1871 Polalrd Rd. (75-32) 1ll1;'JI- Dr~()J\nTl\mLJTP.L M~!v10RZ\l'TDUl\1 TO: Building Department FROM~ Public f.vorks Department The requirements of the Public HorJ~s Department have been satisfied for the following development: ~PLICANT .i~(L-)6-D c H~- L ~'-~-! 6' 7 ( BUILDING ADDRESS_"F-Ctc;-t- po LL-(-"4--O RO. COtm~y ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUf'n.iER - 4-03 - c( - 33 liS" APPROVAL NUl\ilBER PI[) (; ci - I PUBLIC wom<s FILE NUMBER f '\ 'S.T. Cl) J WILLIAM G. vJREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HORI,S BY~!_ . dL- 1<...J ~ t;;;.e~ 7 _. zs- -2 'r ~. .sn(1 n) "HUB OF THE FABULOUS SANTA CLARA VALLEY!" 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE · CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008. TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 February 20, 1976 Mr. Donald K. Beckenhauer Rinconada Hills Christian Church 1975 Pollard Road Los Gatos, CA. 95030 RE: "S" 75- 32 1871 and 1961 Pollard Road Campbell, CA. 95008 Dear Mr. Beckenhauer: Please be advised that the City of Campbell Planning Commission, at the regularly scheduled meeting of February 19, 1976, denied without prejudice your request for approval of plans to allow construction of a housing and recreation center for senior citizens on property known as 1871 and 1961 .Pollard Road. You should be aware that Section 21.64.050 of the Campbell Municipal Code provides that: 21. 64.050 Appea 1 s to City Coun ci 1: "Any pe rs on agg r i e ved by any decision of the Planning Commission made under the provisions of this title may within ten days from the date of such decision appeal to the City Council by written notice of appeal filed in duplicate and shall set forth specifically wherein the Commission's findings and decisions were in error. Upon hearing the appeal, the City Council shall consider the record and such additional evidence as may be offered and may affirm, modify or reverse, in whole or in part, the order, requirement, decision, determination, interpretation or ruling appealed from, or make and substitute such other additional decision or determination, as it may find warranted under the provisions of this chapter. The standards herein established to govern the dis- cretion of the Commission shall apply with equal force to the actions of the Counci 1 .11 If there are any further questions regarding this matter, please contact th is off ice. Very truly yours, ARTHUR A. KEE ~~ RICHARD L. SCHNEIDER ,Planner l RLS:am cc: Enc I os ure Fred Chez P. O. Box 1404 Tooru Hirose 15796 Winchester Blvd. loe; r::;:ornc;: Ql;:n"2n 1......_ "'_.JL_ _ _____ DONALD K... Bcc..kENHAUER APPLICANT R IN(,()^JA-DA H-/LI <; CHRlSI/AN CI-WRCt1 ADDRESS 1871 'f I'.?>~I POLLAR.D R.OAD x x x x x x v6J "S" NUMBER 75"- 32- A.P.N.403-2/-131Z8J2~J32 . .f 33 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS Process and file a PAR-CEL map ~. R./ W pR.esEN TY DEb I eft-lED 10 45 I F'eDm POLLAR.l> ~ Pay Storm Drainage Area Fee (3J. foB5ac.) ($7foS) 7:. ~81~)- (24-50) ~ =I>~ <;pj 5-22-70 - Provide copy of Preliminary Title Report Ente~ into .agreement for construction of street improvements *loR. /....i.D, ALoNG POLl....AR..D R-DAD Pay fees as noted in agreement r>er::€.R... plan examination and cO::1struction inspection Post bond as noted ~n agreement P-rovide grading and drainage plan ~ ",", " }, ~ ~ t .. ", ., I ,I ~I \ ( I~ , ~ ,'. - ~ r ; I ':1 I I I _."<" ~1.~)";1-Li L lV/C),'. J' C h 0 v'L j)/ST;:;>/LT /4 . , .. . .- ~ .~ ~ ~~ ( .... E ! ~ ...., ~ .... .. ." ""... ',' " , T r- "_ ~ .... -~-~-~... ! ~1~,3 , l...___._-----.J , - ..~ ..._ ~.,._ _6 _ t ~,~ " --~.5 ~.;-- . " @ '" '" "', I I I ~; );: ifJ 3< v l' l:. ;;, Ir ,~ \09:iA:. ~~fT) . 32 /'c ..ff ~ "" v " "" C" (c ~fo' .A:-.:~E;.: ;: :; t) ,\' ..:: ..,;'} ", ... "jE.2E i9 .Jlr '\. -- W ,ho cL h?' o .~:.'= ~ -, ~~ ,,\0'-. '- 4"' . 1 ~-~~~~-=t ~ .J i Ie.' t _..~ ) 77.s- i -'1..;, I Jl~ ,; ~':~'.;' - _ " ,;;...... ... -' ~ l,/"; ~ " r '.' ;>, <" '--J '., ...~ '-''- <(" ""C, ' '-., "'-,. ''-."" ~. "''- --\.. . ~ - ',>, " - .~~~.,,~ ,~ " ~,,~, "'- -( '-. "~ ". ~ ',- . ."" ao ~ - - " 32 ;)rl "- '::'1 28 3 J G,.. f I ..,.. ~ , t 1 I ;-:,R'vcL ,,'L:J;:: (~ f,~ 't 7 ."-; '/ 1 . [ ,-, . ~,' ;. - f I.' _ ~ r ~ -1' ~". . ~ , ,-} " . .. ~I =-~ '1;9 ROAD fl!l~1 n ., n~ , I"" ~J I. "'.., ,,,. C ,~ :" ~. :.;.;:.~ ~J r tA i~'~.uL'J~f~A'\.1 "HUB OF TIlE FA.BULOUS SASTA CL11U. \'ALLEr!' "'" tj 'oi i 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE · CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 . TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 ;o.;.'~~~ June 13, 1972 Mr. Fred E. Chez Box 1404 Los Gatos, Ca. 95030 Dear Mr. Chez: At their regular meeting last evening the City Council approved your request for a one-year extension on your development schedule for PD- ..~ 69-1. ~ ,~his approval would extend the expiration date Of~' Phase 2 construction to start on August 13, 1973, ) and extend the expiration date of Phase 3 constr- / uction to start on August 13, 1975. y~~~:~~. Doro~ Trevethan, City Clerk cc: Planning Director