202 Railway Ave. (1963) ..,..... 4~tf 5 1117 ~" / -{lC~ RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 1(j~,. 74 Ii) Name (J~l~t:j b;",. L /; &~t/jll . /.~ / / If ;7 ....., . A- , ". C 'I, J " 'I / U....C_. Address (7 v -<' LIf-(-..:, '.{..~--e:. / ' /--7, ,i. / LU~1,1I..:.' Ivt..l..L. (/ Date RECEIVED ~ tJ~ Y}{--- I~;Z; Z CHECK FOR Fund~{( ? 6802 j 'W Thank yay.., f\\. ~Wc4iPBELl . /(<Y ~-L By XTV CLERK 1: /(] ; . 7 .-;2 ~'.f.. i ! 'r'~ :---,' .... '~'I' '-. INTER-DEPARTME~TAL RELEASE FROM: 'ro~ RE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~.t The following conditicns of approval on subject property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. jA-~4~ r 11 r!P.d'O ~ ~ -- ::-;::--- --0:4._~ ___3L_$~:t-B.!VL' ./ 'ejj~F/~ft ~3 / CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DEPAI By~ !~~ /Z~) I /i~J!, -? 5~}q. 3~~;; December 12, 1963 aeverend Paul 664 North Central Avenue C.-pbell, California Dear Sir: BdDldll_.", are copies of a sketch for street improvements along the calvary Temple frontage. As was previously discussed, the billing for the work involved in staking and inspection has been calculated in the amount of $80.00. This money is now due and pnable to the City of Campbell. The stakes will be .et in time for your grading operations on December 14, as requested. It has also been arranged ~~at an inspector will be available on that date. You will note that the pole does,in fact, stand in the way of the gutter line and driveWky_ It is sU9gested that the driveway portion of the curb and gutter be deleted for the present until thU pole i8 relocated. Sincerely yours, MYROS D. HAWK, CITY EWINBBR By William G. wren, Aaa1aUnt City Engineer 1tGw: cb Bnclosure8 ~, r.e. ZOO.69 IO~O.5 8€f#/N WORK l I I ,. ~ \1 . t ' .:"",-~,"-~, 1._, 'j t', "',:10 . . 7: C. lfO/. TO I ~ ~ 00 ). :tS€ 1I~t' PRI'VG. WRY -r.c ~OI.4~ '/1.,.50 ." x ~ ~ , I I I ~€it!)CArE ,P()t.€ I WATeR METo!?,' : our or ~u~~ f OIi'IV~WAY RIi'&1I · .~ "( .... ~ , ~ r.c. ZOI./8 1/-#otJO I , I ,. "1 [J IOU) CJ\ Ii:> 0 I~~ ~Sl ~~ '. i ~ ': I ~,-< I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I !;J ~ I '- ;;n:'il 1./~' pAP/?r$S€O CU,/?8 ! \AI I?!, . ~ ~ I ~ P~/vcw.qy l'-;::~~-;'1 ',:;1 ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ::'~K/~T. N~W WOCPrEAlCc . :', ,J:, .' , I ~ l'l-, , I '.n co II ~: ::a. I "" Q\ . ,<, -( Vl ""0 v ~ I I om' ~:t:: ! ~" ~! z rn I ~ ~ II !~~ I r-' I'));j I~ : r- I ~ f) , Lul___l.-S_= .! _u.__.U'_'uuuu, --- ',.1 I I I I I I I 7:C. eoo.92 /0-#-50 t;.)(/sr. POWeR Pot.l.--' ~~ ~~ ," ~:t " J II .,~ .....~ If' ~ b "'\ T '\ H~_"',_, ~ I . " . ~ ~ ~, ~ 'I () ./ ~ ~ ~ () ~ ~ ~ I "..,..._'._ .'w ,.....__......... _~_...~~_.""~..__... ._._______......_,__.._..~.~ .......___.-.> November 27, 1963 Calvary TeJlple Church 664 North Central Avenue Campbell, California ATTENTION: Reverend G. J. Paul Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Calvary TeJaPle Church. 202 Railway Avenue In reference to your recent visit to this office regarding the subject site, it is recalled that you indicated a px~ference for making a cash deposit rather than providin9 a bond to insure the installation of street improvements throughout the frontage. Such a deposit has been calculated to be $500.00 and the recetpt of this S\..Un wli.ll be r~~':~u~.red prior to the issucl.nce of a bUilding permit. The other condi~n~ including the .t~ drain fee ($440.00) and the street dedication, of course, still apply. we are currently conducting a survey of the str.-t preparatory to the establishment of curb grades aJ1ll~\.I~an of the off-site ~rov...nts will be forwarded shortly. You were previously advised that the cost of this work, along with the inspection of improvements, would be a....... to you at such time aa the precise costautL--calculated. In ~egard to the far~tion of any future a.......nt district in this area for .treet t.provements of a type equivalent to those which you will have in.talled, you are advised that the subject sit.. will not be included in such a district. Sincerely yours, MYRON D. HAWK, CITY BNGINEER \I,~\ WOW: cb By William G. wren, Assiatant City Engineer / CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFO~NiA Date OCT08ER 2). I~) CONDITIONS ATTAC'IED TO "S11 APPROVAL OF PLANS OF CALVARY TEMPLE CHURCH FOR CONSTRUCTION OF KULTI-PURPO~E K~ETING ROOM 202 RAILWAY AVENUE. CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA CONDITIONS: 1. Change parking from 700 to 600 angl.; Increaso width of stalls to 8'6". ~__' TO BE LOCATED AT: 2. Confo....nc. wi th Section 9126, Catapbe 11 Munl cl..-l Cod.. 3. Stona Drain Fe. ~ $765.00 per acre: $1.t4O.00 4. lmprov_nt Plan for stre.t work and In-lot drainage. 5. O.dlcati~ to Plan Line for street purpose.. 6. Existing dwelling to be reMOved within ninety (90) days. Sect I on 9316. I of the Campbe 11 M~tn i c i pa I Code reads as fo 11 ows: Any approval 9,anted under this section snaIl expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted. unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written appllcaticn for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approva 1 . No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtair.ed in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANijlNG COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD'ON THE 22nd DAY OF ~October~ 196~ . w. L. MORSER. D!RECTOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT By' t~K~11d~~~~~ln;eE~Y~~lon CALVERY T80"J.:LE OF CAl\l?BELL, CLiLIF0:11H!1. a California corporation PARCEL ONE: Lot 10 in Block 4 as delineated and so designated upon lvIap entitled, "Hap of RtlCker's Addition in the Tmm of Campbell, being a part of Sec. 35, T. 7 ;3.8..1 lie, M.D.~L", and which said Map was filed on May 20, 1895 in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, State of California, in Vol. "F" of Licensed Surveyol~'s Haps, paGe 39. PARCEL T 0: Lot 11 in Block 4 as delineated and so designated upon l1ap entitled, "Map of Rucker's A.ddition in the TOvTn of Oampbell, being a part of Sec. 35, T. 7 S.R. 1 vi., r.l.D..t'I.", and which said ic1ap 'I{as filed on ~1ay 20,1895 in the office of' the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, State of California, in Vol. ,,]!'" Licensed Surveyor's Haps, page 39. PAR03L Trll~E: Lot 12 in Block 4 as delineated and so designated UDon Map entitled, "i-lap of Rucker's Adclition in the TO"im of Campbell, bei-lg a part of Sec. 35, T. 7 S. R. 1 'iL, lYl. D. M. ", and ';'vhich said Map vms filed on May 20, 1 ;i5 in the office of the County J.ecorder of Santa Clara County, State of California, in Vol. "FIt of J-,icensed Surveyor's Haps, page 39. PA1CEL FOJR: Beginning at the point of intersection of tne Sasterly line of Railway Avenue with the line dividi~g Lots 9 and 10 in Block 4 of Rucl-cer' s Addition, 8.ccording to the 1\1"' p thereof hereinafter referred to; thence along said line of Railway Avenue Northerly 14 feet; thence Easterly and parallel with the line dividing said lots 9 and 10, 113.75 feet to the line dividing Lots 9 and 32 in said Block 4; thence along said line Southerl; 14 feet; thence ~esterly and along the line dividing s id Lots 9 and 10, 113.75 feet to the Doint of beginning, being the Southwesterly 14 feet of Lot 9 in Block 4 as delineated ail"" so 1"0 tc'n?ted U'lon fJ18.P ent~ tlpt'l ^ ":<Iap of.{ucfrl-""'s Addition in the Town of C mpbell, being a part of Sec. 35, T. 7 S.R. 1/'1., H.D.I'1.", and which said Hap "'>1"-; filed on \1ay 20, 1 5 in the o~'fice of the County Recorder of ~anta Clara County, State of CslifG~nia, tn Vol. "F" of Licensed Surveyor's J.1a~)s, pat."Se 39. PARCEL FIVE: Lots 7 and 8 an~ the Northerly 24 feet, front a1d rear measurements, of Lot 9 in Block 4, as shown ln that certain Map entitled, t'll1ap of ~ll~ckerls Addition in the rrcY\'m of 03.mpbell, I,vhich s'O,id j\!lap "ivas recorded 11a~T 20, 1::)5 in the office of t?le County :1ecorder of the Cmmty of Santa Olara, State of Oalifornia in Volume "F" of lhps, page 39. I \ TO: CITY CLERK ,Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P.W. FILE NO. ~ I'f- P1h(:st-) 3373 Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($,50 per sq. ft.) 3373 Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2); additional ($1.50) 3373 Project Plans and Specifications ($10) 3372 Excavation Permit Application Fee ($35) 3372 Excavati~n Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) 3521 Cash Depos it 3521 Faithful Performance Deposit 3521 Maintenance Bond Deposit Acct. 3372 3370 3372 ~ 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($200) Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre (R-l, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value) Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($85) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($170) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($170) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($140) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($380) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($350 for first plus $110 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($225) Certificate of Compliance ($250) Amount ~ ~J""~ TOTAL $ oJ"- ~ Name C4 ( \J tc. ..,. ;Y I Address L C L Ie "1,..1, I G '-r b. (!. R' f.t.; (~<lo Y ~"'<' / Phone "3 '7 ~ - -:!> '70 () Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No, Amount Pa i d Received by Date It S3G::, ,g ~.b (.'\0 CL-N 9-;J-y--~~ July, 1982 Department: Publ ic \~orks .. '-"-"'jt6.,. --- "': r...... - ----- , t.,.,' ~ r .. i ----" ',-_.. -. , "- .,' t H:? ',:) , ( .--- .--. t ,r-c":' ,~- -- ,.,.c -,---- L- , " ---1- ~. - fig" <<J I~ e, l\ )\;11' 11 ELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP 8 ELL, C A L I FOR N I A 95008 (4081 3788141 November 11, 1982 --' ~/~ .----1-. J1 \ William Jay Hammond 6310 Thornton Avenue Newark, CA 94560 SUBJECT: CALVARY TEMPLE OF CAMPBELL--Dln (38) Dear Mr. Hammond: Enclosed 1S a check print of the parcel map of the referenced project. There is a fee of $170 due for filing the final parcel map. During our review of the tentative map we were concerned because the existing building was shown as extending 0.9 feet into the street right of way. It was proposed to jog the street in order to exclude the building from the street. In order to effectuate this jog it would be necessary to complete abandonment proceedings for that portion of the street right of way. This is a time- consuming and expensive process. The fee is $380. It cannot be done by label- ing the area "Reversion" on the mar. As an alternative we suggest that the street right of way not be jogged around the building but be shown as 30 feet fro~ center. The building can be allowed to extend into the street under an encroachment permit. The condition of the permit is that the owners hold the City harmless for any liability arising out of the encroachment. If this is agreeable to your clients, please revise the map accordingly. Very truly yours, Joseph Ell iott Director of Public Works by James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP/le ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: P 1 ann i n g October 7, 1982 PM 82-12 APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP LANDS OF CALVARY TEMPLE OF CAMPBELL APN 413-08-103 Final map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. Final map to indicate all of existing building to remain as being on Parcel A, as indicated in red on the attached tentative map. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON OCTOBER 7, 1982 ~ ~~ING DIRECTOR APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON OCTOBER 7, 1982 /J~ )OS~ ELLIOTT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLI C WORKS MANDATORY FINDING: This Tentative Parcel Map, together with the provisions for its design and improvement, is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Campbell. CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To Arthur A. Kee, Planning Director Date: ) ~ \'\. ,- ~ I , 'il'1- From: Joseph Ell iott, Director of Publ ic Works TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP Subject: LANDS OF Ct\L-.VAl2-'( 'TF-MPL-F- OF c..AMp-e,EL.L.. A.P.N. Lj 1'3-, D.-:l y- IO~ - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- - - -,_. -, ~ -.-, - - -- -- -. - -- - ~ - - .- - - - - - This office recommends approval of the proposal, subject to the following conditions: I. File a parcel map in accordance with the provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act.