Rose Ct. (1962) / ....... ~~~ ~OF APPROVAL OF PLANS OF G.~f/2 4-UNIT APARTMENT HOUSES TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON ROSE COURT. AS SET FORTH BY PLANNING COMMISSION AT 'MEETlIIi Of' JUNE '19. 1962 ~3. /4. /,5. /6. /7. 1. 2. Carports to be set 5' from rear of property line. IndIcate In detail the type of plant material to be used ~n landscaping plans. Dedication of 40~, from centerline of Campbell Avenue to revised Campbell Avenue Official Plan Lines. Excavation permit for drive & drain. Engineering checking & inspection fee of $30.00 to be paid. Storm drain fee In the amount of $300 to be paid. Street Improvement deposit In the amount of $370.00 to be paid. CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION W. L. Morler, Urban Development Director By: , ... The real property referred to is described as: All that certain parcel of land situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of Campbell Avenue, said point being S. 0" 06' 22" E. 25.00 feet and N. 890 51' 29" W. 1213.73 feet from a 3/ 4 inch iron pipe set in the center line of Winchester Boulevard, formerly the Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, for the Northeast Section corner for Section 34, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M. D. M. ; said point of begin- ning being the Northwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Ivan F. Froid et ux, by Deed dated July 9, 1954 and recorded July 9, 1954 in Book 2912 of Official Records, page 172, Santa Clara County Records; thence leaving said Southerly line of Campbell Avenue and running along theWesterly line of said parcel of land so conveyed to Froid, S. 00 13' 31" W. 145.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence parallel with the said Southerly line of Campbell Avenue, S. 890 51' 29" E. 54.78 feet to a point in the Westerly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Mervyn O. Nicholls et ux, by Deed dated February 16, 1948 and recorded January 5, 1959 in Book 4279 of Official Records, page 533, Santa Clara County Records, distant thereon S. 00 08' 31" Wo 145.00 feet from the Northwesterly corner of said Nicholls parcel in the said Southerly line of Campbell Avenue; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Nicholls parcel, S. 00 08' 31" W. 163. 15 feet to the intersection thereof with the Northerly curved line of a proposed street, as said street is shown upon the Hecord of Survey for Salice Way, Rose Court and Jeffers Way, filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on January 9, 1962 in Book 141 of Maps, page 56; thence Westerly along said Northerly line from a tangent bearing N. 560 39' 05" Wo, on a curve to the right, having a'radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 110 12' 11", an arc distance of 3. 91 feet to a point of reverse curvature in said Northerly line; thence continuing along said Northerly line of a proposed street, on a curve to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet, through a central angle of 640 14' 58", an arc distance of 56.07 feet to the intersection thereof with the said Westerly line of the parcel of land so conveyed to Ivan F. Froid, et ux; thence leaving the No,rtherly line of said proposed street and running along the Westerly line of said Froid parcel, . N. 00 13' 31" E. 149.38 feet to the true point of beginning, and being a portion of Section 34, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, Mount Diablo Base and M3ridian. The real property referred to is descr1bed as: All that oerta1n parcel ot land s1tuate 1n the C1ty ot Campbell, County ot Santa Clara, State ot Cal1tornia, described as follows: BEGINNING at a polnt ln the Southerly line of Campbell Avenue, said polnt being S. 00 06' 22" E. 25.00 teet and N. 890 51' 29" w. 1159.16 teet from a 3/4 1nch iron pipe set 1n the center 11ne ot Winchester Boulevard, formerly the Santa Clara and L08 Gatos Road, tor the Northeast Sectlon corner for Section 34, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M. D. M., sald point or beglnning being the Northwesterly corner ot that certain parcel ot land conveyed to Mervyn O. Nicholls, et ux, by Deed dated February 16, 1948 and recorded January 5, 1959 in Book 4279 of Official Records, page 533, santa Clara County Records; thence leaving said South- erly I1ne ot Campbell Avenue and running along the westerly 11ne of sald parcel of land so conveyed to Nlcholls, S. 00 08' 31.t W. 145.00 teet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this descr1ption; thence parallel wlth the sald Southerly 11ne ot Campbell Avenue, S. 890 51' 29" E. 54.00 teet to a point In the Easterly 11ne of sald parcel of land so conveyed to Nicholls. distant thereon S. 00 08' 31" W. 145.00 feet trom the Northeasterly corner of sald Nicholls parcel in the sa1d southerly line of Campbell Avenue; thence southerly along the Easterly 11ne of sald Nlcholls parcel, S. 00 08' 31" W. 166.41 feet to the lntersection tnereof wlth the Northerly line of a proposed street, as said street is shown upon the Record of Survey for Salice Way, Rose Court and Jeffers Way, filed for record in the otflce of the Recorder ot tne County ot santa Clara, State ot Calitornla, on January 9, 1962 1n Book 141 of Maps, at page 56; thence Westerly along said Northerly 11ne, N. 890 51' 49" w. 43.05 feet; thence continulng along sald Northerly line on a curve to the right, having a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 330 12' 44", an arc distance of 11.59 feet to the intersection thereof with the said Westerly line of the parcel ot land so oonveyed to Nioholls, said Westerly line also belng the Easterly 11ne ot that oertain parcel of land conveyed to Ivan F. Froid, et ux, by Deed dated July 9, 1954 and recorded July 9, 1954 ln Book 2912 ot Ofticlal Records, page 172, Santa Clara County Records; thence leaving the Northerly 11ne of said proposed street and r~nnlng along the Westerly line of said Nicholls parcel, N. 0 08' 31" E. 163.15 feet to the true point ot beglnning, and being 8 portion of Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. '- ".. - '" /~~. Ii ( ):J:. {7{).;' "~ / RE~EltJT CITY OF" CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIF'ORNIA ,1 " Dale -r:~7 y~ Name ~&~!2L' (J;:[b/j2J Add",,, d,.' T 7L , ~- rl~ RECEIVED 19~ Dollars Cents I;&~I{~ CHECK Fund ~~~<';~ 5(}68 ~ - '7 (lCl ~ j Thank you, CITY Wy1L4/ By CITY CLERK