1315 Pollard Rd. (76-38) RECEIPT CITY OF CAf\ BELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME ;/r _ -L-k-~-u-~( ?~ - ~~7'" p -c-.....'- , ) - (db 7 -y Y"-'- --- / ~-L-r-c__-L /". ' ~~~ ADDRESS ....'--v '- -- -- ~ A /, - ----- ----- --~ T -=-- ------- -------- FOR ,. /:J- /:~ /.( j ~,///._, :~_.A (.-/ .~' y] !...-"~:f\...,.. .1\ ,-',>.:" . "L -?-A"__t._.../ ,/ ! .JY /7t:.: .!'Oil ,- C---. ~ J I ,. - , / .. -, - .2/ d -'/ /- ({"" L-r( tC...< "- ___ r-- --. ".-.--- k"-- /' - /7 e- & ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ / ,---- -~//, / FUND NUMBER t/7r/ B-Cf"EC~- -r o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. DEe -7-76 010 ****170.00 65 010A ***170.00 OEC-7-76 .---..... j I ~s 8548 BY \; ./ r /c; z ~-'<, 'j . , CITY CLERK i .' ;,.... CITIZEN COpy TfiGn. You CITY OF CAMPBELL "ttn'ER-DEPARTMENTAL fil' - ~RANDUM -"1'0: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT I<2.X C2: '(' ~ BUILDING ADDRESS ~'3'':> ~ (\o.V-~ CqUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 4c~ - \<0 -G,~ "S" APPROVAL NUMBER -r~-~8 PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER S, \. ~") JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By LC 28 ~c:... Date I t ~. A G R E E MEN T --------- THIS AGREEMENT, (identified as No. S.T. (15) made and entered into this day of , 19____, by and between hereinafter referred to as "Owners", and the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of Cal- ifornia, hereinafter referred to as "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Daniel V. Texera, did heretofore on November 22, , 1976 apply to City for approval in order to construct a duplex structure upon that certain real property shown as Parcel "B" upon that certain Parcel Map recorded March 6 , 1975 , and filed in Book 352 of Maps at page ~ of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, which property is hereinafter referred to as IIsaid real propertyll; and WHEREAS, on December 3 , 19 76 , the Planning Director of City did consider said application and grant his approval thereon subject to certain conditions thereof as contained in Conditions of Approval, "S" 76-38 ; and WHEREAS, Owners have purchased said real property with all the benefits and burdens thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED TO by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: (l) It is agreed to that Owners are not required to prepare and/or cause to be prepared a parcel map in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, which map shall be submitted to the City Engineer of City for examination, approval and recordation within thirty (30) days from the date hereof. It is further agreed to that if Owners choose to, or are required to, submit a parcel map, Owners shall pay City the sum of SEVENTY-SIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DOLLARS ($76.00) for the examination of the tentative and final parcel map. (2) It is further agreed to that Owners shall provide, construct and/or install at their own proper cost and expense upon Pollard Road (and/or Burrows Road) throughout the frontage of said real property public street improvements consisting of, but not limited to, the fo 11 owi ng: 1 of 6 (20) This instrument is and shall be considered to be an instrument affecting the right, title, interest in or posssession of the real property hereinabove described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereunto duly authorized by resolution of the City Council, and said Owners have hereunto caused their names to be affixed the day and year first above written. CITY OF CAMPBELL Mayor City Clerk OWNERS (Notary Certificate) 6 of 6 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Bill Seligmann City Attorney ~""'~Robert Harary, City Engineer -~-r:'- /.I--"~ Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineer-- r ~ Robert Kass~ Director DATE: January 23, 1995 FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: 1313-1321 Pollard Road, Ducato Street Improvement Agreement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you discussed with the City Engineer on January 18, 1995, we are enclosing a copy of a letter from Mrs. Susan Ducato, dated January 6, 1995, a copy of an Agreement between Joseph R. and Susan R. Ducato and the City, dated May 23, 1975, and a copy of a Certificate of Deposit (CD) which the Ducatos posted as a bond in lieu of constructing street improvements at the above address. The letter requested that the CD in the amount of $5,200, the plan examination and construction inspection fee in the amount of $183, and the storm drainage area fee in the amount of $170 be refunded due to the fact that the City did not enforce construction of the improvements for almost 20 years. Staff believes that the latter two fees should not be reimbursed under any circumstances. The Public Works Department still wants to have the public improvements constructed at this location. However, the amount of the CD would not cover the estimated cost of the improvement at today's prices. We also need to know what our limitations are with respect to being able to enforce the conditions of this 20 year old agreement now or in the future. The Agreement does not include a termination clause. In addition, Item #10 in the Agreement refers to a possible future special assessment district. It is not clear if the City could release the CD and still not terminate this agreement for a possible future assessment district formation, or if releasing the CD dismisses all terms of the entire Agreement. Please review and comment. Your comments are very important in that we likely have other similar cases in the City. Perhaps we could also discuss this at one of your Tuesday visits. h: 1313pollard(mp) lfrut. ~ b 199:J- ;:iCUJ Y1t. / iiLtao/ : (E; ~&I. Y'..L ;Z~aL t2dd ~ '-lJt!#:>eL ~ct: #;{../ 53 <J-j- a~ _Jili!! ~ (! !#UhU ai>6/U &-Iv / - ---l . L 9 2) ~~ /}-?-v ;2uJ-/J Ldtz) a. pUa} ~, / -t. w&-aLL Jd2L /J?y' ~6; C?UO~ --AHI YL tb7ct. . wh.. uu /J7~fL/UW d /1.3 . :> &tjj, N (f,OY~ WId- #\/7000> f) /~r!() OAauiCJjL ~I.L .~~~; 7' ary~uLl, / tliL ..--n~ tJ .Ju.~CLuL{ . ') &.t.L-. J? tG& 'L ___'u J-au zLti.-> tJ U<:J ,4 FUlJ ~ /.L~.ln.1 ->>)~>> Z.U A/'J !.G */1 ~~ /CJ7 U/7ti. /}L{)t/lU7~ J;a,v k/v' cjdl/2L '/ J;. /. -.l J tluhL ,[/U5 /W7f}, ..' (.2/?d ~ /7W d . ~ /))~~. . ",-Yy)~ . . UTc..tL c-Jf.L t~~ {!06YJLLaZ-/&'~_ ~~/~)ft~LLPc (I ~/~'s - :-(~~ ~!-?/fJ:;2! (' /1.!v W.y "yeS/ 7 U 3.) ~ RECE~VIE~ JAN ij 190~ 1- vu ~.~.....'-...... ADMIN1STRA, :~_ i I i 1 ') r G n n () 4\ r:' ..Ju. ~J CERTIF!CATE OF DEPOSIT CItAnTER DEPOSITOR --- ACCOUNT NO. DA.! WITHOAAWALS INTE"EST. OE~OSITS BALANCE 1 r,.\Y21~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 *S,ZUO.O:J * 5Y200.00-g-~ AN AODITIONALDEPOSIT MAY EXTENDTHE MATURITY DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT_ THE NEW MATURITY DATE, INDICATED BY SYMBOLS N M, WILL APPEAR ON THE LINE ABOVE THE LAST DEPOSITED AMOUNT. atrrtifirat! af IJrpasit May 21-19'75 DATE OF ISSUANCE This certifies that Joseph R~ Ducato as joint tenants or Susan R~ fr.J.cato ~.. opened a certificate of deposit in the initial principal sum of $ I) 200 ~ 00 _and · he. - - I d. May 21-1981 ad' . I ..:Ir t initiO term en Ing . as lUsted as to p;mc.pa and term from time to time and recorded in this evidence of account in Pio_, fede,al SaYings and Loan Aaociati?n, Campbell. California. subject to its chane, and bylaws, to the Rules and Regulations fo, the Federal SaYings and Loan System. to the Regulations for the Federal Home Loan Sank System. to the laws of the United State.. of America. and to the rules established by its board of directors for this deposit classification conSIlient with said charter, bylaws. rules, regulltions Ind Ilws. This sum shill bear intllest It 7M the llle of _~ " per annum, payable on Juno and 31-1971) quarterly thereafter. provided the account is not reduced below the minimum amount .stablished by the association to be eligible to receive the ..ated rate. If the rate or term or both is adjusted in connection with I change in the account balance. such rate and term shall be as indicated in this evidence of account. This certificate of deposit shall be automatically and successively renewed at the con. clusion of each term It the last applicable ra.. paid on thiS cenificate and for the minimum term established et that time by the association for this dass cf account. except that at le..t fifteen days prior to a matullty dale .he aSSOCIation may give written notice to the depositor that this cenificate will be renewwd at a different rate and/or a differellt term, or will not be renewed and will revert to the status of a regular savings deposit and earn interest at the rate paid on regular savillg$ deposiu. In the event of any withdrawal from this aCClOUnt during the first thrP.e months 190 days) of the term. no earnings shall be paid on the amoun. withdr_n. In the event of any withdrawal therelfter, prior to the conclusion of the term. earnIngs on the amount withdrawn s..all be p.id at the then cu'rent rate on regular aCCDUnlS for the periOd since Issuance or renewal of the .ccount, less three months. To the alent necessary to comply with these rtqulre. nwnu. deductions shall be made from tho a_ withdrawn. In the e~.nt the term of this certificate is e~d by reason of an additional deoosil. tho withdrawal penalty prOVISion applicable d&ainelbe originalter,m will also apply to any w.th. drawal during the extend~ term. Determination of earnings is subject to the lUllS .steblished by the association for this e1... of IeClOUnt. - Issued It Campbell, California. . . ~~ CfJd. PIONEER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IAU,.,ORIZEO SIONATUHEI MEMBER FEOERAL HOME LOAN BANICSYSTEM FEDERAL SAVINGS a. LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION TO BE F:LCORCW WiTHOUT FEE CITY OF CAMPBELL." SEC710N 6103 GOVERNMENT cnD~ 75 NORTH caNTRAL AVE AT THE REQUEST Of CITY OF CA :11 CAMPSB..l.. CALJP"ORNIA SS, J ~ ~ti'R E E ~.l P. N'r suo F"'''''' .' .. -,.. ~ &..- B_ 459 PAtE 93 Ti!:;:S hG;\'EEXENT, made a:1:! e:-; t~rl2ct into th is.. _-"'//I.'L._____u__. 1.9...2L_, b~,' 4H1d be~;:....een~~:SE":12.0_ [.c.. C""""'~ R U.-".-~T.O h:". ',"j..o =- ""'. ~ <.... -.:'". ._~ ,-,-I .... J "~:..52.~--=-::::-.___ I ::leo ::> ,..) - day ~)t Ducato and '~2:':er.t-ed to co:.cporaticr, hGr-e i-'1:l ft.f'!" - , hcrcinaftc=" as "O..:ne:'s". unci the CITY OF' C!>.I"lPBELL, a ffi'...lnicip.:tl ~t the Cow:ty of Santa Clara, State of Califcrnia, r-ef.::.:r-red to as "City". ~vTl'NESSETH : ~-nr8IU::AS. Owncr-s did L1eretorore on J"Jne V1 19-14_, ~":::~~,' ':--, ,~~ -:-'. .,=",1" "e:: a-ot)'f"'ova 1 in .)rder to ,... '. - c' r ~..: f- .-"-- . ~_: .." ~ - ~.~ "~--;.--::- ::.::~:- --.-- --- _0:1 ~ 1:._ 1.1 <.; '- =:I .0.._ - ..'.L..n '-1 tOOl /,,-,\..4;. t::::::. =:..':::-t ~ ;-:1 ::: ~~ 2.1. p-rO~j0-;ty - describGc3 that ce.r".:ain J:ndivicfua"'1.10int Te!"!.anc.y' _, [J~;ed ---_. - -- - r~~or(;2d_ M(:L!;:~~ J'? , 19 75 and iil.::d in Book_,aJ.,f.L_'=>= Officl.a l RAccras at -:::acre 4) 7 oZ the County Recorder of t:!lc County of Sa:1ta -Clar3, "Sta-te of California, which property l.."-,; hercir.tifter referred to ::is "said 1."(;.'11 prap'2r-ty"; and, l\1U7.'r.;'..-'~~S at l.'t'" "'e'(-fu'~'~ mt:;"~tJ"''''' rleld JU1'_118 . ~n_I"\'L.,,;_..~ I .,) _ ':J ~- e'.L. .....- _ .....-:: .... I 19_J-1 _, said City di~-=: conside.r.'::ai.d applic2tion and g1.-2nt its appr~'!alt'he.reon S1.l~j ect t~ cEr-":ai:l condi ti ons thereof as -::(.-:1- -::ained in the C3J2.~ro?a L therefor r::i1o:,vn as "s" 74-16 NOW1 THEREFORE. IT IS Mu~UALLY AGPESD TO by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: (1) It is agreed to th~t O~~ers are required to ?rEp~r~ a~d/or cause tQ be p=epared a parcel map bas~d ~pon = field snrV'2V 2nd/or record data in accordance with thE: prcvi- sic'ns of. th..~ Subdi-,.ti:.:.i'~r~ ~1~~ Ac't of ~~~ .s"!.:~te c<E ("'~~lj fO.Y."ni;j. whic1'; parceJ. map shal:.. be pi:-epared by a licensed lClnd SUrVe)i()J. or reGistered civil enain8cr and which map sh~11 be submitted to t'h;' City Engineer of City for eX<:HTtinatioTI, approval and ..,,-,crrr'-'""'l.O..... ,-ithl'n ""r-l: ~i-~r ("'U'" ,.;-"r- [-ro"" rl'e d:-.to 'l::>>-Cn-= It .... f".:: - U - -:.:. \... - ~.l ..~, ~ J. .~. .:....... _ ~ .:..' I ..... (.;'': .:> .HI......&... c....;, _ .1 <_ _ _ ..;... . is furUlcr agreed to that if O~n~rs c~oose to, or arc required to, ;':;UI.;~lit ~ ?3rcel map, Q.'mers shalt pa? City the sum of_ Sc,,-entv S i.x DOLLl\.R~~ ~$~'6_.00~=--_J fo:r:che exar.linatio:1 of the ten'Lative and. final p2rcc'1 m<3.p. (2' It i~; fUl't:l!.2r- agrp.ed to th;.t OV.'IIcrs shall !->rov ide, const7."uct an,Vc,r in"t::,ll .:1: their mVI1 pr~per cost a~1d cxpense upon_~~l:2..~=-'~ RC3d _ t11ronqhout th€: frontage of said ~0~1 propcrt~ public s~rc0t iffipravom0nt~ c8nsisting of, but net 1 imi tc-:l La, the folIc',.: ing; 1 of:' G B 459 PAGE 94 FIRST: Provide and construct City of Campbell standard curb and gutter, sidewalk and driveway approaches, consisting of ?ortland Cement Concrete, as shown upcn the improvement pl~ns for said real ~r2perty approv~d by the City Engineer of City. SECOND: Provide and construct City of Campbell standard pavement structures consisting of untreated crushed roc1: base course and aSFhaltic concrete surface course or approved equivalent in accordance with said approved improvement plans. TdIRD: Grade said real property in accordance with aE)roved bui lding plans. FOURTH: ?l.-cv:.ae c:nd i.r.i~:':11l Ci:t:" 0= (';;~pbell st:andard electrical underground conduits with conductors and junctior~ boxes, a ~_l as shown upon said plans and as approved by said City Engi.neer. FIFTll: Provide and install or cause to be installed Q. \vater distr:...bution sy:stern, to 3e:;:-ve said real property as sr.o'v':n upon said plans. SI~H: Provide and install a sanitary sewerage system to se~ve said r.eal property as shown upon said plans. SEVENTH: Provide and inst311 an underground electrical energy system and an underground telephone system to serve said real p~operty. ~ EIGHTH: Provide and plant street trees of a variety ~nd si~e as shmm upon the plans and as approved by said City Engineer. " 2 of G ., B 459 PAGE 95 (3) I~ is further agreed to that O'tmers shall provide and construct and/or install all of said public street improvements ,,.!hen Owners are so notified to do so by said City Engineer of City. (4) It is further agreed to that all of said improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within twelve (12) mon~ps from the date that Owners =re notified by said City Engineer to do so; provided, however. that in the computation of said twelve-month period, delays due to or cuused by ucts of God, viz., unusually inclement weather, major st.rikes, other delays beyond the control of Ovmers shall be ex~luded. It is expressly ur.derstood ~~d agreed to that if Owners s::u.ll fail to complete the work required by this Agreement '-d,~hi:!:. the s<:iic1 p0..r:iod of twelve (12) months, thE: City, after giV]_l1g ten (10) -days written l'loti,;;..:: ti:t€:.::e:o:: -:.::) O'~'n~~rs. IT:?y construct and/or insta.ll said improvements and recover the fuLl cost and expens2 thereof from O"~ers. (5) It is further agreed to that Owners shall prepare or C2use to be prepared at thei.r cost and expense improvement plan.s for the construction and/or installation of said public st:~eet improvements, which plans shall be prepared by a civil 'encineer licensed by the State of California, which olans shall -.- ~ be submitted to City Enqineer of City for his'examina~ior.. and appn.~val and which plans shall be submitted to City E!1gineer \\'hcr.. O','mers are so n:>tifiesl by said Ci ty Engi.neer. ' (6) It: is further agreed to that the construction wo~k of the i.mp:::-ovements embraced by-this Agreement shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the Depart- men t of Public tvorks, Divisicn of Higlwlays, State of California I date~1 J'anllary, 1973, and in accordance with the Spe,~ifications of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No_ 4 of Sante Cl.u:a County, where indicated. WHEREVER the word "State" or words "Division of High~..,ays" t. J' ~ . -- .' '.. ~~ . . are men ~one(! !.n t,~e State Sr-ec~I ::..ca~~OllS, :.x. S~lo:'i-,-.L .;Jc con.:: ],_ del:ed as referring to the City of Campbell. Also, "'..herever the "Director" or "Director of Public Works" is mentioned, it she;.ll be considered as referring to t~e City Engineer. In case of conflict beb!ecn the State Specifications and the Specifications of th2 City of Campbell and Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Clara County, the Specific~tions of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Cl ara Coun ty shall t~kc precedc:::1ce over and be: used. in lieu of 5uch conflicting portions: (7) It is furthc;~r agreed to that O,^'lierS shall dcpos it .....ith City, when callej upon to do so for office eXil- mination of improvE'::ncnL plans, field inspection of constructi.on of imF~::ovCIllOl1t-:S und all neces2ary expenses incurred by City in connection with said improvc--:fi1Cl:ts Clnd ull necessary expeases 3 of 6 '\ B '0 459, PACf 96 incurred by City in connection with said real property the sum of One Hundred Eighty Three DOL~~RS ($ 183.00 ) . (8) It i~ further agreed to that Owners shall file .."ith Cit.y, upon execution 0 f this Agreement, a bond in the amount of Five Thousand Two Hundred DOlJLl>.RS ($ _5,200.00 ) to insure full and faithful performancE of the construction of all the aforementioned improvement work, excluding sanitary sewers and water distribution syst.em. Said bond shall guarantee that Owners shall correct any defect which may app02ar in said work within one (1) year-from the date of' acceptance of the 'V:ork by Ci'ty and pay for a.."1y damage to other 'Nark Icsult:i_ng from the construction thereof. as well as paying th2 cost of all labo.:- and materials ir,volved. This bond shall l.-e~~ai,~ I!! f'-lIl~o.:::'cc end ef.fect l1ntil one (1) year after <.1at,= of final accept~ice of saiu iiliprO~2~ent5~ (9) It is fu:-ther agreed to that City reserves the righ-:. to revise storm drain design shown on approved irnprcvement plaD~ provided O~mers a~e given reasonable written nutice of City1s intention to make revisions. Reimbursement amoun't will be adjusted by difference between revised storm design and pre- sen-tly a?proved storm design, in accordance with City of Campbell Storm Fee Schedule. (10; It is further agreed to th2t when called upon 'by City to do so. Oymers will execute a petition for' the furraation of any ~pecial assessment district created pursuant to any special assessment act as provided in t.he Streets and Hig11'N'ays Code of the State of Califo~nia.creat~d for the purpose of' constructing and/or installing any or all of the public street improvements herein described within the rights of way herein mentioned. (11) It is further agreed to that Owners shall partici- pate in and become a part of any special assessment district as described i:l paragr'aph (10) oE this Agreement. It is expressly understood that any obligations of O\vners contained in this Agreement that are accomplished to the satis- faction of said City Engineer by said special assessment district shall be considered null and void. (12) It ,is fu:-tlier agreed to that Owners shall file v.Tith city, upon execution of this Agreemcnt, a letter, from said Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Clara Co':nty stating thClt: Owners havG entered in-::o an ag~eement with tt.hc sai<.1 Dis'crict No. 4 to install sanitary sp.'Wers to serve said real' property, and statinCJ that u bond to insure full and :ai-thful performance of the construction ofc.hc sani..tary sc\...ers md to insure the general guarantc~ uS stated below in paragraph (14) has been filed. 4- of 6 . .. - B. 459 PACE 97 (13) It is ,further: agreed to that Owners shall pay to ~ncific Gas and Electric Company ~ny and all fees required for ins talla t ion of underground 'lIiring t:!ircui t to all electro- ].i,ers wi thin sa id real property, when Owners are notified by ei ther the City Engineer of Campbell or the Pac,ific Gas anu Electr ic Company ~hat the said fees al:'e due and payable. . (14) It is further agreed to that Owners shall make such deposits or file such bonds and enter into such agreeme~t as required by S3D Jose W2ter Company when called upon to de so to insure the installation of a ....,ater distribution system to serve said real property, including fire hydrcmt. (15) It is further agreed to that any easement and r.Lght of vlaY within or without said ~'eal' property necessCJ.ry for ~he cQ~p12~~0n of the project shall be acquired by Owners at their own cost an(~ expense. I'i.: is p!:o'Jided, ~c-:';~'.~e~'. that in the event eminent domain proceedings ~~e req~ired for the pUl:pose of securing said easement and right of way, Owners shall deposit or cause to be deposited with City a sum cover- ing the reasonable :T!~rket value of the land. proposed to be taken and to be included in said sum shall be 3. reasonable allmvance for sev'erance damages, if any. It is further provided tl1at in addition thereto SUC:1 sums as may be ,required for legal fees and costs, engineering and other incidental costs shall be deposited with City. (16) It, is fUl.-ther agreed to that Ovmers sha 11 carry out any and all negotiations with all interested parties end shall perform or cause to be performed at t.:beir Q\'vn cost and exp~nse and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer a~y and all work required to abandon, remove, raise, lower, relocate and other- wise modify irriga.t,ion line 'or lines \ViU1in the boundary or said real property. (17) It is further agreed to that the storm drainage area fee in connecticn with said real property cu"1d in conformance with the requirements established by Section 9110.5 of the Campbell Hunicipa],. Code is Ln t.:ie am'.:,unt' of One Hundred Seventy Dollars DOLLARS ($170.00 ). {18) It is further agreed to that Owners shall inderrmify and save harmless the City of Campbell, the City COUJ1cil and the Ci ty E:1gineer, and any and all other officers or employees of City from any suits, claims or actions brought by any per- son for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property sust<Jined or arising in the construction of the on- sit.e work due ':::0 any acts, omissions or negligence ,of Owners, their officers, agents, employees or contractors. (19) I t is further agreed to tha.t the abOVe~l}umed terms an~ conditions shall bind the heirs, successors, ~Jministrators or assigns of Owners. 5 of 6 .", -, ~ 459. PACE 98 (20) Ihis instrument is and shall be considered to be an ins~rument affecting th0. right, title, interest in or posses- ~don of the: reiJ.l propcrt.}' hereinabove descr,ibed. " IN WITNESS t~IEREOF, said City has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereunto duly at~thorized by resoluticn of the City Council, and said Ov.mers. have hereunto caused their rlar:\es to be affixed the day and year first above written. rl ~ :;;: I.... c... ~o '- ~~, ;- ~ ~ --E (j) -< f'-~:=,U Nln 32. ~ O)~ i-~ 0 ~~ ~~" ~ o~j: Lj.... ,. f."":) ~ NO LSJ c-- ~ -!!'" :2 >- a; /J)r "" 0:2: C ~ !:: tC.o......t;; 0,4 .11_'- 0"'" %,::. ~~.;'t:'I" ~~~:~ ',i ~,3 :': ~ CITY OF CAivlPBELL ~{(1 ~~ usse J. Hammer fvl=:'YQr ,..,. N _-::J :"'-J ." .r '--b;;~i-~Y~T~~t/h(~~~ ~ /, -- ..'~ .- '- -- . .---:..:-' - - -. Clty'''&lerk .\~,. ~!. - ....,.. -'., . " ~;~.~,~.:: " "../ ,..,....,. - I , , . v o. \ _.-..:,,-- , -, - A-o __ -,_ o.....:-...:~_ (I) ,_.; ,. FEE OWNERS -~ (), I ~ O~ Joseph R. Ducato -- r (" ~~I/ i ~.hl --r / , ' \ \..-.--' / \ / 1''' r) c'fJ Ducato '-- STATF OF CALIrOln';JA.) Ii ,_................._.Colmlv of-....~~!.~...Cl~~___.............ts. 459 PAGE 99 Otl this..__.?~.!g...._.._..da)' of....._.._...... Mav ......._......._......._.......in the 'ycar OIlC thousand m'ne IllIlldred and_.....~~y~nt.Y....f.l:v.e............. bef<w lIle, ,........_._~iI1?!.~~.~.~~e~y__.___......____.._., a Nulary F.(/;Ii~, State of Culifon::'a, duly commissioned atld s'worn, /,ersOlla/!y appear..d......................._..,............ ........Joseph...R....-and_SUsall...R......D.ucat.Q.___.._............__...._...............-...... ~ Cowdc: r', For", 1\0, 3 2,-Acb.l'\.:lerl~mcnt-G.Ilc;ral. (C C. c'ec. liS,)) (I'''''''T[I:I 2,'5,'-'", 02.'430 .........--...----.............................-..--.............-..--.......-..-............-...........-..---------....--..-------.-....---------.....--.....- kno<<'lI to I!U to be the pcrsOtl..~...'i.t'llOse t1al1z....._y.~..subseribcd /0 Ihe 'i.i.Jit/:in ills/nmlcllt alld aekl:m,1"d.r;eti to me t,'lat....t:..he...Y...ercCII/ed the sallie. IN WIT:.:{;SS IVIIEREOF I /;a,Ie herelmto set III)' hGl.r!. (!mi affi:::cd IllY o[;:':ial sml ill thc ,.._....._..~~~~_......__Co/(nty ol..__Santa_Cla;ra._........._the Jay alld )'ear ill Ihis certifirate ,irst abo-vc .tlriltm, '--zZ'" m ..1/ . .' ---- L-:' ~ ~/U ~ ' /'f./"_~ ......-..........'.....'2...1-...'........-...."..--...-.........-.-....---N~t~;:;.P~;;i.~..~f'c;li.i;'~;~T;:, 1Iy CCITIn:i,sion Expir::s.....__.________.____..._ :0 CE ;.;::c.::'.,::J WiT::OUT FEE SEC7/0N 61C3 GC'.'ERNME;~T CODe AT ni~ REQUEST OF CITY OF CAMPBELL .- ~ , 459 PAcfl00 RESOLtrrION NO. 3895 ~'T'.' OF CAMPaELL BEING A RESOLtrrION AUTHORIZING EXECtrrION 5 NORTH CJZNTRAL AVE OF JOSEPrI R. DUCATO AGREEMENT. CAMPBELL, CAU,...ORNIA 9S~08 WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by Joseph R. Ducato and Susan R. Ducato, an agreement for the development of their real property in accordance with prescribed conditions; and WH:SRE.:~~8: by the terms of sa1.d agreement, and con- currently herevlith they have submitted grant deeds of certain portions of their property for street purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cow1cil that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED A~~ ADOPTED this 9th ,day of June 19 75 , by the following vote: AYES C 1 Chamberlin, Doetsch, Paul, .: ounci men: Podgorsek, Hammer NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethal! '.', ". ; ~~~.. -.. .Ci:ty~ Cle"rk .., ~ lO.t ' . .. _ . ....., 0 , 'l. ....", THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA / .'- BY '\ i- ' ,1'/. -</ ;--rr- / / / DATED 6- / t /,r , ..-., ......, . " . I" I', '.. '. .: ~ It SUMMARY CITY ENGINEE'R!S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR Daniel V. Texera - "S" 76-38 1315 Pollard Road - Duplex 1. Clearing and Grubbin~: 2. Earthwork: 3. Underground Street Lightin9 System 4. Concrete Construction: 5. Street Construction: 6. Misc. Surface Improvement~ Sub Total: l5t Contingencies: TOT AL : .,,", A 1 = $530.00 . I = 1/1T6~OO I = 1,001.00 == 1-, .4-~()-.- .00 'J = 2--",.-.G-2-2o.-t)t) = 62.00 == $-6- ,:ffll ~-f)e == , ~42.00 == ~,-223.00 ~ , I ~ i -.. -L L._ I J" 1:.....,. Sea Ie: 1 ~;...A.J :'=::':,::~-,"~.::':'::::::=:-==--:,:,= ":'~ "';-., ~._-----_._u__.~_ .__..~_~,_ 'rY) . } -- ----~-- ....- --.--.....,..- --..--.-. / "'- '---.---.-.. .-'-1--------'/' ~~ , VY A Y, _.4~~_,__...-- L., . ___ ,__ _ __ --------7- ^"-'". --.-.,- .-.-. ___ E;$J~R~_kLrT A___ , !---.. J I I I j I ' r'\, 21 ~i) 1:0/ zs; /1 o'j,s I "" :;/." ': j.:,J).:'- " i: - .,/ . , ~_~.~,',-~oeS2.co\lc. 1'1 ,"::,; :~. ~ U' I! ", ,"- -/ ~ - 'j -" --'-, ,..t, -- '0.::::'.': , "~~. ':::;~),'2::;; -- "''''',''---' 1--- '.. 'Q', ~ 'A' P" B" v.~ ~ '.J"j;'c~ ~',!.-. CL., CL I "<, ~~. . ,'e. :220"!"Ac.\.c. 197!:Ac. a.. ",' -<~,~, '/' ::. \.)., ,\: c?' /~,. ", ., , " 'oJ '<.. J: r" ? \'.' j ,AV~,<;:~ ""~:,-- _,{ -.;-; '-\::- \j-~~_ q '0~~ ~ .... ~ \ ",,, 0.. .--~"."\ '...... ''-,.0 ',_ "'7, """,> ~~, /..... "'l;' 4 t ';, '. - ,,':..>- ,'S'~' "::')\' '\ 'C. ; '.' "', "l, ". \. I ,\ -.lo "./ .-'c" '1-- ' , '>. ,> "9- /1\J~~(~\ ,', ,>-~~:~ - j , ""-, .~' ,.' ......,., '~'" ,-,- -'.'~1~~<\ , ,< .,------=----, i , j I - - -r-- .--..-___I___~___. ----- -- I . ; t Z/ : I " I . -', ; c: ~ 01 (I I '\ r '-- ~;, ~(P-'~_5-:'.:~' :~~:.~~, ~_J ____, j,( i (\,' I t 1-- 'lD " 3C) '" J - , ~ 0. ij) h.. ''f, , a .<~ I; c / ~~'~ ,) ,:..:.:" . .t# <Sr'~ .~/...... II (1').( 1.-;" f() i (() \., l:() ('(;'1(/ fry I fC'1' U tv / :1/-'/ rl~ ~l/iJII 't....rr "'- ~)Vj:2r- (():I. ' '/1,- " <:;j .7). -.< //,I,? / I ~-j./ r) / I J;P '; O~) 0....., / / ,,0 :fJ_,"- j I ,7 --:/.. ~. 'J..j). l~" ,1')",' I t>- .t,:.-- " V-;o A~~~et:/<. ,)~~0':~\b.s(l.r<~ 0;.-"11 )f-\ '''~>' </ l~...~-:~r..:J'::l\. J~ (i:;' :"",~ . ..if < \ j~'---~~.e-? .:.",-1; ~""""cS-". '\.. "" ~ :L- ....- .~ '". .........\ N"" '" ~',; .-' \12- _ ...../ ''''-. "-.. 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I /'~ l '. /1 : J'i "'-.II' .'\,1 "{J /i; ~ /' ".. ./ ~ . i .., /1 -1/ i 1 J ~ 'i .l j t ~J J ti ~ .~ -t,IS'X .~ \\ J;,>, .~ -~ ~ \. ". ....-., \ " P -...f" <l \l'. j / / / / ~ ,>4~ , t~~ ~ \ 8l/'~ lip ......:-J# ~~. co ...... -" "}t , Ie .... / CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR Daniel V. Texera - "s" 76-38 1315 Pollard Rd. - Duplex 1. Clearing and Grubbing: a. AC removal: 212 sq. yd. @ 2.50 2. Earthwork: (88) (1) (45) = 147 cu. yds. @ 8. 00 27 3. Underground Street Lighting System: a. 1 1/2" rigid galvanized metal conduit with two #8 AWG solid copper conductors: 86 line ft. @ 5.50 b. 400-watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type II electrolier, with photoelectric cell, 240-volt: .48 @ 1,100 4. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 86 1 in. ft. @ 5. 00 b. Class A, PCC residential sidewalk: 268 sq. ft. @ 1.50 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: 274 sq. ft. @ 2.40 5. Street Construction: a . Al t. No.1: 1. Class 2 A.B., 1 1/2" max.: (2,775 sq. ft.) (0.67) (0.07) = 130 tons @ 6.00 2. AC pavement, Type B: (2,775 sq. ft.) (0.33) (0.075) = 69 tons @ 18.00 = $530.00 = 1,176.00 = = 473.00 528.00 = 430.00 = 402.00 = 657.60 = 780.00 = 1,242.00 7. Misc. Surface Improvements: a. Street trees, five-gallon size: 1 @ 27.50 b. Signs and posts: Relocate YIELD Prepared by: L. Snyder December 7, 1976 Sub Total 15% Contingencies TOTAL 1. Use $7,250.00 for bond amount. 2. Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $253.00. 3. Storm drainage area fee is $170.00. ( . 197 ac.) = 27.50 = 35.00 $6,281.10 942.17 $7,223.27 fj ~iQo.GaliforQia EaQk December 24, 1976 Mr. Joseph Elliott Director o~ Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attention: Mr. Bill M. Helms Engineering Manager Reference: No. 'S' 76-38 Gentlemen: Camino California Bank, Branch No.2, has on deposit the amount o~ $7,250.00 ~or the construction of public street improvements for the subject project as summarized in the agreement between Daniel V. Texera and the City of Campbell, identified as No. 's' 76-38. In lieu o~ bond ~or ~aith~ul per~ormance, these funds are available upon demand, subject to the conditions of above said agreement, to the City of Campbell. Said funds will remain available until some other form of faithful performance guarantee acceptable to the City o~ Campbell is filed with you. Sincerel~S, cf~t: ~~ Vice President & Manager LLK/cm. 2858 STEVENS CREEK BLVD SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95128 (408) 246-9800 ... ;.i'. .1 '. i.'" 11 W . ~J p)~~\l>JJ~H)fJI Hlll'B OF TilE FAIH'UWS SANTA CJ.Ali.\ "AJ.U~l'" 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE · CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008. TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 December 3, 1976 Mr. Daniel V. Texera 1265 A E1 Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95050 , a 00 ~STE.8 :.vJ-Co - S"l '2... c.. ~ Re: "S" 76-38 1315 Pollard Road Campbell, CA Dear Mr. Texera: Please be advised that the Planning Director to the attached conditions, your request for construct a duplex on property known as 1315 Campbell. has approved, subject approval of plans to and 1317 Pollard Road, Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by makinq written application for same to the Planning Director at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provirled for in this Chapter. If there are any questions regardinq this matter, please contact t~lis office. Very trllly yours, ARTHUR A. KEE Planning Dire)top.. i' &L1- cI,-4A,,( (~,j RICHARD L. SCHNEIDER PI anner I I pka cc: Public Works Department Fi re Depa rtment R. L. Ferguson Drafting Service " - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "S" 76-38 Daniel V. Texera 1. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permi t. 2. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $3,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. 4. All mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved by the Planning Director. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, and wet garbage, and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. F. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "5" 76-38 Page Two G. Applicant shall meet all State requirements for the handicapped. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT H. Pay storm drainage area fee ($170). I. Enter into agreement and post bonds for future street improvements. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. ~,j~..-- '--.---,cff.') -' ~_ ?"_- c+-:'fr-- . -" S. / ~ (I F ) APPLICANT TE~E AA ADDRESS 131S) 13171'319 POI' ~RD RD- .1". "S" NUMBER~ A.P.N.~3~1.~~~3 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS ~~~~~~~ ~n~ ~i12 ~ Rlaf) pm 352-32 PROC€"~ WHe.N Duc.ATO PAItc..€l.. WAS D€vELOPED. D<vrliQ:41ie :ri3R't 'Vi ..7:4Y X Pay Storm Drainage Area Fee .'~O prQHigg ~il!iY ef Pnal i~il:nr::.' 'riLL... R~t-',-,Y4 x Enter into agreement for construction of street improvements x Pay fees as noted In agreement ~FER plan examination and construction inspection Qt\!Rr-h~ll I1'-'H':'~':'J:-'ul L':'':lLtiR') n~C"t-"'~@l!! ~Y~ Y8.t;a ~ fire hydrant rental )( Post bond as noted in agreement )( Provide grading and drainage plan )C. Obtain excavation permit IF ~ WO~K IS R~\)IR.ED ,tlI me Pu8LIC ff../W ~~L~~&~~ ~~g~C"C"m~nrq Le:FT DuE '-URNS FR.OM O/W WILL HAve: TO 8E PR.OH ISITE'D TO , S LAI-J D . C.MA~ Nt: LI Z.A T IoN. NOTE TO DUcATO FILE BY R. CHEEK: '~PLf!AsE t..ET Joe ACSAI OF P.T.t...-: KNOW O~ FuRTHER OeVEL.OPMENT IN 11-\ IS AREA. tt