Pollard Rd. (TR6030) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBI:::LL CAMPBELL. CALIF' ."-IIA 'l/ h /~.' , NAME; '. , / /. L 1. /// i /(':[4) \/~ ~'/ , . ADDRESS 3 1~'v{c.L"t['h" ///-.-< "/-{-~'L L/L.-e..<' L- / Fd' './~YI /l. "\ {if, ~. / 07~a/ rf; tj,. J / t1 tit! . /}y/JfF 0/ ... j ,rj- /-1 ;; t Ii L ~ . -3-1'''/ . /1 i- Ci ":-. J (.. J:1t ,7 c.' c/' . T~7?c, <--<- . ~ j 'L ",' t {c '- '[. 1-1-1-- ~,,- , ~:,d7' (I;.J REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER 4- /. -35 ,/ [j CHECK, 9, ) 'j r c) o MONEY ORDER DATE o CASH HAY - 3 " 77 65 onA THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. NAY - J .. 77 10903 'J~) z ( ~ BY CITIZEN COPY Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA - .00 (' () E~,j/~yzU-.<-e, a~ lESS y? .(^c;~~~2~ ~'L-- ~--1 //:, ~ .~-ft- Le.7..{' .. / **1,700.00 ! / 't;*1;675.00 C{e:. ~I ;?[L-f(/ d';/ (;~./ 51 onA L V CITY CLERK 4<-~ ~ / ;;:;--~, VENUE ACCOUNT NO. ,--3 77 /f- (ElM ,=UND NUMBER ~ CHECK ( 0 MONEY ORDER o CASH /f() " / ;? 't DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT SEP 14 - 77 011 **** 195.00 MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND 79 011 A ** * 195.00 SIGNED BELOW. SEP 14-77 12593 BY / CITIZEN COPY ,--. Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL (!)M CITY OF CAMPBELL 7 (L- ~ (~) / \.: ~, ElLIOTT "'" HELMS . ~) 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 HANDLING DIAZ i I ..I Department: Pub 1 i c Works CASE -.--.., ..--- November 7, 1979 !, ;/ II Marsan Enterprises, Inc. 89 Dillon Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Subject: Tract 6030 - Marsan Court One-Year Maintenance Deficiencies Items. Gentlemen: The required one year maintenance work on subject tract has been completed and is acceptable by the City. Your maintenance obliga- tions and maintenance bond are hereby released. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works VVvU DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV:a cc: N. Samson, P. W. Inspector Surety Co. of the Pacific (Ref. Bond #104068) ""I:~ fl?\." C"w/ s:--t L I.G ) I / ,. , , . >.Lc <- 7~-~~ <L--"- I I / ,(' 7 '/ r---.t. '7 / RESOLUTION NO. 5460 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 6030 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Council that all improvements in Tra No. accordance with that agreement e said Tract; and, dvised by the City Engineer 6030 h e been completed in e lnto May 2, 1977 concerning WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that Tract No. 6030, together with all the improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted, and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Chamberlin 28th day of August , 1978 NOES: Counc i 1 men: None ABSENT: Councilmen: POdgorsek APPROVED: Dean R. Chamberlln Mayor ATTEST: Phyll is O. Acker City Cl erk }.v1 t:~- 1--;;:> ,2? t ,~:/ - ) ...'" " . ")/ " //0' ,:-< ,; '," .' <: RECElvr~ AUG 29 1978 . ,.-. I" - _ . .' " t,-, " ,,,....,;) - -... ~ ."" [1~U..__i\I":...J J~ ~ )U, 6,(>jO NOTICE OF COMPLETION \'~ --- C'/} ._~(''1Vl'''''''~::~~ ~ \ NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CJU1PBELL as OWN~R and Joseph Elliott Above S ace for Recorcler the und~rGi9ned. as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actuall~ accepted on the 2~~ day of Auqust That the name of the Subdivider , 1978 . - for said owner is Marsan Enterprises, Inc. That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner 1n fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: MAME ADDRESS City of Camppell', 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 That the prol.Jerty heI'cin referred to and on which said subdiyision i~rovemen~s _ure lo~ated is situated 11'1 the City of Camphell, County of Santa Clara, Stnte of California, ana describ~d as follows: Tract No. 6030 and l1aving the f::>llO\.lir.g address: Date~Allqust :n , 19....1L. 1 of 2 =~~'_....~.-~?~r ~~. Joseph Elliott ....,...."....," .._.'J.:C.--..,........."..O-....-:-c,..;.',,-,; ._.,.o:.~-.;...~...'::o::...,.;:<-<.~,,,.!..~~_'..~,~~~'1"'~:':"",..~.:~~...,..~~~~~~,.,-~;''"7_00.;..-~~......-::-:'''-.....,O:--...,:-':c-:''~~.....7'~~,..,..,7:-..'', ."r.....~.. -~-",._.:",.~,."...~.....' .""_,-."T_:"Y""_,",:~-;'."",_,-,~_,~ .- .,..- ----------------.----- ~"-----.._._~--- STATE OF CALIFO~1rA COUNTY OF Sl.!lTA CLARA ss. being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City -of Campbell,:the -o\mer-ofthe .propert.y ,described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the con- tents thereof: and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge. Ir ~n~pph Fllintt Ovj'LL ~.#/ /' Joseph Elliott Subscribed and sworn to before me this G ~ da~; of Gur,J- · 19.2L &..Illt-~~ 771', Gt.M.I Notary Pu.blic in and for said count~T santa Claru, state of California - of 2 of 2 fl1 (\- 9'vvV S:-r, C I,G ) RESOLUTION NO. 5460 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 6030 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Council that all improvements in Tra No. accordance with that agreement e said Tract; and, dvised by the City Engineer 6030 h e been completed in e lnto May 2, 1977 concerning WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that Tract No. 6030, together with all the improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted, and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hanmer, Paul, Chamberlin 28th day of August , 1978 NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Podgorsek APPROVED: Dean R. Chamberlln Mayor ATTEST: f) hylfE-d-:--Acke'r------(i tY--C1 e-rk RECEIVE'" AUG 2,9 1978 " " ( , "J , . .~, " r Tr, "DaO s.,. (J 2..) CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Works January 11, 1978 Mr. George Strickler New Construction Pacific Gas & Electric 111 Almaden Blvd San Jose, CA 95198 Subject: Campbell Municipal Lighting Distict Enerqizinq of Electroliers Dear Mr. Strickler: Enclosed please find plans for Tract Nos. 6016 and 6030. It is hereby requested and you are hereby authorized to energize the four 240-volt electroliers within these sub- divisions. The electrical contractor for both subdivi- sions was Howard Electric. Tract No. 6016: 400-W., M.V. North side of Campbell Ave., west side of Superior Dr. (Service point: P.B. back of walk.) Tract No. 6030: 400-W., M. V . North side of Pollard Rd., east of Marsan ct. 250-W., M. V. East side of Abbott Ave., north of pollard Rd. 17 5-W. , M. V . West side of Marsan ct. (Three service points.) Page 2 CITY Uf CAMPBELL In a letter to you dated January 4, 1978, we requested the energizing of four electroliers in Tract No. 5989~ however the service point location was not mentioned in that letter. The service point is the west side of Maggio Court on the south side of Hacienda Avenue. Thank you and should you have a question, please call the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS ENGINEERING MANAGER By i;.~ ~ p~y:~l-- Engineering Technician I JLP/kw Enclosures 5' . (Ja) -fro "030 PERMIT San~a Clara Valley Wa~er Dishid u 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95118 · (408) 265-2600 Stream Smith Creek Date Issued 10/31/77 Permit No, 77227-A Permittee Marsan Enterprises Telephone 374-7280 File Permits, N/C Zone 89 Dillon Avenue Smith Creek suite C N1y of pollard Road Campbell, California 95008 E1y of Abbott Avenue Attention Mr. Richard Hobbs ~,----'-'----" -=:::.... ~ Tract 603Q..J Applicant: Civil and const::uction Consultants Inc-~77i\2~7Pfl=EtEIVED 11840 Sharon Dr1ve San Jose, California 95129 Attention Mr. Marvin Kirkeby NOV 2 1~77 Purpose of Permit \Xl Encroachment \ \Xl Construction n Temporary \ Construction Expiration Date Decp-mber 28, 1978 Installation of fencing within DistrictP~'~~g Encroachment Expiration Date PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY: o r:/i't1P/irtt't/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /rjljJNrtt;l/rN-1-1r1rftNtf/j/2/JW ~SANTA CLARA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AGENCY, TELEPHONE 299-2591 AT LEAST TWO NORMAL WORKING DAYS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT, FAILURE TO NOTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT AND REMOVAL OF WORK. EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS INCLUDED HEREIN THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED IN THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS LISTED BELOW, VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT, 1. PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, 2, All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector, The work drea must be restored to the s3tisfaction of the District's Inspector, 3. The quality of water passing through or below the site shall be maintained at all times and the addition of silt or other deleterious material to the water will not be permitted, 4, All backfill within District right of way shall be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction in accordance with California Test Method #216, 7. This is an addendum to Pe:r::TClit No. 77227. Details "A" and "B" shown on the attached marked sheet 4 used for construction and are made part of this permit. fencing is not to obstruct drainage to and along the "V" The final location of the fencing is to be delineated on of 38 which is part of permit No. 77227. The District is not to be held responsible for the maintenance, repair, or replacement of the fence. of 6 are to be The proposed ditch. SCVWD sheet 9 5. 6. 8. ElLIOTT ETURN TO_ HELMS cc: Director of Public Works City of Campbell Herb Hodges ~//t:.;:>f.,,- DSCARD ;.'AZ - '-I' _ -..--I FiLE i CASE 1""'- , I y"1.?,c f- ~ oJo Enclosures Approval: 00,.-'. ,--" t ~ .-~ '. , ......... .... ;; r' f::t' ii.... FC60 (71-75) DIVISION ENGINEER DESIGN COORDINATION DIVISION Son~o Clara Valley Wo~er Dis~rid u PERMIT 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 . (408) 265,2600 Stream Smith Creek Date Issued June 28, 1977 Permit No, 77227 Permittee Marsan Enterprises, Inc. Telephone 89 Dillon Ave. Suite C Campbell, California 95008 File Permits, N/C Zone Smith Creek Nly of Pollard Road; fi l e.:. S ,I:' <i ""L) Ely of Abbott Avenue Tract 6030 ~ 77A277B, 77P255B R E eEl V E 0' Applicant: Civil & Construction Consultants Attention Mr. Peter Huttlinger Re: JUL 1 Ign II. I~: Construction Expiration Date Purpose of Permit iLl Encroachment !Xl Construction o Temporary Installation of l2-inch CMF outfall to the 54-inch RCP Santa Clara Valley Water District Station 14+73. Reconstruction of the removed concrete "V" ditch. Cleaning of the existing concrete "V" ditch. December /.8, 1 q7R Encroachment Expiration Date PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING at PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY: ~X~K~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~kX~~~xxx~X~~X~R~x DSANTA CLARA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AGENCY, TELEPHONE 299-2591 AT LEAST TWO NORMAL WORKING DAYS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT, FAILURE TO ~JOTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT AND REMOVAL OF WORK, EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS INCLUDED HEREIN THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED IN THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS LISTED BELOW, VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT. 1, PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, 2, All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector, The work area must be restored to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. 3, The quality of water passing through or below the site shall be maintained at all times and the addition of silt or other deleterious material to the water will not be permitted. 4, All backfill within District right of way shall be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction in accordance with California Test Method #216, 5. 'l'he attached marked sheet 4 of 6 is to be used for construction. 6. The location of the new concrete "V" ditch is to be delineated on the attached Santa Clara Valley Water District sheet 9 of 38 which is made part of this permit. Ties from centerline of ditch to centerline of 54-inch pipe are to be shown. 7. All damaged portions of the existing concrete ditch are to be removed and replaced in accordance with the details and notes on the attached sheet 4 HANDLING HELMS RETURN TO_ Enclosures: (1) Marked Sheet 4 of 6 of Improvement Plans (1) SCVWD Sheet 9 of 38 DiSCARD cc: ~Mr. Joseph Elliott, Director of Public Works ~ City of Campbell Mr. Herb Hodges;-Operations Transportation Agency County of Santa Clara D'AZ I FILE CASE Approval: QRJGU' . " I ~..__.__.-- ...---......- ,60 (7175) DIVISION ENGINEER " SonIa (lara Valley Waler District L PERMIT 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSIo., , _ FORNIA 95118 . (408) 265,2600 Stream Smith Creek Date Issued June 28, 1977 Permit No, 77227 Permittee Marsan Enterprises, Inc. Telephone 89 Dillon Ave. Suite C Campbell, California 95008 File Permits, N/C Zone Smith Creek Nly of Pollard Road; f; l e.:. S.-r Cl "2- . Ely of Abbott Avenue Tract 6030""-- R E eEl V E D 77A277B, 77P255B Applicant: Civil & Construction Consultants Attention Mr. Peter Huttlinger Re: &~.;::'. 37?~ ...-~/~ Purpose of Permit kJ Encroachment 1. [Xl Construction o Temporary 2. 3. Construction Expiration Date Installation of 12-inch CMP outfall to the 54-inch Santa Clara Valley Water District Statio~ 14+73. Reconstruction of the removed concrete "V" ditch. Cleaning of the existing concrete "V" ditch. DecembF!r ?A, 1 q7A Encroachment Expiration Date JUL 1 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING at RCP PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY: ~X~K~XXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxx~~~xjf~~~~x~~~X DSANTA CLARA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AGENCY, TELEPHONE 299-2591 AT LEAST TWO NORMAL WORKING DAYS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT, FAILURE TO ~WTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT AND REMOVAL OF WORK. EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS INCLUDED HEREIN, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED IN THE ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS LISTED BELOW. VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT. 1. PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 2, All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector, The work area must be restored to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. 3, The quality of water passing through or below the site shall be maintained at all times and the addition of silt or other deleterious material to the water will not be permitted, 4, All backfill within District right Df way shall be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction in accordance with California Test Method #216, 5. The attached marked sheet 4 of 6 is to be used for construction. 6. The location of the new concrete "V" ditch is to be delineated on the attached Santa Clara Valley Water District sheet 9 of 38 which is made part of this permit. Ties from centerline of ditch to centerline of 54-inch pipe are to be shown. 7. All damaged portions of the existing concrete ditch are to be removed and replaced in accordance with the details and notes on the attached sheet 4 cc: ;Mr. Joseph Elliott, Director of Public Works ! City of Campbell Mr:-Herb Hodges;-operations Transportation Agency County of Santa Clara Approval: C:Al Enclosures: (1) Marked Sheet 4 of 6 of Improvement Plans (1) SCVWD Sheet 9 of 38 FC 60 (7175) DIVISION ENGINEER nC~Ir:.l'\1 rr'lrlQnll\l^TtnN nl\ll~lnN PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY + 111 ALMADEN B 0 U L RAE t f (V't 0 ' CALIFORNIA 95198 . (408) 298,3333 June 1, 1977 JUN 6 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Marson Enterprises Inc. 89 Dillon Avenue Campbell, CA. 95008 Gentlemen: Attached is the design layout of the joint trench indicating gas, electric, telephone and/or CATV service and meter locations for your Tract Number 6030. Firm costs and contracts will be sent to you upon completion of the design of gas and electric distribution systems. The houses shall be piped and wired to take gas and electric ser- vice from the locations indicated on the plan. Because of the need for energy conservation and the r~s~ng cost of energy, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you to consider energy conservation measures as your plans develop. If you have any further questions, please contact me at this office telephone 298-3333, ext. 257. _..~incerelY , ,,/J (, ,~kj,r>'L'd G-4~ ( James O'Brien L/New Building Representative cc: Civil & Construction Inc. 11840 Sharon Drive San Jose, CA. 95129 City of Campbell Public Works Dept. r . /- . PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ,. J}D CGt::;)IE + 10900 NO. BLANEY AVENUE CUPERTINO. CALIFORNIA 95014 . (408) 253-2010 RECE1V~D, APR 19 1977 : PUBLIC WORKS .' ENGINEERING 15, 1977 " I " , . ~ ~~;I' -. -~ .(7:.. 1L \ ' , ---' I' " ",.I" "" : I t I April Mr. William G. Wren 'Director of PUblic Works 7~~.Central Ave~ue Campbe11, . California ' 95008" . . . ." .-. " Subject: Easement Approval for Tract#6030 ,~ Abpo'tt: Av.e.,..l. and Pollard Rd., Campbel.l., '. , ,. Dear Sir: The Public Utility Easements shovm on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call ~!r. Don 1 Dixon .' at 253-2010. Sincerely, R. 'E. Turner District Electric Superintendent " , '- PT&T Co. Civil & Construction Consultants" Inc. R.. 'Sm~ th File - ---a _ Sanla (lara"*d Woler ~~sl~~\' .. 1 RECEIVED APR 1 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265.2600 March 31, 1977 Mr. Peter Huttlinger Construction Consultants, Inc. 11840 Sharon Drive San Jose, California 95129 Dear Mr. Huttlinger: We have reviewed the preliminary improvement plans of Tract 6030, adjacent to Smith c,r~~~., s~~~~o us o~ M~rch 16. \ Please verify the ~ocatioJll of our 54-inch\\~./l.p. (Smith Creek). Our records (As-Bu!i.lts) slPecifythema-rignme~t as marked on the enclosed Sheet 4. :,Also /,shpwn on ISheet 4 arle some corrections needed for the l2-iiichmC .M:P-:w-storm drain fine connection to the 54-inch R.C.P. The plans also indicate proposed 4 and 6-inch drain pipes through fencing and walls to preserve the hydraulic COntinuity of the existing 3-foot "V" ditch adjacent to the centerline of our pipe. Details of these should be revised to suit the correct S!ith Creek pipe alignment, all proposed fencing (if any), and be shown on the plans. Please revise the plans in accordanc4 with the above comments and return for our review and issuance of a permit. Sincerely yours, i. ,:~'" ~ ~ ~ .\ ..., -",.'",'"i.:.,U t'!<Y w. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosure: (1) Marked Sheet 4 cc: Mr. Joseph Elliott, Director of Public Works ~ City of Campbell AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER RECEIVED . MAYl~197, - F \ \c-: s. -r. (1'2) G1l6 (Ed. 1-73) . $ This endorsemenflUrW.alfjjrWfl~~cy to which attached, effective on the inception date of the policy unless otherwise stated herein, ENGU~ii.UMQormation is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of policy.) Endorsement effective 4-14-77 Policy No, PYA 10 81 94 Endorsement No, :::;:~:;:m;"m ~~~O~u~rficiO Etal c,,"~k- .t:' . ~/E~z:.:# (Authorized Representative) This endorsement modifies such insurance as is afforded by the provisions of the policy relating to the following: COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE MANUFACTURERS AND CONTRACTORS LIABILITY INSURANCE City of Campbell, its councilmen, officers, board, Commissions a,WlITIONAL INSURED Emp loyees (Owners or Contractors) 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA. Att: Jum Penoyer Public Works Schedule Tract 6030 Campbell, CA Name of Person or Organization (Additional Insured) location of Covered Operations Premium Bases Rates Advance Premium At Audit $ At Audit $ $ At Audit Bodily Injury liability Property Damage liability Cost Cost $100 of cost $100 of cost Total Advance Premium It is agreed that: 1. The "Persons Insured" provision is amended to include as an insured the person or organization named above (hereinafter called "additional insured"), but only with respect to liability arising out of (1) operations performed for the additional insured by the named insured at the location designated above or (2) acts or omissions of the additional insured in connection with his general supervision of such operations, 2, None of the exclusions of the policy, except exclusions (a), (c), (t), (g), (i), (j) and (m), apply to this insurance, 3. Additional Exclusions This in~urance does not apply: (a) to bodily injury or property damage occurring after (1) all work on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured at the site of the covered operations has been com pleted or (2) that portion of the named insured's work out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project; (b) to bodily injury or property damage ariSing out of any act or omission of the additional insured or any of his employees, other than general super, vision of work performed for the additional insured by the named insured; (c) to property damage to (1) property owned or occupied by or rented to the additional insured, (2) property used by the additional insured, (3) property in the care, custody or control of the additional insured or as to which the additional insured is for any purpose exercising physical control, or (4) work performed for the additional insured by the named insured. 4. Additional Definition When used in reference to this insurance, "work" includes materials, parts and equipment furnished in connection therewith. 5-10-77 ms G1l6 (Ed. 1,73) ~t'. "ST (I z.) RESOLUTION NO. 51 88 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6030 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6030 for approval; and, WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers conditions pertaining to the approval of said map and accep- tance of the dedicated streets, has been presented; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to the Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s 9 t h day of following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek May , 1977 by the NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Doetsch APPROVED: Will i am R . Pod go r s e k Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Dorothy Trevethan COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY ~",.~ "'''''''''''1/ """"~..,, \ A ~oo,~=_.."''';,. ...., ," ")1 "lG " 4 v,~:~'t~,.\_~\;:~,:::~;--\-\ ..;!~,<{ _.t': I ,._-_...'---1 , ",.,""""_..~\~ ...' c' " C.,.... ..,:_-,-\~~~.:,,~~-- r=.\ [, -"_','1 \ '____"'\".. \ . -;, .---'C " -" ~ r':UUH \ \\=---f\"\ r-~'_._" \1 _ ~~t- 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 May 3, 1977 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 N~ Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE Tract 6030 Gentlemen [ F/: . ; f ( i L (" ,r' . ); SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA RECEIVED MAY 3 1977 pur" I^ \1'."RI($ '"\ i i' - ,I'i i" , , u_ \.1 ~'~.vl " E". "'I'J-ERI"G 1\ It 1\ t. ~ h This is the District's Clearance letter for the recordation of Tract 6030. Plans have been approved and fees paid. This District's require- ments for recordation have been met. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman . ~::i:d ~g~ By Preston R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN/pm CITY OF CAMP" 'LL 75 NORTH Cl!:NTRAL riVE. CAMPBE!lLL. <;:ALlpllQRNIA 95008 5660805 ::DG'lCJ) 1TIf'T1>O ClOZll -:D-l-r. ~,;);.~o ;vfT\()- ~~r:l> ::0 J>r ;." :::0 ::c;,:: ? pl:::"" ..:00 I" o:;,()() 0"" oS> ::0 c....) o ZO 1TI-lCf) .::0, l~ ::r.;: ~ r"-' c..n TO BE RECORDED WITHOUT Fe SECTION 6103 GOVERNMENT CODE AT THE REQUEST OF CITY OF CAMPBELL c:::>> s::: ~ !C "TI ~r= -4", :;00 1"1." DO C:lJ f-.' ~ -~~ }} \,1 _' -'~ AGREEMENT ~ 1)' THIS AGREEMENT (identified as No. ST 12) made and entered into this 2nd , day of May 1977 by and between MARSAN ENTER- PRISES, INC., hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider", and the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a Municipal Corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY". ~ ~/~'~~1' ~~~ ~~~ WHEREAS, Subdivider desired to subdivide that certain real property ~situate within the City of Campbell in accordance with that certain map .# heretofore filed in the office of the City Clerk of City, marked and desig- nated "Tract No. 6030" consisting of two sheets, lying entirely within 1 the City of Campbell, California; ... --J --J 00 "TI;;o o CIt en ~ o ~ CIl WITNESSED: lC! ) WHEREAS, said map shows a certain avenue, drive, and easement, which :.~ are offered for dedication for public uses; ":.~: ,~' _4::'; ". :-:~ .~:~,~ ~- ~~:(r.l WHEREAS, Subdivider desires to construct dwellings upon the lots shown upon said map of tract No. 6030; "'i"",."'..~., r,' -'. ......"'. L :-':.-;; ;;: '~1.~,1XJi ,.~_~" l.-" ." ".l(Ll'lt'a !:t, '411 ,.." I -~ NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED TO by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. In consideration of the approval of said map and of the acceptance on behalf of the public of said avenue, drive, and easement offered for dedication, Subdivider shall provide and construct and/or install at his own proper cost and expense, within said Tract No. 6030, public improve- ments as follows: FIRST: Provide and construct residential sidewalk, curb and gutter, residential driveway approaches for each lot which extend from the back of the curb and gutter to the back of the sidewalk, all consisting of Portland Cement Concrete, as shown upon the improvement plans for said Tract No. 6030 approved by the City Engineer of City. SECOND: Provide and construct pavement structures consisting of un- treated crushed rock base course and asphaltic concrete surface course, or approved equivalent, in accordance with said approved improvement plans of Tract No. 6030. THIRD: Provide and construct City of Campbell standard storm water inlet and lateral as shown upon said plans of Tract No. 6030. FOURTH: Grade all lots to drain toward the streets unless determined impractical by said City Engineer. I of 5 FIFTH: Provide and install a City of Campbell standard street monument box as shown upon said improvement plans of Tract No. 6030. SIXTH: Provide and install City of Campbell standard street light steel pole, with upsweep bracket arm, luminaire, with individual integral photo- electric cell, electrical underground conduit with conductor and junction boxes, all as shown upon said plans and as approved by said City Engineer. SEVENTH: Provide and install or cause to be installed, a water dis- tribution system to serve all lots within said Tract No. 6030 as shown upon said plans of Tract No. 6030. EIGHTH: Provide and install a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within said Tract No. 6030 as shown upon said plans of Tract No. 6030. NINTH: Provide and install an underground electrical energy system and an underground telephone system to serve each lot within said Tract No. 6030. TENTH: Provide and plant street trees for each lot of a variety and size as approved by the City Engineer. 2. All of said improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within twelve (12) months from the date first above written; provided, however, that in the computation of said twelve-month period, delays due to or caused by acts of God, viz., unusually inclement weather, major strikes, other delays beyond the control of Subdivider shall be excluded. It is expressly understood and agreed to that if Subdivider shall fail to complete the work required by this agreement within the said period of twelve (12) months from the date hereof, the City, after given ten (10) days written notice thereof to Subdivider, may construct and/or install said improvements and recover the full cost and expense thereof from Subdivider. 3. It is further agreed to that all of said improvements shall be constructed and/or imtalled in accordance with those plans approved by the City Engineer of the City of Campbell, and shall be made under the super- vision and inspection and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. It is further agreed to that said construction and/or installation be in accordance with the existing ordinances and resolutions of the City of Campbell, and to all plans, specifications, standards, sizes, lines and grades approved by the City Engineer, and all State and County statutes applicable thereto. 4. It 'is further agreed to that the construction work of the improve- ments embraced by this agreement shall be done in accordance with the standard specifications of the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January, 1973, and in accordance with the specifications of the City of Campbell, City of San Jose, and Sanitation District No. 4 of the County of Santa Clara, where indicated. WHEREVER the word "State"'or words "Division of Highways" are mentioned in the State Specifications, it shall be considered as referring to the City of Campbell. Also, wherever the "Director" or "Director of Public Works" is mentioned, it shall be considered as referring to the City Engineer. 2 of 5 In the case of conflict between the State Specifications and the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Specifications of County Sani- tation District No. 4 of Santa Clara County, the Specifications of the City of Campbell and County Sanitation District No. 4 shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. 5. It is further agreed to that the Subdivider shall deposit with City, upon execution of this agreement, for office examination of improve- ment plans, field examination of improvements, inspection of construction of improvements, and all necessary expenses incurred by City in connection with said Tract No. 60'30, the sum of ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($1,615.00). 6. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall file with City, upon execution of this Agreement, a bond in the amount of TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($26,500.00) to insure payment for labor and materials and a bond in the amount of FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($53,000.00) to insure full and faithful performance of the construction of all the afore- mentioned improvement work, excluding sanitary sewers and water distribution system. Said bonds shall guarantee that Subdivider will correct any defects in the aforementioned improvements which shall appear within one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work by City and pay for any damage to other work resulting from the construction thereof, as well as paying the cost of all labor and materials involved. These bonds shall remain in full force and effect until one (1) year after the date of final acceptance of said improvements by City. 7. It is further agreed to that the storm drainage area fee in con- formance with Section 20.16.060 of the Municipal Code of City and in conformance with Resolution No. 921 of the City Council of City is the sum of ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1,700.00). It is further agreed to that City reserves the right to revise the storm drainage system shown upon the approved improvement plans for said Tract No. 6030 provided Subdivider is given a reasonable written notice thereof by City F.ngineer of said City. 8. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall file with City, upon the execution of this agreement, a letter from said Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Clara County stating that Subdivider has entered into an agreement with said District No. 4 to install sanitary sewers to serve all lots within said Tract No. 6030 and as otherwise shown upon said improvement plans of said Tract No. 6030 and stating that a bond to insure full and faithful performance of the construction of the sanitary sewers and to insure the general guarantee as stated below in paragraph (12) has been filed. 9. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall, upon written notice thereof, immediately repair or replace without cost or obligation to the City of Campbell, and to the entire satisfaction of said City all defects and imperfections arising out of or due to faulty workmanship and/or materials appearing in said work within a period of one (1) year after date of final completion and acceptance of the public improvements embraced by this agree- ment. 3 of 5 10. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall pay to Pacific Gas and Electric Company any and all fees required for installtionofunder- ground wiring circuit to all electroliers within said Tract No. 6030, and as otherwise shown upon said improvenlent plans of said Tract No. 6030 when Subdivider is notified by either the City Engineer of Campbell or the Pacific Gas and Electric Company that the said fees are due and payable. Electroliers shall be equipped with luminaires which include twist-lock receptacles and integral photocell, as required by Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 11. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall pay to the San Jose Water Works any and all fees required and enter into such agreements and post and/or file such bonds and make such deposits of monies with said San Jose Water Works immediately uponfue recordation of the subdivision map of said Tract No. 6030 or when called upon to do so by City and/or said San Jose Water Works to insure the furnishing and installation and/or construction of said water distribution system to serve all lots within said subdivision including the furnishing and installation and/or construction of water mains immediately adjacent to said subdivision as may be otherwise also shown upon the improvement plans of said Tract No. 6030. 12. It is further agreed to that any easement and right of way within or without Tract No. 6030 necessary for the completion of the construction and/or installation of any and all of the public improvements embraced by this agreement and as may also be otherwise shown upon the improvement plans for said Tract No. 6030 shall be acquired by Subdivider at his own cost and expense. It is provided, however, that in the event eminent domain proceedings are required for the purpose of securing said easement and right of way, the Subdivider shall deposit or cause to be deposited with City a sum covering the reasonable market value of the land proposed to be acquired and to be included in said sum shall be a reasonable allowance for severence damages, if any. It is further provided that in addition thereto such sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering, and other incidental costs shall be deposited with City. 13. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall carry out any and all negotiations with all interested parties and shall perform or cause to be performed at his own cost and expense and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer any and all work required to abandon, remove, raise, lower, relocate, and otherwise modify irrigation line or lines within the boundary of said Tract No. 6030. 14. It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Campbell, the City Council, the City Engineer, the City Attorney, the City Manager, and all other officers or employees of City from any suits, claims, or actions brought by any person for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property sustained during or arising out of the construction of the on-site work due to any acts, omissions, or neg- ligence of Subdivider, his officers, agents, employees, or contractors. 15. If is further agreed to that the above-named terms and conditions shall bind the heirs, successors, administrators, or assigns of the Sub- divider. 4 of 5 16. This instrument is and shall be considered to be an instrument affecting the right, interest in or possession of the real property herein- above described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereunto duly authorized by resolution of the City Council, and said Subdivider has hereunto caused his name to be affixed the day and year first above written. CITY OF CAMPBELL & '~ ;;f:;? / / /..LC-t:~~.~ /., < // t:t."l:~~"'-1~t. ~.I"t /7 Mayor t/ '~4d~'1/t h;<d~CitY Clerk SUBDIVIDE~MARSAN ENTERPRISES, INC. .... (Notary Certificate) OFFICIAL SEAL JUDITH A. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC - CAlII'ORNIA > } SANT,~ (l,'\RA COUNTY I r.~y comm. €xp'res SEP 26, 1980 !) .~-~ {&Ad 4. ~,/~ 5 of 5 . ( '" :-r /' .d /- I, h: 'l.~) " , 7 ~A ~G) , '0-7 ? " c^ ,.'" ~ . , ' :i'~ ,'I," ... . , I' ~ , , , , . --j '-'-' ~ ..., :::-.::; j ') , ' -, -, " ";> <r (). ~ V 4: ::+ - I- e" 0 - J ~ cJ: 5]' '(j;;;) h~ n ?1 .- , - .. THE PAC I Fie T E LE P H 0 N E AND TEL E G RAP H COM PAN Y RECEIVED ~. .' I( 1 9 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING San Jose, April 15, 1977 Mr. Joe Elliott City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract No. 6030 Gentlemen: The Public Utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract No. 6030 have been examined by this office. The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this Company. Very truly yours, r ,: . EngineerIng Manager cc: Civil & Construction Consultants, Inc. .. San~a Clara Valley Wa~er Dis~rid ^ U 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY · SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 . (408) 265-2600 RECEIVED l-1arch 22, 1977 200 94102 V ALKENAAR HANOLl NG I QETURN MANLEY _ ,~,," ~u.-::,~,-g p..r, ,;'R ",_,,_,-,..0 '-; ~- - I .. ------[ ',;.... \-- e ,... t.', ,'-' i-'J l~ !"" '~~ ....c...,:..,,_,'...., , ---"-"-'-'---' r- I ;,',,;:,UN I : dJ \= l/ \\( y~/ ~ State of California Division of Real Estate One Hal1idie Plaza, Suite San Francisco, California MAR 24 1977 PUBLIC WORKS INGJNEERING Gentlemen: A request has been received from Santa Clara County Title Company to prepare a flood hazard report relative to Tract 6030 located wi thin the City of Campbell in the Smi th Creek Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District: ~ The site should not flood in the event of the District's standard design flood (defined as a flow having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any year), occurring on a District stream. o The site is subject to flooding from It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a or exceeded in any year, percent chance of being equaled o Said channel is not one which the District designates as a flood control facility, o Said channel is one which the District designates as a flood control facility. No assurance can be given as to a date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments". Additional Comments: This report is not provided in response to an inquiry regarding the National Flood Insurance Program. For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact the Ci ty of Camphp-ll Pub] in Work!=: nppart:mpnt: cc: Santa Clara County Title Company Attention Ms. Corinne Mikkelsen Public Works Dept., City of Campbell COP Y Sincerely yours, Oii.iGiNAL SIGNED By. ~sen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division FC'59 (1'}'74) - . '" - March 31, 1977 Job No. 76136 Bond Estimate -- Tract No. 6030 Quantity UI}it Descri.Etion -....--.-.. ..-----l 33, 780 -,il1,1/iO ----111,040 ---./11,040 920 460 .----..\ 3, 4 2 0 ...J 1,600 369 197 1 383 2 1 1 114 7 1 60 2 2 ~ 3 S. F. S.F. S. F. S.F. L.F. S.F. S.F. S.F. L.F. L.F. Ea. L.F. Ea. Ea. Ea. L.F. L.F. Ea. L.F. Ea. Ea. Ea. Street Grading To PL 10" A.C. (Pollard Rd.) 4" A.C. 4" CL II Aggregate Base Standard Curb & Gutter IIlcl. Base 2" A. C. Conforni Paving Standard Sidewalk Incl. Base Standard Driveway Approach 3' Valley Gutter 6" V.C.P.Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Manhole Sanitary Sewer Laterals Sanitary Sewer C1eanout Pipe to Pipe Storm Outfall RCP - eMP Connection Collar 12" R.C.P. 12" C.M.P. Standard Curb Inlet Standard Street Barricade Handicapped Ramps Fire Hydrant Assemblies Electroliers TOTAL Contingency (10%) Total Estimated Improvement Cost Bond Amount Prepared By: CIVIL & CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS, INC. ..{ ~~t::1;..-~ - I 5- 7 b '.,.. b 5- () '11. 1. 1 J t <.ru () - Ljl L 1 Unit Cost Amount $ ;2-0 .3D $ 6,756.00 1.10.!/ 12,254.00 . Ii 5 L--- 4,968.00 ......ur . I q 1,766.40 ,3-;-5.g $, 00 3,220.00 .20 92.00 --i-;-OO I. f C 3,420.00 -t-;-t-tt-2 , L/,C 1,760.00 2.50 922.50 8.00 1,576.00 650.00 650.00 6.00 2,298.00 100.00 200.00 500.00 L_ 500.00 50.00 "- 50.00 10.00 ' 1,140.00 25.00/ 175.00 500.00 L--- 500.00 2 .00 1,00 120.00 50.00.te- 100.00 1,200.00'-, 2,400.00 1,400.00 L--- 4,200.00 $49,0~7.90 __-i.,JO~~, 53,974.69 _.i'54, 000.00, ,7 '-- ~ ",?-:}i<r ; L..r"S,;...",~,.v V" ~[>r)'-" . COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY December 14, 1976 DEe 16 1976 PU Bt1CWORKS ENGINEERING SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA RECEIVED' 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 City of Campbell Puhlic Works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re Tract ~-Jo Pollard Road~ Abbott Avenue Day - Woodgate Development Company Inc. APN 403-16-044 Attention Wm. Helms, Engineer Manager Gentlemen With regard to the above subject, a 6" sanitary smver will have to be extended into the proposed Cul-De-Sac, if it is not an easement granted. Service can be provided for lots 1 and 2 from the main in Abbott Avenue. Lot 3 may be served from the Cul-De-Sac on through an easement over Lot 2 to the main in Abbott Avenue. For Woodgates information we are forwarding a copy of our August 17, 1976 letter. The remarks pertaining to the existing residence ~nd requirements of the last paragraph will be applicable. The sanitary sewer connection fees on each lots is as follows: Unit Connection Fee Permit Fee Clean Out Box Sewer Service Charge Rates Effective Until 7-1-77 $33.50 7.50 4.25 16.50 $111. 75 Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman J.1. By R. L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM/dd XC Woodgate Development Company Inc., 160 Saratoga Avenue, Suite 42 Santa Clara, CA 95051 Civil & Construction Consultants, 11840 Sharon Drive, San Jose CA Inc, Attn M. Kirkeby 95129 ENCL. ~<<;~:-lO\..UTIOt\t ~C> <- ~ '<( -l () m a: < ~ ~ Pc.- ^-,.J:i. ''>?6_191~ r? '\ ><:112r-<:... ';) p ...-..J ~ , ,6'-\ Santa Clara Valle~ Water DiSuid '"' RECEIVED 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265,2600 DEC 1 0 1976 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING December 9, 1976 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention Mr. William Helms Dear Mr. Elliott: We have reviewed the Tentative Subdivision Map for Lands of Kirk, adjacent to Smith Creek, sent to us on November 30. This map is essentially the same in matters pertaining to District facilities as the one sent to us on July 29. Comments contained in our letter of August 23 (copy enclosed) still apply. Sincerely YQur-&7~ ~" ~,~..,~~. /'/ -.- ,,/ :..r ," ~""--' /- '/ ,/ / "'----.. (...,~..el.-__._ ./ C/' W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosure: (1) letter cc: Civil and Construction Consultants, Inc. (w/enclosure) AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ~<<;~~O\...\JT10tv ~(l ~ ii. '<(" -l ~ m ex: ~ ~ ~ ,vI>- ,,-ii. 7;>16 _1910 Santa Clara Valley Water District 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265.2600 August 23, 1976 RECEIVED Mr. Joseph Elliot Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 AU G 25 1976 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING ~ c:; v~~ Attention: Mr. William Helms Dear Mr. Elliot: We have reviewed the Tentative Townhouse Subdivision Map of James Day, adjacent to Smith Creek, submitted with your letter of July 29. We have the following comments. The East Branch of Smith Creek is contained in a 54-inch R.C.P. and lies within a IS-foot easement as shown on the attached marked excerpt. This site is not subject to flooding from a District facility. The District has constructed a 3-foot wide V-ditch over the pipeline to accommodate local drainage as shown on the attached cross section. If complete access to this V-ditch is obstructed by a fence on the property line or other structure, the developer is to design a system to accommodate the local drainage from both sides of the ditch which will have to be maintained by other than District forces. The manhole at District Sta. 13+26.39 is also shown on the attached marked excerpt from the plan and is to be shown on all future submittals. If it is desirable to incorporate the site's drainage into our existing storm drainage system, it is to be designed in accordance with the enclosed pipe to pipe outfall Sheet No.6. AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Mr. Joseph Elliot -2- August 23, 1976 District Ordinance 75-6 requires the owner to show any existing welles) on the plans and to inform us regarding proposed use thereof. Please contact Mr. Zozaya on Extension 379 for information regarding Well Permits. Please have the grading and improvement plans designed in accordance with our requirements, submitted for District approval and issuance of any necessary permit. Any questions other than those pertaining to well permits may be directed to Mr. Eugene H. Sullivan, Supervisor of our Permits Section, at Extension 257. Sincerely yours, /'nf~t.~ Malcoilim E. Burns, P.E. Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Enclosures: (1) Excerpt from Plan (1) Cross Section (1) Outfall Detail #6 cc: Civil and Construction Consultants, Inc. 11840 Sharon Drive San Jose, California 95129 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 3782407 RECEIVED INITIAL & SBAIff RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY or MOfHE SERENe CITY OF SAN JOSE cln OF SANTA CLARA BMH_n_______ " ---,1:tNm~6~Y~g~;:t~:~~~ .. - ~L~_ I_c~,"_'______,:__ I RlD_____, I ~ --~-,~ ---I ~--~ _OC___,' I -j-- FilE ...... ..mm..I==_._.=:=~ :Jf" COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY TO August 17, 1976 AUG 1 8 1976 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING FR______ City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Mr. Bill Helms and Mr. Larry Versaw RE Tentative Map - Day - Pollard & Abbott AVe. APN 403-16-044 Dear Bill Pursuant to the above subject, we are enclosing a sketch depicting the sanitary sewers to be constructed. The 6-inch main in Lot 14 can be extended from the existing 6-inch stub in manhole (sta 3+77) in Pollard Road. A sanitary sewer easement will have to be dedicated to County Sanitation District No. 4~ the easement could be granted in the same manner as Tract 5784 (copy of Certificate enclosed) designating Lot 14. For Lots 1 through 4, 4-inch building sewers will have to be extended from the existing main in Abbott Avenue. The existing building sewer in Pollard Road may be utilized for Lot 13. The existing residence is connected to the building sewer in Pollard Road (sta 3+12). If the residence is removed arrangements must be made to plug the sewer at property line. Call this office so that we may discuss the location of cleanouts for each lot. This parcel was assessed under this District's Project 1958-2, thus the only connection fees due will be collected at the time a connection permit is issued for each lot, fees as follows: Frontage Acreage None None If the developer obtains a permit for all lots, the fees will be as follows: Unit Connection Fee, 13 @ $83.50 Permit fee 12 signoffs @ $2.50 Sewer Service Charge, 13 x $2.75 x 6 mo. Cleanout Box, 13 x $4.25 $1,085.50 7.50 30.00 214.50 55.25 $1,392.75 City of Campbell August 17, 1976 page 2 The additional charge for a cabana (on same permit) is Unit Connection Fee Signoff Cleanout Box Sewer Service Charge (6 months) $165.42 2.50* 4.25 16.50 $188.67 *This will be $7.50 if a separate permit is required. Rates are effective until July 1, 1977. There will be a 2% plan check fee and 6% inspection deposit, and a 100% Improvement Bond required. Costs and bond based on estimated construction costs. Call me if I can be of further assistance. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer ~Q~ By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM:j xc: James W. Day, Developer 12361 S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd. Saratoga CA 95070 Civil & Construction Consultants,Inc., Engineer Attention: M. Kirkeby 11840 Sharon Drive San Jose CA 95129 encl. . CLARA F ALLEY!" US SANTA 01" 'I'lfE' F AB U LO , "lfUB ' · TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 FORI'Il.IA 95008 ENUE.CAMpQQLyC~, ~~/o 75 NORTH CENTRAL AV SUBJECT: Tentative TownhoUse SUbdivision Map of James Day _ POllard Road and Abbott AVenue Gentlemen: The enclosed Tentative SUbdivision Map has been filed with the City Engineer for approval. A COPy is being sent to you for the purpose of Obtaining any comments or Sugges_ tions you may have with respect to it. Your comments Or Suggestions prior to August 18, 1976 will be greatly appreciated. At that time this map will be forwarded to the Planning COmmission. ShoUld there be any qUestions, please Contact Mr. Larry Versaw at 378-8141, extension 220. Very truly Yours, LCV:dn Bill M. Helms, Acting Director of Public Works 10. -- ..---- -----......--. ~w__ aMH ---.- FtLe-- -,,- R\..tL~--..' , ~~~-=.-- --'\' -- '----- ----- ..-~._~- --,~ ------ ;--:-~~~";""'-:~-' ..~- ~;>. .9 1.Jf ~.J;.~ 'fT' -'48 ('0) T;R "" IZ i; ~.::" u, -- .. 5 ,.. ':trc ~ ::I' O' 0- ~u Gl " ..Q " .' 1> CP OJ o -\ '-I ~.\~;,:':"":' - "~11.~~-~~\'~~-, -.,<';; , '-'~1. ;:,~:~{~~t, ,;.~ ,-,;~...- -:)~f: \~ ,0' J 10 .-. -'-..- .-"!:~'-.' '" ~:." ;. ,~..,i._'-: ~ . ..'-",'. ~~;.i:...;'('-:. . .,....~,,/;~. IZ~ " ,^ ~ , "3z:ft , ~ SCHO OL 1~5 .7"-..,..- oJ .... 1032410 ~ .. .... 1<\ .-z; ,.1. l'1") ~.. z.. ,., * ,~ CO,UNI'f S,.~frTil,l , D'''TRICT , ' ., I". ,NO' ~ OF SMHA CLARA COU-NTY ,.. 100 E SUN~YOAKS AV~NUE CAMPBELL, CF.LlfORi~IA 95008 ,.'. ."~~--- --._-~--~ -,- - ,.--~ ,..... t' " ,',' ", ..,,' ~...".- .-'..- -- - - . ":'-.:..... .~: .... -~~ Sc.~1i 1"- - 'CO' E. lI(.I ,. T , A.J t, 5 P A~. Sti~- ~ ~ If.. J:) -.... ~ ~ s~ . SeC41."~ ~ .c. P.. 1 ... -. L. 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B\~ ~ ~ i:'; r---\ ' :i:( ~ '-I ~t.~:t;S~ ;j~ ~ ~ ! i ;::; I:::. ~~ 1'\ <;,) fi; ~~~~ ~~ ""It:> ... ~~'>lt:> ~~l ~ ~ I'. ~ yO.L, I ~ ~~ "'" ' f' It~~~rl) \..... , ~-o ~\:)~l'\1;) \, t::. -/>. ~ 'b ~:'1l.l~ ~ l.l ~ L, ~. ~ to tr} %-nlooJ.j g8~o ~--~~ z~~JOo( .0 t~snd ~~~~ 5 C) IMl I'" 11-, ~ ll; <. ---.. -- I I > ITI - ~ ~===-', -;/ N \ (() [>v; \~ FOlD yo R K' AvE. =------- w .....,.... I c. : I , I \ I .~ . ~ ,., I I t, .- . r- :tl> " o ..... v ~ 1"- ~ ~ <:1 ~ . '" UJ N c.. ........1 x' b OJ ::....: RECE:.IPT CITY OF;' CJ MPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA , ~7 ,-.? / - ;{ NAM~ku<<-~ rl;":'fkUZ:"~ 7U<<~~; // / L;// .~ / ... ' ;' ADDRESS ? I' 'J" ; '--."-- '--1'--r. ----- ..1_.- l>. / //7 &"n" i/fL~_L--- I ---/.1/ /: FOR / j/,,,,,,,// '/ t'-c-('z' ,(:-,:-.-<,--~ )l!.( f (,..).(-_'t~-;- jY) -c <-- -- ,f, .",/ (/" /t~ 1,'-cv~~ // ;);- /) / / ~'- ~/~L-l-{~ ~ ,r.- r.. t I--'H'--t..-{ ,$<// (I() :..-.-/ ,-..c.?:..~'-( ~ cJ,J-" ':..~ .' RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. '"J /f cd-.) , If FUND NUMBER 15/c. o CHECK a'" /" Iv- Y7Jf o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JUl 29-76 JUl29-76 011 *****25.00 51 o11A ****25.00 ~s 7168 n J '\ i' - '" ,LeA:, '1 ( Y CLERK ! Thank You '", CITY OF CAMPBELL BY CITIZEN COPY ORDINANCE NO. 1023 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL BY CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-I TO P-D (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS 1401 POLLARD ROAD. (Application of James W. Day) The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell, being a part of the Campbell Municipal Code, together with amendments thereto, is herby changed and amended by adopting Exhibit "A" entitled "Plans and Elevations: and Exhibit "B" entitled II Development Schedule" and Exhibit "C" entitled "Map of said Properti', as per the application of James W. Day on property located at 1401 Pollard Road. Copies of said exhibits are on file in the office of the Planning Department: Said approval granted subject to the following conditions: A. Single fami Iy house to be located in the southwest corner of the lot to be approved by the Planning Director. The Director may refer the plans to the Architectural Review Committee for approval. B. The material of the siding and roofing to be noted on the elevations plans and approved by staff. C. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in II red" on p.l ans. .., D. Landscaping plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. Landscape area adjacent to the walk on Pollard, Road shall be approved by the Planning Director. E. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. F. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of pasrking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. G. All mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved by the Planning Director. H. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Seciton 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided 'with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. I. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. J. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. K. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. L. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business,industrial, manufacturing, and construction es tab 1 i shments. M. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. N. ~pplicant ~all meet all State requirements for the handicapped. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT O. Street dedication along Pol lard Road frontage. P. Agreement, bonding and fees for street improvements. Q. Storm drainage area fee at $765 per acre. FIRE DEPARTMENT R. Provide one on-site fire hydrant. S. Provide 112ABC" fire extinguishers. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Capbel 1 which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12thday of by the following roll call vote: July . 1976 AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Hammer,Paul, Podgorsek, Doetsch NOES: Counci Imen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST~f!J~<dt:l!4~ Ci t lerk ..,