153-159 Union Ave. (71-76) 'f' INTER-DEPARTME~lTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT _~~~5_/2, ,84/2/20tU BUILDING ADDRESS /.53 ?/S-9 ?/'v/~..C) "d VEA-JL/E COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ~/q- /c~ - 0/0 "S" APPROVAL NUMBER /15'/1 7/- '7 ~ PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER A46L, /24- WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS /'7 By /S~/ ~ ' l,ki v- Date '3 -7-<---7 -~ RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBE'.L. CALIFORNIA NAME JAMES R. BARROW ADDRESS 488 So. 10th St. San Jose FOR "S" 71-56 153 & 159 Union Ave. Storm Drain 361-A Plan Exam & Canst. Inspec. Fees (Engr) 357-A $1,599.00 260.00 $1,859.00 RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER A 1273 ~ CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BElOW. MAR 22-72 003 *** 1,859.00 11M f'''71 11 o03A **"199.00 7363 <!'Js BY CITIZEN COPY "- / l~k You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK I . ... I April 10. 1972 Pacific Gas and Blectric Company 86 South Third Street San Jose, California 95113 ATTENTIONs Mr. Karl Wrzesien. New Building Representative Dear Mr. Wrzesiena In response to your letter of April 6, 1972, regarding the 71-unit apartment complex to be developed at 153 Union Avenue, Campbell. please be advised that the City of Campbell will not require the undergrounding of the existing overhead facilities in front of the project at this time. It is our intention that the underg~ounding of these facilities along the street will be accomplisheddat a later date as part of a comprehensive project in the area. Pleaae contact me if you should have any further questions in this regard. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Bill M. Hel.]Jll!l. Associate Civil Engineer BMB:lw TO INITIAL & Dl\ TE WGW BMH FTl ~, .I~__- ,,'1"<1, "' PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ]}2l + 86 SOUTH THIRD STREET. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114. (408) 298.3333 April 6, 1972 Mr. William Wren City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. Wren: This letter is in regard to your recent telephone conver- sation with Mr. James Barrow regarding the 71 unit apartment on Union Avenue, Campbell. It is requested whether the City of Campbell will require the existing overhead lines in front of this project to be placed underground. It is understood that the distribution system within the development will be placed underground. If you have any further questions, please contact me at this office, telephone 298-3333. Sincerely, 1/ /' '-7 . I 11/l..'L.lo' ,~L//~4-<-':..~..... Karl T. Wrzesien New Building Representative \ If '"1-"; ;q .I ii....... TO & DATE ! ----((- WGVI _--~_. ~t/JIU.~ GI _.._..,~---~.. ~.Q-- I F"~'L __'_'_A...__._,-.~.--1 -..-..----~.~ ., '1:' . i! ',e<..r/ / ,1 (..1 I -t..;,;;{{' '. . ..' ''1) ( ll.-u.' -" / (. ,," i1 t,i:A ." I --- ~._-- ~._---" 4" ..__....-. ---~- -- ....-_.___ ._0 . .....----"" -----~~~----- FILE V __-- RESOLUTION NO. 3288 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE AGREEMENT OF JAMES R. AND MARJORIE A. BARROW, HUSBAND AND WIFE, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 153 AND 159 UNION AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT . WHEREAS, James R. and Marjorie A. Barrow, husband and wife, have submitted an agreement to this City Council for the development of their real property described upon that certain instrument recorded July I, 1971, and filed in Book 9400 of Official Records at Page 475 in the Office of the County Recorder of said County of santa Clara in accordance with prescribed conditions; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with said prescribed conditions and as specified and recited in the agreement and concurrently herewith said James R. and Marjorie A. Barrow, husband and wife, have submitted a Grant Deed of certain portions of their real property for public street purposes and related public uses; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by this City Council that said agreement is hereby accepted and that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by this City Council that the said Grant Deed submitted in accordance with said prescribed conditions be and it is hereby accepted for the purposes for which it is offered. PASSED UPON AND ADOPTED this loth day of by the following vote: April , 19~, AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Rogers, Smeed, Doetsch NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen: None Councilmen: None APPROVED: ATTEST: ~alph Doe1:sch, Sr. . Mayor Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk Approved as to Form: J. Robert Dempster, City Attorney A - I I <t.. "Du..~CAN'-Il L-.\-E::. c.au..~, T ":::l 8~o \[' 42." E::- ~ '" ~O.? 4<: "".c. ~ 1\<0 6' a t>< &0 <V ~(7i 0. <:r' . "< ..I:" V"Q-" V (}vVJ ....4/ 0 .E' ..J:......o 'JO" cf-f(7)~ r- ..J-' <0 N 8~o II' 42." ,v I I I I t ~,CB".K dJ I ~ , 'z I ~ j.. - ~~ I ~ J! ~ l(l ;p I :0 ~2 1 OlD L-?<><8~>.J i I j ~' I I ~cAt..."E: : \'(,.. = 40' I + <c A?Q.\c:..o\' _ A'J'E:t..:'>u.E:- ..... I J.Mjp TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAM PBELJ.... J::/r. B,. L-<::.. 'J /^o..'C" \~I2:.. c.'<...~ C5 G/ /^o..V" \~-rc... OLand to 1>>. "ont.d ta CI tr .. CO('\;'~'Y'l'O 3)"'81.~ ....<Ol,~,- Prepared by the Office of the City EnOl nft'. Campbell. Callfo,,,la .. .. I I INITIAL TO &. Dl\TE -LL -I - :::' .--:r-1 ~ ~-:--- . -- _.~--_..._,-.,--,-- FTL March 15, 1972 ' --.------..--.---,,- -~-- - .... ---,- --.--.-. , - _. -..-.----..--- -------- Mr. Jame8 R. Barrow 488 South 'l'enth street Ban Jose, california 95112 SUBJECT: "S" 71-76 Proposed 7l-Unit Apartment. Complex, 153 and 159 ttf\;lQn Avenue. Jams R, _~row FilE Dear Mr. Barrow: Enclosed please find the original and copies of the following document.s : 1. An Aqre..nt for the construction of the public street J1nprovements upon Union Avenue. 2. A Grant. :DMd for the dedication of the street right of way with plat. 3 . Bond forms. Please execut.e theae do<::waents in the presence of a Notary Public and ret.urn the originals and one of the other copies to this office. '!"he bond foms are to be execut.ed by yourselves and also by a auret.y eaDp&ny of your choice before being returned to this office. Please note that. the Aqreement. cit.es various fees that are due and payable to the City of Campbell. These fees or charqes should be suJ:ait.tAd to this office with the exec:ut.ed documents. This office will recc:maend the issuance of t.he buildinq permit When ... are in receip1: of all of the execut.ed documents and fees. If you should have any questions concerning any of t.he documents list.ed above, please cont.act the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER By Cruz S. CJane., Jr. Civil En9ineer coo: sh Enclosures CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR J. R. Barrow "s" 71-76 153 & 159 Union Avenue 7l-Unit Apartment Complex 1. Clearinq and Grubbinq: AC removal: 168 sq. yd. @ $1.75 2. Storm Drainaqe System: a. 15" RCP, Class 20 lin. ft. @ $7.00 b. Standard manhole: 1 @ $1,000.00 (cut into existing 54" main) c. Type II drop inlet: 1 @ $325.00 3 . Earthwork: a. Cut: 252 cu. yd. @ $3.00 b. Fill: L.S. 4. Underqround Street Liqhtinq System: a. 1 1/2" rigid galvanized metal conduit with two #8 AWG solid copper conductors: 126 lin. ft. @ $2.75 b. State #3 1/2 pull box: 1 @ $40.00 c. l75-Watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type II electrolier, with photoelectric cell, 240-volt: 1 @ $500.00 5. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 126 lin. ft. @ $3.50 b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: 432 sq. ft. @ $0.75 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: 299 sq. ft. @ $1.25 $ 294.00 140.00 1,000.00 325.00 756.00 100.00 347.00 40.00 500.00 441.00 324.00 374.00 6. street Construction: a. 2" x 8" redwood headerboard: 186 lin. ft. @ $2.50 b. Class 2 aggregate base rock, 1 1/2" max.: (2,269 sq. ft.) (0.67) (0.07) = 106.4 tons @ $4.00 c. AC pavement, Type B: (2,269 sq. ft.)(0.33)(0.075)::::t 56.7 tons @ $12.00 465.00 426.00 680.00 7. Misc. Surface Improvements: a. Standard wood barricade: 28 lin. ft. @ $5.00 2 ea. W21R @ $20.00 1 ea. W57R @ $20.00 b. street trees, five-gallon size: 3 @ $17.50 53.00 140.00 40.00 20.00 Sub Total: $6,465.00 15% Contingencies: 970.00 TOTAL: $7,435.00 1. Use $7,450.00 for bond amount. 2. Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $260.00. 3. Storm drainage area fee (2.09 ac.) @ $765.00 per acre = $1,599.00. 4. No fire hydrant rental fee. ...-.>"L- \~\i-\J - c.-~ 111c{(J2;) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CANPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: December 21~~971 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF J. R. Barrow , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 71-u~lt apartment --__lL..--__ cO:lplc}', TO BE LOCATED AT 15~1 .t17'iJ 159 Univn Ave:;ue CONDITIONS: s~bj.ct to the attached conoitiohs Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR NEET ING HELD ON THE 2 Dt h day of -Eec~~!>,fn' , 19 71 . cc: L;J~:irjeerinB Dept. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION whitt. /~Y: Fire,jer:t. wIatt. ARTHUR KEE, SECRETARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "S" 71-76 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be sub- mitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of appli- cation for building permit. All planter areas to be enclosed within 4" to 6" raised curbs. 3. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 5. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved py the fire department. Unless otherwise noted, enclsure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wallar fence and have six foot self-closing doors. \ The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is re- quired to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50.010 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, seWG~, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with previsions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL... "s" 71-76 Page Two E. On-site fire mains and hydrants shall be provided and shall meet fire department specifications. F. Fire extinguishers shall be mounted in approved cabinets. G. Dedication to 30 foot one-half street right-of-way on Union Avenue. H. Construction of one-half street improvements on Union Avenue frontage. I. Payment of storm drainage area fee in the amount of $970.00. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. .. rPLl 'I rua Wl I r- (I .,... :,l ,r\ ,)! ~ .....~:-::.:"- ""CORDING REOUESTIED .v Title Insurance an" TrusiU1cJmFac:, 110130 102 Palo Alto Office Center Palo Alto, California ~43Ul * 11.50 ^ (101018U ~:"K !)40D.,..4 75 '" \~ _. R("" D" ,'" "~;,,ST Of \ Titte InSUiji1ceJ..d. Tr~il Company JUl 1 1971 uo... GEORGE E. fOWLES, Ro<o<d.r y.ttTA Cl"jtA eOUllIn OffICI.1L Rf.t:'Olt1K ---- ~_._--- (-:J. ~r__ ..... __.. _co"-IJ ......... "0 Iilr. ,James 11.. llarro\oi 'I 488 S, Tenth St, .::.:: San Jose, Califurnia ~5l1Z 0;:": L -1 '=' CJ SptACIl A.ova THIS UNE. FOR ..ECO,.OC,,'$ usa: - l'P- -J (J~ -.r..lIU........n'" 'I ?fO I - - AM.... SA-\ll::. AS AJOVL .J City .. '-L .- /&,O Ii'.zz 3 1'M'. "0..... "U.......HCD .., Tt""-& Il'l.U..,.,..c..1l ......0 T.V." co.........." Grant Deed FULL VALUE ll:r:r,. .. 7 L50 . TO"- C'" ...... FOR ,\ VALU,\BU: COt'iSIDlRATlO:-l. .-ipl of wloich it hereby .cknowled..... JA."ES m.LLJ;R and IRtl'E. R. ~IILJ.ER. his ...ife hHeb~CRA!'(1'IS) to JAi.1ES R. BARROIl anJ :,lARJORlt A. BARROW. his wife, as community property -,-.-.. ..- ...---....-- ....-..----.------- . .-- ----.-. --'.' .._-_._~------_._. the rollow'n~ dncribf!d real property in dw CounlT of Santa C la ra clty of Campbell , State 01 California: ,.., ..-. o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ---: ,~ .1 1 \ ~. J - l~fGf,""I;;t; AT A. f'r,r\T p, r"E '>',Tcr Lr',E o,~ ';'::'~'l A'I::\;E crs T,,~';T T"'E~"()~, SOIJTH '" c"' ...fS T :" -,' a FCcT ~Pf'~' n,;, r;rpT1iE;.S ,;,rpl.Y COpr' Of' LOT? CF THE Pt"TrTI'" ()" r,[ '11'.[;'.,.1' Tpt,C.,~, S.l~\'i'J '.10m; r,'r MAP THEPflF .~cr:r"D/.r,'():;~ T E i'i ~;'rT r;", T"" '<;'.,.Of.,. I" TH" ...,"TEe '1 I' T'" f PAR r I T I :.' ~i S ,I'" 0' -:-. l " r [ " I/.. d r i" L ~ . '[, P _ ~ l '. T r "", 'is, LOTTIE (:1 LL':TT 07',1., ItFUI:;,l';;S. rr; r,,;' "'_'".."; '.' ("_.", ..."i' S TAT:: G '" ::;, u ".-:-", r:" !' , " - ."" 0 ".. " '. . . " .. .. , l,~ T! '" We. ~"~., S4/C' P'.;'.r: ~I", ;'!',,~ -"r: '.,o"':A> ",<,_- (D',!:? OF Tl-l;." ::0-"1'. ".:.",. H,..., ". "j r:. o"'-"",C GI:LLJ :'~ ., :Y, . ""; -" J. .. P"C'''F:, [,-.X, -', .." ,".:; ";.,- :', '~':.' "".: P-"JP:;;_:; M,~~ j/jt..)! f', 1r,-" ";:" OF Ff';'~!.;L 0 -:-,~PjS, f>/I;L '''''; P".::C,; L'-:''.'.';r; '...,"~ -4:. ,['.TC~ ~";!:', 'j,';',:', ,'" ". .." p..'ld,.",. !.LC',: T"," "ocr>IEPlY ........~()IJ.';:;.;>. L!i;,: 'JF ",j, ".1:,; r^,."::':~ . l~!;: 'c: C)"',,"ED T~l J. T. T..r;'~"'r: " .........- E T J:<, : ,:: R T', '. ~ 1 -, ",' '., E S , ,. '.' :: T ,'" , 0:: J ~ L E ) , . " '. P r; : t; , /F'." .::.:..S~L~_!;~::~':~~T L:' ri',',T 0;:"""0 :':;'~:.T T'" c':': '., S'_:, '..I~'::':i "'1':" T'C '" "T..,.,..Tcocf :."0,\';.0 ::;o~,', :_,.~,.':~l-L' ','J; sr) CN,'EYED Tr' J, '. re.,,,,,<:, F' 'J,; rl'Er,:c '~." .. T,,':G.:l:l ~ ." I,CRT'" :';30 . ,~.:.. [':L.;!;. ",C ,\ (:;0'10 ", "." (.~.! ~;I !" ,\ P~(IJo =,~~ FEE', "NO ;'~.r: :,::.::r.,. c,. .., FEET, "()RL ,;; LESS, T~J ~ ;:>0/',- Iii 4 l.I'/E T"AT I'> P':."".~:.': ,': T.., ~'.:: "''::,'&', ", ;.;r,T FPi'." T;-eE 3A;': ',"P.~'''PL,( 50W,C':'p', Llr':E OF T".~ . ",:' ";'.R~~:. )F LA"" "r"'rVEYE!) ~(" T, T' -R~E, Pi JX, M.D THE NO"T""'~I,' J" ."0;'0, OF n~'\T ('0 f,U, ". ,. Ar;;;f:. T~" ": CF LM.D :)ESCI";ac:> I:: f' :~[:; .~J." P',"; 7'r."~';:;"~,C HIN""",, T-'J I~VI' ". D. TO,i1,SE'I::', DATt::~ ~.;:,'J4;>' c', _ ,~ AI.e PEcOR'JE,' "Ec1;'t;;.~, , ". );; 300v. 2,':.L ')' r:"'~:r;.:.. 'r:;)~:->S, ".~;,,, ,:'; r"elCE .l"....'G SAf:. P"'~A~/.=I LINE, SCUrrl i:~o :-. .. .. cA,T i,; A PCJr;r r~. ThE SAID Cf.:1TER :'We ',,' li/dON A\'[NUf'; TI'!:~'(E Ai..,,'.G ~AI~Cn;TE:~ LHIE SOuTH :0 :-_, WEST". FF.ET, MORE 0,. lE:;,S. Tv r,~ Dr,!.'" OF lrlEGU;N!:,r; Ano BEl',/; A PO'HI~'; a= T'i'= SA1" ".=,... AC~;: PA"C~~ 0" L4r,D, 41,D 501N/': A PO"Trcr~ OF TiiE S"I;1 lOT.3 OF THE li'lLETT PART/TIOI,' HERtli.A!\O'I!: RE~ERRED TJ. - IPZ-r - r kj j 1 '- P:'''CCL '"',..:-. " ., " l:'''' "';'" ;:::, c:: L ~ ':N''J c..~ j BEGIIINING A.T A POl/IT IN THE: CEIH"',,- Ll'IF' OF 1J1!!0U ......E'l..", FC)PIo<ERLY SANTA CPUl ROAD, DI;TA:H THFR=Q,', SO~""i ," 1'" ''';cST ~":-.:: I=C:T FFIr),"! T:'E ~lOi<THEAST CO~'\E"- 0" LOT '. ,;" ThE P4~TrTl";'i";F ';':E ";llLE:rs .o4CT AS S...OWN UPO~I ":~E ~'.~P T'jE~:,'jF ~("C:)''''''',~I',; rH,,: ,?EP,!o,')r rHE REF'EPE::S IN THE MATT"R OF Ti~t ACT! ,-", 1=,,, "-'0 rI T~C'i OF ::L 1'::,l'~::';!1 A. WILL::""'5, "LAf:in-F ,'S. lOiTl::: ,I[LLETT';, ET ~l, DC)FE';:ANTS, 1/, THE SU"ERI'j'l (C:.;f~.;').~ ii= .:~A'T'- OF ':AU"rpNI4.. I': M:J F-':'P 'THE CDUrlTY OF SAIITA CLARA, ACTION NO. 7G37; TH!:':~~ ALe':.. 'T"',~ :C':TI=RLI'.c' OF Uld:N A. V [.""1 ": , SO\Ji'; ;.,:- ',E~' :~. ":iE'" TO ... >-()AD NA:L srr f'J ."': PAVO:."':',T AT n'E '.i)R,~'~U,ST ::co'.r:"~" "''1A r C"RTAIN ",:' AC",: PAP,:c'.. OF LMlr :(~:Rld'::; I'. T-E JE=c F~'''A IIlVINt;,. Tr::'I."<;c';") T', oJi" r",USE';:;. ,1/NI'AN, :)ATrOJA,'I"A~" : " :'.~, ;",i) p':e].D~':(J I=EJPlJAR, ", ':1 r,,)r'~ l:';;~ 'jF CFFlel;':.. ;>2CCRC~. fJAGE :'-, S!;;;~A CLARA e',j'JNT" P::CC~[)S; T",=,"CE ALOI,I; Tf'E ',~~R ,i L/."E t,F SAI:, ".:: ACRE PARCEL 0= "....:.:;. .l,'J') D4.>:'LLCL hITri T"" I,ORTII L!IJE OF CAr:;. L'), '. ',iES~ c..:.~~ FEET TO A :_>', :,':C'1 PI!'E' r"",:C[ .'JO~T' ',-,--, ':':;, :-:','-" Ff:cT TO A PCl~;T "P'c" '.IH1(',i-' '7"'!: ~or:,,. OF 3FGr~;.'<l.'Jt; '}i;-,RS F:A;T "'~')I,G ;, UIiF PARALLEL 'II T'I Tl-lE IWRTH liNE.:;: 54/) LO'7' '; T~",":E PAP~l.'..['.. .,,:-:;; "'HE NORT'; LUif OF SAl::> 1'}T : e,~ST ,0-,:':: F~ET TO T'r; "Oll,T CF ~';'~;I;~Il"G, ,""0 liEI:'.G A P!)RTroi'< OF SA!!) L::JT' 'IF SAI::> 'iILi..:TTS "A.:irrno'l. PAPCEL T!oJO II) Ii ;~; /t~ ,~J/ ..,.~ .--- -'~.""" E;<CCP'7':';1; T"E"!"F"O.... THA, P,JRTl': r:;:::~EOF [:)'I'I""EC gy JA.'~ES'HLL':o AIiO IRP~;E R. ,"lLLE.,', ":';5fl':';;~ ;"'C;"ff"C, TrJ STATE'c,~ C'\L!"CH:d':, ')y C!:EC OArED Jt.NE, :,.' A:,::, ?':,;-./;:\,c.; ':'U(;(,.'ST ~.:, :'~. I'. fl:J(w C.'-. OF OF"ICI4L Rcco~6s, ?':G' .\:.D 8Ei:iG D[:iCRI(lEr' T1E?El.'. 1.3 - FOL:..').,',: ALL 0F TkAT PA~CEL OF LA.'.D CCI,':C:Yf'C TO '-. T, ThOR'!E. 1"7' ::'/, 31 DEE') llECOPC€:-l ~~..y "';, 1'1 3()1)~;~<., AT PAr;E ":, OFFICr".l PCCooOS 01" 5M,,4 CLARA CUUI,~-, 1/ 1,:''1 i..lES I,CRTHwESTEOLY ')" THE FOr..LOlIlNG OESC"I<JED Ulic:: j i j I !3F.G/SNlnr. FOR "fFE;>F....C<: AT '!'fF: "n~T ..:S'rERLV (""':ER \'F SAT') TeiO'lII:: ET U'.', i'APCEL; ;4!:,';C[ -"CUiiC T"E PPOP[RTY LI'I1: eC)1'M<)I, Tf) TrlE LANDS, 1'0>1 o,~ "'!)f'MER~Y -F ';41') r:1CR':F, ET L')I'A~;o OF r;, C. 5HC"JT, JR.. FT 'JX, SOUTH (~,~ :~. .' ""ST :,.'.-...FE!:T TO !"F T""L Pf1!'.;T 1F CO,..r-EI'::;:M[~H; -"'U;CE ~'Cp.;!, .."~ ., ,.... Et,~T -.:r FF:;-; THE':C[ ~,-N'G A TA"'Gn'T C'.JOVE TO THt LEFT !':Ii~: A "A:'IUS OF FEeT. T'HROt.iGri ;", ANGl.:: OF ~o ~:1' ::"", AI. ".RC If:<VTh OF 1" .:-: FEET TO ;'1-1E I.ORTHEPL':' LINE OF SAiD v. T. THOR:'OE, ET 'J)',. i'ARCI:'.. - ... -.._...-~._..--._.._- .~. ~.~ -\ ~ o ~ ~ -r ... , /;:" If '/,'-" ~ \,..r . II/j' _, /(0) I?Ll I I, _AI fLXl 0-.1 ------lyn e Z 2, 12 71 STolTE IW C\L1mR~I,\ . } CODITY Oy_~~n~~_<:J a rn SS. 0.. J un~_.~-1-!.9 71_--,--- hrfnr. "'". 'Mo 1IftfM. !li......1. a :"tot.r,. 'Pllhli,' in iHI.1 fur ~ili.1 ~.lt". pr.r...~;dty ':&VfI"'oMt".. James Miller anu 1 reii-en:-ITillc'r lu\fn'''ttl~ 10 ht.o the prr1ofIn~"h._ niAmr_S. ar~"ul""'ril,,",ll" lh.. ,,-iltU" im-cruIn..nt ,lml ad.llllwl""h{t"d IhaL_'~'~~"'.I'lIlt"11 Ih.. :oo.uw "Tf'fF.::-S In,. h.nd .mod uftki:(1 ._"111. ,...... . Si....'... '2. I}. I V, (Y}1.~ \ ~\",'CY\;t.L<?d.- p 0 ue r t ~i~~~l~y~l~\~i~~~j !-r~_ _________ Ti,l. Orrlor \n, j\~ h ;;"., ,# 4 I :; . 1 Q..,-. 0 .-=--=' '~."" ."'-..- 8=O~ 9400 ,',~": 477 QClMu1 'htdCa-1. ~iller) , ~~~-i~ (Irene R, "inerT' 1 .1 1 I " l.~,"r<;C~':'C,~~Cll,!)CO~~(i~; ~, , OFfICIolL SIAL ~ " 0 ReBERT M. SIMMONDS. JR. ., . ('. J ) 2,~ rtOTAHY "';jllC . CM.JfOIIR6A oJ ~ '. , SANIA cte"~l.: 1\ r,ljC"mmissiQll 0.."$ Marell 8, 11 . ~ ~l~).:,/")':?<.J,:)~~~-> ~ . 1""..,_ I... '.....'.110...".' __0 E.....r.,\\o or [,nan \.., MAil T....X STATEMENTS ....S OIRECTeD ....80VE ~. rowntnP..' r- ~-~ . - ~ &:: ~ tm . .<21'V\i"\2/ " \~ ." 7/V(.1 /{;j. (I f j PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY or CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL) CALIFORNIA DATE: April !1~ 1971 CON D I T ION SAT T A C H r. D TOil S II A P PRO V .'\ LOr }J L II N S 0 F James Barrow , FOR CONSTRUCTION o F --5..2 11:0 i t...-Ua..r.:t1I1.tul t b 1 d g . TO BEL 0 C Ii TED A T _____.l_5_~_~.nL~_2._1J1l"t<Ln Ave n u e _.--------------------------_._._---"----~._--------------------.----.---- CONDITIONS: .;f~ \{l 0",j' (1~ "~t I I;' /1 II conditions of approval at~ached See t ion 9316. 1 0 f the C '-' IT! P L c 11 ;,11.1 n i c i pal Cod ere ads as f 0 J. J. O"d S : 1.ny approval griJ.!lted under this section shall e;.:pi1'<; one year' after the d ate 1.1 p 0 n ,1 h i C [! sue hap y 2' 0 v a J. VI 2 S g r 3. n t e d > 1.1 III ~: S S 2 II ex ten sic> n for S 1.1 C hap pro V a J. i sob t a i 11 e cl by in a kin g ..: r i t ten c" p p ], i cat ion f (> r s 2 J:1e tot h e PI ann i n f; C 0 rnd s s i 0 11 at lea s t f i f tee n (l 5) day S p l' i. 0 r 1: 0 the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has heen obtailled in the mann~r provided " fQrin~his Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY or CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR HEETING HELD ON TIff. _~_~~_ day cf _,,~__~k::.i_~________ 1971 C I T Y 0 r CAt:::' iH: L L ? LA ;;;1 UI G CO 1-l1-lI S S I 011 cc: Engineering Dept. w/att.~/ Fire Dept. wIatt. /'-- /i / //1: / ,)'/ . j , / , ;-' "'l BY. ___~""-~d-!~ct"(;,!____"*~.;;$. ____________________ . A 1-~ T f! U i\ K F:~'!; E: C I\ E: T II R Y ~J_.. _ ""'......., Corditions of approval: I1S1171-17 Barrow, J. 153-159 Union Ave. Ap:r>il 19, 1971 1. l)roperty to he fenced and lands caped as indica tcd and as added 111 "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bihs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for appr0val of the Planning Dir0ctor at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $2,000 to he posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved land- scape plan. S. Enclosures of sufficient size to house all trash containers, shall be installed in an area approved by the Fire Department. The en~losures shall be constructed of a 6' hig1l sight obscuring fence with concrete floors and 6' self closing gates. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground Utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly t11e location of all connections for underground utilities includ- ing water, sewer, electric, telep110ne and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until applicat- ion is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Applicant shall install fire extinguishers in break-glass cabinets In laundry rooms, carports and second floor landings. F. On-site fire mains and fire hydrants shall he installed as directed by the Fire Department. G. Applicant to dedicate to 30 foot 1/2 street right-of-way on Union Ave. H. Applicant to construct 1/2 street improvements on Union Ave. frontage. I. Applicant to pay storm drainage area fee in the amount of $574.00. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Cedes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell w:lich pertain to this development a:ad arc not herein snccified. 1. A,PPUCATIO~l NO. ~)d-' ,.'., l" , D,I1 ! ,~ I T A A l. L Tii ATe E r T A I N REA l P R () P F' r< T Y (,: '7" /\..T [ Hl T' H: C I n 0 F C M'1FH f' L. ( , , COu~nY OF SANTA CLAP':" S Tf,Tf: C)' Cf,L[ F";,r:IA, occ:;CRIPED 1\':, F( Lc.r1W;: P II P r: r L. () ( : :': 8EGINldr~G AT A por~~T 1:, T:!f' c"r'T" :,!r'E Of- 'jii;N: AVU;U[ Ulc,T/,.r:T T~~EQ,Em'l SOLiTH Jr: ~~'I ',{rsl :. rC~'i FPC'~' f'j ~:(~RTHEr-\STr~'~,Y COf"i'~' OF un -:j OF THE PlYT I Tl C', Of 1 i[ \Vl ~,U-TT lTJ'Cr, A:~ S:iO~'ii: upor: TtH ~-1M") THEREOf ^Crnr-.~P/\~,'(Jr'lr, T' F. Rf r'CYT nr: Titre: c:IJ~nE U: IH' f",Al1fJ OF T'-I[ PARTITION 5JIT OF ['dJ"N'!Tfi "" ;'lll.Lf':'" p,./,riHlr:-, .".. L I) T TIt: \; 1 L L F. 1 T E T t. L, " ["1 [ F C i J D t, ~. i T c:'.. 1 i JT " F S U [> ~ F r (' r~ c (\ u r T u : Ii i r STATE OF CALl FOPr!I/., j~l N,~', ~C':. ;'[ C"U'~TY CI 'j/tiT)\ CL:,P':', .c..,CTIO!; i:(I. 7<''', SAID PCH:T Of eECI:iiJl:i f.f:ING ThE ':CJRTiH~ASTERL'i (()R~JER OF THJ'~T C[!nAI~; PAr~CLl Of' LANe, C'i~!VFY[U rn PAV/--1(lND GULl_l:.J';~, rr i.X! "') .'. T, 1HORNE, [T UX,8Y c)F[[ [)/,:c8 11r...y, >;::,. Ai;D RECORDED ,..,lev . IN 300K ,',';;:7 OF Of'rleI!,L RiCURDS, P/',Gt:','j THUJCl Lr:tvl~iG SAIO CEt:T[R LlIJE Of UNiON !\\F:i.Ui M,e, RurJNPJ(, :..LO;~C THr: NORTHERLY GOUiJDARY lINE OF TliL SAI [) F)p",C;~ elf LAND SU C)~JVE'fED TO '. T. T'!'~:R~:E fTUX, r~URTh S},,~., ,.," \,o/E:);" FECT. H(\~[ OR LE';S,IU A PC;'; iN SAID ~JOPTH[RLY L:t,;[ n!/\T l\[;!R:, !)i::.TANTi!itPEOiJ, SOuTH ;",~ , ., <)" EAST 1:" .r: FEE r FRm',::I[ t,(;i<T'!"JL:}T;:RL Y COP..('~ER OF Sid CI P,I-'\RCf:. ',': SU CONVEYED TCiJ. i. TtiORi'JF, E, UXj THEI.CE FI~,," A T;\tJGf:tH 'TliAT r[i~( rWRP-i :'30 CJ)' ;):".~"I EAC, [ f',[')NG ;\ \.'';f.>v::::C ':!!~ LE;FT ~/IT'i ;\ F'i~D!U:, ,- : -,',;, FEET, AND ARC U:N(,Fi ",F :'. FEET, ~1(A:: PLESS, TU A POH. iN ,t:.. LINt. THAT I~:; P/'.P/,lLU ',-Il';'r ,A~,~} Ef)t.:,c,i.. :, 17Al\T FRO/,' T'IE SA! '.'<'f.:: 80lJimr,RY LINE OF THE ~;:.'~; PARCE... !'iF ~.At!:! C.C }'J:NEYED ';0 '. T \'i,~,,~ fi UX. Arm THE NOPTi!i,F:,Y GOUNDAR~' OF TH:\T' ,.'\Pj ':. 'ACkr TR :'F' LAND DESCRIBED Ir'i';' [:ECD >"Rm,~ purri rr.'"n', [ID HINMAN 10 I RV1: :. TO'.n~SEND, DATED ,;;l,tJIJARY ~,. :~ AND Rf:'ICW!E: FEBRUARr " j" liJ aOOK ,::;+4 or Or'FIel..'\" P.fCOkDS, p;,r,E :-:; ';f}jCE Ai..O~,G ;:>/\1:) P/,.YA,_:, L!i\jE, SOUTH :J'F ~'" <" EAST TO A peItH l~; THe SAiD CEi\lTEk LINE l' !)r,;jY.~ AVENUE; THO-jet.' f\LCmG s,c.,JCCF:I;TER Lli'lf:~.3(IUT:l _" ,: 1 vJLST . . '1 ':T,. MORE OR LlSS, T'J TiE POJrH OF bEr;INI\r![~G i\rJD BEH,G .t~ F]{j~;l'rj 0' -r;,u, SAID ".c< ACRE P/d;;C':L Of LMj[;, .Aim R~l ,(;.A. PORTlm; OF TH[ SAID :OT.' or THE WILLETT ;)ARIITION HEREJ!'-JAFlf)V!: RU'ERRf;:D '~O. PARCEL "/0 B[GI~H'.JING AT A POINT I~~ THf: CENT::w, LINE OF U~liOt~ AVENUE FORMERLY SMnA CRUZ ROAD, DI5TN~T THfREVi SOUTH ~c I I,n-'ST 1'=:'. .:. FF:!"'T FROM TiiE NORTHEAST COR~~ER OF LOTI Of THE PARTl TION OF T~f HILLE':n~; TPACT AS SHOViN UPOf\! fHf. 1'1AP PiERLOf ACCOMP,6,~~Y I ~!G THE REPOPT OF THE' REFEREES IN TIiE MATTER OF THE. !\crlot~ FOR P!,RTlTION OF ELIZAbETH I~. \..IILLETTS, PLAIi'HIFF VS. tOillc 'II'ILL.ETTS, ET AL, DEFENrANTS... If'J THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TllF Sill,iF or:- ',:ALlFGRi.JlA. IN Arm FOR. THE COUi1TY OF SANTA CLARA, ACTION NO. 71l37j THU~CE ALONG THE CUHfRL.P:L OF ur~ION AVENUE. SOUTH~) ,~:" F:>; ~"u rEEr TO A ROAD NAIL SET IN:':-iL , . . !\f\j[l r '," V (.' L i APPLICATION NO. Sd-,;.33i~li' B. ~, PAVEMnn AT THE ~IORTHF!,ST COR~J[D or THAT CERTAIN ". ~"\ ACRE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIOED IN THE DEED FR0M IRVING n. TOWNSEND TO RUTHrowNSE~D' HPIMAN, DATED JANUARY },j,:" f,.':1) PECORnED FE3RUARY ;,~.I:J" iN rlOOt: l?4U OF OFFICIAL. REC.ORD~" PAGEj~, :"'AinA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS; THFNCE ALON(, THE NORT:i LlN~: OF SA! C, .,: ACRE PARCEL OF LAND AND PAPAL LlL \'JITH THE t'lORTli LItlE or '~A.ID Lor , '''EST~;~'. ..'. FEET TO ^ :-:' n:CH PIPE; THENCE NO[:'Tli;"') ,:', I r:AS''- -, .:.( fTt~T TO A popn r:pnr,< ';JHICH PH:: P 0 IIH 0 F B r: G rr;'~ I N G f,3 E/; R:: r p:;: ,\ L UN GAll N f PAP ALL [L vI! TiT H f' NOR '1 H LI N E 0 F S A I D LOT ?; T dEN C E P t, R ;\ L 1. r ~ v!: T'1 THE ~JO RTf! Ll r if: 0 F SAID UH EI',ST ~'?'7/~~ FCET TO 1:1[ POlkr Oi ;jrC;;tmnjl~, A~:O BEli'JG A f"'ORTIOt'-i or 5 A I D LOT ~ 0 F :> A I D \-J ILL [ T T SPA R T ! T I (1'1 . EXCEPTING THEREFROt.' THAT PORTf'Hl TiLREOF CONVEYED l)vJr~:.1rs 'lILlXP AND IRENE R. tHLl,ER, HUSBMm M~:) '\-JIFLj TO STA'Tf OF CALl>ORinr" !;y DEEC DATED JUNE} ':-)e1. AM" ~:Ei.J;R[Jl:~)L.,U(?UST,~, : ','.', l~'~ sonK " OF OFFIClt\L RECORDS, P/-IGF J: , A!~r' BEHle, DESCPI5EC' T,iE.PEP 1-1(" 1'0L.l O\:S: ALL OF THAT PARCEL OF uum (nt~'/Ln.D ra J.T. THORf'lE, Fl I:. r.lY DEED RECORDED f1AY '(\1'1.-", Jrl BOUr~ '.,-, AT PM;E ;;-''', OFFICIJ\L RECOPDS OF SANTA CU\RA (autiTY, 1,/'iIUi LIES NORHiI.JESTHLY ')F THE FOl LOllI NG DES CR I BED LI NF: !3Ef,INNING FOR RffTRENCF Ai 'TliF 1,10<:'1 \-J['~TERLY (nR~IER cr $1\1['; THOR/IE [T UX, f'ARCELj THEiler: AlJ)I;(: THE PROP[RTY LlrlE CCH-1t10N TO THE LANDS, NmJ OR FOR~1ERlY 01-' ~:AI~' T'1('R~Jf. E1 UX ,A.ND 0': ,~. c. :i1C\UT) .JR.. F:T UX, SOUTH i~;,,) lei' :,,' [;.\-:;1:"',',, FElT TO n;~ n<~JL f'nl'J'f Or' COMr"'Ei~CEMnn; THENCE t,:ORri .,,'i'," U,')T ".-' [HI; THFfJCL {.U"N(~ A TANGENT CURVE TO TH[ LEFT I..!! T'i 1.\ fU.,r'!us OF'--'''' FECT, TiROU(.ri j,:; M,jGlE OF -;0 (~,rl' :\ ", I\t~ APC i"fC~(-Trl n~ _' FEET TO idE rm,-:TH[PL.Y Ll i'J E 0 F S l\f D J. I. TH 0 P N E, [T U ", t' A R U i ~ . C()NTl\I r~l N(; C!. 4'J? OF A~,1 ACRE J M,")PJ~ ()R l'_S5. .