Rose Ct. (66-3) ,f/"J ~L:r~~.....0(f l '13) Up~(p(p -J V' ~.. -- -' '-- Il:t~ ______-____ 4'- ]:f-G- ( RBSOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONCETTA R. UGAS AGUEM1UiT. wa&R&AS, there has been aUbmitted to the City Council by Concetta R. Regas an agreement for the development of her real proPQrty tn accordance w1th ,prescr1bed conditional DB IT rUR'1'HBR RBSOLVl!:J) that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute aaid agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 19 , by the followin9 vote I AYES I Counc1tmens NOES I Councilmen; ABSENT I Councilmen a UPROVBD. Dorothy Theodore J. Regas, 46, former The federal I n d I c t men t manager of the Stevens Creek charges Regas with making out Branch of the Central Valley a fictitious loan In the names of Bank of Oakland, has been Paul A. and Virginia Lanoie Sr. indicted by a federal grand jury for $2,000, in the names of on three counts of embezzle- Wfiyne M. and Emma M. Hopp I '1' t ment. for $3,000 and in the name of reve Regas, of 101 Glen Eyrie Ave.. Joseph Genna for $4.500. : is accused of taking $9,500 Regas allegedly cashed the' through three fictitious loans Lanoi check at his own bank: between April 7 and June 7 of and the other two checks, made . this year. payable to AMCO, at the Crock- ' He had been bank manager er C i t i zen s Bank, Westgate : since May of 1966, leaving the Branch, and placed the money . bank e~PI~~.,.;~~h~~~~~' ~.. ~~ ~l~~~~~:i;'~ . Q, ,LE .COPY ATTEST. .. ..... I AGREEMENT -....-...........~-~ 1'.tiIS AGRIBII:Irr, 1llIllde and entered into this day c,r ,1966 by and betveen C(lfCI.ftA R. RJOAs, herelnaf'ter reteiTed to &8 "OtaIK" and the CITY ~ C'.tMPBILL, a 1I\.l..tn1eipe.1 c<:Tporation of' the State cf California, hereinafter re1"erred tc u ;'CrI'!'t>; W:rJ.!IISSJ:lH : WHEREAS, ~ is securing a Un. Pem! t !"r,. CI'l'Y in order to u.til1l:e an exbtitlg reeldenee located at 115 E. C'UlIpbell Avenue for e,iu~t;,on.al ~.'urp'>he; and WHJ:I1:IAS, certain conditione of ap!)roval were stiI>wated by Planning C(.4lIa1a81~.:,'tl ,_,r CI"l'Yat their meeting ":'D February 21j 1966; r.:elA' there1"'.:Jl'ej IT If HEREBY MlmJALtT AGREED by and betveen the f-rtlea heret'_ &1 f'"l1..Nl' t., ',rit: In ".ne Leratlun'f the itU'H.larH:e ,t said. ~;eml t by CITY and the 8l'ce:=t.a.rH:e by CITY, ~'n behalf ,.;1" the public ,~f c.ert.a1n land ,,!fered f;:,1' :te,j 1 ('ati.:m , ()-1IU'< cr.all: (1) C,-.Jj~ve'y t,. CITr, f,-r fitreet 1:'ur:osee, all that certain right- <,1"-\18;,/ lYing 'Tithin th.... 11/,...,,6 \;1" the (,fficial rlan lint: f ..'1' Caml'bell A venue, (2) Pt..l.t'lOl.U\nt L Re-E;olu.ti0~ H" 921 (.,f tile CitYf Call.hell, 1:&Y tu CITY a et(rm ctralnage fee ill toe amcWlt "t il'IE h'UlflltED SEVDTr OOLJ..A.RE; ($.l TO. ClQ) . (3) FUe '"'itll CIn, UJ.lotl execution vi this Agreeme:nt, III b'",tid in the UK'unt :;1" J"WR IitJlf.mED 'Nan-FIVE DaLLARf; ($425. \YJ) ti,; ineurefull an,'! tai thf'uJ s.,."rt';'l"mati(;e uf the C1mftructJ.,;-n of. (a) .Pcrtland eemez1t \~i)o(.crete curb &Ltd guttet'; (b) P,)rtlanr: cement CQl'H.:;rete eide>.ralk; ({.) POl'tlano cement ;~C'n('r.te driveways; ( ) A~ rhal tit; cor.Kre'te pe.\rement; 'rhleh c..>nstr'J.ctl(,n ehall be (lc,ne tu the 1inee t!uvol gl'o/Jer at CITY ll'l8j e t..ecify .. The 1,;'.n',; 'herein re'uiretl f!Mll ccntlnue f,j1' 8 '~rLl '.)t tii',: (2) yeare, Bub.l-ect t" renewa1'.Jf the tame fer an t'!.-:LUtJc'nal t;,.r(, year.. it t.'1e imJ,'1'c;vements tll'tve not at that titlle been re'i uired RrH5 ma;;e.. 1 .yt' 2 .., . l/ -, c'" J;? 0'. r,:;:D ,L,....,(;.;; '- -' <rOo, c.::. :'_-"--H/I'T Jt.)" -;:; b " 7~1'5 012. /C-5 -3c 5 '5!( <:) ~_ A ~ .. 1 ( l~ ) Indemnlt.y and ea....e harmleu the CIft, the City C,,\Wc 11 , the Cl ty Jnslne-el' and all ;)ther ,)tticers an0. empl'o,'yees (it the Cl ty cf Olmpbel1 hea any eui te, claims 1 c.r a<:tlnllS brtlAght by an] pen<Xl vI' persuns for ,:)' un a(:('ouo't e,f &rl...Y injury or <iUaee te llttrSone or :pr'.Jj,:erty sustained e:l' arieing in the (,',~;:ru~truct1vn vi tll. \1(1'k due to any acts, om1eelone ~ or nesU.gellce .,f QIIi:R, his c;ttlcera. agents, empl:)yees, or ('i nt.metora. It 18 turther agreed that all the abc;ve-named CIA1~i tic-n8 shall bind the beirs, eucce'H50r5! admln\et1'8tortl, o)' uslgns ...r the <Jt11D1\. III VrJ.'l'.l:St WBIRBOI' ..1(~ CITY ha.e caused t ts name tw be hereuntc affixed by i tll Mayor and Cl ty Clerk, thereu.n te iul y att tborised by Res01ution ct the Cl ty ot Campbell, &rE: eab ().IJIEB hall hereuntQ cauaeo his uame to be attixed the day and the year f lrst above "1'1 t ten. crrr OP CAMPBELL A m.unicipal corporation d1arlee J{('f!e, i6a,yor DCirothy !'revethan. Cl ty Clerk APPROm. AJ, TO FOBM: (J.lKm ___;or -" ( 0 t' 2) cc c'(.,_ ;......, Cimcette. R. Ree;at: ., 1/ / /?' '; c"'/ c:'L2_-." f J\JMrh A. 8:;uac1na. Ci t.il' At t":rnc./ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara ! ss. April 14 66 ,19_, Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared RAg?!!::: ON before me, the undersigned, a C'oncFOtt?! R. , known to me, to be the person_ whose name_ ; s subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that .s.-he_ executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (1/JA~"';) jyJ, d~ CFij\RLC"Tr: "",of r' ,'\ "f'"f'''~. '-0 "l\.:~,-,4-"y~.? Pl~hHc l\~v CCLL~L,>.,;~;:; :'.+.~,~~v; I 1, ~'j{\i' NAME (TYPED OR PRINTED) Notary Public in and for said State. ACKNOWlEDGMENT-General-Wolcotts Form 233-Rev. 3-64 GRANT DEED I, CONCETTA R. REGAS, a married woman as my sole and separate property, hereby grant unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation, for street purposes, all that certain real property situate in CITY OF CAMPBELL, County of Santa Clara, State of Californ~ more particularly described as follows; That portion of land described in that certain document recorded January 20, 1964, Book 6353 at Page 94 in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, State of California, which lies southerly of a line parallel with and 40.00 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of Campbell Avenue, as said centerline is shown on that certain Record of Survey of Lots 16, 17 and 18 of "Campbell's Southwestern Addition No.2" recorded March 7, 1957, in Book 79 of Maps at Page 1 in the office of said County Recorder. CONTAINING 0.0129 acres, more or less and being a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M. D. B. & M. day of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have placed my name this , 19____ Concetta R. Regas (Notary Certificate) ....,,1 , ~"~ "~ ,/ , , .'" '>I; , ',' \- UJ JJ Dl ..... if) a :z o u UJ c.f) " , J::::::::J I 12AINIA ~31.3051 ~4 JAtJ. to,19"4 , 'Z. (..' I I --+ I I CAMPB&Ll AVE-NUE- -4t----- - '0 cf) .... ": .' ..... ....-" , 'r' .,......:..:... ...:' :...."...... ....) ... I. I I I ll' ":,.' ,~ '",:' LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ':"':;.' ~~\;. ' , ", :~\; ,......0. .. 4--'&-~," 4- \8-6b .. SCALE- DR. By T. S.F? CH.8Y C.S.G. i." " - Lond to be granted to City ~4~~ ,.' ,~JAlJ.lS' 0.012.9 Ac.t ~4"'" .:: \ \~ / ' , . . " i j " .... ~:a ~ ,.,.~;;~ir~~~l....",w . I ~,"~ ~/.~,~, . " " .""" Prepore~ by the om" of the,Cltft ~. Enot".e" Colftpbe't,Ccrtffornlo . >';~:n' '" "',' ';,'> '" .;~if...,.".., :~," ~ .",,-~i .~~ " , '... .~~' -..-,;.r'~ '.,,,,,,,,~ :~" '~~_ 'to 1~,: '~'"...~-'~.:,~tfl" ,...< ~ . '~"'" 'r' .......,"'" .') ~ ..., .-. THORNE STANTON CLOPTON HERZ STANEK STEINBERG LAW OFFICES I 510 NORTH THIRD STREET SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95112 I TELEPHONE 286-1212 April 18, 1968 .JOHN E. THORNE WILLIAM F, STANTON WILLIAM H, CLOPTON RICHARD W, HERZ HERBERT S, STANEK ELLIOT G STEINBERG City Offices City of Campbell Campbell, California Attn: Mr. Bill Helm Re: Use Permit No. 66-3; Property at 175 E. Campbell; Connie Russo (formerly Regas) Dear Mr. Helm: I have been asked to write to you and explain that the above property which I believe has a bond on it under the above referenced Use Permit (we may be incorrect as to the Use Permit number) no longer belongs to Mrs. Russo, but rather belongs to Mr. Ted Regas. Mr. Regas acquired this in a divorce action, the decree being dated January 20, 1967 and having been filed on the same day. It is my understanding that a bond is still on this pro- perty and being charged to Mrs. Russo. This is incorrect, and the bond should have been terminated as to her as of the date of the above Decree, with Mr. Regas being the one who should provide that bond. You may contact Mr. Regas through his attorneys at: c/o James Neville, Esq., 1705 First National Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. 55402. Would you please advise Mrs. Russo as to your intentions in this matter, and hopefully they will be that she will no longer be responsible for the bond in view of the fact that she is not the property owner. Sincere.ly, John E. Thorne JET:cm ... .. i J2~. (/f2/ March 17, 1966 Mr. John E. Thorne 510 North Third Street san J08e, California RBI Use Permit 1966-3, Weat Val~ Jr. College .Dear Mr. Thorne J Reference i8 made to your letter of March 14, 1966. Thi8 office advi8ed applicant for subject use permit, by letter dated March 2, 1966, of the engineering conditions 1mpo..d by the City Planning Commission in consideration of 8aid application. The following is offered as clarification of those conditions: 1. Storm Dra1lla<.1. .. - The stOr1l drainage fee in the amount of one Jfw1dred seventy Dollars (.1170.00) was eatabl1shed and required pursuant to ."olution No. 921 of the campbell City Council and section 9126 of the Campbell Municipal Code. City recorda do not indicate any previous application for this property which would have required payment of this fee. 2. Dedicat~on for 8i;J:eet P~os.s - An official plan line right-of-way for campbell Ave ue was adopted by the City Council as a part of Ordinance No. 122. This plan 11n. provides for an ultimate riqht-of- way width of fo~y (40) feet on each 8ide of the centerline of ~ll Avenue. In the instance of the property under consideration, it would be necessary to acquire ten (10) feet behind the existing property line. C A "- P Is,.;: (.., "- AvE, An appropriate example of the setback of the proposed future street ~rov..ent. is the recent construction at the Northeast corner of Third at. and -Graftt at.. which 1s separated by only one lot from the subject property. . " . . i John E. Thorne -2- March 17, 1966 3. Bond Reau1r..ent. with AQreemeD~ - This requirement 18 a matter of policy to guarant.ee faithful per- formance of the conditions of the agreement. Very truly yours, WILLIAN G. WRBN, ACTING DlREC'1'OR OF PUBLIC WOlUCS .! . ;7f-l' I ,1'" AJ L./r' By Bill M. Baas A880ciate Civil Engineer BMHlir c.c. Richard Hogan, Planning Director I & & 1 THORNEI STANTON CLOPTON HERZ STANEK LAW OFFICES I 510 NORTH THIRO STREET I SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95112 I TELEPHONE 286-1212 .JOHN E, THORNE WILLIAM F, STANTON ASSEMBLYMAN 25TH OI5T. March 14, 1966 WILLIAM H, CLOPTON RICHARD W, HERZ HERBERT S, STANEK ELLIOT G STEINBERG Mr. Thomas S. Prebil Junior Civil Engineer Ci ty of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Mr. Prebil: Property of Concetta Regas- Lease to West Valley Jr.Coll Re: USE PERMIT APPLICATION 1966-3; 175 E.Campbell Ave. I have a copy of your letter of March 2 addressed to the West Valley Junior College with regard to the cDove. Your letter sets forth certain requirements before the West Valley Junior College can use the property as they apparently have apparently indicated they wish to use it. Our client, Mrs. Regas, has a lease with the District, which does not require her to comply with any of the requests you make, and thus, these mquests would basic- ally be problems for the West Valley District. On the other hand, they are obviously matters which Mrs. Regas would have to take care of, such as the dedication of the plan line and an agreement for future street im- provements. The storm drainage fee could be paid by the District or by Mrs. Regas, depending upon how they might work that out. I would like to know, however, why the storm drainage fee was not collected from the previous property owner, since I believe it went into effect before Mrs. Regas owned this property. I would also like to know if there is a possibllity of waiving the so-called "bond" requirement, as I am not sure that it is constitutional in the first place, and I wowd certainly think that the property it- self would also be sufficient bond for the improvements, when such go in. I would also like to know what your requirements are with regard to the dedication of plan line, and by this, I mean that I would like to know how much property you are raquesting. "'--.",_ st~re ly.;:: ''"-.-., -~" JETvmh J~hn E. Thorne cc: Mrs. Concetta R. ~egas . . -~ I March 2, 1966 West Valley Junior College District Sl East Campbell Avenue P.O. Box 428 Campbell, California Re: Use Permit Application 1966-3 17S East Campbell Avenue Gentlemen: The Planning Commission of the City of Campbell approved subject Use Permit contingent upon various conditions. Of these conditions, the following are requirements of this office: 1. Dedication to Plan Line Right-of-way on Campbell Avenue. 2. Storm Drainage Fee in the amount of $170.00. 3. 1\qreement for future street improvements (with Bond). Those documents necessary to Items 1 and 3 above will be drawn and forwarded upon notification by you of the intention to proceed. Item 2 above will be fulfilled when you submit a check payable to the City of Campbell in the amount of $170.00 for Storm Drainage Pees. Should any question arise in this regard, please contact this office. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS By Thomas S. Prebil Junior Civil Engineer TSP/md (; l\ ~' .- ..//', , "'";:',; , , 1 23 February 1966 West Valley Joint Jr. College District 51 East Camphell Avenue P.O. Box 428 Campbell, California Re: Your Application for Use Permit - Our File nUP66-3 Dear Sirs: The Planning Commission at its meeting of 21 February 1966 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, has approved your request for Use Permit concerning the ~ropcrty on the northeast corner of Rose Court and Jeffers :lay; ~~~ the use of residence at 175 East Campbell Avenue; subject to the following conditions: 1. Adequate exterior lighting of this area to be approved by Building Official (Chief of Police and City Manager). ., '"' . Dedication to Plan Line right-of-way on Camphell Avenue. 3. S~orm Jrainage Fcc in amount of $170.00. 4.- AgTcement for future street improvements (with Bond). 5. The use of this re~idence at 175 East Campbell Avenue - .-;' office purposes in conjunction Hi th West Valley College shall terminate when such use is abandoned by the College and shall not be considered as being a non-conforming use by or for any other purpose, occupant or owner. Very truly yours, _______I ~7[!;.;P)CA~~LL__.~:LANNING Cm.r;.1ISSION ! -/f ,/ /, /';;/-rc''':./-'-.-,,! 1..____- L,../' /'/ (//" /._,,___ ,~. Hogan, Secretary R.VH:bt cc - Mr. Hardy, WVJJC ..e _4It tiP ~C-3 I USE PERMIT CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA APPLICANT NAME . ADDRESS West Valley Joint Junior College District DATE February 3. 1966 (Please type or print) 51 E. Campbell Avenue P. O. Box 428, Campbell, California TELEPHONE 379-1733 PROPERTY: ADDRESS #1 - Rose Court and Jeffers Way #2 - 175 East Campbell Avenue, Campbell, California (Applicant MUST attach legal aescription of property) IMPROVEMENTS: 4H - A.C. paving and lighting Exis ting #2 - Residence #1 - Installation of relocatable classrooms Proposed 4i2 - No change USE APPLIED \ FOR: (Applicant MUST cite section number 'f Campbell Municipal Code which authorizes Planning Commission to grant the particular use applied for. #1 - 9328.6 (5) - Installation of four buildings: 1-24' x 48' biology laboratory, 1-24' x 48' lecture classroom, 1-24' x 32' storage and preparation room, and 1 24' x 32' combination toilet and custodial storage room. Plot plan and floor plan sheets are attached. In addition to providing needed classroom space, the location of the buildings will pull parking to the Rincon lot. #2 - 9328.6 (5) - The existing house of three bedrooms, living room, dinin room and two baths W1 accommo ate twenty 0 ices to replace t ose now in existence on Rincon Avenue. APPLICATION I/We, the undersigned person(s) having an interest in the above described property, hereby make application for a Use Permit of the nature set forth qbove, in accordance with the provisions of the Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, California, and I/we hereby certify that the information given herein is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. ~ Resp~rifully Filed in the Office of /// /___~ Planning Depart ent /k/ ljrj C~C(k _------, on , 19~ 19natur / WEST VALLEY JOINT JUNI~COLLEGE DISTRICT By: ~ 51 East Campbell Avenue (Address) Campbell, California 95008 January 31, 1966 (Date) ..'# '\\,