180 N. San Tomas Aquino Rd. (69-25) I ; ~f~! .j~) , .. L1 rj-;?5 PLANNING DEPi\[~Ti,ll.~:fr CITY OF CJ\1WBELL 75 NOlnH CE:nl\Al. AVENUE CAMPlJELL, CI\LIFOI~:di\ DATE: . April 9, .1969 _.......--..__..........-.-._--._--~-- 'CONDITIO)iS ATTACIIEJJ 1'0 llS" APPROVAL OF PLANS Or: ---P-auJ~_Il~.J ke t ___~______ \ , J:OI~ CO'...11S'1".I~'J'C'1'1-0~r Or. 26' ... t _ .,\, _l 1'\,' __----'!~!_ apartlll~!!-______ TO BE LOCATED AT:_____ 180. N~_San T01l!~~ Aqu~ni Road CONDITIONS: -----,- conditions attached "f, Sect.iO;l 9316.1 of the Campbell ~[tinicipa1 Code rcC',ds as fol10:':5 : . Any a p pro val g r an t e cl un de r t his s e c t i on s hall ex pi r e on c h II 11 c1 r c ct c i E h t)' (180) days after the datc upon ,.;hich slIch approval was graated, unless. an extension for such approval is obtained by making \.rritten 2,pplic8tio for sar:~? to the Planning Com,:!ission at least .fifteen' (15) days prior to the. cxpj r2.tio!l date of sllch approval.. , . No building permit shall be issued after the expiration elate of any approval. until a new npproval has been obtained in the H12nnCr providec.1 for in this Chapter.. . _'. . . · GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAI-1PBELL P LA0:NI i\G cm.r:,[l SS I O~~ AT A REGULAR ~.iEE'r H~ HELD O;~ THE __Z.th~ DAY Of __Mril, 1969 " CITY OF CA~,lPBELL PLANNING C001>IISSION cc: Engineering wIatt. By: . . ---.A-')1--.lTU-r;~..-.--1:I-;--C;-,:-.C-;-.lT:" ~l-':\-I'Y " 11 ..... I\. -.> J. J ......t. ~\.1~ . "j' A, All parking ant riveway arcas to be dcvel Jd in compliance ,6th Section 9319 of the Campbcl1 \lunicipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as reqllircd by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell J'lunicipal Code, C. Plans submitteu to the Buildin~ Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the locatio'l"of all connections for under- fround utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D, Sign application to be submitted jn accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. A 2~ gallon water-type fire extinguisher shall be installed in cabinet on second floor landing. The applicant is notified that he shall compJy witll all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell whicll pertain to this development 8nd are not herein specified. 1. Property to be Iced and landsc8ped as in added in "red" (J.l plans. ~ated and as iH Landscape plan indicating type of plDnt matcrial,location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be subrnit-- ted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3, Faithful performance hand in the amount of $1,500 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor p~\Tking areas v:ithin three (:'l) months of completion of constTLJctioTl or applicant may file \\YittCll agn;cment to complete lanc1sc;lping, fencing and striping of outcloor pc:uking area prior to final Building Dcpartrilcnt clearance, 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foct high solid 1'.'a11 or fence sh,111 he con~,tructed to housc~ t rash con ta incr j n a n a 1'e a approved by the PI (1 Juting Di rec tor and Fire DeparUlcnt, Said enclosure to be 8' X 1 L' mj nirnum \\'i th 6 foot self-closing gates, 5. Any visible equipment to be located on the roof s}lall be screened In a manner app:covec1 by the DiTector of Planning, RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 1v /- ~/ NAME (/ /)L...;2-P'2<( ,.1'C/:)<.-> "y_~~-J d-c.-~~~ / ADDRESS FOR ~t, ~t4V ::; (, / (p-9~ }J- ( J-u- Pi C 70 o~ / (J;L b. (;;IJ) "" - --- RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. ...3c:. (; FUND NUMBER ~ 1;2 OJ ~ CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE MAY 19-69 002 *** * 670.00 VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. KAY 19-69 66 002e ***670.00 ~s 9890 BY CITY CL.ERK CITIZEN COPY