241 McGlincy Ln. (1961) it uJ - ~ 0 0 (I) I C~ OJ ~ l{') ti) r0 ,.,.., C\J " >- w u ':'; z - :'- -.J I <.9 : c u I Z ~ I 1 I ~ ~ '\ I -.; 3u!39~'!1~E____ _ __L__l~r-:; ___ _ / -t PO B/'Z. 10(1(" C/\SE y S,<;C4,'E r I 410' r-~ i I 5' - t Ii, I Wi Z' <(I -.J 17.5 175 10' 10.00' S 89043' W -- _..~ -------~-- , F' PETER BULAICH 1980919 5133 91 . 1 "'-'--, i I ROAD , / 1/ J 1 i ,.-L (N) T" I Scale i 1 = 60 1 1 i.li '1 II LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Land to be granted to City "" Prepared by the Office of the City t:rJglneer, Campbel!, California " I' - C.OITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE ATTACHEO TO PLANS OF PETEa 8Ul.AICH f'Ol OfF 1 CI AND MfG. ILDG. TO 8E LOCATIO AT 24,1 Me IU MeEY LANE AS APPaOVD IY THE CMPtILL PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 16. 1961: 1. Dedication of 10-'eet throughout Mcl1lncey Lane frontage. 2. C.sh deposits In the fol1owlng -.ounts for the following IlIproven.nts: .. Curb.nd Gutter $200.00 b. Pay...nt 125.00 c. Sidewalk 180.00 d. $to.... Drain Const. ~7.00 TOTAL $ 2.00 3. Building to be ..wed 10 feet to front property Hna. 4. Front of building to be of 1 hour construction. 5. Owner to obt.ln cle.rance from Sanitation DIstrict 14. CAMPBELL PLANNING C~ISSION cln COUNCIL ACTION. MEETING OF MAY 22. 1961 Approved by City Council, May 22, 1961. ~ . .. l PARCEL NO.1: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of Casey Road with the Easterly line of McGlincey Lane as said McGlincey Lane existed prior to widening by Deed from Paul T.Gallagher. et aI, to the County of Santa Clara. dated August 25, 1947 and recorded OctOber 14, 1948 in Book 1684 of Official Records, page 75, said Easterly line of McGlincey Lane being the Westerly line of that certain 22.229 acre tract of land described in the Deed from J. M. Kingdom, et ux, to Fannie P. Norin, dated October 17, 1932 and recorded October 20,1932 in BoSk 632 of Official Records, page 14, Santa Clara County Records; thence S. 89 47' E. along the center line of Casey Road, 58.11 feet to the center line of the so called Kirk Ditch; thence N.270 37' E along said center line of Kirk Ditch, 234.91 feet to the Southeasterly corner of that certain 3.335 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Fannie P. Norin, to L. Du'Berg, dated September 21, 1945 and recorded October 3, 1945 in Book 1288 of Official Records page 374; thenoe along the Southerly line of said 3.335 acre tract of land the following courses and distances, N. 620 23' W. 60.07 feet and S. 890 43' W. 134.87 feet to the Southwesterly corner thereof on the said Easterly line of McGlincey Lane, said Easterly line being the Westerly line of said 22.229 acre tract of land; thence S. 00 17' E. along the said Easterly line of McGlincey Lane, 235.22 feet to the point of beginning and being a portion of Section 35, T. 7 S. R. lW., M.D.B.& M. PARCEL NO.2: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of that cert2in 3.335 acre tract described in the Deed from Fannie P.lorin to L. Duburg, dated September 21, 1945 and recorded October !, 1945 in Book 1288 of Official Records, at page 374, of Santa Clara County Records, distant thereon N. 890 29' E. 115.23 feet from the point of intersection thereof with the Easterly line of McGlincey Lane, as said E;:Jsterly Itne was established by the Deed from Lawrence M. DuBurg, et aI, to County of Santa Clara, dated August 25,1947 and recorded October 14, 1948 in Book 1684 of Official Records, at page 75, records of said County; running thence along the Easterly prolongation of said Southerly line of the 3.335 acre parcel N. 890 29' E. 69 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of Gaid prolonged line with the center line of the Kirk Ditch, said center line of the Kirk Ditch being also the Southe steI'ly line of 6&id 3.3350acre tract; running tl1ence along said center line of the Kirk Ditch S. 27 23' w. 35 feet, more or less, to the Southersterly corner of said 3.335 acre parcel; running thenge along another Southerly line of said last named parcel of land N. 62 37' W. 60.14 feet to the point of beginning, and being a portion of Section 35, T.7 S. R. lW., M.D.B. & M. ~ # --Be. J;i..J..l d<;;1fL Y '-~. ';:'...2 r.:\. '--tJ i-- ~. ..~.I~' J 2c' ~ -t"j; ~ i I /O~'_ 0 ~ ~. O. .3q ~ I ~ ... t Q I ~ ~ I : ,;$' f ~rrIJ.!11d I 1"1, leu::. T ---" -lllh<" Ie, c o,""Jr I I I I .Q i I 1, " ~- J- ,'1 ~ rJ \ Qi \ , I . \ .. I I e \ \...!- I . /~ ! \ ~ ~ I ~ : , .~ \ C) l.- ~ I "i \ Q i-. I ~\ : 'tt '\\ ~i~- I I : ~, 'I I' I 1 ~ '- \. &' I , : I ~ '." I I lI'l," 10' \ f.l.: :k I I I t' I I ~II: ~, t I C'"~1t.IJ i ,--- -~oADF .. I : ....., I ' . . ,,/ z. ..' _" .: ~ ~ '" ~: "l\ \ '" \ 1 ' i -J., , I , . ~, " \) ~ ~ llt \t) ~ V -........ ~ -........, ~ ~~-........ ,'}, 1)\10 ~, ......... 175 ~~( ...... v li1 ", P L..OT PLAN /J' - ~O' ~ ~,,~ '\ ( j I 'G c AM 8fV A-f,l V I L LA G E - UN IT.s / "7"'"4_ 13lJOK. J1-13 P/tti;E 13 \ ..