1165 Smith Ave. (74-13) "). /) '/""<' .7 /(/, ./-/"~/ RESOLUTION NO. 1471 ~~\L) ~ ~cz." \,: PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA After ~otifi~ation and public hearing as specified by law on the ~~~llt~tiQ~ Df Mr. ~nd Mrs. John E. Loher for a use permit to allow a pfe=s~Mgl fat! I i ty on property known as 1165 Smi tl1 Avenue in a R-2-S 19ne~ as pet applitation filed in the office of the Planning Department gn A~gust 12; i~/5; ~nd after presentation by the Planning Director, proponents; e~~ opponents, the hearing was closed. Aftef ~~e ton~ideration of all the evidence presented, the ~1~nnin9 Commission did find as follows: l. That th~.est~blishment, maintenance and operation of the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, %afety; pe~~e. morals, comfort or general welfare of pet%on~ residing or working in the neighborhood of such "%e; ot be detrimental or injurious to property and hAfltQ~ments in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare ~f tt~e tlty. Be~e~ on the above findings, the Commission does hereby grant the Neq~ste~ ~~e petmlt subject to the following conditions: l. ETANlnOO'f'it to be lirni ted to thi rty (30) children at any time. ~. ~%e Petm~t to expire on January 1, 1977 if all conditions of ~f ~$~~S ~~Ve not been met. S. r~tty to he fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added ~!f'l 11'lrre~'1 ~1'l :p lans. ~. l~n~~<~p€ :p~~n indicating type of plant material, location of lIlf0..'Sre :t;iibs ~t sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submi tted ~t ~:pptov<i!ll of the Planning Di.rector at time of application for lbll!JnI{Jij'h~ :petroi t. $,. il~rl'&{:~:pii~n~ 'Sh~ll be maintained in accordance with the approved q;a!f'l((fs<:<a"pe :p l~ n ~ ~h IF<ah:l:lftll ~ljf>ormanc:e bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted Tt"-o iifh~~Ir'€ 11~l1dsc:aping,fencing and striping of parking area wi thin ~~~ ~~) ~l1ths of completion of construction, or applicant may ij=ij'il;e W'rh7tlel1 ~9reement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping <0'f ;p:arrki"n:g ~r-ea prior' to final bui lding department clearance. Jj,. 'il.i1'l rme.chal'd~~l equipment located on roofs shal I be screened as <aP'Prro'.ve:cl:by the Planning Director.