65 San Tomas Aquino Rd. (69-23) FW-65 lNTSR-DEPAR~NTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Su.ildin9 oepartlnent PROM: PubliC: works Department The requirements of the Pul>l:\.c works oepartment ha"" been satisf1.ed for the following development: l\PPL~ / /2A lc / /2/t/)(2/tJ !--) BUILDING ADDRESS~rT () ~T ~ Ht?RF.l"L I1ve;. coUNTY ASSESSOR'S pARCEL NUMBER 403- '2 - Z 8 PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER. 70-- /4- BI)C,J/;AJALI- 1"7 It 5'1 APPROVAL NUMBER WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC l<<>R1<S By/ztf'",LrY. ~~ k. C e- Date b.( )(..., l.-~' l~70 ___ r ,_'\", ;...."....,,,-.....""'.......,.~.~.~._...,_,~"'..,,...,,~...-__...1<'. -~,...~-_... '-- ()'1--~ (/.l ) /' PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: A!l!"il 21, 1970 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Kent Kirkorian , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF a commer'cLd. bu51dinr TO BE LOCATED AT: f~.5 ..;'. ;~~,<tn To.,as Aq'tlil'~O Roa,; CONDITIONS: COIlditions or approv~l attache..: Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GR.J\NTED BY THE CITY OF CA!'i!PBELL PLANNING COM~lISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 20th DAY OF April. 1970 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COivl~lISSION I cc:! Lnp'~l1e.~n? Dept. wIatt. rir~ D~rt./w/att. By: ARTHUR KEE, SECRETARY l. "S"70-2(, Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted t~ i~sure landscaping, fencing and st!'iping of parking area w~th~n three (3) months of c08pletion of construction, or appli- cant may file ~lritten agreement to complete landscaping fencina and striping of parking area prior to final building de;artmentO' clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell: A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Applicant to provide 22 additional parking spaces in the area indicated in "red" on plans. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. A \ / ( I I I W4{ (/1) )1 s II (p'1-,;.3 PLAN1\lNG DEPAi~'nlE~rr CITY 01: CJ\1WBELL 7S NOlnH CE:nRAL AVENUE CAr.IPJ;ELL, CALlrOI~;HJ\ DATE: . . , ---AF~r-l9.6.!L------ CONlJITJO:4S ATTi\CIIEIJ TO "Sit APl'lWVAL OF PLANS Of ..---U:~_:...~i~koTiilI~L_____.__ i , I:OJ~ r.O'.' 'f,C:'l"j,'lJC'I'l" 01'1 Or: i 1 bl"ildi , _ .,.... ",' _comm~!.~~_~____._~j__ '1'0 BE LOCATED AT: 65 S.San Tomas Aquino Road : -.--------------.--:---------:---------.-I----~--- CONDITlm:s: conditions attached .'" SecU.O,l 93J6.1 of the Ccllllpbcd.1 ~tl1nicipal Code rec'-c.ls as f0110'."'s: Any approvH1. granted under this section shall expire one hundrcd eighty (180) days aftcr the datc upon \.:hich such approvell Has gnlIltcc1, unless an extension for such' approval is obtained by D,aking \'irittcn c'.pplic<d:io; for saj::'~~ to the Planning COIn,:!i.ssion aL least .fifteen' (15) days prior to the. expire.Lion date of such approval. ., . , No building permit shall be issued after thc cxpil'ation date of any ttpprovaJ. until a ne\'.' 2.pp-roval h8.s been obtained iJ'1 the manner provided for in this Chapter. . . GRANTED BY THE CITY Of CA1.~PBELL P LA0;N I i\G Cm.::,llSS IO;I AT A REGULAR ~.iEE'rI;;C . .' . ..... ;...... .' . HELD ON THE .7th DAY OF ~prill.1969 '. CITY OF CM.lPBELL PLA~i0!ING Cml~,lISS IO;'I cc:-Engineering/w. att. B)': . - -----A-'t'-1-'LTU.-f"-.y"1-:r;---S-'-:'""!'-f; '-l'~li'y----'- r'l.f. \'1">~1 L\"-",,;, The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to me the 'ollm-,ring condi tions ac' -dance wi th Ordinances of the ~ty v~ Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of th~ Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections fay under- ground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Architectural approval to become valid on April 23, 1969, when zone change becomes valid, if any uses proposed require a C-2-S zoning. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. 1. Property to be r~nce~ and landscaped as in~tcated and as added in "red" pI~. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash container in an area approved by the Planning, Director and Fire Department. Said enclosure to be 8' x 12~ minimum with 6 foot self-closing gates. s. Fire Department recommends that the building be provided with a sprinkler system. 6. Roof mounted mechanical devices shall be fenced or enclosed as approved by Planning Director. Q Ira Kirltorian ..1820 w.. Campbell Avenue : 'Camp_II ,:. California. L .,-.", ~...~, , Our N~ 202836/ERP Your No. ~ In eoIUleetion With this preliminary report, furnished without iiability, the Company' is prepared to lint a poUq ,of title insu;rance in usual form,. as of the date hereof, containing standard excep- Uaiba,'ahcl ~ODI and ahowine title as 8~t'forth herein. Date : August2l,1967 . at 8:00 A. M: Title OfIlcer , SIDNEY M. BARTON, an unmarried LBSTER R. GIWERICH, a married man, tenants in common .....: ~~: f'bat dfrt~in real pro~rtY"'~tuate in the City of Campbell County of santa ClIra, st.te of Cal1fdrnJa described as follows: ~~ -:--' ~. ~.; ",Ie.. , ~~;', ' ~t. f\' ~i, , ""~\' j; ~~,'.' fi:"W'~. ~t1 ~:'" . ~)l' -~ -' :"?"'" ~;,.:, ~(:., r" . ~:>::,~, ,:,. I~~'~ 1;,",' , , ",", ->~ It,:;' ' ~<": !"~ . '.,. y "~"" ,~ t"., :,>.-, '~"~l!t~ ,~~~{ ..v...., ' '*:- \~ ~:!I ~\f ' ~i:.' iki", ~~~t',?t ~~, I~~~:" ,~,.. , .~/~-}~ tf',.;,'.,.\k'" ~I:"".."""'::":' \ ...~':~~~, '.1; ~:..".,.<~~~", ,. ,,.;..:;:...--;;...;.. -.... ---, " PARCEL,le BEGINNING ~t the point of intersection of the Southerly line of that certain 12.774 acre tract of land described in tbe Deed from Ira K1r~rian, et ux, to city Title Insurance Company, a corporation, dated March 2, 1959, recorded March 6, 1959 in Book 4345 of Official Records, page 120, Santa Clara County Records, with the westerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road (90.00 feet in width), as said line was established by Deed from Mayfair Markets, a California corpora- tion, to the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, dated February 26, 1960, recorded March 16, 1960, in Book 4729 of Official Recorda, page 742, Santa Clara County Records, thence from said point of beginning South 87. 30' 00" west along the Southerly line of said 12.774 acre tract for a distance of 274.97 feet, thence at right angles North 20 30' 00" west 187.00 feet, thence North 870 30' 00" East and parallel with the Southerly line of said 12.774 acre tract for a distance of 283.63 reet to the point of inter- section thereof with said Westerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road, thence SOuth 00 091 oon west along said last mentioned line 187.20 feet to the point of beginning. PAR:EL 2: A NON-EXCLUSIVE Easement for the purpose of ingress and egress and ~r the installation and maintenance af public utilities, appurtenant ~o the above described Parcell, over a strip of land 30.00 feet in width, the southerly line of which is more particularly described as follows: BBGINRING at the point of intersection of the southerly line of that certain 12.774 acre tract of land described in the need from Ira Kirkorian, et ux, to City Title Insurance Company, a corporation, dated March 2, 1959, recorded March 6, 1959 in Book 4345 of Official Records, page 120, Santa Clara County Records, with the Westerly I1ne of San Tomas Aquino Road (90.00 feet in width), as said line was established by Deed from Mayfair Markets, a California corporation, ~o the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, dated February 26, 1960, recorded March 16, 1960 in Book 4729 of Official Records, page 742, Santa Clara County Records, thence from said point of beginning South 870 30' 00" West along the Southerly line of said 12.774 acre t~~ct for a distance of 941.47 feet and the terminus of said easement. PARCELl: Appurtenant to the above described Parcels 1 and 2, a non-exclusive propor.tionate share of the rights as granted to Mayfair Markets, a corporation, in the parking lot agreement executed by and between Ira Kirkorian, et ux, first parties, and Mayfair Markets, a California corporation, second party, dated June 4, 1959, recorded June 12, 1959, in Book 4448 of Official Records, page 343, Santa Clara County Records. PARCEL 4: Appurtenant to the above described Parcels 1 and 2, a non-exclusive proportionate share of the rights, privileges and easements, as granted in the Declaration of Protective Restrictions and Grant of Easements ...outed by Mayfair Markets, a corporation, by document dated August 29, 1960, recorded September 16, 1960 in Book 4918 of Official Records, page 482, San~. Clara County Records. _t~~ " ;~. . , ~\: \V,r-.~,. ~,:,~:~, ' " ., ,.i. " '~~f ~~.~ , .--...,. ---.... ".,;,_ ,t~",~. ~. SUBJECT TO: A. Taxes for fiscal year 1967- 68 alien not yet dtlt or payable. Amounts not ascertainable. 1. Parking Lot Agreement executed by and between Ira Kirkoriari, et ux, and Mayfair Markets, a California corporation, recorded June 12, 1959 in Book 4448 of Official Records, page 343, and reference to the record is hereby made for full particulars. . 2. The right and privilege of excavating for and laying pipe lines as and When and as often as the same may be desirable in the opinion of Second party, together with all fiitings, connections, end appliances which second party may desire to install in connection therewith, for the transmission and distribution of water, and also the right of maintaining, using and replacing and/or enlarging the same for such purposes, and also the right and priVilege of relaying, repairino, removing and/or renewing the same, using pipe, fittings, aonnections and/or appliances either of the same size or sizes as may first be installed or of any other size or sizes and also a right of way along the same, upon, in, through, along and across the Southerly 20 feet of the premises herein described, as granted by Mayfair Markets to San JOse Water Wbrks, a California corporation, by Deed dated March 23, 1960 and recorded April 26, 1960 in Book 4775 of Official Records, at page 68. The foregoing rights and priVileges hereinabove granted are madeupon the following terms and conditions: First Party shall neither construct nor permit to be constructed any building or any other permanent structure on, shall plant no trees within, and shall neither drill n~permit to be drilled any sort of well within said right of way. This Easement shall be non-exclusive to the extent that it may be shared by other utilities provided their installations do not force a relocation of San Jose Water WOrks' installed facilities. (Affects Parcel 2) 3. Declaration of Protective Restrictions and Grant of Easements dated August 302 1960 and recorded September 16: 1960 in Book 4918, at page 482, executed by Mayfair Markets, a California corporation. (Affects Parcel 2) 4. Easement for ingress and egress, and incidental purposes over, under and across the Southerly 30.00 feet of premises, as reserved in the Deed dated June 3, 1959 from Ira Kirkorian, et ux, to Mayfair Markets, recorded June 12, 1959 in BOOK 4448, page 341, Series No. 1647374, Official Records. .. Ea.ement for ingress and egressJ and incidental purposes over, under and across the Northerly 7 feet of the Westerly 18 feet of ~em18es granted in the Deed dated August 29, 1960 from Mayfair Market. tO~e North Bay Co~, Inc., a corporation~ recorded September 20, 1960, tn Book 4921 of Official Records, page 558, Series No. 1878594. ','i,."v. 3/202836 /t. f.1,.~.