146-152 Railway Ave. (79-06) MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT <::: PT Date: .:::713 10 1~80 From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLI C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- , The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT -101+"'; 5 PIJ-.e LI Nb BUILDING ADDRESS 14-" - 15"2- RAt L/,vAY. A-vt=: COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER .4 r~ -}B- 43'1" 44- APPROVAL NUMBER e D TCJ ~. h PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER '~L tJ (~D) JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Date: CAHf~BMEQ topY: This doeu"..."t baa not been compared with the ortgl.. N SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 0 FEE {] . (1 ,,' ~ ,/~/ ,'.' (\ 12007090 1\' l FILED FOR HECO,RU AT RE~Y,ESTOF NOTICE OF RELEASE BY CITY OF CAMPBELL ,./ JUL 20 8 OJ AM '93 OFFICAL FEe,,!> ;, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN concerning the real property 10~,-i)~€~UNTY of Campbell, Santa Clara County, California, and described specifically as fb~~(~~LE lots 3 and 4 of Block 4 as shown on that certain "Map of Rucker's Addition to the City of Campbell" Recorded May 20, 1895 in Book F of Maps at Page 39 Santa Clara County Records. That the undersigned City of Campbell granted conditional approval of certain improvements on the above-described real property on August 13, 1980, pursuant to a Deferred Street Improvement Agreement entered into between the City and the Owner recorded in the official records of the Santa Clara County Recorders' office in Book F635, Page 157. That John E. Sparling, et aI., Owner of said real property, executed a petition for the formation of a special assessment district created pursuant to any special assessment act as provided in the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and participated and became a part of that special assessment district. That special assessment district No. 30 entitled Dillon-Gilman LID #30 was in fact created and included the real property described above. That as a result of the creation of this special assessment district, Owner will not be responsible for, and is hereby released from, the construction and/or installation of the street improvements delineated in the Deferred Street Improvement Agreement of August 13, 1980, recorded in the Official Records of the Santa Clara County Recorders Office at Book F635 , Page 157. CITY OF CAMPBEll Dated: 7/'vh) t I By: ~~ Pv~{~~ ~l.o ~ (Title) Parcel #15 and 16 THE FI"Rf:';l)llIIG ''''STRUMEIolT IS A TRUE ANO CI)'1H':::T ':'.1PV OF THE OfllG1NAl ON FilE ,N T..I~ Q<FICE DGRELSE.FRM(3)(DG DISK) c () f}. iii - OlV\ (90 J..J. ';L.I..-<r j-(;i": (:,l',"'("1'~l.L/..r}(.,.., II' 'rl.-)(:r-",~'; r\} PL:nL1(: /~ ;f. '-,;( y ; ;,\!, ~;I. Cli. I I }i,,r;;.! /';,,: I I 1980-1981 r~I2~~ji~.;_~:' '-~:~-,~_~~~- 1.(':)Ul.'Tl1('. l','i,'jj:I( JU,\'.~\~;':l; t: T/.X/.T!<);'C r:OI>!, :;l.cr!c>.! ';';> /'.1' ~)EQ. ...-. -_.. ~,.... -~.-,..~.~-.....~..,'-"-.....-_.. _.~--_... .'~-'''~_'_'''-''___''''O __. _'_~-----..,...-~ .....-.. ._-.- -~"'-~--"---~,- - -.-----.----.---- ',!'(!; JJOf'>.!~;I) (:.;.; ~)IJ;')J'~J)\:i.!.;():,' Stzte of C:-.LL;, ..I:; of S;~n;;>. (~i. :-::, (>.J:,! 1; t :~'" G-f'JltI('nl{:n: ~rbe i.Jn.~Jtrsjgn('(r ;:lli}'()rl~"~'{l 2[_ ~ 'llt L'~ ti.c. CITY OF CAMPBELL LC~L:JY rCC;lJ[:"L; rh;:.t y"J (un", , l:i :~l' c;,ncc!i:iti,'1 of t;:.xn 2:2:;]:1 i!:;' [",lL".-i:,S' (;,';,:ril;ed Pl(;;"~"I/, s;)(~cif,(: " ( l' ) ._"', '. ",',n' .., "..-- ..",.. J I. ,";' ..!; 11'. ) t2/:)ii:cl, bCG:us,; of ;":,r;;,;:~;r,;, Lj' <IC '2.['" jil:b!ic <;P'TiCY P:ii':'l::r:: !I) I':,'vu'l:: 8: T.~,xa.tion Cc.C::c S:cti':'n 'F;:":'~ Ii ::"{., ;",,' hereby declares UiiC:('[ V'iL'!')i d l':-jdry 0:1 !;;:),,,,if ()f,iJ~; ;,.;:.:d pd,1' , ;;gene)' that the infonn;J(j,:m Lcrein i;, \:'U(' ;",1 Clrrecl. !,- I ~ n,) n ;r ~ r:;~i:-::;l ' ]<cq~~(S!.:i!i~ ."<~Cl.IC)' ~''"._-_.,_.,,_.__.__..---'-_.,--,-_.._._----_. -. -~---_.._--_.__._.- ----_. .--- _..-.- -----~_. ._-'---~_.._.~- ~---.,._-'"_._-~.._-~.. ~.'.'-'-~"-'-'-'-~ E!g"ut..,fL ()f .:\.utL;):-jzed J\.gent CITY OF CAMPBELL , Si,;j1('d at Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk --------.---. ----,,---- '" -..'-------.. ....1.-._...........________..__ ___'..___ __.__,_.._... __________ Date Arquirccl: 9-15-80 j t83'8~o4 ~'~;'lt80/b(tZ~;' . I A,;c,' d t, John E. and Linda C. Sparling -i{;;~u;rrd..r::.-JI-'---I /...ss;~~':;:. ;i:;,~]:;() --C-Xn,) --, --------.. ,- "-'-1' 'iX)l)): Aj.~;~l'.-----'--.----..-.. .. ---- ~ L C.l.~. l'ik,y DEE!.> DnHhr.c,,,,;,cR 413-08-43 & 44 ..-----.---------.----""------.-----------________~1._____ ______.. __ _____ _______ _____~_ [J R~'fund by Court Onj,.,-, (p::""".? 2-It;::,', "liJn for payntat to p:tblic 2;:"',(';) . . --.-- '~.__.,_..._--_.__._.._-_._- ',.-.--..----------.-... --.-.---.-.---- ----.----.------. ._-.._-----_...._-,---_._.__._,~_..__._--_.,_.~-_..._-_.-'''---. --.----.---------------------- LA!\D H.U'. l'H:,S. FEOP, [~F.~n'T NET TOTAJ. OT'~7FI~. _.,~-_._---_._---._.._-----~--,_._._----_...__.__._._--- ---_._---_._-_._,.....q_.--~-- .-- SEE ATTACHED RECEIVED ,-IAN 1 : r'UDL'C vJORKS ENGINEERING CITY Or C.t,MPGELL. l.>" N ..,.~ ,~.. .J'f ~. A '1 \:.. ,-r'l '".~' ..t"- ,- , .... T - r:;- - T,;::.JT FEE - ','.;:.:r CODE .75 NOR7H . :.::., ;:' ,_ AVENUE r~i\"\::':~.: u ~-' . '," c. '~IJ:JS ("-: .. /,"; j _. ~:'.',"_~;3r-rl F 580 p~~: 528 GRANT DEED WE, JOHN E. SPARLING and LINDA C. SPARLING, his wife, as joint tenants as to an undivided 2/3 interest, and JOHN L. SPARLING, a married man as his sole and separate property, as to an undivided 1/3 interest, hereby grant unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public street purposes and to become a portion of Railway Avenue, all that certain real property within said City and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of Lot 3, as said Lot 3 is shown upon that certain Map of Rucker's Addition filed in Book "F" of Maps at page 39 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; pw THENCE, along the northeasterly line of said Lot 3 southeasterly 7.50 feet to its point of intersection with a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet southeasterly from the centerline of Railway Avenue, as said avenue is shown upon said map; THENCE, along said parallel line southwesterly 76.00 feet to its point of intersection with the southwesterly line of Lot 4, as said Lot 4 is shown upon said map; THENCE, along said southwesterly line northwesterly 7.50 feet to the most westerly corner of said Lot 4; THENCE, along the northwesterly lines of said Lot 4 and Lot 3 north- easterly 76.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 570.00 square feet, more or less, and being a portion of Sect ion 35, T. 7 S., R. 1 W., M.D. B. & M. /JIN WITNESS WHEREOF, we b.~ve placed our names this Li.U!j/t ~ , 19 tV. // day 0 f "" .,J ,/ A / (jr/ f-//1:z~/Ij-<./;\ ~N E. SPARLI~ .~ L- U! . (i';/ J ' L~~~RLING ~~ ..........' r-, ! krTY OF CAMPBELL State of CaJjJotnja . r Onn..'", Ai '-p,--~- '.......... -._._~ ,-..... INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT I __ 'i ~- CAMP2~':'LL, C,:.",:_IFC;=<,'\jIA 95008 7;3 r~i:::-':~,_.._;~:-< '~.:-~+~'1"'tf(w4L. /\VE. ~~/~-~~~~-:(-76~IS..O.:PI'.:3...( ~1r.'"~~!,, 'v /7.L~, -L ;:) ,~.:~57 nD F 6 5 ,.... , . . " (~ ;).-=1-'::7 :. ", ,:".. \...., , ..~. t..I po, f :4 ~ ,_,::,. ; _~ CJT\' (:!~ Ct:r,.-'::. ~J_L .. .~..' - .....f '__ ~ '1'1 .i. _ ,_ ; :.; f:::: ;,,: :C'~:::ti'1 \.m-IOUT FEE '" _! =~;, i r, \ ........, AT T.:; ~,::.-:.. " : ' ': ,,:-U.\Er.:r CODE .~: "; :;:,;;- CAMP8ElL JIflia CITY OF CAMPBELL GCI ; S 25 ;.,; 1EC ~~~IIt1I!i1 41. ~:E ~';{>~J~'. ~~~ . "c, :__:;,~; t, (:--::}t~,f'~-:-"-r C:- ': ;\ t... ':"'It,;',j ;''if (: ~ ~--- :~"" !:-r' . ".' :', ,--- .~\ ~;~ ~r THIS AGREEMENT (identified as No. PD 79-6 ), made and entered into this day of , 19_, by and between JOHN E. SPARLING AND LINDA C. SPARI ING~ his wifp, rlS jn;nt tpni'lntc; i'lS tn i'ln IIr:Jrlivided ?j1. int~rE'stJ ann JOHN L. SPARLING. a married man as his solp rlnd sPpi'lrrltp prnpprty, i'lS tn An undivided 1/3 interest hereinafte'r referred to as "Owners", and the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereinafter referred to as "Ci ty" . WITNESSED: WHEREAS, Owners applied to City for approval in order to construct an office- warehouse building upon that certain real property described a~ Int, 3 rlnn 4 nf Rlnrk 4 i'lS ,ho~n nn thQt certai~ MiP of Ru~k9r'. Anditinn recorded May 20 , 1895, and filed in Book ~ of Maps at page 39 in the Office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, which property is hereinafter referred to as "said real property II; WHEREAS, at its regular meeting held Auqust 13 ,19~ the ~olJnci1 of City did consider said appl ication and grant its t ereon subject to certain conditions thereof as contained in No. 1241 ; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED TO by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: City approval Ordinance (1) Owners shall provide, construct and/or install at their own proper cost and expense upon Railwa Avenue t roug out t e rontage 0 sai rea property pu 11C street improvements which may consist of, but not be limited to, the following: Standard City of Campbell curb, gutter. sidewalk. driveway approaches. handicap ramps, pavement structure, storm drainage system. street lighting system, under- ground utilities to serve said real property. and street trees. (2) Owners shall provide and construct and/or install all of said public street improvements when Owners are so notified to do so by said City Engineer of City. (3) All of said improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within twelve (12) months from the date that Owners are notified by said City Engineer to do so; provided, however, that in the computation of said twelve-month period, delays due to or caused by acts of God, viz.. unusually inclement weather, major strikes, and other delays beyond the control of Owners shall be excluded. , j I I 1 I: \ ! r, , , , ' It is expressly understood and agreed to that if Owners shall fail to complete the work required by this Agreement within the said periOd of twelve (12) months,the City, after giving ten (10) days written notice thereof to Owners, may construct and/or install said improvements and recover the full cost and expense thereof from Owners. (4) Owners shall prepare or cause to be prepared at their cost and expense improvement plans for the construction and/or installation of said public street improvements, which plans shall be prepared by a civil engineer licensed by the State of California, which plans shall be submitted to City Engineer of City for his examination and approval and which plans shall be submitted to City Engineer when Owners are so notified to do so by City Engineer. Upon completion and acceptance of the improvements by City, Owners shall provide reproducible as-built plans to said City Engineer. (5) The construction work of the improvements embraced by this Agreement shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the Department of Public Works, Department of Transportation, State of California, dated January, 1975, and in accordance with the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, where indicated. Wherever the word "State" or words "Department of Transportation" are mentioned in the State Specifications, it shall be considered as referring to the City of Campbell. Also, wherever the "Director" or "Director of Public Works" is mentioned, it shall be considered as referring to the City Engineer. In case of conflict between the State Specifications and the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. (6) Owners shall depOSit with City, when called upon to do so, for office examination of improvement plans, field inspection of construction of improve- ments and all necessary expenses incurred by City in connection with said improvements and all necessary exp.enses incurred by City in connection with said real property the sum of THREE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE --------------DOLLARS ($ 399.00 ). (7) Owners shall file with City, upon execution of this Agreement, a surety acceptable to City in the amount of ELEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED ---------------------------------- DOLLARS ($ 11,400.00) to insure full and faithful performance of the construction of all the aforementioned improvement work, excluding sanitary sewers and water distribution system. Said surety shall guarantee that Owners shall correct any defect which may appear in said work within one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work by City and pay for any damage to other work resulting from the construction thereof, as well as paying the cost of all labor and materials involved. This surety shall remain in full force and effect until one (1) year after date of final acceptance of said improvements. Said bond amount may be reduced by the City Engineer after the date of final acceptance to not less than twenty-five (25) percent nf its fu 11 va 1 ue . (8) Upon final release of said surety by City, the obligations of Owners contained in this Agreement shall be considered null and void. 2 of 4 (9) In conformance with the requirements of Section 20.16.060 of the Campbell Municipal Code, the storm drainage area fee for said real property is in the amount of FORTY-THREE-------------------------------------DOLLARS ($ 43.00 ). In accordance with City of Campbell Storm Fee Schedule, the reimbursement for storm drainage facilities constructed as shown on said plans will be ~fr{~~-~-------------------------------------------------~~~> (~-------,/determined at the time said plans are submitted to City. (10) City reserves the right to revise storm drain design shown on approved improvement plans provided Owners are given reasonable written notice of City's intention to make revisions. Reimbursement amount will be adjusted by difference between revised storm design and presently approved storm design, in accordance with City of Campbell Storm Fee Schedule. (ll) When called upon by City to do so, Owners will execute a petition for the formation of any special assessment district created pursuant to any special assessment act as provided in the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California created for the purpose of constructing and/or installing any or all of the public improvements herein described. (12) Owners shall participate in and become a part of any special assessment district as described in paragraph (ll) of this Agreement. It is expressly understood that any obligations of Owners contained in this Agreement that are accomplished to the satisfaction of said City Engineer by said special assessment district shall be considered null and void. (13) Owners shall make such deposits or file such bonds and enter into such agreement as required by Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Clara County to insure the installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve said real property, and that Owners shall file with City, upon execution of this Agree- ment, a letter, from said Sanitation District No.4, stating that Owners have made such deposits or filed such bonds and entered into such agreements. (14) Owners shall pay to Pacific Gas and Electric Company any and all fees required for installation of underground wiring circuit to all electroliers within said real property, when Owners are notified by either the City Engineer of Campbell or the Pacific Gas and Electric Company that the said fees are due and payable. (15) Owners shall make such deposits or file such bonds and enter into such agreement as required by San Jose Water Works when called upon to do so to insure the installation of a water 'distribution system to serve said real property, including fire hydrant. (16) Any easement and right of way within or without said real property necessary for the completion of the project shall be acquired by Owners at their own cost and expense. It is provided, however, that in the event eminent domain proceedings are required for the purpose of securing said easement and right of way, Owners shall deposit or cause to be deposited with City a sum covering the reasonable market value of the land proposed to be taken and to be included in said sum shall be a reasonable allowance for severance damages, if any. It is further provided that in addition thereto such sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering and other incidental costs shall be deposited with City. 3 of 4 (17) Owners shall carry out any and all negotiations with all interested parties and shall perform or cause to be performed at their own cost and expense and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer any and all work required to abandon, remove, raise, lower, relocate and otherwise modify irrigation line or lines within the boundary of said real property. (18) Owners shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Campbell, the City Council and the City Engineer, and any and all other officers or employees of City from any suits, claims or actions brought by any person for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property sustained or arising in the construction of the on-site work due to any acts, omissions or negligence of Owners, their officers, agents, employees or contractors. (19) This instrument is and shall be considered to be an instrument affecting the right, title, interest in or possession of the real property hereinabove described, and shall bind the successors in interest of Owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused its name to be affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, who are duly authorized by resolution of the City Council, and said Owners have caused their names to be affixed the day and year first above written. CITY OF CAMPBELL Mayor City Clerk OWNERS c ,"'~ J jrl? h '() HN E. SPARL I J' fJ i/4tLAA/ 6 ; tcL~~ r-I/'~~~~(( _ J N L. SPARLING ' INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Um CI':'uo.Fm<:AMPB~ C::"C;:i~1'"~:"~AuCLARA U u u u .1 S.S. On this. .11tl1...........day of. AUGUST ..,19 .8.~, before me, PAULETTE ELSTON----------__________________ ...............,......................... ..... ... '" ...., ......,.. .., ..,.1 Notary Public in and for said SANTA CLA'DA r~llnty (SEAL) .. ~).l"L.....'\..A) . personally appeared..,..~~~~..~.....~l'~~!:~~~..~~.d...~.~.t:J.J?A C. SPARLING and JOHN L. - . - - - . - - . - - - - . - - - - . - - - . - - - - - - .. . - . - - - - - - . - " . - - - - - - - - - . ~ - - - - . . . .SEARL IN G-:-.-:-. -. -:-:'C".-:-.-:-, 7."" .",..",. 7. ""."".-:-. -.-:-. -:-, -:-.-.--:- -:-.-.-,7' -:- -.~ ~ .~.~ .~,~-:,-:,-: -:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-::7 -:.--:7-:.- .-::-:: .-::-:: .-:::: :-::.-::.-::. . known to me {u he thl: pt:rson...s,whosC' naml:.. ...........ARE.................subscribed to the within PA~C~~{~L :C~o~tl 'ntw' ~lII11(~N.HE..~S.,ns()Wbllgedl thatl T1.he ,Yo ,51,'cutl.'d tht: same. f ;;\' CALlFURNIA . , my nan, aCH ot ICtal ii'~ . /c ' NmAi1iJ,~~,f~g~~;,muuuu. .......u.. ( {LuJIJJJ.~)11J;~ My Commission Expires November 6,1981 ...-..... U"......_........_U.__~.~h_.._h__~~.. ..__.___....~.__........._. p-I.. 7-78 Notary Public in and for said................S~!1\...~:r:0.~.... Cd' 6 ............... ounty an State My commission expires..NQY~~~~...........19.~~, i i I I f I I ~.-~---- -.......- Faithful Performance Bond No. Premium 1005415 $342.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Whereas, The City Council of the City of Campbell, State of California, and JOHN E'. SPARLING, LINDA C. SPARLING and JOHN L. SPARLING (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to install and complete certain designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated August 13 , 1980 , and identified as No. PD 79-6 is hereby referred to and made a part hereof: and Whereas, Said principal is required under the terms of said agreement to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said agreement. Now, therefore, we, the principal and Amwest Surety Insurance Company , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Cit.Y of Campbell, hereinafter called "City", in the penal sum of ELEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDREDnn--n---n----------n-- ___________n_____n__ dollars ($11.400.00n---) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects .according to their true intent and meaning, snd shall indemnify and save harmless said City, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void: otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfu~ enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby s~ipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the .terms o~ the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or tbe specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work or to the specifications. 1 of 2 --..-. --' -. -- .., . _......"................:..'~........ ','..'" . ....'..... .-.'. In witness whereof, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on Auql]sr 11 , 19......B.Q....-. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 19-8!L. 13th day of Auqust PRINt) / +1] E. SPARLING ~& ~ /-- SUR,ETY lJ.mw~st (Attach Acknowledgments ) . (Both Principal's and ) (surety's Attorney in fact) Surety I~ce Company V11 ~ M. Bu,rnand ey I 'Fact STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara ss. On August 13th, 1980 , before me a Notary Public, within and for the said County and State, personally appeared Cheryl M. Burnand , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney-in-Fact of and for the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE CO., and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE CO. thereto as Surety, and his own na~ as Attorn ~in-E 2111111111111111111111111111111111111111f1ll1111ll111l111l1ll1! ' :: OFFICIAL SEAL :: /' :: SCOTT D. ANSCHULTZ :: E NOTARY PUBLlC.CALlFORNIA ~ :5 PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN :: ASI.I08 1,77 1M :5 SANTA CLARA COUNTY E e My Comm. Expires Aug. 20, 1980:: ~ _ ___ __ _......._........... ......... ..................'..1111.; AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY 10960 Wilshire Boulevard. Suite 2200 Los AI1~eles. California 90024 Telephol1e 213: 479-3953 A POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA COR PORATION does hereby make, constltutp and apPOint Cheryl M. Burnand Its true and lawful Attorney(s)'In.Fact, with full r>ower and authority for and on hehalf of the comr>any as surety, to ,~)("r:ut" and dellvpr and affix the seal of the company t~H'rpto iI a spal IS requrred, bonds, undertakings, recognlzancps or other wrlttpn obligations In the nature thereof, as follows and to hind AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY thereby, and all of the acts of said Attorneys'lnFact, pllfSudnt to these prpsents, are hereby ratified and confrrmpd ThiS apPOintment IS made under and by allthorlty of the followlnq provl slons of The ByLaws of Thl' company, which are now In full force and PlfecT Article III, Section 7 of the By Laws of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY ThiS Power of Attorney IS Signed and sealed by faCSimile unrler anrl by thp authOrity of the follOWing resolutions adop ted by the board of drrectors of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meetrng duly held on December 15, 1975 RESOLVED that the preSident or any VICI' presidenT, In conjUnctlCl!1 With th,~ secretary or any assistant seere tary, may appOint attorneys In fact or agents With authOrity as defined or limiTed in the Instrument eVldenclnq the apPointment In each case, for and on behalf of the company to execute and rlellver and affiX the seal of the com pany to bonds, undertakings, recogrllzances, and suretyship obligatiOns of all kinds, and said officers may remove any such attorneY-In. faCT or agent Jnd revokl' any power of attornpy prpvlously granted tn such person RESOLVED FURTHER that any hond, undertaking, recognizance. or suretyshiP obligation shall be l/Alld and blndll1g upon the company (i) when Signed by the prpsldent or any vice preSident and aTtpsted and ',ealed (iI a seal be requlrpd) by any secretary or assistant secretary, or (ii) when Signed by the p[f~sldenT or Jny vlcepresident or seCrelary or assistant secretary, and countersigned and sealed (if a seal be reQui[f~d) by a duly authOrized attorneY-In fact or agent, or (ill) when duly executed and sealed (If J seal be requlrpd) by onp or more attorneys.in fact or agents pur suant to and within the limits of the authority pVldenced by the power of attorney Issued by the company to such person or persons. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Signature of any authOrized officer and the seal of the company may be affixed by faCSimile to any power of attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or OTher suretyship obligations of the company; and such signature and spal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY has causerl these r>resents to be Signed by ItS proper officer, and ItS corporate seal to be hereunto affixed thiS 2nd day of Jrme 19~. /jMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY ~~A If ~ ~ C J11~LL. P 'de,," S(:u~~afY STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - ss On this 2nd day of Jrme A.D., 19 80, personally came before mE Richard H. Savaqe and Vicki E. M:x)re to me known to be the IndiViduals and officers of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COM. PANY,CALlFORNIA who executed the above instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, did severally depose and say: that they are the said officers of the corporation aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the above instrument IS the seal of the corporation, and that said corporate seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority of the board of directors of said corporation. r-----------------------, · e OFFICIAL SEAL I I JANICE DRUEZ I . N01ARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA I (SEAL) . PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN I I. LOS ANGELES COUNTY .. My Comml~SIO" Eip J~n 6. 1984 j L___-------------------- ?~ ~~~NO"" 00"," STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - ss CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, secretary of the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that the provisions of the By- Laws of the company and the Resolutions of the board of directors set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in force. San Jose, Cali f. this 13th day of August 19~. Signed and sealed at AW-2 '-/'~ e m~tl? Secretary GRANT DEED WE, JOHN E. SPARLING and LINDA C. SPARLING, his wife, as joint tenants as to an undivided 2/3 interest, and JOHN L. SPARLING, a married man as his sole and separate property, as to an undivided 1/3 interest, hereby grant unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public street purposes and to become a portion of Railway Avenue, all that certain real property within said City and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of Lot 3, as said Lot 3 is shown upon that certain Map of Rucker's Addition filed in Book IIFII of Maps at page 39 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; THENCE, along the northeasterly line of said Lot 3 southeasterly 7.50 feet to its point of intersection with a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet southeasterly from the centerline of Railway Avenue, as said avenue is shown upon said map; THENCE, along said parallel line southwesterly 76.00 feet to its point of intersection with the southwesterly line of Lot 4, as said Lot 4 is shown upon said map; THENCE, along said southwesterly line northwesterly 7.50 feet to the most westerly corner of said Lot 4; THENCE, along the northwesterly lines of said Lot 4 and Lot 3 north- easterly 76.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 570.00 square feet, more or less, and being a portion of Section 35, T.7 S., R. 1 W., M. D. B. & M. aIN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hWve placed our names this _~A.t . 19 Yll. 1/ JM I . _f"I/Al~t~" ~. E. SPARLl J ~6~/ liNDA C. SPAKLING :; ~~ /~I- J . SPARLING . day of ~-,,,,.,......._-~- -'-.- .",-_.._.,...~-_..,.-- ""-~,-,,,-~-""'" .-.....- INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT CITYOF CAMPBELL Stl\te of Califorrua , ........................................C.ounty oLSAN'J:A CLARA'S S .., ..............~ ~. . .~ ~~ . On this 11th.. d.1Y of AUGUST ,. 19 80 , hdorc nw PAUL~lTE ELSTON---------------------- . . ........ ........... . ...,. .. . . .....' . ...... ---:.-:----.-~. a Nocary Puhlic in and for said SANTA CLARA Co (SEAL) ............ .... ... ....... unty. personally appearedJ.O.l;1,'N,.E.... .SJ'.ARL"L.NG. ,and. ,LJNDA ..C.... SJ' ABLJN.G.. .and .JOHN.. L.. SJ' ARLING known to me to be the persons....whose name..,.......A-RE..................subsnibed to the within _ _ _ _ __ , ...... jlJ~t, and acknowledged that..T.,he..,y..execute,the same. OFFICIAL SEAL .., . I t' PAULETTE ELSTON WITNESS my hand and offiCIal seal. .' ,:/ . NO,,"Y ,",,'C _ CAe"ORN" i /) I I {W /IJ t$;, PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ........__..................... ... ,........;...~~:.........,............. t'.-" Iv?!L SANTA CLARA COUNTY ,"-- ........' ....... .. My Commission Expires November 6, 1981 ~~-~~~~~---~~~-~~~-~-~~~~~-~-------~~~-~~~~~~-~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- p.t.. 7-78 Notary Public in and for said... ...~AN.T1\,.~.~1\~____.............--County and State My commission expiti:g:r.~.M.I?,E.~..~........__.__19....~,~ '~ f(, Ii;' .t 1cJ~ '" ~ ,. ~'t/~ ~ A.~ (J ~ ~ & ,.,'t .l. _" ~'V ~ MAP RllCKER'S LOT 3 LOT 4. ---:J Z $ -- 5CA LE: .". 2.0' ........ LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Dr. by l.M.S. Ck.by J. P. JULY ,1980 JULY ,1980 , I Land to be tronted to City Contains 5TO.OO't ~.ft. Prepared by the Office of the City Enoineer, Campbell, CallfoNlla ~ TOPS FOR BOTTOMS SINCE 1939 TINY TOTS DIAPER SERVICE 378-6368 BABY'S DIAPER SERVICE 294.1933 VALLEY DIAPER SERVICE 378-7954 ALAMEDA AND COUNTRA COSTA COUNTIES 489-0980 SAN MATEO COUNTY 369-7683 138 Railway Avenue Campbell, California 95008 WE COVER YOUR AREA August 6, 1980 Joseph Elliot t Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA Dear Mr. Elliott: We have' engaged \.fr. Harlan Heath, Civil Engineer, to hI lish us with the improvement plans required by the City of Campbell for the lots at 146 and 152 Railway Avenue in Campbell. I am requesting that the improvement plans not be required prior to the release of the building permit. Sincerely, ~~~4' ~/l/l~, Larry~parymg :; LS/j a NATIONAL INSTITUTE n i is OF INFANT SERVICES TELEPHONE 286 - 2552 1?' ~C:flv lit; CO G " I In ..' PlJ JaO .reL./C . ....{#J)IN6 WORlfs . C/i//J.G HARLAN H. HEATH CIVIL ENGINEER 173 NORTH MORRISON STREET, SUITE A SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95126 Augus t 6, 1980 Department of Publ ic Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Cal ifornia 95008 F i I e No. 80- 7 Attention: Lynn M. Snyder Subject: Tiny Tots Diaper Service (John Eo Sparl ing) Proposed Building on Railway Avenue. Gentlemen: This letter is to inform you that I have been retained by Mr. John E. Sparl ing to prepare the required Parcel Map for joining the properties under his ownership on Railway Avenue in connection with the proposed building construction. The Tentative Parcel Map will be submitted within a week for processing. I also have been retained to prepare the street improvement plans for the frontage of the site. I will submit these for approval as soon as the official grades for curb have been completed by the City of Campbell staffo Please clear the building permit for issuance so that construction on the building may begin. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~~ Harlan H. Heath Reg. Co E. #8708 ,----------- CITY OF CAMPBE[[ 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 ----"\ \ I I I I I i Department: PUBLIC WORKS TRANSMITTAL FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER DATE: .JUL'I 2..5) 1~80 TO: J-AR..R.~ 5 PAR-LA NG ATTN: REFERENCE: SlJBJk:CT PD i ~ -~ J4b-ISZ. RAILWAY WE ARE FORWARDING VIA: Mail Messenger Separate Cover Attached ~ Other . Enclosed THE FOLLOl.JING: A~~E.EMEktr - GIZ..A"'" DEED- BoI\J'D FOR.,V\ REMARKS: Pc.E~ 12.F..-rUfl,N ~ oR"'U.JAL t ON~ (!OP,,/ nF T'f4.E: AG,(U;.€U~t.J'T t 6R.ANT" '[)~ .s'G.~e.'t) t t-JarA2.I~ e-r::.. iF you &i=?T A Bot-..)l:)) WE=-: I\.lEE"T:) OIU~ c..op'I 8~. As A"-J ALTF:I2k1AT,qE. -n::> TM~ Roklb J you MA't ~E:"" A 11=:TlcR... OF CJ2.EDIT oR ('eR.Ta FH:!A'l!:. QF 'DE "os. T FfLoM 4 SAN Ie:.. \t) e.EL.€Ase. YOUR-SUIl..D, N~ PERMIT' we. At.So N€et> : L.ET1"ER. RaoM eNGe. ec~ PAR.CE'-p " MA JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS YOUf!. ~~ R,.eqocs'-' N6 n+Ai By IMP~",eMeNT PLANS NOT 6€ REQc.J,~Et> f~lo(i! Tt:> ~ Re-EASC of gOIc..t>1 ~<; peR-MaT -- Sil'JitM ~IN~e AR-eA Fee', -43 Pl.-AN eXAM'toJAT'ON (' CoNS-rRuC,.noN \, ~ ~~..~4 I NS PEen 01'1 Fee: .tI 3 ~e> / "'" ~-.. ~ i;;' .t '<J~ 'I ~ ~ ~'f" / ~ 'f" ^ Q; v ~ ~ & r-V" .1.. _~ ~v ~ . , I. : ... .., . f\., .~~ i'" :.. ... .e, . .... . ~ ... I.. , (- :'\.. .... I.... ... ;, . fa.: t.: \.- f.... t:. r<...:.:; .' U i ! i ~.} f-" !:Sf(. "F"M ""I ..r L. () or ..:1. ~O-t "J(~ 'f.s,. ~ -t{y ~4 4v/:('~ ~~~y ~ 00 0" j":l ,>0 ~" 'Ii ....... ....... ....... ---:J Z ~ ~ SCALE: I":: 2.0' ....... LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Dr. by L. M.S. Ck.by J. P. JULY t 1980 JULY 11980 r I Land to be granted to City Contains 570.OCJ1: sq..H. Prepared by the Office ot the City Engineer, Campbell, California ,0 -0 ~I .", VJ '0 ~I~i= .-1 !~ () ~ \~ '~. ]: I ! I ~/ I. 40~' TIS . 1_ \~ __ - .... u_ -.- T i 1> ' .. \~ I06~~ :\~ r----'---'-- ~ + 't ~ !$! ~ m.1S \& I:<: ~ :55 0,,03'.72 ~ \, 93.73 - SAM \k \~ J '0 . () '1J :~r P~Ol> . '" 1>'" \~ 88.7'4 w 135 ,- ,., ,L,_ - 108:75 v> \~ ..... ~~-:-,-----'lTj77S- U'--1 ~ tJ1 ~ C'> v.> 6' tJ1 '1375 :06 '<5 ... ..... ~ \~ "" , -_I_ '--w ... (X) v.> co \~ .~ rf' --1- - ~ w ~ ~ M ~l<" I ! Q I i "" ""- I \Xl~ I ; ::1>0 , - " .... 19 I .", ;~ \~ l.. I ! I aJ \ fi'! 1') \ \ .- 5'9981; \ \~ <3 r- . -5 , I \ . . .... . v.> ~ ]~ :-. ;;; c.> !a .G\'i ... .. c;: ... '" 5 ~ \~ :::: }'::" ~ \~ N N , "" ,~O~'2~ -- -r - ! 137S - '''' c,..> --co ~ ::i' ~ - ---,-- ~ .", C< ~ iS5 '" c<J IS': ~ --:I~ltj ~ \~ \~ \~ l~ \~ \~ \\:e, y \\]\ "'-l , -, -r \~ ~ -.--,-~ N ...... ~- ------------ ,- <J1 N 0" \tg ~ ~ \~ I ...~_.. ::; ." I; 10\~ : r '..... . . 0:3 __ ~ ,..,oa.1s ... c.;:; <:0 I - .-. 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PROJECT ,c7fA R L (l\J?, (' R-A I L-I;J A'I TI = 8 R=~ Source: A\J~ATE 7-2..1 -?so PRO~, 7<:]-j ~iLS --r-r5\ (6, i-..C,Op") AC/ROCK ALTERNATE AC THICKNESS CALCS: GEAC = 0.0032 (~I) Cl 2 Agg. Base R Value = 78 GEAC .5~,3)~ GfAC (<2.-.0\ ) = . ZSO ft. thick A.C. 3'~ "-::,;:'<) Rounding up to~-~ inches (min.3~ inches)A.C. GEAC= ~z.<)(z.Oj) "- . 5'"53 TOTAL SECTION THICKNESS CALCS: GETot = 0.0032 (TI).B (lOO-R)7(,:=. I, 04~ Native material R Value = zA 2..2- (lOO-R) -::. . 5~3 1.1 ) = GEAB ( I. 3"3 ) = \,2,3'S'ft. thick A.B.::. /"t.87" -+ GETot ( I , '140 ) - GEAC ( GEAB ( J. 703 ) ~ GfAB ( AC/ROCK ALTERNATE: ~~ (Do not use if A.B. is DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE . S't',;. ~:s " AC on /5 "Cl 2 Agg. Base less than 4 inches.) ~ (Using Asphalt Concrete Thickness Guide attached.) DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE: 10 "A.C. Part 7 -Design PLANNING MANUAL 7-604.4 ..--..r~~~~~ .. - - ~ - y -vv - Ap,d 16, lC70 TAGLE 7-604.3 Gravel Equivalcnls of Structural Layers in Feet ASl'H AL T CONClmTE I Cement-treated ---. ----- Da.ac Traffic Index (TI) Aggre- , 8TH Cl_ Aure- of gat.c and 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 and gate Bub- below 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 LTB A 8 ba8c ba8c Adual - thicknc8ll Gravel F.quivalcnt Fsctor (G,)I'I'- G, Gr G~B G, of layer feet 2.50 2.32 2.14 2.01 1.89 l. 79 1.71 1.&l 1.57 1.52 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.10_____.... 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.12 - - -.. ... - - - -...- -------- -_...--- 0.15__ _______ 0.38 0.35 0.3~ O.~{O 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.18 -_.----------- ...... -.. ...... - .. - ........- 0.20_________ 0.50 0046 0.43 0.40 0.33 0.3& 0.34 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.24 --_..-.--...--- .... ... ... . ....... ........ ... -........ 0.25_________ 0.63 0.58 O.M 0.50 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.30 . -... - - - ................. ...-..-_.... ...... - ... - "'''''' . 0.:10..,______ 0.75 0.70 0.64 0.60 0.57 O.M 0.51 0.(9 0.47 0.46 0.36 . - - - ... . -...........-- ...",. ............. ....... ............. 0.35__ __ __ ___ 0.88 0.81 0.75 0.70 0.66 0.63 0.60 0.57 O.SS 0.53 0.42 . --... -------- 0.39 0.35 0.40_________ 1.00 0.93 0.86 0.80 0.76 o ~., 0.68 0.66 0.63 0.61 0.48 0.44 0.40 ..- ------------..- 0.45_________ - .......... .. 1.04 0.96 0.90 0.85 0.61 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.68 O.M 0.77 O.M 0.50 0.45 0.50_________ ..... -....... ~.16 1.07 1.01 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.60 0.85 0.60 O.SS 0.50 o.SS_________ -..---------- I.J8 J.Jl 1.04 0.98 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.84 0.00 0.94 0.66 0.61 O.SS 0.60_,_______ -..---------------- 1.21 1.13 1.07 1.03 0.98 0.94 0.91 0.72 1.02 0.72 0.66 0.60 0.65_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ------------------ 1.31 1.23 1.16 1.11 1.07 1.02 0.99 0.78 1.11 0.78 0.72 0.6.', 0.70_________ ------------------..-..--- 1.32 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.00 0.84 1.19 0.84 0.77 0.70 0.75__ __ __ ___ ----------------------..----_..- 1.34 1.28 1.23 1.18 1.14 0.90 1.28 0.90 0.63 0.75 0.80_________ ---------..-..----_....-------.--- 1.43 1.37 1.31 1.26 1.22 0.96 1.36 0.96 0.88 0.80 0.85.._______ ----.-------------..-..-..------- Ui2 1.45 1.39 1.33 1.29 I. 0"2 1.45 1.02 0.94 0.85 0.90_________ ------------_.._.._....--~--..-----..---_.. J.M 1.48 1.41 1.37 1.08 1.53 1.08 0.99 0.90 0.95_________ --------------------------..-------..-----..- 1.55 1.49 1.?4 1.14 1.62 1.14 1.05 0.95 1. 00__ __ ~ ____ -------_._--~-._-------------------------- J.64 1.57 1. t.2 1.20 1.70 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.05_________ ---.--------------------------------------.----- 1.65 1.60 1.26 1.79 1.26 1.16 1.05 ) G~ NOTJo~S: nTH is bituminous trt'lItf'<l bns<>. LTB is lime treated bue. It'^.. .""4 ~"'Cli....n ,.." ~.d_.....i.._1 ...........,It .1.1pf'.6Wi.... "'_ II W ft.' th... 1.,1..-7 S. '0 (> 1'f0\ 't.::i~~' C..,"> , ~.~. (--- (' 4, " ~l >=l 1-1 ::J <.:l U) U) trJ .~ U H' ..... ~ t.rJ r,... w 0:: U ;;.:; o u E-< ~I <I ~ z o I-l E-< I-oj ,C- O t.rJ ,.c , ~J F' ..... , U) ;:;:: '-' .....:l < 2 z <:; ~ Z I.:l l-1 U) W o U) (/') ~ ~ u !:j - E-< ~ . E-< r:... U) U) w ~ u ~ E-< :"1 E-< ~ 0:: o Z o U E-< .....:l $ 1='... U) < . ,. .". " . . .. ,.... '. .... '. . U 1-1:'<- r:...W< !<~U [:;H- U :;.0:...... t., :... .... I... ./) < .;JO:: ::1E-< . 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F. @ 4.00 Zf3'3.5S.F. @ 6.00 eA. @ 600.00 ~ L.F. @ 20.00 = (1.3~6 s.F;l ($0.30) (10")= EA. @ 175.00 EA . @ +00.-00 = '-EA. @ 25{r.60 2...- EA. @ 100.00 7 (P L . F. @ 0 . 50 = EA. @ 50.00- EA. @ -79.00- EA. @ 60 00 \ EA. @ 2,200.00 { to L . F . @ 9 . 00 <""'--~'---~OO - EA. @ -f5{};OO .L F fa 35~OO = t:f:'@--- . ,.4{h-OO < ,tA.---i 1,000. 00- '" EA. J~l .200 00 '" .EA. @ 566.ae . '" TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND P t:.. c( c.. I F~ e-- Da te 7 -- -z.... I .- &J By L.SI'J'-/DE12... $ 4-oD '7(,0 I; j I~ 1.'737 . lw 4-,104 "2J::O '2, f?, Z. ,2.. 00 (, '?4 '" '" $ t L 40 I $ 1I,4DT/ $ 3 ~'?> VALLEY TITLE COMPANY Escrow # ___ W 8270 ~t:r 19:75 B Co. Bill #_:iU~-08-43 JJ~lA/ g~ )J, ~ 5103614 36~1I * 31.90 of- Mr and Mrs. John E. Sparling Mr John L. Sparling 846 A1marida Drive Campbell, California B 621 PAGEl"7 necoraed atlhc request of B 621 PAcE113Valley Title Company SEP 1 9 1975 8;OOAM Code Areo ~!.<?,:-041 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO GRANT DEED GEORGE A. MANN REGISTRAR. RECORDER Santa Clara Counl Official Records Name I Address Same as above City & State L San Tax Jose Conveyan, none Transfer Tax $ 31.90 (X I Full Value ( I Equity By this instrument dated September 11. 1975 0 for a valuable consideration, FLOYD HOLT and HAZEL HOLT, husband and wife SHARON SPARLING, wife of JOHN L. SPARLING hereby GRANT (S) to JOHN E. SPARLING AND LINDA an undivided 2/3 interest~ sole and separate property, the real property situate in the City of County of .-Sant;l C1;lr;l C. SPARLING, his wife, as joint tenants as and JOHN L. SPARLING, a married man as his as to an undivided 1/3 interest. Campbell -, State of California, described as follows: to Lots 3 and 4 in Block 4'as shown on the Map of Rucker's Addition in the Town of Campbell, recorded May 20, 1895 in Book liP- of Maps, at page 39. ~'J. )-~ ~ 1~) -?#-II- lL~~!OL~{' 7kffi --- OFFICIAL SEAL Gerald J. Marlin NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIf ORNIA. PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA My Commission Expires November 6 / /. /97 ~ ~ T ~ T T T T T _ ~.~. @J.'f......; .- ,. , ~ STATE of CALIFORNIA COUNTY of Santa Clara { ss .., County known to me to be the person.JLwhose nome,_.S are subscribed to the within instrument ond a WITNESS my hond ond officiol seol. My Commission Expires: _ _ executed the some. ~,-,--- Notory Public VTC-IOI MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE A . 4, ORDINANCE NO. 1241 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL (APPLICATION OF JOHN AND LINDA SPARLING, PD 79-6). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached "Exhibit A" entitled "Plans and Elevations", lIExhibit B" entitled "Development Schedulell, "Exhibit e" entitled "Map of Said Property", and "Exhibit 0" entitled "Conditions of Approval", as per the application of John and Linda Sparling for approval of plans, elevations, and development schedule to allow construction of an office-warehouse building on property known as 146 & 152 Railway Avenue in a Planned Development Zoning District. Copies of said Exhibits are on file in the Office of the Planning Department. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s 13th day of August following roll call vote: , 1979, by the AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Chamberlin APPROVED: Norman Paul, Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk by V.M. Sheehy, Deputy City Clerk (" : TWAIN W REED ARCHITECT t. ' " '/ .... , " EXHIBIT B TINY TOTS DIAPER SERVICE ADDITION - PROJECT 79-105 DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE PROJECT: Addition to "TINY TOTS DIAPER SERVICEII 146 and 152 Railway Avenue Campbell. CA 95008 Project construction shall begin within 45 days following City Council approval and shall be completed within 150 days once construction begins. , . ... ~ ~~~n~J~ ~ MAY 9 1919 CITY Or- CAMFC::L.L. PUNNINC DEPARTW,l:NT _ ,. m' _. __ . A , . _e t:l.ATt"\C:. . ~..6.1 IFOR......A . Q5030 . TEL.. (408) 356 -4331 l; ( \. , PUBLIC HCARING HELD BEFORE THE CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ON JULY 3, 1979 EXHIBIT C / . c~ { ...,. ". "r,: -i f- ~ '/ ; . . I ".,. I ~ , ..... I ~' . ~ .~'.f ' ..... # t ... .'t . . ."') ... .. ; .. '.... I ~ 4- I ~ . .." ~ ~ " .... .: ... '..... .. ., "'.. ... , ... a . ~ , .t- . .., - ~ ". ~ '1&_", . '.. .~ .. "/~, . /' .. 4) ,I /4o " .- 571j't 'S~ I .It i> l /", _'" - -I '\,~Jt I ,'.. PD71-' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PD 79-6 Application of: Sparling, J. & L. Page 1 EXHIBIT D A. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on plans. B. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted for approval of Planning Director prior to application for building permits. C. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plan. D. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $3,000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within three months of completion of construction, or (2) file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking areas prior to final Building Department clearance. E. Applicant to submit a letter, satisfactory to the City Attorney limiting the use of the property to: 430 square feet of office use, no square feet of speculative industrial use, and 3930 square feet of warehouse use. F. All mechanical equipment located on roofs to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. G. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. H. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. I. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone, and television cables, etc. J. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. (Section 21.68.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code.) K. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings,multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. L. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless other- wise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PO 79-6 Application of: Sparling, J. & L. Page 2 M. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. BUILDING DEPARTMENT N. Roof covering for flat section shall be fire retardant. Sect. 1603(a) 3203(e). O. Openings not permitted on property line wall at north elevation. FIRE DEPARTMENT P. Trash enclosure to have self-closing gates. Q. Provide 12A-10BC" fire extinguishers. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. Process and file a parcel map to combine three lots. ~' s. Provide a copy of the preliminary Title Report. T. Pay storm drainage area fee of $43. U. Dedicate right of way to 30 feet from centerline. V. Enter into an agreement and post surety to construct street improvements and agree to join a local improvement district in the future. W. Obtain an excavation permit for any work in the public right of way. ,,/ X. Relocate driveway or power pole. ,/ The applicant is notified that he/she shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. APPLICANT SPARLING 14~ ~ 152... RAILWAY AVE. PLANNING NO. c~ f-7? //7 ." t..-.,-A.1 t7 '--- JUNE 5~~v~~ d> ~,q tP\-:sv .-(0 7fJ-(P J'~...1~ ~ \l'" , MEETING DATE ADDRESS A.P.N. PD +1 :3 - B -4.3 ~4"4 TYPE OF DEV. DFFlfE"- WAREHoUSE RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS x: Process and file a PA rzt.eL map ___TQ.-'-O~c TWO L-?TS.----""fO"---__.. ~~. ( \ F BUILD, t0c. C-DN N6CTS. X Provide copy of Preliminary Title Rep~t gL Db. /0E:Yr 1:>ooR-. _ ) ''', -. CO vYI B I 10 E '3 LOTS.) / X Pay Storm Drainage Area Fee 0 F 1J 1'10) _ (IF Cc>VV\eININ<O 2- LOTS _ ~~-,.. .,.' of 1J L7D peEVID(}SL'I. 1P 43 I F_, .co~.6 ~~,.I t-J C~), _~_~OTS Be~~ ~=~___ _._. PA-l D ON ON E LDr) X Dedicate right 0 y - jl5 30 FR.o Vi-"\ X- (7.5' ) ------.- EntQr into aljree.LIIent to construct strt:!t:!t llll.E:J.Lov"emento and pay plan Clt:::lm. and const. tnopcction foo now ~ Enter into an agreement to construct street improvements and participate in a local improvement district in the future ~ Provide surety as noted in agreement /Providc gradin~ and dr~inasg plan ~ Obtain excavation permit AN'! woR..k::. IN --n+ e: p U BLI ('/ RjuJ gcgrc~atc a30c~smanto ~ Refer t.o Traffic -Prliuiolas File. RELOCATE -.D~ \ V E vJA'I oR.. PDwER.. POLe