240 Rose Ct. (66-53) , ....... .. .. .:JJt; '&w ~ 1 ! lY 1/, (f,' !,J ~) 'PLANNING DEPART:IENT CITY OF CAMPtiELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 5-17-66 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF M.M. Atkinson FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IS-unit apartment complex TO BE LOCATED AT: 240 Rose Court CONDITIONS: ORDINANCE: 1. Compliance with conditions of Variance 66-6 2. Parking area to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. RECO~~ENDATIONS: 3. Landscaping to be provided as indicated on plan. 4. Landscape plan indicating type of plant materials to be submitted at time of application for Building P~rmit. 5. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping within three months of completion of building. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one Jlundred eighty (180) days after t~e date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commiss~on at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CN~PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 16th DAY OF May, 1966 RVH: b t CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMI\HSSION By: f?~L5J,tUJ "R. V. HOg~ Secretary /{r ~. ~ " ~ 1 ...... ..... SCHEDULE C The real property referred to is descrioed as: All that certain parcel of land ~ituate in the City of Campoell, C0unly of Santa Clara, State of C~lifornia, descrioed as follows: CGrnmencins at tne point of lnter;;ectlon of the ~!ortherly line of' Rincon Avenue with the Easterly line of Milton Avenue; thenCE along said line of Rincon Avenue. ~. nso 4b' E. 220.~l feet to the South- E3sterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed oy Joseph '. Feasel, at UX, La Louis FerrJr~, et UX. oy Deee dated January 9, lj~b qnd recoraed January l~, l/~b 1n rloo~ 3391 of ufficial Records, ;~t ~:::l~e 410; i.,henee leavin. ::;aLci line of RiijCOn Avenue ana runnins ; J ::' n ,~ t [1 t: E a s t c: I' 1 y 1 in e u f 8 a, j par eel 0 r 18 n cl ;} (; con v eye d to Fer r n r i , ilurttkrly' 13:.;.,)() L;et to the t,rue ~!oinl of oe~;irmin::::. of the parcel of latld to ae u€3Crl0eC1; thence' fro:: satu true point of' oeginnin-s and rtmnin.; pArell,,;l Wittl the licrtherly line of' Rll1con Avenue, ..::l. 890 461 E. 70.09 feet, more ')r' less, to 3 point on the Vvesterly line of that certain parcel of IBnd conveyed by Maude Evaline Mitchell, et aI, to C. Irvin Jones, et aI, oy Deed dated September 21. lS40 and recorded ~'>'pterrJt)er 25, 1<;;40 in ..jOOK lUOj ()f Cffic tal Records I paSt:> ~:3;t; thence 810n: said Westerly line of seia parcel of land sa conveyea to Jones, ,:1. ~.Jl, N. 00 07'':':'. 2('1.UJ ree:., pore or less, to e ['oint in tIle ~0~tnerly I1ne of the He0e;ard ~ubdivls:on. as shown upon the Map there- of of rt'c(,rJ in tlh:: of'flc~: of the R..corcJf:or of :.he County of 08nt~3 Clara, ..)Vd.t' of C8L..f(;rnl;~, in V\".;1. ~ of j':3P::>. at pah';es li~ aod 1:); 1hence alan Ule Sou,thc'rly iirlt:' u1' t)(!tCl Ht':oe.;:JH'u ;:;uDGi'Jluion. N. 8~" 331 :'. 1~o.33 feet tu a t)UHlt wilich bear::.; ::.... ':?/ j3' .c.. 11+C.00 feet alons f;;",i.O Ilne frorr, tne pOJ.nt (I' i!;cersection the'reof w~ttl t)i-Jid ~";:'0t,el'ly line of ~.; ilL 0 n A 'J e :l Ll.i~; L [if,' nee p8 r 3 11 e 1 v;i L h ~J 8 i (IIi n e 0 r iVj i 1 'c, 0 n Ii, ve n ue.. ..;,. 00 ~1' V;. l':'l).~<) f::et. more or lesJ, to the licrth\"Jesterly corne:r of daid . reel of." l:J!ld ,jii conveyed to F,,::rrrlri. ~:hence 81on~; U"le Nc,ri:tJer.lY 1 ine ct' said parcel If' l;jnd fiO c()nvc,y(~(j t,u Ferr'H'i, ~. b:;,o 46' ::... 7?S6 f-ee'., :0 tllf_ NorLhl,'asterl:; corntcr \ hereut';inf:nc~~ 8I.on,; tne .c.;ai.;t.(~rly J ine of s;~ia t):~ir(;1..::1 (If l.<)rl(j so c():lve~:;/ed ~,.() F;err'nr'l., ~)Odt,herl'y ()~).()ll feet, n~orE; or lei,s, :.u t.ne true point (,1' ~)e, ~n~Ji[j~ ::Hid ot.::in <, porti.on of ~t..ction _)~, rlov,ln~.;rl':p 7 :,)Ol...l1.n, Ran.~e 1 ':~' ;:'jt... 1','1. D. 2. .2n;) fv;.