORNIA 94022 TELEPHONE (415) 948-1105 OFFICE: 146 MAIN STREET Los ALTOS, CALIFORNIA August 15, 1979 TI 179 City of Campbell Winchester Drive-In Theater Traffic Study Anticipated traffic conditions associated with the addition of another screen for a total of six has been evaluated. It has been determined that the change could improve traffic conditions on access streets by staggering movie starting times by at least 10 minutes. The effects of movie traffic on vicinity streets can be improved further by the following measures: 1. Stripe left turn lane on Curtner allowing thru traffic to by-pass traffic turning left to S. McGlincy. 2. Stripe right and left turn lanes on McGlincy at Curtner. 3. Install directional white on blue Winchester Drive-In *signing t 250' from McGlincy turn at Cristich (Now located at intersectio~ faded). 4. Proviae G8 white on green directional *signing to Curtner with an arrow left opposite McGlincy at Cristich. 5. Stripe left turn at driveway from McGlincy to theater entrance to minimize interference with thru traffic. 6. Recondition lighted theater entrance signs opposite driveway and Westchester Drive on McGlincy. 7. Provide white on blue advance directional *signs on Union i 250' from its intersection with McGlincy (Now at intersection, faded). * All unlighted signs should be reflectorized. P.G 80X 177 . LOS ALTOS. CALIFORNIA 94022 . TELEPHONE (415) 948.1105 Campbell Traffic Study - TI 179 - Page 2 - August 15, 1979 8. Install black on yellow EXIT with arrow right *sign ,opposite main entrance on W~stchester Drive. 9. Striping on entrance road should conform with adopted convention- double yellow separating opposing traffic, single white separating traffic in the same direction. 10. The 2167 speaker count will not change. Parking stalls will be rearranged to accommodate additional screen. Conclusion: The changes proposed at Winchester Drive-In Theater provide an opportunity to augment and update traffic controls on access streets. Applying the measures proposed, particularly staggering movie starting times, should improve traffic conditions substantially. Respectfully submitted, ~~z~~ Traffic Engineering Consultant RGM: sn * All unlighted signs should be reflectorized. SC~LE : i"-50' ~ U Z - ..J C!) , I o 2 14! It' 14: ~TOP --.". b.\'TING .', ea" ~ .. \LJ\ ~ C.HE !TE R .......-.'-" , DRIVE-IN o~ .. II E~I ~TlNG REFLEtTORIIED N - -- C U -R T -- N E R -= ~ CD LEFT TURM 'TRIPltlG CURTtlER AT r,oUT~ Me GLIIlC't. @ RIGHT MID LEFT TURt-l STRIPIMG 011 SOUT~ McGLIt-lC'(. RGM FIGURE t R G M ASSOCIATES TRAFF~ ENGWEE~NG CONSULTANTS p.o. BOX 177. LOS ALTOS. CALIFOftNIA .4022 (415) 948, 1105 ,c~u : iM: SO 1. I. I7q DAiE: AUGU~l~,\q,q %: o - I- en - 0:: o (i~ G\"l\ ~G 0<< 1&1 uJ ...Z o I- ~cL d. =:I 0.. ~ : + <--.. .0. E~I~TING TO 8E RE MOV E D. ...t~SOI ~INCHE~TER ORI\lE-I~ PROPO!tEO @ \Il1t-lCU~nR DRI~H~ DIRECTIOM~~ SIGt-l. @ G8 D\RECTIOt-l~l SIGIol TO CURTNER, ReM FIGURE 2 R G M ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC ENGtlEERING CONSULTANTS p.o, BOX 177. LOS ALTOS. CAlIFOltNlA 94022 (415) 948. 1105 leAL', l"200' T.1. nq OAiE: AU&UST Ib,lq'l~ tA: It I~ )- o z - -' (!) () :IE @ LEFT TURK ~lRIPIIIG 011 Me GLIKC'I OP.I'IEW~'i. @ RECOKOI1101I llGlIlEO EII1RAIICE &IGI4 RGM FIGURE 3 R G M ASSOCIATES TRAFF~ ENGNEE~NG CONSULTANTS p. 0, BOX 171, LOS ALTOS, CAlIf'OftNIA 94022 (415) 948.1105 SCAU : I': 50' T. I. i1 q DATE: AUGUT 10,lq,q ~ 81..,.. ... c t' . ...o~ E~I~TING "G~6 TO !E REMO~E" C> 10 ~ ..... z o ~ ~1~CHt~TER OR\~E"\~ ~ - z :) (i) ~DV~tlCE DIRECTIOtl~L ;IGtl& 0\1 U""Otl. RG M FIGURE 4 R G M ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS p.o, BOX 177. LOS ALTOS. CAlIFOItHIA .4022 (415) 948, 1105 SCAL~ : \':~OO' T.l. 11 q AUGU,T I~ I \Q7, II: .., f.- ro ~ MO&\L ~OML ~ \E~\T. I ,~ !aT ALL -.I \\-..... EX\f>>l\NCi L\G~TED a.l C; , ........<T~E~iER < G\-\~ eNT~A~CE -- "C RECON~\ TlON @ ReeON 0\ TlON L\ GIlTE 0 EMiRAMCE &IGloI. @ IM~TALL &LAtK all ~IIITE E )I.\T !II GII. RGM FIGURE 5 R G M ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS P.O_BOX 177. LOS ALTOS. CALIFORNIA 94022 (415) 948, 1105 SCALE: 1"~OO' T.I.l1Q AUGU', \b, lqlq . - 1 February 23, 1973 Research Dynamics Associates P.O. Box 2Il Menlo Park, California 94025 ATTENTION: Mr. William J. Ewing, Senior Consultant SUBJECT: Local Improvement District No.4, McGlincy Lane Assessment District Gentlemen: Enclosed as per your request is a copy of ~he assessment diagram of subject District. The District constructed curb and gutter, street pavement, storm sewer system and sanitary sewer system. See attached copy of Sheet 1 of the plans for geometrics and structural street sections. There is additional information reqardinq the location of storm and sanitary sewer systems available Which you may wish to have. Please call for an appointment if you wish further information. WGW \ INiT~:~ & D 14. ! i. j .='~=~-==~ i /:Z -- {.?r BMH " ~_'H----'-------- Fl"L 1_---.....,----- --'_.~- TO Very truly pure, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer cac:,l. '. ___no' . i \ --.,...---. ~closurei ~.:--- !' ~<::~L L .-- I ~ l"-" 1<"'1'"' '. I (PIC \ v C- ,-..-I FILE "t;., '< . .. 1 July 22, 1971 Mr. Donald E. Gish, Superintendent - Bond Department Insurance of North America P.O. Box 7985 One Embarcadero Center, Suite 1100 San Francisco, California 94120 WGW BMH FTL (' ~o~ JJ& .. ... McG. (55) ~ FILE REF : Performance Bond M5068ll- Svufv Enterprises, Inc. 31va ~ lVIUi\H 01 Dear Mr. Gish: Your letter of July 9, addressed to Mr. Arthur Kee, Planning Director, for the City of Campbell, has been referred to me for response. Please be advised that the City of Campbell hereby assures you that performance of all conditions of the applicable improvement agreement has been accomplished and that all improvements designated in the bond as Conditions No.1, 5, 6, 7 and 12 have been accepted. You are released as to any future liability under the bond pertaining to the abovementioned conditions. It is my opinion that it would not be appropriate for the County Sanitation District to approve release of the aforementioned bond inasmuch as the City of Campbell is the named beneficiary of said bond. For informational purposes, however, I have enclosed a copy of correspondence and pertinent actions taken by the Board of Directors of the County Sanitation District relative to this project. Please contact me if I may be of further assistance to you in this regard. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BMH:cc By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer Enclosures l e INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA Lifa Insur3nco Company of North America' Pacific Employers GIOUp . P.O. Box 7985, One Embarcadero Center, Suite 1100, San Francisco, California 94120 . Telephone July 9, 1971 Mr. Arthur A. Kee Planning Director city of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re: Performance Bond M5068ll Syufy Enterprises - Improvements on Cristich Lane - Bond Penal Sum: $35,000 Dear Mr. Kee: I am enclosing copies of papers submitted to us purporting to convey to us a full release of our obligation as surety under the bond in caption. Although we believe a full release is intended, we are of the opinion the "release" lacks the quality of complete legality. Therefore, we believe these documents could leave a question in regard to future liability due to some misunderstanding along the line. We are particularly concerned about the guarantee in regard to: Condition No. 6 - Extension of Sanitary Sewer. Notwithstanding that County Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Clara County is not a named obligee in the bond, the District1involved, as evidenced by your letter of July 2, 1971 to our principal. In view of our concern over legality and the District's involvement, will you kindly arrange for completion of the statement below, obtaining proper signatur~thereto, and return this letter to me. Duplicate copies are for your records. Thank you, Mr. Kee. DEG/bb encl )t:f~ Donald E. Gish Superintendent - Bond Dept. cc: Albert Bender (C. Wolfe) r .. A I We the undersigned confirm to you, Insurance Company of North America, as surety on the bond in caption, that performance of all conditions of the applicable improvement agreement has been accomplished and that all improvements, designated in the bond as Condition Nos. 1, 5, 6, 7 and 12, have been accepted as of this date or prior hereto. You are released as to any future liability udner the bond. Dated this day of , 1971. CITY OF CAMPBELL COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 4 of SANTA CLARA COUNTY BY: BY: Title: Title: Acknowledged as to constituting a legal and full release: Date: City Attorney) t '. L (~ ~ I.~i .' ~))\ .;"r'~ i'.. l ,. ; -{ / , ' V ().> ~',~,:".YI'\P(: (__.>,. .'~ ,~-~~:::C"C,1'~' y,-:, 1';, '''. 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I 1".:;i,\T ':t.::'; , , tl c{)n~-J." r'" ~ '1'" -~-C'{' r', If:." : ,. ~ :., ~ : ,\ \, \J :;/ '! (; ~ BOND NO. H-50 68 11 TWO- YF..,..'\R PREIHUH: $263.00 INSlJR AJ\f(~E NORTll AIV[E-RICP~ COMP A 1\T\l ~.~ 1. _" ., __ _ _.., , _ OF '-..--' ........ PI-lILADELPHIA PERFOm,lAI'TCE BOND KNO\'1 ALL I.lliN BY THESE PRESENTS, rrhat "Te, SYUpy Ej'[J'ERPlUSE3, INC., a Corporat ion) and \HNCHES'l'ER DRIv'E-IN 'l'HEATm,~, lITC., a Corpora"don (bereinafter called "Principal"), as Princip::l, e.nd th:.; INSUT-{?\NCE CQi,iPAT-if OF NORTH A11ERICA, a Corporation organized and existinl3 under the ImIs or the state of Pennsylvania, and authorized to tr811i3sct business in the state of California, (heroind'ter called "Surety"), as Sm'ety, are held and firmly bound unto Cr'l'Y OF CJ\1'IPBEL'!:" CALU'ORNIA, a Municiral Con)oration (hcTcinafter called "Oblie;ee"), in t.he penal 81)]:l of THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAf'ID AND NO/lOa Dollar::; ($35,000.00), good and 1 a.'wfuJ, money or the United St8tes of J\merica, for the payment of vlhich, '\-lell and truly to be raDde, 17e bind ourselver;, O1JT heirs) !~.dmiDistrators, executors, succeS1:~ors and assi811S, jointly and severally, firr!lly by t,hcse presents. SEAiJED "~lith OUT seals and dated this 9th day of AU[;ust A.D. 1967. vlHERCI\S, the above bounden Principal has entered into a cel'tain ,.;ritten a[;rcemc-:1t. \-lith the above na'11ed 01.l1igee, dated the 26th day of June 196"(, titled "Agree~il<;nt of Settlement nnd Comprom:i.se of Drive-In Theatre Action", including Exhilli'c I1A", 1,rhich agl'ecn:ent is hereby referred to and unde n part bereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length here in for the !fUrpO:3e of cxp12ining [.'nt net of varying or enlarging the obl:Lgationj NO~'7 'l'HER~~}i'ORE, the condition of the above obligDtion is such that if the E-bove-boundcn Prinicp8.1, their successors end assie;ns, or any of the:n, do and sholl, 'Hell and truly perform) fulfill and l~eep each and all of tne clauses, covenant.s, conditions and agreements specified and contained in that certain E'gr22rl1Cnt Tllede and executed by tJ.-iem vi th tbe said Obligee on the 26th day of June, 1967, and more particularly the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A" attached to said agreeJ:!8nt and Lade a pClrt thereof, Hhich on the part of said Principal, their successors and assigns, o'J.Sht to be fulfHled and kept according to the true intent and meaning of said agreement, tben the above obligation is to be void; other'tTise, to remain in full force and effect. More particularly, the conditions and covenants to be perforli:ed are the f'oDm-ling conditions included in Exhibit "A" attached to the agreement and made a part thereof: Condition No. l. Lanoscaping Condition No. 5. Cristich lane Improvement ; - Condition No. 6. F.:x:tens i on of Sanitary Se1.TE: 1.1> c Condition No. 7. Hestchester Access I.rnprovement or ~ alternate route Condition No. 12. ivater Line end Hydn,nt r PROVID;~D, hOl-lever) this bond is executed by the Sure "" y, upon the express condition that;. no right of action sh2l1 8ccrU2 upon or by reason hereof, to or foY' the use or benefit of anyone other than the' Obligee named herej,nj and th-.::: obligation of the StU~ety is and shull be cvnstru0a strictly as one of suretyshill 0:11y. 8'1.1;;;'Y EI.m~nrRJ:SES, INC. & ~nNC:d?8rER DRIVE- HI TrI~~:~~~: ~ INe. I P... .eel" ~L'vl ~.J ,.\ ~ By: -~-1~::~\.-'-'~';bCO" ~-;.;-~\_:..:>(-~'-~. \S--~"(-~ . /" '\. I // t, / _:. '... ,_/ /,-, . By' x I /, / / I r/, .) ; . ~_~.__~.'.J.~..__:.:-.:: ,~_-~___;;.~~.~_,__:.::..:.."'--:~.-:-~~, ,l.,._~~~: ::.~::::..' ;:-3.. L . J " ./ .,< ,"- /L-' ~_. ( , ~~-'!'L'-~-. (. ,r- By: INSlni\IICE COr'IPMTY OF NORm NT1<:RICf, ~\ Surety d ?' " ? /i . -,/c){/'(.( 7'" a:./ -D0l131d --Y-c;lsT10^1 t tor11'e-Y-::fn-;"-f'c c: t \, - \-'1,' '-_.' ':, '- ,i,..J L: , " ),,'.d I 'wi-,i, I ."" ,..,' \" . /1 1',,0 l 11','/ ,'. I.. "", I, i 'J. t '..) .. J >-. ..:~ .,~, ~.. r', .... , , t. 1,._ ., ~-:~ .., r)~ ~J: ,- t',---,.{t ,A-L '^' ./')' ; ,f &(~ COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunny oaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 February 16, 1968 City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Re: Tract No. ~ Extension~ Winchester Drive-In II Notice of Acceptance Gentlemen: The sanitary sewerage system for subject development has been constructed, inspected and tested, and found to be complete in all respects. Title to the system has been transferred to this District and the system has been accepted for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer By . Weaver LEW:j Associate Civil Engineer encl. Resolution No. 479.15 He: vYinchester Drive-In II RESOLUTION NO. 419./5 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SEWERAGE SYSTEM WITHIN THE PROPERTY OF WDlCR"AA';l'ER DRIV~-IN THEATRE. INC. SITUATED WITHIN THE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, WINCHESTER DRIW-XB THEATRE, INC. being the sole and exclusive owner(s) of the sewerage system described as follows: The six-inch (6") sanitary sewer uin and appurtenant manholes constructed in accordance with plans prepared by Geo. S. Nolte, Consulting Civil Engineers, Inc., Job No. 681-67, and located in an easement described in a Deed of Easement recorded in Book 7538 of Official Records at page 493, Santa Clara County aecords; have constructed a sewerage system within said property in accordance with the provisions of County Sanitation District No.4 Sanitary Code; and WHEREAS, the District Manager of said Sanitation District No.4 has caused to be inspected said sewerage system, and finds said sewerage system to be constructed in compliance with said Sanitary Code, and does recommend to this Board that said sewerage system be accepted and thereby be included within the sewerage system of County Sanitation District No.4; and WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said property have offered to convey and transfer to County Sanitation District No.4, subject to the terms and con- ditions of said offer, all of said ownerso rights, title and interest in and to said sewerage system; and WHEREAS, said owners do, in their offer, declare and warrant that they are the sole and exclusive owners in and to said sewerage system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, acting by and through. its Board of Directors, does hereby accept the offer of the owner(s) of the above described property, subject to the terms and conditions expressly stated in said offer. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT from and after this date said sewerage system shall be, and it is hereby, made a part of the sewerage system of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, State of California, this 11th day of January , 1968 , by the following vote: Dorman, Fargher, Glennon, AYES: Directors, Jensen, Mehrkens, Rogers, Sol~[i NOES: Directors, ~ ABSENT: Directors, ~ (COPY) Number :3.3:)? {; 7 / Recor,.c.,__._~I__.:?2..:::. C::.% O..B. Book y;)O / L':",;,'-' Sf 0 ~y ~~~~~-- Chairman of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, State of California. TRe foregoing instrument is a correct copy of the original on file in this office COUNTY SIU~VATI N Dm1m'" No.4 2/64 (DISTRICT SEAL) Attest :- Dated: COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY / ( ~--' - - I" I .1,,(. /Ic,cc L /:~ ~ ' / /-/-fff', . 100 East Sunny oaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 May 9, 1967 Department of Public Works City of Campbell 75 N. Campbell Ave. Campbell, California 95008 He: Tract No. ~ Extension: winchester Drive In, Inc. Notice of Acceptance Gentlemen: The sanitary sewerage system for subject development has been constructed, inspected and tested, and found to be complete in all respects. Title to the system has been transferred to this District and the system has been accepted for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer LEW : j encl. Resolution No.46l.2 L. E. Weaver Associate Civil Engineer w1nches~.r Drive In,lnc. Re: S~.r Ext.~.f~ RESOLUTION NO. ~~/')J RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SEWERAGE SYSTEM WITHIN THE PROPERTY OF WYII(!RESTBR D~;IVB II{. INC. SITUATED WITHIN THE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, WXHCHESTSR DRIVE 1M, INC. being the sole and exclusive owner~s) of the sewerage system described as follows: 'l'he 6-inch sani~.ry sewer _in and .ppur~8ftant ~ol.s and la~era1 sewen eOlUl~rue~ed bet.ween s~at.ion. 20+33 and 34+87. .s shown on plana prepared by aeorge S. lfol ~e, Job No. 654-66 and lying wi~h1n . sanitary sewer .a.ement, ~he d..erip~iOft ot which 1. recorded in Book 7538 of Official Record. at page 493, Santa clara Count.y records, have constructed a sewerage system within said property in accordance with the provisions of County Sanitation District No.4 Sanitary Code; and WHEREAS, the District Manager of said Sanitation District No.4 has caused to be inspected said sewerage system, and finds said sewerage system to be constructed in compliance with said Sanitary Code, and does recommend to this Board that said sewerage system be accepted and thereby be included within the sewerage system of County Sanitation District No.4; and WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said property have offered to convey and transfer to County Sanitation District No.4, subject to the terms and con- ditions of said offer, all of said ownersG rights, title and interest in and to said sewerage system; and WHEREAS, said owners do, in their offer, declare and warrant that they are the sole and exclusive owners in and to said sewerage system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, acting by and through. its Board of Directors, does hereby accept the offer of the owner(s) of the above described property, subject to the terms and conditions expressly stated in said offer. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT from and after this date said sewerage system shall be, and it is hereby, made a part of the sewerage system of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, State of California, this 13th day of April , 156-1-, by the following vote: AYES '. Fargher, Glennon, Inglis, Jensen Direc tors, Mehrkens, Doetsch, Welch NOES: Directors, ~~ ABSENT: Directors, ~ NIIMRJ:"lU.Vo~~~ ROOI< '7L.. 9~ DI\~I:' <"'<.tJ TROMAS B. INGLIS Chairman of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.4 of Theforego~tlMtrlflMntas~ounty, State of California. correct copy of the original on file in this office COUNTY .r"iliA ON ~T No. ~ Attest:. ~ - ~<:./ Secret. Dated: ..,/ /Aa / ~ 7 2/64 (DISTRICT SEAL) COUNTERSIGNED: DE LORA SPENCE Secretary of said Board t~OPY)RECOkL)i:D ~..i.L 1'1 /9' /' k -- - _ ,.-Ufz - !JJLv-<k;Jz. J.Jv.~ ~~ March 31, 1967 Mr. Vincent G. Raney, A.I.A. 233 Po.t Street san Franci.co, Cal1forn1a 94108 Dear Mr. Raney I I have your letter dated March 28, 1967 which was in reply to mine of March 24. In reqard to the main que.tion in your letter, plea.. refer to lilY fozmer paragraph number three wh1ch AY. that *. Morr1. 1. be1ng reimbur.ed for the co.t of the constrDct1on 11'1 exce.. of his regular .torm drainaC)e fees. Thi. refer8 to all such con.truction within the public ......nt. SUch an arrangement is quite 8tandard in so far a8 thi. City'. policy is concerned. Mr. Morris i. in effect pay1nq his nonaal .torm dra1n acreage fee. and that amount repre.ents his financial ahare of the fac1lity. Mr. Morr1.' parcel dra1n. frcm .outh t.o north, a. you know. There was no need, in thi8 case, for on-.1t.e line. w1th exception of the inl.t boxes at the north end which w1ll be outside the ..s-.nt. Those boxes will be f1n&1lced by the owner, over and above the acreage f.... Bad there beeIl the need for a llare exten.ive on-site .y.tea, it would alao have been 1nstalled at pr1vate expen.... You can se. that. we treat an ..-.ant exactly the .... .s a pub11c 8treet in so far aa the detena.inat10n of reimbursement fLiures i. concerned. I hope th18 discussion i. .at1.factory foryour purpose8. Sincerely yours, Williaa G. Wren, Acting' D1J:ector of Public Work. . lGWacb cc: City Manager .r". VINCENT G. RA.V, A.I.A. A R C H I T E C T . . . . . . . . 233 POST STREET . SAN FRANCISCO 94108 - . . . . . . . . . . Area Code (415) 392.5462 March 28, 1967 City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Calif. 95008 Attention: Mr. William G. Wren Acting Director of Public Works Subject: Winchester Drive-In Theatre On-site Storm Drain Gentlemen: I refer to your letter of March 24, 1967 in which it seems to me that you are inferring that No. 17 of the Agreement includes many other things than that which we stipulated. In order to evaluate the fairness with reference to Property Owners, I would appreciate it if you would give me the details as to how Morris and Sahati are paying their portions of the storm drainage fees and how much on site work they are being required to pay for themselves. I There is some relationship b~tween the storm sewer which you are requiring that we put in ~nd that which is being put in by Sahati and Morris. \ /r - - ') , I I am sure if you will give me\this inf~ation,( we ~all be able to clear up this matter ver~ quickly \(//' VT lrflY yours, 'l a - .7- VIN~T G. RANEY, A'. I . ~~ VGR:dr '- e e I I March 24, 1967 Mr. Vincent G. Raney, A.I.A. 233 Post Street San Prancisco, California RE: New Winchester Drive-In Theatre On-Site Storm Drain Dear Mr. Raney: In accordance with our recent conversation, the following is transmitted as an appraisal of the existing storm drainage facilities in the vicinity of the subject development and to outline the proposals of the City Engineer a8 provided for in condition number seventeen of the Agreement between syuty Enterprises and the City of Campbell: 1. The City has arranged for the construction of an underground storm drain line from the northeasterly corner of the 22+ acre parcel of Byufy Enterprises to the existing trunk storm drain in Union Avenue. This pipeline, which is sized to provide sufficient capacity to drain the aforementioned 22 acres, is beiagg constructed by the adj oininq property owner to the east, Mr. Morris, in a public underground easement provided by him. Mr. Morris i8 being reimbursed for the cost of the construction in excess of his regular stor<m drainage fees because of the public benefit of the facility. 2. The City is prOViding for the drainage relief at the northerly terminus of westchester Drive via a new underground pipeline to the east. 3. As previously discussed, the City cannot accept surface drainage from any point westerly of the limits of Tract 3599 flowing into the gutter of Westchester Drive. All of the graded and/or paved area westerly of this line must be shaped to provide for sheet surface drainage to the northwest. 4. The existing holding pond north of the drive-in theatre development is not acceptable to the City as an ultimate solution nor as an interim solution inasmuch as an ultimate solution is readily available. ~ . . Mr. Vincent G. Raney, A.I.A. -2- March 24, 1967 The ultimate solution referred to above is the construction of the balance of the s'tQftl drainage sys'tem as proposed by George B. Nolte, Inc. and approved by the Banta Clara County Public Works Department.~cifically, this would require the construction of the storm drain line from manhole #6 to manhole #4 as shown on the a!f5orementloned plan. 5. Payment is also due from Syufy Enterpr lees in the amount of Pour Hundred Ten Dollars ($4l0. 00) per acre. This represents the difference between the City's standard fee of Seven Hundred Sixty-Pive Dollars ($765.00) per acre and the rate already paid to the Santa Clara County Sto~ Drainage Assessment District in the amount of Three Hundred l'iftY-Pive Dollars ($355.00) per acre. A portion of this pay.ment could become refundable at the time of the development of the northerly at acre. of the Syufy property if a portion of the line between the aforementioned manholes No. 6 and No.4 qualifies as a public faCility. Should you have any question in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS J By Bill .M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer BMH:cb L C-, CJj- /71 tt-/1 ~jPZ_ ,..-----'.., \'- {;/ i -), ://( f /" ( , -, (l I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Before the Santa Clara county Local Agency Formation Commission NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on , APRIL 4 , 19 67 , at - '2:00 P.M. , or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Chambers of the Board of supervisors, county Administration Building, 70 West Hedding Streetl San Jose, California, the Santa Clara county Local Agency Formation Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a proposed annexation of territory to the CITY OF CAMPBELL A copy of the Notice of Intention to Annex territory, together with a property descrip- tion and map, is on file in the office of the Commission, Room 524, County Administration Building, 70 West Hedding Street, San Jose, California. The annexation proposal has been designated as: MC GLINCEY 1967-1 . The territory proposed to be annexed is generally located as follows: WEST side of (north,south,east,west) UNION AVENUE (street or road) BETWEEN MC GLINCEY LANE AND DUNCANVILLE COURT. 22.134 ACRES. ,. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS may appear and be heard at said time and place. Written communications should be filed prior to the date of hearing. ~~ COMMISSION Executive Offi r please refer to File Number: C - MC GLINCEY 1967-l - 4-4-67 -I ,.( ,7'-''-- 1 ,,~ LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL 01 LEONARDO ROBERT L, BLAKE .JAMES T. KELLY, .JR. .JESS .JOSEPH AGUILAR STANLEY F, LEAL DENNfS fool, BOUROUIN TH.EOOORE .J. BIAGINI ~l~ elaJe~ Keli/f. /I~ r: led P. O. BOX 1205 400 SUNNYVALE OFFICE CENTER CIVIC CENTER SUNNYVALE. CALIFORNIA 736-3474 March 13,1967 Joseph A. Bonacina City Attorney City of Campbell First National Bank Bui Iding San Jose, Cal ifornia Dear Mr. Bonacina: In response to your most recent letter of March 10, 1067, please be advised that the applicant, Syufy Enterprises, Inc., waives any and all rights that might be established pursuant to any theory of non-conforming use following annexation by the City of Campbell of their real property, all as set forth in Paragraph 1 in your letter to me of February 6, 1967. This waiver is, of course, made pursuant to the settlement arrived at and conditioned upon the complete effectuation of that settlement agree- ment as embodied in the prior correspondence and in Resolution #2180 of the City of Campbell. Yours very truly, M-e;"".-L ~ ',(~ ~ d-tJ Michael di Leonardo Attorney for Syufy Enterprises, Inc. MdiL:bcd FL fIJ71~ JJJ-tl ~ ~1 t:.~./~ , J~vb: ~~' " ~J;, y ~ e-C:<--l/i2-- C ~~ CITY OF CM1PBELL PLANNING CmlMISSION APP LIe A!!_Q~__!:gJ!_~~~~_~ PRO V AL 2/1fJ 1967 Date In accordance with Section 9316, Cha~ter 3, Article IX of the Cam?bell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes appli- cation for approval of the attached ~lans. 1. The said improvements will be locateo on lanu described as follows: (Insert or attach legal description) SEE ATTACHED 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed inprovements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement settine forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City officers in con- sidering his application). ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL OF A DOUBLE SCREEN DRIVE-IN THEATRE 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately ~5,OOO Filed in the Office of the Planning Department on: le site plans and ele- 4. Applicants should attach three ning Commission, one by the City Z88 Calif. 415 771-4822 City State 2/17 IB7 , ,. / ) (>/'/ '5 (){/ ~ //", ,,/' , ,/ ,.c- (/ /{/. ___ ,-;( / L.,. Telephone Number Secretary , (~Tl"\~ "I'l,' l' 1 ~,lA )i'{ , .~I -7Jt,Z/ /f .5)) U 1/ c-l ,. 7 /' v/ .- W>' USE PERMIT CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA APPLICANT NAME DA TE : 2 I 1 7 16 7 ::INCI1ESTER DRIVE- IN THEATRE, INC. ADDRESS 288$ 7UaX S7RCL7, SAN rRAKGISCO TELEPHONEi '7:1-4822 PROPERTY ADDRESS (ApplS.1FadtTM:6S-ii:~rattach legal description of property) IMPROVE\1ENTS Exis -..:in~: DOUBLE SCREEN DRIVE-IN THEATRE SAME AS ABOVE Proposed: USE APPLIED FOR: (Applicant MUST cite sec~~on number or Campbell Municipal Code which authorizes Planning Commission to grant the particular use applied for.) UNDE~ SEC7:0X 9328 AND SECTION 9314.3 OF THE C~MPBELL MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW A DRIVE IN 7HEATRE IN AN M-I-S ZOl'\E ----------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATlm\ liNe, the unJersign0d person(s) having an interest in t~e above described property, hereby make application for a Use Permit ..:,~ the nature set forth above, in accordance with the provisions or "C~:'0 Campbell Municipal Code or the City or Campbell, California, ~~) I/we hereby cer~ify that the information given herein is true an~or/r'ect to the '-pest/ o-t:.nny lour knowledge and belief. 1" ',// d ." , , V' T i'ilT'lC\i;.cs1;1r UJlvc,-:-I.n Tq::ea-tre, ..::c. Respectful)w~~:tse:d,and Ger~. :.1anagcr /:::;; By: 7:: the Office of Depa~)~/;~ /3;( --//, , /'.:" ~ . 96 7' / ?'~Q 'T'"..,..l. St-1"p""t (Signa'-tu'ye) '} ~~n Fr~nric~n} rnlif. Filed in Planning on L11S 771-IHi.?7 (Ad.dress) :'=o~~~z s~ ~OL7E) co~SUr~rNG C l"V ~~~ E:: :'~ Ii:~':~El~S, I~':C 8 ~lJ3 E. El C~miGo Rc~l Su~nyv~l2, C~lifo~~ia Feb~u~ry 17, 1967 J-:::J';) 1\'0. 65.:;--C6 Dcsc::il)"tion 1.'):C '~l.lC [\2":\] ~<ri~1C:-.;.CS'~C;: Drivc;-Irl. :i:"'.i.Ga'~rc} S2D~=~ c:~:~~~ CCU~~.t'7~ C&lifoJ~~5_a ro, "--:~.. ":" V..l-L..L.,-"-) All th:l~ ccrt~in real prop~:=ty situ~~c in the County of S2~~a St~te of California, more p&~ticula~lj described as follc~s: Bc~in]li~~ at the most southc~lv co~~er of th&t c8~~ci~ Rcco~d ~, ~ ~ roo ~ - ""7" -. - .,.. - . ,.-. .. - 1. ~B ~ r- - I ,-..... ,- O~ L..lu:.:vc.y :eel:: \J l.flC811t: l(c~l.ley"';; a n1"::~p at \',:rl:.ct~ :~s J:::'..LCC~ 1.1.1. '.OO~( Ll~:. c<c .L~~2.l?S ~~..-:.: ::'J :.~~~ c ~~ 3 :L ~.: '2::-:.0 C Otlr1"2:y Rcc o:i:c1c::c t ~~ O:1::E ic: '-I c<: ::~ '~:':l,~ (} S.:-~n. -:.:~, c ,,::::~ C c: :~:::.'!.; y ; O~: .;~CL:~ ~ .~ f; ~~' ~.~ ~;i uor:J .,-: l'sJ'~~:v.t ,,~f"Jbo~~~ ~~~~+;.g ll':V:~~ s '~~:; ~:7 'i ~; l~~~~ .._'~~:~ ~ G~':';;_l~~ 0120' :~~C:~~:~~~ __ u......~......u J..'\.I,.;;:......'-,"'- \.A. J... 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CL<..o..J......'-".i.....I... .Juu... c.;.l. ...:>ei...... _____u....~ u_ u......._ c , LJ V':"'_ _ \'lJ 282.'00 feet:; 1\ 89056:36il~.J 3.54 fce'::; S 002JjlL:.~; E 352.i~8 feet: to '::h8 point of Degiani~z. COl.L'cai.r.k.ii1g 16.118 ac:ces " OJ: land) more or -; I"::I.\.-' C J..,-"uv. PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CM1PBELL, CALI FORNIA TO: APPLICAI~T.~_.JOR '~~". AF?~.QY'~I...,._--Y_AR~~_CE OR USE PEmnTS The name (5) and RecorJerls Number, of legal owner (5) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo CO?y of ce~d may be submitted for this information. Please fill In necessary information: Name (s)'as shONn on Deed Name (s) as sh'J~m on Deed # ! i ,__ Recorder's Number / For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Filed by li\ " u\J o /. 1'~5- ':' 'v / ''',:Y PREZONE / \/.:'....:/ I ;.,/;, M - r - s / i~~~7:f ~ /' (.1_:'_> S 850561 E !_i"~O.9'i' /---Nl1 If / i /. \ \ \) I .~ i Co:. [:.),.:'J.::zr'j\IC D -,.-, ~'. , ,\ _ _ v, " '- 1\ - .) - ~ ;:::.. · . Ji~ _~CT _="ZO~~[;o~~t:\,"1~,,;i" ^ :':.'1 '> "I f q - -~, ,/ R-3-S I" I I I' , j } I , I I.:.J ~' -,_._---- / " -",,~( ..---~ ~ f,. ,-..". I I .::, \J :-' , i ! -, ~ " '" (; ;-,-! .\ ,3 PRI='ZON"- I I L- l r- R-3-S -:-' ........ ~\- - - --...... ". v v <- "J (f) -, -' . C\/' ""-'" II" ~^I::::' , :I\)\.) VI \, R-:Z-C' I I V V ~'----.-~-------:-.-'-:' --'~i,~~-'-~---"----' .-i-::) ..:J :.. .'~ :c .A /\' ",:"'\ . \ ./'" <(", //7 /;>' ,/.:\\\\-:1 \., ". \ ~y~----- '..;v'/~ \ "/ .// ",:)/ :--:-:--"~ ,-, 10': I i~"\ /,,1,/- _ \ ;~ RES O~~~t,':~IC ""I"r- ..~ \"./ . 2180 BEING J.\ RESOL.C'T~:JI\.', ._~rI~?iII~~G P4l\JU CONFI~11- ING S ETTLE1yI.2i\r: .!~'~~\~.D -=OjYJ?:~OMIS 2 OF DRIVE-IN THEATRE LIT::CG~'_'I'=ON ~,IHEREP.S) Syufy Ente:.:~)r~__,;e IGc.) through their proper officers and legal counsel, ':::~1d ,;. r;..:::jority of the members of the City Council of City of Campbell) at a meeting held on , 7'" r-"M ~ -~'7 '-" tna' Cti Gay OI ~eorua~y) ~~0 a~ ~~e City Council chambers to discuss settlement and compromise of litigation involving the drivc-i~ t~eatre) did come to an .:::greement on all essential IJoir.ts;, ~~:~G '>::~:2l~~\.S) Syu fy Entcr::,ris es) ruc. have this day submitted th8i'J.:' l8tter of approval of the terrns and conditions of compro- mise, 2:.-..0 reference to this letter and to the letter addressed to Sy~iy Enterprises) Inc. of February 6) 1967 by the City Attorney at the direction and order of the City Council) is h8rebY::~2.de for further particul:.lrs) and ,:-.~:=l~EA.S) the City Council did on said 7th day of Februa::.::-y anG nO\J, find and determine that it is for the best interest of ". , .- r, b l' u~~y o~ vamp e ~) and that the public interest) health) safety 2.'.-._ ;Ze'i.1eral o;;velfare would be sUJ:;erved by said compromise) and c:)ensive litigation bro~glLt to .:.Hl end; :\c:) THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci-ty Council of City o ~ C.s.m:.:,'c,:;ll.) that the s e';:tlement and compromis e as .:eflecte.d 1:.y the i~j,te.grated letters of Feb;:uary 6th and February 13th vlhich J ~ a~e maae a part hereof) be) and '~he same is h.ereby ratified) confirQea and approved. BE IT FUI~Tl-lER RESOLV2D ~hat ''::'1e ?lanning staff, and a.ll other responsible office~s p~oces3 as promptly as possible all applica~ions for annexation, pre-zo-.:..ing, te7.t amendments, and use permit applications, ana th:: such 1e3islation as will ir-meGiate1y implement saio settlement and compromise be adopted) and such other legislation be prepa~ed for adoption in the irr~ediate future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV2D that tae City Attorney and the City I s s?eci<::.l. counsel be) and 'chey arE:: he::eby authorized to accept such aocum,:;:.--..ts, and ,to prepare) e~~eCL:te and file such documents and ~~:~IJ~~~:o_C ~~ ~~cy ~n ~~~:I..- v """.J....J ..:...~.__ .....;J aQ L.....,,'- ...1. L.6.#.__..... J-(~Sa.l opinion will implement such settle~2nt and compromise. ?~".SS2D P.ND ADOPTED this l~;th day of February) 1967) by the follO'ir:;..'ClS vote: ~\.Y2S : Councilr.1C2.n: Rose) Smeed, Doetsch NOES: Councilmen: Hyde A3~ENT: Councilmen: Rogers APPROVED: Ralpn Doetsch, br. lv"..ayo r _~_=TZST : Dorothy 'lrevethan, ~:l.ty ~ier~. -2- \ \~ ,\l '~~ ! ~.~~ \ , '\\ \'\~ i' ORDII~A.nCE'l\O. 579 BEING AN INTERIN ZC':INC C,~=,It1-\NCE OF THE CITY OF CAHPBELL ;: ,~{..L'.t''I'::i<3 L\.NDS IN MIS ZONES FOR DR IVE-I::: T.Hri,,"f~~.s US:S, SUBJECT TO A USE PER1lIT 'r;::',~~~~EFOR wclEREAS, Section 9333.6 of Chapter 1, Article IX, of the Campbell Municipal Code, entitled Planning and Zoning, provid8s that the City Council ~lay adopt as an urgency measu=e and Interim Ordinance, pending the study by the Council, Planning Commission and Planning Department of zoning changes and requirements, and vIT1EREAS, existing zon1ng resulations do not now permit use of lands in MIS zones for drive-in theatre purposes, and w~EREAS, a drive-in theatre has been constructed on l~nds continguous to lands in City of Campbell classified as HiS v~.....,..:re a drive-in theatre UG(~ is not now permitted, and WHERFAS, the City COUtt,~il and the drive-in theatre (..i.'1C':l..'S have affected a compromLie snd settlement of existing ~~~igation involving use of such lands in City of Campbell for .... ,jrive.-in theatre purpose, vkd,::;h settlement and compromise is "::~-.,. .r...~~ ......... "'- L.....fC, best interest of City (;;: C<::"-:1pbell, and will by the tc::-.::.s thereof safeguard the health and safety of the people of the City of Campbell and their general welfare, and w~EREAS, applications have been filed with the Plann~ug Dcpar~~~~t to amend the Municipal Code to permit a drive-in theatre in the MlS zone subject to a use permit, and an applica- "'. SECTION TrlREE. Th~~ this o~dinance shall be and is ;~ -r -''''''t,,, u~ ~lJ.i declared to be an urg2ncy mc~sure and shall take effect i~ediately upon its adopti.o,;. . ,. :.........- '- the facts constituting such urgency measure are as follows: The constitutional va11- dity of existing ordinances and zoning regulations prohibiting a drive-in theatre use in the MIS zones has been questioned, and if their constitutionality wcr~ successfully attacked, it vJOuld leave City of Campbell without o3:..1Y adequate means of con- trolli~s such and similar uses; th~t such an attack would be productive of additional and expensive litigation with uncertain results; that this ordinance ;?ro'liding for use permit and archi- tectural review procedures in th(~ affected zone is necessary for the irrauediate preservation of the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the City of Campbell. PASSED Al~D ADOPTED this 13th day of February, 1967, by the fol1c-;'Jiu3 vote: ..L..YES: Councilmen: Hyde, Rose, Smeed, Doetsch NOES: Councilmen: None ABS~L: Councilmen: Rogers APPROVED: Mayor )..'..:'':l:ST: City Clerk. " -~- tiot1. has been filed for sue:".:. UDC ?,:;l.....Jit ~ and HHEREAS, the t~~,::&t:.:e (/v:r..;.:;:;:s will apply to City of Campbell for annexation of their lQnds in the County to said City, and should such a:rmc:;;;:.tio.r~ QG completed, City of Campbell will be without adequate rcsulatiou to control said theatre use, other than by this Interim 20::",;-'8 Ordinance, and \.;/flEREAS) the City Council) the City Planning Commission and the Planning Departm~nt based upon advice of the City Attorney and s?ccial counsel, find that there is serious doubt of the conscitutional validity of present zoning as it affects drive- in t:1.eatre uses; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE. TILat a drive-in theatre may be permitted within an area in the City of Campbell zoned MlS, subject to the securing of a use permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 9328 through 9328.5 of the Campbell Municipal Code and the securing of architectural approval in accordance with the provisions of Sections 9316 and 9316.1 of the Campbell MUnicipal Code. SECTION TWO: That this Ordinance shall be and is herccy declared to be of a temporary nature to serve only for a peric~ of ninety (90) days from its effective date or until such time as the City Council has adopted an ordinance amending the Campbell Municipal Code to permit a orivc-in theatre in the MlS zone, which- ever period of time is shorter. -2- LAW OFFICES OF ,V1!.'::HACL 01 LE:ONAROO ;.~Od=HT 1.... GLAKE: ..J I'~~ ~.1 .--:;:-. T. K e: L L Y, ..J R. _JE_;';~ .JOSePH AGUILAR 3'7/J...NI_l:V F. I..EAL ;:)~,~NIS M. aOURQUIN TH C:ODORE: ..J. BIAGINI d~l~ &/ahf7, KdiLf, -IIc;uiku e led P. O. BOX 1205 400 SUN'NVVALE OFFICE CENTER CIVIC CENTER SUNNYVALE. CA:"IFORNIA 736~34'/4 February 13, 1967 L' I I ,..... C '1 i 10nOre>) e \..lty ounc I City of Campbell C/o Joseph A. Bonacina Attorney at Law, and Richard W. Morton A nomey at Law 777 North First Street San Jose, Co I Horn ia Re: City of Campbell vs Syufy En~.erprises, Inc. Santa Clara County Superior Court No. 183110 Gentlemen: I am writing you to set fO;"t:, my understanding (and that of my clients) of the general sei"tlertlent arrived at be;ween i-he City of Campbell and my clients of the above-entitled iitigation, ar,ci all o;.;'.er differences between the parties. This let;-er is in respor,se to ;-ne letter of Joseph A. Bonacina, City Attorney, City of Campbell, of Feb.-uary 6, 1967, addressed to me concerning the abov,::;-entitled matter, and in view of the agreements reached at the meeting of Februcry 7, 1967. first of all, in fairness to both the Ci'iy of Campbell and my clients, cefendc....;;.s in i-he above-entitled ?8...,ci;-.g p:ocecding, it is expressly understood a:od ag;'",,;;;:d that no statements or representc;.'ons ("ode in connection with the sej'j-!em;;;:n';- and resolution of all differences between the pa;-ties shall be used by eid-.er -;x:;.;;-y in the event that the settlemer.t arrived at is not completely effectu- a ;\2:d . R€;;:8.-;"i.-~g now to the numbered paragraphs of Mr. Bonacina1s letter of February 0, 1967, we acknowledge acquiescence and agreement to be bound by the conc;j-;ons as set forth therein in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 50, 5b, 5c, 5e, 5f, ~gl 5i ar,co 5i. With r;;;sc.rJ ;'0 tne condition set forth in Parag:--:p:. 5d, i.e., on auto- matic s:',v.;.off of earspE;okers and outside loudspeakers, it :::; ::,y understanding that a II conce.-r.ed understana that there are not outside I o v GS::)":;':' ;~":'jS, nor are any conj'em;:)!c.';ec, nor will eny be built in connection with i"r,e Winchester Drive-In Theatre. ,,', addition, it ;s my understanding that it wili 6e satisfactory if defen- danj-s p."ov:':':e rora separate circuit for the ;'iterior car speaKers for the parking spaces on rr.e perimeter oi the drive-in theatres so that there can be a separate control for so id speaker;;;. di ~ Blake; Ke!JfJ/, llqaikv~ r:.led Hono,'abie City Council Cry of Campbell, etc. Page Two Februa ry 1"3, 1967 With regard to the condition of Paragraph 5h, it is my understanding ;:',C;;- ,.:lpresentatives of the City or Campbell and of derendants have already dis- cusse,:; :n some detail, and depth, adequate landscaping screening. This mayor ~.::;y r,o;' include trees on offset for a depth or rour rows. With regard to the provisions of Paragraph 5k, defendants and cross- cO:li?;air.ants agree to abide by any and all reasonable conditions that may be rr:l?os~d as a result of hearings held in connection with use permit requirements. Most impoltantly, it is our understanding that the agreement has been leeched in the I ight of the existence of a double-screened drive-in theatre, CO:1st,'uction or which is almost completed at this time. ! reaiize that the mechanics, procedures and legal requirements of effecj-uat:ng a binding compromise settlement or the disputes existing between private p~:ll'i-ies and 'j-he City or Campbell poses problems. My cl ients repose tr0.>t and confidence in the announced decisions discussed, and in the good ici:-h and integr:ty of the members of the City Council of the City of Campbell, Gnd its attorneys. I can assure you that we will do all within our power to co- operate and meet in full all of the obligations assumed by virtue of this resolu- tion or the differences and dispute between the parties. Respectfully submitted, I .~ .' (/1 . r J ,', ~':::- ..-6: / I I,' " , ? _ ..,-\ i ! ' ,. ':.1/-1 ;/t_~,~-t __ ",.' _ . /-_x-./.,t........ .:-~..- J " r' '- .7\( Michael di Leonardo Attorney for Syufy Enterprises, Inc. ;\/\~iL:eG ,,r;', \oi U/.._7_ ~i./:...,,/ J ,/-'\ v (;", 'un '---../ J ;., Of.;ica of the " J i ~~: :'''''''; C] 1'/ ,i../ ~.J'-".l/;'; ~ '-..J_r- 'I':-r' U LC~ .~~ .' ."~ ..~. ~" ......... ) '.,.1 ,/ i' r",- vi , ,'-" ... r . ; Un '1'(O"S110 VVv~ J ~ Ii ~v" -,..}.j _. .. '._ __ 'b_ ,) Mr. di Leonardo February 6. 1967 page two and further subject to an agreement to execute any and all documents and/or instruments that might be required or be reasonably necessary to accomplish this result. 2. The City will entertain and initiate such pre-zoning procedures if we can come to an agreement. 3. City will accept and process applications for text amencments which would allow a theatre use in the ~us zone. 4. City will accept and process application for use pcr~U1it for a drive-in theatre on property to be annexed, and on any access points now in tho City that are to be used. 5. In granting the usa parcit. the City Planning Commi- ssion and the City Council may consider the imposition of conditions suggested by staff. of which ~. Jack Haigh of S)~fy Enterprises, Inc. was heretofore notified. The conditions which may be considered are as follows: a. Develop satisfactory plan for street access includ- ing the pcssibilicy of using Cristich Lane as main access road ;u1.d bearing fair costs for improve- ment thereof. IE wcter district land is to be used for access. therG will be full street acquisition and improvement b(ltween theatre property and McGlin- cey Lane. b. Storm drain area fee at standard rate. c. Arrange with Dist:":ict 4 for extension of seV?er trunk through bt::L~l.lCe of cwnership. d. Automatic shut-oLf on ear-speakers and outside louo speakers. e. Adequate gates for ingress - including manning. f. Manager to notify Police Department as much in ad- vance as possible for shows expected to draw large audiences. Mr. di Leonardo February 6. 1967 page three g. Be required to hire officer for traffic control when de~~cd necessary by Department. h. Provide adequate screening on entire perimeter - may include trees on offset for depth of four rows. i. Install necessary water lines and hydrants for fire protection as approved by the Fire Chief. j. Payment of all litigation costs and feas of the present litigstion. k. To abide by such other conditions as may develop during the cou~se of hearings in connection with use requirements. l;(;2:otiations for settlement in line with the foregoing will bo entertained only upon your client's immediate terminat~on of all construction of a second screen. The matter of a second screen is left to further determination. It is further understood that all matters such as annexa- tion, zoning, text amendmznts. and use permits are subject to public hearing and that neither the City Council nor the Plan- ~ing Cc~=ission have autl10rity to contractually obligate the City ~o gr~nt or deny annexatio~, zoning or use permits. He believe that this letter clearly sets forth the position 0:2 the City, and the basis upon which it will entertain further settlement discussions. Yours very truly, J!J3 :be - ccs: l.~. Jaclt liaigh !:Ir. f~icha%'d t~. 11orton l<:r. Richard V. Hogan / Hr. I~obert C. Stephens !1r. Ralph Doetsch Hrs. Dorothy Trevethan JOSEPH A. BONAClNA, City Attorney ,. , EXHIBIT A Beginning at the point of intersection of the southeasterly line of Route 5 (State Highway), as said line was established by Parcell in the Deed from Ellen Scorsur, a widow, to the State of California, recorded in Book 3537 at page 478, Official Records of Santa Clara County, with the southerly line of that certain 10 acre tract of land described as Parcel 2 in the Deed from Nick Scorsur to Ellen Scorsur, recorded in Book 650 at page 351, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence from said point of beginning along said southerly line S. 890 491 10" E. 1182.13 feet to the southeast corner of said 10 acre tract of land; thence N. 00 231 14" W. 362.48 feet; thence S. 890 56' 36" E. 3.54 feet; thence along the easterly line of that certain parcel of land described in the Deed recorded in Book 650 at page 351, Official Records of Santa Clara County, N. 60 21' 02" E. 725.29 feet; thence N~" 7" 211 02" E. 221.63 feet; thence N. 890 50' 16" W. 224.45 feet to.a point in theoforementioned southeasterly line of Route 5 (State Highway); thence S. 460 211 02" W. 582.38 feet; thence along an arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceeding course, having a radius of 3000 feet, through a central angle of 210 141 59" a distance of 1112.62 feet to the point of beginning. ~ ;.': " .~ '.~ .. , . , i .6-. ..... EXHIBIT B Beginning at the point of intersection of the southeasterly line of Route 5 (State Highway), as said line was established by Parcel in the Deed from Ellen Scorsur, a widow, to the State of California, recorded in Book 3537 at page 478, Official Records of Santa Clara County, with the southerly line of that cer,tain lO acre tract of land described in the Deed from Nick Scorsur to Ellen Scorsur, recorded in Book 650 at page 351, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence from said point of beginning along said southerly line S. 890 49' 10" E. 1182.13 feet to the south- east corner of said 10 acre traGt of land; thence N. 00 231 24" W. 362.48 feet; thence S. 890 561 3611 E. 3.54 feet; thence N. 60 21' 02" E. 725.29' to the true pqint of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning N. 70 211 02" E. 22l.63.feet; thence N. 890 501 16" W. 224.45 feet to the southeast line of Route 5 (State Highway); thence along last mentioned southeast line S. 460 211 02" W. 582.381; thence along an arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceeding course, having a radius of 3000 feet, through a centeral angle of 60 35' 04" an arc 'distance of 344.75 feet to the point of intersection with a zoning line; thence along said zoning line S.' 890 56 I 36" E. 791.90 feet to the eas.terly line of that certain parcel of land described in Book 650 of Maps at page 351, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along last mentioned easterly line N. 60 21' 02" E. 444~ feet more or less to the true point of beginning. J ,;\C l v 6. - I -- ,. - T (-lr p.-~ let:> /' / ~y' "C / I ~< --; (< l- L/ ' ,,' C ( L j~'if,1 f( -"" !,~/~ 6' )L: L, \ ' / CALIFORNIA p~;f7) CITY OF CAMPBELL, 20 January 1967 To: City CouDcil Plannin~ Commission Department Heads Prom: R. V. Hogan, Planning Director ---; () \ The attached is a copy of a letter sent,PY' Syufy Enterprises regarding the proposed conditions in the event the use permit for the Drive-In Theatre is approved. ./'::.-, / / "----/ :Y (" ,{". K/ 6. C. ,1'-1-/ R. V. Hogan ,-,/c~ RVH:bt "HUB OF TilE FABULOUS SANTA CLARA VALLEY!" 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA. 95008 . TELEPHONE (408) 378.8141 19 January 1967 Mr. Jack Haight and Syufy Enterprises 288 Turk Street San Francisco, California Gentlemen: Following is a list of conditions that will be recommended by the staff to the City Planning Commission and City Council to be attached to any use permit and architectural approval for a drive- in theatre on your property off McGlincey Lane. This list is not conclusive and is subject to addition after the specific plans are presented for consideration. It should also be noted that the conditions will apply only if the necessary changes are made to the zoning ordinance, that the property is annexed and that the use permit is granted. No assumption can be made that these actions will be taken. They depend upon public hearings and decisions by the Planning Commission and Council. A copy of this letter and the list is being sent to each of the members of the City Council and the Planning Commission as well as to our City Attorney. We will review your applications when submitted and continue to advise you as to the requirements of the city ordinances and recommendations of the staff. CONDITIONS 1. No second screen. 2. Develop satisfactory plan for street access including the possibility of using Cristich Lane as main access road and bearing fair costs for improvement thereof. If water district land is to be used for access, there will be full street acquisition and improvement between theatre property and McGlincey Lane. i 3. Storm drain area fee at standard rate. , 4. Arrange with District 4 for extension of sewer trunk through balance of ownership. S. Automatic shut-off on ear-speakers and outside loud- speakers. 6. Adequate gates for ingress - inCluding manning. To: Syufy Enterprises - page two - 18 January 1967 7. Manager to notify Police Department as much in advance as possible for shows expected to draw large audiences. 8. Be required to hire officer for traffic control when deemed necessary by department. 9. Provide adequate screening on entire perimeter - may include trees on offset for depth of four rows. 10. Payment of all fees. / 11. Annexation of all property. Very truly yours, CI,~ , OF/C~M, PB~,,~L PLANNING DEPARTMENT [\/. ( , y/c ;/P<L- R. V. Hogan, Planning Director ~L--;"""'" J.jJ~~~1 (~7 ) C 0 U N T Y 0 F 5 ANT A C L A R A PLANNING COMMISSION & BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT SUM MAR Y 0 F ACT ION S REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17. '966 ROLL CALL: 10:37 a.m. Quorum of 7 members MI NUTES: 4/20/66, 5/4/66 Approved 5/18/66, 6/1/66 Approved 6/15/66, 7/6/66 Approved 7/20/66, 8/3/66 Held 8/12/66 Held REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN NONE REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR NONE 2 3 SUBDIVISION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE REPORT a b 11 S 66. 3 1 2 S 66. 1 Teak Associ ates Richard H. Guelich, III, et al 4 SUBDIVISION COMMUNICATIONS a Request of Howard Carver for modi- fication of building envelope for lot 13, Tract 3975, cluster housing development on Page Mill Road oppo- site Altamont Avenue. b Discussion relating to further modification of building envelopes and cluster housing development, Howard Carver, Tract 3975. Lot 17, Page Mill Road. opposite Altamont Avenue re: modification of building envelope and possible effect on approved septic tank facilities. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 5 24 Z 66. I Syntex Laboratories, Continued to a date uncertain Inc. Preliminary Map--No action required Referred to Subdivision Committee for further study Modification granted Modifieation approved with the criteria stated in applicant's letter, provided it meets approval of Co. Health Dept. 14 A 66. 39 ARCHITECTURAL & SITE APPROVAL COMMITTEE ADOPTION OF REPORT OF FINDINGS 6 C. Elwood Maynard (Pay-Less Bldg. Supply) RECESS Granted ASA with 15 conditions I I : 45 a. m. Summary of Actions--August 17, 1966 RECONVENE - ROLL CALL PUBLIC HEARINGS 7 6 P 66.4 John B. Maridon (Oitz-Crane) 8 6 Z 66.4 Mary E. Bogdanovich 9 7 Z 66.2 Valley Title Co. 10 12 Z 66.2 Edward Gordon Seymour 11 14 Z 66.9 PC/Joseph T. Hart 12 18 Z 66.4 Blaser-Flanagan- Loscalzo 13 COMMUNICATIONS a Request of John Maridon that con- tinued hearing on U.P. applIcation No.6 P 66.5, for a service station, Stelling & McClellan Roads, be set for 9/7/66. b Jean M. Blum, representing Win- chester Theatres, Inc., that public hearing on appeal of City of Campbell from decision of the ASA Committee be set for 9/21/66. c Request of Chris Loughlin for re- newal of ASA No.6 A 64.20, issued for a service station, Foothill Blvd., northerly of Stevens Creek Blvd. d Request of James Shaull for renewal of U. p. No.6 P 65.7, issued for family recreation center, Stevens Creek Blvd. at Mann Drive. 14 BOARD REFERRALS 15 ANNOUNCEMENTS a Announcement of City of Sunnyvale of public study session to consider further zoning along Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road; 8:00 p.m., August 25, 1966, at Ortega School. 1:38 p.m. Quorum of 6 members Appeal granted, w/l condition Favorable report to Board Favorable report to Board FavOrable report to Board Continued to 9/7/66; referred to staff for study of appropriate zoning Unfavorable report to Board Request granted; Secretary directed to renotice the hearing Request granted; Secretary directed to notice the hearing. Request granted Secretary directed to set time and date for public hearing on the request NONE -2- Summary of Actions--August 17, 1966 16 OTHER BUSINESS a 14 P 60.1 Frank Lewis b Request of Evergreen School District for approval, as to loca- tion, of an intermediate school site, Quimby Road. c Discussion relating to preparation of standards for service stations. ADJOURNMENT JSH:nas Granted renewal for two years and modified to render permit non-transferable Held to 9/7/66; referred to staff for further study Staff to prepare suggested standards in cooperation with the cities. 5:30 p.m. -3- "-"-' (, '- ['~ : \ ';; Jf -ItlJrc A.~ ~~L~~- ~. Time: 11th day of August 1966 - Place: Mr. Hogan's Office at the Planning Department, City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California. Conference between the following: J. A. Bonacina (via intercom), R. V. IIogan, W. G. Wren, W. L. Morser, and Bill Helms, Evelyn Adamson. Mr. Bonacina's Secretary: Mr. Bonacina's Office. Mr. Hogan: Is Mr. Bonacina in? Secty: Yes, he is. H: This is Mr. Hogan, may I speak to him? S: Just a minute. Mr. Morser: 'Course he got chicken, he took the afternoon off when I went out there to serve them. He said, I'm behind you but all the way - he was, clear over on the east side. Mr. Wren: What did he say? II: Joe, this is Dick. B: Yes. H: I have the Building Official, the Public Works Director and an a~dience here to discuss this problem so we can all listen to your words of legal wisdom. What" do they want to know? Ii: Well, one of the things was - you wanted me to call you this morning. Yeh. First th~&g. And in your discussions yesterday, 1n talking abou~ ~r.e issuance of this permit, B: The reason that I wanted you to call me this morning 1S that In reviewing, and further researching, the authority that you sent, : =~nd that the Brookline - somebody vs Brookline is the case that is very, very c:o~~ to our situation. 11: Good. B: In that case, they attacked the constructio.n of yards and service areas back of apartments that were in Boston. The zoning of the Boston apartment was correct for the apartment but the zoning in Brookline was residential and they held that they couldn't use the rear yard and the service areas - for trucks and so forth, service people, because of the value of the zoning ordinance. H: G re at. 13: So, Dick Morton was quite delighted - of course, I was, too; so, it looks like we are in pretty fair shape, legally, if the Court doesn't decide we want California Law - but the only California Law we have is the City of San Francisco vs Safeway Stores which is pretty much In line but I think now that legally our position is stronger than I had originally thought. H: Wonderful. B: Now, as far as this situation today, have these other people applied for anything. 11: They came in originally and applied for an excavation permit for the driveway, for the access road, to the Public Works Department; and this was on the 8th. I believe. 13: Yeh. H: Or the 9th. 13: And they were turned down. H: They were turned down. 13: All right. H: #1, on the grounds that they had not submitted any plan - 13: All right. 1I: - for the development of the driveway and the other on the grounds ~at even if they had submitted a plan, that this was for a purpose that illegal as far as the City of Campbell is concerned. vI as 1'; . ) . They were acting prospectively as far as the purpose IS concerned. 11: That's right. B: But they did have another ground that was independent of the purpose. Il: That's correct. B: So that we were on solid ground when they turned down the permit and they didn't have to rely on the fact that the roadway might be used illegally. Now, we can't, at this point, concern ourselves with the \ illegal use of the roadway - we know it could be used illegally. H: Yeh. B: Yet. Therefore, they may lawfully construct driveways and so forth, IF, if they comply with our requirement - but beyond that they can't go. H: Well, in complying with our requirements, Joe, as far as the Ordinances are concerned, can somebody just construct a driveway across a lot without contemplating that there is any architectural review or anything of this kind involved? I mean, we require an architectural review, for example, for any development and this includes a development that a "guy" wants to go out and park on his property - wants to establish nothing but a parking lot. B: What they've got to show is in their plan - has got to show what the use IS. H: Yeh. B: And, I don't know that they did that. H: No, they didn't. B: They didn't show the use, they just wanted a permit to have a driveway. II: Right. B: Now, let me give you the language that Dick and I have come up with in connection with such an excavating permit as it is issued: H: Okay. ,i. Betty, bring that short slip, there, that I gave you - the one that ~a~~cd you to make on plain paper. H: ;..lark 110. 13: Hello. H: Yeh. 13: Everybody got their earphone? H: Yeh - we've not only got ~ur earphones, we've got 'our tape recorder. 13: You're going to tape me, huh? You're really going to get me on the record. II: Well, we want to - I hate passing out second~hand information because it gets terribly confused. 13: Yeh. All right. Well, I can understand that, too. Now, this is the language that I have suggested to be attached to any excavation permit that shall be issued. The issuance of the attached excavation permit shall not be construed as a Waiver of City of Campbell's rights to enforce the provisions of its Zoning Ordinance by injunctive process or otherwise to prevent the use of certain access ways to the drive-in theatre si~e for theatre operation. .. that any work done or to be done is without prejudice to the City's rights that the permit is limited to work which you may lawfully do and the issuance thereof will not consti~ute a defense against any action hereinafter instituted by City of Campbell to enjoin the use of access routes to and from the proposed drive-in theatre. H: Okay. 13: Now. We can't resist too much the granting of the permit for t~e driveways if they have - show some plans and so forth. Dick Morton and I have determined that the construction of driveways is not of itself unlawful providing they meet any other conditions that you h~.~. A:1c1 we don't want to - we want to avoid the possibility of any manc._ ,.S _ction; although, if they did institute a mandamus proceeding, our position on that would be that they have acted without benefit of permit, without the issuance of a Building Permit by the County which may now have been issued. tI: We'll check that this morning. B: At any rate, anything that they have done, they have done unlawfully and, in order to testify a Writ of Mandate to the City, they must come in with clean hands and show that they have an absolute right to the permit. So., #1: if they haven't provided any plans and haven't met the requirements, they are not entitled to a permit. #2: the fact that if we know that prospectively it will be used for the theatre, I don't think in the face of a mandamus suit that the Court would say - Well, they haven't used it yet. H: Umhm. B: So, those are the things we are up against. Now. I'm having this typed and if someone wants to pick it up, it'll be fine; and I'll have it ready this morning. II: All right, Bud and I are gOIng to go into the County offices this morning and we will drop by your office before we come back out here ~d give you the information we've gotten at the County and pick up that particular report. B: All right, fine. Now, I'm sending letters to these people: putting them on notice that any work they do or any work that has been done will not c~nstitute an offset against any action that we have. And these letters are sent to Bpccardo, Syufy's, Scorsur, and his sister, Mrs. Talia, and to Wilburdon Construction Company because that's where the work is being done. Haven't done anything on Cristich, have they? H: No. B: They haven't done anything on Sant~Clara Valley Water Conservation? H: No. B: All right. But they could, huh? H: Right. Letters should be sent to them, too. B: One to Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation and one to Cristich, huh? II: Well, on those property owners that you had previously, Joe. Now, Jimmy Griffith, particularly, should be sent one because he apparently is trying to involve himself in this ~hing from a contractor's point of view as well as the possibility of his involvement from a property owner's point of view. B: Well, now, one should go to Cristich, huh? Morser: Jimmy Griffith. II: Cristich and Griffith Griffith IS the one who owns the property immediately adjacent there. B: All right. lIe was on that same list. II: Yes, he was on that same lis t. B: The name is Griffith and Cristich. H: Uhhm. B: And, those people where there's either work done - or there is imminence of work to be done. H: Yes. B: Okay. All right. Then, I'll just get those ou~ a~d we'll go from there. II: Now, one thing - on our - In the provision of our zoning ordinance - as far as architectural review - we require architectural review for any kind of development or proposed development and I'm wondering if this wouldn't include this driveway as much as it would anything else because In our architectural review, we require the purpose and so on of the - B: 1voll, the architectural review isn':'t,limitedjustto;buildings" is it? II: .\0, it is not. D: It's - it encompasses development of any kind, doesn't it? Well, then, you have it. H: Any development on the land. D: Any development on the land is subject to your review. II: That's right and we would require - even if we did permit a driveway - we would require landscaping and all that sort of thing. B: Well, it's okay. I'd make - you've got enough there to bring them In line and for every violation it~just makes it that much more difficult for them. H: Okay. We will - B: And, certainly, Dick, it will destroy if they go in here after notice, it'll destroy any claims that - "we've spent all this money...". H: Umhm. B: They know that they're in this great. Even if we did nothing, they'd still know it. H: Yeh. B: But we're putting them all on notice. H: Well, now, I'm wondering if in the Public Works Director's issuance of this excavation permit, if he can issue an excavation permit in the face of the people not having any architectural approval. B: Well, I would instruct the Public Works Director to advise these people on the application that they've got to get clearance from our architectural review committee on the development of the land. II: Okay. Fine. B: Because of that fact, he IS not in a position to issue the permit. H: Right. Okay. B: Let them apply they've got to comply with our requirements not just simply act upon an approval that's been given by the County. Just the County took the position that any question of access should be _~c between the contractor and the City of Campbell and that th C e OUntv was not interested - it would lssue its permit, see? H: Right. B: So, the City has then a right to remake all the requirements or require them to comply on all work that's being done within our City. H: Right. B: I can't H: Okay. B: I mean, see that we can take any other position. if you're on solid ground that the architectural review features relate to all the development, then that's the course to pursue. Then, they can "holler" what they want to. H: All right. B: So. NO\oJ. Is it clear? H: Yes, I think so. B: And you've got it in a tape. II: Right. B: Because (laughter) I want to be sure myself that what I said is right. (more laughter). H: We've got it taped so that you can review what you've said. B: Well, I suggest that you make a transcription of the tape. H: All right. B: At the earliest opportunity and let me have a copy of it for the purposes of having a record here in the event somebody calls me and wants to know "What, in hell, did you tell them?" - and I'll tell them exactly what we read in the tape. H: Right. B: Word for word. And Irm sure of my ground. 11: O~ay. We will see you later on this morning - Bud and I will be hy v pick up that written document. You think ~hat there will be anything there that should be . discussed with Mr. Morton because, if that's the case, I'd like to tell him that you are coming in. H: Possibly, Joe, we're going to look at this plan and we can't tell until we look at it but the one thing that we're extremely concerned about In this plan is the drainage. And this may very well become a part of our action and pleadings because this drainage is 10 cubic - B: -drain on our lanJ? H: What? B: Will they drain on our land? H: There IS a very good possibility that they would. B: Well, we'd better determine that because, you see, these damn pleadings become more and more complicated as we go along. H: Right. B: And, that's why it's almost an impossibility to say, "I'll get them out tomorrowM, because each time we turn around a new facet develops. II: Right. B: We want everything in the pleading that we possibly need to sustain our position. II: Right. B: If drainage IS a problem, then I would have to have that spelled out at what way it would be a problem. And that would be another cause of action. L.(. 1. . Okay. B: I envision now a cause of action for injunctive relief for - on the theory of street use imposing an additional burden upon us; cause of action of street use in violation of existing plans for the development of the area and a cause of action based upon the increased Police duty ._~, finally, a cause of action for declaratory relief to have the Court determine that in this area, the City of Campbell 1S the prime juris~iction - and the requirements of City of Campnell will have to be met as well as those of the County of Santa Clara; and, if the action is illegal as far as City of Campbell is concerned, we don't care what the County does. Just as in the Massachusetts case of Brookline Brookline says "no, you can't use these backyards in our residential area for backyard purposes for an apartment house - we don't care whether you can build an apartment house in Boston, but leave our land alone." That's it. ll: Good - this is great. B: Well, I mean, that's what it says. II: Yeh. B: I'm not using the language of the Court - but that's what it says. ll: Umhm. B: So, there we are. 1,1. l. Well, now let me see if anybody else has a question before we close off here. Bill, do you or Bud - no, they don't have any questions. Apparently 0vcrything is clear. B: All rignt. Now, this is not on the same subject matter - but since you ~ave Bill Wren there, ask Bill to give to me as soon as he can the data on the Neff property - the diagram, etc. - and #2, see if you can dig up that old contract between the City of Campbell and the Wistar H" Lands. Wren: Okay, Joe. B: Okay, you got it? H: Bye, Joe. * * *