501-504 Vandell Way (74-4) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBEll, CALIFORNIA NAME. ~~. t€!;. ~ ~&- ~r ~ t1 ..u~ d V-e- , <f} '" /7 ~ ~t7", o:z Ifu~- ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ -3 7Y FUND NUMBER 1/ 2/n/ ~CHECK fb '-/7 ~y THIS RECEIPr MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 3948 CITIZEN COpy o MONEY ORDER o CASH DATE AMOUNT MAR -6-74 MAR -6-74 008 ****200.00 71; o08A ***200.00 (!l), ~4c'nc~.. nk You CITY OF CAMPBElL 11 r.\I" ',,"~l);,.... ,_'.:" ". ,. ~ y ..j ~.~~....:L '''-\, '..." >i ':., ,', , ::/t#t/ fJ i f ~ 11 ',,' ; ~ t ~ ~ ~. ': ~ ;",.:.t ~. F";~ \,..J t~ f ~ r:' :~.. r,,1; '--' ; ~ ~: < (\" )~/{!P, "/lUB OF T/lE FABf1LOUS SANTA CLAHA VALLE>.,.. , f- ' .." ~ , W l", '<' "! ~~ ""v.I' _104 J!to.. 111 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE · CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008. TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 April 24, 1974 Wilson, .1ones, Morton and Lynch 630 North San Mateo Drive San Mateo, California 94401 ATTENTION: Ms. Nancy .1. Roth SUBJECT: Apportionment of Assessments Local T~provement District No. 17 Assessment No. 24C and 24D Enclosed please find copies of (1) Applica'tion of Apportionmen-t, (2) Report of Superintendent of Stree'ts, (3) No'tice of Apportionmcmi:}' (4) an amended Assessment Diagram Map of the assessments, (5) Parcel Nap of the propertj.es. Would you please have your office prepare the necessary apportionment sheets that are to be submitted to the Coun-ty Controller I s Office and fonvard three (3) copies to this office. This office will put on the nC\,y assessor I s parcel numbers and forward them to the County. Please submit your billing to this office. Thank you for your cooperation; and should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, RONALD L. CHEEK; ASSISTl~l;yr CIVIL ENGINEER L~ By La~Tence C. Versaw~ Engineering Aide II LCV: sg Enclosure ~" TRANSMITTAL SHEET - BONDED ASSESSMENTS ASSlSSOR 'S PARCEL NO. CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 17 BONDED ASSESSMENT NO. 24D-l YEAR PRINCIPAL ST 1973-74 29 I 28 94 I 63 1974-75 ~ 99 l 40 49 I 54 1975-76 49 I 54 96 I 25 1976-77 49 I 54 93 I 70 I 90:86 1977-78 99 I 09 I 85 ~ 16 1978-79 99 I 09 1979-80 99 I 09 79 46 1980-81 I 73 99 I 09 75 1981-82 148 : 61 68 05 1982-83 148 I 61 59 51 1983-84 148 1 61 50 97 1984-85 148 J 61 42 42 1985-86 198 1 16 33 '88 I 1986-87 198 I 16 22 I 59 I I I 1987-88 198 t 16 11 , 29 I I I I I I TOTAL 1,763 : 18 1,001 , 92 l BY DA.TE TRANSMITTAL SHEET - BONDED ASSESSMENTS ASSESSOR I S PARCEL NO. CITY OF CAMPBELL l?UBLIC IMPROVEMENT lID. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 17 BONDED ASSESSMENT NO. 24c-l YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST 1973-74 29 I 43 94 J 91 1974-75 49 t 68 99 l 68 1975-76 49 , 68 96 I 53 1976-77 I 198 49 I 68 93 I I 1977-78 99 I 37 91 I 12 1978-79 I 85 ~ 40 99 I 37 1979-80 99 I 37 79 68 1980-81 I 73 99 I 37 97 1981-82 I 68 149 I 04 25 1982-83 149 I 04 59 68 1983-84 l 11}9 I 04 51 11 1984-85 1491 04 42 55 1985-86 198: 73 33 f 98 1986-87 1981 73 22 165 1987-88 198~ 73 11 '33 I I I I I I I TOTAL T 1,004 182 1,768 l 30 l BY DATE CI'l'Y OF Cl\MPBELL APPLrCl\'l'ION FOl~ l\MENDED l\SSESSMEN'r l\ND SEGHEGl\'l'ION l\Pl'OR'I'IONMEN'}' OF UNl'l\ID l\SSESSMEN'l' UPON PARCEL NO. 24C and 24D of DE_L~ AVEbL~._-=-J~,JYX~D:'QR-1?TB,Jm'!'_ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT D IS'I'IUC'J' NO. ] 7 , Crl'Y OF CAMPBELL, SANTA CLl\Rl\., Cl\LIFORNIl\ TO: Superintendent of Streets City of Campbell, California PART I A. Application is hereby made that you apportion the amount of the remaining unpaid assessment upon the subject parcel or parcels of land. B. The subject parcel or parcels Clara County Assessors Map as Book Paqe Parcel of land are shown upon the Santa follows: Record Ow'ner 424 424 33 33 75 76 Van Sickle, George F. and J. L. C. The subject parcel or parcels have been or are to be divided or combined as described upon Exhibit "A", attached hereto. D. A fee of $lOO.OOhas been paid for each part or parcel into which the original parcel or parcel~ are to be established. A fee of $5.00 has been paid for the recording of the required Amended Assessment Diagram. E. A Preliminary Title Report has been submitted for purposes of verifying the names of all persons who own an interest in the subject parcel or parcels of land. F. Signature of the owner of any interest Date February 28r 1974 ,>"A /' ~/ By Received: Date February 28, 1974 Lawrence C. Versaw PART II . A. Application is hereby made that the assessment as apportioned and shown in the Report of the Superintendent of Streets, dated , be recorded. Signatures of all persons owning an interest or parcels of land: Dated ~-t!P// ~/9/f' / - Dated Dated Dated Dated Dated B. (Optional to eliminate the need for Noti[icat~n and 14-day wait- ing period.) '1'11c unders igned, or iginnl purc11nf;er of the Bonis in t11e above matter, hereby consents to the foregoing appoiliionmcnt. Datec1_ (Orig ill<tl l'u,'chaser of Bonds) NOTE: 1\ 11 signatures in Part I I of 1.-11 i~~ appl icaLjcm llI11!-;t be noLar izcd. Hccei vc.d: :" Da tc_______________~_ " EXHIBIT A DELL AVENUE - DIVISION STREET LOCAL IMPROVE~lENT DISTRICT KO. 17 CITY OF CA~WBELL, SANTA CLAR~, CALIFOfu~IA ORIGINAL PARCEL NOS. 24C and 24D The proposed new parcel or parcels are described as follows: PARCEL 24C-l: All of Parcel A as said Parcel A is shown upon that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 337 of Maps at Page 8 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California. PARCEL 24D-l: All of Parcel B as said Parcel B is shown upon said Parcel Map. ',> City 0/ Campi II tro......'.,.ye.R~At.AJ FROM C I-{ E:E Ie:::- SUBJECT ~~ ~ M~' c:; I:> '- t r MESSAGE 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE lJIPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 PHONE 378-8141 ~ A,,- ~ Z. z.. NS PMR. (~-~ Pp.e (e L-l D . '-, "'"*",-.""...;".,,,:<..c.,":':0':;'~""" 2,2'1' A(.. P~<c LID \ A Z4 c. t ( 7Co8.3o " -- or ~ ,..... ::.:;:.. '-..:. ..:.>. 'So ""," ,. 1>"."..,-:',.,"''''''''_''_^__.___''''''......_~b.M..___ l?~",2.t: e;" L 4 -Z, S 38 c. LI- \~') 2 1- , Q r,' r: C'j I. -.I"";. '~f PA12c -, ~ L , D I 7 SIGNE'D ,,"4 a , I A<.- ~--'~:..--_..."",.,..,~1>'.'""..:>('.,.,,"~. .~. .... 013 @), SIGNED DATE P.M. 74-4 '2"" \~ _ \ I {~ '\ v) / ;.~p. '-I >--'-.-:'" ..c-'''- ./'" "'" , . tx \ V 0- " t.,. ',-,'-....,,- "'\ lit ~~ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ATTACHED TO TENTATIVE PARCEL ~AP OF LANDS OF VANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, APN 424-33-75 and 76. (Lots 3 and 4 of Tract No. 5214). I. Final map to be fi led with the City Engineer for examination, approval, and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision ~ap Act. Approved by the Planning Director of the City of Campbel I, Cal ifornia, on February 26, 1974 n i ng Di rector Approved by the City Engineer of the City of Campbel I, Cal ifornia, on February 26, 1974 ;J1&~,&t C )~ ~l I iam G. Wren, City Engln ,er