San Tomas Aquino Rd. (65-1) Copies: File 1 Bldg. Dept. 1 INTER-DEPAR~IENTAL RELEASE TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION DA'l'E: ,;...... .. ,~- (~:, C~ -' -' RE: ..-.;.- " ,-- <"J -7'-'- I- (Subj'ect) :' , , '/ r""", L ,/( if (Owner's Name) / r'" ,,'", l' /... / .l'" I:: ~ ;- \.,... (Address of' Property) .... . / ',....., .:-."-- The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. / , i ,,~ / /v ",.),,.0._, C<.--.,,- /' r,,,c: t/ ? ,/!" s:=- ...., ~. I '/ -:- "",.. /... .i ,c' "..;^. -./, ' }, .. ,'<.....t_" I" \.- ,.,.1 ,/-,., 9 0 ( ft;/c~. J ~."-j .,TO, { .--r;;J / . '- C,-. fl. Lf-J "~ 5- / /,1 K .J 7 , :i/'.. /'. .r _, 7" () ..., <.< /' (; (J r-....) (/:')'..? F "'f <:. <- /,j '--::: ? ..) / /...") r_~' / -',' /,.:,.,.--.. i ,'^" - r~ j":':~. ( .:- '7~,<'.~ ; 11-.. f" <: ( ~ c. ( ( -- ,;..~..; ;;..... { .~-.. j (, ,""-' S /i-'/ ";' I ..--- ~ /.' C. -" ~-- CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DIVISION By 1 of I , .,' o ~;/,--,,., J",/ "-;::-'>) ~;' .;>:'~___:J.- , ' RECEIPT CITY 01:': CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CAUFORN~ NAME ~C~/ Al~h~U ~ / #/t-I !/.J.u;- FOR tlf~ 4u:w J.u- -- 1~k/h4 t2~ ~ ~ V- {LJdL / t/ ItA/, /f'?r - ( r"- 21" /Ybf-';;' .' ADDRESS ~ 00 ~o/J ,-=- ./ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~t~ e FUND NUMBER DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, MAR 16-66 MAR 16-66 010 ****395.00 66 OlOe ***395.00 ~HECK D MONEY ORDER D CASH No. 19 5 2 Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL #: ~o'nm." BY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 't-: <:)-. ~ '<\ .~ CQ ~ .....: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ " - ~ ~ ~ tC\ ~ ~ q: . I" ::. II) , . ~ili;:) ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ 4"47 ~ ~ Al86' 43' ~~"E Jf ~tJ tf ~ ~ . .. I CAM'Mtt: .~_.:;-c- rtY~A ", ' -..-: ", w /9/.11 .,~ .,,~ ~ AI 46'1~ 'Jf"E 'I,llt 4:1 ~6.,M'/~" e'l t4.14 tw ~29 1:#/8.9/ FLED (ANNA K. SCHAll/{N ??62 dR. tt " t I LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE ___ ...____,...-__.....,."__..--.......,.,.....".....'''.;'"-.e.,..,...,,..._'...--..._ CITY OF CAMPBELL ___,,,,>._...-,~..,, ._......._.._,..-._ _~.. .._ ._~'fII<_".I', OR. By: Cfti 1-19-67 C L ~y : I I [~Lond I.' to,; ~ttl'l'!J!d to City I l I L_ , .. . __'_'__....,.__'________._~..___._...___._,_,_... Pr-;tplHed t"i tM OHici! of tht1 City F.'tqin~€;r. C(t~'I;pb8H~ C'\"~ 'ornhl ~.~l< . . ~7", /J '1 ii .' ;; / t ( /0/;~ <---"- ,. I CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA VARIANCE 1965-1 & "S" 1965-3 MA Y 3, 1 965 In accordance with prov1s10ns of Section 9329, Chapter 3, Article IX, of the Campbell Municipal Code, FRED SCIIALLICH is hereoy granted a variance from parking requirements and sideyard setback as required by the Campbell lvlunicipal Code and granted Architectural Approval of plans for a commercial building (liquor store) to be located on the S/E corner of San Tomas Aquino Road and \\lest Campbell Avenue" as per application filed on 3/2/65 in the office of the Planning Department, subject to the following conditions: 1. Conformance to Section 9126 of the Campbell Municipal Code, including: a. Storm Drain Fee in amount of $395.00 b. Dedication to 90' right-of-way on San Tomas Aquino Road and to 80' right-of~way on Campbell Avenue. c. Full street improvements for total frontage at a cost of $3,000. 2. Parking area to be improved in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Campbell, California, at a regular meeting held on the 26th day of April, 1965. SAID Variance to become effective on the 6th day of May, 1965. CITY COUNCIL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA '" .. . - . URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARiMENT CITY OF CAMPBE~L, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLI CANTS FOR "S" APPROVAL 1 VAR lANCE OR USE PERM I TS The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal ownelO (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of applicationo A photo copy of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: .- . / ryeJ/ Sc t ;\ lit elt /\ Yi,(/ Name (s) as shown on Deed fly? 1',( d--- /~ S~ It. (E /! ~ j~' / j/ J Lu,- I .(' Name (s) as shown on Deed # {j~.(()7 / 7. ? ~ - r/3t;--cLtL:5 i5~ ;Z /p~?~,.,;J ~ Recorder's Number LJ U For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Fi led by I . 20~J.7~ .~.. -'~"'- ~..... I . lECO~DIN6 ~EQUESTED BY ./' ,,' /",/;' ,/, ~ 7 (~ ,?c<..,LJ 1...-&<'-k'4!..,,;'9-: ~lJv--'::-- ,..' Boar. 5362 PMf ?2 Boo(,5362 PAGe 'J? -- WHEN r: ,..... - .. 1l ..-., Recorded ~~ ~he r.qu..l: of , Callolo.";a Pa"i~;,. p.!;, ,. : ",' "H CO I IUtIU ~..... ,;-t,'-I 11,. . ....\.i . NOV 13 l~Gt/C:.7 AM , / /I~/ PAUL Ro T~\L ~ I, f'l~';,~' '~l~rt : 11 ( / / ~ S.nt. CI... CCN-~. O;..,~,. ~<..'~IN'.. < ~. ~~~PACE A . ~~7 31ot11t wruaury mrr~ ANU ~IKE kADOVICH. HIS WIFE c (irant to FRED SCHALLICH M~D ANNA K. SCHALLICH. HIS WIrE 'I \oint trnSnf!1, !he n',,! ;'roperl\ ~ittl:ltl'd in thl: CITY Of- CAMPBELL (', lunty . .... ". '~:ARf~ .....:. f t (, I: I ( ';11; f, ,'" . I,." rihed d' j,.l1ows: Al~ tl'la t ce rtain real prope ny si tua te . the ( . :.., of Campbe 11 " County 'Jf Santa Clara, 3tdte ,)f Calitu.llldl, de8cri:.:>e,(j db -.J~_,Jf'o p~RCEL ONE BEGINNING at the point of intersection at the center .dne of San TOffid::> Aquino Road (40.00 feet in ....idth) 1 ...Jith l;;c U'..t~f ~""'''1 ~'---~ Avenue (50.00 feet in width) j thence from scud point ,.......= bE'o~r, " ~ North 860 43 I 35" East along the said center line If Ca,ri'lJ De ~ A........ for a distance of 195.0ll feet to a PK nal.l; ctle:1ce ,eaoin..; Sd d last mentioned line and running South 00 031 10" E.st and p,.ralJPl .....h the said center line of San Tomas Aquino Road fe,!" -l distanc. of 10.06 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe and the true poin' of:.e(Jin'1.ir~g.!, the tract of land to be described; thence from said ':r ,e p .ir:: CJ f JJ~ LnD l.ng South 860 431 35" west <'t.nd parallel with '_Le 5."L: v'ntt"r li:1P of campbell Avenue for a distance of 131.03 fee' 10 d .::. '4 :r\ch trOll pipe; thence southerly along an arc of a curve to thl LE:ft, tangent to the preceding course, with a radius of 20.00 feel, through a c~ntral angle of 860 461 45"1 for an arc distance of 30.29 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe; thence South 0,0 031 10" East and parallel with "he said center line of San Thomas Aquino Road for a distance of 13 .10 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe; thence North 860 431 35" East and )arallel with the said center line of Campbell Avenue for a distance of 149.93 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe which bears south O. 031 10" East (along a line drawn parallel with the said center line of San Tomas Aquino Road) from the said true point of beginning; th~nce North O. 031 10" west 150.00 feet to the true point of beginning. CONTAINING APP~XlMATELY 0.514 acresl as surveyed All.... mun..-enLad ~n septemberl 1961 by Riley & Cuffe, Civil Engineers and surveyors. I.' ~ . , ~l"'~.r~ ' .nL: _. ..... ~ ~-j. "'>:.... ,UfHU -- .. ..- ;~~~'~~~~;~:tfi-~?J~:,~~-~ l.~t,~:_.:..":~<._,~ l,x PAACEL T\1IO: eaor ftl62 Pk.,{ 2"3 BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of San TOmas Aquino Road (40.00 feet in width), with the center line of campbell Avenue (50.00 feet in width): thence from said point of beginning North 86. 431 35" East along the said center line of campbell Avenue for a distance of 195.00 feet to a PK nail: thence leaving said last mentioned line and running South O. 03 I 10" East and parallel with the said center line of San ~mas ~ino Road for a distance of 40.06 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe and the true point of beginning of the tract of land to be described: thence from said true point of beginning South 860 431 35" west and parallel with the said center line of campbell Avenue for a distance of 131.03 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe: thence Southerly along an arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding course, with a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 860 46 I 45" for an arc distance of 30.29 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe: thence South 00 031 10" East and parallel with the said center line of San Tomas Aquino Road for a dist~lce of 131.10 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe: thence South 860 431 35" west and parallel with the said center line of campbell Avenue for a distance of 45.07 feet to a PK nail set in the said center line of San Tomas Aquino Road; thence North 00 031 10" west alonq said last mentioned line for a distance of 165.02 feet to the point of intersect.ion thereof with the Southerly line of campbell Avenue (50.00 feet in wid th); thence North 860 43' 35" East along said last mentioned line 195.0J feet to a pOInt which bears North 00 03 I 10" west (along a line drawn parallel with the said center line of San Tomas Aquino Road) from the said true point of beginning; thence South 00 03 I 10" East along said parallel line for a distance of 15.02 feet to the true point of beginning. \ CONTAINIOO APPROXIMATELY .024 acres, as surveyed and monumented in september, 1961, by Riley & cuffe, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. IN t: '~~... ~.~ ~\~! 'i}, ,\,j i ~ ~\J Zo ''1' ~ 'I; , f~! .~ .' ~ w 0 ~ w .!=! ~5 &: ~ < l<l C u '" Z <.., ~ z ;J ~ ... c.:.. ~ "" rzl rJ., ~ >- - ... Z (-< r- << ;:; U Il. p:: e;.~ ti. ~u >- ~ : ;,; 8 (-< z o ::>. ~ >>"" rJj "" ~ '0 ~~ u ~g~ r: OL; ~ t::-z c.:..o c,;:::g ~ :I c:.... 00 r-, d "r- ~ t.C~-~ ~ .'u c:~ f-1l~~~ ......eP.t~ ~ . ~::~ U :( 'f ~ "2 o ~ ~ ft U1 ;.::..5~ en ~~ t < ,<;::':: ~t:: >> ~ a ~ :.. E l: 'E .. 0 0 ... c 1..",- '" = .,,~::s 0_ ;. U .<;::5 t .E-< u .., ~ = s~~'" U '00 t "'v" to..~d E '2 g ~ U 51..,,:: ~ ~~ U << z ~ S 5 .. "0 "0 < ;., l: '" "" E o 1..,,0 ~t;~ c =' f:: ~lr: ~- u"O~ c t:: ... ~ ~ en :: ~..J .. t:: tL. rj~ ...", ~- - ~ ~ ;.. s u C. ~ ~ : v ~ ~~3~ c -'- g ~.E ~~ U:.i:O ~ .t .~.= < .... ~ c ::t....."'- ,~::s ~ E J ..8 8 ~ N V >> c:: ~ .. """ g~ tUCIl C tU .: =+:t 0.- ... U E-< 00 ~ >, c .. -.. .. t::- ~ .....- ... o~ gUl'J ::t >>~ ., u t~ ;::'9 0- ~ >> >> l: c:: ...os ~ 0 "" ~ E g c::;~ to 5 ~ t,~U 0; 'c v:~ ~. ,-~.:>~'~ g"Z.~~ oC;c.: U~Orn U uht o . <J:: .. c ~ S i ; 'O,,~ Vj OJ 'w t ~ u- C'4 res ;; e"'E- p-<.,~ ~ ~ ~fn ! .~,~i.i; ~ .~ ~ ~ : E ~ ~ rJ') E~o trJ~~..e o ~ ._ r::~ :<;:: -;....fl - .\ U..!! J ,~ E-< c o >> ;....l< :: N = v roE ! ~ eU e - to E tog! c: ~ c U._ ... := /UCI) :J tU'~ ci.i o+:.. 0-> Ub~ u~oi ~ u r~ .: u c: ] i:t.ClJ~ :::lc,c.-.... U '-.. cr,,", g...J ~~ !~~. !~8 ~o.._,o Ii ,os _ :;,~ ~ ~ r" E ~ r.Jj E...IS ~ c~ 0 Q ~ e ~ ~ 0~ 0 oS ~ o 7. >>t' ;0 ..."" oel 5 0 ~ ,-u." ~'~r;;: !loci U o.b ::: 2'Sl1OO ii~~. ....P..,,g ,c u It C ~ t:: ,5 · 'E ~~ ~~~~ ,_ l: ~-:; ...)..!:!~ ~:. ); >> t:: <\I .. "".. eO 01>; .' .. v_ ., " ~- .. 'C ,<;:; '" = E-< .; o "0 " U t:: ~ . <II to- e...l< ! >>0 - " c:: ,- en ::l lS 0." UC ~ ~~ Eo< OM "'''' o rJl ... >> 01:; ~ <'I ,2 "" .~ 8 0 ~,;::U ~ cc~i !l ~ t:)l U ,<;::E-< . .E-<'1:1t = >. t: ~ .-~iii _ c <- .~ 5 u &.I cuc~ ! '" fI} Cfl .... r-... ::l::lo C'CIfF.N -"'- ",- 'c <- os+: r.ii~ .----------- ._-~----- ~--=::.. --=--=- ~=-....=.....----=-_-.:..-:=---==-..:.--=--=.=---=--=-..:::.--:-==------- ________~_::. -.:: -=--===:=::::-_----=----===-====_~_:___-- :;-:=tf ... I I M.i~.Q April 9, 1965 TO: William G. Wren, Acting City Engineer FROM: Frank T. Lewis, Assistant Civil Engineer RE: Condemnation of a Dortion of Schallic land The above-mentioned land is located at the southeast corner of San Tomas Aquino Road and Campbell Avenue. Campbell Avenue is an established road 50 feet in width. San Tomas Aquino Road is an established road 40 feet in width. The City of Campbell's future width of Campbell Avenue, in this area, shall be 80 feet, and san Tomas Aquino Road, in this area, shall be 90 feet. With the existing construction project, called L.I.D. No.9, the City proposes to install the ultimate signal facilities at this intersection. As a result of this construction, it is now evident that it will be necessary to acquire 30 square feet of Mr. Schallicls land under eminent domain proceeding. This acquisition is necessary to provide the City with the ultimate location for one signal standard. The feasibility of locating a signal standard within the existing rights of way has been researched and discovered to be economically unsound and would provide a different hazard to the traveling public, as well as to the equipment. Mr. Schallic's parcel contains 28,875 square feet of land, more or less, and w&s.;"purchased three years ago for $65,000 or $2.25t per square foot. We have appraise.d this condemnation to be worth $3.00 per square foot making his total parcel worth $86,000t. Withth:1sprice per square foot, it makes the price of condemnation worth $90.00. Attached please find a plat and description of the land to be acquired. Respectfully submitted, Frank T. Lewis, Assistant Civil Engineer PTL: cb Attachments - . .. I COMMDICING at the point of intersection of the center line of Campbell Avenue with the center line of san Tomas Aquino Road .a Aid point of intersection is shown upon that certain map entitled "Amended Record of survey for Pete Radovich, beinq a portion of Quito Rancho situated in the City of Campbell, California, I' whtth map was filed for record November 21, 1961, in Book 140 of map., at page 24, in the office of the County Recorder of Banta Clara County, California; THlWCE, SOUth 00 03' lO" East 25.04 feet along the center line of said san Tomas Aquino Road; TIDINCE, North 860 43' 35" East 65.10 feet alonq a line parallel with and 25.00 feet, measured at a right angle, southerly from said center line of Campbell Avenue to the TRUE POINT OP BBGINNING; THENCE, South 30 16' 25" East 10.00 feetJ THENCE, North 869 43' 35" Bast 3.00 feet along a line parallel with and 35.00 feet, measured at a right angle, southerly fram said center line of Campbell Avenue; THENCE, North 30 16' 2511 West 10.00 feet, THENCE, South 860 43' 35" West 3.00 feet along a line parallel with and 25.00 feet, measured at a right anqle, southerly from said center line of Campbell Avenue to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 30.00 .quare f.et of land and being a portion of"Parcel Two 'I of lands conveyed to Pred Schallich and Anna K. Schallich, his wife, by that certain ciocument recorded November 13, 1961, in Book 5362 of Official Records, at Page 22 and 23, in the office of the County Recorder of Banta Clara County, Caiifornia. -- SAA/ To"1Af A UIA/O ROAD ~........ ~ II~ ~ ~~ ~" f\ ~, ~ f () () ()3/~ liE- ~ ~ 1'\11 ~ ~ ~ - -----r-..... ~ I ,,~~ I \~~ I .~ J a"~6'Z7''E- /d.IJ~\ ~ -t--------t AI 3 "/6't7" If /a.~r ~~~ :~~ ~ ~~ 'i ~ r.... ~ ~ ~. ,~~~ h~ i~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ O:l . -' ,~~ % ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r"f"~ "':": . '. . . .... . ..~...: :..,:,.. .....; .....:: ....: \...\..: ~"'" :';'" ..... :.: : '... ...... ........ :...:~: I,,, \...... : "1 ", "I :"; ,,',' _," ...... ....... . . :....:..: "I '. '. ,'. . . . " : ..... '.:.... '::":. ::t' ", "i", .....' ........ . . . ..' .... '. ""I . . '.. :--..... ~.. ", ..... ,....... ':i' : ..... ...... :.... "," ::::::: .- ~ef.O'" i, I I~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ 0\ "" ~Or.. ~ ();; ~ J" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I" ~?' 4tJ' I~ "" ~ ~ "'" I~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ I~ ~ '1 "<: I~ ,...." ~ I~ "l'i I I I . I ~ ~ r'\ '0 ~ ~ t)5 ,.,., ,...... ,...... ~ I~ ~ Il'\ - ; .. - BOOr. 5362 F,.,rf 22 .. 20B~7J .~ T ~, .1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY --7d'_,t:J . . /' /) / - ~ -... ('"\ '--& cv~ ~ '9'- ?:J..; -.::. -, " WHIIN BOOf. 5362 PAGE ?? -- r: '.....11 'T , 1 II 1 ..-., Recortiecl t.~ ~he requnt of " ~a'I'M-:a Pa:-:';" r,,!t. ' '," 't' ell I JUlIN .h~ III......'... .".. '...>> u. NOV 13 1 r' 1(; C?A'lt ~ l.1 t i _ _ -' i~ PAUL R. T:;f~ '1, f'l,." ,-l.". S.nt. CI... Co....:--, ()'-.., !~ ;",~........ , ) ~~75C-- Q to..~'C~D ~c, 'PC>\ZoCe'L ~ ~6 1 \'?C'O - Pi:.IER ~) , i:'~'~~A . 3Jnint Wrnanry irrb ANU ~HKE KAOOVICH, HIS WIFE {irant to FRED SCHALLICH AND ANNA K. SCHALLICH, HIS Wlt-E " \tunt ttnancat_ 'h,. "" 'rnpe!il ,P\J:ltt'd in thtc CI TY "":'1- CAlV\PBELL , "'tint\" "T I, RJ\ ....:.' . ," f 1; I 1",- .-d,ed ," illll()w~' AI. lhat certain real pr0j,.'t,: tj: situar.f' . the ( ,)f Campbell ("Junty '.f Sdnta Cl..'1.ld .::.:tdl{~ ,~ Caltf,-,1.'"ct <ie~H.;rl..")e<:l.;1: PARCEL ONE e.. () "3 C::, - is L; 1 C \=' T, \ I-:l ':, 0'i(Jb ~c.e BEGINNING at the pair. t of intersection c.' L the ('enter _.>.ne 0;= San TOIlld::> Aquinn Roan (40.00 feet in 'Ninth), 'dith :..,.c <...' ;.~,~[ '~".L '-~ Avenue (50.00 feet in width); thence from sd~d point'.: be'! . Nvrth d60 43 I 35" East aloIlg the sait) center line \f Cali'! :)€: ' A. '- for a dist.ance of 19~.0') feet to a PK na.ll; c:he;~ce ,ea"iL_ s" d last mentioned line and runnl.ng South 0003' 10" Edst and p"ral,pl .......1: the said center line of San Tomas Aquino Road fe,,:, l aistanc. of hi .06 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe and the true poin' of' "e-:Jir.1j ',g .' the tract of land to be described; thence from said ':r e p iT - , f 0'=':; ,nn Lng South 86043' 35" West ~nd parallel wit:. " e st1i~ L 'ntl ~- 'li:'P u-f Campbell Avenue for a distance of 131.03 fee' '0 ,"\ .:., 4 ',ch Lr011 pipe; thence Southerly aLong an arc of a curve tc t h. LE ~t. tangent to the preceding course, with a radius of 20.00 feel, through a cantral angle of 860 46' 45", for an arc distance of 30.29 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe; thence South 0/0 03' 10" East and parallel wi th he said center line of San Thomas Aquino Road for a distance of 13 .10 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe; thence North 860 43' 35" East and )arallel with the said center line of Campbell Avenue for a distance of 149.93 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe which bears south O. 03' 10" East (along a line drawn parallel with the said center l~ne of San Tomas Aquino Road) from the said true point of r.>eginning; tt'if"nce North 00 03 I 10" west 150.00 feet to the true point of beginning. CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY o. S14 acres, as surveyed &11.... .IIUH\AIOell Led .l.H september, 1961 by Riley & Cuffe, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. , 'v~ ~T~~;" ..,--", ..'. ,,~;...' ,: ~ ~:'~t~i:.:cx;ii;;j:c~i:'~:;~ ';" !~)<' PARCEL T~: - i1.!:''J V2:.0 -~ <c.- \'-::"C)b Baar a:JU~ flt;,{ ?:J BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of San Tomas Aquino Road (40.00 feet in width), with the center line of Campbell Avenue (50.00 feet in width) ~ thence from said point of beginning North 86- 431 35" East along the said center line of Campbell Avenue for a diatance of 195.00 feet to a PK nail~ thence leaving said last mentioned line and running south O. 03 I 10" East and parallel with the said center line of San TOmas Aquino Road for a distance of 40.0G feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe and the true point of beginning of the tract of land to be described~ thence from said true point of beginning South 860 43' 35~ west and parallel with the said center line of Campbell Avenue for a distance of 131.03 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe~ thence southerly along an arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding course, with a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 860 461 45" for an arc distance of 30.29 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe; t,h~nce South 00 03 I 10" East and parallel with the said center line of San Tomas Aquino Road for a distance of 131.l0 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe~ ti,~,".:::e SO'lth 86043' 35" west and parallel with the said center line of Can,; ~ll Avenue for a distance of 45.07 feet tc a PK nall set in the said ce;, r line of San Tomas Aquino Road; thence North 00 03' 10" west alonG said,,,t mentioned line for a distance of 165.02 feet to the polnt of inter~ ')1' thereof ',.;,1 n t.he Southerly line of campbell '" '.rl'>:~ue (50.00 feet d ~ h); ther.. e North 860 43 I 31)" East along said last ment.l.oned line J feet tv a ;?o1.nt wh.l.ch Le,u-s North 00 031 10" west (along a line d r)arallel with the said center line of San Tomas ~quHl0 Ro,}d) from the:: true point cJl beginning; t.hence Snuth 00 03' 10" East along said p< ~l line for a distance of 15.02 feet to the true point of beginnin CONTAINING APPROXlMATEl in, september, 1961, by ~4 acres, as surveyed and monumented & cuffe, Cl'-'i,l Engineers and Surveyors.; t ."'~~ ~..;-..~ " ,\'. ~ 'i ~'l.',~ , '" ' \, r;j , ! ", ~ ~4 ,.\ \ "" j , \~ :'\~: 'i\' . '1 j ..' "\~ ,~~ .\ ,\: o .., oJ o I 1 ~a.. L: ~ ~ '" ~ ... "1;l "1;l < - "" G U 'f) Z ~ z ;.> ~ OIl ,..:.. ~ '/. "" (/< E ~ ~ L Z c.; r <( ,.; U ll. p:: ~ ~ (; 00 ~ <( p:: ll< t.l -< ): Z @ ! z e: ~ ... ---, U :+ "'''' " ~ '- !(.!! o c...... Egc >, " '" 0- E o L- 0 ~ ~ >- '" ~ ... - ~ c - ... gb~ U-o'e c ~ = C rfJ .. '-' " v...l ... - t.I.. ~ ~ ....'" :::I- t ~ o ~ ~ " " ~ ;; ;: . ~IC: ~! c :....;.';J. t g~'>cn U~i:5 ~ .: '..) ~] :s <,C'- ,- ~'C; 5-: ~p:~~ :;:,~ o::~ ron E~~ ..= w r~ t o 7. --1 . ... ....- c ,- nlU ~ - l': eg 2tS ~ ~.~~~ :0 ,- ::I C)o.... ~ U vI- ~ s:s~tii .. ~ :"j . .... >l. 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