66-80 W. Rincon Ave. (1977) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA ::~O-~ FA~ h ~L4/, c---~ f ~ (33/) 5100 REC~IP- CITY OF ~AMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA FUND NUMBER 3J/ /j DATE AMOUNT 704./ "I- 1t5//~f- ~~~ 7t<~ ~ ~~, "':- .~... (j:/~~ / ([:.r. "h7;~-(j REVENUEACCOUNTNO tf (; )<J---6 1:H;C; o MONEY ORDER o CASH THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. SEP - 7 - 77 SEP - 7 - 77 003 *****51.00 51 D03A ****51.00 ,/' 12497 BY ~~""< Than You Crt~d.. ~+ U7 -. / I I (3:.s ) I(~.<-c/ ./ ~-L- /] 1/~-r1 " CITIZEN COPY E ACCOUNT NO. 55/ {{ CITY OF CAMPBELL <!)M JMBER -~/ o MONEY ORDER o CASH /' ?<} if "3 G Ii ~fv I 3 frFlIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, DATE AMOUNT l.L;~ 26-77 O f'. ~ " ,..,- .", '-Z .)- C r: , \... U i,.~ ,( h ..... . \J !\t;G ~:' 6 - 7--i' : 7 C:~~', C /\ ~" :'~ '.=. Z :-5 _ C C 12357 BY CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMP' . Co , \ \"- tt- t I)'" ~\J. ... INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT , ; BUILDING ADDRESS COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ".j "SIt APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER '0" ~ ~ , 1\ r . ~ 1"\ ~ JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By ~ /JIl /[/1./ ~"::/;'-Y.A.i01v _ Date /\fI(ll1~ Z~I I t)"7 '7 " . .' , RECEIPT Cl....[y OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Yfl/ve -"~_._--- ADDRESS I' ~8~ FOR ~ 1fi~J~ , ,d) - 7{; -q &? + YO ;!~r2hv ~ C/O 7 ) t:73 7 ~ FUND NUMBER ~,~ /f REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. f ??fD ~ CHECK tfJc, ~ 710 o MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. ~jAR -9-77 014 *-R**939.00 Hi\R -9-77 65 014A ***939.00 10072 BY CITIZEN COpy G- Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL (,0J'Y" " ~ v:ctii) q.., ... I I "'""",--,' ,/'- ... / i",. ,~ OFW I/JANe [ no. ] O~34 BEIIJG AN OR-DINfdiCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TilE CITY OF CM\PB[LL !\[)OPTIIJG PLMJS, ELEVATIOtJS, AND OEVELOPI1E1JT SCI-lEDULE FOf{ 1', PORTIOIJ OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMEtH ZOIJ[ ESTABl I SHED BY ORD I NANC[ NO. 995 f\DOPTED (HJ TIlE 28TH DAY OF OC10BEfI., 1975. (Application of f{ichard E. Kline). The City Counci I of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTiON ONE: That tlie Zoning Hap of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adoptinC) the attached "Exhihit All, entitled "Plans und Elcvutions'l, "Exhibit Bfl entitled "Development Schedule" and Exhibit "[1' entitled "llap of said Propcrty", as per application of Richard E. Kline to allO'\.J construction of a fifteen-unit apar-tment complex On property knovm as 66 and 80 \.Jest Rincon Avc"nue in a Plannf,u DC\l(:dopment Zone. Copies of said exhibits are on fi Ie in the office of the Planning Department. Said approval granted subject to the fol lowing conditions: A. The exterior of the proposed building shall be as marked in fIred" on the pI ims . B. Property to be fenced dnd landscZlped as indicated and as added in "red on the plans. C. Landscape plan indicClting type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system aml type of fencin9 to be submitted for- approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. D. Landscaping shal I be maintained in accordance \"i th the approved landscape plan. E. Faithful performance bond in the anx,unl of $5,000 to be posted to insure landscapill~l, fencing and striping of parking drca wi thin Lhre2 (3) months of completion of construction, or- applicant J:1i1y file \Hitten agreement to complete landscapin~l, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final Bui Iding Department- clearance. F. Al I ~echanical cquipn~nt located on roofs shal I be screened as approved by the Planning Director. G. All parking and drivc\"ay areas to be developed in compliance \"ith Section 21.50 of the Campbel I Municipi11 Code. Al I parking spaces to be pro- vided \vith appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. H. Underground uti lities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipi11 Code. I. Plans submi ttee! to the Bui lding Dep;Htlllcnt for plan check shall indicatc clearly the location of all conllcctions fur underground utilities, including vJater, se\^Jer, electric, leier/lone and television cables, etc. J. Sign application to be sublflittcd in <Jccordance "lith provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be instal led unti I application is approved and pernli t issued by the Bui Iding Department K. Ordinance No. 782 of the Can~bell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage, and rubbish produced vJithin the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family d\'iellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. L. Trash container(s} of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. M. Applicant shall meet all State requirements for the handicapped. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT N. Fi Ie and process a parcel map. O. Pay storm drainage area fee at $765.00 per acre. P. Obtain excavation permit to widen driveway and replace damaged curb and gutter. FIRE DEPARTHEtn Q. Provide one on-site fire hydrant, supplied by a 4" main, connected to Rincon Avenue water main. R. Provide 112ABC" fire extinguishers. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this lltl1day of fol lowing roll cal I vote: OctDber ,1976, by the AYES: . Counc i I men: Cham 1.x~ r 1. in, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek NOES: Counci llllcn: None ABSENT: Counc i lmen: None NOT VOTING: Councj lmen: Doe Lsdl APPROVED: Hayor ATTEST: / ,.( / / - City Clfrk I :' ./ ,.,'.. . (" I . l . I~~\ . ," \ 0 _----------' -----.-- -- -_.,----'--- ..'" , ~ ~:~ ....; ,....' .. - .-.... - - .... ~\ o' . " ~ ~ · · \~t~,:,~'tt-;:. '{~~, ~~~ ~," '\ ~. '".~~.,~: '. -~ ;..---~ . . ."',,, ........_ ,,~t. Q':: :..~~::: ,~ I It>. ... Ili-" . '. .' 'j U'". ",'" ..-~-_:=---~ .~O:----=1-"c=-~- -- ~ ' :. .' ' . . . 0 .~. \",: ~...." 'p ; <:> 1: ~... ... ...... Ii' " f ,~- ....,.. .. '"tI. oJ\ ...- ,.---.-.--- '. o . ~.... 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R('SO\Ut,on I'h.) , ),), on scpt~\\~cr L, . .\ ,'''''. . -.. . ., ,V \ .,.. ----- (Y-H\n\1 1,(11 ------' FE B ;~:2 1977 a.~lJ- /' & f 6'--> c. vi /31'--. Job No. 77028 ftECEIVED KIER WRIGHT PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING February 18, 1977 Civil Engineers City of Campbell Engineering Dept. City Hall 75 No. Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 ATTENTION: Mr. Bill Helms Re: Richard Kline, 15 unit Apartment Complex, Campbell, CA Dear Mr. Helms, This letter is to inform you that Mr. Kline has engaged our firm to prepare a parcel Map for the subject project as re- quired by ordinance No. 1034 that was adopted Oct. 11, 1976 by the City Council. We will be completing the field survey and preparation of the Parcel Map within the next several weeks and will submit the map to you for review when it is .comp1eted. Sincerely, -ar:~ cc: Mr. Kline RTK:jab 2378 B Walsh Avenue . Santa Clara, California 95050 . Phone (408) 244-6665