825 S. San Tomas Aquino Rd. (64-41) J, l-V'~ t '1\1 f:&: >,,,7'J~ ?Jr" wi t-i<fi, I Salt Tomas Market Inc. 8SS So. SAN TOMAS RD. CAMPBELL, CALIF. PHONE 378-3247 Mey 7, 196c. LEUDEN F. BENNETT PHONE 378-5368 , LEE R. COLVETT PHONE 378-5994 'Ci t:\T 0 r C;ar::. r; L=;.':j 11 .'-' 1-::] tJ-~l:1. "(l::r ;~c;-:-:,J:i E' ~ i on C::::::;,~)u~~Jl, C'Jli Corl;~,a FrOU'i: Leud8n ~. 3enl1ctt S~,~ 1J88 R. Coivett c; ":.'....:'1 ':;:- f~ ~~l ["iO C. ;: e r"-: t: ': 1'" 3 c,:f +.:: ~~j.~ ~: :.~-. r; }, G ~-:1,S. r~ :'~,':'. r\ kc~ t :; n:1 Ihs ~2n ?CI~8 ~.Til12~e -~no~pin2 :~Dt8r. (;'2 n t].? ~;11=-lJ : ':fC\ ~1_r.:':"trp b~~rl iYl t11;) ':-'-l'O,'~Y""\T 'tli]~-; i---::::'C:'::-C 1"\.."~1' r-r!(-"~ ,Sc~..('l.' TO.~r1~1,8 .'~ ..._.. \; ,-' _"-'_ ~ '.._\,~. ;:,::.' ... '-~ -/.1. J ~'..i.'. -..._ j'..L. V - .. - '.Til2.,.'[,e ;:-riOI)r)i~J':::; Center for 15 years. 'e fesl tn''''t it is cur .1,lJt~) to Y'("~K):,t to ,T('I) E"OT:':; of t~;s i t::;mc: t.rYlt "j.':[' c~'u:",'?d projlerrs, betW'S8D th8 2nY~ rG~08 ref~ '~nd the Cit~! ()f C3:p!)bell. You ~~~1Y c~~~ll this 0 poJ_1ir1[ ory~~lysiq or ~U]~'7-e~.T of the 9-? 0:) J~ c=~ ;'';2 (l'~.'~T'~ C 0j~'-('1..n-' i c ~ t s(J L! it ["1 5..n t. r"~j. s nu r-;1J;~ 1" o"f' y.e(j r;: . ~..:e sLil.l. r~~(>':::'iv~ ~'1).estiOl"22 .1.?~4J_~l F'i'On: 3 8r;:;:~~,t ~'-~lFr~ber clf ~)c:'o~)l_s ,~lf;1(ing U:.~ T'J'f'l'~~t T'T9 ?(C,l)}~C~_ c_o, eflL_~8ci,~11:T slnc€: t11~ :reatiY1G of ~pril ??, 1968. Up l.mtil no,,'! we h:C:'V8 b8sn telliY1.[ t;lSr. to p,:it until SQ-!,.:=. of us C2n COGT:i{yJi8ste "1 th y-;u'YJd eO'l"=-letc:::l iT undersV'nJ 20r!18 of t:'1'? ~l~.?y"!s ~,rcu ("1':3\78 for' ~:11::l2e 3 of t~l-2 ~<-:~Yl ~"'J'-::'-:-'8 ~3.~. ~'-!e l\:y"~()l': it. If: b.?,(l tn t::--'I~( p8st yenrs at a public he~ring. t""lk o::bout th,~ fU.tu.l'e. But 11:1 ~~re r-le"\'J:~ f-~ot to cliS'21J.S;:': sorn~ of h?p~Rn~d 1n the 08st. -]e feel. to yell at ~ ~losed ~2etins. about t~~ bqd things of th? '.Je :::houJd f'ori.et th8e .~n0 Or1?r 'co irr)l':)ve tn"", futur,::, the b~d things th~t have these lt2~s should be ~ressnted In the early fifties, Ne hqd ~ verv strong I=ppovsTsnt Club, I'lit'[c., Club :-jou~',:,; to holr5 put-}ie 'T;~::tinG[. "'-8 :,120 fOr;!10d ~ B~;sin2s2 :(8~18 ;SSOCi8ti~Yl) ~:~ich c.Jn2ist2d of ele'veY1 )lr:.ces. of 1)~J2ir122:::. '-';6 ~.:12<:~L(-:-~~3d. bet.~'\,-e;:?-~1 trl'~ t:':o or~8nlz8tlons of incorooratinq Gnd b2cr~inz a Citv c~ our _ l......... -- "-' O\!\!l1. ;:'fter' 2-3\re-rr:;11 rIse t,inss '::11c1 s lOl~ (If )}.9.11rlin8', t~~~ t~':o organlz':.ticns decided it would. be bettsr' tc beCI)r!i8 a Ty.Ort cf C9 :~.J L c; 11. '.Ie 8PK ti]8 Cit~.r of Cg:TtDbc,;l.l tOg!:'l:;t:~X 1)2. 'c dO~1lt re11f::l1ber ths e:.<>:ct :l2~J~C Ql),t th8 Ci t~l S'C1011"la rJ.2.'re ?j r'?cord. 1':-;.8:1 ffi8,d.8 ~::!1 8i""l)."lor c~ tr':..rl-(}::, 't.e t,~;11\>3 t ~~: ~~!'!ole Dl~:::.r: :-:t 0Yl'~ tiT'S, i,,'~qt":;:J:"l.Cjr Y"'jl..., ~r",_.) ffL' .\:~t C(}~ c ~ ~., - ~_ :: ~~: ~~. :~ ~[ ;~'-,~",:.._" '.~ ? tc:.ttl'~ ::l-='-':---":~:;>V"' -"-- 2.:1:'"" 2 (," .,......, ___ - '::-'r~~' 't ~_ i:- e . It. crs::.t3G .,~... '~'..j C~':'. r~, ~'" je 11 , ~nd ~~r~s ~er39t2d. c:-~'Tr)~?ll ~rc0i~ed ~Rg:;\:i;.t~~':6t ,~~r' p;'g':Hi ,. r< ;'1. ' i -~ 'of;':""'; :'!c..~;),~__~ J..?t t,C10::1 stcrt ::Yrt~-.1 f1 r- fo :!:C'll:~ C"()r't 8n';:!.c x. t 1:'1 ~ ~. ~j. 11 .11 O~j.? 2 .'\ r~5 to -2- ',1e ai'J, cc'r'I''' OlJt cur y,rt of the:: l~r:;c;l,::'nl trl'3 public knc;'ys !':bout it. l'rle )'30~,18 1","'::::1 t t "8U die'!. YJot folIo'\' throu€h ~lth your psrt o~ the ?Ere~m3nt. ',:eoo Y'()t :'f:;elth"'t tiv:.' 91'3'1'11 Co~nrr,isr~i011 or City Ccunci~ of' tod.8Y, thould be !~~~s)onsijJ.a for the ~romi8eF. :'J.9 l~-:' }~noT:'f .YOt! 8 re n~:l,N Y:>?r!1~)<:~Y'8 :-1nl~. C;c~1nci lrren. The I0jC~ity OF the pe091e t~ll us th?t qll you w2nt is our Tax d011~r~, th0t vou ~il1 receive fro~ this area, to fpenc1 in do,m to':m C,,;.':~~br:;11. "ie for 0') 'CCO:,?, 1 ves. do ner C"~ "8 for t :1":', st re 0 t of H'1 r I'i et ) / to become 8 qQ foot street, ?nd h0ve never objected to it, but 1 0 ob je,~t "'1 t r1 ? lot of other ~)c:;opl e tnsi t the 11S2e of ~8,n Torres BC8d sho1'ld ~~ot be C!1':-'n" scl. .J. C!'r>.:'l ;,'e cron! t feel like ;"S n""(~ci n 00 foot 1'08-'1 f'r08 t\-t8 brin::'3 tC' :31Jrro;\]'c, :-:-:,'=!d, bqt ;,'e? (10 need c, goci] '!",ll rr8int'JinsQ 60 foot ~o~d. ~ 60 foot ro~J 1~ ~or8 des1re~ble for Ce~~e~Ji~ls on ~8n Tom~~ Roai than n f~2t thoroughf8re road. Heme 0" 1-,/<>.i(I\~E. r C'irnecs on H:'rl~iet "Jill objc'ct to COirser,~i'll I>:~v'=:;lop:n'?nt. ,.1 ';!e thin:C: if YOi.{ ;,ri11 21v.::, it sc:;~e st'cldy, since 2,r.ith Has not OiJs:!':od 1..10 to ViI';::inL' ~1:::: ocomisec1, you :::hould :'1'1e .. ... .-... . '-, ...... Hazel avenue a lot of cOD2i0er8tion. ~er2co~mend t~king a tr8ffic count, 8sp'3ci'?11" in evsnLl2, 'c10tn~2, of peepJ.e t rave Ii ng off ~:8C TC':!lS", :: x)res S"TrIY, onto D!)dd 'vs. ;-md do\'m Haz,"l e\V-3 to :.':3,n l'orn'33 8.o;:-\d. ';e fe'~'l trli s i 8 ,9 v9ry irrportent street to ccmn~ct Ca~:i.=-)8ell to t'c1e :::'-loppinS Center '?:nd residents around the ?rss. ~e would liks to discuss ths storm dr~ln8ge ~nd Srith Crest;:. "s IE:\'" been told '0" ,/0')1' en2,ir.ee:" tn'",t t':18 -,'eter flm', from San Tcm8s ares is from' H\ciende to the old S~ith Creek. Th'lt h-=1S been filled up. Trlere is no 1.r'ly for wrter to 2et into the S?n ro~as Creek. It h8S bge~ converted by ths City of C~Tpbell, at the intersect~on of a9z~1 And San TOSSR Road into priv~te ?rODsrty, th?t csupes floo~in~ to ~ome owne~~ in th8t vici~li tv, eSyPCi'311y ;;:~~~.,,2.P.-'~. -3- d...~ '-;I':>t.. '",:! clo:l'~ r''':"\r-t to b:c'h12 1).) t~\l:Jgs liK.'j thi::c:'tg public ml:;ctinE;, t() .r,'~1'~2 thr? 'pec)le 'Tol'e'r;nc:r~~.r Qt, C:=)~~rb'311. .\~e KYJ0"! 9.[16 yO) kYlo'! t::l'? neT" c jt:'~ '::;r.-eek, tlDt ''''\8 built to re)lr~ce t(12 old Ci'E-;(?~, i.::; in:-Je-!l;:':d.e, ;:Jnr') if tne~'e s~lC'ild be'~oP'2 floo::l ~,! t2"t' c:'":"(]vs::-1::::d to t.h:,t. cr'e::~, it TI.TOu,ld C'luse iJigg=:~r fIe,oj ~'Y'cbl':O;Ts to (F'e;> homes. Trle p8St ,/88Y' it flrO:Jed hor,if~;:- in th~~t cjre8 of Sls..m. "8 h','ve Dlctur-es of it ~nd you 2~Y look at.the~ at yourconver-ience: "~e DO,': (lave nine lJ13CeS of b'Jsiness in trl,::,Ssn 1'0[1]:':8 ~J-illq 0 ~~.o~:)1~n non~Q~ A~l~loviro 10 p~o~lE' C...:",C... .\.l'"J -. __ _..:" \...I................ v .......-.. ,....:: -j ) _lc.. -' /~..-_ ) ~J _ '. 52,128 T9Xfol' the P3:=-t, 12 'f'unt-hs fo~' tiE' 'I"1.rket h'ci 8; ';., c:-, c 2 9 c: ,(-'-..),:1(;,. :J. Pro~ertv tax for the last year was; :~~7737.66:. c The ~loor Tax for the last vesr W?s: ~2097.71. v The County S3"(]itstlon Tax for the last year ~9S: ';'390.00. You pr0bably h8V9 a r cord for revenue you ~et from the other eight u~it8, that ~ don't hsve. do /JDt The "v~jlab]e tax for Csmpbe11 if annexed, will be from the other three corners, that is comTsrcial on ~mith, Elam and the S~n TO~32 intersection, w~ich includes Seven other nlace2 of business. It also includes some Commercial zoned property th?t h~8 not been develo:ed. 'e h2ve also 2 7/10 acres of Commerci?l zoned property unc1eveloo9d. "e hewe work2d ~^Tith tr'iO cf::,.jor d9v':10ning Ccmpanle~, ~ho were ~eady to start ~lans until th9~ looked at the situation of the flood waters on the San Tomas Road. 'The'.' w:::re dis"itisfied':ith the "'0""'08 8n:l storm dr3.in8ge probl~ms and could not make anY plans until these were taken C8re of. You k)~Q1:'l hO"J strong tn9 ";o318h CO. '.\TO ['ked to get a 2ey'vice Station in our Shopping Center. They wanted this area rather than take another site close by in another slo~ping center. I, _'-r'_ It is '3 Ii t t 18 eml)'3rr':~ s;- ing to us Len 'Je };',' va '.wrked 15 ye9rE; to tr:;, :'n'J up gr::,de the :',"1r, Tr\,r::::::: ;:,~""q, under the h~ndic8)~sd ~o8ition we h~ve bee~ in, an3 h~vs one or your [!liSn on the r,niY'!c cOir;:nis8'ir: ~ ~o'c:dc:~ [{ re~f:'r1\ ? t':) ;'u:)li" ;'~eetint., t}'l;:it Lne 2c~n I':),T,s;~ Vj.l1~g':: i2 8 ver,Y trnrlE'siy' bIe locstinn for 8 shopping center. ~t the API'jJ, 29th m~etir]s, yf:=:J1r ;'i8rkst, niGh IS r';arket em:1 28fs;,';,9y'2 ;'-c:rkst vrere ,n-:ntie,red aboi.lt :,\r~'l!,jt cO:1n\r:;rci~il pro~Y:3rty 0Fj.=:nt fOl~ rev:=;nue for the ci ty. We are 10c9ted in the center of these three markets and we were not ~2nti~n2d. SOTe of the people frem the San TO'1>R '~r(~3 th?t ','ere ;"'It t.~e .:c,etiY13 ,;i k lJ"', if the pls.nnir!2; CO'1~T,j,2c;j01'" ',,7CjP !l/orkiYl[C for Dickls, Ssf,:,;"Jay :~no ;';"1.yf.-j1r, :1"d "'€?:ir'2C ~'[nl 1'0'1''1::' ;'~'=)rke;t. It "F'S 'em e'r:bsrr8s:::1ng lu'3st1 CY] th?t T'18 c(\l)lo:']ot 8ns-'78r. I'he~ gTocery store 810112 i2 doing 0'18;1' 8 '"iJ lion dollc'r'3 8 ye."r of lost8.il bU.siness 'OJncl "'8 '\'er'8 not rn-,:;r~tioned. Some of the ~18nnin~ Co~mis2i~n mev feel like, since we pressnt~d 8 petition ~f over 700 sig~qtures for keeping the ::;tanir'rd C'tr, t 1 on off tile cor-nel-' of ;~?n 1'O:T:88 and E19;Tl th?t "8 !iJere tryinG to keep c'3:r.r,iF'}1 fro:" ~:moth8r source of inc:cT::3. -'8 "Jere not fi~ntil1G:g~'L(1.st C9'Il)bell. .'8 were not fithtingthe Oil CompGny or the 2mith fa~ily, as th~y ~ere not 8t the mgeting. The Oil Ccm;~ny miSreprE:8cmted the )lot )J.2n. ':e l!fere Ollly trying to protect the nine existing Dlaces of bUEiness that ~ould have been located behind a servic~ stqtion. :e h~d futu~e pIons for 8 ststion 2nd otter units for the undeveloped )ostion of the ?hopping Csnt~r 1n the Deor futll.:ce. -'e still rIve three 'T::::tjor Oil~crn)q'iie8 <':tlo':n'e intere3tA in::3 :~ite on oiJ.r 1oc8ti:-r.. in the undevelo)ed 8reR 8S soon 98 details C8n je work~d out. ThroL~g[-l ,,:lJ t~lis c:r'i ticls-n, T'ie ,l1')f)S .,0'0:..1.. i/:iJ_l uy"tder- st8nd th~t we are not 8g8inst Ca~9bell -nd we 8re very enthused :-)~jer' t:,,,? p1~:rming yC'u h'cive c1osiG'rlsd. "e need you very 1)';']\'/-:nc1 :"8 fef~l like you nee(~ us. 're "rill try to be the r ji y.::" t . nn':': to ": sk C::, 'Ti90S J 1 to ,':lnnex SO,T;::,' corn"per :;1'::: 1 91^'O;)ETt\' 'iC'; C',en in the 2'::'.'1 :'orl1""8 ,"'rS8. --e -'Jould :,,100 lFc? O~10 0 f c {(". l~~()T:-~~ ~~ t c~ ~DF-? 8_~';:l i:; x"? d, t':) ,:::; ~3 "j-: ~-'j ~,~:=; 1 '. "'.,,-e he_ i.f;?; be e l1 ~ ~ ;.jPr:j 1- J "1.~;' ._~ " . 1. t (1 t. '(}S E e C"iI 1 C ~j -"~'~:;: , . - . ~ (l'-- ~/-?""8C81"/~~ "; :-. ~') 0 ~r. ,'; ,'-,:, ~ -.... ~ U'jJ..1 i::.~~-l 1~ :,':;- '1pb~~J ~._ ':'()J_i(~~,~ :21'1:~1 C ~:~~_\~::pll ?l I~e ~)t . " -:)- ~!e Rre no.t sD~Bkin~ for tl:e pecJple of t11e ~:311 TG:ns2 are8 01' tryins.. to ce;:-Jrssent. th.? p8()~=,le of tills <'<::'8'3. "e are onl'.' trvin,C' to tell Vel), ";itl1 tej8 com'i'lP1ie'~ti-~ "is 1'1'"'18 "'it~! th~8~~:.J;C-,:)12, [l'OW th=;y fe(~l r~b()ut C='T~)be11. "e h'-,ve SO;J18 S1)Ggc~?tions to "elk,; to you\rlliCtl 'f'ig:':t.n::-,ke L,'isrn w~nt to ClX,'l'.,;X ;'i',t; r tCl"ln trVJ(Jg to fiSY:d; it. ?0Y' 2x,ci'T:I)1?, 'tIe r"';c:1.1_L/~(:; th"J.t the cc~(':,18tion of' Er::r-,":l.et [;18:' b8 5 ve".lrs 8. ':I-.J'~ ~r 0 r ""l~":~-'Y" be n '3 \!8 1", :j (j8 3 C~i ~~!:.J b~~ 11 c~ x )(~ c t ? ~"'; 1) T o:"n:~_ 8 R():~-) c1~ , the 831n 9rtery for the busln~2s 0nd resIdence to st9Y as 1 t is , c:'? 8. r'fuJ ho le'') (lei ro '.zC;h '"0 ':j c1 Wl t i 1 f-L:; ri'l e t 1 s compJeted. 1 S1'20~~)J e ~'J~r.e Lrnder' tr]8 irt~)r:3ssic-tl \^'clen t1'18.~r ,Toted. on the 10~t 3nnd Issue that the S9~ TOm?2 0re8 ~o~ld get SOT!e of the bt;nefi ts frC':,; it. "auld :r::-'J. ple9s8 ,:0 ;y::ck to th,:; recorclS :?nd se'.'; hO~'iy,8ny vote""'s in theSen 1':::'1'9:'" 9Y'e8 voted to se t L1':; 001:':!((2 p.?,s:~ecL "ol),ld you consi6 sr who helped get you the votes on the l?st 30nd Issue. '..'9 thcm~'C you in :-iCl-TCcnoe for your coo~)erslti0l1 for your attention in these ~atter2. This letter Is ~ot to be used ~t any )ublic hearing. It is for the purpose of sugg8stions for the ?lannlng Commlssio~ to study. I ~ t ,.llN' ,-< 1 1" A" f .0' . .I ,)I I .' 'I'tJl I- t ' LC (~" r1 f.,' , (';' k. \I 1 I C {t I iJ /' 1/ ),/ JC . ,/ ',.11- ./ II' J.: v ,1"ilfl l ,/!It,- i ., i.."f.1 L- -r"./ ,t.: L~- i( f ... '1 flcvYv4.CW r!li..(v",ot:: y '\ / / /') / v \, .~f- _~:>:-^-i- -:' /~ ." ? ~~ San Tomas Market Inc. SAN TOMAS RD. 855 So. CAMPBELL. CALIF. NE 378-3247 PHO BENNETT LEUOEN F. PHONE 378-5368 LEE R. COLVET: PHONE 378-599 , -, 'yo """. '";~""'"T ,,-, .~".. ;1"'f i.,.~ ....'~. I" ';,;. ;.~ S i:;' " .~..~ " ,,". .r' ~:':': ir;\ . :::,; 'ie'; ;1" . ~,,~.,(: f:' ,:I,(, tr.',",.,::"'~"';~ . <,\,'if : .i/':'\ :"';. i': Fr1,J. . ,", . ,. I: 57;1'.r'~ \:', r","~ !it . ,'.. .,,:t,' ';;:....L .,;~ !.,': ., r.~ .,,,, ,';.:' ;,. L..: '~,+' J." . . tl;.:l!J' . '. :' .. 'i'::~ :.;" ";'. ..~;i :::;~'iY" '\"/;'r' ,,~;,;'f t~. '1"~ " If.! \l-, ,.,',...r.,'". . r;J~'!:";... 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DELLA MAGGIORE. 2ND DISTRICT 70 WEST ROSA STREET. SAN .JOSE 10. CALIF'ORNIA ED. R. LEVIN, 3RD DISTRICT RALPH H. MEHRKEN5, 4TH DISTRICT November 16. 1962 MARTIN ..J. SPANGLER. SR.. 5TH DISTRICT .JEAN PULLAN. CLERK O~ THE BOARD Mr. C. B. Qinochio District Manager Pacific Gas & Blectric Co. 86 SOuth Third Street San Jose, California Subject. Authorization to energize electroliers in conj unction with a shopping center develoanent at San Tomas ~d Blam Aves. !)ear Mr. Ginochio. Ple.se be advised that the Board of Supervisors at. its regularly scheduled meeting on November 13, 1962 auth- orized the energizing of (2)-250 Watt Mercury vapor elect.ro- liers in conjunction with the shopping center developnent at San Tomas and Blam Avenues. This installation is within the Aquino Park Lighting District. Very truly yours, BQiUtI) or SUPBllnsORS Mrs. Jean Pullan, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors JP.DMR.bs ~ CC I Myron D. Hawk v City Bngineer City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California cc. Public Works Department cc. County Controller COpy .. .. 1 " I1/V y-J,~-L, I RESOLtrrION NOo 1361 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ~mcUTtoN or AGUIHENT WITH ESTATE 01'( lam SMrrH. "---------..--. WHIIIAS, an apeement haa Me presented to the City Council by the Estate of rl.'ed Smith fol.' the inatallatiOft of certain 1mpro"..-ts in the City of Calpbell in accordaDce with conditions established by the City 'lanninS Coaai..iOD, '0::- and, WHDIAS, the City Engineer has I.'ecoaaended the execution. of the said agreemant, and the aaid agreement havlaa been approved by the City Attorney t NOW, 'l'HDD'OU, BI IT aBSOLVED by the Clty Council that the MaY01: and the City Clerk be and the ... are hereby autho1:1zed to execute the said agreement on behalf of City of C.-pbello PASSID AND ADOPTED this 23~d day of July t 1962. by the following voh: AYIS : Councilmen: Doet sch, McE 1 roy. Roge rs . We I tzel. L leo NOBS : ABSINT : Councilmen: None Councilmen: None APPROVED: Mayor AftIIT: Dorothy Trevethan Clt, Clerk ,.. ....... .. ~ " -- .~ CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO US" APPAOVAL OF PLANS Of ,Al. SMITH Foi\ C...u.tlAL DEVELOPMINT t\M THE NIW COIlNEA OF ELAM AVENUE AND SAN 1IMAS AQUINO ROAD AS APPROVED AT A RIIULA a .~ETING OF THE PLANNING COltUSSION HELD ON THE 22nd DAY OF AUGUST, 1961: 1. AppllCMt to be granted Int.r'. lDnlng Variance prIor to construction. 2 . App 11 cant to COIIp 1 Y with 811 oct Ions of 0 rei I nance #260 cov.r J A9 I",rov...,.ts requ I red . 3. Buildings on El_ Ave"ue to be set back lS..feet fr.. p,aperty line. 4. tis" approval lIalted to ar.. Indicated In red on Plot Plan/ CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ~~A.) C~~ EVELYN Af), N, SECRETARY II v :J ~ '~I\\ i ~\ \, ~ \'''' \y~ ,~ r ee -- 1 I '- ~:escrlption of Fred H. ~3mith property: All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of Ca)ifarnia, described as follows: Reqlnning at the point of intersection of the westerly l1ne of San Tomas Aquino Road, 40 feet wide, with the center line of E1am Avenue 50 feet wide. as Elam Avenue was established by the ~eed from Martin Breitwieser, et aI, to Count'! of ?ianta Clera, dats(j JulV 31, 1947 and recorded August 20, 1947 in Bao~ 1496 of Official Records, at paqe 438, Santa Clara County Records; thence along said center line of Elam Avenue, S. 890 44' W. 262.00 feet to the Southeasterlv corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Fred H. Amith, et ux, to Edward 5. Miller, et ux, by Deed dated June 20, ~95b and recorded June 21, 1956 in 800k 3529 of Official Records, at page 154, Santa Clara County Recorejs; thence leaving E1am Avenue and running parallel with the Westerly line uf 5an Tomas Aquino Road and along the Easterly lIne of said parcel of lanU conveyed to Edward S. Miller, et UK, N. SO 40' E. 150.00 feet to the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence parallel with said center line of Elam Avenue and along the Northerlv line cf said parcel of land convey Be to Edward S. Miller, et ux, S. 890 44' W. 54.00 feet to the NorthwBsterly corner thereof; thence parallel lid th the Westerly line of San TorT1Zl~~ ;'c;uino Rood and along the I!iE:Hterlv ,dnB of Buld parcel uf land conveyed to Edward S. Miller. at ux, S. (:;0 40' W. 150.00 feet to the Southwesterly corner thereof in said center line of Elam Avenue; thence along said center line of Clam Avenue,S. 890 44' W. 54.00 feet to the Southeasterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed bV Maude O. Smith, et vir, to G. Speer, et ux, by Deed dated January 16, 1946 and recorded January 22, 1946 in Book 1319 of Officlal Records, at page 182, Santa Clara Cel!nty Records; thence leaving Elam Avenue and running parallel with the Westerly line of San Temas Aquino Road and along the Easterly line of saJ~ parcel 0' land conveyed to G. Speer, et ux, N. ~40' E. 150.00 feet to the North- easterly corner thereof; thence parallel with said center line of Elam Avenue and along the Northerly line of aid parcel of land conveyed to G. Speer, et ux, S. 89~ 44' W. 13.00 feet; thence leaving said parcel of land conveyed to S. Speer, et ux and running N. 00 15' W. 159.1t feet; thence Northeasterlv in a direct line 136 feet, more or less to e pnint which bears N. 830 20' W. (at right angles with the Westerly line of San Tomae Aquino Road) 270.00 feet from a point in the Wester1v line of said San Tomas Aquino Road, which last mentioned point is distant along the !uesterlv 1 tne of said Road, N. fP 40' E. 279.00 feet from the point of intersection thereof with the Northerly line of Elam Avenue; thence 5. 83Q 20' E. 270.00 feet to the Westerly line of sald San Tomas Aquino Road; thence along the Westerly line of said San Tomas Aquino Road, S. 6~ 40' W. 304.18 feet to the point of beginning, being B portion of that certain tract of land designated "Cook Tract" on the Map of the Subdivision of Ira J. Lovell Tract, which Map Is on file in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa C'are, State of California, in Book F-l of Maps, at page 5. .:rJ.N'~' -- .. I I .. May IU. 1961 fir. Fred Smi th 521 $0. San Tom.s-Aquino Rd. Campbell. C.llfornia . Gent leml"..1l: ~c arc delighted to have the opportunity to assist you with your development of San Tom.is oind Elam Avenues at this time. tn order to eliminate dny conflicts with County requirements aod our ~l. , would like to stdte the following requirements: 1. Street \'lIdths. 60th San Tomas and Elam Avenues wi 11 be set b3Ck 30 feet from the existing Center line to provide for 60 foot streets. This will require u 20 foot radius set-back at the corner as well. 2. Storm Drains. Orainase will be worked out tn accordance with en9in(~erin9 requirements for the designed storm plan for the area. You wil) be required to instdll storm drains normally required to com- plettmn drainage for your lot. This actual cost m".y be deducted from as lee of ~765 per acre which is n..")rmally required. 3. }Jreet Llgtlts. Electrol iers wi II be required both on San TOO1-'iS and E I am. One wi I' be requl red on San Tomas and one will be required on EI4ilJl, in accor-dance \'Iith your sketch as presented. 4. ~ur~. Gutter and Sidewalks. Curb. gutter and sidewalks will be required for the entire frontage Or! :)an Tomas and Elam devoted to COllt- mercia) aims as mentioned above. I 5. P~\llnq. You are required to pave frvml ip of gutter to edgt1 of pay i rig an<.l place .n aspha It i c concrete II ft of a th I ckne5s to be requ ired by the Engineer on the existing pa....ing on both San Tomas and Elam. 6. .El!:.!L.Hydr..nt~. No fire hydrants will ue required. /' 7. l:..cHl1nq. C-I-S zoning would be applied to yoor entire property and it is recomrnendu that d more uniform line b.ct~'1een the Smith reSiden- t lal pruperty dod the coomercia\ property be establ ishee, but this would be 1t your discretion. '3, En9ineerln~. The Cfty wIll do everythino possih'e to help your Engineer3nd -~rchltect reGllze City requirement' io rll't C00flict with th,)$c uf the County. .... -. I Mr. Fred Siul th r -2- May \0. 1961 I would appreciate your continuing to c.ontact me direct on all matters regarding this dev~lopment in ordor that you can be 8asured of the most expeditious treatment regarding this development. t would like to assure you a 150 that we stand ready to he 1 p you in every manner possible to help you develop this pr.open.y during the tIme of annexation to the City. P I eaSe feel free to ca lion me dt o9nyt ime. Sincerely yours, H. S. Hetzel City Manager MSH:mf