444 Sunnybrook Ct. (TR6188) MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: September 20, 1977 From: PUBLI C WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBL I C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- , The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLI CANT i , BUILDING ADDRESS 444 ~[)NNVBr<.ot9K- ci COUNTY ASSESSOR'S 1 PARCEL NUMBER 4nS:'>0 CC!:rJry' f..r, , APPROV AL NUMBER ,- tACT 'tr: big f' PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER \ I JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Date: ..-- RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME G & W PROPERTIES 260 CRISTICH LANE CAMPBELL, CA 95008 ADDRESS FORFinal Map Filing Fees Plan Exam & Const Insp.Fees 351-A f)R nn 313.00 Fire Hydrant Rent 379-A Storm Drain Fooe 665 A County Recorder Fee 380-A 195.00 1,090.00 7.00 gn, 591. 00 Ch Ln (12) REVENUEACCOUNTNO FUND NUMBER 6~ -II 01:3 ...-$tx 1,591.00 ~ CHECK 0 ~E:r:1ry>r-R 8 018 ~ASA=tk * **7.00 .00 THIS RECEIPT OCT - 7 - 77 79 onA ** * 195.00 MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, OCT - 7 - 77 51 DnA ** * 369.00 BY CITY CLERK 12936 /l // /, c.~ You CITY OF CAMPBELL @.. CITIZEN COpy RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA .~ po'- c;::1) ~ c;? ~z-:= ::2-0 ~ ~~/~~--< ~~_-"-_ ~~-1- -~~~ U ~~/ oe1/~~ ~ (/ <--' '1 &7<-/ / " ~ - -# c: / .ref - /6, .J~c: (j d~ /dl<-..-~~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, ~-? )[ t..'/ NAME ADDRESS FUND NUMBER + -ro /'" ~HECK Ir ~ rf o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, OCT 10-77 OG6 **13,500.00 OCT 10-77 8 oe6 A *13,500.0D 12946 BY _ ;; )<-z...J:c/~" "- CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL @.. k ~ CHECK R E QUE S T To: FINANCE DIRECTOR City of Campbell Please issue check payable to: G & W Construction Co., Inc. Address: 260 Cristich Lane, Campbell 95008 For: Return of deposit made in lieu of faithful performance and labor and materials bonds required for Tract No. 6188 on Sunnybrook Court Exact amount payable: $13,500.00 Account number: 380-A Receipt No. 12946 Signed:~,( /~~ . seph Elliott Tltle: nirprtnr of Pllb1 ic Work~ Date: .JanIJary~. lq77 l' I' ", r.o-~ , I ,,~~ r-. .U i , l~' u:~~ .~~~ r-u--- - I (~ I T Y 0 F C AMP HEll I I , - \EICiO :: -- - HO'lls \~.~- -.-.- p 75 NORTH CENTRAL C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A (408) 378-8141 AVENUE 95008 Department: Pub 1 i c Works January 21, 1982 Mr. E. J. Williams G & W Construction, Inc. 260 Cristich Lane Cambpe11, CA 95008 ~.'Ir"'''!,~ 'III~-'-',"/f!--. I\'I-'-''''~'''''''':' "'7"0:; ~ Subject: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Tract 6188 Sunnybrook Drive, Ch. Ln. (12) We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works \~7wJ DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV:a cc: Norm Samson Attach. Bond Co. James H. Baker, Western Surety Co. Bond No. 2353090 ~~Ot NOTICE OF COMPLETION ---"f .L ryJ r. 1- / ftl .,J,1aOj /I..AJ, \?l /-) !J i (' " ') ~,A~ /"'-./ NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and Joseph Ell iott the undersignedt as City Engineer caused street improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the 10th day of Ma rch , 19 80 Above Space for Recorder That the name of the subdivision for said owner is G & W Construction, Inc. That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell t CA 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract No. 6188t Sunnybrook Drive and having the following address: Dated March 17 , 19 80 1 of 2 ,j7~ ~;? ~seph EJ J iott City Enqineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA I, Joseph E 11 i oU , being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge. ,.-7?,;~~d~ ~seph Elliott City Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me this IS day of 7J1tl1d , 19~ ()A~ ->>1, c?a4-L Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California. OFFICIAL SEAL CHARLENE M CASE NOTARY PUBLIC - CAlIFOf<NIA SANTA CLAfl.~ COUNTY My comm, expires OCT I, 1983 I _~__,___""'~"c.~:-.......~..",.J 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 5751 t\- BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 6188, AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that all improvements in Tract No. 6188 have been completed in accordance with that agreement entered into October 7, 1977, concerning said Tract; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that Tract No. 6188, together with all the improvement there- on, be and the same are hereby accepted and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of March 1980, by the following vote: AYES: Counc i I men: Doetsch, Hammer, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Counc i I men: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Norman Paul Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker City Clerk by V.M. Sheehy, Deputy City Clerk \jJ;) ~{\ - r ~\ ~\--\. \ CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 ~\\~. ~~,~0 l\'?-) '~~I Department: PUBL IC WORKS July 20, 1978 Mr. George Strickler New Construction P.G. & E. 111 Almaden Boulevard San Jose, CA 95198 SUBJECT: Campbell Municipal Lighting District Energizing of E1ectro1ier in Sunnybrook Drive Cul-deSac Dear Mr. Strickler: A new 55-Watt, low pressure sodium, 240-vo1t, underground serviced e1ectro1ier has been installed at the above-subject location. The electrical contractor is Howard Electric, Inc. You are requested and authorized to energize the e1ectro1ier and add the monthly charges for the light to the billing of the Campbell Municipal Lighting District. The bill for the service drop and/or fees for energizing the e1ectro1ier should be sent to G. & W. Construction Co., Inc., 260 Cristich Lane., Campbell 95008, with a copy to the City of Campbell. Thank you and should you have a question, please call the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, JAMES L. PENOYER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN By Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide LMS:vw Enclosure cc: Mr. Norman Samson Public Works Inspector ','} --1 j ....-,.., ..__........_.... ..... .,..~..o<_"'.'~"" __ _... ......P.... ..0 .~ \ \ -- \ \ )':' .. SISl ___ .1i> o ~- >. 1-- oc.,.-:,_<r , - - ,-1 ,_ '\ \ , , < " , ',t ':":z ~ ~~ \J G" 0 ,"l Z-. .( '\'5) ~ ,"""-~~~ <. 'VI ~~ ~ . . -< ; 206- ,~ I~ .-:' \ '" \ I I i I J.-,l.- i',"; t> .. Ii' " , '" " , , . ~', , "'\ ~ "l "l \ "- f-, " ~;X _'oV ?>l~ ~'4:.,;-- ~~ 26~1_.k ~~~~-~'.~ .--- ---,'-- --~~ ~ I , l r-l ..-" ~5a i 9.1:> ) - ~,~ ~ G') t^ ~ Z ~ :so '"' ~ J> )>. z" ~ F~~~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G ~ ~ ~ Q ~ f ~ i;'-,> \ '" \, \' ~-"'-.3 ~ " -\ "'\ '" ~ ' 'JO(.\,\IIjl,:I'I~ }; {l\f'zz.~J>...l!..~ ~ 'l!~\ - ~ ~~ ~ (J\ I~--< C ~ " '" "" ~ ~ t 'i ""ot I r ~'O 0" l:: ,,^ \\ '0\ "C ~ ~ \I' L", N s: ...- .. ~ '[: :>;f ." ~_ ..""il_L-~ "'NO"'''O- ~o ",~a> ~ 2~"!:( (\ ~ ~ s: () ~ ~ ...... ~ .... t '< \' '" \ .. ~ -~ z.. - .. lJ\'" - ... ~.r"'([\";Xl ~-"-~-o ~, ;JC, f,-,,- t ~ ~' .. 0 ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~, ~ c. -\ ~ f'... r - .. ~ 1i. .." ~ -< ~?.i' '-"'- ~ ~~;;,!; ~ \" '" " . ~ ~. - ~ ". .,.: f!\1"" z. ~ l/I Z l~ ~- ~ 0" ~~ -\ ~~ . f- '$. a ~ D ! 0 i! ~ ;-~ z- ~ ..... L .- t=~o It.~~! ~"'I "0 ~r . ~. U ,3 m 1;J:~ !. ~~ ~ ,~ m (; .. l) ....... it = 0 ~: ~ $ ~ \) ~- ..'" '" _:z. ....."'il'l\ ...... '1'\1 ,0" :Ill ~,.,~~..; to... 'Cl so ....!}3 ~ ~~ ~ i ~ ! X ,,0 ,~ 4- .. '(J l"\ ",.1.' .! ~~ u /~ 4,' ~- ,.-,0 , ,- ../ . \ " < .. < " \ '" o -.; ---- -=- ~ -, ',-~~gp ~~- '10 =\ " (j' >.: ~JI.9 z- lJ> .. -< m "'- OJz-~ ~ '", - 0(/\0 o 'Z... ^ ~ . ~ )> < ~ , \ \ \" \ f\ ~, '^ x (5 .'L ~ 1..0\ tof' , \ " --~ --- San~a Clara Valley Wa~er Dis~rid U F i l e.. ~ C h L. n Q '"2-) FLOOD HAZARD REPORT Fe 59 (08-10-77) 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) 265-2600 March 20, 1978 t~.4'1',) '"' I,.,. t ,'..., ,:' ,,,,, State of California Division of REal Estate One Hallidie Plaza Suite 200 San Francisco, California 94102 . ( ~ \ ; ,]'" i ['\:;- ,-' 01 id { \.." ~ '..."" v ; Gentlemen: A request has been received from Transamerica Title Company report relative to Tract 6188 located wi thin the City of Campbell in the San Tomas Aquino Creek to prepare a flood hazard Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration, CXI The site would not be subject to flooding in the event of a 1% flood flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditions. (This is a flow having a 1 % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any yeaL) o The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1 % flood flow. It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year. No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided, Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments", o A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions, A 1% flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change, Additional Comments: For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact the City of Campbell Public Works Department cc: Transamerica Title Company Attention Ms. LInda Nelson Public Works Department City of Campbell p; /,~, i r~.I'j~,'-',.;,/:. ",:'/"."? ~ .".~ / -, . , .~ .' F. Carlse' ~...a-_ Division Engineer Design Coordination Division .-,r-r-'-" CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A (408) 378-8141 AVENUE 95008 Department: Fire Ms. Peggy Norelius San Jose Water Works 374 West Santa Clara Street San Jose, CA 95113 Dear Ms. Norelius: December 12, 1977 This letter wi 11 serve as authorization for the installation of a new fire hydrant on the west side of Sunnybrook Court, 30 feet south of the centerline of Sunnybrook Drive. EWB : SAL : mm cc: Sincerely, E. W. Borden, Fire Chief ~ F; re epartment S. A. Leo i , Fire Prevention E L~.: ch. Lh. (J,2) PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 . November 15, 1977 RECEIVED . Mr. Joseph Elliott . Director of Public Works . 75 N. Central Avenue . Campbell, California 95008 NOV 16 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ,ENGINEERING Subject: Junction Box Locations for Tract 6188 - Sunnybrook Court . Dear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed are prints of our estimate drawing showing the proposed electric junction box locations for this tract and suggested means of serving the proposed electroliers. Sincerely, r;MiJ~ J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent RAndrews:ck Attach. COpy Pi \.... : c.h. Lh. (1'1-) W--!~ZZ4 ~ ......? PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTPIC COMPANY .;:: .:t>. RECEIVED Noverrber 11. 1977 NOV 16 1977 PUBLIC WORKS t:fJGINEERING G and W Properties 260 Cr1stich lane Campbell, California 95008 Gentlemen: Attached is the design layout of the joint trench indicating gas. electric, telephone and/or CATV service and meter locations for your Tract NUlroer 6138,; Firm costs and contracts will be sent to you upon completion of the design of gas and electric distribution systems. The houses shall be rPiped and wired to take gas and electric service from the locations indicated on the plan. Because of the necessity for energy conservation and the rising costs of all forms of energy, please consider energy conservation measures in your plans and call us if we may be of service to you in this respect. If you have any further questions. please contact me at 2Q8-3333. extension 257. Sincerely, James D. 0 I B ri en Mew Building Representative Attach. cc: r~arius E. Nelsen 229 Polaris Avenue '15 ~~untain View. California 94040 ~1ty of Campbell / ~ub 11 c Works Department 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell. California 95008 '~/L- Cc. (' \" l,. (I <-) RESOLUTION NO. 5284 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6188 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENTS. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell final map of Tract No. 6188 for approval; and WHEREAS, agreements, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which cover conditions pertaining to the approval of said maps and acceptance of the dedicated streets, have been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has approved the maps to the effect that they conform; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said maps be and the same are hereby approved and that the streets, avenues, and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreements on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of October , 1977, by the following vote: - AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, podgorsek NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: William R. Podgorsek Mayor ATTEST: Phyll, s O. Acker City Clerk THE PAC I Fie T E LE P H 0 N E AND TEL E G RAP H COM PAN Y 1531 Parkmoor Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128 RI:CEIVED October 14, 1977 OCT 1 7 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Mr. Joe Elliott City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract Noo 6188 Gentlemen: The Public Utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract Noo 6188 have been examined by this officeo The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this Company 0 F. R. in iel Enginee ng Manager cc: Marius E. Nelsen, Civil Engineer 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY October 7, 1977 City of Campbell 75 N. central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re Tract 6188 Gentlemen This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman 9~drfJZ;h~t By P. R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN: Fl '\ C , C 4 L t\ (~2.) RECEIVED' S E P 2 6 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SAN JOSE WATER WORKS 374 West Santa Clara Street San Jose, California 95113 408/295-3205 September 22, 1977 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA Gentlemen: This is to confirm that San Jose Water Works can utilize the area designated as Lot 7, a private street within Tract No. 6188, for installation of water mains. It is assumed that Lot 7 will be an easement for ingress and egress as well as installa- tion of utilities. Very truly yours, Jd~ L. F. DUNTON Vice President LFD:ds PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY IPJ CG~~f.IE + 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD . SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 RECEIVED . September 22, 1977 S E P 2 ~ 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING CASE . Mr. Joseph Elliott . Director of Public Works . 75 N. Central Avenue . Campbell, California 95008 Subject: Easement Approval for Tract 6188 - Sunny Brook Court . Dear Mr. Elliott: The Public Service Easements shown on the final copy of the map presented prior to recording) are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this Company's gas and electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questions, please call our Electric Engineering Department at 225-9450. Sincerely, 4",,:7.,7 ~~p ?--- {,}7 t-r_ c?c(.'rCY-,-,,"-.,. . J. W. Roberts District Electric Superintendent RAndrews:Ck cc: PT&T MNelsen JO'Brien File Santa (lara Valle~ Water Distrid U FLOOD HAZARD REPORT Fe 59 (05-14-77) 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) 265-2600 RCCETVEl> August 10, 1977 AU G ] 1 1977 State of California Division of Real Estate One Hallidie Plaza, Suite San Francisco, California PUBLIC WORKS ENGiNEERiNG 200 94102 Gentlemen: A request has been received from [; t pwa rt Title report relative to Lands of t1urc'lock located in the San Tomas 1\quino Creek to prepare a flood hazard within the City of Campbell Watershed, The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration, from a District facility n The site would not be subject to floodins( in the event of the 1% flood flow, under either present or L1L..J foreseeable future conditions, (This is a flow having a 1% chance of being equalled or exceeded in any yeaL) O The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1% flood flow, It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a_% , chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year. No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided, Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under" Additional Comments". O A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions, A 1% flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change, Additional Comments: ELLIOTT , [ RETURN TO_ i DISCARD -!-- W: !liS L--^:--- . CI\"~ : fiLE _____,1- II I For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, of Pnb] ic t'1orks please contact C:i -{"1 of Carnphp 11, Dppa rt1l1r-m t ~~. ~rpw~rr Tirlp Attn: Mr. Charles Gale Mr. Joe Elliott, Director of Public vlorks,. City of Camp})ell Sincerely yours, ORiGINAL SIGNED B'l w. F, Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division COP Y I\RI:~ta v I:IJ JUl 14 1 PUBUC WORKS ;~ coti~~t~kP\~~GAPPROVAL ,:l;o,,!, '" Lands of Murdock A.P.N.: 405-36-68 ,;:- \ '\ ~', c h '.' L rt, G_"2- ) 5 L> lac!. nIl '5 Ion s - 1.S. 77-12 1. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said San Jose Water Works. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195.00 per fire hydrant. 3. Subdivider shall create or provide any publ ic service easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facil ities. 4. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions, of the Campbell Municipal Code. 5. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee. 6. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. 7. Subdivider shall execute an agreement and post bonds to install street improvements in the proposed cul-de-sac. 8. Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (C.C. and R's.) to be approved by the City Engineer to insure provisions for maintenance of buildings, roads, and common area. y F~lG: c~.Ln. Qrz..) June 27, 1977 illN291977 PuBUC WORKS ENGINEERING SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECEIVED 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attention Jim Penoyer RE Proposed Project--Tentative Sunnybrook Drive Murdock, APN 405-36-068 Gentlemen Pursuant to the above, a sanitary sewer is available in Sunnybrook Drive; if sufficient grade and depth is not available, the 15" trunk sewer in Budd Avenue may be used. with a copy of this letter we are forwarding information on the existing and proposed sewers to the engineer. The following will be due prior to recordation of a tract map: Frontage Fee: Budd Avenue Sewer 117' @ $8.65/Ft = Acreage Fee: 0.77 Acs @ $150.00/Ac = $1,012.05 $115.62 8% plan check fee and inspection deposit and 100% Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bond; fees and bond amount based on esti- mated construction cost. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman Manm Qtft~ By Robert L. Moehle Engineering Services RLM/pm cc Civil & Construction Conslts. Attn: M. Kirkeby 11840 Sharon Drive, San Jose 95129 Ray Murdock 1180 Coleman Avenue, San Jose, CA County of Santa Clara California f!r /] Vlii!- -f Envlronmentel Menegement Ag'enc ./ \. Environmental Health Servi s 2220 Moorpark Avenue San Jose. California 95128 297-1636 Area Code 408 RECEIVED June 23, 1977 JUN 2 7 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tentative Subdivision Maps Lands of Borg Lands of Ricci Lands of Murdock Gent lemen: We have reviewed the above referenced tentative maps sent to us under your cover letter dated June 14, 1977. Sewage disposal for the proposed developments should be provided by sani- tary sewer and domestic water should be furnished by an approved public supply. This department has no additional recommendations. Sincere> ~~U:.V Lee E. Esquu(el, Supervising Environmental Health Sanitarian LEE:hpp s An Equal Opportunity Employer F/lc: C 1" L n, rt2.) ORDINANCE NO. 1095 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1094 OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL. (Application of Ray Murdock, and Ray Murdock Associates). The City Council of the City of Campbel I does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached "Exhibit A" entitled "Plans and Elevations," "Exhibit B'I entitled "Development Schedule," and 'IExhibit C" entitled 'IMap of said Property," as per application of Ray Murdock and Ray Murdock Associates for approval of plans, elevations, and development schedule to allow construction of six single family residences on property known as 491 Sunnybrook Drive in a Planned Development Zoning District. Copies of said exhibits are on file in the office of the Planning Department. Said approval subject to the following conditions: A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground util ities, including, water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. . D. Sign appl ication to be submitted in accordance with prOVISIons of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until appl ication is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage, and rubbish produced within the I imits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement appl ies to all single family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establ ishments. F. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the develop- ment shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless other- wise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a sol id wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. G. Applicant shall meet State requirements for the handicapped. H. Report to be prepared by an acoustical consultant and submitted to the Planning Department for approval by the Planning Director to speak to noise along the Expressway and the four lots fronting out to the private street. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS J. Process and file a tract map. J. Dedicate the land to extend Sunnybrook Drive and provide a 40 foot radius (minimum) cul-de-sac. K. Pay storm drainage area fee of $1 020.00. L. Enter into an agreement to install street improvements and post the necessary bonds to guarantee the work. FIRE DEPARTMENT M. Provide on street fire hydrant in front of lot #2. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27 day of following roll call vote: June , 1977, by the NOES: Counc i 1 men: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek None AYES: Counc i 1 men: ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: William R. Podgorsek Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk , .... ( , #13 The proposed sCheduling of the project is as follows: Last days to begin construction will be 2nd month after Planned Development Application is approved. ~ompletion da~e will be six months after construction begins. '16 See next page '20 The unusual configuration and location of this site make it very difficult to develop in the usual manner under R-l soning. Under the requested R-lPD Zone the use of the land can be maximized with the creation of a pleasant residential environ- ment " Exhibit Ib' -- -- - ..__. . --- _.-- 8 .. .... i 1 ~ ~ ....._ Q .~-"_I. __lM".~,_ ,. ;0 ~1' ..... J ~... ....-- ~,.. ,.1 ~ ... z i ... ,., ) I ~-"/ ~ ,,' / ~ _' _,,~,..~ to , ~ o~ ..,tt '\ ,0/10' ~ Q 1.~ I c; c; ". c;~ I ~ c; r ~ ... 4 I ~ . '" : > Q ! on .," ~" <c,'" ~ I ::: '" .. ~ .;. . ~I _' .' '. il, ;' "'.~~. " 3^~ .... . .....' ~ ~I ~. ~. :t. ~l ::.... ~,;, ~\ ., .\ L . . t ,..~. . at .. Q. Z ... _ _ .' ~~C:J ,\0 c,~~ j ..' ~:f.~ '~, ~ ".:0 ..~ ,..f'" ~I 16.,,' ,., '. .... . :II '" , ". ~ ')1 ~ .' ....." '1 " ~I J:,. ~ ~I ; ..'., ...:... t! ~I ~ .. ... o - ... ... ;;;~I ~ I" ... '/'" r o' - ...,..' ~!: ~I ~ "', :ll: I '\0 . 8 ~l ex: co >- z Z :J . \I) O.l.'1l:i~O~ @ '011.) I- " 1" I @J' ~ U ' NQ o..':1/' ../ ~I ~.: ~ ... , ... ~i. ~ ...., ~. !I ui rT'^ , ~ a C I <ll E~ .. : . i ~S$ '~, ~~ - I ~~ I Z !L- ~\~:Jr , ~. l: _ ~ 10, = 0'It "(I, !! Q Q. l. ~ '" ~t .: H 11"" ""1'" = I ... .. =: i ~e:!: I . i:!CIt ~ ,..wt ~;~~ ... .Z :;~~ g....~ ,....-i ~~:~ ~~!a _ a_~ ;::~ .!:C! .~ . 80 Q ... F~ \c c\,. Ln. 62.) ORD I NANCE NO. 1094 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA. The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell, together with amendments thereto, is hereby changed and amended. Said amendments be i n9 out 1 i ned on the map attached hereto ent i t led "Exh i bit A.II PASSED AND ADOPTED th is 27 day of by the following roll call vote: June , 1977 AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: William R. Podgorsek Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk ... 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