Rincon Ave. (62-107) .(.1 Q I) C#-~. " ~ I .f t ,~ l '';J SUNSWEET DRYERS F 0 eox 670 . SAN JOSE 6. C;',L1FOf~l\Il^ February 5, 19b2 The Campbell Water Compa.ny P. O. Box 7SF3 Cctmpbell, California Attention Mr. Homer H. Hyde. General rJ;anager Gent,lemen: Refe!",r?nce is r~8d tc YOllr Jarlu~iry 2.~1, J.~;t;,? crj~1:-,,7".'.L~:.lc3t~ F'l addressE:c1. to the attention Cri'~r. Her:r:ann C,'rdts of t:lrJ It 1r (, .... -I' vBm;~e~: ~cOreraJlve 0ryer. 1-he ~~ub,lect rr\(;tte,:~ of Y()L~r c.:;;n.d(u~:ica\"icr~ -r~".fa,~~, _'-<\_..'~''I~:t'~ .~,~ t lOt ere l"; erl t rl1e 2 t irl,~ (J f' t r~ e.';:" d /:) t .".. i '}o. ~_I ',~ tJ\-' r~) i.:-; f 'r~:3 ~:.;:.~q" r) f")T ~."' r;:'"j, ~n.-,j U i"\3.fl :Lmo U.S D U L ,"2 C. r -; 2.::': ~>~ J. ,~~" rl 'rl.:;..~; VO"L e=l ';"0 (.>.-:;::- I' -~ ~~ () r""::>":" <::; ""''''1 n"" .-., (.. t ~ ('..~ \~,.; -to- '~...., t J,- l, .~.j "" : .c, ;-' .i 1'; ,:\ ':-i ~" ("\""'~ <,,"':~ II..>: : c.',,!...," ~;' tl" I,~:: \." .l',.J....~,' c.~"',_i....~L.... .L..JJl ~.J..."-}'.' v~;-\.. ,~)\_.l.*~,..'-l...L) I..-...""/ll. >.,.'....... ,. -.~' Ca~~:~l~ ~}~~CUgtl the i, l e ~,"I ,.-. t'l ~~ C (] r), c1 i :J i ~~' i:,2-, rI'U 1~;c~. _1 t '.'"~If t t.! f c.:~; :~l ~_J ~ J J.::: ~"~. (; 1. r: . , ,', ~ "-. ~;rj:t-c :::' __ _ ~J:_:.,; j: .....,( ~: n ~',.t ~...~ :~' \. -; ':") (' '. , <.:: . (,'.' :-to;: 1.J: u_ ri t c :~ 1.., :'. (.::: ~ ',J' L; ..:<( .f ,:_1'\~',>..:,: ~ { ,. To___M. P"tze1 DATE: Pebruvy I, 1962 RE: AJ.1eyway east of P1rst__sg~et_~QutlLJ)~ Rincon "p . X27 shows a 14 ft .a).J.~yrl.U1I1.j,l1q -~'t:!ft!eI:1 Pirst and the tracks which was dedicated but _bas_~ot been accepted. Tt'_~<;'~_NO. 90 shows an addi~J.()~.;:2~~.to the north of the or i9 ina1 14 ft'l however, this map dedicated Avenues, streets, and parts of streets but did not dedicate parts of a11ey,specifica11y. It 11t Qur cQ.lltention that a 14_ft. al.1.eyway has been dedicated and can be accepted at- any time, h~yer,__1;ll.~.. ~_f~ .~~-i.P__!~_d()\lbtful. S'GN'D \\A ~ \:) !~ PLEASE REPLY 'HE E To --- - - ----.-.--_DATE ._--~--~----~----~- .~_._------- ----_._._--_._._-----~-.~~.-._,_._._-- -----__m__.._....__ ___'___'_~_'_ ---- --_..__.-----_.._._._----~-- .....-.--.- SIGNED .~ ~~~Pl~~~~~~Rri~~~21~~~1 ~~NH~+~~GA':,i,Mi'R~L~~:T~M?:i~~~~~:_i~ ~~~~~'NLsO:e!,.i MAINING IN SET. AFTER REPLY IS WRITTEN. SNAP OUT CARBONS: RETAIN THE TRIPL/, CATE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL TO THE PERSON ORIGINATING MEMO. FORM S. O. 4 '" J anu.s.ry 29, 1~2 Campbell Cooperative Dryer 40 30. Central Ave. Campbell, California k.lVf N & 1.1' . Hc1"lU&lD. Gerd t ~J P.E. PropOlSed connection to ctona sever l1ne between R:incC'n aDd Railroad Avenu... DeAl" nU'll&Ull' teI' \)U.l" eOlwcrsutio.ll this date, tIle City v1 Ca.t;,.()fjll hu reque~toj a..- o~it:ion fro.:" t.:~e Git.y Attorne~l :'E)garding the ut!Cestil t~, ". )~t...u....J..:;.,..g ;your ,,~.:q..a.o,y' d }A'!rmi.:.; i.:..r. for t.~le Campbell 'riii.t8I' Co. +..0 ;r!Uk~ Ii conr.t:'ction to the e:d.a"iD{: stan:;. emfC1' on the Grant. of EhSerl.ltlll'v. '1'he ci ty Lt~1n6&r has fl,;pro-.re.,l the OOIiL$ct.iaa t':rom their S't.al.dfJO.Li-" Wj,,__ we l'...."fer liOt, 1.0 ",ait 1';;1' Jhe ';it.,j' ....ttorneJda o~on. w. therefore would request your permission to make thi. connection. rUe ~bitll1-'bel.l Water Co. wiL perforIil. all worx, oarrr all iwr~ for Public Liability Lmd tToperty ~~., and vill rest.ore all k./e, c51uent, fenoe and curb to their ~~~aent oondition. Your prompt action on this u.utte1' will be greatly &pprei:l..ut.ed. Yours very t.ruly, Homer H. li,yde, SecretLry and General }i~er HHhlrJ .; ',' 'I '//~' ~.~... , '" i ...II'A. P ~~' .,J,=-~ ~-~?~ .~ a....-y.26, 1H2 III'. .....r s,r- e....ll watar CoIIpany 346 _to ~""11 Ay_ CIi1IIIpbel1, Callfon1a H, lCIU' U,.o... ~i~ b ~ MWf ~ ~- Itp'*' ... MUZoad A..... .J'JieU' 1tW.~ & .. baft &'...1.... tM _..1: of ".._1: tr_ (1m pMl1 COapIra'ti'M Dry_ aDd the AtJre..at at.t.acbed ther.t.o _1ell GO'NI'ed CODdlt.j.oaa o. tb18 p-aat:. It: 18 our 1Dt.tu:preblt.J.oa, at. thla 'tille, ..t. panaJ.aaion ~ the CawpMll COOper.t.i.. DI:yU' will .. aec..auy bef... ..., ooaat.ractJ..ca can be cIoae in th1a ........t. we ... forwU'41at thl. cou14erat.J.on to t.1ae CJ.t.y A1:t.oraey tor 1...1 4eoJ..loa aDd 1aUZ'pret:at.1oa. It. J.a 01U' CP.1aJ.OQI at. t.h1. t.~. t:aat. . gr.,,1t.y flow pipe 1IIb1Gb wou14 carry wat.er. Ir. you propoaed well al" could 1:Ma OOIlat.l."1iact.M ao that. t:.b.et" 11M VO\11cl be ....,. tM a1d4le of the pipe aDd. its flow cUrllCt.e4 ~... 1D the atora IIe'IMl' liDe eo ~t. DO ..nIaole VO\Il4 be r84l'lired. _ will 1a'oa:a yoa of any recpa1recl pera1..1oD ....... the City Att.oraey iDfona WI of neh. VUJ' uw.y your., 1Iyr0ll D. JiIIl1llk, CJ.t.y Ba91MeJ: IIDB. cb cc I City ..."'1.... CJ.t:y At.t.oraey _ball Dwe1GJ...,t: D1rec:t.or , City of Campbell 75 dV: C1nb.aL c:4lJwue - CampbeLL; Califo'1.nLa CITY ATTORNEY January 30, 1962 Mr. Myron Hawk City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Re: Storm Sewer Line Dear Myron: I am returning to you herewith Grant of Easement from Campbell Cooperative Dryer. If the proposed storm drain line is a City project I think the land easement covers it in the first paragraph. However, paragraph 5 of the easement would seem to require a three months' written notice by the City to the dryer before commencing construction of any additional installation of pipe line or lines, with no new construction to be done during the months of June, July, August, September and October of any year. It would be my opinion that before any further lines be constructed that the consent of Campbell Cooperative Dryer should first be obtained. Very truly yours, ~ . .. ti _J-k. . J PH A.~ClNA V' ty Attorney ~. JAB:m enc. it ..~ 1\ -') , '-I ~~~'- <-~ C v~ b ~/ t~J f-\-l~~ @ ( \"''' t -. --, -" ~-~~-:.'S ''-'':>/_>-./-- .. --_.~... January 26, 1962 Mr. Joaeph A. Bonacina Clty Attorney 601 Firat National Sank Bullding san .10", Call.OX'ft1a Dear Joe: we ha". l:MMtD COD~ by lI<:IV.r ayde 111 J."lI9ardll co a propoaed connectlon t.o aD exlatiag' at.ora drain line wlch runa tbrough c.p):)ell COOperat.ive Dryer frca Rincon to Railroad. Avenue.. Thi.a cODAact.lcm would neoe..trat.e couuuct1on w1th1n the ea.~t 'franted to the City of Callpbell, and 1t:e my int.erpretation that ack11tlonal per:a1..1.on !rea CUlIpbell Cooperative Dryer would be necessary in order to c:on.etruct w1th1D this _~t:. BDclo.ect for your interpretat.i.on 1. one copy of the Grut. of __t aa4 the A9re..nt. WOUld you interpret from the.e docutaOftta wether or not the Clt.y of Callpbell can approve.or perform )any coutructlon within th1a easement. ~(for e'UPWle, (1). another parallel atorm drain line? (2) t.1le propo..4 at.tachment of a lat:e&'al clra1D ltDa? (3) an acl41tional aanhole?)? Very truly your.. JlyroD D. 1Ia*, Cit.y anginaer JIDJl; c:b .lDCloaur.. 2 cc: Hc:aer Hyde City Manager G'~\'.cr G::J' (;/_~.;'j)r{;)" I! FL;\~':l' ...:. ;.,l~jj :i:- \'.'; ::J:;""-'! '~~ T :.~U ~ 107 ~..,-,.... ".. ,." D::d;c Feb 2 19.~~ _..... .._. ~..." .;lIJ .""._..... ___.. ._..... : .I c..... \';:' (:." r' "~.I,~lC :.~: ','.' I.,~~~~'. uf (),('",'15~i1t,L<>'~: I~,~.l,... t:.3 (:~:c!.YL~'J~~.' :)';.'\}5J.),'-j',l:.;,'''; O~~L '~..l';:'~ r... 'J I.. \.:.:.) ~ ':. ~ ' ,~.':{ ,~ -:,:.- y~/. l~::;;".:; '::.. ,,".~t<j":..) of' (';\<tif;~',.:~'l." -j ";~;o CArr:q'uStL \';.'\'l'Ei1. (";:)i1PANY .~. ....: .... . ..... . ".' :.; operate a public utility a.."'1.C1/or public service use ::.nd tho m:nntonn."lCo or.d/or possible future construction of public utility n...'1Cl service structures and .facilitios theroon, on property loctAted on South Fi3.'st Street end doscribed as follals I bounded on tho O:lot by the northwesterly lL'"1o of tbo Southern Pacif'lc Pcllroadj on tho north by the 1 mds of tho C::llii'ornia PrUl10 u ,t~pricot Grm:ers Aszoc:i.ation; 011 Ul'J \;est by t.'1o Pl'Q?Crty line of r,ots 1, 2, 3" 4, $.. 6, 7 & 8 of tho 11yda !:';rothar's Pork Subdil1ision, o 2,' drlVCt"ny 1o:ldi:'1g to Soutlllst Dtroot.. and the reu line ot a r03idontU1l lot ~ on t.'lo South side ot Lot i/(l.. Hyde Drother's ParkJ end on tho South by tho noorthorly line of r..a1l~ Avonue extension. 4'1. .~~~ t1r:J ~:. LC:-: '~l,~ C~>~.,~;.:.'~; t.L!.r~"~t1,~.. . -." " ., ., C:', c<f; te:7Y': C::..':-!:..~ _..~' ~.. ..' ':;Glr~':.:i' c~:f <):t'. ,.R~~_"..,,, . ,,,....,...,: ';.9.:)6 "C>. r;: -.,".. .,.'t... ~~. ~.. ",_'''/.1,,\'1 ," ,f. ... (..i:' Ct" 'l~i,'~D':~i.I, . 'J',;' ....' \) '-':"'. ...~.;j...':j~'r ,'V L. W. lli.1mcm ~...~~i~....a..... .~.~u JJepy'.''';' \.' ,~ .