1285 Peggy Ave. (83-04) v P... FILENO. fJld.fz0 TO: CITY "'V'RK PLEASI: ..xx.LECT AND RECE I PT FCR nc FOLLOW I tG MONI ES ACCT. ITEMS SS72 PRELIMINARY ENVIRdNMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FEE (S200) 3370 STORM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-I, $1,875; MULTI-RES., S2,010; ALL anER, $2,250) PLAN EXAMINATION AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE (7.. OF' VALuE) 3372 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE (S250) 3372 3372 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE (S240) 3372 FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ( S230) 3372 FINAL TRACT MAP FILING FEE (S230) 33 7 2 V ACAT I ON OF' PUBL I C STREETS AND EASEMENTS (S 38 0 ) 3372 ASSESSMENT SEGREGATla"II CR REAPPa'tT I ONotENT ( S350 F~ FIRST PLUS, SilO EACH ADDITIONAL) 3372 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FEE/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (S250) 3395 PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT (SI,OI2.00t) 3373 COP I ES OF' ENG I NEER I NG MAPS AND PLANS (S. SOPER SQ. FT.) 33 7 3 WORK AREA TRAFF I C Ca"IITROL HANDBOOK (S 2 ); ADD I T I ONAL (S t . 50 ) 3373 PRO~ECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS (SIO) 3372 !:XCAVATIClN PERMIT APPLICATION FEE (S3!S) 3373 GFNEP-AL COND I T IONS. STD. PRO\( I S I ONS 81 DETA I LS (SIO; ~ "/PG) 3521 CASH DEPOS I T 3521 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT 352 I MA I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I T 3520 FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ('liS/EA) 3510 POSTAGE OTHER TOTAL NAME Jcj1 V1 p u... v'V1 CL PHONE ADDRESS F~ C I TV CLERK ONLY ~ r;.)... Y- 7 ~ /. L/'i7 ~ . c?t.- H I ]... - ;r 7- 553 I RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECE I VED BY DATE ..... )NT ~8'7 SOO , ((}-8, ),0 "}11& I/V(K(\ , ZIP ~ULY 1983 TO: CITY CLERK PLEASE COLLECT AND RECEIPT F~ THE FOLLOW I NG MON I ES P.w. FILE' NO. ACCT. ITEMS 3372 PRELIMINARY ENVI~ENTAL IMPACT REPORT FEE ,( S200) 3370 STORM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-I, SI,875; MULTI-RES., SZ,OIO; ALL OTHER" SZ,250) 3372 PLAN EXAMINATION AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE (7.. OF' VALUE I 3372 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ,(S250) 3372 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE (S240) 3372 FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ( S230) 3372 FINAL TRACT MAP FILING FEE ( '230) 3372 VACATloo OF PUBLIC STREETS AND EASEMENTS (S380) 3372 ASSESSMENT SEGREGAT 100 ~ REAPPORT I OI'oNENT( S3 5 0 F~ FIRST PLUS, SilO EACH ADDITIOOAL) 3372 LOT LINE AD~USTMENT FEE/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ('250) 3395 PARK DEOICATloo IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT (SI,OI2.00t) 3373 COPIES OF' ENGINEERING MAPS AND PLANS (S. 50 PER SQ. FT.) 3373 WORK AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK ('2); ADD I T I ONAL('I . 50 ) 3373 PRO~ECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ('10) 3372 !:XCAVATIClN PERMIT APPLICATION FEE ('35) 3373 GENERAL CONDITIONS, STD. PROVISIONS & DETAILS ('10; ~ 'I/PG) 3521 CASH DEPOSIT 3521 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT 352 I MA I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I T 3S20 FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ,( 'lUtEAl 3510 POSTAGE. OTHER TOTAL NAME c.B. EAJc;:;./AJEER/Nh PHONE ADDRESS ..2.. I H-JCJ-R..IC...ISOA/ A-ve--. C-M A. FOR C I TV CLERK ONLY RECEIPT NO. J qV() b ~ c;2.sn. 00 cLH / 0 - / '2- -"g 3 AMOUNT PAID RECErVED BY DATE AMOUNT .:2..5D $ 2SC ZIP 35"a:::>B ~ULY 1983 TO: CITY CLERK PLEASE COLLECT AND RECE I PT F~ THE FOLLOW I NG MON I ES P.w. FILE' NO. ACCT. ITEMS AMOUNT 3372 PRELIMINARY ENVI~NTAL IMPACT REPORT FEE ,( '200) 3370 STORM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-I, '1,875; MULTI-RES.,. $2,010; ALL OTHER" $2,250) 3372 PLAN EXAMINATION AND CONSTRUCTIOO INSPECTIOO FEE (7.. OF' VALUE) . 3372 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ,(S2S0) 3372 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE ,('240) 3372 FINAL PARCEL MAP F I LING FEE ( '230 ) 3372 FINAL TRACT MAP FILING FEE ( $230) 2-30 3372 VACATIOO OF PUBLIC STREETS AND EASEMENTS ('380) 3372 ASSESSMENT SEGREGATIOO ~ REAPPORTIOI'oNENT ,( '350 F~ FIRST PLUS, '110 EACH ADDITIOOAL) 3372 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FEE/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ('250) 3395 PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT ('I,oI2.00f) 3373 COPIES OF' ENGINEERING MAPS AND PLANS (' .50 PER SQ. FT.) 3373 WORK AREA TRAFF I C CONTROL HANDBOOK ( '2 ); ADD I T I ONAL( $ I . S 0 ) 3373 PRO~ECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ('10) 3372 E:XCAVATIClN PERMIT APPLICATION FEE ('35) 3373 GENERAL CONDITIONS, STD. PROVISIONS & DETAILS ('10; ~ 'I/PG) 3521 CASH DEPOSIT 3521 F AI THFUL PERFORMANCE DEPOS IT 352.1 MA I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I T 3520 FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ,('195/EA) 3510 POSTAGE OTHER TOTAL , 2- ~() NAME C. I /3 I E1\J6/ .Ill EER-I 1\16 PHONE ADDRESS ZIP F~ C I TV CLERK ONLY DATE Jd-. ~30~ OJ.- I (] l~4 m RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECEIVED BY ~ULY 1983 TO: CITY CLERK PLEASE COLLECT AND RECE I PT FCR THE FOLLOIJ I Nli MON I ES P... FILE, NO.'yl J ("2..~) ACCT. ITEM~ 3372 PRELIMINARY ENVIRC>>MENTAL IMPACT REPORT FEE ( '200) 3370 STORM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-I, SI, 875; MULTI-RES., S2,060; ALL ontER, S2,250) 3372 PLAN EXAMINATIC>>i AND CQ'IISTRUCTIOO INSPECTIOO FEE (7.. OF VALUE) 3372 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ('2S0) 3372 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE (S240) 3372 FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ( S230) 3372 FINAL TRACT MAP FILING FEE ($230) 3372 V ACAT 100 OF' PUBL I C STREETS .AN) EASEMENTS ($ 38 0 ) 3372 ASSESSMENT SEGREGAT I 00 ~ REArParT I OI'oNENT( '3 S 0 ~ FIRST PLUS SilO EACH ADDITIOOAL) 3372 @ 3373 LOT LINE AD~USTMENT FEE / CERT I F I CATE OF' COMPL lANCE ($ 250 ) PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT ('I,OI2.00t) COP I ES OF' ENG I NEER I NG MAPS AND PLANS (S. SOPER SQ. FT.) 3373 WORK AREA TRAFFIC CC>>iTROL HANDBOOK ('2); ADDITIONAL (".50) 3373 PRO~ECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ($10) 3372 !:XCAVATIClN PERMIT APPLICATION FEE ('35) 3373 GFNEP-AL COND I T IONS, STD. PROV I S I ONS & DETA I LS ('10; ~ 'I/PG) 3521 CASH DEPOSIT 3521 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT 352 I M.~ I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I T 3520 FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ('li5/EA) 3510 POSTAGE OTHER TOTAL Johh t/U n-. Ct ADDRESS 1(.5-- C..o / / e ~ 17 NAME PHONE \,<j~LI ~l.b~ F~ C I TV CLERK ONLY RECEIPT NO. / 9 ~ [(.'=3 AMOUNT PA I 0 I' J 6 h ;2.!!!-!2- aa1/-' J / - I r -- g ~~ RECEIVED BY DATE AMOLWr OP ~ 00'2- ~ c("l) _ , J 0 P 2- =----- 370-"]/10; ZIP 0; j "'01) ~ .JULY 1983 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: Deeevn kv 2..3.1 /<383 From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLI C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- " The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT PUWI a BUILDING ADDRESS /2. 5S Pr:J1'J Avp. COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER <1-0 r;; - I? - 515 APPROVAL NUMBER PM 63 - 04 PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER Pld. ('zC.) JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: ~ AA.M.- ~~ dJ2A- Date: 12..-Z.3-83 Of' CA"4 ~~.. ~~'(t'> ... r'" U r" o 0 .... ... 10 ... ~, ,,'" O~CHAY.O' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Frank Cauthorn Building Official DATE: May 21, 1998 FROM: Cruz S. Gomez ~? Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: 1285 Peggy Avenue, Plan Check 98-271 The applicant to pay City the storm drainage area fee of (0.1872 acres) ($2,000) = $374.42 prior to issuance of the building permit. Public Works does not have any other conditions. H: \Ianddev\1285peg(mp) CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM .- .......,. . i--J ,-"'-'---,,, To: Bill Helms, Engineering Manager Date: October 31., 1984 i I 'f C-:;-' rid (l..f=l' .- 1....-1 i ~.'J-, !, .".0_.,. . ... ",n. _. .l...' --~, _..~ ,",'.. ~., ".~,""-J_,._J From: Jim Penoyer, Engineering Technician Subject: PUMA PARCEL MAP, 1285 PEGGY AVENUE ---------------------------------------------------------- Yesterday, October 30, 1984, I met with Mr. Puma's neighbor, Cecil Ward, and Mr. Ward's attorney, Edward Mathewson. Cecil Ward and John Puma have a dispute over the location of the boundary 1 ine between their prop- erties. I advised them that the City has no position in the matter, that we are not aligned with either party, and that we viewed it as a private matter between the two parties. The dispute has arisen over the manner in which Mr. Puma's surveyor has distributed a shortage in the recorded distance between Hacienda and Steinway. One consequence of that distribution is that the boundary line has been relocated about 18 inches into Mr. Ward's property, as defined by an existing fence. Mr. M~thewson characterized the City's position as one of not caring ~bQut the effects of the survey, but I tried to convince him that we do care but that our resources and authority are limited. JP!le EDWARD P. MATHEWSON ~fJ-- ~'i)ft{ r'l~.' Plc\ (2.~) AS'TORNEY AS' LAW 2 NORTH SECOND STREET SUITE 1400 IAN dOlE, CALIFORNIA 8&113 408/998-4800 october 15, 1984 ~ ~O~T ~ ~ ~8~ IDJ CITY OF CAMPBEl-L PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Planning Department City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Gentlemen: The undersigned represents Cecil Ward, who resides at 1351 peggy Avenue, Campbell, California 95008. It has come to Mr. Ward's attention that a certain develop- ment is being undertaken by a Mr. John Puma on the property adjacent to Mr. Ward's located at 1285 peggy Avenue. This de- velopment includes a dedication of certain property to the City of Campbell. This dedication of property appears to be based upon a survey and plans prepared by Jack Christensen of CB Engineering. My client has reviewed the plans to be used for the dedication of certain property to the City of Campbell prepared by Mr. Christensen and has determined that they are materially and substantially defective in that they purport to grant and dedicate to the city property which Mr. Puma (the owner and developer) does not own, but is in fact owned by Mr. Ward. The boundary lines on Mr. Christensen's plans are incorrect and this has been brought to the attention of your department previously by Mr. Ward as well as to the attention of Mr. Christensen and Mr. Puma. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that Mr. Ward will not be bound by any dedication or grant of property to the City by Mr. Puma which Mr. Puma does not own. I would suggest that before granting any final approval to Mr. Puma for the subject development that the location of the property line separating Mr. Ward's parcel from Mr. Puma's parcel be accurately determined. It is our feeling and belief that the southern line encroaches approximately 18 inches on to Mr. Ward's property. City of Campbell Planning Department October 15, 1984 Page Two Please direct all response to this letter to the undersigned. EDWARD P. MATHEWSON EPM:tac cc: Cecil Ward 1~ (.J-r.) RESOLUTION NO. 6671 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN M. PUMA AND BETTY R. PUMA WHEREAS, John M. Puma and Betty R. Puma have submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell an agree- ment, identified as No. Pld. (26), which covers certain conditions of approval of the development of their real property at 1285 Peggy Avenue; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of said City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of 1984, by the following vote: January AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Ashworth, Doetsch, Kotowski, Paul NOES: Counc i 1 men: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None , APPR~ E~:=-__ I _ ~- ---1 -/ Norma~~ Mayor ATTEST: ~ Anne G. Coyne. C~ ~' THE I'CF.:;::GO\~:G i~S:TiUMc.>n :s A TRUE A~~C COr~nr~CT COpy OF THe OR1Gli\lAL C~J FiLE I,J T:-llS C;-TiC~. ATT[ST: ^~~;l~ G. C~-,'".: !E, CITY CLERK ::~;:t?i(; . CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR PUt.. YYlfl /2..85 Pe:gJ!j Av~. Date 11-28 -~ By L ~ yder Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Lump Sum s .:z I ()t:rJ SAwrllt 'GAel ~te L.F. @ S 3.50 ~sll&,.ste R@llIeTlrl Inlot Drain with Pipe S.F. @ 2.50 L. F. @ B.OO I EA. @ 400.00 <1-06 7'J.8L.F. @ 12.00 ~S8 -ZSS. , S.F. @ 4.00 I~ ()Z4- 18'. 9 S.F. @ 6.00 I. /.3~ EA. @ 600.00 L.F. @ 40.00 &wrs 8fl. ...cwt!ter Reflll8. 81 Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach l-Iandf\'Qr' RaHlI-' ilV"~ililile- ~gj~,t MallAsle to B,gdr' (14~.'S.F.) (51.10) (~") 7, ~O / EA. @ 400.00 EA. @ 300.00 EA. @ 300.00 I EA. @ 175.00 /7S- L.F. @ 0.80 EA. @ 100.00 EA. @ 100.00 EA. @ 12.00 A.C. Pavement inc. Excavation Adju,L I1dndhule 'to Grade- .1I1ol111l~llt B....^ " T'IUfIUIIICIr'l Street Tree (15 gallon) Pe.smsRt 5t~ipiA! Fla~el!le"t Legend! Sts~, it,.sst Name s,. 9tAey ~;~ ~avemeRt Maykery Pi"IlIllGRt Itc) &11I4; L.F. @ 5.00 72"n'JpDraIrY A.e. (IS/ SF) (I. (0) (,3 ':) <f'38 itreet LigbtiRg fleet. 01 leT EA. @ 3,000.00 L.F. @ L.F. @ EA. @ 9.00 3.00 250.00 ~t- G9Rd~ctgr. pair ~ .stOJ ill Dr a j IIA9!- L.F. @ L.F. @ 45.00 55.00 If'' ur 1 S" RCP. ~ 0, !1" I\EP iotI eet II,let EA. @ 1,000.00 EA. @ 1,200.00 ~ ~1tnd ["tr. Iti:l"~ EA. @ 500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND Revi sed 1/20/82 "'SDO 11 qR 7 Ft'!L f'1 c\ (2.(0 ') i- CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: PI arming November 4, 1983 PM 83-04 APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP LANffi OF PUMA APN 406-16-58 1285 PEGGY AVENUE Final map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval of recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Sub- division Map Act, Pay $1,062,00 in-lieu of dedicating land for park purposes. Install street improvements across both Parcel A and Parcel B. APPROVED BY nIE PLANNING DIREClDR OF nrn CI'IY OF CAMPBEu.. ON NOVEHBER 4, 1983: -M c~. k:. 'A, , PLANNING DIRECIDR APPROVED BY TIm CI'IY ENGINEER OF nm CI'IY OF CAMPBELL ON OOVEt-18ER 4, 1983: ~~ , D CIDR OF PUBLIC WORKS MANDATORY FINDING: This Tentative Parcel Map, together with the provisions for its design and improvement, is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Campbell. PJS: lp LY~ TES' 'G ENGINEERS. INCORPC \ TED 401 ALDv AVENUE . SANTA CLARA, CALlFlmNIA 95050 (408) 988-8888 SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND SANT A CLARA GILROY ~ LABORA TORY NUMBER SL20-895 WEEKLY INSPECTION REPORT DATE 4-25-80 File: II All Inspection of Cori ng of Asphalt Jobs ite Place of Inspection Job: Address: Danforth Apker @ City of Camppell Tract 6720 1110 Hacienda @ Peggy Contractor: Date 4-22-80 Hours 2 Miles -- Toils -- Subsistence -- G l~sPfc!or Steiner . u E. Date Hours Miles Tolls Subsistence Inspector Date Hours Miles Tolls Subsistence Inspector Date Hours Miles Tolls Subsistence Inspector Date Hours Miles Tolls Subsistence Inspector Shop 0 Field IX] As requested two asphalt concrete cores were taken from the east side of Peggy Ave. The purpose of the coring was to determine the depth of the asphalt and the base. Core Number 1 was taken 90 feet south of the center line of Hacienda, and eight feet east of the center line of Peggy. The core consisted of 2-1/4" AC over oil, and screenings on 2-1/211 of base rock. Core Number 2 was taken 200 feet south of the center line of Hacienda and two feet east of the center line of Peggy. The core consisted of 2-1/2" AC over oil and screenings on 2-1/211 of base rock. The base below the 2-1/2" of base rock was extremely hard. The material appeared to have a large amount of aggregate in it. The diamond bit core used for coring the AC was not able to penetrate this base material due to the amount of fine material. If further investigation is desired a drilling rig would be recommended. ~ I JUN 3 1980 f<Ac.r G;; 7 ZO $1:- C~A::N~ H4t!./GND4 If PGGr;; y 3cc: Danforth Apker Attn: Mr. Steven Apker 1032 W. Hedding No.2 San Jose, CA 95126 Reviewed by #30708 TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: F; ( e..- : From: "Pllh\Q f(\n:eJ Mur' l ~ 8S r'e..e ~7 Av: pi d L"L(P) J. -P.L l'1o/~ r Date: oe-i. L S JCf r3 J Subject: F .e. -<'- \ \. L' e. 0 ~~ fa. rlt Cln j Pe.J;~C\ i,~ n ---------------------------------------------------------- I) 1 Uh,.t "2-.) ~. 004.9 ( _2-."3 P~~:.) ( Z, J?. Ac.r<!, ) = o. 6049- \J nit \. 100 0 f~ r\~ ......p Ac.ru)( 43 5bO t;n)( :.5,OtC_ '1 -=- 1/ DC. '2. ~ Ac...r c.. rp ) A C-rCS I II 0j ~JJ:~~ /1 -- '31\ tt ~ t#I (]) (]) :J en @ a:: '<t a:: rt') <t ....... rt') 0... rt') I ~ -:> , ~ w ~ ~ ::> ~ r:: 2 !w ~> ~;t: <I) <{ ... ~ fill t1i'OI ~ ... 10 ~ .. G:) ::: ,.., EassI I, II: ~Il~ i~-~ uil I J",~~ @ \U~ i~&~ l&J ow c(_ ll. o o I) --I ..... N ~I l&J o --... ~I E~'SSI , e. r "/ E' l % OLfOE L~"'OI ~I IT> .., .... t'- ..J 0( o rol ~I I ~I -I I I ---~ ~ 10 ~ . . . : -------0;, ~ :: ~I <t l5 ,.. ~I lr'~ -- ;'"[9J ___ __~ ..... .._~ ~ i,"'9;--- _'. ~ WI ~IO~ l.t) V)~ WI \61 <:::i'" ~ lD .. .. ~I J'~"I S(z '-'- @ c( z a:: o lo.. i:?~OI l'l>1151 ~el/ -ell ~I ---- ""-"/d-' ---- ---- -. -Oc --~~ -t ---- ~ell ~I ~I 09 ~ ~.. , ... 0,/ ~ .. <J ~~ Q ~I Q::;,-~ ~I ~.. ".u, ~ ~.. -~i',~ ~ (K ?6SLTtOt--_ __. "" ~I -It) <( -l o a. -~ I' 09 I -.! ~I ~ ~ ~ Vi :::~ ~ o " r--... ,,": '" .... Vi ~ <:::i ~ ~I r ~ z ::> en ~I 0 0 CD en 10 01 <( Z a:: 0( ...... -l 0 U <t IJ.l a:: 0( .... ~ Z c( II) . 3 NfJ 3l0\1HS ')., OB€Df- - ~I ~ ~ ~I -~ ~98 tOt a:: t? 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