295 Union Ave. (67-12) .copies: FU.e 1 Bldg. Dept. 1 INTER-DEPARTMEETAL RELEASE TO: BUILDING DEPART~lENT FROM: PUBLIC ~vORKS DEPART:I"ENT ENGINEERING DIVISION DA'l'E: 3 - 6-{; -7 R.... J.J. fi- ,) ~ . '7 (;, /.Sf' '--c- (-I (i />.-. ,E (subj cct) P?Ji'-?K -r- .,- 1) ,"- J:. i:: .-<) A /I r:J j) I (Owner's Name) 2.. cl S U?-----(C:"---' ,q u~ _ (Address of Property) The following condi.tions of approval. on subject property are recowmended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. / - .:s; /012 A- L) /Z A /" --- j4:'.6- e=:.- 41 ~ e 2- ~~ :tL.. 2, 'lJ ED ( C~A 7/ L. p.....) F ,e. F()~ '''-- A------ 1J,;e <I- U~I (J......., A c'..k . 5 A GtF FE />--..6 --.r Fr:;.;2 =;,- /.. /~rS-. c-~ V ---J c'~ ..q~. CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DIVISION --/ By ,>.~~/;~. ?~ 1 of 1 RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME c2/U.< -'1!/~L: ADDRESS c2 'Y~ t::~J ~--<-_ f14 /kLL _ '7 V _ _ ~ FOR{21~1-N 4tL<-4ft/~~ -~i2J- . ;/' t .~ )J;~ .(?~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3 r: & FUND NUMBER ~ DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAR -7-67 MAR -7-67 001 ***4,823.1-14 66 001 C **~,823.44 ~ CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL BY g(0;e,n". No. 4023 , .rclL ~. / ( ( /.: qL~ ~ (KEv) ,., I' ------~'-_._'-~._~--._--,_..~.__.~~-_.._---- I ""'1 .' 1 (J'l () f+ - r- 0 -i 0 ~ -<: (""l 3 l> 0 -t 0 ..., 0 ~ (") :2 p -. )> :J 3 (") 1) '... -., :s 0 CP -" 3 M --. .., :.t.. )J 1J r- :t- o ~ r- '. (~-, :I rt P :<, ti' : -' 0 l:s h- ::J l/l :~'.- -f ::r , OJ 0 .- -- ~ ..... \, r+ :~::, "--- --. :t- o ',J ~:>- ~ ..L " \}~ ~ s:> t-' ~) l"\:xJ 1:] - oc: ., ~ ..:>> 0 \~'k; - :zc~ ..... ~"J'\ . .... ... \ f"I J ~.~ l> ... 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C) ....~ ""'- C1) I .... ...;:, j-,,' f., ',.~. ....,- ~" :' :: i-+- Vj 1.-....) .....} I r..... ..... t':" -:h , ' ,',J' i '-~ t,-,) "< :/] }J i 1 11 I -- i\,:\ 0 ;....~' ~. , ...... , <i' \ ,', - -- 8 () ..... -.0 .. ~ i'-' " '1 ~' r- ...(""\~ 3-iag3 "ion ~~'" :... ~. g, ~ ~S' r;.-~ :3- ~ ~g fi' l\. 0 .~fi) ii ~.... -=-0 'S?31 ~ P"; ~ \J\ ~ (/\ .g - " ::;;:- ;; S< B" i!.. ~ f;' ^ ~~ ~lL' Q '" .:.....- ~.. .:s -- ~ ;:: r- .i ~ :; l~ ~::l :s--6. ~~ --- l " C M \l \l~V) ~ ~ c p ~ r- rt- p o 0 (\ ~ :J l' ):3 c u u "., ;Q f?"1 l' H .... < J S c < n- l\ r- 0 "\ o 3 .... 1:: po, '" l"' C --4 (/"\ o ., ~ -. :3 P \Q ~ l> .., f' P Z o " ir - - Vl :r (\ o (\ ~r+ ~.... - ...-, .- .1) (;0.. / L-'-.- COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 May 9, 1967 Department of Public Works City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Re: - jc/6. - --I - P (}, Pt Tract No.~ . A Extension:SoS. Ext. Un~on ve. Notice of Acceptance Gentlemen: The sanitary sewerage system for subject development has been constructed, inspected and tested, and found to be complete in all respects. Title to the system has been transferred to this District and the system has been accepted for operation and maintenance. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer B L. E. Weaver LEW:j Associate Civil Engineer encl. Resolution No.460.ll ]\ l yj RESOLUTION NO. 4&0. / / RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SEWERAGE SYSTEM WITHIN THE PROPERTY OF MACLYIt L. MORRIS SITUATED WITHIN THE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA He: S.8. bt. Uftion AVe. t.o Mobilehome Park WHEREAS, being the sole and follows: 18 of the sewerage system described as 'the 1361 lilleal t.et of a-iDch .anitary sewer main, appurtenant manholes, and appurt.eftallt. vertical riser, as shown on the improvement. plan. for saniury .ewer on g:t.ry road of MObi1ehome Park for Fred Sahadi and Mac MOrri.. Said a-inch sanit.ary sewer main and appurt.enances located wit.hin a 10 foot. .a....nt. OIl the parcel Of land described by t.he Record of Survey recorded in Book 216 of Maps at. Page 29, Santa Clara Count.y Records: have constructed a sewerage system within said property in accordance with the provisions of County Sanitation District No.4 Sanitary Code; and WHEREAS, the District Manager of said Sanitation District No.4 has caused to be inspected said sewerage system, and finds said sewerage system to be constructed in compliance with said Sanitary Code, and does recommend to this Board that said sewerage system be accepted and thereby be included within the sewerage system of County Sanitation District No.4; and WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said property have offered to convey and transfer to County Sanitation District No.4, subject to the terms and con- ditions of said offer, all of said owners' rights, title and interest in and to said sewerage system; and WHEREAS, said owners do, in their offer, declare and warrant that they are the sole and exclusive owners in and to said sewerage system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, acting by and through. its Board of Directors, does hereby accept the offer of the owner(s) of the above described property, subject to the terms and conditions expressly stated in said offer. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT from and after this date said sewerage system shall be, and it is hereby, made a part of the sewerage system of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, State of California, this 22nd day of March , 1967 , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Directors, Fargher, GlCRROFI, Inglis, Jensen Mehrkens, Doetsch, Welch ~.,...L-' };~-~ Directors, ABSENT: Directors, NUMBERltpt'J07 BOOK 7, ?~ PAGE (,5i, RALPH H. MEHRKENS Chairman of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, State of California. The foregoing instrument is a correct copy of the original on file in this office 2/64 ~~:~~ia::;~~ Dai.t'J; S/ .;J."J- / c. ? (DISTRICT SEAL) COUNTERSIGNED: DE r:ORA SPENCE Secretary of said Board (CUPY)RfCORDED ~ d.t /9'7 - A I May 3, 1967 Mr. Maclyn Morr i8 1325 Dry Creek Road Campbell, California U, union Avenue Mobile ac.e Park StQ~ Drain Dear Mr. Herr i8: This office i. de.irous of causin9 the installation of a .t~ drainage line acro8s the southerly end of your mobile hCDe park 8ite from .stchester Drive to Perman Drive. we are therefore requesting that you construct 8aid line in accordance with approved imprO"l.-ent plans within a .even-foot underground ..sement which you would dedicate to the City of Campbell. The City of Campbell, subject to Council approval of 'this propos.l, would re1llburs. you for the coat of construction of this facility in accordance with the City'. 8tandard policy. No difficulty in securing Council approval is foreseen by this office. Thank you for your cooperation.- Very truly your 8, WILLIAM G. WRDT, ACTING DIRBC'l'OR or PUBLIC 1IOlUCS 1 i~) \ By Bill M. Helms,LlrquC Associate Civil Engineer BMHacb lZ-->u u,..o~ .;2+v~ ~;/Cr:?'-. va//'--' /--2 .I'~. -- I (~ =-. <- /'-- s_ 0-~C-G 7 fA 'S <;,if S' <; (C'LL~IY) /6 ~~ / G ) 4.- Ie ~~ 5 /~, '-5 C /GS-7 / G .s- G I Cl () (~ 44 / 4-; 4-~('~G ~3) S"7 ~ C\'~ 2 G 10.44 I -::> <G c> q G Z- 'J( S / (. 74 IG 7 Pi L 1/ z... ~ / G c7 S 72- /2 "".)c j\ L s- (~ ( Ac C <2 ~) p. c e 7 s 1\C 2.2 ( s<i- Ac ( SA(-i/~DI) ( 'STcJJ ( .~, . S /,- I ! 1-1 ( .s IC U ( DE ! f Er/?V ) 1oT: Ss. 0 rJ-- P+ c il x::.... 7 G .S <1- ~/ / oS . C (p L ~ G9S <7 L I I I' I '1/ 4 0 "'1 e '2 , ! >"",. .,1 - r- tII ... '( (- 1-1 ? ; o /; ':- ~ '- /7 v l C: J..A ~ b. -:;:s Mailing Address 4300 So. Bayshore Highway San Jose, California 95111 Plant Location f( 11/2 Mi. South of Tully Road on Bayshore Highway ~~ ~ 1'~ (JD., SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA Tel. 251-6560 IRRIGATION, CULVERT, SEWER AND DRAINAGE PIPE 1 ,., ~c].) ;J,)..:~. .'0.1. ." ,(.", 1967 Ll~~r of Campbell 75 I~. Central ",venue Campbell; California A_ttention: ;T. ~"ranl; LeIr,].::; ," r ,-, ., ..J:ll nu :~ :~.:rr : rr 1 ~~J (~~rEi 1.J. c: r" ::a rk Union .',venue Cai.;pbe11, Cal j fonda Gentlemen: 'rhi.3 i3 to certify that all of the 331!, JOll, :27f1 and 2h" reinforced eOi:.cri3te r1I-e bein,:; sup'i.lied to :}}a,,;e Construction COl;ipany ;In the :,,,1::o-\'e :-mbject project meet: the, recj,uirelJ_ent;:, of' the 3pecification ~.'~. ~3. :Tf.J . C7f.)-bC) CIa 58 3. 3incerelj" yoars, Y4??t.~ 1) ~.lT. ..~e ston D.E:bh c c :J-lagE; Con st nK r:l. on Co.npany PL,ANNING DEPART;.JENT CITY OF CA!lPbELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 2-9-67 C0i-JDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Fred Sahadi TO BE LOCATED AT: , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Mobile Home Pa rk 295 Union Avenue CONDITIONS: 1. \Vater mains an' fire hydrants shall be installed as required by the Fire Department. 2. Sanitary se~er service to he provided in ~ccorrlance with Sanit~tion District IV requirements. " t>. ,'I.. 14- 3. Storm drain fee at standard rate. )I ':iJ .5ICC'C - c.l- 1--c(" ')(= 4-825-- 4. Dedication to Forman Drive plan line. / If 450 ~ 5. Compliance with all requirements of Sect. 9328.6(14) of the Campbell Municipal Code. 6. All parking spaces to be in accordance with Sect. 9319 of the CMC. 7. Fencing and landscaping plan indicating type of mate-rials and plants used to be submitted for staff approval prior to obtainin~ builrlinp pe rmi t . 8. Landscaping to be completed before issuing certificate for occupancy. * I: * * * Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall exp5re one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such epproval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written zpplicati0n for same to the Planning Commis:-ion at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No bui~ding rermit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new a,proval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING C01\ii\IISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 6th DiY OF Fe h ru a rv 196 7 CITY OF CN;PBELL PLANNING COf\t1i,HSSION '. By: n ,v .- '~~~cretary c' ;.' :~1 n RVH:bt R.V. Horan " I ' COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY N f ' _(I >~._...::' ,. (.(-~' ".~ ni/ l Ii i/ , .71 ./ , , !..}. ",-- i'/,Cl! '''- 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 December 5, 1966 Mr. Richard V. Hogan Planning Director City of Campbell 75 N. Central Ave Campbell, California Re: Campbell Planning Commission Union Avenue Dear Mr. Hogan: Attached 1S a copy of a portion of an assessors code map showing property on North Union Avenue. Can you please advise us if the City of Campbell has a firm plan for a street pattern in the lands of Stojanovich, particularly parcel 14'2 You will note on the attached map the location of the end of a sani tary sewer. This sewer is the only means of providing' future service to property on Cristich Lane, and must, via some reasonable route, be connected to the existing sewer in Union Avenue. Knowledge of future street patterns will help us make a judgment of the best way to make the connection to Union Avenue. Any information you may give us will be appreciated. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer By:.. L. E. Weaver ~ssociate Civil Engineer LE~!/ dd Ene. sketch 7)"- h,.,>>'v (j, ):> n ,..... ~';'~"- -.,.... T'.' 44}b~.: J 'Il ----.l ~t} IE4r.- ~',"~--T--- ?":'~3:' -'-''''-1 , , \( ;' .......... '\) 1't:, '.OJ to (.' 'l' ,. '" L_ __ cr ;>:<6 _~.. .6: ~; __n___.___'_____ . -:~4-'2 c.J l~ "'" -oj It -~ .,;rl {~ : tc):) ~ I-'() 'il',.-~S ~ 1l.J) !,; - ~/.'\~ 3S \~ N ;..., -.... ,-", J?; , ,. 1. (.1\(1'.\\ \~ ~ ,r;,. :!3 >- ",-, " qt,~~~ :9:; 'J; c;-..: / I()-, ..... z o ;:0 -l r 54~A :;>J 0> 2 ;t> ,., _ ___, _~m_4?_C~C?7~~_~L) 11'.;1.15 ?~ 1 It;,) .5 /,", j /\, :0-.., \~ 0> --' c." ?"; ----f .~t\O_ 1\ i3l5':; 64 ~ i ~ I',n_08 . o~ r ~ .. : t' ., l ~. t , ~ .. ., ~ ~ ~ r t1~'\ i" 1 , l ,s ~ 1'0:; c:: ~~ o Z :' .... .J t' <Y> co (__n { _~. I . ~ , .. " ~ . , " i ~ - I , " 'i. , '. (, ( ~ '~ ] , c; t ~ " . . @ .P " '01 ~ \..... " (n ;~ ". " g '\1 ,~ p r. I ~~ I ,o~Sr s~ , :.t1:> r. ~ : 'T +- ,i./.r- -'" ,- <...-S~ Af_ I v1\. ' ~f vs .,: ~\ IV : <, IIv: ~ v,: ~ I' . ?':f Dc..s ~ I . ~ ~ \ ~ Ii 0;.> f/~ ' _--==~L__ ___ - -_ ~-"-------- -\ ( ~, ~"~ 1 ,+0 t l j'" .___c,' f__ -+--- ;:":0"'- _.-'l'. '" ~: '---- \; \~ '/'""1//,''''' tt..' ~ p~ '" '-- ~% I t, ~ '~ I 0:'-1(- w ~~ ~ C 'd( I" -;xJ:.': - I-JES'" '.. i E '\ i.. \t ~ jge 13 ell... --- -_._~- \ , -" IN DuS.... R ' <..IA l >- < M ~' .. ...... f:;" '~ I. ~ PA'~I "TR Nf? 3599",Sr:,~ Cc: Pj ..9 : ---~ ~,Hl '" .~ oJ '" coum SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 lDF SANTA CLARA COUNTY POST OFFICE BOX 368 0AMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 ~JJ .1 J I> _/ @ ~" ___J /'