236 Rincon Ave. (TR6487) Rt::CEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME"~~J2.~ /~"--ij_~~~t--;' ADDRESS / 9 0 / ~ ,I!u<.xJ ('.+-n-t) / ~.~ C ~~~~ ~ 'A2LLP:d'-50~. ~ s~ :: ~ r7L. 1~. ~.lL- 5 '-~ . "Jf ~ d q 618 '::.':) 0 f, Ie//u (w) REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, ~ -...\ / Y- ~~ (J J FUND NUMBER CL/ 9 {J- 0S-7 I ~ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER o CASH D A THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. OCT 11 -79 65 013 A ** * 538.CO 57 onA ****51.00 OCT 11 -79 N~ 0 344 9 aN CITY CLERK BY Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL R E C E I P T -'\\ \-(' \ ~ \Cj ') CITY OF C.AL~PBELL j .r\ CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA I . ~ ~ JAME ~,.4~ ~ /'~"h-./ / /-c~ '. f ,DDRESS ~ c~~w~ -~~ '? \0~;r7 -'W' ~'t.1( \' 'z:.>~i d...rt ., :V. '~\' .~ 'f$~\\~",r.,.\ ~" "VENUE ACCOUNT NO, -< c::::J ~r / JND NUMBER /t :E}(CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH ,/ (( ~ 3J DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 007 *****25.00 51 ou7A ****25.00 SEP 28-78 SEP 23..78 17975 BY CITIZEN COPY /' -;......, I ! -, I "'-......-. '~k You CITY OF CAMPBELL @.. CITY CLERK TRACT NO. ~4B7 Items needed to meet City Council Agenda deadline for approval of Final Map: Date Rec'd Letters: Sanitation District No. 4 (release) P.G. & E. (easements) P.T. & T. (easements) Improvement Plans (signed by San. Dist. 4) Final Map (signed and notarized) ar.,.JAfY\~?-:; ....s.lr.. Mi9!R.l". /0-10-77 10-z-7B IO~/O - 7'1' (() ,( <)--'7/ C.,C. andR.'s /0-10-71 Fees (payable to City): Final Map filing Amount ft5l- /({i-/O Storm Drainage area \1' 5~~ /0 -/-'1:) Total {f; S-B~ I p ~/O~I r - r Fee (payable to County): Recording $l~ /0 -/b- 71' o Items needed before Final Map can be recorded: Letter from County Controller Re: taxes Subdivision Guaranty 10 -/0- 7( ! (J7 -/tf) -77 /(7 -/0 - 79- ,~~~ v\~~ Tax Bond MEMORANDUM .l: From: Subject: Fr ./ t...: ~;'1 6 9) ~ ( 4e) ~O\ CA-tjp6'0' C' - ~ * .' .':' .... * n ,. ...."'t Y-;',.o $ <9 0 "i l. C />.1.\' CITY OF CAMPBELL ~ Public Works Dept. f"'Atten: Jim Penoyer November 1,1978 Date: Wally Byron, Building Official Soils Test, Tracts 6486 and 6487 ---------------------------------------------------------- The Building Department waives the requirement for a soils test under the Subdivision Map Act for Tracts 6486 and 6487. RECEIVED lw NO V 1 "i978 r'U jLi~ 'l'ilH<KS ENGlj~t[RiNG ._~..\,.."... ....4[ '-..~':';';;'~~~U_~!:.,~~..,+,;,!-~ _..L:.~":~-t:~'~k~"'\&.;....~"'!'~""":,,,,-l."""'_~~~;''''_~'''' ;,'.4~.:a~.]-.J:~-i,,'y<l_":"'-:'.~1~...~,~',~~:~-.....}J,~':!I&ao."fIo.'~~~....:,i-...'l~~'\.:."'w*~'~.....;a'~ (,-/0) '"7 " ~\I\ RESOLUTION NO. 5677 BEING A RE~~~.... APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT N~6487~236 WEST RINCON AVENUE .~..._/ WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6487, 236 West Rincon Avenue, for ap- prova I ; WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that any real property offered for dedication for publ ic use is accepted on be- half of the public in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. PASSED AND ADOPTED TH I S 22nd day of by the following vote: October 19~, AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Counc i I men: None "\ APPROVED: ATTEST: Norman Paul Mayor Phyllis O. Acker City Clerk ~ ,- i ( LID) \", PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 r, ()ctober 24, 1978 I / --r---l '-- Mr. Joseph Elliott ~irector of Public Works ~5 North Central Avenue ~ampbell, California 95008 Subject: Junction Box Locations for Tract #6487-Rincon Ave. ~ear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed are prints of our estimate drawing showing the proposed electric junction box locations for this tract and suggested means of serving the proposed electroliers. Sincerely, i~l ,."}', .A'-) & ~~. ~.t;;&'erZ:-- J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent Att. \f~O \1t\C~\ ' ~ ~ r~ t)C\ -;, . "'\~~\) ,. ...J ~;J~'-~~ iiR\\~G ~\'\C,\~ 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378.2407 SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY October 9, 1979 Ci.ty of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 N. 'Central Ave. Campbell, California 95008 Re Tract 6487 V This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer PA~ By P. R. Nichols 'Assistantbistrict Engineer PRN: kk ~ ~ PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ~ e~--t ~'( ITD C;:::~~.i!m:; + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD . SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 .September 29, 1978 .Mr. Joseph Elliott .Director of Public Works .75 N. Central Avenue .Campbell, California 95008 ./ Easement Approval for Tract No. 6487-Rincon Subject: 'Dear Mr. Elliott: The Public Service Easements shown on the final copy of the map presented prior to recording, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this Company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call our Electric Engineering Department at 225-9450. Sincerely, ~~/~~~<:.- J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent cc: PT&T Gill Cable, Inc. W'l'W Inc. J. O'Brien File 'RtC ~ \ \I EO oel '2. '197~ PUBUC 'NOi-{I\,) ENG\\~EER\NG Son~o Claro Volley Wo~er Dis~rid 0 /. & .' ( L\D ') ~112s~'~'~~' FLOOD HAZARD REPORT Fe 59 108.10,771 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) 265-2600 September 22, 1978 State of California Division of Real Estate One Hallidie Plaza Suite 200 San Francisco, California 94102 Gentlemen: Title Insurance and Trust. Company cated within the City of Campbell, ek to prepare a flood hazard California Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration. CXJ The site would nDt be subject to flODding in the event of a 1% flDOd flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditiDns. (This is a flow having a 1 % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year.) o The site wDuld be subject tD flDoding from Creek in the event Df the 1 % flood flow. It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year, ND assurance can be given as to date at which flDOd protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding pDssible future protection is given belDW under "AdditiDnal Comments", o A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions. A 1 % flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change. RECEIVED Additional Comments: ..... [' ('"; " 1Q78 V ~l U 1\oJ Pui:)UC vJO!H\S ENGINEERING For information concerning the hazard from and disPDsitiDn of IDcal Dr surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact City of Campbell Department of Public Works cc: -~ Title Insurance and Trust Company 110 W. Taylor Street San Jose, California 95106 Attention: Mr. Richard L. Lloyd Sincerely YDurs, q-e.~ -(l5.~ W. F. Carlsen ~Division Engineer Design Coordination Division Mr. Marvin A. Bamburg AlA ~. Joe Elliot 1017 Meridian Avenue Director of Public Works San Jose, California 95125 City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 G '2 19 ~[' ff-- J ~8 ~- '0 ~ ~i <>-@ 0 ... - \I B ':r ~ '2 l - 2: u i (). - ~ J J J (ll "2 I ~ - .... llJ ? J V ~ ~ ~ rl \ I \ ::> ., \~ r1 ] ~ ~ , -1 i ~ ~ I .J <t cI <t & R ...... ~ ~ ~ ~Jl ~ 1- \- \"' VI VI V1 V1 .3 'Z Z :.:::::: - '""" Ul I I I I c.. l") IJl t;' I I I I " ill I~ ~ Cl o ~ @ ~ .,. .... ~<l~;; '" 1: ~f11 'u ~ ,t:3 ~~ ~~ .,tt 3 . If: I- [J cr t< 0 ~t ~~ 'qf:: ~~ \_ r(J I' I I _J I U ~ '" ~ I- -:'J ~ p'~ lJ ::> .J ~~~ ... .~~~ - . \'1 -..-- \0 ., ~ \' ~- ~ "' I J I \ "" ( "'~ ~~ .. ~~... ~-l ~---- ~ 10....- '.. \ ;R ~ ~ "l - G" ~ ~~ "; ~~~ \ tJ<;-- 'fJ1 it' -i ~ ... ...~ .: ," t:\ ..q C'l w i L S '2 -~ rJ 1 .., ::, CIJ T f" o r .. G" ~~\1l <:1} ~ ~ ~) ~h @J -~ 01 .,. ~ 7 . ., -i {l '9, I&l c II -- I i . ":)NI IIIII IIII II ~ 0 Ei:i - 'I~ ~I N I _ l'-. 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