100-130 Union Ave. (70-46) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBE.LL. CALIFORNIA NAME ADDRESS FORP~ g.tL0, V~ ~~~. ~~ ';.!/" 7(r </ L ~ a?;2</ O~ /OU-/~(J ~ L R,v'Nu,'fIl c3Jb FUND NUMBER A-- I/o 3i BCHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. DEe 1lJ-70 001 ****22~.OO DEe 11.)-70 56 001 A ***2211.00 3512 01.~ 0" - J<:Y CLERK Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL ~s BY CITIZEN COPY PW-65 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT /',///( //. 0/.//=( I ilt. /. .(' l ,/ /1( ',/ BUILDING ADDRESS /(.( . / / ,{ .J . / / / (. /, >'/ ,/ , . Live' COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER .:1 / .' ''1 .t. c '. . / <'/ 1 ( "j'. (- . " S" APPROVAL NUMBER ;' /': / . , / '..- ~ , I / I '/ ~.. PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER A~r: (/. (" J / /' / WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUB~IC WORKS . I Uu ;)./ I ..,~. - '-.. "" /i .'( ( l /1 ,I Date / . ; ( (' { , /~: / (' / r ".... ... I February 9, 1972 General Insurance Company of North America 450 Sansome Street San Francisco, California 94111 ATTENTION: Bond Department SUBJECT, Sondeno Construction eo., Inc. 100 and 130 union Avenue "S" 71-50 -- McGlincev (97) Gentlemen: We have received a Status Inquiry from you this date asking for the status of Bond No. 585657 for the above-subject project. This bond was cancelled August 24, 1971 and replaced with your Bond No. 585675. Please refer to the attached copy of a letter written to you that date. We are not returning to you the Status Inquiry as it was inadvertently filled out with incorrect information. If you have any questions, please call the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER TO \ ~'~:r~ /; eSG: \~...," !J: -~~., --.1-- ~~ At tacSM$lt__, _ ...__ __ _ . - \ FTL --- . -- By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer r_._'.__-'--"'~" 1)1'&(1 vI , ., (:" -- ... .. i August 24, 1971 General Insurance Company of North America 450 Sansome Street Sa~ Francisco, California ATTENTION: Bond Department SUBJECT: Bond No. 585657, Noble L. and Mary E. Ballew, and Philip W. and Esther M. Sondeno "S" 66-8, MS. 66-74, "S" 67-69, "S" 70-46, "S" 71-50, 100 and 130 Union Avenue Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the subject Bond No. 585657 in the amount of $2,800.00 may be forthwith terminated and cancelled. The subject bond has been replaced by your Bond No. 585675 in the amount of $6,400.00 November 23, 1970. Should you have any question concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very tru ly yours, H'HTL",L TO Ill. [)rJ.."T"c BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER \1/[;-\,'1 ~ : rl~-____~ BMH ~_.. ~W~-""~_ FTl _______1_____,,____ I CSG : cc--- , -- ---------.- '-- ..~.. By Cruz S. Gomez, Civil Engineer, Jr. ----------- -- ------ - -- ---_._,--~- -_..-,----- ---_.._.._"--_._--._.,~...... FO'l E ~(c // '7/ J _ I.... ~_ -.50_ . L:j"iJ,lllhLw (~'" C-,L~, I ~- l .ld No. Premium 5856'(5 96.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Nobel L. and Mary E. Ballew, husband and wife; That (t) (l1I."E) Phi1i,p Wa anQ Estll,er Ma ~~ndeno, husband and wife as Principal, and Genera 1 Insurance Company of America' a corporation, organized under the laws of the state of We shington as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, State of California, (hereinafter called "CITY"), in the sum of SIXTHOUSANn FOtlR. ~n nnTJJlRS ($6,400aOO ) lawful money of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, for the payment of which well and truly made, we hereby bind ourselves, our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, WHEREAS, the above-named principal proposes to constrqct an aoar~ent camolex uoon real orooerty located at 100 and 130 union Avenue. Campbell. California on property described in deed (s) #3010621 and 3112507 as said deed (s) Ja (are) filed for record in the office of the Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California in Book 7282 of Official Records. Paqe 458. recorded February 16, 1966, and in Book 7494 of Qffic.:iJll Records. . Page 98, recorded September 2, 1966, respectively. . WHEREAS, in order for principal to 9btain a b~]Ll,ding permit to construct said a~~tment complex from said City of ~amDbe11 , principal is obligated to construct and/or install or have constructed and/or installed certain street improvements throughout the Union AVl'mllp. and Xi r-hae1 Drive frontage of said site, in accordance with the standards of said City, said street improvements including: concrete sidewalks and driveway approaches (lr292 sq. ft.), asphalt street paving ( 3,276 sq. ft.), concrete curb and gutter ( ?nQ 1in. ft.), standard electroliers ( Ol:)P. ea.): the total cost of said street improvements having been estimated by said City to be approximately SIX: TBOU~ ~OUR BUNDREn DOLIARS ( $ 6, 40.0 _00 ) . WHEREAS. the parties hereto have agreed that said improvements shall be installed at such time as the City Council of said CITY calls for them provided. however. ~t they shall be in~talleq in accordance with theaqreement therefor: and. NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal shall well and truly do and perform its obligations as set forth above, on its part to be done and perfor.med at the t~e and in the manner specified therein, then this obligation shall be null and void: otherwise this bond shall remain in full force and effect. 1 of 2 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLO~lING CONDITIONS: 1. That participatioa in any Local Improvement District uhich may be formed for the express purpose of COl1struc- .\:ing public improvements in the area concerned; including storm and sanitary sewers, street and side~~lk tffiprovernents, utility installations, and/or any installation vhich may be prescribed by such proceedings within tile public right of way shall satisfy the obligations of this bond. 2. ~lat the term of this bond is for a period of one (1) yaar, cOfilInencing on 11/23 , 19-12-, but shall be continued year ~o year thereaiter at the option of ele Surety. 3. ~1at the Surety hereunder may relieve itself from liability under this bond by giving uritten notice of such desire by registered mail to the City thir.ty (30) c1ays prior to the date of e:~iration of the bond. (.. That in the ev:;;nt said Principal is not granted the necessary Building Permit within a period of one (1) year fram the date hereof, this bond shall be null and void on its face. 19 70 HITJ.\TESS OUR HANDS this 23rd day of November , PR~IPAL ,;:?/ L ~~ 7/'d<:;',;f 0-aJ:.Z:<:v. ? 10X Ie ~ C. /~~ 4~J~<,d'~ . / E. C. Doug Ie s , (Notary Certificates) 2 of 2 .7;2v4 ~) ('1~ : I( 5 " '7 t -5- 0 }, Lldl N J Ii C j)}; l'!\ F,T lH: Wi' C J '1' Y 0 r C l,1.;}' j', }; 1. L 75 110J~TH c;:wnulI. A VUiUi': 'CMiPBF:LL) CALJrO!~liJf\ lJ A 'j'}: : ._,__~_l}..!'y_~~_~_l ~~1 _.,_______ C 0 H i> J T J 0 If S II 'i' 'fl, C H E: D l' 0 II C' II " A P }'!, 0 V 1\ J J 0 }' PI, /\ ~j SO}' .F ~l-!,~~E.-2.?~~~e r~c:>______ '. ----- -______ ___ __n__ _ ___. . __ _~____._. __ ____ _.___ __ ____ ~ , I'M: CO;-! S '1' :~uC'n 0:1 or 3 f\-u nit rt',11(,"nt ..._--_.~._-~----- ----.- _._--- ------ ------ '--- -----------.-.-... '1' 0 m: L 0 C II T }; D A T 1("('1 '.: 13':1 I'cion P_Vc,~nue ..-.---- --- .._-_..~ ---.--- -.--~-~----~-------~----.----.-.-------,--------__ .,_ _____....____.______ - n.____ __ ~ _____ ____.____. ___~._____ ____ CONDITIONS: condi tioCt,~: C~: d.," rov:.tl ",tt ,.:.::::;,lCU , ScciicJ:1 93JC.J of trJt' Ct';~:p~):;}J :';un5c51'aJ C(Jd(~ r'c-tec1s as 10110',;s: J~11)' c!Ilpr:o'.'clJ. 1~};z~ntec1 u~-!c1~'r this SCCt5.0I! ~!!alJ. f:;':j)i~-'0 oue )"ect1; ctft~r' t- h C G (I t (~ H,P ()~} ',: h 5. C [I ~ l.l C 1'1 .:~ P~) 2_"\ () v i~ 1 ;.: ~ S i~ P 2. I4 t ~~ d) l'D J. !.~ ~; ~~ c:: II C :A: t (::1 s 5 (J n fop Stleil c:P}'!'(l'lttJ. is obt::511(:cL1y i:J<,}:ilii: '(;?.i.....t(~;l t.,ppJ.5C:c~t5011 101' S2,i:!C to trle l'J<llJl1in~; COi:ii,15ss5oil at J,etlst f5ft,C('1! (J:,) Gays p1'30?' to trl(: (~>: p 5 P Cl t 50:1 d (t t e .0 f 51.! C h tl P P 2" 0 \' cl J. . 110 }nd-?:c1Jnz; pCl.;,d't. sh,tJ.,l be isslled tdtel' t11C c;':ph'Cltlon dat(~ of; c:ny '~!PJll'ovc::l lliltjl c, ne\! cli1pl'e'\'cll hotS been olltc,5,lc,c1 ill the l:'t:lIne1' }ll'ov5.Geci , _ _ ___ _ f:. (~1' ...i 11 _,t r d, s _ C} I 2. P t (' ;' . (;}Ullrn:u BY 'fEr: CITY or C/d-lf,>);E:LL }>L:\lij!lHG CO:.flnSSlOii AT II Rt:GUL:\t~ lll:f;TlIiG HELD ON TH}~ day of 'Jul'! 19'J .~ .LL. .. -- / . . .. .... ..~. . . .. ~'..'W .._..... ..' cc :,:ui':ineerin. Bept. wiatt:. Fire Dept.w/att. CITY or C!d:~';:LLL pJ,:\;rl1urc; COtii.[U;SIOt[ BY: ..--~.__._- -- ----- -_.- -----~--.-- _. ---- ----...--- - .-. -- _._-,-- -- _.-.- - .--- I.I~TiiUi\ Ki:f:) St:Ci-:f:-1'flt,Y ---- '. "Sf! 71-50 Sondeno~ P. Recommended approval of the ap~lication of Philip Sondeno for apprc 1 of revised elevations of a 36-unit apartment C 'lex to be located at 100 and 130 Union Avenue in an R-3-S Zona~ subject to the following conditions: J. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added ip IIred" OIl plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant materials location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencinG to be submit,tcd fOl~ dppl'ovc\l of th3 Pli11!~'ing Di:>",ec'co)~' i:t't tim.c of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,500 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction~ or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to f5.nal building department clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. Install a six-foot high sight-obscuring fence enclosure with concrete floor and six-foot self-closing gates~ of sufficient size to house all trash containers in arGBSs or areat approved by the fire department. 6. Details of south eleva.t ion to be \-;rorJ~ed out Hi th stGff. 1'he applicant is notified as .part of this application that he is required to meet the fol10~ing conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell: A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for u~derground utilities including w~ter, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance \-lith provisions of the sign ordinance fo~ all signs. No sign to he installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. -~ E. Applicant to dedicate to 30 foot half..street on Union Avenue. ---- F. Applicv,nt to enter into agreement and post bond for street improvements on Union Avenue. G. Applicant to process and file a parcel map. H. Building plans to show wet standpipes and their locations as uutlined in u.n.C. 1967, Sec. 3005 for Type H Occupancy. I. ri~e extinguisher cabinets shall be installed for all fire exting1.-lisher's, The appl~cant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable C~)(1<~$ 01' O:t'd.:i.n;H~(:cS of the City of CampbelJ. Hhieh pOl'tain to thi:; .' Cd; Dp/k - €V C'1!/lD-lfiLt BOD" (j~ti:.J ,P,v;[ ,3D51 31184201 P~SOLUTION NO. 2517 NO. tq:r.: g~'t!..:.:~ BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF PHIIJIP 1^7. and ES'l'HER l11'...E SONDENO, HUSBAND AND ~'lIF'E and NOBLE 1, # and HARY E. Bli.J.Jl~EW, HUSBAND AND HIFE, AGREEMENT. " WlIEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by Philip H. and Est.her 1-10.e Sondeno, husband and ''life, and Noble L. and r,lary E. Balle.", husband and \'life, an rlg-reement for the development of their real property in accordance Hith prescribed conditions: and WBERJ3~.S I by the terms of said agreement, and concurrently herewith they have submitted grant deeds of certain portions of their property for street.purposes: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT llliSOLVED by the City Council that the Hayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be and the same is hereby accept.ed. PASSED AND ADOPTED thisl0t~ay of September 19~, by the follovling vot.e:, ) ! NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hyde, Rogers, Smeed None AYES: Councilmen: .i . /-- :<.; ,# ...-' .. / William S. Smecd 3484201 . BOOK 8263 r~Gt3g8 FILED FO.RtiRE jO:;O./dt . 1" ..', ,- ~ , , ,.. ,", - l' F ~' "" '...'.~':- _ 'Ji ft. " '. .' ~ "4/-tA',;"- ..<~"< "' .c___ - ~~/ . '. ~- I r, /II' Q I J ,,~ 8 Mayoe;} 0 39 III Wi > j") ;-' ABSE:NT: C '1 None ouneJ. men: . :> . f' ~, . APPROVED: ATTEST: L /.. /' ----. '-' </.:-~,dt0--- -;!rr ,. ~C 0:-;;;" .. _ . _ ___... lo. I -~ Dorothy!/evcthan C~ty Clerk O~'i"8~,l\i... Ht::CC;:'.03 S~~': l'}..t~~,;'.:.:/. L' .JU;~-fY G ;~(I".. ,~,,: :. i.',:, \':L:~J i\ l:':;'C i~ :!,~.:~ / t~~~ rJil '..... .. a I December 16, 1970 Joseph A. aonacina, City Attorney 611 First National Bank Building San Jose, California SUBJECT: "s" 70-46, Philip W. Sondeno, et al, Public Improvement Construction Agreement Dear Mr. Bonacina: Enclosed please find an agreement executed November 18, 1970, and a similar agreement executed August 13, 1968, by the same property owners with respect to the same property. The latter agreement is recorded. The property owners contemplated constructing a convalescent hospital upon the property in 1968 and entered into the agreement with the City to construct the street improvements at that time and posted a $2,800 bond. The proposal changed in 1970 to constructing a 36 unit apartment complex and the agreement entered into so reflects that, including the bonding being set at $6,400. Also, as you will note, the new agreement is somewhat more inclusive or at least more wordy. Our intent is to relieve the property owners of all the obligations created by the 1968 agreement and to create the 1970 Obligations. This is somewhat new to me and since I have no precedence, I ask for your comments on the resolution. I am hopeful that it accomplishes the intent without question. The property owners were very gracious about the matter and we indicated to them that we would relieve them of their prior commitment. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE eIVIL ENGINEER By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. eivil Engineer CSG:cc Enclosures ~ ~~~'--''II'..;>,..~""~..w"",,,,,~__C\_~,....,....,....._.._..,,,,,,.._.,,,___,__ ,,' / -=~ ~-'~~--~~'-'-----~~""'-'--~-"---'----- .,j. rJ ~~ <;c () \'~ ~J--0- ~\:; 1 ~":-,f: (~ ' , ' v . -~>..;""O."'h ....... '-.. -';.. " ('\::: , ',c.' "" :s~ -- - D~----- ------- C-"" 0...... j~\ (~ ! (t,; (;.j :4.1 >,; j::{ ,~? 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"",<-;.ch.,"_~ ~"";,;:',~"l.;'fr'-,;"',,,,;'a:.y~:'~,, '.;;::.:r;')'c';'I'-"'<"':l:'x':.!'!}',.:.'-n."O;';J!).:' ~, ~,~ -S ~ ,~ r- \' ,~ ~\ 2 ?S ------------ ,.' , l ,1 \1 ". " .' -! (,1 IJ ) -::J ". .-.:- ... ~ II S II 7c- c.; (, November 12, 1970 Mr. Philip W. Sondeno 424 Umbarger Road San Jose, California 95125 SUBJECT: "S" 70-46, 100, 130 union Avenue 36 Unit Apartment Complex Dear Mr. Sondeno: Enclosed please find the original and copies of an agreement for the construction of the street improvements upon Union Avenue and Michael Drive throughout the frontage of your property. Also enclosed are the original and copies of a bond form to secure the agreement. This agreement and bond when executed will void and nullify the prior agreement and bond. This agreement and bond reflects the most up-to-date information with respect to the proposed development. At the time when this agreement is presented to the City Council, the City eouncil will adopt a resolution accepting I this agreement and nullifying the prior agreement and canceling the existing bonding. Please execute the originals and one copy of the documents in the presence of a notary public and return them to this office for presentation to the City Council. You may retain the remaining copies for your records. Should any questions arise, please contact the undersigned at 378-8141, Ext. 31. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER CSG:cc By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. eivil Engineer Enclosures November 4, 1970 CITY ENGINEER IS CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR SONDENO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 100 - 130 UNION AVENUE nS"70-46, McGlincey 97 1. Clearing and Grubbing: a. Pavement Removal (182) (9)/9 = 182 sq.yds. @ $1.75 per sq. yd. = $319 b. 43 L.F. of PCC Curb and Gutter Removal @ $1.75 per L.P. = $75 c. 167 sq. ft. of PCC Sidewalk Removal @ $0.25 per sq. ft. = $42 2. Earthwork: (182) (18) (1.25)/27 = 152 cu. yds. @ $3.75 = $5'#0 3. Construction: a. 164 L.F. PCC Curb and Gutter on Union Avenue and 43 L.F. on Michael Drive = 207 L.F. @ $3.25 = $673 b. 86 L.F. of Residential Driveway Approaches (86){~) = 774 sq. ft. @ $1~00 per sq. ft. = $774 c. 121 L.F. of Residential Sidewalk (121)(4.5) = 545 sq. ft. @ $0.75 per sq. ft. = $409 d. 164 L.F. 1 1/2" Rigid Galv. Metal Conduit with 2 #8 AWG Copper Conductors 164 L.F. @ $2.25 = $369 e. 250 Watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type II Electrolier with Photoelectric Cell, 240 Volt, Underground Fed 1 ea. @ $475 = $475 f. 40 L.F. 2/1 x 6" Redwood Headerboard @ $1.50 per L.F. = $60 g. Street Trees 5 ea. @ $17.50 = $88.00 h. Class 2 A.B. 1 1/2/1 Max., 8" Section (182)(18)(0.67)(0.07) = 154 tons @ $3.75 per ton = $578 i. Type B A.C. 3/4" Max., 4" Section (182)(18)(0.33)(0.075) = 81 tons @ $12.00 per ton = $972 j. Adjust Manholes to Grade 2 @ $75 = $150 SUBTOTAL $5,554 15% CONTINGENCY 833 TOTAL $6,387 Use $6,400.00 for Bond Amount ~ PARCEL 1: PORTION OF LOT 12, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, "SUBDIVISION OF THE ESTATE OF A. JOHNSON", which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Sante Clara, State of Cal1.forni,3, in Book "A" of Maps, page 37, and more particularly aescr1.bed as follows: BEGINNING at a point ~n the center 11.ne of North Unlon Avenue, as shown upon the Map aoove referred to, said peint being the North- westerly corner of that certain 6.05 acre cr6~t of land described in the Dee, ~)ose.Jn ,to". c' Jgers, recorded In 800k 420 of Deeds, page 33, Sa:"!,- d I..-l.a ro Count,y Records; runr.lng thenCE, a1.ong the Northerly ine of sald 6.05 acre tract South 890 59' East 233.79 feet to a pOint, sald pOlnt being dls~an~ thereon North 890 59' West ~50.00 feet from the Northwesterly corner of that certain 3.92 dcre tract of land described in the Deed recorded July 3, 1918 in Book 476 of Deeds, page 58; thence South and parallel Wltfl tne Westerly line of said 3.92 acre tract 81.4.i feet; thence WeS~;~YlY 235 48 feet, more or ~ess, to a point in the center line of sa.id NOrt:1 Onlon Avenue, said point being distant thereon South 80 12 ~eet tr ~ the point of beginning; thence North along the center line of sa.G Ncrth Union Avenue, 80.12 feet to the pOlnt of beginning. !?0,FCE L. .~~ PO):;'T r00l OF LuT 12 _ .::. s snown ,:"POD that certain Map entitled, "SOB- DIVISi:ON Ot' THE ESTATE ,)P A. ,JOHNSON", which Map was filed for record in thtC ,jifl,'e of t:'e Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, $tat~ of CaL~:-orr,la, .r. Book "A" of Maps, page 37, and more purTl- eu; aT} y de:::h_ r. D<"d 6S T ,jJ. lows: BE "LNN[NG at G ~OlnL ~n cne center line of North Union Avenue, a s Shc'Nr. upon t.o", Map LifJ0Ve ceferred to, sa id poin:. being the Northwesterly C01'ner of t.hat 'cer caln 0.05 acre tract of land described In the Deed to J'o,":'eph F', ;~(')qt'~rs recoraed l.n Book 420 of Deeds; page 33, Santa Clar2: ~ounty R.ec:or.~ -rttnn::.n0 toence along the Northerly Itne of sald 6,05 acre tr~et South 09':'9 cost 235.79 feet and L-ne true mint of beq,nning or tn,. hereInafter desc::-..bed tract of land; thence contin~lng a10~g Sdld Norther~y lIne South 890 59' East 150.00 faet to the Northwesterly corne. of Chat certaln 3.92 acre tract of land desc_~lbed in the Deeci to \\1(3,st Swenson, et ux, recorded July 3, 1918 in Bor, 476 of Deeci~. paq>;:; 5d' t lence Southerly a long the Westerly li~e of said 8.9Z acce ~ra~t of ~and 163.59 feet, more or less, to tht ~GrtheasteI.j corner ot cnat certain tract of land described in .hF:- Deed to Luigl Denegrl, e, ,j)( by Deed recorded September 26, 1958 '0 300k 4185 of OfficIal Reco!.:1s, page 577. Santa Clara County Records; tnen2e along the Northerly ~~ne vf sa~~ ~u~gi Denegri, et ux, land, Norf~ d90 59' West a distance of 150.00 fel~t; thence North and paralle '#i;tYlche Westerly line of ~xlld Denegri Lana, .163.59 feet, more or less, a{~ CG the true point of beglnnlng. ?age 2/301545 .1 /07' l~l,1.. I '" PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAlvIPBELL, CALI FORN lA '-: L-; DATE: Au;.,ust 19., 197_q____ CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Philip Son,if!oo Inv~:st;nent Co. , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 3S-u~tt ap~rtmcnt TO BE LOCATED AT: 1.00 !'In:!, 130 tJrdon A.vliwue CONDITIONS: co!:ditiO!IS of Z1ppr'oval att l\;;he'.l Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any.approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eig (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unle an extension for such approval is obtained by making written applica. for same to the Planning Ccmmission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING Cm,n,lISSION AT A REGULAR i'>IEETn;C HELD ON THE 17t)! DAY OF J~ :"~ L: s t, 1 g 7 n CITY OJ, CAMPBELL PLANNING COM~llSSION rL":~ JJoept. w/",tt. H/\tt. ~/ By: -.--- AR;f1Tlfi'f KE E -,-S ET'fzE'I7CIfY----"'" c.....' .." .i r, (.; e r i;. .' .:. {,;' t . 1. Property to added in "1"E;~! fenced and landscaped as on plans. ndicatcd and as "S"70-1'6 ,... Sondeno,P. L. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance hond in the amount of $1,500 to be po S t e d t 0 ins u r' e 12 n d :,; C (l pin g, fen c in g and s t 1" i pin g 0 f P a l' kin g a:r. ea' ...ri t 1'1 i r: t 1'1 :r.' E: '" (3) IIi 0 n t 11 S 0 f c 0 III pIe t ion 0 f con s t l' U c t ion, 0 r applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. L~ndscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. Install a six-foot high sight-obscuring fence enclosure with concrete flbor and six-foot self-closing gates, of sufficient size to house all trash containers in area or areas approved by the fire department. The applica:nt is notified as part of this application that he is requir~d to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All p~rking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by S e c t ion 9 11 0 . 6 0 f the C amp bell t,j u n i c i p a I Cod e ~ C. Plans submitted to the building departmetit for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for unde~ground utilities including water) sewer, electric, tel c p 11 0 ,} e a:; d tel e vis ion cab 1 e s ~ e t c . D. Sien application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and perlnit issued by the building department. E. Applicant to dedicate to 30 foot half-street on Union Avenue. F. Applicant to enter into agreement and post bond for street improvements on Union Avenve. G. Applicant to process and file a parcel map. H. Building plans to show wet standpipes and their locations a sou t 1 i n e din U. B . C. 1 9 6 7, Sec. 3 8 0 5 for l' y p c HOc cup a n c y . I. Fire "extinguisher cabinets shall be installed for all fire extingU:LS!lCl"S. T h c~ a p p lie il n tis n 0 t if i c: d t h;J. the s h cdl co :[1 ply \oJ i t h a 1. J a p p lie Cl b 1 E Cod e ,,; (\ l' 0 J" cl i n.:l nee S 0 f the C it Y 0 f C 2m p b 211 vilLi. c 11 per t a i n tot his deveJopnent and C:~:'2 not herein sp,:::cif icd.