480 Vandell Way (73-16) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM~ public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT t::..uyp..() L~v~ f BUILDING ADDRESS 4-B 0 LJ A..J ~~L~ COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER fAJ,..l I II S II APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER 73-1~ /'ALL C t1 i) WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ~~h. ~/, Date 7-7k-7~ \ INn :!'.~. I ,.~. '....,... .. \. . 1 L>';' '-- '. i_ ----. '--1---.:. \~..,. ...'\ --' WG'N _'~4___'~- _..I:"~-.J\f.~~--!__ [;W.11 ___'_- --- ---..----'. TO FTL ...--..-..---- ...--. -...~ -...--- --- ----.-.' _._~~ October 24, 1973 --- ----..-----... "-'-'~-"" ------\--.-.------.---:1--'. FILE . c~___ _LCt/;-)~_(7 j 1---.. Vanderson construction Co. 345 Vander Way San Jose, California SUBJEC'r: street Improvements Yandell Way / Campbell, California Gentlemen: It has been recently brought to my attention that the street improvernents on Vandell Way are near completion. At the time of cons.truction, it was suggested to the contractor thc:t the finish course of pavement be left off Vandell Way until certain develop- ments were completed. 'fhis suggestion and a lternative was not accepted; cffid,con~equently, the finish lift of asphalt was put on Yandell vlay. The city's position is O'uite concerned regarding the now obvious abuse of this finished asphalt. We realize the difficulties regarding construction, but I am sure you will agree with me that the appearance of the street is in very bad condition. The City knows from past experience that when this type of abuse is given new asphalt, deterioration occurs at a rapid rate. This letter is to advise you that the City may require additional surface treatment to Vandell Way as a result of the on-site construction. Thank you and should you have a question, please contact the under.- signed at your convenience. Very truly yours, WILLIAM. G. \\"REN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Frank T. Lewis, Associate Civil Engineer FTL: Is cc: Mr. Edward E. Finlay, Public Works Inspector II 5 t, 7 3 ~I ~ - 1~~/\'L(?~- ~ <...- < -...J(;;r PLANNING DEPARTMENT C I T Y 0 F C A r~ P BEL L 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: l:l)" 10,\ l':~; CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF t:'~.11~1'~lt ~~,. ~~ t , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF '" .. :;, ;10 G Yo..~,:i to 1 .l t.z..... .~~ i ; TO BE LOCATED AT ,!:~' -. ~lnt!.(; 11 iaf CONDITIONS: >.,.Tn- 1 '-'~.',..tt t' ">I'J,...."ra , su,;J...c 0 ,Je at~acned conditions. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such- approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY or CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE day of ' 19..,~ "--:7 ,> ,cj.J i ,) CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: ARTHUR KEE, SECRETARY cc i ~.'l,.. .~-.. 1.-"; T. ..J", :. \l,.' .~, ~ (', ') 'J ''Ii'" ... ~,', ','"" ':-"\ .. i __'" _'" ,', ~ (.'~"""l- ( .. \._J.,\,...\~. \I' Fire "~.' i 1.1,rl~,\:~,;,;_tt~ CONDITlm~s OF J\ "ROV^L _.__._-_.__..._-_.....__.~_. "-- "S" 73-16 Currancl/Covert 1 . Pi' (J P l: l' t Y t (> ), c f C: j) r..: cd an ci l" n d :~ c..-- pc d i.l:~ j n r; 5 c..-:l t cd <l !1 r} c;~..; () d c; cd i L 11 r ( d ' I (> i 1 P 1 i:l n :; . /\ P P 1 i c a Jl t -.: (> p ~.' () \' i (>~ fop 1. a r 1 tl S C cq 3. n g <lIon/, nOl'thcl'ly prOpcl'ty line. 2 . Lan c.i ,: C c D 'C. " .1. ani Ii die rJ tin G t :: p (' 0 f p J ant r., ate Y' i <l J., 1 0 C a 1.: -; c. elf ho:c: ;,:;.;,,; or :;l'r'i.nklc~ sy:-;t;:el:J anci -L~'Fc of fencing, 'LCi ].0 ;;uj-,;:,it-ccd foY' c1j-;provrJl 0':: tl.e PlanninG iJiroctor at ti;',,: of c;;;p}jc2tion for b'Jilding permit. 3. LiEld::.c IF;.n(~ sr-Jall be maintClined in a-::cordance \-lith the i:: p P r c- '! C~ d .1:1 ,i d s cap c p 1 an . II. Faithiul ~)CCfOrrla:lcc bond in the anount of $1~50() to be posted to insure 12ndscapinf.~ fencir.s <1nd stripi::?; of parkin~ area within three (3) months of complct;:ion of con s t X' u c t i 0 1J ~ 0 rap pI i can t nay f i 1 e \.; I' i t tell a [';1' c: em e n t to complete landscaping, fencir,[; and stl'ipillg of rarking area prior to final building department clearance. 5. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity neceSS2.ry to serve the developncnt shall be located in area(s) approve~ by the fire department, Unless othcrHise noted, enclo5urc(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the fire department. 6. A building plan shall be submitted for approval of the Planning Director indicating the areas where the manufacturing Hill take place c;;nd Hhat area will :be used for' Yl2rehousini: prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. Applicant to enter into an agreement prepared by the City Attorney to assure that t118 area proposed for warehousjn~ will be used for that purpose. The applicant is notified as part of this applicat50n that 11C is requil'ed to meet the folloHin[; conditions in accol'dance \li~h Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway ar~as to be developed in compliil~cc ,,' i t h See t :\ 0 n 2 1. 5 0 0 f the C a l!\ ? bell l-! II ), j c i pal C 0 c1 e . A 11 parking spaces to be provided with nppl'opriate concrete curbs or bu~per guards. B . Un c1 c r 2, l' 0 l; n (1 u t .i 1 i tic s t 0 b e P}' 0 v ide d u S r e qui red by See t j en 2 0 . 1 G . 0 'J (I 0 f 1. he C ii III P bell n u il :i. c i pal C 0 cl c . C. 1'1211S sub~ilitted to the builc;in0 dCpill'tncnt for p1un check s h a 11 i 11 d : cat c c 1 C Q )" J. Y the 1 0 C d t i 0 11 0 fall c c. :n1 C c t ion s f (> )' ulldcl'i>'o',;l:C util:itic~ incluclini~ \,'atc~, se\:Cl', electric; tclc:p:ic'Lc :.,nd television cil])lcs~ ate, ]) . S i [', n d j' ;' Li c.-, t i (J 11 t Co b C f; U )) 1:1 i l t c dill c: l' co)" c; il nee ,-15 L h P l' 0 -- \' j :d 0 11~: () f t i j c: ,,:i. ~: il 0 l' Jill all C C for a J J :: i [',11 S . J: 0 s i g n -t 0 \, " j 11 :~ t ,.1 J 1 , ' 'I \l n ti} i'l j' ~,J :1 c ,1 t i () II :\~; a p p ) , 0 \' C cl 3 n cl )' C' )' r:1 5. tis s \: c- cJ by the Lu.iJ,:;in;~ dCl',Il'tmcnt. Condi tions of' lToval page 2 "S" 73-....6 " [, Orc.lnaj~ce j:o. 782 of th0 Cumpbc11 l'iunicipal Code stipuL'tcs t h.} t (j ;; Y co j; ~: r de t f O:X' the co 11 (; c ~ i 0 II an tl d is P 0 [; u 1 0 f l' C f u :; c , p,arb::F,:;~ ilc't ;:-;ul'bc1f'c .::lnd rubbisl1 produced \lithin the liJ:!5ts oft il (: C i t Y 0 f C 2. ~~ P b c 1 J. s h a 1 J. be. T:1 .::l c.l e wit h (; r e c n V il11 e y !) i S DOS .,d. Co J11 pan y . l' h i. 0; r' (; c; u ire :~l en t <-1 P P 1 i cst 0 a 11 sin f, 1 e f a Tn i 1 Y oHellin;;s, r:JultijJJ.e apartment units, to all cOI:JT:1e:ccial, busir;(':~s" inG'.lstJ'ial. r:lanufacturing, and construction E;stab- lisLi;,ents. F. Provide tl2i\3CII fire extinguishers as required by the fire dep.artr~,ent. G. Roof covering shall be fire retardant. H. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for dr'iveway approach. Th~ applicant is notified that lIe shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.