533 Union Ave. (73-15) INTER- DEPJ'iRTIiJEnTl'.L !'S!10~}\1'1Dur1 -..- - TO; BUilding D2par-tment FRO:.1~ P'ubli.c Porks Dcpartment The requiremen.ts of the Public 170rks D2partmel1t have heen saT-fef3-ed for the fOllo'\\:'ing aevelopment: 13UILDJ:1\'G ADDRESS APPIJICi\Hl'.-_~,<",V-:~. ... \JJ~~\)~r ~"3 SJ.-'r\\OV\ A'JQ::. . 4~ 4~3 -~ :'=>3 ---- COillJ'l"'..l ASSr;SSOH.t s PARCEL NUM13ElL_~ -"'--.......... II S II l',J)PIZOVAL NUl{J3BR -----.,.,--- - ----...-- PUBLIC I~ORKS P ILB Nl.J1'.mEn. ..,~-,~ ~ ...... '...... # -----~-- h~~ 042-L. ------- WILL TJJ~n G., WP~EN F DIREC1'()R 0:;;" PUBI..IXC t"lORI<S '\ RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME 0/~L4-.J-~ ~. A~ L ~ ~3 ~~ //~C(N';../ ~ ~ _ f.;(;L ~V ~6.rJ- J~ 3S/-/j- ADDRESS ~ 0..- c:2 7,7 - 7fr ~ RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER ~ ~ c!/~fl/ ?J, ~y o MONEY ORDER o CASH THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. .00 APR -2. 75 51 0115 A ** * 277.00 APR -2-75 6S OLiSA ***522.00 9874 /I~ .. 3~ / em ~'". @, CITIZEN COPY Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL (~cz. 6,,~?;) ~~ PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY IPJ CG'r ~IE + 111 ALMADEN BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95198, (408) 298-3333 February 13, 1976 Ci ty of Campbell 55 North Central Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Larry Versaw Gen t lemen : The following street light service information is being furnished for your single 250 watt mercury vapor electrolier, located at the northwest corner of McGlincy Lane and Union Avenue intersection. Service will be 120/240 volts from U. G. service. If you require any further information, please call me at 298-3333. Sincerely, '---t---' ., ... ,,,'.. i< / I -_...._J '.,"t.-.' //Cf.,~'/;lr'O- Steve J. ~9"Tlina Commercial Representative ~ .c:-' t?UJ f~ ~~ / ~;,; ~ .. ~ /'5/( 73~ RESOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF UNION CENTER, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT . WHEREEAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by Union Center, a Limited Partnership an agreement for the devel- opment of their real property in accordance with prescribed conditions: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of 8~d City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 19 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk .6- -~3 UN I () IV A v f- it /1./1)'-- I \~.. /" ~:18"UJ CovN7Y It 1'I:,~~'y-~j'L~1'_ I \ 'Dlllt.~"G:JYI~~LrJ;/~~ ~ J ......H~><--- """,= "4.iliIc.<= I W \ -; ", \\\ POWIA . ::', '. ... ~~ , 1 '.' , . \ \ .'~ '. . \1. . ;.'. \' > " (!J)> 'I 1<';' :< \,~ 'l. f,1 '\ . ';y~C'!:'), ~ ~\ \ ~ -+IJ,V~:) ~~'\~l ~:~: . r-,,\.~ ,,\4 1\\ . . .~'.'\~, \ Sn.rr ,-,,- r:. - ,"rR~.U . ; ;..-;,['" 11)~' I' . ::. ~,,"j \ 3i --- .i\ ' t~ \ \ w . 4' \ ~Ll.. ? :~c, \~\ J .: ~"~I ~ ~. -"N', 'i\ .' - \\\ '.. ,,, II q, ., \ .....' < , I' 1-- \ \ l;. '. '1~\~ ftl~ \. \\ .__ ~:t. L:-', \\ --it'k";_,~/ \ J .). . -,,( 17 .{:. 113' , II€Et ~. 1---- I.~. fl' w~~~~rLu> --":t.'@'t.-il' -- ~. ';~"-~' '. \'c.' . . , >7. ;//' . --f- '.':-. '. - ,:.' -.. 'I J ~:t~,-i).71JI;'r.:~/{ - ~," ~ '~I!> q .,~ - 2S~--=+i{~:;;;:k~:::; . UN J '" c/Y IE~ t-+_ ~ ..,.~""~ A 7t C)'cPO ,tP_ ,~ I fl '__ ;~r-- \; ~ 12.6(;0 ~. 6f G C '~2'? cPO Ift_ L__- I I -1 " " ( ~ ~~ ,,I ~ ..it---_.-__ , I '\i l"l :,1 :'4 /r .,'" _.. ~- >/. \' i,}(.~'~ ,l "t" ,1.: / -:..;~' .:. , -,..: -".' . :." . . _\ ., C, __.-:. . ',', '''( , -:'.. - _~. ~ ~--T "'..,. ..' ), . ~ -:1. r. '.,.~ /J ~ t ;'~t '" ~ , ;" -,'. -It.,;.. 1~-:-."... . " ' ~~ , 1\. ,._;.:. >","",: ~... ~'.: . -:. ':\~ - .....~:' . ~': r, :- ~---;:~.. ;," -... .-.... I. J r-, I A.';' \ t.. ~,'\ .... .. ~ ....- ~' t ' \.... . <. --, .. .."'..... t' ......, . .. . {,,-- - X.'........ ' '-". - '. '::::.:-". :-:~~ ~...~_. :';";; . . -:("':"1 '.I -~-" ./. ,,": - 1'.. :: " -- t:-!:.;,_~~__C7 f....>..'.:. ,'. l.,~/" '. (-' '-~..: ,- ~ - - /- -. -." : ~..).\. . 7"'''' -'-'-.----.--."t.;~- ", '...' _... ..,t' '" 'r ~ ~~... --~~.:~~-.~~.~~j~ .J .~:'~:~~~~.=- " :'. (/ .' \"-. -~-~. '. '. '-" .. '-. ~. ::-",:,:;~:::~--:;:,~;;-::-"::::--,:",~.;:=.-=::..m---' '- STREET nli~'-::;" --.-- 1 If pi ~~'4 2. 0 Ql I ~ I J U)1 . '-......, ,../ TYPE OR PRI. ~AVILY OOPY MUST BE LEGIBLE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STANDARD ENCROACHMENT PERMIT (fS Transportation Agency 1555 Berger Drive ,San Jose, Calif. 95112 DATE ISSUED EXPIRATION DATE' ~ ~ Lz:d ~ lettJ tz1lJ MO DAY YEAR MO DAY YEAR ISSUED BY JAMES T. POTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ROAD MilO KEEP PERMIT BY AT SITE OF WORK TITLE ti "- INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. PERMITTEE SHALL NOTIFY ROADS OPERA 10NS'CON' STRUCTION , WITH REFERENCE TO PERMIT NUMBER AT 299-2591 A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. THIS CONDITION APPLIES TO ANY HALT AND SUBSEQUENT RESUMPTION IN WORK ACTIVITY. MAINTENANCE PERIOD OF ONE YEAR MAY BE REQUIRED AND WILL BEGIN ON THE DATE OF CONSTRUCTION ACCEPTANCE. SEE REVERSE SIDE OF PERMIT FOR PROVISION REQUIREMENTS PERMIT NUMBER ~ OFFICE USE ONLY NAME ADDRESS CONTRACTOR .....;;:;,/) A A d Itl./L1UbIl ;JSl) ('0 - - 'J ,s~J TELEPHON'I':.NU9~ LICENSE NUMBER (IF ANY) 029~ -6::< LOCATION OF WORK INSURANCE g ~ LoCalde ~ ,(II Ii ~,lj\ IItIJlIEl ~IMI(! ICILIJWI ej tl I L.J 29 ROAD NAME ~ 1b'1I)h$ II' L4IEI.l -I~ IWI -111,11121,/:1/1 M ~LJ !SO DESCRIPTION APN ~ WLLLI FILE ~ NO. BOOK PAGE PARCEL ROAD NAME OF FI LE BONDS AMOUNT TYPE PROJECT ESTIMATE - PERFORMANCE ~LlJ ~ LA BOR & ~ MATERIALS MONUMENT ~I I I I I I 25 BOND COMPANY NO INSURANCE COMPANY :S~EC~~~ ::ME ft?'jl;;J f::;:JA<'/~ _ ,-:J8?-6tt7tJb PHONE CATEGORIES CITIES 01 CAMPBELL 02 CUPERTINO 03 GILROY 04 LOS ALTOS 05 TOWN-LOS ALTOS HILLS 06 TOWN-LOS GA TOS 07 MILPITAS 08 MONTE SERENO 09 MORGAN HILL 10 MOUNTAIN VIEW II PALO ALTO 12 SAN JOSE 13 SANTA CLARA 14 SARATOGA 15 SUNNYVALE 16 17 18 19 20 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES 21 SCC SANITATION DISTRICT 1/4 22 SANITATION DIST. 112 & 113 23 CUPERTINO SANITARY DIST. 24 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 25 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 26 STANFORD UNIVERSITY 27 SCC FLOOD CONTROL 28 SCC HEAL TH DEPARTMENT 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 OTHER UTILITY COMPANIES 36 PACIFIC GAS 8: ELECTRIC 37 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE 38 SAN JOSE WATER WORKS 39 GREAT OAKS WATER CO. 40 PACIFIC TEL. 8: TEL. CO. 41 WESTERN CALIF. TEL. CO. 42 CONTINENTAL TEL. CO. 43 SAN FRANCISCO WATER CO. 44 45 OTHER CA TV COMPANIES 46 NATIONWIDE CATV 47 GILL CATV 48 TELEPROMPTER CA TV 49 GILROY CATV 50 PENINSULA CATV 51 52 53 54 55 OTHER LAND DEVELOPMENT 56 SINGLE SITE 57 SUBDIVISION 58 COMMERCIAL 59 MULTI-SITE 60 BONDS ONLY (OLD) 61 GRADING CLEARANCE 62 GRADING PERMIT 63 GRADING VIOLATIONS 64 ON SITE INSPECTION ONLY 65 66 67 68 69 70 OTHER SPECIAL PROVISIONS: o Mspe"'/C'71 ~r t:.f ~~ iifmptJel) ;';}A .,' ~/ f-L'Y H f ,,k A:- LJfln7.!.-'rJ A..5 A/4-~:j//t.n1l / ,4'-U..<L/ tfi;1'1/Jcc S A I ~~.,i .M/,I(.,J, !JeA/f/ f,",,/bi(""~/"'-' ~ #c)~7 th.A t L.(. .k/t t";y~)/f "<I' (././ - ~~- 2.)' Y 6900 RE V 10/74 PAGE 1 of -'- , "or Print HEAVILY, Last Copy Must be Legi_ I I OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPLICATION FOR M D B D BUILDING SITE REVIEW D GRADING PERMIT D BUILDING SITE REPORT D GRADING CLEARANCE 00 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ALL APPLICANTS FILL THIS SITE LOCA TION (STREET) OUT 6- - FOR BUILDING SITE REPORT OR BUILDING SITE REVIEW FILL THIS OUT FOR ENCROACH. MENT PERMIT FILL THIS OUT FOR GRADING PERMIT OR GRADING CLEARANCE FILL THIS OUT SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT (H) ~.....- DeDartment of Public Works 1555 Berger Drive San Jose, Calif. 95110 APPLICANT'S ADDRESS APPLICANT'S PHONE It I 9 / Lj E h) 'or 5 J. <5. j. :J..8"7 - i 00 OWNER'S ADDRESS (IF OTH R THAN APPLICANT) OWNER'S PHONE It ZONING CODE e.- (SEE LA TEST TAX BILL! NEAREST CROSS STREET t:::. , 1CG-/IYl C. PROPERTY TO BE SERVED BY: NO. OF EXISTING BUILDINGS TO R ON SITE INTENDED USE OF R E MA IN INTENDED USE OF NEW BUILDING(S). HAS THIS SITE BEEN SURVEYED? DYES DNO DSEWER IF SURVEYED, WHEN? HAS THE MAP BEEN RECORDED. D SEPTIC TANK HOW IS WA TER TO BE SUPPLIED? DESCRIBE ANY CULVERTS, CREEKS OR SWALES ON OR ADJOINING PROPERTY. (UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS A TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP MAY BE REQUIREO.l MOST RECENT DA TE OF PROPERTY TRANSFER OR LEASE A RECORDED DEED MUST BE SUBMITTED (SEE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ORDINANCE CODE, C-12.1 NOTE: ORDINANCE REQUIRES SELLER TO NOTIFY BUYER HE MAY OBTAIN A BUILDING SITE REPORT PRIOR TO SALE. CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS oJ S-O Cf:) GRADER'S NAME (IF KNOWN AT THIS TIME) GRADER'S ADDRESS GRADER'S PHONE It "ENGINEER'S NAME ENGINEER. S ADDRESS ENGINEER'S PHONE It PURPOSE OF GRADING VOLUME (APPROXIMATE CUBIC YARDS) CUT FILL MAXIMUM HEIGHT (APPROXIMATE FEETI CUT FILL "REQUIRED FOR A GRADING PERMIT AND MAY BE REQUIRED FOR A GRADING CLEARANCE "" GRADING CLEARANCE IS REQUESTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 12. 10.14 COUNTY ORDINANCE CODE (FILL IN THE APPROPRIATE LETTERS AND NUMBERS. SEE ORDINANCE). I CERTIFY THAT SCOPE OF WORK AND PURPOSE OF THE GRADING MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 10. TITLE 12. COUNTY ORDINANCE CODE (GRADING ORDINANCE). IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION. AUTHORIZE x DATE: OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE FILED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT DYES DYES CJ YES DNO DNO DNo DA TE TO LDC ~t~~~ PUBLICLY MA INTAINED ROAD FILE NUMBER PREVIOUS SITE REPORT ROAD NAME OLD FILE NO. PERMIT NO. COMMENTS 500 SCA LE MA P NO. \~3 lc~~~ 2..-27-75 RECEIVED BY L WHITE - ENGINEERING SERVICES (2) 3, PINK - PLANNING 4. GOLDENROD - HEA L TH 5, GREEN - FIRE MARSHALL 6. BLUE ' FLOOD CONTROL 7, YELLOW, OPERA TIONS CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR Carl Travis - 533 Union Avenue McG. (142) - "s" 73-15 1. Clearinq and Grubbinq: a. AC removal: 39 sq. yd. @ $2.50 b. Remove curb and gutter: 83 line ft. @ $2.50 c. Tree removal: 2 @ $200.00 d. Relocate fire hydrant and valve (by others) 2 . Earthwork: (0.5) (10) (200)+(3) (10) (30)+(1.5) (10) (l35) = 27 145 cu. yds. @ $6.00 3. Underqround Street Liqhtinq System: a. 1 1/2" rigid galvanized metal conduit with two #8 AWG solid copper conductors: 290 line ft. @ $4.25 b. State #3 1/2 pull box: 1 @ $60.00 c. 250-watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type II electrolier, with photoelectric cell, 240-volt: 1 @ $900.00 4. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, pee curb and gutter: 83 line ft. @ $4.50 b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: 1,605 sq. ft. @ $1.00 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: 703 sq. ft. @ $1,20 = $ = = = = = = = = 98.00 2 08 . 00 400.00 870.00 1,233.00 60.00 900.00 374.00 1,605.00 844.00 5. Misc. Surface Improvements: a. Adjust to grade: 1 vavle @ $150.00 = $ 150.00 b. street trees, five-gallon size: 5 @ $27.00 = 135.00 TOTAL: $ 6,877.00 I, 032.00 $ 7 , 9 09 . 00 Sub Tota 1 : 15% Contingencies: 1. Use $7,900.00 for bond amount. 2. Plan examination and constuction inspection fee is $277.00. 3. Storm drainage area fee is $522.00. (0.682 AC) J ,...--::--- ~ It ..'. I -I tJ . c.; , J of Co'. ....ftc II 7S- tVl (,'",1r..Jllv C",,('/-.:I', (.. I:r. q s O() [<. TO BE RCCORDED WITI r FEE SECTION 61:)3 GOVERN,',IENT CODE AT fHE REQUEST OF CITY OF CAMPBElL ~. 8," 054 i'M.f ~v:J tl t-~)8?71'_ . (1' O~.lg; v; 2"0.1 r~o RESOLUT IO~j NO. ... r- ..... tt.:l: 3573 oILED FOR REOORD AT REQUEST OF. ) ~1e~, . - ~Er ~ 9 44 AM '73 4598771 BEING A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF' ']'IIE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUN'rY OF SANTI'\. CLARA,' ;:. TATE OF CALIFORNIA, VAC.;'T:rl;~~ I-. POR'l'ION OF llNION AVENuE SrfUATE AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF UlHON AVENUE AND MCGLINCEY LANE. OFFIOIAL r~~CORD6 8M~TA CLARA OOUNTY; GEORGE A MANN REGISTRAR R~CORDrn h"HERE1,S, th€. City Council of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, S'tate of California, pursuant to the provisions of Division 9, Part 3, Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, did heretofore on the 9th day of July, 1973, pass upon and adopt its Resolution of Intention to vacate a portion of Union Avenue, a public street in t-he City of Campbell, being Resolution No. 3559; and, w11EREAS, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. of this 13th day of August, 1973, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, at 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, are the time and place set for hearing all persons interested in or having objections to said proposed vacation; and, " \'ffiEn.:CAS I at the said hearing evidence was presented by persons interested in said proposed vacation and no persons appea~ed in objection thereto; and, vlliEREAS, the City Council of said City of Campbell finds and dc'!terrnines from the evidence submitted that the porti.on of Union Avenue described upon said Resolution of Intention is unnecessary for present or for prospective public street purposes; ar.d, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEnE3Y ORDERED by the City Council of said City of Campbell that the portion of Union Avenue, a public s-treet in t.he City of Campbell, herein- after described, be, and it is hereby vacated, abandoned and closed to public uses, and that the portion of said Union Avenue is situate at the i1o~.thv7esterly corner of Union Avenue and' MCGlincey Lane and more particularly described as follows: BEGn~NING at the most so"utheasterly corner of Lot 1 of T:(a('t_ No. 3::)99, ~'~cstchester Industri<ll Park, as shown upon the map of said Tract No. 3S99 recordpd March 25, 1964, clnd filed in Book 175 of Maps at page 47 in the offiCE: of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of Calif- ornia; 1 of 2 o . TlIENCE, Nortl 3 45' 06" West. 0.71 feet. long an easterly line of s<lid Lot 1 to its intersection with the arc of a non- tangent curve concave to the northwest, being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, a radial of which curve at said point bears South 40 38' 14" East; f.' 0548 rMf2C6 THENCE, northeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 40.00 feet through a central angle of' 310 35' 41" an arc length of 22.06 feet to its intersection with the center line of Union Avenue as shown upon said map, a radial of which curve at said point bears South 360 13' 55" East; THENCE, along said center line North 430 45' 06" West 2.04 feet to an angle point thereon; THENCE, continuing along said center line North 30 18' 22" East 87.57 feet to its intersection with a non-tangent curve concave easterly, a radial of which curve at said point bears South 770 51' 16" West; THENCE, northerly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 830.00 feet through a central angle of 90 49' 07" an arc length of 142.23 feet to its intersection with the easterly line of said Lot 1, a radial of which curve at said point bears South 840 24' II" West: THENCE, southerly along said easterly line of said Lot I, South 30 18' 22" West 188.96 feet to an angle point thereon; Ti1ENCE, 430 45' 06" conLinuing along said easter:ty line South East 2.13 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIlliJING. RESERVING therefrom unto the City of Campbell a public service eastment thereon for the purposes described upon Section 8330 of said Streets and Highways Cooe. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th by the following vote: Day of August 19 73 , -' AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek, Chamberlin NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ....."... . \.. '. , . r .' " ~(".. t'! .1 j I" \ . .";\.:\~ ,\lJ,hl.:'~ ". .' .'\ ~ . -,." . r.':...... 4 c...-,..' t, ;' - (v ~ . eo . _ ,-' . ~ ~ <. . . .....,,/ I - '. ." ( '..... (I (l . ,). '<'," t"... : \ ,#,,~/.., /.'. Dean R. Cha.illber1.i;1;_..r:t;ytn:">'":,}:..-_:-:.... ;-j..' THE FOREGOiNG INST'R. U~1'E'N~ ;~; t'" :.. : ,-.J ; AND · ....~ ~ RUE" -.J, CORRECT Copy Of T-fiE-QRiSJN . ~'.' "J . FILE IN THIS OFFICE.\' ~":<~A.~)~L ~~ ~ ~:; A TT. EST: Do:-ot:,'} T.~",,"L.;~'h"C:C' ~ '. ~"":". .' .' ~ ~,,:';... CH I h..lh., /t~ rti=rt( (' \' . Y..DF ~^:viPBC:9';JCP)-'FORNIA ".: .~-'. .' -- BY ':IJ; /~LL--tC/ t? /,"J f oC ,~ C!t(q[ DATED (&1" /7( , / /'73 . ATTEST: . Dorothy Treve~hap, City Clerk 2 Of 2 I: INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENTS COMMERCIAL CARL R. TRAVIS Realtor (408) 287-6006 111 West St. John Street . Community Bank BuiIding . P. O. Box 508 . San Jose, California 95103 January 29, 1973 City Engineer City of Campbell Campbell, Calif. Dear Sir:: The City of Campbell presently owns a sliver of land consisting of approximately 3000 square feet on the SW co....1"1e1' of Union & McGlincey Lane; more specifica11~, on tb-e SE corner of Assessor's Parcel 413-49-1. This corner lot is owned by a partnership wh ich I repre sent and am also a partner. We are in the preliminary stages of developing 01;1' lot and request the City of Campbell to abandon its small parcel to our ownership so that we can dev- elop the entire corner into a pleasing development. We intend to improve our lot beyond code minimuTIl and this additional land we are requesting will allow us to make R much more attractive and feas- ible improvement. StCZJ~ C. R. Travis ,'/ ~~(t~~ ) L-SG P L III II: I r; CD!': }' !\ :.'1' :: ; : ;; T C IT Y 0 f C ~\ :l P ;; ;: L L 75 H O!n' jj C i_~;: j'? .'~ L ^ V [11 U E CMiPL3ELL, C;',LlrCl::IIA DATE: t-"__..,_~__ COlIDITIOllS AiT/,CllED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLA1iS OF --- f' \ --;-----,-~T~;~~,;-:.;---~.-:~.,~,~. ", , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF , - ~-"'-~--r:~:~ ~-, - : TO BE LOCATED AT ~ --- ~. ~ ~ \ f~ f '~ -~._+---~-- conDITIONS: r(.\ Sec.tion 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one yca~ after the date upon which such app~oval was gr2nted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planlling Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval lIas been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY or CA:1PBELL PLANNIHC COnlnSSIOU AT A REGULAR HL1~TIflG HELD 011 THE day of __~___________, J.9 .. . C I T Y 0 F C Mi P 13 L L L P LA 11 N I N G C o!~:n S S I 0 Ii BY: -.-- _._----_..~.._------_..~---_.__._...-- -_....... ---.--- ART H U R K [E, S L C i~ E ';' 1\ R Y r ~ Cl):<1'1TJ(')\'~ or ',1'1':'(,\'''1, ---.--------.---...----. --..- '. .-.---. L. Fir',: ;;nd C. j'r:~.\'i(~ _ "~~ll 7~'~--'lS 1. Pn\}l(~i'!Y to b:.: fencec Clnd LWflsc:lped as indicated and :1~~ aJdi.:ct j]j '1'('1.1" on pL)lIS. ") J.aJl(ISC~1nt\ r: () j'. J 1 0 ::=, c 1 : l ~~, l,t 1 " j t 1 C l:n in(li.c:.ltiH~: type of plant matcri~,ll, location (! r ::; I' " j', L 1 (r s \' S ten ~: ': d t y]) 0 () f f C Ii C i nQ: to lJ e .\,' "n:"" .,,; I r,f ~l'JI(' P}'111]']']'lO hl'rectol' 'It t-'-l']"IC of',' '..J ~ l_ ... j . ; .' ,t " .... ~,_'.' ~ . - . (... J ! . {_) ,'. "', . c_. 1, fer : '.1 j 1 (1 in g ~) C 1"' n; :i t . ;: J;]'- J j c ~lt- :: c;: i :z,. L;nc:sc;pin" s}"tll Lc J:1Cllntaillcd i~,l aeeen'uance '.\it!: the uppro\'C'll "1 ;:~ 1 '; ;.._1 s c ~:.r) p:1 ,'J'tj . tj .. 'J' ;lL.'1.',I,",111 ",,::,\'1")),',;\:',":<: 1..(,)','](,[ '", t',(' '11i]r'j1"lt' or (~7 fI('I(': tt) 1'0 l,nc-i'(.l ... ... . ... .L . i _.,' (...\..-, J.1.. . l. J ...... , , \J " ) '- .; \..- ,) ....., I" tc.. ilISUJ'C };:,ld<;c:: i,l:', fcnc(n :md st'tininr- of n:lrkinp :nea ~ . - - " ,'" . -' ~ . ~ . \'( J t Jll n t il r c C (J ;: (.; lL J. S :, 'l- c (1 n 11 1 e t 1 0 nor con s t rue t 1 0 n, Ot applicunt T';;,)'" fiI.:': \'.'l'ittc!1 (t?I'e(~;nl~rlt to COr:ll')lcte laT1(1sc;ln'.il\~}, '1"(:I"\.'"]'J,t1 "J'J 1 c~11':L'11'n' or n'1'1'11,')',',"'.' "'1"C"'i ]Jl':LC)l' t' 0 ['j')i'l"J I),).; 1('1;1'\(" _ _ 1. . _ . ,~_, t.... l. .. 1.". . \. . ~ ,__' ~L t. _ _ -. ,L...' (. _ . - ..L - " ~ ( - L t. .J., ,J. t:::.... department clearance. 5. T r a :c.11 con ud J'. C 1< (s) 0 f a S 1 ;: e CI ; Hi qua n t :i t Y nee c s s at y t 0 S cr v c the dcveloj)):lcnt shll1 1'e located in :11'C<.; (5) ClppTovcd hy Ole fire tleparti:lent. LJLJ.ess otLcndso noted, cnelosurc(s) s;ial1 lon5;ist of a CO:lcyc:te floor surrounded bv a solid ,\al1 or fence ;md h:J.vc sclC--c.losinp. doors of a size spc~ifL;dby the fiTC~ c1cp:nui,ent. 6 . Frovide ev:idc-Ylee prior to iSSlJilr:CC of buiJdin:; l1ermit thnt (l1)1)1"CJval 11:1S been (l,l'cFltcd for the sub; cct use 01' o'\'iTier~,Li,) 8(:~ruirec1 foy the ,};'C,1S ])re5cntly o,\\'Jlc;1 01' controlled by tLc City of Campbell and the County of Santa Clara. 7. Applicant 2,grces tha~.. the. building ,,:ill lie used as indic;,ted on the ap!)10VCU. rd;m r:ncl is to sign un agreement to that effeCT Said agl'CC11iCnt to he prepared lJY the Ci ty Attorney. The appL.cant :is notified as part of t])i~- anplication tl1Clt he i~) rcqu i n:~c1 to me ct the fo 11 (Hvin fT cond i t ions in accordan co with Ordinances of tbe City 01 Campbell. A. All parl( ing 2nd d r i voway arc as to be cleve:l oped i. n comp 1i al1ce with Section 21.SU of the C;ll'lp])e] 1 ;'lunicipal Code. All pal'l,ji1? space s to be provided wi tll app ropr i ate conee te curbs 0 r bumpcT p:uards. B. Unclc"rground utilities t.o be provided as -required by Section 2 0 . 1 6 . 0 7 0 (\ f tho C a);1 ph e 11 j,ln '(1:1. C i P cll c: 0 de. c. Plans SU,l)lnjtted to tllC l)llildj_rlg (l(qJ:il~tlnr;nt for plaJl. cl1eck shall indicate clc,:rly tho }occ:tion or all connections fe,I' underground utilit,cs including hater, 5e,\-er, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. T). ~~~,jp.11 nT)l;Jication to l)c Slll)rnittcd in accoTd2.11CC \\rjtl1 T1I'Ovis ons o:C t.ile sjgn ordinance for aU:oj s. ;\'o sign to be JnsLl.J. ed 'until 3j'pJ:i,cation is ap;);'ovcd ,:nc1 perndt i::;sl1cd by the b u i J. 1,1 ::. n g d~: p i1 r t Tn C n t . c () :"': \.~ 't '1' j (";.. S (i}' /\ P P l~ C) \/" \. 1; - ItS ~ f 7 :;) - :l ~'r L. 1 I.n i_~ ~_~ I'lll \.-'. '~"l~ ;~~ V .i. ~~'I P;~i'(' '['\\'0 F. OH1in,mce ::u. 782 of the Cm"lphc11 rlunicipal Code stillulates t1t ,'\ t an y C 0 fiC T act Co T tit e co 1 1 c' c t i Ci n ;} n d cJ i s po s a 1 0 f ref use I ;;(c1-,:','c, \,c:"! ~i,lrb:ic'.C and rubbJsl1 fll'ocluccd \.,-ithin the lil:dts of the City ()[ C,;r1)('11 shall he: naclc ,.'iLL Green Valley Dis110sal C:c:'p ny.l :'! quin: ;:~nt applies to all single fUT'C:ily clFc11'inr,s, 1:1 u j t i pI C ,'.. T' i'C;', -:1. u nit ::', t () a 11 C 0 l)i \ "l C' r c:i a 1, b II sin e s S, i n d u s t r i ; il , n;) r, U ,C t \.1 YJ ;) , ,: n cl (G n s t r 1.1 C t ion C 5 t ,'i h 1 is)] r.1 en t s . F. j\;c)}"ih and ','cst \\';1115 Shell} have :',(1" parapets above '.coof line. c; . P.O 0 C c () v () r in; ~ 011 r 1. ,1 t YO 0 f s 11 a) 1 11 c fiT' C T eta r cl;111 t . ~ 1 ate ria 1 s fGT' cxt,cricl' \cdJ~; nDt SllOhD. >:ortL anc1 \:cst elevations not sho;.n. I!. PTo\iclc a c()r,ph~-::ely c:a','toT:c,ltic fire SIn-inkIer sy~;tcm, as rcquin;d by tbc fire dCJ~artment. I. Provide n ?ALC" fj TO extinguishers as Tequired by the fire clc)';:rtmcnt. J. Apnlicant to bC2r cost of roadway vacation proceeding for excess Union Avenue rigl1t of \';;LY. K. Construct b:!],anc:C' of ~;tand8yd street in:provemcnts on total frontage oE :lc:;vclopmcnt. L. Storm drainage area fee based on S765 peT acre. Th8 :.qlllliuHlt i:; notified that he :,,'1,811 C01'11'1y \dth 8.11. applica!:,} c Code::; or O,'din::tl1;.:es of the City of Carap1:ell\';hich pertain to this dcveloplJicnt and are not ]\(1'ein specified. '1/ CITY OF CAMPBELL STREET EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 7"S-:- ~ 3 Pursuant to the terms of Section 7101 of the Campbell Municipal Code, a permit to excavate within the public right of way in the City of Campbell is issued based upon the following conditions: ~7'~ / " /7 /? '/ // ,..rl',~.>/.% --,,, .- 1. The location of the job and the nature of the work to be done within the public right of way is as follows: ,4~ ;;.,~,.y,)y/~ /,-/Zr:,,7'"~'- fi::/:: ..6:~7/';-Y/, 8~~ A/-2 >,-~ ., - / ' , / ,-- .' 2. A diagram is attached and thereby made a part to each of these forms showing the location and diJ~nsions of tlie work and relating this to existing underground facilities, 3. Work will begin on beginning work. , 19 , or notify the Campbell City Engineer 24 hours before 4. No street shall be closed without full conformance to Section 7106 of the Campbell Mu nicipal Code. 5. Safe crossings shall be maintained in conformance with Section 7105 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 6, (These blanks to be filled in by the City Engineer ONL V) a. Special Conditions: ~ 1zj~1-30 5 t::H:lg ~~O ~ (I)...... ~z o '0< :fI)o fI) c+....."tlzlJ:l (I) . en (I) 0 . (I) ....."'....,,(1)0 c+oos~> OSUH,::J.....H.... >c+..... c+;s::t.-!l ~(I)::J~c+"tl~O (), 0 Po J 0 t-t f-'H,s::;'H t;j:::r l\;o~5.~tI~ su I-j s::;' Q 0 ...................CIl~lS~ ~......~c+<......o ~~......t-j ~ ~c+ 0 00 ......rl 0' CXlt-j::c~(I)c+(I) -ae.......::::r(l) l\:lPo'l\)(I)O~:::S '^ c+ Po' 0 0 ;;;: .....H,:::s"tl:::r I 0(1) c+cp cp f-' :::SC+Po'~() C1I CQ~oaPi' l\) c+.....CP ,g. .. c+ ~ !. Import backfill material as required by City Engineer. Replace existing roadway structural section with equivalent type and thickness of material plus one additional inch of asphalt; or 4 inches asphalt over 12 inches R-78 base rock, whichever is greater. Work to be completed prior to occupancy of structure. Work to be staked 3 feet back of face of curb by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and three copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Works Department before starting work. Open cutting of pavement will NOT be allowed; all pipes or conduit shall be jacked under existing pavement. ~ /.// ~ "":/ ' - /' / s' ~ ~r; ',~ ~,,.,.---/ ~/. '//(/.~//;,;;1//?A1'~.h:-?ij~~-'7"7?7C--/: /:;:~r:-;<,,,..~~'</ '7;~.(~..;.</,..-,;;;,,{, ,~>~... J-t/-r 'f'"" , -1',~-,--:'-;:4/7;7,7''''':;;/" J":"/~d-'/ ~~,;/~ - . , .' ' " "/ /. / ". ' - '--:-;5/:-':~~-'/ .:,/'/~~ ~;;:;>~..- ~/~/-"" j /' ,/ / 1"".. ...... -, 4-~~,,:'--k 0~e-~ <y,,<~.i'/~~' ~A. . ~";"~/.,-t:/~,/L , - - .~-:'l',~ /~'>:""L b. Deposit (money or bond) required to guarantee restoration of public right of way. $ /~f!'..jU ,:'>/:d"~ ~,-:::.. ~,-.;~8' The deposit in 6b above will be returned, in full, upon satisfactory restoration of public right of way. The Permittee hereby agrees, by affixing his signature to this Permit, to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents, and employees free, safe, and harmless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this Permit. Acceptance of the Permit by ttif.' ~ed ~rmittee constitutes acceptance of any and all conditions upon which this Permit is granted. This Permit does nO;/;I~~lermittee of any obligation to obtain any other Permit required by law. .~//~/ /( 01/ ,I', r;./;~-- ACCEPTED ,'.. / _..r ^--{'//7/- / ' " ~;" t I ~ S<J,. 7. 8. 9. ADDRESS, APPROVAL: check one: or DESIGN: ASSOC. CIVIL ENGR. DATE - I ., . ASSOC. CIVIL ENGR. DATE 3 Copies: Permittee City Inspector File Permittee must sign, date and forward to City Permit is not transferable. Engineer for approval. Permit is valid only after signed by City. I __h ," &-j; l- I /l .