354 McGlincy Ln. (69-54) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA /::1~~" j\. 7~/' ~ / /~ ~/~:. ,Ie' "";r .d/ // ) ) ;/ NAME 0 (//:// .(1 ADDRESS ,;~~/) /} /[ [. / //'_- ~_,.------J /~ ) ,!~ ! ' ('; /~/ c:-; _ ,re />'_ ':"7 C"'V . ./Z?/ ~~ FOR - I .' / ,) ~/..j ~" //1 !, ~.,-) .i !/7-1f'2A~\. 44 It ,o-\, -..",./. j '.(", - l.--- - '- ~ " )1 '-_ J.ti.. ~-': (" ~;-~ -; ;. 'l/;..... C'.' .~/(... ') , RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO, e:J {. ( FUND NUMBER (! ) I,A?~ [Kl CHECK! o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. SEP -5-69 SEP -5-69 009 ****210.00 66 009C ***210.00 162 CITY CLERK ~, BY CITIZEN COpy / "lkcink You CITY OF CAMPBELL DI~ \/ W \ '),' 1;1 CC'-1_'.:.~~:,.';t './ c ~-:) ~:'.; .~:. ",," Ce.," -; ('I J '....' C~'::'.:.-l '.... "'. .~,':."'1 .~, ....,~ ',' ..,.....-;-, ~ ~:: . '..... "'1; ;...';"--'.. ..- , ", '\ " ". , ":"",-'. ,,1 'J -; I .~:.. . 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D1.strlct No. 4 of t.:".l~~:Lty or <.;;ampbcll __"'_" for pay:,.le:at o:i: 'the co;:;t ar:d exp2.nse of tl~e v;ol:'1: of: i:;,,'::':':;:0\'8!:lent.8 described in Resol1::.t5.on of In'tei"1i:,io~l N;'J~-.-1-..?07 __C1doy'ced on December 9 . 3.9 63 t b? tLe Ci~:y (;olJllcLl of -the Clt,y of: -C- "Yr' ,~-;:; ,,-~.:.,'- .L. ::> f C:::> 1 ': -:;::-:::-=;:-:; ..., ;, r "....' ; r' ~,... 'H::- 'I""T' - 'h -~ ("' \'7 "1)1='7>') a)'~'.20,..:..L _I ,~'..ct.....1;;;: O. .- _ .......c.'. ~_ ...,-, ,~".',l_t ..;.Cl. ~.L p"_ Ol~"- - -:1 .~~,.:J no., ,..'c__ . divided into tne 8c~;arai::e pz,]::-c:e],,8 of 12.1:'.0. h8:CE:,tn,::1.ft,0l': desc::.-ibs,::l, a;:1~-: ~\!;:-2H.E7~.SI p~r;:;uanJc to law en'. applicat5.cr... Ins b2(-::,1 Q1J.ly i::U.ec. \'lith t.11e 8"':::':::;81:: Sllper j,..!li~.8r.~C.1(~i'1:C, J':'3ql}.eE)':.:i,::1(] -::2~.2_.:' -L:~le ~~.~~~10CF.lt: rE"..I1\c in5.i.;,g tii\9aid. on said or ig in~'.l 1,SS2:;3S~2D.:: be c~l=:-pOJ':'Si. o!1ec1 !,)~, saj.c1 s-t:reet Sl.l_peJ:"int:8l1ci.en:t to s~~i.c1 sel~~J.?~'ct~:e l)3.x'ceJ_s of lu.!>.c1 desc1:ibed h2:~ein. NO~'J [J T}.:s~.3~O~R ~ I, i;:~:8 D.r:.a.~::;:. _:_gliC;(l~ 2'::'~'€ 8"L: S12p:;:2: :~~:11;?-.)rvle~(! .~: do hereby c~}-'po~t.j,oa to each sei~c1l''::,~8 p:'~Lc21 02 lE.i:.d h2::.'e.Ln(}f~'.c:: d.escr~L1::'.3d of s2.ic1. c~igil1a.}.. p~!..-'Clri3r';:~7 t:J.)J~ prol?c,:~~.:.:.j.O!).3):'S IJ?:.L't: of tb.e aIi1o.~1r.~.t reB-~iri~..ng un;;;].,:td O!1 s2ij, o17isJ.tlal 2S3(;;i3S~~lt=::..:f.: 1:l:.Z:t 7/11~)'llcl hav8 beei1 le"J'i2d. on sai(~ S2;:p~:l~C().t.8 r'.:.:ccels of 10.:::.~1, :;::e8l?'2c~:iv21.~', h9.cl F~aj.d ori.gj.n21.1_ pj~oper.t.y been so di\lj.(~.ec1 2.t th(~ t.l.::,7t8 i.:l1'2 o:-.::j..';:LI~].:'~.].. ass':;;ssn:.;:-Jrl"t. tf't~i.S me.Q8. Del. ted: Jl,.1ly 23 19 69 ~ ) 1,fl2d_;L,1-iLiJf~1_1___- -wilJ.::..c,.:-r; G~ \';l.',,)n1 \,\ I Superinte!:ck~i....t. of Str2S'.::.S l'_ppo!:'tioned a3 follO\'ls: NO. / ~ ~ AJtl0IJ,~J;l"l --~- 48A 48B $ 2,515.63 $ 4,364.37 I, the Svp9:;:-l!'~t2':1cl~n':: 8f S-i,;.~:-e8rs c::: -r:.~1'2 Ci i:yo::: C;:;(]:::IJJs:ll do h,err.?by cS2:c:.:ify t.h::-.t the fm:200L'1']' c=)I:='a~'i:ior::-.,::;C''.+.: of 23;3-S;:;S':"'.~-:'::'1t:J tOSjether ,;.;ith cl::_&Ci:i:'c~,::,i 'the2:sto at.tad:ed, ..../a.S 2:",-';!::o:c'c1c:d i.n illY o::f.:.co on t'he2.3rc cl::.,v 02 ~ IJul~/ 1969 -- """ ------- --- ... ;~ ~_:r ::..:'~ '" ':. ; ,,:~ ..',... _'J ~ 1 ::.' .:._' ._ ~_,i '....-:., J __ '':'''.~ ~~~ :"~\.\..:.i';""-~'<_ _._.~"-.J:,.j,J,. ~', CITY OF CAlIFB.E.LL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. - -.-r_ l PUBLIC IMPROVE~1ENT NO. LO:\L I~::F~:Dv;:;l'!Er7T' DISTRIC'~ No.4 BONDED ASSESSNENT NO. ' 4 i-B 1971-72 PRINCIPAL , 286. 91r . 286 I 94 1 ! I I 236, 9 t~ I I . I 286 04 !, ." t 286: 94'-'-- INTEREST YEAR 1969-70 . 110. 83 2 0~" 9+ , . 99. 35' . 871 35 1 1'1 ' 11 t (:,6' 35 ~ " . 55, 59 4!.~1 33 3;" c7 T 2.'"5' -:'? -"- I 111 66 , I -- . , . I . , aM.... . ~..... t . I 1970-71 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 29(1 {," u', ;;~ I 1979-ev 2:3 (., 'it _t -.-, 3101 I" .. ~:J -~ ----"'"_II. . 3101 35 . 1 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 ---,-~ II~'-- 1980-81 J :::~:: -I=~~ i - . ~~ -C--.=- --._ _:~_I__. . I : ___~ . "~._~---1- - . TOT'AL --L ~.-' :':\1'(" ~)? ":(:,'0' 0'7 ' V",'-,.l L_. ",v.I. ,,_ _~.... . .._~......~",.._,.....-,~_L_v"~_"~---"_lL___ ...... , t~__ BY " 1_~ (]) -.:. 7;7 ~ DATE --},....'--,~---"~ .. .<~ :..;:-~..:,......\ .... ~i,.;' ".';) '.~' --.-' :;-~ ,:;;~.:;.; ';:"'''---':: ,~;;-:.-'! ~'-.j CITY OF CANE'BELL - - ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. PUBLIC IMPROVENENT NO. L0(;.11 Ii-IPriOVE::'IEYf DIS',::RICT Ho. 4- BONDED ASSESS}ffiNT NO.' 43-A YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST I , 1969-70 165 1 36 631 86 .d.~ f - 1 , 1970-71 165 , 36 I 57, 25' ! - ::- , . A ~- , , , 1971-72 165 , 36 I 50, 64 I , -1 ...0.- 1972-73 165 36 ! . 441 44 ~~t4~ -~ __I 1973-74 I I , 165 36 33, 24 , 1974-75 165' 36 32' o!} , . . 1975-76 165' 36 25' 84 "III" _._ . , 1976-77 165 ' 36 19' 64 . . 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 179' 14 1"1.1 n...' _____, 1791_~_~~,,~ _ ~I!.__ _~_J_,~._____'__r': ___ __,_~~~. ~ .~-1_~_______~: -- I'__M_"'__~- ~ .1' ~. .. ---- ~- -:' I --,----,-~ & , _ _ L_ ,__-!.-___ I : : i 131 43 '-,-- __,....-..f!,;..___~""l" _...... ---.-..v-- ...----~ - --- TOT'AL L-l '~1 t;'~, 1 1l~ G-ZC;?' 10 I ~_twJ~ 0 w~~~ i ~~""~_ _",~~~____~"~____L__,,,"_ t',') ~ 73H BY _.....__.........,.............=.:.-___fl;.'.,~ D~;\'"J:l~ _____~~.,._:'lIJIk_..___i;sr::>'>':'-...:.~."'"',;a,....~~""'..-~':t..~.._, \~ ^,", ~ " J ~. i I .. J'b ,/' "A'. t--:,' 0 5 )' t.......... f'- _, .. I' r, If '(/ .' (.. ) C:I'-'::>r PLANNING DEPAI~Tl,jE~':T CITY or: Ci\:.:P])EJ.L 7S NOH.Ill CE:~TRAL AVEi-WE CA~IPlH~LLJ CALIFOI~:HA 'IU,"ust 1 :: . '; 1 ", I,,' I...~ ,,' DATE: CONlJITIOXS ATTACllED TO "S" API'l~OVAL OF PLANS OF , "a r tin ", ~ ~~ !:" 1: i n _____~___~____~__,____, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ~ ~. I ,,;, ,;"\" 1 1'-" ",-or .cot. ~... .....c" \or ',,_ .,~ ",. 'f)l_~8(~ Le\ ~p' TO BE LOCATED AT: cc; 1 i ney' J ,Pill:;' - ," 1 ~ > ,':~ -------------------.. i CONDITIO(~S : :'t t:l. r: "i, Section 9316.1 of the Campbell ~lullicip2.l Code reads as 10110:'.'5: Any appro\Ttll granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the datc upon ,.:hich such approval. was granted) unlcss an extcnsion for such approval is obtained by f:\aking '..!Ti ttcn applicatic: for S21:l8 to the Planning 'Conl!:lission at least .fifteen (IS) days prior to the expi l'2.tion d2..te of such c:.pproval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a nc\{ ".pproval has been obtained in thc manner proviccd for in this Chaptcr. " GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA(.IPBELL PLA;(NING Cm.r~lISSIO~~ AT A r~EGULAR ~.IEE'fI::C 1 t\ a , I! ~ t . ' . J "(, "r '. HELD ON THE DAY OF '. CITY OF CA:.!PBELL PLANNING C00r:.[lSSION By: , ~ {;../' / ~ 0:~::~ /L::.:(_/ '_. J ,L _ ARTHUf~ KEE I 54 'RET:\[~Y . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF "S" 69-54 F. R. THORNTON FOR MARTIN BUILDING LOCATED AT 354 MC GLINCEY LANE 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of pl~nt material, location of hose bibs ot sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $500.00 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking areas within three (3) months of completion of construction, or 2_pplicant may file 1vritten agreement to complete landscaping, f~ncing and striping of outdoor parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six-foot high solid wall or fenCe shall be constructed to house trash container in an area approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. 5. There shall be no operation of equipment or machinery, or noise created at the rear of the building in the 10 foot setback. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinance of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code.' B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell f\iunicipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities, including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Applicant to pay storm drain fee in the amount of $210.00. F. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driveway approach. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all appli- cable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. W 3765-A page Z \ Beginning at the most Westerly corner of thatcertain parcel of land described in the Deed from Ethel D. Whittaker to Hyatt E. Dunn, et ux, dated August 12,1960, recorded August 26, 1960 in Book 4898 of Official Records, page 594; thence from said point of beginning, along the Northwesterly lines thereof N.65052'E. 65.35 feet to a 1/2 inch hr; and N.37009'E. tothe point of intersection thereof with a line drawn parallel with and distant Northeasterly 70.00 feet at a right angle to the Southwesterly line of said parcel of land so deeded to Dunn, hereinabove referred to; thence along said parallel line S.5205l'E. to a pant in the Southeasterly line of said parcel; thence along last named line S.70026'W. to a 7/8 inch bar; and S.29028'W. 69.76 feet to a 3/4 inch steel road at the most Southerly corner of said parcel; thence along the Southwesterly line thereof N.5205l'W. 211.88 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion thereof lying within the bounds of the parcel conveyed to the City of Campbell by Deed recorded April 23, 1964 in Book 6474 of Official Records, page 518, described as follows: Being a portion of the lant of Dunn as described in Deed of Record in Book 4898, page 594, Official Records of Santa Claa County and being more prticularly described as follows: Beginning at a rail at the center line of Section 35, T7S, R1W., M.D.M.; thence from said point of beginning and running along the quarter section line running through the center line of said Section 35, South 0025'30"East 722.00 feet to a 3/4" pipe in the centerline of a 30 foot right .of way; thence along the center line of the 30 foot right of way with the two following courses and distances: South 57011'West 394.70 feet to a 3/4" iron pipe and South 37009'West 466.50 feet to a 3/4" steel rod; thence South 52051'East 15.00 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said 30.00 foot right of way, said point being also the true point of beginning of this description; thence from said true point of beginning South 5205l'East along the Northwesterly prolongation of the Southwesterly line of the lant of Frye, et al, and along the said Southwesterly line of said lands of Frye, et al,as said lands are described in Deed of Record in Book4593, page 15 and Book 5218, page 243, Official Records of Santa Clara County 15.00 feet; thence South 37009'West parallel to and distant 30.00 feet at right angles Southeasterly from the said center line of 30.00 foot right of way 47.61 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course on the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 430.00 feet, through a central angle of 21048'09" 163.63 feet to a pant on the Southwesterly line of said lands of Dunn, et ux; thence North 5205l'West along the said Southwesterly line 13.54 feet to a point on the Southerly line of 30.00 foot right of way; thence North 65052'East along the said Southerly line 60.97 feet; thence North 37009'East along said Southerly line 153.84 feet to the true point of beginning and containing 2,282.02 square feet of land, more or less and being a portion of that certain 0.94 acre parcel of land as shown on a map on file in the office of the County Recorder entitled, "Record of Survey of the property of Paul T. and (Cont'd on next page) W 3765-A page (J Mary L. Gallagher, situated in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.D.B. & M., Santa Clara County, California. -..........,.. --- -. ..-'.......- PL!dJ:H ~< C: i) I; P A ~(!'\;C:~T' CITY Or: C:A~iP~si:LL, C!'LIFm:::HA rJ'Cf: - -.' !:l~t~~~.f: i:.'~~i};_~~._!:?~~, ~.I,~~~):.?}:~ ~~-~?~. ~\~~=),:_ Y:'~~(L~':,~:,~~~.!2~: __~~,?,~~,_E..[~}J':_l:'~?_ The nene (:;) 8.l!J F{CC01'dcl"S ;\!i.1.mher, of J.c~:o.l o\!:!cr (s) of S'.lt1jCCt. pl'OpCl't)' 1:IIJSt be supplJcd ns part of HVi11ic,ltiol:. A ~lhoto CO)v of deed .. " rnr.y b~ ~,\.l.lJ:~d.tted for U:is infol'Ti1:-ltior;. Plc2.sc fill In ncceSS9,J.'}' infol'i.:ation: '" 'h._~-_._--(,..._1~~__!!.::-.-:-.,-ft~_._.>.- Name S~2S sn0wn on Dccy , ._,.._,_.__.___~~.~ _ . y_ ~- k/llla,~-.. N!:)!."n (s ~''; ,[1""'~'1 01) I\nr.(, ...__ ,. .., _ _ _ .. 10",.; J.. J,. . 1.. \... 1rr"... ....~ ;__.J f_q~_{p~=-- ~ecorderls Nuobcr For Office Use Only , " _..~:....._.- _..._~---.,------:""-#_.------_......._--_..._~ ... --------.-.....--- Filed as part of application for _____.....-J..,.-~---- . for ----....:.---.-.---------...- Filed --....-....---...----.-..---- b ' y ----....,...---.._._-_.~----,-