825 San Tomas Aqino Rd. ~JI a - PW-S5 INTER- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public ~vorks Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT F6'J)~'//hJ l-vvLFi3-1' 0=-~ . / )' BUILDING ADDRESS 8 -c S $- p.~ 7() fL..vn::::. .71- (flu.. r- ( CJ:) COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ~ 4-6 :s - ~ -Sz-, II S II APPROVAL NUMBER 76 - S s PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER ~&L /7- WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By ~ /-. . JJL- Date r;", -- 2-8 -- 7/ . <if 1. I RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NA~~~ ~ ~~ ADDRESS tf/. C), ~X / ~ t 7 tfZ4;r w"/ t2~bf ~,t.-:~ /~~~ f-- ~.Ib ~ Av ~ cde~ Jf; tJ 9' () ":: '.. ---~" ,. ./ " t/ J /6 - f RE.VENUE ACCOUNT N03J7"-/1 L/"t' t'~ ~(, 1-/1 ~{O?~ FUND NUMBER ..;:J" ~ C2( CHECK o MONEY ORDER D CASH DAT o JUN 30.71 61 001 A **~,090.00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JUH 30.71 57 001 A ***~66.00 ~s 5155 BY CITY CLERK CITIZEN COPY .th:s -... .rLA~NING DEPART~~Xr CITY OF Cl.~.I?B:~LL 75 NO~zTH C::\T?~'\L AVE::UE CA~,lP BELL J CALI FOR:; I A DA T E : --O.ct0J::,-eJ:'---2ll~_9.:LJ1___._ COXDITIOXS ATTACHED TO nS'1 APPRO\'"AL OF PLA:;S ~ Feldheyn. Wolff. and Or D(~Cr-an(7e. AlA ---~._- "=' ---------.-..-.- ""--.--.'--- , S " ~ T . FOR COX S T F: U C T I O? i 0 F a 1. O? u nit 2.!) t, C or.: 'J ], e x -9-3-.lL.....-.B.as..c..orn.....AY.e.L_+__ _~_g. e ~____~_.___ _~_______ . ' 1'0 I~F J.OC.~'f~l-) .~ d r_ - ,. ~ i'~ 1 ,: __~2 5 ~_ T ?In a ~f~~ 0 ?,--~~__________"_____.___________ COXDITI m:s: Conditions attached. Section 9316.1 of the C '] - .. C~ r:1 l).) c~ . 1 \~fl~'"':icir')l ! . ,.A. - -- --,. i) "-- _ COC:'2 .- ('> - .1 - ~ ...... ("'. -..:> 2S f () :. 1 c ~"l~ ~~ : An )' C'. P ;; r (t v 2 1 g T ;.: D. t e cl u ;; cL;- t Ii 5. s s ~ c \. 5_ 0 : : S h 2. 11 e x p ire (3.) . "'f..L-",,-.- "-1-1(~ r1"4c. "......0"' l.~-.C'rl -,,-}.. -".....,...)--0'......-.' ..,..c- ,.......-"')-~"'-""'..~ l.... I ,.... one yea 2~ c:: -. t. \,,:..:.. l. ~ . '- ,-: (....... 1..-' ;-1 .1 " .. J .. ~ \.. ~.. c: .1;'; t C. _ ,\ c.. _~ 6 l '"'. ~ l. ,. ..... : : i. _ c: :-.: ~ 2n cxt.c:1siCi'i rOT sl:ch 21)~-;ro\-2.1 is cbt-c,i;:ec: by j':2~i;:g i::-it:c'n <'-?j:::_c2:i,:-. fOTS2~~ to the ?12n~i~g CODuission at Jcast fiftec~ (15) ~E;S ?~la~ tc t"/1 C l-'..,. r) i 1-" ~ 1- (J n h ":' ~ ~> 0:: c, t1 r 7-, "r n T--" - ::: 1 ....s -- c:.. L .. ~ ~- L ,-. . __ ... . v'.. c:..J., .. \.,; . ~_ _ . ti 0 b l15.1 cI in? D;:~ L--: itS:1 211 b [; is S U -c: d c' f t e r L~ ~ "y - .: r" ~' i G C" C 2- V:: .. , - - b c. 'J- ~,. c-- "_', _;: ~~: ~,"'-. ;) -- ... ~ .... "..... I.. 1 .., P~) l' (I ,- ,,1 1 , ~' ~ ; 1 .. -1" ',' -, :> :' "C' ,- "" n' e. .-' -, .. . - . 1 r 1 n,;' ',',"'. ~.". :---.' r_, E'~ _..' ~} . ti.-.._... :....\,._..1>- c_ .J......k; '.&"r'l ,~c-).. ...c-..::- ......--....... __.L -. _~ _ __ for In tn~s Chapter, (l f <_ ::.:.r ~) r {, -.)- i c~~. :.:~ GR""?';TED DY 1':!r.: CITY OF C;,;.I?3ELL PL.-\X:;I.\G CO:'::':ISSJOX AT A E:EGU~_::.R ~';:::E~~:::' HELD OX '{HE ----------- 19th VA YO:: ~ t 0 !:~!'_!.-J:..9 7 0______ CITY OF CA:.I?3i:LL PLA\\I\G CO:.;:lI~,SIO:'; , . ~ . By : -~.::.3,'~.d{/--:~~__:!~~-~:;:_ ... :'~:,,--___,___ ___. _.. __________ A f~ lOti J:( i~E r:.-;- SEe ::E ".: __\.~'~ ';' /"-' SJ 33176 EB THAT PORTION OF LOT I, LOVELL TRACT, as shown on a Map recorded In Book F-I, page 5 of Maps, Records of Santa Clara County, California and that Portion of the 21 acre, more or less, parcel designated as the "Cook Tract" on said map of the LoveJ1 Tract, described as follows: BEGINNING at the most Northerly corner of Parcel No. I of the land conveyed to Lee R. Colvett, et ai, by Deed recorded October 24, 1967 in Book 7903, page I of Official Records of said Santa Clara County, said point being in the Westerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road; thence South 610 021 00" West along the Northwesterly line of $aid land conveyed to Lee R. Colvett 118.81 feet to an angle point therei nj thence continuing along the Northwesterly line of said land conveyed to Lee R. Colvett and the Southwesterly prolongation thereof South 80. 331 27" West 310.00 feet to the Southwesterly corner of Tract No. 446 Oakhaven, filed for record in Book IS, pages 10 and II of Maps, Official Records of said Santa Clara County; thence North 090 19' 00" West along the Westerly line of said Tract No. 446 a distance of 46.14 feet to the Southeasterly corner .of Tract No. 790 Oakhaven Unit No.2 filed for record In Book 30 page 38 of Maps, Official Records of said Santa Clara County; thence South 80. 36' 09" West along the Southeasterly line of said Tract No. 790 and Tract No. 804 Oakhaven Unit No.3 filed for record in Book 31, page 8 of Maps, Official Records of said Santa Clara County, a distance of 367.22 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said Tract No. 804; thence South 060 53' 00" West along the Westerly line of the land conveyed to John F. Dah I, et ux, by Deed recorded November' 29, 1966 in Book 7575, page 361 Official Records of said Santa Clara County, a distance of 483.72 feet to the most Southerly corner thereof; thence North 640 04' 00" East along the Southeasterly line of said land conveyed to John F. Dahl 166.78 feet to an angle point ther.i n; thence continuing along the Southeasterly line of said land conveyed to John F. Dahl North 520 38' 00" East 203.26 feet to an angle "point therein; thence South 830 IS' 00" East 94.30 feet, more or less, to a point In the Westerly line of Percel No.2 of said land conveyed to Lee R. Colvett; thence North 60 45' 00" East along the Westerly line of said land conveyed to Lee R. Colvett and the Northerly prolongation thereof 153.77 feet to a point; thence South 83't IS' DO" East 380.20 feet to a point In the Westerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road 40.00 feet In width; thence North 060 45' 0011 East along last mentioned Westerly line 312.00 feet to the point of beginning. -4- ---' '.' ) '--~'. \_, < '.1' . , - ,.j -=-. '- '- ~ Ij 7<~ ".~--'_..l ~ -. ,--.,. f ,.- .... _ ,... V r\ 4 t 1 '_1_1'" , .. . ___ ,. \ '.' c... iO r:: t.:Cr:~J:) \.',';j:~0'JT r:CA~~?u~!-L. C.,LL.'r';'r:..;<~.\ 0:.jOOa SEe';O:.. 6.(,.:; GC'::?,-':,'.'E-.:j CO::)E AT Trot: h[Q~c5i Cf Cl;V CF C A.'" P?>CU. " ns(")'" ~ 1" e:s', ~J,- .J / ; '.:~ ~1 -L N07If:2 0::' CC:':"""L::::':'IO~: r: L ~ l.) f" C ~ ':.:: C :: ~ J A'T r;::'ClT"JI Or I.. r ~ 1/ (l r--r.r'-"C 7 ,'" -'I '-J i: It r I i G ? 9 I~ ~ I {l NOTICE is hereby given that CrTi OF CN~?BELL m.....}jErt and \';-:rLL~:":.l G. ":::?:?'N as ':,.-:;.., .,_ ...,.,;LJ., ", .. \ "L I ""' I f'\ (\ \ ".' - '; S ;'. : ~ ,/-. ~ ~:, M v v ..J ~ ~ , G E:O ~~ ~~: .f, ~ ';'l..C:S the und~rsigned, as City Engineer caused Above S::'2ce fo~ Reco~~c= s~~pp+ ~~d s~n~ ~r2in improvements to be con~tructed upon the property hereinaftp.r described. r.....,... OS:3......; ;J'~: :111.A ...I.IVf\V '''I.J.. ... iVO r-,.., ;...(..~ ..~ 'l'hc::.t the work on said ~t::'cet a:1d sto~ G2:'a; n improv~~entD ~ms actuall~ accepted on the Rt-l1 day of ~'2.y , 19 72 That the n2~e of the Co~t~actnr for said o\omer is T,'PO F _ n:r:"..Zz.:-.. P}\VI~'~G CO_. IXC_ That the nature of title of said city to said st~(>.et 2""'C stc--:' (;~2.i::. ; ::'?=c~.~e:,:,.ents is that of owner in fee s~~ple, and the n~~es and addL"esses of all c~~crs of said property ar~: NA!>lE ADDRESS CITY OF C10!PBELL ~~ :~rth Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 That the property herein referred to and on \vhich said st~cet _and storm drain ~~~rov~~ents are located is situuted in the City of C~?bell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described ~s follows: / Project No. 69-2, San Tor.1as Aquino Road street and Stonn Drain Constructic . . and having the follm<ling address: !'-'''?y 9 ') 19 72 . />1 J ~tl i ~ ~0:,,//~ \ f -\Villia;~'G_ - -;'lren. / \ Dated January 10, 1972 '2..-----1'1.--- 1--\ ~p ?u . \ .-J. ~ -J \..".J';( .- /I--- .(j'- I <j;. v, f?G ~. L- " ,_;''7 I ,((7-+ f'~ /'L).... . vJ _I -z.-'/S 'jV Q)F Sf? il 4- v../r--' . . &(- c "1"""- ~ 'tr" ,::>r ,r-' A ~CC nfi;~ U) '~~~ COMPANY SPROUL CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Mr. William Helms, Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Subject: SAN TOMAS GARDENS - CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA d-.VL ((e) ((~' 7 c - S' 3 S Dear Mr. Helms: We are attaching herewith a copy of a letter from the San Jose Water Works sent to the owners for the subject project. Inasmuch as we have relinquished all responsibilities of off-site work to the City of Campbell, as per our agreement, we assume that you will satisfy requirements necessary as per said letter. Thank you. Yours very truly, Lee Haymaker Ass't. Vice-President LH:cr cc: San Jose Water Works Edward Saslow, Attorney at Law File Chron. The Bank of America Building, 300 South Harbor Boulevard, P,O, Box BBO, Anaheim, California 02B05 (714) 5:n-2400 SAN JOSE W ATEH WOHKS 371 West Santa Clara Street San Jose, Califofnia 95 I J:~ 10H/295.3205 J C1 n u a ry 3, 1 9 7 2 United Community I-lousing III 681 Market Street San Francisco, California 94105 Gentlemen: In compliLlnce with your request, our planning depClrtment has pre- pdmd a wvi~;ed tentative estimutc of tbe cost of instdlling the wCiter facilities for San Tomu;:; Aquino Gdrden Apartments on San Tomas Aquino. The tentdtive (~stimate is 460' - 6" main (<1' $7 .OO/ln.ft. 1 - 6" hydrant C; $700/each 1 -- 4" service (u $2,400/eiJch Pavement cut and rcplilce Base rock Sand Miscellaneous Total cost $3,220.00 700,00 2,400,00 2,160.00 1,650.00 100.00 -210.O..Q. $10,740.00 A single check valve is required on the: 4" service. This figure is tentative, dnd due to unstuble prices for labor and materials, the quotation is Jimited to iJ 30-duy period, Upon wceipt of your request, we will proceed with u finul estimate. After the de:posit has l.)(~en made dnd the contract executed, work will commence when the neccssury permits huve been obtained, and labor and muteriLlls are ilvLlilClble. Our regulations for main extensions on filo with the Public Utili tic:; Commission of the State af California will apply. Very truly yours, '\' ,)' / ,I " /-l /,."L(t~<...,.. N. E. ANDHf.WS Vice President NEA:ds NB 70-230 . ~ All.. TO INITIAL & DATE I WGW/ lLlJ/f)j/ Bf'.:H ______.__._ __________ FTL _~____I fC"..-----. ,-- I ---'---'~-------- 1971__1_________ J4~\ ~er 21, FILE Feldheym, DeGrange & Associates 540 Bird Avenue San Jose, California 95126 ATTENTION: Mr. Twain W. Reed SUBJECT: 825 South San Tomas Aquino Road Drainage Facilities on Crockett Avenue and Margaret Lane File No. Lovell (12) Gentlemen: In reference to our recent conversations regarding the facilities that were placed at the southerly end of both Margaret Lane and Crockett Avenue, the City has decided to take the following action. Inasmuch as the catch basins were not designed to City standards and were not authorized for placement within the public right of way, we would request that you replace the four facilities with the facility which is enclosed in this letter. This facility is a standard City catch basin constructed with an open bottom and a dry well beneath that bottom. The existing transite pipe, Which is also not a City standard, within public right of way is to be connected.to the proposed catch basins. The City will establish and stake the locations of these catch basins and establish the grade at which they are to be placed complete with frame ,and grate. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, and I will look forward to hearing from either you or your contractor prior to the actual commencement of construction. Keep in mind that your contractor must take out an Excavation Permit from this office prior to any work within the pUblic right of way. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC \<<:>RI<S FTL:lw cc: Wallace Byron, Building Official Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer Edward E. Finlay, Public Works Inspector ,By Frank T. Lewis, Associate Civil Engineer \' rf; ;': 't "~1. ~.. .... *.r' '1t:}:~~' 1 .....;. 1 '.'T' j ~ '~', i ~ ..' , ~ ,'I j <:>\ANt>A~t> TYPE: 1: D~p IN\...e.T ........... HOOO.. FRAME- + G,Q.ATE: J 0tJ ~TAJ-,) ~t:> e.o~ \t.JfTHOU'T eo, I ~"'^ .'" ..t'.'..~ t"~-b\\ ~'r ....,... ~ ~ D..i...~bor i4" all \.,,7 ,," \oc.o.-\- \On r::rt- ' ....".....'f.O'-\-u.Y'CZ, ,~" RCP b\.L~ . . i '. '~ ~f 2~ ..~ui . I j i " . ., ' ." . ... .~t.rture tB 1:. -f'\oO--r c...:>.:$ . - Z LL- L..L.. e::: 0 0 I...L- C/) - ~ --I - c::r: - L.U N ~ l..J...J c.;> ~ ~ ~ ... E ~ ---oJ .." --I , Z LLJ ~ E l...L.J C'O lJ) . 0- j .. u. Q >- 2: ~ - <C >- c...::> c...::> CO LJ :::J 2 w ~ 2 o ({) - .(Y: ~ <r: :r 'vJ , J:> 1!a. -r- ~ I L-~ ,-..~~ o"~RY ~v 'N".' ~- , "ta~ ~. ,.. ,,,. ~ J -_ _ .... -~.-:l=i;;~--~-G-~r::; . '.. j ~t~-T-'. .;- '1-::; . , I ; _ _ t ~__: -... ~ -' - ---~----+._----~-_.~~~_.__. --~-~j-- t~' ~ i -i1.. t;1c;-~~! ..J;~ .... ,. :-~ ~- :- ,- . . -:: r:-~r ;~~~ ]~~:f=~j::.-!.rJ . .., ~~ _ .,.,:~.;. _ --..~.....],r :'t' __,~,: -;, ~.,'. - _~~'_-:-j -_ 1- ':'_~'-'u'1-' -'_"L ....f . ~ ____L --:1 SANTA CLARA C JNTY FLOOD CONTROL AI\. N A TER DISTRICT Mailing Address: 516 E. Martha Street San Jose, California 95112 PERMIT (Ordinance 59-I) Telephone: 299-3841 Smi th Creek Telephone 378-8141 Permit No. 72205 Stream Permittee City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Mr. William G. Wren Director of Public Works File Permits, N/C Zone Smith Creek Wly of San Tomas Aquino Rd .; Nly of Elam Avenue. Applicant: Mr. Marvin Wolfe, Civil Engineer 2080 Yorkshire Way Mountain View, California 94040 Re: San Thomas Gardens 72A39 Encroachment (X) 1. Installation of a l2-inch CMP storm drain outfall into channel. Purpose of Permit Construction IX) 2. Installation of a concrete berm adjacent to District fence. Temporary ( ) Application Dated 1/17/72 Permit Issued 1/27/72 Construction Expiration Date 1/27/73 Approval: This permit is subject to the provisions listed on the reverse side hereof except as expressly modified in the additional provisions listed below. 1. PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY DISTRICT'S INSPECTION DEPARTMENT, C/O COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 20 WEST HEDDING STREET, TELEPHONE 299-2591, AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT. FAILURE TO SO NOTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. 2, PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 3. All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. The work area must be cleaned to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. 4. Permittee shall also contact the District's Water Operations Division, Phone 269-3650, five days in advance of starting any work in or near the channel. Permittee may be required to pass release flows through the construction area for downstream irrigation and percolation purposes. The quality of water passing through and below the site shall be maintained at all times and the addition of silt or other deleterious material to the water shall not be permitted. 5 . The two remaining outfalls shall be removed from the channel right-of-way. The trenches shall be backfilled and covered with sacked concrete riprap extended one foot on both sides of the trench. 6. All backfill for the l2-inch outfall shall be of native material and compacted to 90-95 percent relative compaction as determined by Test Method California 216. 7 . The existing District fence must be maintained in place or replaced in kind if damaged or disturbed in any way during site development. cc: Feldheym, Wolff and DeGrange Mr. Wallace Bryon 540 Bird Ave., San Jose CA 95126 Building Inspection Department, City of Exercise of this permit shall indicate acceptance of and agreement to comply with all proyisions included herein. Campbell VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT F32-0469-1 MSP SANTACLARACOUNT~ FLOOD CONTROL 516 EAST MARTHA STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95112 \NATER DISTRICT DONALD K. CURRLlN INITfAliERAL MANAGER TO 8~ O":fE WG\'J__=-=>=~ __ Br/;i-; __.._.K~_____. _~~:::..___ F1L /"' I ----' December 2 I 1971 Mr. William G. Wren Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Mr. Wren: FIL: ~. t Reference is made to the improvement plans for San Tomas Garden adjacent to Smith Creek, hand delivered to us by Feldheym, DeGrange and Associate on October 13, 1971. During the time we were reviewing the plans in preparation of sending our written recommendations to your City, we were advised by your City's Building Inspec- tion Department that three transit pipe outfalls from the development had already been installed into the channel. This was verified by an on site inspection by myself on November 15, 1971. This inspection also showed that an excessive amount of dirt was piled against our existing chain link fence adjacent to the creek, using it as a retaining wall I something for which it was not intended. It was also found that all building walls had been erected. Since there are numerous problems involved with the development and work is being done in violation of District Ordinance 59-I, we strongly request that all construction activity within our right-of-way be stopped immediately until we have approved plans for such work and issued the necessary permit. Accordingly, we have the following comments I recommendations and/or re- quirements to make relative to this site and the preliminary plan sent to us on October 13. 1. We request that all three transit pipes currently protruding into the channel be removed from our right-of-way and all trenches backfilled and pro- tected with concrete sack riprap. 2. It is further requested that all internal site drainage be collected and directed into the channel by means of one outfall. This outfall must be designed in accordance with our latest outfall standard, inclusive of all applicable notes. A copy of this standard is enclosed for use as a guide only. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 299-2031 CLERK OF THE BOARD 299-2031 ENGINEERING DEPT. 299.3841 PUBLIC SERVICE DEPT. 299-3841 Mr. Willia mG. Wren -2- December 2, 1971 3. There may be a need for additional channel rights-of-way along this reach. Prior to our finalization of the ultimate needs, we request that cross sections of the channel in the three locations shown on the enclosed marked plan be sent to us for review. 4. It is requested that the ultimate right-of-way be fenced with a 6-foot chain link fence in accordance with the enclosed fencing detail. 5. Site grading should be revised to show how grading relative to and in the vicinity of the top of creek bank is to be done. SUe grading which results in over creek bank flow will not be permitted. Therefore, until the above mentioned problems have been resolved and requested information sent, we will be unable to proceed any further with processing of this development. Very truly yours, 6 /, o;l ., //"~~;C/at / L Ronald R. Esau, Director .V........Public Services Department Enclosures: 3 cc: Mr. Marvin Wolfe, Civil Engineer 2080 Yorkshire Way Mountain View, California 94040 Feldheym, DeGrange and Associates 540 Bird Avenue San Jose, California 95126 Mr. Kjartan O. Armann, Civil Engineer 208 Belmont Avenue Los Gatos, California 95030 Mr. Wallace Bryon Building Inspection Department City of Campbell ;-., , ( !" > .. RESOLUTION NO. 3187 BEING A RESOLUrION OF THE Crry COUNCIL O}' THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SAN'l'A CLl'l.Rf'\, STA'l'E OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE AGREEMENT OF SPROUL CONsrrRUC'l'IO~,: COHPOr;;\TION AND AUTHORI- ZING THE EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Campbell and Sproul Construction Corporation did heretofore on June 24, 1971, enter into that certain agreement recorded July 15, 1971, and filed in Book 9419 of Official Records at Pages 720 et sequens, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, which agreement provides that Sproul Construction Corporation shall provide and construct and/or install public street improvement upon San Tomas Aquino Road at the locations and as specified in said agreement; and, WHEREAS, the City of Campbell shall also be providing and constructing and/or installing certain public street improvement throughout the frontage of the real property described upDn sa.id agreement; and, ~~EREAS, the Director of Public Works and City Engineer has recommended that it is in the best interest of the City of Campbell and to the mutual benefit of the City of Campbell and Sproul Construction Corporation that tIle furnishing and con- structing and/or installing be contracted for and administered by the City of Campbell; and, WHEREAS, Sproul Construction Corporation has submit:ted an a.greement which amends the agreement hereinabove mentioned in accordance with the recommendations of the Director of Public Works and City Engineer; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that the recorrmendations of the Director of Public Works and City Engineer are hereby accepted; and, BE IT FURTHEH RESOLVED that the amended agreement submitted by Sproul Construction Corporation be, and it is hereby accepted. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed and authorized to execute said amended agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED 19~_, by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: UPON AND ADOPTED this 13th day of September the following votes: Councilmen: Chamberlin, PodEorsek, Rogers, Smced, Doetsch Councilmen: None Councilmen: None ') / /~ ,/ ./ APPROVED :_____ '//_' Ralph Dostsch, Sr. Mayor ATTEST: -' f/' ;/ ( f / I, (. <__.," '/. { ( ( ,. ." \... -D~-;;-~'h-.;'--.T-l' " V c. -t-h--:~ C it y C 1 e r k J, ........:..;... ~<. il , \ . eoor. 941 9 Pt"GE 730 RESOLUTION NO. 3151 TO BE RECORDm Win lOUT Ftc SEe ION ,"103 GO\'i:R"'~;E"H CODE AT T~;!: REQUEST Of CliY Of CA' PflEl.l. BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING Tfill AGREEMENT OF SPROUL CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, A NEW MEXICO CORPORATION, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD OPPOSITE HAZEL AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, Sproul Construction Corporation have submitted an agreement to this City Council for the development of their real property located on the west side of San Tomas Aquino Road opposi.te Hazel Avenue in accordance with prescribed conditions 1. and, WHEREAS, in accordance with said prescribed conditions and as specified and recited in the agreement and concurrently herewith Sproul Construction Corporation have submitted a Grant Deed of certain portions of their real property for public street purposes and related public uses; and, NOW, THEREFOR, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by this City Council that said agreement is hereby accepted and that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by this City Council that the said Grant Deed submitted in accordance with said prescribed conditions be and it is hereby accepted for the purposes for which i.t is offered. PASSED UPON AND ADOPTED this 12th day of July by the following vote: 1971 , --' NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Rogers, Smeed, Doetsch None AYES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None ~ , ~ I, Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk of the City of Campbell, do hereby~certifythatthe attached is a true and correct copy of ,k c..,,_r:_c~ c ~/7('>,.,-_ /I_~":l/:r/ passed and ado,tJted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Campbell on the' 0 /JJ)j day of~lc'--</ //5-' 7/ ',..'- .,' / ,{/ ... '... L/ ". .. "",,1":,0.;,- ..'~ .' '" '-' '- . . , ~' ) ....... i . r · \.'.... .... .,; 'L.~" \ '. - ,.. ~.<'.~ " \ . , -, .. .~ C) E.r k , . .. . . '" -.": ,.; ~..: ;~~ ';;- -;~ .....:/. '. . ~'" 'I ~\1\ . ~. \ 'N '.1 \J ~.1."1' r" \ \- 'J .,~ ~t '1 .~~~ .~ ~\0 ~ ~~" \. )... \~' \~ ," " '\J '..,\ '-, ..... \; . '\ ~~ " ~q , .J '.\ ~ ^"~ ,~ \~ }\ <~,..~\;, "._-'~ ,~. ,~ \~ ~ 'I .~ ~ '~ .~ '~ ~ ,'\ . ..-':' ,:~ 'N \ 1.. ~JP.: 1.:4,) /" j)) 6:?; /'( . /?-)l. \ .;/. ,,,. l) '\ 'lMUf'~ Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "r-cdll on plans. 2. Landscape: plan indicating tYP8 of p.lan't j"aterial) location of hose bibs o~ sprinkler sys~c~ and ty?C of fencing to be suh::d.tted foy. approval of the Planning D.:.recl:cr at tir.,e of application for building per~it. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the arno~nt of $1)500 to be posted to ins\!r'c landscapin[..) fencing 2nd stripS.Dg of pac"king a l' Eo a: Hit h i n 't 11 l' C e (3) In 0 nth S 0 f C 0 ,:I pIe t ion 0 f con s t r u ~ t 5. 0 n . '" L} . Lan d s C 2, P .U} g s h a 11 b e r,w i !1 t a i 11 e din c: c co::.' G a n c e ..... i t h the approved lan~sc2pe plan. 5. Design of housiilg for trash containers and 8asanary fence to be approved by Planning Director. 6. Bumpers or oth8r specd..rcducing devices' tobe insta1J.cd i,n dr.ivciTav c3p(;as. 7. A 20 foot ~et-back) including 5 feet of landscaping~ to be '~''M'~~,m~i,,llJ~+)V~,fL/,..c1Jrong pro?c7'ti,es 0;; CrocketT Avenue. ""'1': ..".,r"....r""'.f.~<~,N.#q'V7'."'!J.,. . " . , . _ .. " , 1 h cap;) 1 J, C 2 n t ~ z: not l. r :.. (::0 asp,~ l' ~ 0;;: ~L rd.. S ct p P II C <1 'c J.. 0 n t r: a the is required to meet the follo~i~3 conditio~3 in accordance with Or-oil,c;nce5 or:' t:l2 C1.1:y of CC;::IJ;-;;c:.'tJ.: A. All parkin~ and drivc~ay are~s to tie developed in co~pliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municip21 Coie. B. Unde~ground utiJities to be prov~de~ 2S required by Secti6n 9110.6 of the CaDpbell Mu~icipal Code. C. Plans St',b:i:ittcd to the bu5,lding c.cpc.y'tr::ent for plan cheCK shall indicate cle0~ly t~e location of all connactiG~s for underground utilities inclt:dL'!g \-"2cer~ se'.rer) elcct~:'ic, telephc>ne and tc.levi~;io:l ca1:J12s) eyc. D. Water ~ains~ fire hydrants~ and stan~pipes shall be installed as directed Ly the Fire Depart~ent. E. All fire extinguishers shall be installed in extinguisher cabinets. F. Parcel ~2p to be reco~ded fo~ minor subdivision. G. Dcdic2.tion to 30 ree:t [laIf st~'eet on S2n Tosc:s f..c;.uino Road on entire frontage of proper~y. H. Construction of half street iDprove~ents on San ?o~as Aqu!n~ r{oac1 frente.ge. I. PaYi!!CH't of stOj~;n dl'zlinuge fee in the "noun"': of $4)lCO. The aplJ15,c2!lt is no",:jficc th::t he s:-:.:;l:' co:":).!,y ,:ith all <'l-':)lico!.;]_c, Cod C so:' (J !' ,l .:. !j Z~ ti C (;:c.: 0 ? t h (: C i. t Y (1 :- C 2 ~-:; P i:l c J 1 ~.. h i. c h p (> l' t 2. ; 7': tot h 5 s d eve 1. 0.1) ;:1 C r! t c~ n d a ~l (: not h t~ rei n s r) c c i :.~ i (; d .