223-237 Rose Ct. (1963) , a A APPORTIONMENT 01' UNPAID AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMBNT NO. 23 . WHEREAS, an Assessment has heretofore been levied against property under Diagram and Assessment No. 23, City of Campbell Local Improvement District No.2, for payment of the coat and expense of the work of improvements described in Resolution of Intention No. 1126 adopted on April 24, 1961, by the City Council of the City of Campbell, State of California, and said property has now been divided into the separate parcels of land herein- after described; and WHEREAS, pursuant to law an application has been duly filed with the SUperintendent of Streets, requesting that the amount remaining unpaid on said original Assessment be apportioned by said Superintendent of Streets to said separate parcels of land described herein. NOW, THEREPORE, I, the undersigned Superintendent of Streets do hereby apportion to each separate parcel of land hereinafter described of said original property the proportionate part of the amount remaining unpaid on said original assessment that would have been levied on said separate parcels of land, respectively, had said original proPerty been 80 divided at the ttme the original assessment was made. Dated h- 8 , 19 lot..f ~~D.~ Myron D. Hawk, Superintendent of Streets Apportioned a8 follows: NO. 24 A 24 B AMOUNT G $10,184.34 1 \c~ y (i .P' ..~ , /' ~ t( ~'? , ).. . ') .,',\ '}'? . .. l December 20, 1963 First California Company 300 Montgomery street San Francisco, C~fornia ATTENTION a Dorothy Meilink, Bond Department Dear Madam: Enclosed i. a notice of apportionment for assessment #23 in the City of Campbell'. L.I.O. 2 referr i!lg to the property of Howard R. Atkinson \dlich is currently being subdivided into two parcels. It is requested that a copy of this notic~be forwarded to the current bond holder in conformance with procedure de.cribed in the applicabll! imp:rc)veroent act. As pointed out in this notice, the reapportionment will be recorded with the County Controller fourteen (14) days from the date of the notice. Thank you for your a8sista~lc~. Very truly yours, MYRON D. aAlOt, CITY BliGINUR By Will1am G. wren, Aa81atant- City Engineer MGWlcb cca western Title Guar.ntee Co. Attn: P. W. Hilton Bncloaure . . i December 20, 1963 ,/ If" I, #', /)-i It:. ,,'-J-<-~ ) 4, t ;p c-t --_.~-, ..stern Title Guarantee Company 70 North Second Street San Jose, California A'1"1'BNTION: P. w. Htl to:D f Vice President Dear Sir: Bnclosed is a c~y of the notice of apportionment dated December 20, 1963, which has been forwarded to the bond holder. This apportionment will be recorded with the County fourteen calendar days after the date of the notice. At that tillle the segregation will becane a fact. Very truly your.f., MYRON D. HAWK, CITY ENGINEER By William G. ~en, Assistant City Engineer MGW. cb Bnclosure r .. .. i NOTICE 01' APPORTIONMENT 0., ASS&SSMBNT CI"l'Y OF CAMPBELL L.I.D. NO. 2 TO: p~at california ~nanv the original purchaaer of bonds ia.ued to repre..nt unpaid aaseaaments in the above project: NOTICE IS H8RBBY GIVBN that an apportionment of As..._ent No. 23 has been made pur.uant to Division lO, Part 10.5 of the Streets and Highway. CocIle a8 shown below. You are further notified that unles8 you request a hearing within l4 day. from the mailing of this notice, the aaid apportioned aaaeaamant shall be recorded. t. Myron D. 1fawk, S~intendent of streets Or ig inal Asaea8ll1ent No. 1.1 Reaolution of Intention No. 1.lli. Adopted }\Dri1 24. 1961 Original Aaseaament Amt. $8.996.09 Amount Remaining unpaid $,lO.184.34 Apportioned .. followa: A!2.t.. 21 A 23 B ~NT o $lO,184.34 ,~. .. - I TO: Superintendent of Streets, City of Campbell Application is hereby made that you apportion the amount remaining unpaid on the assessment set forth below to each separate part of the original parcel assessed as herein described. Original Assessment No. 2l Original Assessment Amt. $8,996.09 Resolution of Intention No. 1126 Amount Remaining Unpaid $10,184.34 Adopted April 24, 1961 The original parcel has been divided as follows: See attached sketch It is further requested that the assessment as apportioned be recorded. Dated /) c. c II , 19 t;... "'J;> <- (..(/ i, ~ /I! Received jilt, /'f , 19 65' II "- /, i i CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION Application for liS" Approval .A~UJ' __J9.- In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3, Article IX of The Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes application for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (insert or attach legal description.)8esJDlaa .t .. po1a' 11'1 the South_17 11M .f O_pIMtU AftIIUAI .. tho .... now .xlat., _a.. Is dUtan' \I1u_ SoQ'" .,~ ..,t .... 206 teet troa the pol.' ot In"uaeouon ot ..14 South.rlJ 11M of C_pbeU Avenue extend" W..'.r17 with the 1l..'.l"11 11_ of K11ton A'A_ en.del HoJotberly; thenoe along eald line 01 Campbell '~Y... Scath 89 "'" X.., 90.'4 teet; then.os along tbe -""411'11 lb. of Lot J, of tbe Se4ega.r4 H ala411'1.1on . . . e 0 e ~outh6a8terly corner ot said ~ot 3'. North 89.45' West 153.37 teet to the 3o.J.thwesterly corner at said Lot 35; thence ulong the Westerly line ~hareot North OD51' East 201.)4 teet; thenae parallel with said line ot .Ulton Aye.. Horth 0' 51' Bast 135 teet to the point ot beginning and baine<" ) portion ot Lot 35 ot the Hedegard subtlviaion heDinabove re~rered to. 3. The proposed improvements wi I I cost approximately $ 90,000.00 4. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of site plans and elevations of prop hosed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one by t e City Engineer and one returned to apPllca.n~., /.... ;'1. ~. . : ~~~r~~att-~~ 240 West O~'>b.l1 A...a~, a._j;(h.A1}, Cellt. Address of Applicant 'lam pb811. City franklin 8. .'21 Telephone a.lit. State