175 W. Rincon Ave. (75-4) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works .Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT \ i BUILDING ADDRESS ~....... \ \. \[ COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 3{)5'3/,c)7D "s" APPROVAL NUMBER ~t .,--..~,~_.......' ( ..1. ... '--... PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER \'. I \ . ~, .".."" BILL H. HELfJI.S ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By :-.'- ~ I ./ -- - \ '''-~;::-X''' Date '- , -"~.. ~..... . \ ~ ~~i ,....! "'I ," 81 1 ~ 1.. ~' . ~! 'II ::: ~. , ~ k ~ '" .... ~ N&T 17C :: _ '2..7... = ~ 143 ~ - - ~O~ 2. Q,\oV'\<Z. :: L \ D c..'red t t ;:: t--.)sr ~4- -, \ Be -::: 401S~ ~ co8 l( ~~ L c.\j SToRM ~E:E- 16830 Sheldon Road .... n 'j' ., 0503 c, ~os ua~os, ~a. ) ~ u "fa.rch ')9 1076 ." c, ';I I'Iro IJc..rr;yversav,r Engineer~ng Department City of ampbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, Cel. 95008 Dee,r LrQ Versaw: This letter is to advise you that t~e property line separating 195 and 175 J. Rincon Avenue will be adjusted to conply '!ii th the set bc,ck re'-:iuirerEents for the room addition at 175 ~. Rincon Avenue. I am presently getting bids on the engineering work re ired. On compl(C,tion of the work E, revised pclTcel Inap \:.[ill be sent to you. The following plot map showing existing and revised lines has been approved by the mortgage holders. Sincerely, ~tU4a\L e ii!al tel' I.J. Cre} CC: Er. \;1. Byron rJ>. HrE- dley honhol t BRADLEY J. HONHOLT . Civil Engineer A CORPORATION 131 WEST MAIN STREE'I' . LOS GATOS. CALIFORNIA . TELEPHONE 3154.6141 Job No. 7649 26 March 1976 Mr. Larry Versaw Engineering Tech I City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: Parcel Map - Property Line Change Lands of Crawford W. Rincon Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. Versaw I have been contacted recently by Mr. Walter Crawford who owns two parcels on the northerly side of Rincon Avenue some 300' west of Sallce Avenue. Mr. Crawford has instmcted me to prepare a parcel map for him for the pur- pose of adjusting the common line between the parcels so that the setbacks from the existing buildings are more in accordance with current development regulations, but that the basic area remains the same. We will be proceeding on this task and you should receive the proposed tentative map shortly. Please call if I can be of any assistance. Cordially, ,r-, . I; ~ \11 4-".J..~t- u-) ,'\..(:,~i...\iJ.~ /r 'k}" Bradley J. Honholt Civil Engineer BJH:ske CC: Mr. Walter Crawford STRUCTURAL DESIGN . LAND SURv~u~G . SUBDIVISION AND SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING . LAND PLANNING GENEBAL CONSULTING AND IIiSPECTIOli SEBVICES '1 1>v !:~ <-L/ ,/ 7, _ '1 ,',,/ ~-'1....U- ---....... ORD I NANCE NO. 1009 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAI"iPBELL M~ENDltJG THE ZONiNG iJ.AP OF THE CITY OF CAr~PBELL' 8Y CHfIi~G I t.JG THE ZONE FROM R-2-S TO P-D (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ON PRO?ERTY KNOWN AS 175 AND 195 WEST RINCON AVENUE. The City Counci I of the City of Campbel I does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbel I, being a part of the Campbell ~J,unicipal Code, together with amendments Hereto, is hereby changed and amended by adopting Exhibit "A" entii-Ied "Plans and Elevations" and Exhibit "B" entitled "Development Schedule" and Exhibit "C" entitled "t,lap of said Property", as per the application of Walter L. Crafford on property located at 175 and 195 West Rincon Avenue. Copies of said exhibits are on fi Ie ,in the office of the Planning Department. Said approval subjed to the following conditions: A. Applicant to secure site and architectural approval prior to construction of the "future development." , B. AI I ,parking and driveway areas to be developed in comp! iance with Section 21.50 of the Campbel I Municipal Code. AI I parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrote curbs or bumper guards. C. Underground util ities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbel I Municipal Code. D. Plans submitted to the Bui Iding Department for plan check shal I indicate cl~arly the location of al I connections for underground uti I ities including water, sewer, electric, telephone a~d television cables, etc. E. Sign appl ication to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for al I signs. No sign to be instal led unti I appl ication is approved and permi t issued by the 8u i I d i n9 Department. F. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbel I Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the col laction and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet .garbage and rubbish p'roduced within the I imits of 'the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Val ley Disposal Company. This requirement appl ies to al I single fami Iy dwell ings, multiple apartment u;!its,' to all comrner-cial, business, industrial, manufacturing. and construction establ ishments. G. Trash container(s} of a si~o and quantity necessary to serve the development shal I be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shal I consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid 1\',)11 or fence and have self-closin~ doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All pnclosures to be constructed at grddc level. H. App I icdnt sha II meet a II State requ i r-emcnts for the hand i capped. I. Process and fi Ie parcel l11')p. J. Storm dl-aind~10 {etc' ba~:t'J e)l) $71i5 pt'r d(Te. .j K. Make application'for reapportionment of L.I .0. #23 assessments. The applicant is notified,that he shall comply with al lapp! icable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campber I which pertain to this development and are, not her~in specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of February the tal lowing rol I cal I vote: , 1976 by AYES: Counci Imen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Paul, Podgorsek, Hammer NOES: Counci Imen: None ABSENT: Counci Imen: None APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk ,~