70 San Tomas Aquino Rd. (77-47) @ CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT ,/ ' '2-- Date: (; - /r' From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBL I C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- , The requirements of the Public the following development: APPLICANT I:' ! ~ C ' \ u ' BUILDING ADDRESS 7 0 COUNTY ASSESSOR IS -4 c :') PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER Works Department have been satisfied for , \ ,1 \, 1\., \ \ I ( '\ \ 1\ 1--1 I ~7 \ ..__' I' , , '-77 I ( t" ,/1 JOSEPH ELLIOTT DI~E~,~9~~~ J~B~!~~!~RKS ::~y (=,'1/1_ By. ,,- ,-' t' X . t;' ( ) I , v Date: U'I<~ -n ;u -n }> z n ...b.~ c TT1 ~ 0 0 :J> :::; Ci~5i... z < < ;u 0 ~ N P z!::...:E: 0 TT1 ;0 TT1 m mCllOiii \' z \) m Z c~m", () Z ~ (J1 n -J llOiri~m r..l:l I'\-.J C C C'- (J1 0 l!!C~Q J mv( ~ TT1 ." ~ o~n:;; ()""" rn :J> ~ -< "0':\ () 0 ~z~'" TT1 ~ , cZ ;u () en m 0 (") ~ c - z ()~ ..., Z :J>-( () 0 0 ~ OJ 0 ~O ..., -< }> -< l- I- --i ;;: ~" \J c::: c: m 0'" ~j r- r- 0 l0 m "'115 N z ! tj () N m () ;, 0\ 0\ ,-< ~ ~ )> ,~ :J>'" , ~ 0 en -g,-: -J ;0 ;~. U -c c 0) co 0 rn m 01J-I TT1 ;0 ~m r 0'\ r v, :J>m 0 C> r N 0 -.) r N I\l\ :P- O f) * }> () -() () ,.. ,.. ;;: }> ~ =< (J1 -< ,.. JI- 0 I I\g () ,.. ,.. c I\~ r z () m 0' 0' --i ;;v \.,n \.,n ~ " \.0 \.0 @ 0 a J: c:::> c:::> ~. AGENDA DATE DU. (Q APPLICANT EGIDE,/FIVE STAR INDlJS'TR1~SNUMBER 77-4-7 ADDRESS 7D .:s. S... A. R. A.P.N. 4-D5- 3-=' TYPE OF DEV. RF.C::;-n:\ URANI RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS K x pA~es-L PrOQ08B ana [~lc a Hl:lp I Dedicate right of way TO +S HALF-STREET ON S. T. A. R. )( Pay Storm Drainage Area Fee (? .t; 76,5/ NET AC. ~~..~..aEX.. T1tle ~ -----------=-------------- x >( x x Enter into agreement for construction of stre~ improvements (A:s CONDm 0 tJ oF pm) Pay fees as noted in agreement ~ plan examination and construction inspection C4~ell M~i~;r~' Li~htiR~ DiDtric~ pro roLe fire hydrant rental 7 Post bond as noted in agreement Provide grading and drainage plan Gbt.am excavaL~oI. p8rmj i;;.- -Sc~Lc~dL~ a~~c~smcRt. ~ powER. AT pOLE. TO Be: R.ELOCATED DE\lELO PER.' 5 ExpeNsE r- CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378.8141 Department: Pub 1 i c Works Apri 1 20, 1979 MR. GEORGE STRICKLER Pacific Gas & Electric Company 111 Almaden Boulevard San Jose, CA 95198 Subject: ADDITION TO BILLING CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL LIGHTING DISTRICT Dear Mr. Strickler: This letter is to authorize your adding the following electrolier to the billing of the Campbell Municipal Lighting District. It has already been energized from an existing street light circut by Maybury Electric. lBO-W., L.P.S. 70 San Tomas Aquino Road (East side of San Tomas Aquino Road South of Campbell Avenue) Thank you and should you have a question please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, JAMES L. PENOYER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN ~t,J' v u By Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Ai de LMS:vw ~, . Ii filJp1 I ,jn '11L rl>! -I 'Ill I t ! J itl ~~ :~~~'i I.~- ~ j t:~ [.it r~-t.1 1-, 'pi" -t- ttt! I IITI i r I I I if 1. ,rn 1 +- - I I 1 1 I~t - T 1-, I _ I\~ ..., 11 ;1 . ~- - +Hi -1 I I t! ; ! \ II 11 1 .. I 'I i I i i : i , : I ! : I ' i J.. w- I' ~ . T~- A 1 II i I I . ! I 4- i I ric '2J':i ,C~ h ,ft j ~J i - -.rt . WJ ~ t- I . I I i i'i. ~~ J- i I I L T -1" I i I ! ! . t- I i I -+ l:rf- 1 1- dl _. + - I I 'M '('~'>' T I~) "" ... . t .' . I ,t +++, - ~ l> en 4+00 E.x.R '2.'2.0,~r .J. Pe 1fZ. )> o c - z o t>()ro'ot Loco. 'tl' 0 " ~ ~ ~ .E, !rel >'\$, (2 v 1+ 5+00 ~.T.C. 2'l.O.2f> , 9'(5\ '8 n ~ (J) :' I ,I I II " I , " I I' " , " ~ I " If' I' I ,I " I 1 " I " I'll " I . " IttT I ~ I P' I, . :1 I " III I · " to I :' I ~, I' I \JI I ~, . I,' I II I : I " , , I,ll h I :; I I I ,I I ,I I I' , " I 'I 64 14 . I : , /I I tI I,J I "I " . I t ;fL , I " f/ I II I " ',' I I, ~ I I,T " I " 1'1 I " I " III " ,'I , "I " 1,1 'I t " "I " I ' I I I I I I I I I I , , I t I , I I I I , I I I I I I 1:~:- I 0 . ~ I~ I ga t)) ,~ J; :v I ~ , I "' . , I -/ I I , I , I I ~ I .fro \J1 - .Ill. c..8>> p~ <<' ~D ~ Q. I ; Q.. '-~ ' . ~ 11'l'" lilt ~ s-~ l 6 S~1t 5 ~ . Do. \ (l r- j! ; I' ,.... ~ ~ ~ I g f 1L o ::s !. ?>-I ,1 . I 35' . Er ~ 2: r"'~ ~(\ ~ '" . ,,-- t.-~ . < ~. . A- ~l- ....... ~ 'Wi --- ~~ g; ~'" C ~ '""- 13 5. m (,J> ~~ oz. ~-\ f{t L~.\v\\. l\4) / RESOLUTION NO. ,.,rL(L( '). BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH FIVE STAR INDUSTRIES, INC. AND TACO CHARLEY, INC. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by an agreement, identified as No. Ch. Ln. 14, for the development of their real property in accordance with prescribed conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s II day of r:',-,-?~-~C ,1978, by the following vote: J AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G lvr- ~l r; - ILl. ! f ..-. THIS AGREEMENT, (identified as No.Ch.Ln 14) made and entered into this 20th day of July , 19 78 , by and between FIVE STAR INDUSTRIES, INC., a California corporation, and TACO CHARLEY, INC., Galifornia corporation, hereinafter referred to as II Permittees;' and the CITY OF CAMPBELL, -a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City". -------- A G R E E MEN T NITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Permittees did heretofore on November 14, 1977, apply to City for approval in order to censtruct a restauranr-- upon that certain real property described as Parcel liB" of that certain Parcel Map recorded March 3 , 1978 , and filed in Book 414 of Maps at page i of the county~order of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, which property is hereinafter referred to as "said real property": and, WHEREAS, at its regular meeting held January 23 , 1978 the Planning Commission of City did consider said application and grant its approval thereon subject to certain conditions thereof as contained in conditions of approval "s" 77-47. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED TO by and between the parties hereto as follows, to wit: (1) It is agreed to that Permittees are required to prepare and/or cause to be prepared a parcel map in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, which map shall be submitted to the City Engineer of City for e~- amination, approval and recordation within thirty (30) days from the date hereof. It is further agreed to that if Permittees choose to, or are required to, submit a parcel map, Permittees shall pay City the sum of SEVENTY SEVEN DOLLARS ($77.00) for the examination of the tentative and final parcel map. (2) It is further agreed to that Permittees shall provide, construct and/or install at their own proper cost and expense upon San Tomas Aquino Road throughout the frontage of said real property public street improvements consisting of, but not limited to, the following: 1 of 6 (3) It is further agreed to that Permittees shall provide and construct and/or install all of said public street improvements when Permittees are so notified to do so by said City Engineer of City. (4) It is further agreed to that all of said improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within twelve (12) months from the date that Permittees are notified by said City Engineer to do so; provided, however, that in the computation of said twelve-month period, delays due to or caused by acts of God, viz., unusually inclement weather, major strikes, other delays beyond the control of Permittees shall be excluded. It is expressly understood and agreed to that if Permittees shall fail to complete the work required by this Agreement within the said period of twelve (12) months, the City, after giving ten (10) days written notice thereof to Permittees,may construct and/or install said improvements and recover the full cost and expense thereof from Permittees. (5) It is further agreed to that Permittees shall prepare or cause to be prepared at their cost and expense improvement plans for the construction and/or installation of said public street improvements, which plans shall be pre- pared by a civil engineer licensed by the State of California, which plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer of City for his examination and approval and which plans shall be submitted to City Engineer when Permittees are so notified by said City Engineer. (6) It is further agreed to that the construction work of the improvements embraced by this Agreement shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January, 1973, and in accordance with the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, where indicated. WHEREVER the word IIStatell or words IIDivision of Highwaysll are mentioned in the State Specifications, it shall be considered as referring to the City of Campbell. Also, wherever the IIDirectorll or IIDirector of Public Worksll is mentioned, it shall be considered as referring to the City Engineer. In case of conflict between the State Specifications and the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. (7) It is further agreed to that Permittees shall deposit with City, when called upon to do so, for office examination of improvement plans, field inspection of construction of improvements and all necessary expenses incurred by City in connection with said improvements and all necessary ex- penses. . 3 of 6 (13) It is further agreed to that Permittees shall pay to Pacific Gas and Electric Company any and all fees required for installation of underground wiring circuit to all e1ectro1iers within said real property, when Permittees are notified by either the city Engineer of Campbell or the Pacific Gas and Electric Company that the said fees are due and payable. (14) It is further agreed to that Permittees shall make such deposits or file such bonds and enter into such agreement as required by San Jose Water Company when called upon to do so to insure the installation of water distribution system to serve said real property, including fire hydrant. (15) It is further agreed to that any easement and right of way within or without said real property necessary for the com- pletion of the project shall be acquired by Permittees at their own cost and expense. It is provided, however, that in the event eminent domain proceedings are required for the purpose of securing said easement and right of way, Permittees shall deposit or cause to be deposited with City a sum covering the reasonable market value of the land proposed to be taken and to be included in said sum shall be a reasonable allowance for severance damages, if any. It is further provided that in addition thereto such sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering and other incidental costs shall be deposited with City. (16) It is further agreed to that Permittees shall carry out any and all negotiations with all interested parties and shall perform or cause to be performed at their own cost and expense and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer any and all work required to abandon, remove, raise, lower, relocate and otherwise modify irrigation line or lines within the boundary of said real property. (17) It is further agreed to that the storm drainage area fee in connection with said real property and in conformance with the requirements established by section 20.16.060 of the Campbell Municipal Code is in the amount of TWO HUNDRED NINETY NINE DOLLARS ($299.00) . (18) It is further agreed to that Permittees shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Campbell, the City Council and the City Engineer, and any and all other officers or employees of City from any suits, claims or actions brought by any person for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property sustained or arising in the construction of the onsite work due to any acts, omissions or negligence of Permittees, their officers, agents, employees or contractors. (19) It is further agreed to that the above-named terms and conditions shall bind the heirs, successors, administrators or assigns of Permittees. 5 of 6 , (20) This instrument is and shall be considered to be an instrument affecting the right, title, interest in or possession of the real property hereinabove described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said city has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereunto duly authorized by resolution of the city C0unci1, and said Permittees have hereunto caused their names to be affixed the day and year first above written. CITY OF CAMPBELL Mayor STATE OF California COUNTY OF San Mateo ~ ss. ~ July 24 78 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personall'y l;ppeared ~ James A. Eqide President o~~ ~ive Star Industries. Inc. the CorporatlO~ t,hat executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the person who executed the within Instr.ument, on behalf of the Corporation, therein named and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same, ' , known to me to be the - - . . @ OFFICIAL SEAL LYNNE ROYSUM Notary Public-California PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN SAN MATEO COUNTY My Commission Expires June 12. 1981 ~ WITNESS my hand and official seal. "'.,.. ..... ..... 4y,~ 1l~ Notary Public in and for said State. . CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM , ,// v I l' STATE OF California ~ ss, ON July 24, COUNTY OF San Mateo before . 19-1JL, me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Richard L. Montqomery & .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. & .. .. .. Vice President known to me to be the @ OFFICIAL SEAL o~ ,Taco Charley. Inc. l YNNE ROYSUM the Corporation that executed the within I t t Notary Public-Galifornia 1:e:1~alh;~~::P~~~i:~nx~c~e~e::~ ~m~:c~~;o;a~:~h:~ei~:"~er a~:ea:':edt.: PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN SAN MATEO COUNTY My Commission Expires June 12, 1981 ..... ..... '" WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~br~~ CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM o ary u Ie In and for said State, GRANT DEED We, FIVE STAR INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED, hereby grant unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public street purposes and to become a portion of San Tomas Aquino Road, all that certain real property within said City and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the centerline of San Tomas Aquino Road with the westerly extension of the southerly line of Parcel B as said avenue and parcel are shown on that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 414 of Maps at page 7 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; THENCE, North 000 031 10" West, along said centerline of San Tomas Aquino Road, a distance of 100.00 feet to the intersection of said center- line with the westerly prolongation of the northerly line of said Parcel B; THENCE, North 860 421 00" East, along the aforesaid westerly prolongation, a distance of 45.07 feet; THENCE, South 000 031 10" East, parallel with the aforesaid centerline, and distant therefrom 45.00 feet, measured perpendicularly, a distance of 100.00 feet to the southwesterly corner of the aforesaid Parcel B; THENCE, South 860 421 00" West, along the aforesaid westerly prolongation of the southerly line of Parcel B, a distance of 45.07 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.103 acres, more or less. T.t . ...-..--- ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA. } SS. . . t f Sa.!'ta Cl_~..!:.~-_ ,-'-----'--'--'. housand fline hundred and_..nl.D.e:t1:-~-l9.b.--_.--.-:., ______.___._______COf4tJOItQl- Ju1y _.___._---m the Ye'ahr Ofl( t a Notary Pubhc, O h. zlt1n day of---.-------------.--.------.--.-----.-..V--,. ra,' ni a ~1. S eeny ___________..____.______..._, n t 1S___________..___u__._____ , _----.-----.-.-.------ ______...__ before me, .--.-.-...--.......... .' d nd sworn personallyappeared--------..--.--..-------...---...--.-.- f Carfo-ia dJdy t;01l:ltn\SS1one a , _.________.____ Stat e 0 J t , .. 'A. t 9 , a e _.._________________________._._______._______._.__._______m________ ________m____________?.':':I_~_?.________..__._._:__m_.__________.__-:~t- ______________.m__._____m.____.__.m.____..___..__.____.__._ known to me to be the_____.._.____m__P._r..e.S-l -----u------:-~-:----:--.-;rument and also kflO'Wn to me to be \lI'1JO "b d' and that executed the unt In inS, . d nd .....III11\l1l1nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmnllllllllllllllll\llllllnllll 'i of the corporattOfl descn em. h' ' trument OIl behalf of the corporatiOfl therein fWme , a :"8 OFFICIAL SEAL HY = who executed the unt In tns _________..______._____ E al':'.. '., VIRGINIA M. SHEE S the person__mm h t 'on executed the same ____._____m...m..--.......--.---.--.-..-------.-- i ( , "- OTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ~ acknowledged to me that suc corpora I __uu________m_m____.__.___________________________._m_._____:_____.________:__.._.___ a '" .. N PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN;: _______________u__u___u_________.mumm________.________________ h d __~ aR:~ed my officwl seal In the - ~ RA COUNTY = ____mm______________ nto set my an anu JJ.... i . '0"- SAN1~ Cl~rch 22. 19a1 i IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereu he da and year in this certificate i My Commi~.io~II~~~;;1~1~1I111ll!llI1mlllln"'!\II'.'II!!I~ sa:i d _m____m_C ounty of-______.5anta---Clar.a----m.----------.t y ~\-~-~~ ~.~~~ N 28_(Aclmo...ledgm~t-Corporatton). V My Comrmsslon Explres..---..------.-- Cowdery's Form o. 1) (PRINTEO 2-3-64) 42-0429 (C, C, Sees. 1190-1190, I VI I CAMPBELL AVENUE + ~ ~ ~ ~ N , SCAl.E: I "'FtJ PO.B. <:::) ~ ~ ~ ~ F~ 47' 4F 1\I 11.1\ \0 "- lc\ ~ "\ ~ ~ 4~.07 <: ~ "1 sl , , ~L4J (,) <::) ..... <::) , . ~ <::I (,) ~ Q () () 1: D , " N 86 42 00 E ~ 'v Gt- 1 ~~~ ~ ~ p<\ '" S 86D4Z'00""w <::) ...... ~ , ~ Cw'\ _ ~ () (j () (,) ...... () ~ I 4~.07 ti LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL t I Land to be granted to City Contains 0.1 03~ ac, Dr. by J. P. Ck.by L. S. APRIL, 1978 APRIL ,1978 Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer, Campbell, California lIVE IV ~SION ENGINEERS. ,C. CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEy...... PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 22S6 MARTIN, AVENUE, SUITE A-1 SANTA CLARA. CALIFORNIA 9!5D5D t4DSJ 249-6262 JAY BROWN CIVIL ENGINEER PHIL AUGER CIVIL ENGINEER February 8, 1978 R0418-A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PORTION LANDS OF ALLAN HARRIS PROPOSED FOR STREET PURPOSES EAST SIDE SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD, SOUTH OF CAMPBELL AVENUE (See Mission Engineers Dwg. No. M-6615) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All that certain real 'property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: The westerly 45 feet of a portion of that certain 10.065 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Saverio Sanfilippo, et ux to Peter Radovich, et ux, dated June 16, 1932, and recorded June 17, 1932, in Book 617 of Official Records, page 325, Santa Clara County Records, said westerly 45 feet being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the centerline of San Tomas Aquino Road at the southwesterly corner of said 10.065 acre tract of land, said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of that certain 2.00 acre gross parcel, as last said parcel and San Tomas Aquino Road are shown on that certain map entitled, IIRecord of Survey in the Quito Rancho, Santa Clara County, California, for Kay K. Iida", which map was filed for record on August 22, 1956, in Book 74 of Maps at page 17, Santa Clara County Records. Thence, from said point of beginning, N. 00 031 10" W., on and along said centerline of San Tomas Aquino Road, 284.36 feet; thence, N. 860 421 00" E., 45.07 feet along the northerly boundary of said 2.00 acre gross , parcel to a line drawn parallel and 45.00 feet easterly' measured at right angles from said centerline; thence, along last said line drawn parallel, S. 00031 10" E., 284.36 feet to the southerly boundary of said 10.065 acre tract of land being the southerly boundary of said 2.00 acre gross parcel; thence, S. 860 421 00" W., and along last said boundary 45.07 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.294 acres, more or less. PA:JB:jt lIVE 1\ ..iSION ENGINEERS, ..C. CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING , PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH eli!S5 MARTIN, AVENUE, SUITE A-1 SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95050 (40S1 249-S1i!5e JAY BROWN CIVIL ENGINEER PHIL AUGER CIVIL ENGINEER February 8, 1978 R0418-A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PORTION LANDS OF ALLAN HARRIS PROPOSED FOR STREET PURPOSES EAST SIDE SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD, SOUTH OF CAMPBELL AVENUE (See Mission Engineers Dwg. No. M-6615) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All that certain real 'property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: The westerly 45 feet of a portion of that certain 10.065 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Saverio Sanfilippo, et ux to Peter Radovich, et ux, dated June 16, 1932, and recorded June 17, 1932, in Book 617 of Official Records, page 325, Santa Clara County Records, said westerly 45 feet being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the centerline of San Tomas Aquino Road at the southwesterly corner of said 10.065 acre tract of land, said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of that certain 2.00 acre gross parcel, as last said parcel and San Tomas Aquino Road are shown on that certain map entitled, "Record of Survey in the Quito Rancho, Santa Clara County, California, for Kay K. Iida", which map was filed for record on August 22, 1956, in Book 74 of Maps at page 17, Santa Clara County Records. Thence, from said point of beginning, N. 00 031 1011 W., on and along said centerline of San Tomas Aquino Road, 284.36 feet; thence, N. 860 421 00" E., 45.07 feet along the northerly boundary of said 2.00 acre gross parcel to a line drawn parallel and 45.00 feet easterly. measured at right angles from said centerline; thence, along last said line drawn parallel, S. 00031 10" E., 284.36 feet to the southerly boundary of said 10.065 acre tract of land being the southerly boundary of said 2.00 acre gross parcel; thence, S. 860 421 00" W., and along last said boundary 45.07 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.294 acres, more or less. PA:JB:jt lIVE 1\ ..aSION ENGINEERS. ...C. CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 22B5 MARTIN, AVENUE, BUITE A-1 BANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA B15D5D (4DBJ 24B-B2Sii! JAY BROWN CIVIL ENGINEER PHIL AUGER CIVIL ENGINEER February 8, 1978 R0418-A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PORTION LANDS OF ALLAN HARRIS PROPOSED FOR STREET PURPOSES EAST SIDE SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD, SOUTH OF CAMPBELL AVENUE (See Mission Engineers Dwg. No. M-6615) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All that certain real 'property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: The westerly 45 feet of a portion of that certain 10.065 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Saverio Sanfilippo, et ux to Peter Radovich, et ux, dated June 16, 1932, and recorded June 17, 1932, in Book 617 of Official Records, page 325, Santa Clara County Records, said westerly 45 feet being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the centerline of San Tomas Aquino Road at the southwesterly corner of said 10.065 acre tract of land, said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of that certain 2.00 acre gross parcel, as last said parcel and San Tomas Aquino Road are shown on that certain map entitled, "Record of Survey in the Quito Rancho, Santa Clara County, California, for Kay K. Iidal!, which map was filed for record on August 22, 1956, in Book 74 of Maps at page 17, Santa Clara County Records. Thence, from said point of beginning, N. 00 031 10" W., on and along said centerline of San Tomas Aquino Road, 284.36 feet; thence, N. 860 42100" E., 45.07 feet along the northerly boundary of said 2.00 acre gross parcel to a line drawn parallel and 45.00 feet easterly-measured at right angles from said centerline; thence, along last said line drawn parallel, S. 00 031 10" E., 284.36 feet to the southerly boundary of said 10.065 acre tract of land being the southerly boundary of said 2.00 acre gross parcel; thence, S. 860 421 00" W., and along last said boundary 45.07 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.294 acres, more or less. PA:JB:jt , ~ ", 7,,::F ~ r :'7 , '" ~,'.t ~-" - )<";~iI: -#1>. c -.-;- W,. --,---. '" -- 4 Q' / I -= /CC . .--1 .. i "~ "3 - 2.::J - 7 i" ~~..~ :....>>......". .~ 6" ."i,~.;.&~.;~ . ):~,. ~~ - '.;.;' " ...:. .., " '-,' ,~ - RECEIVED CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 r-: : " i_, d Pli8L;,; i,UI\;\S fNGINLt.XltlG Oepartment: P 1 ann I n 9 DATE: January 31, 1978 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "SII APPROVAL OF PLANS OF James A. Eqide S 77-47 , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Taco Charley Restaurant TO BE LOCATED AT 70 S. San Tomas Aquino Road l;ONO I TI ONS: See attached. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Munjclpal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 23rd DAY OF January . 1978. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION cc: /Publ i~ Works Fi re Department BY: {l f/jt<_~ a - ~/ /0Z ARTHUR A. KEE. SECRETARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - flS" 77-47 3 If 5 6 7 8 Applicant shall provide assurances. satisfactory to the City ,EAgineer that cross easements for parking are provided. 2 Applicant shall provide appropriate traffic barriers along the northerly easement line and east (proposed) property line,' unt i I such time as the adjoining prop~rty is devel~ped. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in fired" on plan!>. landscape plan indicating type of plant material. location of hose bibs. or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permi t. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. faithful performance bond in the amount of $ 3.000 to be posted to insur~ landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within. three (3) months of cQnpletion of construction. or applicant may f.le wr i Hen a9 reem~n t to comp I e te I and scap i ng. fenci ng and 5 t rip i ng of parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. All mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved by the Planning Director. Appl icant to construct a six-foot high masonry wall along the southerly property line. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A B C D E All parking and driveway areas to be developed in campI iance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with approprial~ concrete curbs or bumper guards. Underground utilities to be provided as r~quired by Section 20.16.070 of the Call1pbe II Mun i c i pa I Code. Plans submitted to th~ Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities. including water. sewer, electric, telephone and television cables. etc. Sign appl ication to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issu~d by the Building Department. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbdl Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and dispo~al of r~fuse, garbage. wet garbage, and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposdl Company. This r~quirement applies to all single family dwelling!>. multiple apdrtn~nt units, to all commercial. business, industri~I, manufacturing, and ~onstruction establishments. CONDITIONS OF APPRuvAL - "511 77-47 - Pg. 2 F Trash container(s) of a !:tize and quantity ne't'~SCH.y te SE'ry~ the dev~l- opment sha II be located in areci (~) appro\lt'd by t ht" F j re D~partment. Unless otherwise noted, enclo~ure(s) shall con!:tj~t ~r ~ concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and h~v~ ~~lf-~10~in9 doors of a size spec i f ied by the Fire Dt'partllll'llt. All f'tlC I()~urt.s h' bt' COile,( rue 11.'J at grade I eve I. G App I jean t sha II mee t S I a I c I'f~LJU i rt'lIIl.'n t ~ t .)r t/". h.llld i ~"I'I'.'J . FIRE DEPARTMENT H. Provide a hood and duct fire protection system. I. Provide a "20-BC" fire extinguisher. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT J. Process and file a parcel map. K. Dedicate right of way to 45 feet half-street.' L. Pay storm drainage area fee of $29g. M. Execute agreement to install street improvements and post a bond guaranteeing the work. N. Provide a grading and drainage plan. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.