25 Railway Ave. (1959) ... -- ~;: t N '52- E +,t ~o ~ "*' o ~ ~ I I' I ! I I I L~ JL,"~ t~~'_'~>"__.~: __ LAND Tn 8.1': ('RAl\.ITFD rj T"E .~__<__y--:~2.!,_;.I"~..;==L___~;:;:___...tb.. _CJJJ:_Ot.~~~ ~ p ~.~J::.~_ SCALE: i"= 100' AVE ,. ~ ~ . j ..'~,.;; Cl fi:" t"',(\ Oft c., c' "e r:; ~ I I .:",''':/1 :~' ,::,n')b~l! ~e.cI ;(~,'~.iJ I DRN 'B~/;f.tf3. CK' BYW~! ....,_,,~ _"'___""'__"'~""~""d__,","'~'"_~__~.~,,,,~.,_.___'~,,,,_,,.....,...., .,...~.,_ ,....._>y.......__~.~_ ~.. ~.,.~~~, -,,"", .;,..."'.;;.,.._.,............,..._. '"' .,._...._.~'"'~.,_.,,,..,l Aa c. 1.1;., ... CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF CALIFORNIA SHINGLE' SHAKE CO. FOR OFFICE BUILDING TO BE LOCATED AT 25 RAILWAY AVENUE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA: 1. Dedication ~ Improvement on Campbell' Railway Avenues to Plan lines. 2. Ston. Drain Deposit In aMOunt of: $765 per acre. 3. Provide 3 off-street parking spices.. 4. Provide 1 loading space 10' x 30' CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION Hay 7. 1963 e IS otv h.e>~ ? f f., , . . ---\ I ; I \ \ >\ '\ ; AA a. I URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTttENT r.:TY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMM;SS~ON .81>,12.1 kat i Q..11 for "5'1 .8~e.r~wa 1 ftt:wQ 1. .3 19. ", In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3. Article IX of The Campbell t'unicipal Coce of the City of Campbe 1 t, the undersl gned he."eby make!: app 11 cat len for approva 1 of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements \'Jll1 be located on land described as follows: (insert or attach legal description.) ~p;laal.. at . pdat ., 1atenecU_ et &. O~ AftIll>>. to' I a" .1lr.u. AVO. ......~ S".GO' toe uterHoU_ .t a. eupbIU A.,._. t.henDe ..iar1l' &1... CeatNl ........ so..' t,e i.' ...L PNPtft7. \be.. al-... 8.P.I.L 1T.....v 1wtJler11 SSO.OO' p1u ......... t;o t,M So~lT U. .1 fta~U 1_.., t.l1e.. luteJ'ly 81011& eampbNj.. A~ "'.00' to t.he poSat. .1 ._.t.,.. 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed improvements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he believe~ will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City Officers in considering his application) A*llU. \e IUl:1aUq buU41a& (ettJ.oe lNtlt1i.. tor .M~'" &lid roetiq .terial .&le.. 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately $ lQ(X).OO 4. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of site plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one returned to applicant. CAW~:y. ill1L'lGUS ".'Sl!.i~ . CO. ~~ {v ~~~ - Signatur of Applicant BRUTscHG" Filed in the Office of t~7Urban Development Departmflnt -7'jt.$ _19~~_. zt: C;;;L~-<1~ / Secretary ., .n~ ......~ t. &....1', f1alU'. Nt... Address of Appl cant Gity State 7?1~ Telephone .-- iSGINEiR . SanPeclro Street J-.. 10, California ApI'11 27. 19:>9 file. C.aap. Mite.' "~,p Checkint .. $~, Zone t,pprovtll ...... ~ M~. J. T. McC.nn Dl~~r:ct Freight and p.,.enger Agent Sout"&er:1 l'dc1flc Comp."Y 6~ : Jl.:.11 Str.et R., San ;)5'. Cellfornl. c ,,,d. (.0 f 0..1 e. :-~n ~nQU <<;t.0< ;~;-:;;>Y'''' ';ii;:, ~\\:'} '-, Attention. Mr. Ray Cll~lon l?edl - ir & r .... C.tifQrnl.. .5hi.ngle Co.. the 1.,... of ytJur old (,aaap...t1:~ r.L. .t.tlo:. ,:>rope:tj', r.queated '"S" Zone A;)Pl'OVf::' lor an office bu~1~in9 for meteri.l ..le. It th~ ..I..1"\J')IY 17. l<"~/" ~"lawl~n~ COIhlli.lion m..tinq. On., of tile cO:i11tloru of ~p~ro~il WIll dedic.tion of land on Ca;..p~e:': .\venu. to the iou'l.nerly C."pbell Avenue lvO- foot 1>1.:& Line, ...hich ~lii f>P:,I')xir.lCllely :~,5 f..t touth of the pr.~.llt northeJ' 1)' pr');H~r":. f : ine. A: the dir.ct.on of tne C1ty Council. 1 am w~lt- In':: Y'}U now to .t.te that t:l11i dedi,.tlon hal not yet b.en reGue,ted due to the {ol.ll)Wlnl fectors' 1 ~ l'vUI' property i. ill t;l" are. whU'1t the lOO-{vot Plan ~:ne ~..t. Cle B~-fb~t ?l.n Line. The curt 81190- h18nt Jon thia .r.a CUi not yet. ~e.1I d.....gned Ind the n.w pro?orty line c.nnot yot t,. det.rn.ined. 21 rt~ll..y Avenue. which ta now only 45 f..t wide, 1. eUl'rw;1',ly under Itudy {or . ~ol.ible pl.n line wld.nl~ to r)J'~"': ~t up to. or ~t le~!t (10..1' to. tndustr!al .tr..t w10 '.' ;, t.rH.1arda. The cur:) ~.tur:1 at Ra:.l..a}' ~ C.Ilpol11 I.V~n\;"'r; c.erinot lJ. detend.)e.: llntil tois ~idth i. determined. The City; tt\erefore. h.. gr!nted your le,... · buil<1 LVi; p.rmt t wi th the condi tlon that appropri.t. 'U..t ded~cltion be m.d. .t a later date, nam.ly, when the .bov.' ~~~~. r~~. Your. vuy tru 1 y . t.'.ARK E. no',AS city inoln..r By Micha.l J. Vigil,nt MJV,. ."c . . I ", .:i? ~"'.'V\"".~,." C!'''-'',,,:,''r'L'''' COM1>r,,~'~f ~,,~~~.~~~~~ o;)=:~t ,~-f ~l~~~~'~ I:,~eet5..r~ 11<=,'..f'1 DiSC-c:nbe!l: 7~C~ 195:9 S' &~t t:: :':{u:'t:.:;';,~~~~.~~ t:....;. ,"2r_t..:'e O..i1f] t'Ja::-:r)L, ~~~;~C::'t'U:: tt) (t:lS.Cl'.E3 ::.. ]..t..~~(:"-~ ~:',o:1.a .r:~3 X~C:':;~ J.:~,e(lt:j~::.~::',<:; ()f: 1'1. :? $. R:t\:'(~.,?e" 01'1 j~~:<:~,);'te:~~;.':~":? ;i~'~ 2.~~ .t.~:,T OI'\: ~)v];./n::1~'1; t:~~ C:t ('[' ~.)2Se11i; e:t t',~:<:J ',z~:(~~~'cirl;'~~~E-:..~r<~ tile .f"ol:i..o.~:tlr12:, ~ Cal.:~:e(}2~r~j~:!~:. 'L~-lgle:7J: ;;J!:;~eJ~e CCYL:1="-Ct.L-':-.~/ rl:'" l' J}. l< P'J .F~:1. ~\lcre. i',t? I' ~~~tt,,"~ :3r:.t~.'tk1-~!1e' (;it~;).. ~:.~~.. C:f2:.<:~pt~{i.;11: r;'~ay(),: ~Z~.n'>Qn !..... Fltil"'Ch11d Courw :i.1"?l':~i\n Charles Rose Cou.nc:L:~1I;,m1 ilo Il.. Yilal'i.;ze). F<i.ar~l1::rig Ccm:m:lssione:i." ii.5.eha:cd .s8.1it~e l'lartnirlg COlli:Y[Issj..Ol~;r.;:~ I}~~~-~jis ~?Joo~:1:.t::t II Plam1ing Coni5'j}lt~nt l'~eBto:r' };S'.1..:t~ett, I)t)l.:!e,~~~ Cll:le~~<t ;:~,cbert ;J ~ rJQcl';:f~ (;:1. ~~~r ~;:'\'~~{:L~:ln~e:.~ /;s.l':t J,y i;;[<~,x~teT~~(:;Y} J- :~..11i:: J~i.1'lg~..nf~ i"):-:--:J:in r.J~eli1.€~':t:J::;~(:;'fi)~~r;~ t'2 itr~:tce (~tl ea,B'~ s5...:1e o:::~ ~",~~'~-"C}r:~3~)t:V ,~,,:'~ - '; +:' ::. ~'.. t.J -.....~. "..~.l;J ~J ;i:; i !':.,':-,; ~',: .,~~'" a 1) ~;:; ~~:~::~;;~ 1. It, a 't l:~l(n;.;; B "~l~riet~ :',\ 'lie~Yr;e .. [lad e .l' $.t::. 13 m1'ou":, 'Ti'l~L ~l i~! ~? ~;J:~ e .~~1 -,:' t:J:~\~ 1~:;.1.-'l2. I ~1 '::;::1 'the j:~i!11:~-:; (;;$ tll{~.rig tL::~~ ~)rolJe~~';:~l ].i~.{:; '! '(';::..:~' i~cet (~'{~at ~~};:~ '"l10 c.',r! ~i. t.~OYft(:l'''*f:t -~~e (;'l:a,s~~ S o:C :~'; 0 .') ~; .~'{ ~~~} 1~\~~l\3 ~~'(>o t: :;;j,.(~! .~;i1. c~f' .~~ l_ J.:.~ c~r~ ~~::~ \.1 I.~~ ~}E~~'~ J3\.lf~'2",:;:!:;:~t,,-~,(~ t:c' ~~b;.~, l::~:tve~a tl'2e,1~ ;J~ S~~\~),?V~~3/' b~~ made t........ ~.i~ ~;',:.1r've~~..():~~1 to :a:,:rt;ft})l:j~S!I tl'le e;':t~3t.~3-~'1~:; 1:1.!"je 0.1* the l~,i,."\'1:jc::,~"~.~~~' 1),7i,-:lt1J:" tit},:; CZ;..:~1fc~~,'l~t2. '~J~~:;:te Etr:~\'l E;li.ti.}:e (:()~) l~~':v t~'la Sout.tlSri1 1)8r~i:r::..c~ r,J'r}(r::1 C'C~:11~- f;5"OI"i ~::..~ tI1:~..~7; 8U,J~Ve::l '.:1~1(:~ l~~11(;,(:;.(~:t~lfg: '0:P;.J~:;]..e7:I! '.~~.'l .j;:~_1.~' .~! ~,'. ',' '1_',- (::'-.t ."_~ ~>., .-.....~ :]" ~.'.'.. J-' '." "'1~'" -C,'. "".... 'q~;'t t?'~ ,."'.,./i .-,~l 'I' 7~.}. 'i''t~ ;.1., " -"- ...~ - - ~--- ~.,. _'t:.,,_,._ -~, "i,_t..~"'..,,.... ....!.,,:I;..,;-....\..v, -__.'t,A..l. -;,#'1'~C..... " .. , 3. ":.~ '::~ , ~.'j r~ "(, () c( ,-.~.G:n::' .. ., . .'. ,~ C;:u:~l ,;., f.l0A."tensen C'.;~ty ;gt"iginaoeA' Ii Ja .... 1 . CAMPBELL PLANNING C(H(ISSION The attached plana of California Shingle Co. for construction of an office building for material sales, to be located on Railway Avenue and Campbell Avenue, were approved by the Planning Commis- sion of the City of Caflpbell at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of February. 1959, subject to the conditions as suggested by the City Engineer and approved by City Council. Said conditions are a. follows: ,-rI;~ td~- 1. '111at the developer shall enter into.. agreement with the City Council covering such matters as the latter _y require. a. Dedication of land on Campbell Avenue to the southerly Campbell Avenue Plan Line. b. Fencing at Campbell Avenue and Central Avenue be approved by the Traffic Engineer prior to installation. and that said fence be set back to allow east bound traffic on Central Avenue to observe south bound traffic on Railroad Avenue. CAMPBELL PLANNING Ca4KISSION L. W. HARMON t CHAIRMAN -, By: CAMPBElJ. CITY COO'NeIL Clerk Approved: .p~~