McGlincy Ln. (1960) 2 I": 100' .. ~- I Land to be granted to City LAND TO BE GRANTED CIT Y OF CAMPBELL STREET TO THE FOR PURPOSES Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer March,I960 Campbell, California .. .. CORDITIOtfS' AT'l'ACHBD TO U 1ft APnOVAL ~ PLAitS 01" ftICAIA-MENGO Pal ltaJSTl.IAL IUILDIIC TO BI LOCATED 011 Me GLIRCIY LAJ1I AS APftOVlD BY CAMPBELL PURRING CCMllSSI011 AT ITS UClJUa MUTDfG or MARCH 1S. 1960: 1. Approval to be I11Dited to thi. particular building. 2. No buildina permtt to be 1..ued UDttl aontDI 1. c~l.t.d. 3. OwrNtr to enter into written agreement with the City Council provicl1Da: a) Deticat1oa. at thi. time. for .treet purpoee., a .trip of ~nd 13 fMt wide a1001 ent:lr. frontes- of 200 f.et on McClincey "ne. b) Con.truetion of .tandard curb. ptter and pavement betwMn &Utter and 'OUDd eJd.atina pavement 1D area of dedication at tiJle other propertle. in v1c1alty ara 80 improved and City Council calle for ..id improv~t.. e) AarHIIMIDt and &ted of dN1catioo to b. recorded. CAMPBELL PlAIIHlMG CCHtISSIOl1 ,- _."c:< ,/- l ,--"'IL-- (, -' /".' .< J By. ...............,-;. ~ t" '.- .,,-. I ,.;- \,..,/ ',,- t:}:, c....[, i-' 'i'..1:- "-'--~T':~-~"- ,', . { ~--"-' ,~ lvely,,/ Adamson. Deputy City Clerk CAMPBELL CITY COOtfCIL -------- By: Dorothy Trevethan t C1 ty Clerk March 21. 1960 - ., ~ - ~-~~~--,.~, .., . I The real property referred to is described as: A 11 those certain parcels of land situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follow s: PARCEL NO.1: Beginning at a point in the Southeasterly line of McGlincey Lane, 40.00 feet wide, as said line was established by the Deed from Paul T. Gallagher, et aI, to COlWty of Santa Clara, dated August 25, 1947 and recorde.9..October 14, 1948 in Book It}S~ of Official Records, page 75, Santa Clara CpuntyRecords, at the inter- section the'r--eof with the Northerly line of that cer,ta'tn 4.84 acre tract of land described as Parcel Thr~-j,~ the Deed from MaJ( Her~iw:-ei ux, to Paul T. Gallagher, et u'"{, dated May 16 1946 an~L:recorded June 5,).946 in Book 1363 of Official Records, page 15, Santa Cla~a County Recorcis; the;J..ce'irom said point of beginning rWilling N. 890 04' 13" E. along the saidN.0t"therly line of said 4.84 acre tract, 112.29 feet to an iron pipe at the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence S. 00 17' 34.'fE. along the Fasterly line of said 4.84 acre tract, 431.90 feet to an iron pipe on the North- westerly line of Kirk Ditch; thence S. 760 42' 16" W. along said last named line 200.00 feet; thence in a direct line Northwesterly to a point in the Southeasterly line of said McGllricey Lane, which said point bears S. 570 10' 53"W. . along said 1.i.m 185.24f~'from the point of beginning; thence N. 57010' 53"E. along said South- eastew line of McGlincey Lane 185.24 feet to the pOint of beginning, and being a portion of the Southwest 1/ 4 of Section 35, Township 7 South Range 1 West, M. D.B. & M. PARCE L NO.2: Beginning at a point in the Southeasterly line of McG lincey Lane, 40.00 feet wide, as said line was established by the Deed from Paul T. Gallagher, et all to County of Santa C lara, dated August 25, 1947 and recorded October 14, 1948 in Book 1684 of Official Records, page 75, Santa Clara County Records, distant thereon S. 570 10' 53" W. 185.24 feet from the intersection thereof with the Northerly line of that certain 4.84 acre tract of land described as Parcel Three in the Deed from Max Herwig, et ux, to Paul T. Gallagher, et U"{, dated May 16, 1946 and recorded June 5, 1946 in Book 1363 of Official Records, page 15, Santa C lara County Records; thence from said point of beginning S. 570 10' 53" V;. along said line of McG lincey Lane 200.00 feet to a Westerly corner of that certain 3.926 acre, more or less, parcel of land conveyed by Herman G. Brumund, et ux, to William H. Meyer, et aI, by Deed dated November 2, 1959 and recorded December 14, 1959 in Book 4636 of Official Records, page 49, Santa Clara County Records; thence leaving said line of McGlincey Lane and running along the general Westerly line of said 3.926 acre parcel of land S. 320 49' 07"F. 12tH feet, S. 370 09' W. 174077 feet and S. 520 51' E. 117.62 feet to the Southerly line thereof in the Northerly line of Kirk Ditch; thence N. 760 42' 16" 'P. along said line of Kirk Ditch 194.78 feet to a point thereon that bears S. 760 42' l6"W. 200.00 feet from the Southeasterly cornf'r of said 3.926 acre parcel of land; thence Northwesterly in a direct line to the point of beginning and being a portion of the Southwest 1/ 4 of Section 35, Township 7 South Range 1 West, M.D.B. & M. . . '.~~~~ - I "" , 'J. <<: ~, Ni::. l"cri <'IJ~ " "I .' .~. ~ ~ ~ cooochs 80 rods 11 I;:) I\J zoO "X/"'" ~ \ ~ \l Vi I 4;1 ... 1\. 'V ./ \ .'\" /0 Ac - '" <t~ o 'J ..;\) '<II:;) '" I.) ~ 8:1"#fI!s G ---. J'~.9. 2 . 565.39' 20,00 ..,~ 2. SO . 1.0 () "- v't ~ / I 4c :!: /8. .37(0 ~ 4' We'cd g / if LJ '? ", I , u.5 ~.\ 'P.. ../ ",' 'j , 1(; --', . ','" ,\;~ l f: ;J \.., fCl.L~.J .J ,911. " " -- ,._----~---- I ______---1 " PT S. h/ f4 SEC. 3S T 7SR/W THiS IS NOT A SU"VEY 01' THE LAND. BUT 13 COMPILED I'ROM D"TA SHOWN BY THE Ol'I'ICIAL RECORDS '"