290 W. Rincon Ave. (67-27) RECEIPT CITY OF CAl~PBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME ~~ rfuJ ADDRESS '~-<...) tJ FORV~ d-d.- ~~~~ 7U--.<.L/ . ~7.r~ -- ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3t:' C/' FUND NUMBER 4- DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. AUG 14-67 AUG 14-67 003 *****95.00 6'/ o03A ****95.00 rt c!!c1 ! o MONEY ORDER o CASH No. 5129 Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL ,::JlLj 0-- l' oc." BY ,0 \ /)."U ''>} ") /j/ r ti'J :I) ./ RJ' CE I "'T ^ I ", r, ~~fi CITY OF CAMPBELL ~),-~ CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME<7 ~ 1 tfL~?U~ ADDRESS FOR &f~1 AJtt:,~ J ~~--- <) . .,. .._ ~ . O~ c;::.-.f t1 ~ ~~l C:~"./ - 7,;2 0 . , ;111 tl- 27 / REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~?- FUND NUMBER J AI r C_ DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. APR 25-67 APR 25-67 006 **** 720.00 66 006 C ** * 720.00 . 'J-4 I ~ CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH No. 4 3 4 2 Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL 'l/J ~ L---'/ - ) CITY CLERK BY ~~, (41/) PLANNING DEPART>lENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 7S NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 4-5-67 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liSt! APPROVAL OF PLANS OF R. E. Carnett IS-unit dwelling complex (separate un! ts) , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TO BE LOCATED AT: 290 W. Rincon CONDITIONS: SEE ATTACHED. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (IS) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF Cfu~PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 3rd DAY OF April 1967 CITY OF CM,lPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION /","') By: JT~~"'.J lfc~:>Jat ; Secretary R. V. Hogan /r A.i...., ---- ~ cC"'. - ~nn....,., bt STAFF COMMENT SHEET - PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF 3 APRIL L967 Application of R. E. Carnett for approval of a 15- dwelling unit complex, on property located at 290 West Rincon Avenue. (See Map H2 attached.) This proposed residential complex is located on the south side of West Rincon Avenue. The rezoning from R-l to R-2-S became final on 15 March 1967. liS" 67-27 R. E. Carnett Following is a list of lot sizes, coverage and recreation area: Lot Size - sq. ft. 41,080 * Coverage - sq. ft. 40% coverage allowed by CMC - 16,432 ! Applicant has 10,586 : or 38.80% Recreation Area(sq.ft.) Required by CMC 3,375 Provided 12,375 + It is recommended that the Planning Commission attach. the following conditions to approval of this development: RECOMMENDATIONS SECTION 9316 1. Landscape and fencing plan, indicating type of fence desi~n and plant material to be submitted for approval of Planning Director at the time of application for building permit. 2. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted to insure fencing and landscaping within three (3) months of completion of construction. 3. An enclosure, approximately 8' x 12', consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a 6' high solid wall or fence, shall be constructed to house trash container. Gate of said enclosure to be double-swing to a 6' width. 4. Installation of fire extinguisher as requested by Fire Department. The applicant is notified as part of this approval that he is required to meet the following additional conditions in accordance with ordinances of the City of Campbell. s. Installation of a 4" dry stand-pipe fire line with 2 siameses. 6. Dedication to 30' half-street on Rincon Avenue. 7. Construction of street improvements for Rincon Avenue frontage. 8. Storm Drain Area Fee in the amount of $720.00. 9. Construction of underground facilities as required by Section 9110.6 of the CMC. "8" 67-27 R. E. Carnett (continued) The applicant is also notified tha.t he shall comply -wd th all ether applicable codes or ordinances of the CMC which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. " 8 I,t 67 - 2 7 '"' ~:: -{' r t ~. , ;"i ;,:... ,.:-. , :, "\ j o ... @ ~.._- ., ~ "T";;ii ~ ~-I ! i 1 I I I I ) -n-::" f 7'-f'\ f ),~'" \- rJ :. ~ (" CJ... · .. ~ .... STREE-r 70 '~.9~ ";O.~":J " 1 , "- Iv.. == 10:\ I' 'J I.... CJ ;~ N W 5809 I .~ oil g5 f 135 iCS3 (jJ UJ ilD "-J (;.) " , -------------~ UJ it::> If\; 'a ,-I !___ N - - - - _. - - - ~ -~ UJ VI I~ - - ----l i I ;, L____________, '-l i ! i UJ ~I Vl j~ ~i ~ " '-.! o C-. 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