McGlincy Ln. (1961) SAN JOSE WATER WORKS 374 WEST SANTA CLARA STREET P. e. Bex 229 SAN ,JOSE 3. CALIFORNIA September 28, 1960 Mr. Mortenson City Engineer Campbell, California Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find our facility map for the installation of facilities in Griffiths Indus- trial Tract off McGlincey Lane. I am sending this to you as requested. Respectfully, ) .c/ ";>0<"", . < ((I J-;:' ;:('-'" --f. , . "OJ"'" ~{_ ."t,' , ~ NORMAN E. ANDREWS General Agent NEA:cf Enclosure FRANK J. POLAK President (r0{t;ccC~1/~'- J,ufi",-t. (c, 'Ii THELMA M. WRIGHT Secretary HERMANN J. GERDTS Vice-President JONES, GRISWOLD & HENLEY Attorneys J. ROBERT ROLL Chief Engineer and Menager SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT . " . 15420 ALMADEN ROAD . SAN ,JOSE, CALIFORNIA . TELEPHONE ANDREWS 9-3650 FILE NO. October 13th, 1960 Carl J. Mortensen, City Engineer City of Campbell Campbell, California Dear Mr. Mortensen: Your letter of September 20th, 1960 to the Board of Directors of Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District concerning future Street Requirements in the vicinity of our McGI incey Lane Percolation Ponds was considered by the Boatd at its meeting on October 11 th, 1960. The Board has instructed me to inform you that it indicated its will ingness to grant a right of way for the proposed road but inasmuch as the improvements wi I I not benefit the adjoining District property, It felt that the District should not be required to pay anything toward these improvements. Rol I, Chief Engineer & Manager DIRECTORS HERMANN J. GERDTS, DIV. I . J. J. MARIANI, JR., J. J. LENIHAN, DIV.2 DIV.3 . F. A. WILCOX, S. W. PFEIFLE, DIV." DIV.5 . E. A. MIRASSOU, FRANK J. POLAK, DIV.6 DIV.7 7/. 0:b><~.(;t?%YLV ~ i::i...?:./ ~~ a. (/ september 20, 1960 Board of Directors Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District 15420 A~aden Road San Jose, California Gentlemen: SUBJECT: Future Street Requirements Due to development occurring in a portion of the area northerly of McGlincey Lane, it will be necessary at some time in the not too distant future for the City of Campbell to construct a city street giving access to this area from McGlincey Lane. It is very likely that this street will be a standard industrial t~pe requiring a right-of-way width of 66 feet. Probably it will be located in the same po~ion as the present private access Which traverses lands of the Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District for a distance of a little over 400 feet. I am enclosing a sketch of this area Which shows the location of the present 40 foot width public access. I have shown in red the probable future right-of-way lines. In order to plan the orderly development of this area, I should like to know the attitude of the Board as to the relinquishment to the city of the required right-of-way for this future access. It is assumed that agreement will be reached between the Board and the City as to compensation for the necessary right-of-way. Discussion of this matter seems some- What premature at this time. would the Board kindly indicate the prOP$Pility of the City's acquiring the subject right-of-way? CJM: cb .tsnclosure 1 cc: Planning Consultant Very 7ru ~urs, if, t YJ, Car 1 1/. Mortensen City ngineer \ \.1 ~J tilt'. / //If - rC/;/JCCY A4/?c JAMES GRIFFITHS, INC. J;ckjlria-/ /Jrc4 CEMENT CONTRACTOR 329 McGLlNCEY LANE . CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA · ESsex 7.B610 August 19, 1960 Honorable Council C1ty Clerks Off1ce Campbell, Calit. Gentlemen: I would 11ke to propose, Bnd am ot the op1n10n the other owners ot property would agree, to dedicate the private easements ot Cr1st1ch Lane and Gritf1ths Lane to the C1ty ot Campbell. This would olear the way tor installation ot water mains and we would then improve these streets according to our previous agreement with the City ot Campbell. We realize that this would not be a standard size street however, because one easement 1s only twenty-five feet wide and the other a torty toot w1dth. I do not see any other way to get these improvements completed and we have a very bad situation as it stands. I or my representative will be at this meet1ng to disouss this turther with you. Very truly yours, J AMES GRIFFITHS , '--/ I; '" " August 4, 1960 1t!~G~4o/ ~/Je k~6fn~/ /rect JIr. J_. Griffiths 329 McGl1ncey r..ne ~ll, California oev Mr.. Ckiffii:h.: SU8JBC'1': SUbd1vision of Prooerty On ~ 10, 1958 there was filed with 'the County Recorder of Santa Clara COUnty a record of eurvey for .....O:i.~icb. lfhis record of survey sho'W8d di.vision of an area DO&"t.\iwastArly of McGlincey lane and lancla of the Banta Clara wat.er Conaervat.ion Distr iet. into thr.. parcels. Parcel A of this aurvey bec_ your property. On March 1, 1960 'there was recorded a deed conveY1n9 a portion of this .areel A t.o a certain Bre..IIIIl1. On June 6, 1960 'there was recorded a deed CODveYiD9 another port.ion of this .arcel A t.o part.ie. Dall8d riahback and 'J.'aDDer. Propert.y corner st.akes which have been set. along the lines of Parcel A indicat.e 'that. fur'ther division of 'this Parcel A have been _de. I would like to call your at.t.ent.ion t.o section 9101.4 of the Campbell Municipal COde 'Which clefines a subdivision. 'Ibis reada as followa: "SUbdivision" shall _an any land or portion thereof shown on the last preceding tax roll as a unit or as cont.igous unit.., which is divided for 'the purpose of aale, whether 1Daediate or fut.ure, into four (4) or more lot.a: or in which street opening or dedication is required. II This definit.ion would prohibit. divi.ion of your Parcel A into more than ~.. parcels, with t.1\e int.ent.ion of re..le, without fil1n9 with the Cit.y of Campbell through it.s .lanning cc--t ..ion a unt.at.ive IIap sh0win9 your proposed subdivision of this propert.y and obt.aining the approval of the C~is.ion for this aubdivision. 1Ir. J_. Griffith. -2- Au9U.~ 3, 1960 Aa 1IUCJ9..~.d in our ~.lephone aonver..~iOll of thi. afa.rDOOn, I would .U0D9ly aelvi.. you 'to review your a~ivi~i.. and a..... your_lf ~~ you are ~ OIl th. way 'to . viola~iOll of the su:b4ivi.ion Qrdinance of the Ci~y of Callpbell. K1ncUy contact. t:hi. office if we can rencler lUly ...i.~..ce in c::larify1ng thi. .i~ua~ion. I would appr.ciat.8 h.ar:1ng fre. you if &Dd Wen you are ..~i.fied ~~ your 881.. and propoaed aal.. of por~iOll. of thi. Parcel A are in order. ~~1~1i.' carl J Mor~enMn Cl~y iDeer CJJh cb cc: Mayor Cl~y Atwrn.y Planning Consultant j,:.tl O't ~ '2"" OJ "..T. , (!, .:.>- ",~.) ~"..., ~I ....~plJil;J...J.., \,I,""........................ SUBSEc'r: Ei.u-1!y.~!.!n!J?l:J:.Ya tl~(;m ~n ~,f:;..ti.~J;.As;!L.:~.::';'j(!:~sl Griffitlls Lane Industrial Area* ~,,"_'<<"'-":"_'''''''''''''':~_1l-_''''._'''~__"___'_'''''''''''''-'-_'''''''''___''''__~'_~'''''''''''\U:'''.......'l'~"'..."".c..'lI> A meeting \l.rith the property O"'oiIDers in the above mt'ntiOTIli:d tI"'i.e San .Jose Water Company, the City Att.o:!:ney, City Eng:Lm~er.: o:::Ei4:ials "Jas requested by the F:tre Chief with the hop:e tb.oIi'l~:; ':1 r::c,l!.ltlon might. be reached 011 the ius't<:'J',lla,'f:'lon of fir~ hyd:i':EJ.ntt' area and adequate water supply. .B, 1:' E? 2{,! (;'1 ~.T' 'J ...-J~ ~" i' P'resent at the meeting: Ml:. Peter Cristich . Mr. Richard Bressani' Mr. Andrews, San Jose Water Works J. A. Bonacina, City Attorney C. J. Mo.~'tensen, City Engineer Bill Wren, Engineer W. L. Morser, Building Inspector Nestor Barrett, Planning Consultant Jack Chappell R.ichard Mayne Mayor We1.tzel George MiAxwell, Fire Chief The 'ire Chief reported that there is no easements or right~of-w~y to lay water lines on the property and the~e are some five Qu~ine$B~S on the property. The 'ire Chief stated that he is very concerned ov~~ the lack of fire hyd~a1its on the property &3 in case of a fire th~re 1~ no water. in tht,: area with t-lhich to fight .1]. fire. The Cristich pr.'aI~C':"ty is thf~ c"l'nly one with wa'i::er installation en the property" ~1t". C',;r.:Lst:Lch stated that h(f. had a.greed to help l.nlSttAll ~water H.nes to the acljfj,(~l:-~nt prop(~rties and had p~li.lIi ~;463$OO to ~b:.. G1:':tfflt:hs on Jun~ 6th f,,;~ l!d.flj 8hs,:re . The City At.tonl~Y reported th2t the City could not pay hydr.~~'t. rentals for h:tdrantfl on private property ~~nd ~h.e best solution to the probll,';~m tl10uld be for d~/r~ Qf","'!u~r$ to dedicate 3treets in the 4t"ea ,and the ~!lH7..m~-, could be q.oJ':H::m,der a Local Imp:/Covel1lflnt District. Mr. R. Breasani st~ted that he had ~lrcr~'$ed the property from ~1t". C;I'lffiths and he knew ~"h,1fr\t he }load pu:;:'chased and krl€W' th.er(i': \:18iS no WlU:e:t Ihl!eS on the prop1erty bu.t fqr hill busintl;ss hit' did ~ot need Hater :l\:~;;;gt:11,11atio!H~ 88 h~: nc,il)' c'bt:ai~~d hi~ W8.t(~~~ from .a. tank t!:uck" '!he Plam.'ling Con~ulta;wt reported t.h,~t r/'!:shback &: !"litn:le:r: ~ f,\)..liOjl obta,iI1ed the!:!: wate:t' from a tt:l.uk tru.ck '-:ffy"th a boo~ter ptll'Llp t~.' (;;Pt:1':;::,te !i;!i'.l:~itary f3ciliti~;ti.. He fu.rther re'PGrt~:d tb(r~t thel'Ile people h4:'td ~l'.]otJ"ri?:r. ~':ll,a,'fl :i.n for ;.:;: approv,al at the n(-~xt P1.a:\'hn~\,&1g COt!'"lZlli.5sion ro;:;(:?t!ng... 7.!....~! I::"i"~"'" t"h.J:.,~r. re''''rIoY''''P''': .~';,.,e.t. ;t.i,"'Il' ,....".y:;:.. ..:.;:, ,,""',"" ~,1,~",..1(...., 1...,r.,-,. ;~i\i'C'r J.l~'l;, ~::.. <Il......... ;,,,!:-.L,,J,,...-:;;J..~ "'t-"':lt..t'u.-,""'h..\'& ~;t,itlL~,'_ """,~" ,,,,,!\...'il;."~'.;_,,, ~~I\ii..~!o..,;;;;.",.t~,a..&~,", lJ.~u r.~~"'''' \,j... ~ l.. .r..'_"'. .' 1.,. '0" ~ I . j: "'".. 'f 1':.. '" ... "'.... :f: 1 ~w.y r >!'\ .>. C. i "J" h ',,: "'.'J '.~'~ ";' j t. ~ H) I" (, !'.{) <n'. 1 .~ t, <r' .," _.~_.11 ~,!. !.' ..1J.,.,..!;l;.i (/'J.n .'). "'I........,;... ~,"".." ..... ,. c". v, "... t. J'",~" ,Ii;, "'''''''U . !!\i.... ,. ~J., 10. t;... d. "LII ,,,' pw1t'il1imH:e a:nd 12{~ galJl.crru.:i: pf,;~: minut;;: (H', .'in (> :LiH::h li.!1'?~ -whLc:h ::Uz; Et5./1 In;:1i.dr.:::quate fcvr fi.re f:I.ghting in this .~.nc~~a. Hr. A\1drewg stated that the ver.y n:~ini.ll'juiJ1 l.r,staJ.l,;{(ticHI 1Lndustl~i.al arez"l.s lf~ a 12 Line to 8.11 18 ira:b. li1i1'i? thi1t "lit:!:! I c:;.t }500 to 2500 gallons per miuti.te. HiE~ flrrthe1:' 8ts.i.:ed t:h.,;)!.t '.U.'.L! t118.tth1...s "VitS 110t an ord:t'nary industri~.l ,,~,':e'.ci Wi~:'Lb 'hI(;l~ tC~L~'ni~L~\,L<\l f"' normally is contai1.1Cd i.n such 8n ..n~li?.a (:!ri.ldt pr,:rh.Zipl:.l, g tnc:h would be sufficient. M:c. M.r.-tyne stated that: he intended to m,f;ik~ l:# motIon ,,\it: t:hti? r,t;!)i;t CIty Councll Meeting tluu.:: no further Sapprovl.!.lB be gralnt~~d, nOT btd.lding pel."'TDits i:{I~,\ued unti.l adequa.te 'i;l',;(itel: l:ln!.Hl .a.ad i::i;,re hyc.h:\tAr1t:w .~re installed in this particular i<I.I.rel'i. Mr. Cristlch ~~tated 'that trucks ar~ sp.e'eding up ol1,'nd ,:kr;;;i'!.~' {;:R'1i).tJ.i::;b l"an~: e.n~t he wondered if 80we HJ)eed ll.mlt f~lg.tHJ (~ould be ixuH...ollled. '.thf' Counci.l informe.d Mr" Crl.sU.ch th,2,t the CIty ,:~.o~d,d n:,H: ~uf()1.'(c;e t~~pt?f!dJ.rlg on iP1:ivate property. Ma)tor ~ffeitzel expresJSffd diufJppoJnt,!lf:::nt tj'l€ f:,$~:'t. t ("1;d.y 1';';(\ of th:e proper?~y (l~~nE't'a "l1en!'.i.ntrirrested enough t{l att1f!T':td ~Jl;if j:SHH'.'t.L He esked thl1t. the ClWn:;;",ra try e:.:nd get tog,ether' 13:0'.1 t:H.:.'l'! 'whn;: t:hi::-'Y I,;';.;:?;,' W'o~t"k,out and when they 'li;f:l.tl;h. ,another. mef:'fd.ng th tht::; City nq:rl.'e~;,'::-r :~.;f.~!: to iI.:nfO:\:1'.u th<e City Ch:rk so t.h.at th~ me~?t;ing c~m hI!;; f.1.'!:j1:iTi.': .. rk.l~'I~ 1- ~'1" T if' t;" 1 po r'l'PU' f'i ""<JI {' 1 t: r lti: ... \0,. ''I> ,.., _,.', ,;'tIr ..~, .;" j." I,.., '" :,-Iot .J:. ,\J 'ilo>", '" ,'-~- ..::; '1..,J - ,. '<< JAMES GRIFFITHS, INC. CEMENT CONTRACTOR 329 McGlINCEY LANE . CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA . ESsex 7.8610 June 8, 1960 Engineers Office City Hall City of Campbell Campbell, California Attention: Mr. Mortenson Dear Sir: We owners of property on Crlstich Lane, Campbell, California have talked with Mr. Andrews of San Jose Water Company on three different occasions and have also met with "Fire Chief Maxwell" of Campbell; to bring water service and fire hydrants into the area that is rapidly building up as industrial properties. However estimates of cost proposed by the water company have been so costly to the individuals involved. I am enclosing the last estimate, the tract map, and the P.U.C. regulations covering these main line extensions. The parties involved are agreeable , It" to thes~costs, but we are being treated as^regular subdivision which puts the total cost of the installation on us and cash in advance. As you will notice in Sec. C-A Of the P.U.C. regulations we could recover part of the cost as the meters are hooked up at the different owners property. However the water company is asking that we advance all costs and use Sec. C-B which is a hardship on us. I would like to ask if you could do anything to help us work this matter out with San Jose Water Company. Very, truly yours, .' i' / i l..' " /, ; o" , // ../- s70 /~/../' . ____ "~ .. 'c.. _.,/ ..- JAMES GRIFFITH / encl. 3 f ..-:; '. .......-:;.. 1f:R:1"1 }~'. ,{ ~F-jl l';'r03 Iff j(:'( r ~ o I ~ ' (\ I 111.'C~T------- ,. ;{~' / ///1 / / r~}~ / j) / / ,o\~// / x/ / i~ / 4, tr; // /~ \\' '/ /~ X \ /~ // / g}'<.~/ / . ' , ,f/ all 7 . 3/ .",. ;;-..-.. .... / :' - If ;' \.) 'C ~ (' " ~ C ~ ~; 1J . "- 'y '- '0 0-1 / l/... / ; I I I ! / :;c l . I 'I \ c; "\ '- " / I "'-1',', ! / 1 j, r. ft (. ~/ Q if' //? _~_~qc ~f . "1' ~. ,,.:!o.... ...... ~.;- '\ \ 1. ya.,_.. \. ,;.. ~' "- '(, "- " '~/ /, A'.!~ f\ i' ; , '. '\ "/ ,(" '-.-/ 1~\ ;' I'" f t', I I I~ , (. 1.t.1 i> ,~t.. 1 I. ';.11 - ft, i.,J ! l .', Ii). r \ I ~. IJI..! /'~ ! l.' '-" '7 i\ I ,~ 'f' I /<"'J' .;V1<' /1 ' '" ; . / /.1 " . A. .{J .,." -, ,,/: \ '-c....{\ ;1 1.' \~ .. " " '\ II' ;41 . ~, ./ ',J: ~,r,;' \;,.., t ,,/.7 ;:f I \. fio\ ~- .... ,~~: '0 I '- :It /J '. i 'l..... r",\ ,~--. 3'2 .03~ ...at JOSEPH J. a "fAN R. RYAN 4760 - OR - 684 S $2.3;'4S"E 275.37 1" =loo. riJ , Land to be grante-d to Cdy , I I A I LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THe. -." r "., (' i-~'V r'\.X: (' ^ "A DBE. i=". I I. C{) R vI I . v, "",..,u.. __..... ; .. . STREET PURPOSES --..... Prepared b)' the OfficE; ;Jf the City Engineer ComoDeH, Cohfornia I f , -~.~.,,____.....~J ~~"'. ~.4""""-~':;'~,1iill1. r~'lIlr1d~-" -. .~.~ 111lll1AIT1Il ...... ...J: 'I I I' I , I 275.37' S '82 3' 48 DAVID R. a JEAN SC HRADER 4696-0R-I08 .------, l_____J Land to be qroJnt~'d'o ""ily LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE ~' I I I L______ ",.J ."'1"-'" I ("r- ...... ".'. ".IIPBr'i; "'-OR . ! '<I . ,\'- I l\!\ i rl' r- 'VI i . V. """r-,. .... ............~ i ~ STREET PURPOSES S 890 50' E 242.42 1" .1100' ~ I ! i A PrepOI ed bv the Off ice of the City Engineer Cornrbell, California ,.1 ...... .. I ~ 4211-(Jt-629 <s.~1' DAVID R. a JEAN SCHRADER Z 'AND JAMES E. & SHIRLEY A. BYR" ae.53' N '760/2'0 ' 3... ! L. - ..... N o o r-s-.~ I ~.. I. "', . t r' - 1...:..._-2.J L.OI1(.j '0 JeIar,letJ ,0 <..lly LAND TO BE GRA,NTED TO THE ---'"'".-._,,- '" _-.--..",_.--_.........._.__. CITY ()F C.AMPBFIJ _ FOF< ("\TREET PURP"C'("\ES ....) , . I, .):J '- I" = 100' ; I ~ i! , . i I I -4 _...--...J Pt"ep::;r~d bv tr.€~ Office of t~,e eil\! Enl]!..e'? Cor'-ipbeil, Callforniu . ...... '1 ~ .JI' . I" j 100' . i ~ I I L_ - ] Land to be yronted to City I I I A LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE ~,,,,___,,,_,",,,_'_""_V<<'>""-'.'___ CiTY OF C,L\~/'PBELt FOR . '- STREET PURPOSES P~epared by f~le Office of tne City c.f1,;inee~ Compb~il, Californi(! I ~---<- .. PETER a BELVA M. CRISTICH 4693-0R-123 ~. , .:; rvj I' (, ; t ,.1: " q .; (, ~. l t.- ( t. " \.) i f I I I r ,....'- . to, (',.~[','" ,,""'-/" i',/; ::...j"-:_:i~::-' t; r""(--"~ ~..) , ....1' '-.......'"\1"/11 UI-i.-..__ j VI.. V" ..... CL t.. )~ , c ..... S 890 50' E 242.42 j ; r.... !it.., l....~.__,. I ; A III =, 100' , ~ ~~ /\ ~.. ~'~' ",...""",,)