115 Superior Dr. (68-11) ~t? -r-;,,--~ -" ' '.. L;:;: ~~~,-____ ) <;;' ~,/ / 0 J~ / I ,. _do:\. . IEi'JT tit)." /~ 19 ~:~, '~'. ;_.J ~)l.: L L I (: _::':'T'..~f~.L /" ~./I:;~UE ..,~. ~~- ~ .... _. _.,..~ , C..:\L I l.; 0 i'~~\J ;: 1\ Date i' "._, ..J _":':,~ ~"'}" .....J'. '., (;':,.':~~C_'_~~:'~S J,TTAC!iED TO "S'I APPROVAL OF PLANS OF 1-'\ i :L -=:."" 2 ~ --.) ~ \ - _. ~, ) FOR Cl;:'~STRUCTlbN OF t'..;o 4-un5r r-_ -. _v .-J"':" _~2.~~".'~D .;'T: ,- -."::; "'... ,-,', , -' .- '-' ~,\:.:. ". - -,-,..';v. lIS and 163 Superior Drive ~~ ~ C 3.:' ::&c1'lecl ~~~~~~~ 93:~.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: :,:"'.)':;:'.::" :~::ar.tcd under this section shall explre one c....::~c:.:-ec. eignty . - ~,-/3 <'.3.-:-8Y tile elate upon whic:l such approval was g:'2.::-.-':';;0, :"uless '.. ..;....:.......3:::.0:.:.: fOl~ such approval is obtained by making '.1ritt~:;. ;:.)~~:"icc..t.:on ...:::....:.: ',:>J -.:;:e Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) G<-jS )Y:'01' to '~._~,,;:~>:"'~-a..:i.on date of such approval. . ..v - _::.:",:..:.r<:: ~;,:'r;-ni t shall be issued after the e:qiiration (1<::'::::,: 0": _:' ,-~:,,-,,'J;;"__ u:'l''::::':' a new approval ilas been. obtained in the ilia;.;....::: :;;:.:c'Jided " ., ...-~---. :...... .':..~lS Cl"la.pter II ...... -. ~~'~.".., ...---' .J'l r."'::3 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLAi'L'\ING CO:.;;--iISSION AT A REGULA.", :.:EETING ._, --., '"" .,,-:_--' 'u,;.\ ..."'._ 19 :}l DAY OF February, 1968 CITY OF CMiPBELL PLANX:~C ~OX):rss:o~ ,/7 ,/ \ /1 )/- /'7 By: .~~ /,'. ~_-!-,______,~-.. /':-'_,,_ '- ...., . v: " ,'1 .... ~~ n '0 ;..;:/ S e c r eta rj Property \ be fenced and landscaped r indicated and as added in ". ..IdU on plans. Adequate wa\._-Jing system to landscaped areas to be provided. Landscape plan indicating type of plant materials, location of hose bibs and fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500.00 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may., file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a 6' high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash container.in an area approved by Planning Director and Fire Department. Said trash enclosure to have self. closing gates. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the fOllowing conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. 1. 2. 3. 4. s. Fire extinguishers shall be installed in cabinets on second floor of both apartments. 6. All par~dne and driveway e.:reas to be developed in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all other applicable Code.3 cr Ord:_n~nces c.i the Ci;:)'- of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. , VALLEY TITLE COMPANY 38 NORTH F:IRST STREET _ SAN JOSE, CALIF, - 292-7150 3550 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. _ SAN JOSE, CALIF, - 243-4269 1086 LINCOLN AVENUE _. SAN JOSE, CALIF, - 297-8244 2354 ALUM ROCK AVENUE _ SAN JOSE, CALIF.;- 251-8500 1741 SARATOGA AVENUE _ SAN JOSE, CALIF. - 252-2975 1890 CAMDEN AVENUE _ SAN JOSE, CALIF. - 371-3612 616 RAMONA STREET _ PALO ALTO, CALIF. - 326-7892 605 CASTRO STREET _ MT, VIEW, CALIF, - 968,4427 247 SO. MATHILDA AVE. _ SUNNYVALE, CALIF, - 245-0240 Application No. 10625 S. STGA..SNYVLE, RD. xx. CUPERTINO, CALIF. - 253-7630 C-0l02-22-B 281 FIRST STREET _ GILROY, CALIF, - 842-9361 PRELIMINARY REPORT for a policy of title insurance to be issued by Security Title Insurance Company NO LIABILITY HEREUNDER VALLEY TITLE COMPANY, a corporation, hereby reports that title to the land hereinafter described is on January 18, 1968 at 7:30 a. m. vested in: VALLEY TITLE COMPANY, a corporation. SUBJECT TO: 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1967-1968. Receipt No. 306-39-78. Code Area 10-46. First Installment has been paid $91. 75 Second Installment a lien and payable $91. 75 2. Right of 'vvay for ingress and egress over the Northerly portion of the premisesl as granted by lone C. Kelley to Jor..athan E. Gardner by Deed dated April 1, 1918 and recorded June 17, 1918 in Book t174 of Deeds, page 138 and as shown on the recorded Map, and reference is hereby made to'the record thereof for further particulars. I, I I I 3. Public service easement of varying width over the Northerly portion of the premises II (said public service easement of varying width does not exceed a total vlidth of 10 feet at Ii its widest point) wire clearance easement 5 feet in width lying Southerly of and ,I contiguous to the public service easement of varying width over the Northerly portion il of the premises, as shown on the recorded Map herein referred to. I II ! 4. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, with no express words of forfeiture as contained in the Declaration of Restrictions, dated April 23, 1965, and recorded April 27, 1965 in Book 6935 of Official Records, page 337, executed by Valley Title Company, a corporation and Modification thereof dated June 24, 1966 and recorded June 27, 1966 in Book 7423 of Official Rp~ords, page 595, executed by Valley Title Company, a corporation, and reference is hereby made to the record Ii I thereof for further particulars. : II Said Declaration provides that nothing contained therein shall impair or defeat I !I - i, II the lien of any mor::'gage or deed of trust made in good f aHh and for vaLle. .,1 L ~~~ p~fe~~~:If~~~~~~~,~'~;~a!~;'~~~~{~:~~:1~g:de~:~!~a~~~! eY~~r~~~".~~.. JI VTC :2 16 (Cont'd on next page) FA/br page 2 Davis, his wife, as Trustors, to The Anglo Safe Deposit Company, as Trustee, and Crocker -Citizens National Bank, a national banking association, as Beneficiary, to secure payment of $83,982. 50 and other sums as therein provided. (Also covers other property) NOTE 1: This R,eport includes a report on Municipal Taxes and Liens of the City of Campbell. NOTE 2: The premises lie within the bounds of County Sanitation District No.4. DESCRIPTION All that certain parcel of land situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Lot 22, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, IlTract No. 3717", which Map w as filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on March 10, 1965 in Book 192 of Maps, at pages 6 and 7. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the underground vvater rights with no right of surface entry granted by Valley Title Company, a corporation, formerly Valley Title Company of Santa Clara County, a corporation, to San Jose Water Vlorks, a California corporation, by instrument dated April 19 , 1965 and recorded April 20, 1965 in Book 6926 of Official Records, page 87. ~H~ H :J~'II~. ~11~~t'iPl'll~ ~~H a ~_w~~~~~~~=~8i '.~~ ~(~~~~~(W(t'~~li~~' ,. I , '~t++ +-~+ ' ~ 51~ ~ ~ ~1~il.g,iCl g 8l!1~,' ~1't8 ~ ~ U ~ 8 8,8 8 & 8LE 8t 8 88, 8 8 8 8 = - ~ il oJ Q).~ i),~i~ ~ ~1~1':t!"; ti _ i h t ~ ~ It 9 t!U t ~ ~ IS :s,~ h x ~ !}';J'. " He";-I030"E; 38~ &-~. .v' 47. /p' .rc~ E J.I.I i'4 t.6,VENUE .-- ""'.'7 .,."" I 77,<'r) fj; '. :< r- ig ~~ III 01 ';/I.QC 5?>7~ .:: I I I l. z e' o ~\l . " .~ '11: ~! III -J :~ (",; c I ~:I :L .' 4:P5t .~, I,", L :~f:j/4 \,~.; , ;-ri 'J'. -~ '> ~-1 f'l 0"; '7:011I ,,4\ . 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