Rincon Ave. (TR5635) Il\1T",n.- DPPl'. r.Tl^.r."'IiT" J' .:-~.:;.:.:.::'-:.~.2!.~j~~:-, J.~'S!'10l1i'\FfDUl'1 TO; Building Dcpar'alent FROI.1; Public T'!orks Depart:nKmt 6ft? ~~~~~ The reSIJ,.1.remcl1ts of t:h.G Public ,[-Jarks Department have been sat5.sf'iec1 for the follo\..ring de\)'clopment: 1->PPLIC2\Hr___klA.l~L I <. E. ~_. ~ t\'? \ C . BUILDIEG '\DDru~SS___f::_L.t:J_Co ..t1_~. :...:.... I~\ C' <;: E___ COUln~' ASSESSOR'S Pl-\RCEL NU1<iBER ~r}2l~'-T "'1 _.. I E":" / .-, ,..,.- -'~?.... " .~.~.~- "S:, APPROV!'.L 1\Wi'1J3ER 'PUBLIC lvORKS PILE X,JUHBEH I / (.... 1 to-oj ~2- \ WILL Ilul G", WP.EH r DIRECTo.R 01:~ PUBLIC VJORIeS +' /, ~ ' J.,/l, By __,2.__'~, I' _~_.~,.___~_ i . v l .. .,::" I' l ") ,'",,' J \~",,,.,",,~, Daxc , .,.. I ( :' ,,' ---"'-"--1-.---- -... R E C E t' P T CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALlFORt../IA !J )',~ ~ /// "., '" NAME: ,.l'd~cd.. /--Cc...u;,.. L'e-e.: i:~ ,.z.--2...-F' e ADDRESS t~;) .(~ /~U~7' V\~~, . /,./:1 V L'4 /' tLe/.&<:..- -/ / FOR /L?f:!/~' :t'I...J7:3J- - ~ '>/t-I (,). / ) .:> - (/t'-:A...:vl ~tJL{~k-x...-:J-.L~ _ '-..9) (./ OJ ~ / - ~7.J-I- /I u:r~ I(Li.:t:~, r:::~:e<-_ ,-ytf/l- ;; :3 ~0 , t. ::,..:~Z_ ..- ~ -..---- / /' ('.. , ~. ::;"',7 '- RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER -f ~ CHECIS5' 9, -/<t 77 o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPf MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, MAR -5-75 MAR -5-75 006 *** 1,627.00 65 OOGA **1,627.00 9374 / 7 " ~- _ I,' ,/ ( \//~L."-h. BY . " li '1 c' / Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK CITIZEN COPY RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (!!>, DDRESS / :.t: t:.e- 1lk--.4;/C( /f)~ ,/- I ,:2, f'?- 7,!/ I RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. :::::> . 0b{) ;! FUND NUMBER o CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPf MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. V.AR 11-75 Hfu'l 11 -75 001 ***2,827.11 6 007 A **2,827.11 9458 ~, BY ITV CLERK CITIZEN COpy /' .'........, (' /~" Thonk You CITY OF CAMPBELL . ~ T 0 r-~ iL.('~ - ~;::: 1(:8 (.,~r.:'J. ',:::..: ~>!,~?i)E l ,","",,7 F C"" r.-~ 'l ATF''''f''''::l;''~"iC''I...,.1 :...-..C..... el. ,; 0 ..;.,J\:~ ;~ .L ,... .~ '--- 73 NORTl i C:~j"HF~;::',L [",\1-. 5i76fl'09"" eA:,1pE.::U., C:~:...IFCrd';l.~ 9_ J~bTJCE OF ~MPtE'rlorJGE2~5 '._'__~: i;.i: _ 51;(6609 B 774 PAGE255 fILED FOR RECORD ~1~ DEe 15 12 ~G PH '75 NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CANPBELL as O\'ml:;R and William G. Wren the undersigned. subdivision OFFiCIAL RECORDS. r\ SANTA CLARA COUNTY as City Engineer caused V Y' Abew:.CS P..bVtN' 'J R~tor der. . . . improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improv~nents was actually accepted on the 8 _day of December I 19...72...-. That the name of the Subdivider said owner is Eldred Kunkel Associates for That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all O~1ers of said property are: NAl1tE City of Campbell ADDnESS 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements ore locat6d is situated in the City of Ca~pbell, County of Santa Clara. State of Californiu, and described as follows: Ros~ Villas, Tract No. 5635 and having the followicg address: · 19 7tJ~~ ,fi~ m G. ~re , D<l tcd December 9 1 of 2 City Engineer STATE OF CALIFOnNIA COUll?! OF S!.!1'I'A CLZ\M ~s. I, William G. Wren, _ .being _duly sworn, G~Ys: That I a~ the City Engineer for said City of Carnph:::ll, ~':he O\~Tner of the propert.y described in the- foregoing notice; -that I have read th~ foregoing noti.ce, and knO\'l the con- tents -thereof; and the facts therein s-ta ted are true of my own knO\'lledge. / ,1 ~d~?t tll~1 ~~. en, City Engineer Subscribed and s\'mrn to before me this 9 dal; of jr]4"~JYl1i,'jV _, 19 70- _ &a1t~'YlL 777. ~J ------- ~1otZ\~j' P;'lblic in and for Guid County of Santa Clara, State of California ~.~_...."""""'~......"..,...- -""---............. 1 ."\L ,:il-::/\L ~)':: M. C/\SE Ie - C:\LlfORN1A or;:; (l ! N ~,~, '"" . , S'~;i~\ CL;\i~/\ cc:..:rnv .111 c..1.HllISS;~1f"1 C.<,j)ilL: O~-,L 1, 1979 ~.-..,.....'~ 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 4006 BEING A RESOL1JTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 5635 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON \tillEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Enginc",r that all improvements in Tract No. 5635, Rincon and Salice, have been completed in accordance wi-th that agreernent. entered into March 10, 1975, concerning said Tract; and, vi'I-IEREl'-i.S, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOIrV, 'rHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that 'l'ract No. 5635, together "vi th all t:.he improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted, and that the City Engineer is he:r:eby ordered to record a Notice of Completion or said improvements. PASSED M~D ADOPTED this 1975, by the following vote: 8th day of December AYES: Cot1TIcilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Paul, Podgorsek, Hammer None NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk TO INITIAL & DATE / WGW 8MB FTl___ -. -... ,.. Rt ;~.:_------" ~~~!..~---- ~- Ao". .. , . ",,\_' i-. , COpy U TED STATES POSTAL SER" 'E WESTERN REGION San Bruno, CA 94099 COpy - OUR REF: 631: RKF :ws ,', SUBJECT: Residential City Delivery Policy Defin~d DISTRICT HA.."1AGERS '\ I 1\ TO: SCF MANAGERS {. ..~ -~.......~..--:;.. . I t I I , I I f ! I ! i 1 f i The following is provided to clarify the current city delivery policy as it pertains to residential delivery (single family homes, multi-family, condominiums, apartments, etc.). Residential delivery may be provided by delivery to curb- line receptacles or by central point delivery. Curbline delivery is defined as delivery to mail receptacles (rural type, contemporary or cluster) located at the curbline singly or grouped, capable of being served by a carrier without dismount from a vehicle. Central point delivery is defined as delivery to a group of three or more ap- proved receptacles (cluster boxes, apartment receptacles, or conventional delivery boxes) in a location approved by the postmaster, served by a foot carrier -or a carrier who dismounts from the vehicle to make delivery. Any residential forms of delivery other than the above must have the concurrence of the local postmaster, SCF manager, District Manager, and final approval of this office. ~. ~. Windol M. Martin Director, Delivery Division DISTRIBUTION: D and P It PACIFIC GAS AND ~CTRIC COMPANY COpy ~' 62-6224 " A (:;!1~ . Z, i . /~t1 y, I( " I I I ' Juc~ F)~ 197~ Mr. Eldred K.Ullkaland Assoc'l:lte<:J 663 ;'1c(!11ncoy Lane Call1pb\:~1l, Cnlifornia 95008 StlbJect.: Trac~ Rincon and Salice Avenue Calil'pb ell ~ ~ l)C.lr Hr. Kunl-..el: Til1s ''''ill confirm tile coordination lneetin.g of June 17 ~ 1975 for tne ~Love mentionfjJ l.roject. A "notice Lo contractors" cara ..as i;,ivcn to youwitl. tht:;. pur- pose and u::;(-: eApLliueJ. Curb and iutters are in; water is a1;30 alr\:ady iU3 t<l11u.l. 3iduwalh.s will be inatal1\::d 3fter our facili- ties are 1natalled per request of Nr. Ed Finley, City of Campbell. Start of cOllstructlon .....ill Cot'lmcuce on tr,e 'N'\o\ek of J..111\o\ 23, 1975; with... completion Jate (Jll .lOout.:: July 7,1175. Coulilt.ruction ~ill ~O".umence '",itn the pole on t~1e south diJe or Rincou Avenue and end ;dtil the pole on Rose Court. Exces:3 spoils will be spread ou the jol;; site per your requust. ')ur g.1.$ construc- tion rorel.um \-.'111 contact your j'Jb S-:I1,erilltt.:went regarJing this mutter. Property linea botween bulldin~s will be ?larked by you. Service connections will be at the locations speCified on job sketch. Presently all materials are on haud and there 9hould be no pro- blema . Street light on take-off pole locat.ed on Rincon Avenue will be moved one pole further west per request of Hr. Ed Finley. City of Campb ell. "'I~lltlli!lll' .__~_._.. it . ... I 11r. Et.llrcd Kunkel and Associates P..t,~e -, Juue le, 1975 if you haVd any qUel3t1ona, please feel free to give me 3. call at t:ld:3 offiCtat, telephone 298-3333, extension 257. ..; ihC ere 1)' , Jam03 D. Jt~rien :'iUW fiuilJinr Repr~(mtative C~: r,-lcific 'fe1c!'phone and Tele?'l:a,pn Company 112.:> :w.;.lury RoaJ, San Jose, California 95133 Atter..tiont J("~,lIi C'..on;e;ales :rr. Ed t?inleyJ City of C<.!Nphell 75 iiorth Central Avenue, Cam!)bel1, Cnliforr:h 95002. :<r. E.ul Gi.ristil.lns~l'l Gill CATV 1302 North Fourt.h Street, San Jose, C.l!lifornia 9511:; PA 'IFIC GAS AND ELEAIC COMPANY - COpy April 11, 1975 Eldred Kunkel &ad Assoeiatea 663 McGlineey Lane Campbell, California 9'008 Gentlemen: Attached i. the de.ign layout of the joint trench indieatina ga., electric, telephone ADd/or CATV .ervice and meter locationa for your Tract Number '635. Firm co.t. and contraeta will be .ent to you upon completion of the de.ign of g.. and electric distribution sy.t.... The hou.e. ahall be piped and wired to take 8" and electric .er- nee from the locations indicated on the plan. If you have any further que.tions, pleas. contact _ at this office, telephone 298-3333. 8ineerely, J.... D. O'Brien Hew Building Representative Attach. ee: ~.city of Campbell 75 H. Central Ave. Caapbell, Calif. 95008 Jenning. McDermott-Heia., Inc. 925 Regent St., Suite 200 San Jo.e, Calif. 95110 62.6224 I <;; ~a.- ?f?. <;;,es:I\) -, <'l"u; Q-'<' IF . II i RESOLUTION NO. 3864 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 5635, KUNKEL TOWNHOUSE, RINCON AND SALICE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 5635, Kunkel Townhouse, Rincon and Salice, for approval: WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney, as to form which covers conditions pertaining to the approval of said map and acceptance of the dedicated streets, has been presented: and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has signed the map that it conforms: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the .~e is hereby approved and that the streets, avenue~ and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of 1975, by the following vote: March AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Podgorsek, and Paul NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk County ot Santa Clara Ca I itorn ia Department of Finance Tax Collector - Treasurer Division 107 County Administration Building 70 West Hedding Street San Jose, Californ ia 95114 Tax: (408) 299-2241 Treasurer (408) 299-2046 Unsecured (Business) Tax: (408) 299-3671 Central Collections (408) 299-4061 March 10,1975 I,hereby certify that there are no liens for unpaid State, County, Municipal or local taxes or special assessments collected as taxes against the land included in the within subdivision or against any part thereof: Tract No. 5635 and that said land is part thereof subject to installment of principal and interest of so designated special assessments which current installments have been paid, except that taxes and special assessments collected as taxes wbich are not yet payable and which is hereby estimated are not to exceed the sum of $ 4050.00 for the year 1975-76. This certificate includes assessments of $ 2834.18 No.14 of L.I.D.12 City of Campbell , the bonds of which is now a lein against said land or any part thereof. Yours very truly, John A. Eastburg Director of Finance An Equ al Oppo rtun i ty fmp I oyer ---- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - T.$. 74-3 Lands of Eldred Kunkel APN 405-39-64 o~ Installation of a sanitary sewerage system toserve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. ~ Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within , (j the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the Campbell \-Jater Company. Water service to be provided by said Campbell Water_Company. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid at the rate of $195.00 per fire hydrant. ()~ Public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facil ities shall be granteu by the Subdivider. /4. ~5. SubdiVider ~ ~~SUbdivider /7. C>~ Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions, of the Campbel I Municipal Code. to pay balance of Storm Drainage Area fee. to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. Subdivider to pay balance of assessments incurred with Local Improvement o i s t r i c t No.2. Subdivider to obtain excavation permit and post bond for driveway modifi- cations, street trees, and any other off-site improvements as required by City Eng i nee r .. ~ A copy of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions to be submitted to the City Engineer for review and comment. o~ Lot 25 shall be a "Common Lot" and shall be designated as a Public Service Easement. ~\A.. ~ R,,,, (-a\) PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY J:p:> <<tr!:.S1 IE; + 10900 NO. BLANEY AVENUE CUPERTINO. CALifORNIA 95014 (408) 253.2010 December .5, 1974 Mr. William G. Wren Direct~r of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California Subject: Easement Approval for Tract 5635 - Rincon Avenue Dear Sir: The Public Utility Easements sho~m on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call Mr. Frank Arnoldy at 253-2010. Sincerely, U>;;HAl R..'~, ~ TO & DATE R.E. Turner District Electric Sup~rintendent WG\V ! -----.-- r-q~ h I L]~:..r,;: ; FArnoldy:ew cc: PT&T Co. Jennings-McDermott-Heiss, JO'Brien F7L ...~... ~--_.~---,...__._"....-..- i .,._"; ....-,... ~""'~" --',--.--...--:--..-.-- Inc. "'-.- ,.~.._-,--_.". .'. ,-'--~".~~--- -"-',-,-"",-~,. '" ._~~.._-".._..~,-~-_.~,~ .--.--- , -_.__._.____~ I ______ . FILE ! ----..----,1, I "S v.. it ~,~~\) THE CAMPBELL WATER CO. 555 WEST CAMPBELL AVENUE P. O. BOX 667 CAMPBELL, CALI..ORNIA 95CCB December 6, 1974 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 ~(Q~S Re: Tra~ 4635 ?I Gentlemen: At the request of Jennings-McDermott-Heiss, Inc., please be informed that The Campbell Water Company will install and maintain all of the necessary water facilities to serve Tract ~5 bordered by W. Rincon Ave., Salice Way and Rose Court, Campbell, California. Very truly yours, ;/~:(%2-Z~~ Robert G. ~<- V' rj Assistant Secretary CC: Jennings-McDermott-Heiss, Inc. 'INITIAL: TO & DATE --- -f ..-.- WG\;,~.g \ _.~ 'if II ________...----:,-~ MLI oi<o"_~~_""""""-"~_.. ill E- r _____......--.......,.,.~~; FTL _--..-- \ ...............--- \ -----.- ......-...----.-.----.- i ---; _._----~~ -- . ... --- \ .-.. ! ; ::~~ T:' ~ . Il,.. Jo.... .~---'--- *- Santo Clora Valley Wa~er Dis~rid (\ "~"/ 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY · SAN JOSE, CALlFORNIAi95,118 ~ (408) 265-2600 October 30. 1974 State of California Division of Real Estate 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, California 94102 c.-~~tC LCJ -(. '\,) ~~- (~ Gentlemen: A request has been received from Title Insurance and Trust Company report relative to E. J. Kunkel Project in the San Tomas Aquino Creek to prepare a flood hazard Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District: from District facilities !Xl The site should not floolin the event of the District's standard design flood (defined as a flow having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any year). o The site is subject to flooding from It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a or exceeded in any year. percent chance of being equaled o Said channel is not one which the District designates as a flood control facility. o Said channel is one which the District designates as a flood control facility. No assurance can be given as to a date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments". Additional Comments: This report Is not provided In response to an inquiry regarding the National Flood Insurance Program. For information concerning the hazard .from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact _City of Campbell, Department of Public Works cc: Title Insurance and Trust Company Attention Mr. Richard L. Lloyd V City of Campbell, Department of Public Works Attene ~ '1!llicy G. Wren Sincerely yours, OFiMGINAL. mGNItD .. Malcolm E, Burns Division Engineer Design Coordination Division ", Fe.59 (1.1.74) 'f\ ~ '- ,~ ~ " \] r\l ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ., ~ "- J ~~ ~~ Q () . ! l~ ~ ~~ .II ... <l -' \li " ;j ..9 -..:~' ~ ~ ~ ij'- lJ "- 1 ~ .', \u ~ ~ c; ~ -J I",p .. (} ~ ~~ ~& ~l ~ 'q " r,- . -t- , , \li~ I <s -' "- 10 I .~ .....I. I I I I " C) ....' , ..I ~ ...... ., 4 ~ +\J- ~ '" .'>\1 tJ ~ \ij 1(\ V1\! \ ( . 3~!/ /,,0;);7'/7- . <::___.1 . " 9 9 I . I -I I ,J i ,.I . " ...L-- I) _-9';'0-::1 c:-:-p \(\ \1\ I //-._-- --- f.~ ~ ___'...,_ 'S- ~ ' ._'~-'-----~~.-_' ~ ~ '-- ~ '-~- 9 ~ i Ii \' I 1- ~ ::~~ ~ ~~i ex: l'!"'d \ \ z: z:zr!: :E ~~~ ~ ~J~~ 10- .-I -0'.' ar':!i l;< I.L.I ~8.sa.J>. D 0:: .... M .J~ ~ ...... -;:I o.~ ; "3 ~ I""\"'{ I. I \.., . . - "" c - '1 ' . 0 "1, - ~ ty:, \) \j ~ v> ~~f " ,::I \(\ I~ ~~ ~ .- f'f)V~~g ~,,~ ~ - lC)~~~- '" ~~ ~ ~ III ~ - ~ ~ ~~: ~~r ~: - I ~ --...: ,', v' '" ~ to..j ~ \.( \~J ) \ ..