100 W. Rincon Ave. (63-55) GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY.Glens Falls. N. y~50 SJiNSnME STREET KANSAS CITY FIRE &: MARINE INS. CO., Kansas City. Mo. NIA ~4JO I" ,., 1. t .~ . \"f Y ;;.ng~neer City or Campbell Department or Public L Campbell, California GENERAL FORM STATUS INQUIRY 'I DATE --1 August 2), 1968 OUR BOND NO. B 02-47-2la. REINSURED'S NO. Works CONTRACTOR ADDRESS Concatta R. Russo dba Pines Plaza Realty 100 W. Rincon Way lOa, Campbell, California DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT: <INCLUDE LOCATION AND OWNERS CONTRACT NUMBER) install Street ImpDovements OWNER City of Campbell. CONTRACT PRICE I BOND(S) S 425.00 $ 425.00 FP WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECTING OUR LIABILITY UNDER OUR BOND(S) SUCH OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE. I EFFECTIVE DATE L./26/66 DESCRIBED ABOVE. WE WOULD APPRECIATE VERY TRULY YOURS. ja GLENS FALLS GROUP IF CONTRACT COMPLETED PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORK (OR FINAL DELIVERY) I APPROXIMATE ACCEPTANCE DATE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE $ IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED PLEASE STATE: APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE OR DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACT COMPLETED OR DELIVERED DO YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL REMARKS (IF ANY) D YES D NO IF YES, PLEASE EXPLAIN UNDER REMARKS BELOW /A Y'tfc<./.Lft.--C-;C::; [lJE r~~? pIP, cz:; c c-:{Z) /0 :<-' E. /L, ,;q- / .----.J '.r---- ~ >c.FL;.(--;- DATE SIGNATURE AND TITLE q -?-G & ~/ ~. ,/IL- / ;2) eft FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ENCLOSE A POSTAGE PAID ADDRESSED RETURN ENVELOPE FORM SI 5541 "'::'. l.:.li.~ THANK YOU REV. 9.57 CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVEUUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNiA ~?F ./ 1,(,/)'1.- f1 ,,) Date O.ceMber 5, 1903 CONDITIONS ATTAC'IED TO liS" AFPROVAL OF PLANS OF CONCETTA R. ~GiJ).:i "SI, 1q()1-'i1'.j FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Of{I~~ Bullcina __, TO BE LOCATED AT: too ~j't!.t Rincon Avenue COND IT IONS: I. Subject to subMission and approval of a minor sui-divl:iicn lI'.>iIp. 2. Confor..nce with Section 9115.5. Article IX, Campbell Municipal Code. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval g~anted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approva I . No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtai~ed in the manner provided for in this chapter. ~RANTED BY !HE CITY OF C~~PBELLbPlAN~tING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR UEETlNG HELD ON THE 3ru DAY OF Decem er. 963 . W. L. MORSER, DIRECTOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT By Evelyn Adam~on, Secretary Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of that certain parcel of land desdribed in the deed from Muriel Ellison Vlm, et vir, to Joseph P. hUSSO~ et ux dated September 23, 1959 and recorded in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on September 24, 1959 in Book 4555 of Official Records Page 7S, with the Southerly line of that certain parcel of land descrihed in the deed from Joseph F. R11SSO, et ux to the City of Cal1phell, a municipal corpora~n, dated June 23. 19~1 and recorded on June 7, 1962 in Book 5600 o~ Official qerords at Pa~e S94. Santa Clara County Records: thence from said point of be~inning and along t.he \vesterly line of said land deeded to Joseph p. Russo, et ux S. 00 07' w. 160 feet to the Sout~westerlv corner thereof~ thence alon~ the Southerlv line thereof S. 890 53' E. 80 feet to the Southeasterly co~ner trereof: thence alon~ the Easterlv line thereof N. 00 07' E. 1~0 f8et to a point on the Soutrerl" line 0 f said land deeded to the City of Campbell above referred to' thence alonr last said lire N. 890 53' w. 80 feet to the point of beginning. EJ ab ~ c:t :z ex o L&. :J oct: u W ~l1~'1' :J .~ ~ j ill ~ I~ . ,., "~1" ""'-l. JE -l-11 ,...1",1 11 .. ~ - -- " Ilijl '*~-t ~ 15'11 i!{i! '~Ijl .. J _ ~ :2 - ~ -~~S:.! - >- I- :z :J o u 4 ct j u ~ C lit ~__. t ,. c @ ",.,~,~ -. .. ) .. l .. .. ) -- - '. .. rv NOlllW .., '" ..SI ~ ~ ;g~ g; ~ z o t U Z ex: ~ ~ co Si ;:s, I ~:; ~~ OV'Otl ~, ~I ~ ~I --~ JLI (1<>>1 ~1-.- -t't~;;z ~ ~I 1>1- ,..l ~I ~I t> ~1 LSf L~ ~ L"lI ~I ~l ~I ~I ~I ~I Jl. 86 lJli :;. 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