184 Vietenheimer Ln (92-04) CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM From: Mike Fuller Public Works Dept. " ' Ja~mSley Cit~~lerk's Office Deferred Street Improvement Date: April 22, 1993 RECEIVED APR 26 1993 Public W orkslE . nglneerin" To: Subject: Agreement - 184 Veitenheimer Lane ---------------------------------------------------------- At its regular meeting of April 20, 1993, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 8475 authorizing the execution of a Deferred Street Improvement Agreement with Colin and Carol Jacques for property located at 184 Veitenheimer Lane. Please find attached certified copy of this Resolution for your records. The Agreement is with the City Attorney for signature and I will forward a certified copy of same to you and Mr. and Mrs. Jacques early next week. The original of this Agreement will be forwarded to the County Recorder for recordation. RESOLUTION NO 8475 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERRED STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT 184 VEITENHIEMER LANE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Campbell, California as follows: The Mayor is authorized to execute an agreement with Colin and Carol Jaques to install street improvements at 184 veitenhiemer Lane. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1993 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers: Burr, Watson, Ashworth, Dougherty, Conant NOES: Councilmembers: None ABSENT: Councilmembers: None APPROVED: ~LL,/~ {)- ~(Ll&b Barbara D. Conant, Mayor ATTEST: (2)u-Uw- Anne Bybee, City Clerk C' ,'(tt.UE e'.~'~:nJM~~r' \~) I ".r.. \N.N.. O'tJ0 0'1... ,tiE Of'., , .... ~1\~" I:"~"~ )F 1)::-" -, 1\1"("1.. r- 'f\)~O :t"';tk', ,..,...-.,...iic:. {JFF".v",.' . .,,_. ' ~...~ . . t:tJ r F"J:. J.. "." , ...,..... r", t.T\f., ( \~ pt-l f''iBL~ . .. t. \( '-' r~,"~:~~:'f'L.~:."".".~_' ~::~.'~. />~~~'G ~~\.t.:.,. ._ ut,-' ,., ~~l\'~--' . ,.' ~r' .~;\ f ' . r-r1T-RTrtJ~ tIITITDJ."'... , ",~. ~ UwmJz ~1 Aft. I 6 <' 8 1..~Oi" . (J45~ . . i ; '60, Site 64$.1 E IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION OF FEE TITLE For and in consideration of approval of a site and Architectural Review Permit to allow construction of an industrial building located at 184 Veitenhiemer Lane, S 92-04, COLIN B. JAQUES and CAROL B. JAQUES hereby offer irrevocably to the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation in the County of Santa Clara, State of California fee title for street purposes described as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, state of California more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the North line of that parcel of land described in the Deed to L. DuBurg, recorded October 3, 1945, Book 1288 of Santa Clara County Official Records, at page 374, distant thereon North 89059' East 136.72 feet from the northwest corner thereof; THENCE North 89059' East , along said line of the lands of L. Duburg, 55 feet; THENCE South 0028' East, parallel with the centerline of McGlincey Lane as shown on that certain Record of Survey of the Lawrence DuBurg property which map was filed on April 9, 1948 in Book 17 of Santa Clara County Maps at page 26 a distance of 18 feet; THENCE, South 890059' West, parallel with said line of the lands of L. DuBurg a distance of 55 feet; THENCE, North 0028' West a distance of 18 feet to the Point of Beginning: Containing an area of 0.0227 Acres, more or less. Unless accepted by the City Council, this offer shall remain open and binding on Colin B. Jaques, Carol B. Jaques and their heirs, assigns and successors in interest for 20 years from the date of execution hereof. WITNESS OUR HANDS this t!i rl'/ day of M/9/:{C'H , 1993. \ "'-/. . Jaques a?) . ~ ' . ~ - ~~ [/ Carol B. ! / ("/ Jaques d:a NOTARY FOR INDIVIDUAL SIGNATURE STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara I I SSe I On this 5th day of Harch , 19 ~, before me, Anne G. Bybee a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara , State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Colin B. Jaques and Carol B. Jaaues . personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name to me that they subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal of the aforesaid County and State the day and year in this certificate first above written. ~LJ.~ Notary Public in and for the County of State of California Santa Clara "NOTARY SEAL" My commission expires March 5, 1996 r.. P O. B. N(E. COR. \2B8 OR '37~ VE I TI:.N\4\ ~ME.'R , 13G.72 0 M N 890 5,}' E ,,/ wI -:z c! (]\ ...J ~ 0 uJ 0 $ u.I 5: , " uJ 'If- , ~ 00 t\I :t ('f) ~ :z 0 tLJ ! 0 >- 0 ~ N 0 - UJ Cf'l Ll.1 ~ Z u > 'Z ~ J' co :z <!1 - (L u 121.12 < ~ , 30 t t ~/~ LAND TO BE GRANTED CONTAINS 0.0227 Ac.res LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL INFORMATION PLAT BASED ON RECORD DATA SCALE: I "-: 50~ DATE: Dec.. \992 DR. BY: J. P. C K. BY: DEFERRED S'IREEI' IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENr 'llIIS AGREEMENr (identified as No. M:::G 255) made am entered into this ~m day of M/l/?cH , 192.2, by and between CDLIN B. JA(JJES am CAR)L B. ~ hereinafter referred to as "OWner," am the CITY OF CAMPBErL, a nmdcipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, state of California, hereinafter referred to as "City." WHERFAS, City granted corxtitional approval of S 92-04 upon that certain real ptuf)t::L-ty described in Exhibit "A" attac::hed am incorporated as though fully set forth herein, and cntlllLJIUY known as, 184 Veitenhiener lane which pt~ty is hereinafter referred to as "said real property"; WHERFAs, CClDpliance with the terms am con:titions of this agreement are required by Section 11.24.040 of the C;mypbell City COde; NCM, 'lHEREFaRE, IN CDNSIDERATION OF '!HE AOOVE-MENl'IQm) APPROVAL, it is hereby agreed as follows: (1) Omler shall provide, construct am/or install at his arm ptopeL' cost am expense, p.lblic street i.mprovementg as described in section 11.24.040 of the City Code within 12 IIDlrt:hs from the date when owners or their S1~ are notified to do so by the City Engineer. (2) All of said improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within 12 lIDllths fran the date that OWners, or their successors, are notified by said City Engineer to do so; provided however, that in the c::omprt:ation of said t:wel ve-l'IDllth period, delays due to or caused by acts of God, viz., tmUSUally inclellE11t weather, major strikes, am other delay l::leyoni the control of OWners shall be excluded. It is expressly umerstood am agreed to that if Omler shall fail to complete the tl<<)rk required by this Agl:eement. within the said 12 lIDllth period, the City, after givirg ten (10) days written notice thereof to Omler, or his successors, may construct am/or install said i.mprcvements am recover the full cost am expense thereof fran owner, or his S1]~. It is further expressly umerstood that the p.JqXJSe of this agreE!meld. is to defer constructi.on of the alxwe-menti.aled i.mprovements until acme future date JIIJI'e cxnh.ci. ve to the overall needs of the City of D.II\E~] 1. In keepirx] with this ~, the right of the City to give any of the mtioes specified herein in Secticm (2) of this AgIeeu.::nt to install suc.n i.mprovements, or to require CDlStructi.cm or installati.al of such improvements, or to install such improvements itself am recxJVer the oost:s thereof shall net be barred by the p'C!C!~ of time or delay by the City, bIt shall remain open am enforceable iB:Iefinitelyam forever. It is also understood that the P'~ of time or any delay caused by the City shall not relieve the Qmers, or their ~~lS, fran performance under this AgIeehc:llt., bIt that the CMners, am their Sl~c::ors, shall I"BIBin bcurxi imefinitely am forever. Any in::reased cxmstructi.on or preparation costs caUSEd as the result of the p's-'Sage of time shall be the respalSi.bi.lity of the 0Imers, am their Sl~. Nothing herein shall be ooPfl\ed to prahibi t constructi.on of said improvements prior to mtice by the City ~ to oou:::il.nJct or install such improvements, provided that prior to such installaticm, all of the prcvisicns of Sectial (3) shall be satisfied. (3) CMner, or his Sl~c;ors, shall cause to be prepared at his oost am expense ilIprovement plans for the constructi.cm am/or installation of said i.mprovements prior to such CDlStructi.on or installaticm. Said plans shall be prepared by a civil ergineer registered by the state of California ani subnitted to the City ~ for exam:inati.al am approval. All of said iJoprovements shall be canstructed am/or installed in acxxmiara! with those plans approved by the City Engineer ani shall be made UOOer the supervision am inspection am to the satisfactial of the City Eh;Ji.neer. Said constructi.oo am/or installation shall be in acxxmiara! with the existing ordinarx:&; ani resolutioos of the City of (>.lIil,pU ani to all plans, specifications, starxiards, sizes, lines am grades approved by the City ~, am all state am Camty statutes applicable thereto. Upon CClDpletion am a~ of the i.mprovements by City, Qmer, or his Sl---!::OrS, shall provide reproducible as-tuilt plans to the City Engineer. ( 4 ) '!he cxmstructi.oo work of the ilIprovements E!IIiJraced by this agteellc:llL shall be 00ne in acxxmiara! with the specifica- tions of the City of C'....lIlf..-JPll am West Valley sanitaticm District, where in:licated. (5) Prior to approval of the plans by the City Eh:1ineer plI'St1al1t to Sectioo (3) of this Aqr~lL, CMner, or his 2 ~rs, shall pay to the City for examination of i.mprovement plans, field inspectiQ'l of a:IlStn.cti.m of ~ am all ~sm:y expenses incurred by City in CXD1I1eCti.oo with said imprcvements, a sum to be determined tlllben said plans are sul:mi.tted in accordance with the rules in effect at that time. (6) 0Alner, ar his fiI:I-C!OJ:S, shall file with City, prior to CUIUII.~ncirg lIllOrk, surety, acceptable to City, to insure full am faithful perfaz:mance of the a:IlStn.cti.Q'l of all the afOJ::ebc:lItioned improvement work, exc.lu:tirg sanitaJ:y sewers am water di.s1:ri.Duti.al system. Said surety shall guarantee that CMner, am his Sl-~ors, will 001.L~"'1: arry defects which may ~ in said improvement lIllOrk within ale (1) year !ran the date of accept:anoe of the work by City am pay far any damage to other work resul'tin; !ran the a:IlStn.cti.al thereof, as well as pay the cost of all labor am materials involved. '1hi.s surety shall remain in effect unti.1 ale (1) year after date of final ac:x:eptance of said imprcvements by City. Said surety amount may be Z'Prl1la!d by the City ~ after the date of final ac:x:eptance to not less than twenty-five (25) petQeuL of its full value. (7) Upon final release of said surety by City, the ctlligatialS of OWner, am his fiI:I-C!I"lt"S, a::nt:ai.ned in this ~rl: shall be considered null am void. (8) When called upcn by City to 00 SO, Qmer, or his Sl~SOrs, will execute a petitioo far the fonuatioo of any special AC!S'~~ district created pursuant to any 8plC; al l't!';.~c::rrrmt act as provided in the StJ:eet:s am Highways Code of the state of California created far the pn:pose of ~ am/or installin3' any ar all of said imprcvements. (9) CMner, ar his fiI:I-c:::ors, shall participate in am becn:~ a part of arry special l't~'S'-~ district as described in paragtap1 (8) of this Aqr~lL. It is expressly urx:le.rst:ood that arry ctlligaticms of CMner, ar his Sl~9OrS, contained in this AqrecllcuL that are ~lished to the satisfaction of said City ~ by said special l'ts.~~ district shall be CDlSi.de:red mll am void. (10) Q,mer, or his S1-C!ors, shall Dake such deposits or file Sldllxn:is am enter into SLdl agIeewc:nt as nquin:d by West Valley Sani tatim District to insure the installatim of a sanitazy sewage system to serve said real 14~ L}', am CMner, or his S1~, shall file with City, upJn execution of this Ag:reaoe1IL, a letter fran said Sanitatial District stating that CMner, or his S1~, have Dade 3 such deposits or filed such bonds alXi entered into such agr~lts. (11) CMner, or his S1~!::OrS, shall pay to Pacific Gas alXi Electric Chrpmy any am all fees required for installaticm of urx:iergrourxi wirinJ clrcui.t to all electro1iers within said real pl~ty lllben Olmer, or his ~~sors, is notified by either the City Fn;;ineer or the Pacific Gas alXi Electric Chrpmy that said fees are due am payable. Olmer's, and his ~n:--sars' , obligations urxier this sectial shall not be relieved by delay or the ~~c::age of tillie, bIt shall nmtin ~ indefinitely am forever . (12) Omler, or his S1~';OJ:'S, shall make such deposits or file such bcnjs am enter into such ~tL as required by San Jose Water Ch!pmy when called upon to do so to insure the installatial of a water distriJ:ut.icm system to serve said real plvpt::.l:ty, i.rx::ludin:J fire hydrant. CMner's, am his ~~c;ors' , obligatia1S urxier this sectial shall not be relieved by delay or the ~$S8ge of tillie, bIt shall biJxi Omler and Sl~sars imefinitely and forever. (13) Any ~~ and right of way within or without said real PL~ly rv:w-c.aJ:y for the CXIIIpletia'l of the ~ shown upon aforesaid improvement plans shall be ~ by Qmer, or his S1~c;ars, at his own CXJSt and expense. It is provided, however, that in the event eminent dnr!Ri n pl.~ are required for the p.trpOSe of securing said -.~ and right of way, Omler, or his ~~';OJ:'S, shall deposit or cause to be deposited with City a sum cxweri.n;J the rea&a1able DBrket value of the lam plv~ to be taken am to be i.rx::luied in said sum shall be a rea&a1able all~ for severance M"-:JeS, if any. It is further provided that in acXti tial thereto such SUDs as may be required for legal fees and ocsts, ~ and ether :in:::identa1 ocsts shall be deposited with the City. (14) CMner, or his ~~sors, shall can:y aIt any am all negotiations with all interested parties am shall perfom or cause to be perfomed at his own CXJSt am expense am to the satisfactial of the City Fn;;ineer any am all work required to at:Bn:b1, rBIDVe, raise, lower, relocate arxi otherwise DIXiify irrigatial line or lines within the I:nmdaJ:y of said real property . ( 15) 'lb the fullest extent permi. tted by law, CMne.r, ani his Sl~sors, shall indemnify, defen:l am hold the City of C;:nrqY~ll, am its agents, employees, attorneys, officers, officials am assignees harmless frail any am all clAims, damages, losses am expenses, in=llXiinJ, b.Jt not limited to, attorneys' fees, arisinJ aIt of, or resultiBJ frail any negligent 4 or intentional act or anissial (inclu:ii.rg mi.scx:n:iuct) of said Qmer, or his ~~, or any ~ID .ll.i:aet:ar, or artyale directly or i.mirect1y employed by hiJn, or anyate for wtnse acts any of them my be liable in the CDn:'Se of perfar:mmce of the Agreene1t. '!he Qmer, arxi his S1Y'Y"ac!crors, shall also i..memni.fy, deferxi anj hold the City of 0"..,,11..11, and its ~:::ulz:o, at:tameys, eqllayees, office:r:s, officials, am assignees harmless against am fran any anj all c1A;'I'II.I:, ~lJb, 1 iehi lities, losss, lawsuits, jnr'9"-'lls, ~, costs am expenses (inc1~, bIt not limited to, a~.lIt:}'S' fees and cxurt costs, tIlihet:her incurred at trial, appellate or administrative levels) whidl the City of ~lIih~ll Day incur or suffer, or to whidl the City of c....lf.lQ11 may be subjected result.in:J fran the failure of Qmer, or his S1Y'Y"ac!$O%'S, or his 89=ulz:o, Ellployees, !::I1lxxAl~act:ars, or anyone perf~ services urx:ier him, to fulfill any of the obligaticns i~ urx:ier this NJrbo::au=llL. (16) It is acknowledged that the provisioos of this Agl:eca&c:ltt cxnst:i:tut:e covenants for the i.Dpmvement of the subject real Pt-~ty for the DI.ttual benefit of Qmer's PLVlA=L'ty, 0...... !luy known as 184 Veitenhi.emer lane and the City's pt~t}", ~ ..... IIUY described as Veitenhiemer lane where it adjoins CMner's pt~}" . 'lhese covenants shall be CX'I1Si.dered to affect rights in the above-described real pt~ties, am shall be bi1xtirg on the heirs, assigns, ~~C!Qt'S, and grantees of o.mer to said real ptu~. (17) ~ cxmtained herein shall be 00IE:>l.i: I.led to transfer any unvest:ed interests in real or pe:rsaml pt~ L}" for PIrpCSes of the role against pe:t.!o'=tuities. (18) In the event that o.Jner, or his !::I----=:OC!'(%S, shalld breach any of the t:.erDs, oorx:li. tioos, or covenants of this Agtt=wl::uL, the City sbal1 be entitled to :rec:over, in additiCll to any other relief ava:ilAhle in law or equity, all costs incurred in att:empt.in;J to obtain enfUL.-...:::a&II:I1L of the NJreca&c:ld., or caupensation for SlX:h breach. 'Ihese cxsts shall in::lude reasanabl.e attorneys' fees and CXJUrt cxsts. ( 19) '!his is the entire }qJ.=ut:llL .be'blleen the psrties, arxi there are IX) representaticns, ag:I8eIwl:::ll~, arrargement:s or ~ that are not fully expressed herein. (20) '!his Agl:eca&c:llL can be executai in CXJUrTterpirt:s by the pn-ties hereto, am as so executed shall oonsist of ale agreelia:=llt, bi1xtirg CIl all the pirties. 5 IN WI'INESS WHEREDF, said City has caused its nama to be affixed by its Mayor am City Clerk, who are duly authorized by resolution of the City Council, and said OWner has caused his name to be affixed the day am year first above written. CITY OF CAMPBELL APProVED AS 'IO FmM: ~hA~~~d- Barbara D. Conant, Mayor A'ITESI': ~~ AnlleB"jbee City Clerk CMNER: THf F"';-r~""I~.:G INSTRI.I,.,~E"'IT ;8 A TPJE A\Ci '~""r.'r ,e,! Of'ThE c.r3'N'\!. ON F" ::-'... h"!~ 'JfFiCE. Cw.Jz.- 6 NOTARY FOR INDIVIDUAL SIGNATURE STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara I I ss. I On this 5th day of I-1arch , 19 ~, before me, Anne G. Bybee a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara , State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Colin B. Jaques and Carol B. Jaques personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons whose names subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal of the aforesaid County and State the day and year in this certificate first above written. /1 ~!/~ Nota~ in and for the County of Santa Clara State of California "NOTARY SEAL" My commission expires Harch 5, 1996 EXHIBIT "A" All that certain real property situate in the City of CCmJpJell, COlmt.y of Santa Clara, state of California described as follows: BmINNIN:; at an iron pipe set on the North line of that parcel of lam described in the Dee:i to L. DubJrg, recorded October 3, 1945, Book 1288 Official Recatds, Page 374, distant thereon North 89059' Fast 136.72 feet fran the Nort:l'1t.,.1es comer thereof on the East line of M::Gli.ooey Lane; '!HENCE from said point of begirming North 89059' East along said line of the lams of L. DuBurg, 55 feet to an iron pipe; '!BENCE South 0028' Fast parallel with said line of Mc:Glincey Lane, 150 feet to an iron pipe; '!HENCE South 89059' West, parallel with said line of the lams of DuBurg, 55 feet to an iron pipe; 'IHENCE North 0028' West am parallel with said line of Mc:Glincey Lane, 150 feet to the Point of Begirming. 7 WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GA TOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SARA TOGA UNINCORPORA TED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone (408) 378-2407 October 20, 1993 IlE"'~ '-cl",o Ocr 211993 PUBLIC AOA~, ~~ "- '''tiN/SiR. "'. 4iJO/lt Mr. Colin Jaques 2050 Veronica Place San Jose, CA 95124 RE veitenheimer Lane Sewer Extension Project Installation of PVC on Top of Sanitary Sewer Dear Mr. Jaques: The proposed veitenheimer Lane sewer will be installed within a sanitary sewer easement. The easement document clearly prohibits any facility on top of a sanitary sewer main. Accordingly, you are not permitted to install the PVC storm line within the sewer trench. Furthermore, your proposal of installation of the PVC in the same sewer trench will cause the following problems: 1. The district will incur additional repair cost if we have to repair our pipe. 2. Your PVC pipe will be severely damaged during the trench compaction operation. For your reference, the compaction operation will crush a vitrified clay pipe buried 3 feet below. 3. The practice of installing an underground utility on top of another is simply bad engineering. There is sufficient room in the roadway for the installation of your PVC line, and I am sure you can find a better alternative. Very truly yours, Reid nager/,~gineer ~.~ By athan K. Lee istant civil Engineer cc Mike Fuller, Campbell (FORMERLY COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4) CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: City Clerk IiIC~ --I" /lPR 9 $ /:) P(J6/ic 10/. '" ? 1993 o/'~/EI) . 'flll)eer . 'I)g April 27, 1993 Mr. and Mrs. Colin Jaques 2050 Veronica Place San Jose, CA 95124 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jaques: At its regular meeting of April 20, 1993, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 8475 authorizing the execution of a O~ferred Street Improvement Agreement for property located at 184 Veitenhiemer Lane. Please find enclosed certified copy of this Resolution together with certified copy of said Agreement. Please do not hesitate to contact this office (866-2117) or Michael Fuller, Public Works Department, should you have any questions in regard to the City Council's action. Sincerely, //7 )1 tt~ /~(u"'-- Anne Bybee City Clerk cc. Michael Fuller, Public Works Enc. jh ,~,Of CA-<1P8c;. (.I " ("' ".'''UG. * .' ":' * n .' <:l Y .i' ;.~ ~ a ,0 (',/ C p.\.' CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: Frank Cauthorn Building Official Date: January 28, 1993 From: Michael A. Fuller Assistant Engineer Subject: 184 veitenhiemer Lane ----------------------------------------------------------- We have reviewed the subject building plans, and the following comments have been made on the grading and drainage plan: 1) Some elevations (approximately six) should be shown near the middle of the parking area so that the surface slope of the parking area can be established. 2) Some elevations (approximately 12 to 15) should be shown around the perimeter of the subject property on the adjacent properties. These elevations on the adjacent properties should be shown as existing elevations. The elevations on the adjacent properties must be matched so that there is no abrupt elevation change at the property line. The subject property must not drain into the adjacent properties. 3) The storm drainage pump must be placed outside of the area of reservation. 4) The storm water discharge at the curb should be modified to eliminate excessive water velocity toward the street. A bubble-up system as shown is an alternative. 5) The applicant must show evidence of an easement for the drainage system off of the subject property. If you have any questions, please call me at 866-2158. cc: Joan Bollier 4\ ~ ~~" ~::i:t ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ " 0. ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1\ ~ . i ~ ~ t1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f"o ~ C\ .. :b ~ ~ .... I ~ ~ 1 :s ~ i ~ ~ & l ~ ~ 'X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - N.. ~ - N.:- ~ l>< ~ ~ f'~ <'1\0 ~~ ... f\ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~-g ~ t 1\ It\ ~~ ~ '. , ~ t' ~ ~ l:A ;. ~ <::::. ~ :- " ~ ~i ~C) ~. V\ ~ W= ~~ ~~ :t:~ (\ - ~ ~ ~~ (\ ~ ~ - ~ :J.. ~ Q ~ ~ \'!> ~ ~ C\ ~ 0;:; (lI, ~ ..... N.. X- .... "".:- :t .... ~ (:1/)' (If Cam/Jut''' City Council Report Item: Category: Consent Calendar Date: April 20, 1993 Title: Deferred street Improvement Agreement for 184 Vei tenhiemer Lane (Resolution/Roll Call Vote) RECOKHENDATIOH Adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Colin and Carol Jaques to install street improvements adjacent to 184 Veitenhiemer Lane. DISCUSSION Backqround. On November 24, 1992, the Planning Commission granted conditional approval to construct an industrial warehouse at 184 Vei tenhiemer Lane. The owners of this property were required to make an irrevocable offer to dedicate eighteen feet of their frontage along Veitenhiemer Lane and to execute a deferred street improvement agreement. Analvsis. Veitenhiemer Lane is within the McGlincey Lane Expansion Area of the Central Campbell Redevelopment Plan. This private street was created as a non-exclusive access easement in 1962. One of the obj ecti ves stated in the amended redevelopment plan is the conversion of private streets, including veitenhiemer Lane, to public streets. If, at some future time, the Council elects to convert Veitenhiemer Lane to a public street, the irrevocable offer of dedication will be accepted and the owner asked to perform on his agreement to improve his frontage. Pursuant to direction from the City Attorney, the irrevocable offer of dedication is written such that it expires in 20 years. FISCAL IMPACT None ALTERNATIVES 1. Require the dedication of right-of-way and the installation of street improvements at 184 Veitenhiemer Lane now. This would create an area of public right-of-way and public improvements which is not adjacent to any other public right-of-way. Additionally, these improvements may not be required if Veitenhiemer Lane is not converted to a public street. Deferred street Improvement Agreement 184 Veitenhiemer Lane Page 2 April 20, 1993 2. Do nothing. This option precludes the City from requiring the installation of street improvements on the frontage of this property at a later date. Prepared by: IMft 1-- ~'~pproved by: rx1 J~ fNY\. Asst. Eng. ~s. Dir. 'ty Manager Attachments: Plat Resolution Agreement RESOLUTION NO BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERRED STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT 184 VEITENHIEMER LANE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Campbell, California as follows: The Mayor is authorized to execute an agreement with Colin and Carol Jaques to install street improvements at 184 Veitenhiemer Lane. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1993 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers: NOES: Councilmembers: ABSENT: Councilmembers: APPROVED: Barbara D. Conant, Mayor ATTEST: Anne Bybee, City Clerk ritffrllJl .1' , R. a I . . _I B!j1 Aft I 6 ~ 9 Ii /./0,. Ii ~v I fl4" i ; '60, Site /, ~ SI \ \ RECORDING REQUESTED BY AIlD WHEII IECOIDED MAil THII DEED AIID VlllElI OTHEIWIIF. IHOWII IElOW MAil TAXSTATEIIEIIT TO: Nam. r -, CIty & Stal. L Colin B. Jaques 2050 VERONICA PLACE San Jose, CA 95124-1440 ..J SIr..I Aclclr... MAil TAX STATEMENTS TO N.me r "I SIre.I Aclclre.. City & SI.I. L -.J TITlE OIDEI NO. ESCROW NO. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE EASEMENT GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ 0.00 easanent only o computed on full value of property conveyed, or o computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. o unincorporated area 0 city of . AND !.'OR"7\-'lfAtttA'Bt..~eeffSte1:'R".:rie~Tec.e; pt ~eforis- hereb y aelmowfedged-;- M)RRIS BURMAN, Trustee of the Bunnan Trust, dated March 14, 1978 hereby GRANT(s) to Colin B. Jaques and Carol B. Jaques as Corrmunity Property the following described real property in the City of Campbell County of Santa Clara . State of California: A non-exclusive easanent as reserved in Deed to loDrris Bunnan, et ux, recorded June 8, 1962, Book 5602 Official Records, page 168, for ingress and egress, installation and maintenance of water, sewer, and stonn water pipes, over portion of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M. D. B. & M., described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of Me Glincey Lane, as widened by Deed to City of Campbell, recorded April 12, 1963, Book 5982 Official Records, page 446, and the Southerly line of the parcel conveyed by Deed to loDrris Bunnan, recorded July 29, 1959, Book 4496 Official Records, page 201: Thence fran said point of beginning S. 890 48' E. along the Southerly line of said Bunnan parcel 293.93 feet to an angle corner therein; thence S. 0015' E. parallel with the East line of Me Glincey Lane, 20 feet to a Southerly line of that parcel of land described in Deed to Steve Veitenheirner, et ux, recorded March 28, 1945, Book 1243 Official Records, page 456; thence N. 890 48' W. along said line, 293.93 feet to said East line of 1-1c Glincey lane; thence N. O. 15' W. along said line 20 feet to the point of beginning. Dated J - /0 - 9".3 lnOulJ/J 'bUA/YV'().A/-tluA~-0 State of Califonu.a Santa Clara County of March 10, 1993 ID.retta J. Crocker before me, (here insert the name and On title of the officer), personally appeared M:>rris Bunnan I personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s~ is/are su~bed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the in hislherllheir authorized capacity(ies) and that by hlslher!lhelr Slgnature,s(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the e . upon behalf of th (s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the Instrument. > r .: 4 OFFICIAL SEAL LORETTA J. CROCKER NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ( eal) SANTA ClARA COUNTY My Comm. Expires Aug, 25, 1'993 \ \ E-47 I . , . - .Order No. D B37i':Gf 162 6087850 Escrov' or Loan No. RECORDING REOUESTED BY 'JLID FOR REOORD- AT RIQUEIT OF. ~,~ JUL ~'H '78 When Reca,:led ~"1ail To: H~KLIN~H, COH~N & BIAGINI 101 Park Center Plaza, '700 San Jose, California 95113 D I I 1\0 l~ . Of IICIAL REOORD" 8ANT A OLARA 'OOUItlX! SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FoIii~~ DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX S cons] nerat] on) SJ7.'!Gf 162 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Morris Burman 1355 E. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 CITY CONVEYANCE To.. S _ Computed on It\eo cons.deratlon Of ".Iue of properry convtyed; OR _ ComJ,utecJ on tht! con,ide,,,'lon or value less lie", Or r.ncum. br;tnL~ remami. e of sale. City Fum Ndmc GkANT DEED Fe~~~~~~€eN~~AA~~~~e~~~~~~~ft~~. MORRIS BURMAN and HENIA BURMAN, his wife hereby GRANT(S) to MORRIS BURMAN, Trustee of the Burman Trust, dated March 14, 1978 the real property in the City.:1 Campbell CounlY 01 Santa Clara , State 01 Calolorni.l, described .. SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED. Dated JUL 20 1978 ~~~~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANT A CLARA I '.. I I on~ ~~ /f/7g bet or me, unders gned. a Notary Public In and lor wad Sla,e, personally __.ed MORRIS BURMAN and HENIA BURMAN =.......................n............II.................... =i Q OFFICIAL SEAL E ! . PENElOPE A. CAMPAGNA :: = NOTAlY .-vIUC _ CAWOIUI" S i ~~~. 1M ClA':i e i 111., comm/";,." faphe, DocMOh. 7. '980 E ............................n.o..",. ........ 0' o. ~, 0 :: "'nown to nle 10 be 1". person:"";_ whose ""rr...s a r~ CTh'I .r.. tOf ollie..1 no,...... '..U ATEMENTS AS DIRECTED AIl"OVE , ~, .. 'J II J I , ~' ~:. ~ "'~ .~ . .;- .'~ 'r-- J ..\ .. ~\. .;.....: ',...;~) . -' I '.' '. . . . ..... ""S",;,- ~ ~. . :; '- ,~ ;l\J J '_~J."""__ , ~ ,..- -.- '---..{ "--.: . '? ~: . I,... ~ ..'. BOOK 5602 rc168 2205327 . Jlccorded at request of: 5eCK 5602 rc168 When recorded mail to: Record.d ., ~..'~' 'r~~~.lt oJ ~ CihJ Tille IJ1suran~e Co. JUN 8 1962a.:~AM PAUL R. TEILH, R.ker, I S.nl.C..~':: ....:,..;~i.IRec~ . A804E IJ](.E SOU-LV I' RECORDU'S USE ....._Jo.1r......&..l.U:l>.... ..~!Qr.r.i.1$. ..#.!Ar.J!I~.n........... _,.._.1il.83...~cllr.ild.e.r...ur~Y.e........................ ._.._.~an...".Qa.e...,..Cali!.ur.llia........,..........., JOINT TENANCY DEED STl!:Vl:. Vl!:! Tc..\Ii.t.I.'I..1(, Mrrby do............. Grllnt to ~IC~,lS Dl.\o'IA;\ ,\:\u 1I...'\IA ill.,},:\o'\, his wiCe In Joint T~n''''~l' all that rral propc:rty situated in thr ~i ty of CampLe It County of ::iuntu l;liu'a Slalr of California. drKribrd as (allows: i-eginnin~ ilt u I.oiut on the eitstel'!,)' line oC Hctilincey L.mc, at the &outhwesterl~' c(,rner' of that certain parcel of Imul dc>'criLed in thc lJecd fro III ::>t.e\'c Vcit.cnheimer t.o ~iorris bUI'lIlun, et. IIX; record cd July :!9, 1959 in the ofCicc of t.hc ;;ccor.ler llf the l;ullnty oC ,santa Clara, State of l;alifvrnilt in Uook. 4.1!Jti uf vf1ici,ol accol'ds, l'i1ge :!Ol; thence from lSuid l.oint of beginnin~ .s :itl" 'I~' ;.:; alonE' the most southerly line uf t.he last mcnt.ioned 1'..rcel of lancl 30;'i.!)3 ft. to all angle corner thcrein; lIll"nC'l' S (l~ .5' ~ .mcl 1>.:1',,11..1 wit.h said easterly line uC said I>lc\;llllcey Lane .;v.OO ft.. to .. point on a suut.herly Iill.: or that cCZ.t.,i1l I'lu'c.!1 or \;,nd described ill t.he l.Iecd from liolJert C. IIcJ.bchlJach, et ux, to :'te\'c VcitcllheiRlcr ct \IX, recorded ~1"I'ch ~tS, 1945 in t.he office of the ..:ccorder of t.he County of Suntn <'1..1'''' .:>t.ate of ~aliful'nia ill 1.00.. 1~1:; of ,.fricinl .,ecords ilt. page '1~\Ji t.henc',: .\ !:SU. 'I~' i, ulong the last mentioncd linc ~u~.~:; fl.. ~u.a i,vi:.t. :;;; ~~:i~ '.:'t~~."f'ly Iln~ of ...cullncey L,~ne; t.hcnce ~ o. 1;:;' II alon~ t.he l.lst lnellt.ioned line :!o.ou fl to the point of lJeginning. +: Hc,S,-=rvinc; t.hcrcfl"olU iloll C,U:icmcnt hereinilbov,", dcscrilJcd purcel oC Grantor herein. fOI" il;gre~s hild co i._-.J.~t.'.;..:~s over the land, appurtenant to the remaining land of the ~.~~....................., :. T.,.. '" V .,.11 J:.;\!i.,1....,..( Datrd :...................}...(!y...J~,a....t~.9.;:............................... ......n... .n..... ..... ..o..u............. .......... ..n.... ................. no" ....... .........-. ..................................................................................................... STATE OF CALIFORNIA t ;~!:;g:jf~:Ji:i~~f~~~;~2:.:~:~::;;:~;~;~~.:'~.:~~-: '. .'.(.r~.'~ iii". ."1,, ,,,,___ ~SI.....,........tf?.......,.bJ(.;b,J,. '''':4'i'b~' 'it" .,., ..J .CI.."'/,JI'J~b"'.... ............~.e................ "!'':/~~ ,h, ,UI'. . # ~ L _ -11- if "' r' "/Tf'{E!f~ "'1 "".J ..J .Ici-'! "J, ... ... ..~;;;;:;....G......... ... ...... . .. . (SEAt) '.::. '., .. . ,," .,',' No'"" P.b . M, ~D41~i;~;~:;;;M.t:::'ti~;i2.,,6:L.::........ ... ........................... ..n.!'!,lJI.,t;;i<r..J~.,...Yi~I1;,[{P............................... . . 'r.. .' .. . Pr.ntcod or typc'd na~ 01 NoI.uy Pubhc February 11, 1993 I Morris Burman, as owner of the property described below, do hereby grant ingress and egress over said property to Colin B, Jaques. Further more, I give my permission for this right of way to be used as required for any trenching work relating to storm water, water supplies, or sewer pipes. It is my understanding that the right of way will be repaved after any such work to the City of Campbell's approval for the traffic usage. A map showing the right of way is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The property is described as follows: In the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, as recorded in Book 5602 Official Records, page 168. Beginning at the intersection of the East line of McGlincey Lane, as widened by Deed to City of Campbell, recorded April 12, 1963, Book 5982 Official Records, page 446, and the Southerly line of the parcel conveyed by Deed to Morris Burman, recorded July 29, 1959, Book 4496 Official Records, page 201; thence from said point of beginning S. 89' 48' E. along the Southerly line of said Burman parcel 293.93 feet to an angle corner therein; thence S. 0' 15' E. parallel with the East line of McGlincey Lane, 20 feet to a Southerly line of that parcel of land described in Deed to Steve Veitenheimer, et ux, recorded March 28, 1945, Book 1243 Official Records, page 456; thence N. 89' 48' W. along said line, 293.93 feet to said East line of McGlincey Lane; thence N. 0' 15' W. along said line 20 feet to the point of beginning. ,f} <i" i-I) Dated this ,7'--0 -day of February, 1993 in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara. ,. .-----;_.. n .Ie 1',););;/ IJ1L (" lYlk~.z.., Morris Burman G1 '111.3-50-14 10-16 m -2-68 B RIlCORCING RIlQUIl.TIlC .v ZO * Z5.85 WESTERN TITLE QUARANTY COMPANY 3~nta C13r~ County Division ANO WHCN ".CO"OID MAIL TO 1MI'. ~ Mrs. Morrie Burman ...... 864 MoQl1ncey Lane .00.... Oampbell, C~11 ~Ol'ni8 , c.". . .'"" L 95008 .J .'J- ~~ TIlle Order l'll,_ Escrow No. ......L ,... .. .........,. 1'0 r !Ill'. Pc lOtI'S. Mol'rie Burman , ...... 864 McQl1ncey Lane ."..... Campbell, :::alU'ornla C.. . .,..,l'..t-~~. 95008 .J !JOI Sl13 i','~: [;75 3362520 .......... ""'" R.c"n1.d .t tI.. -' "J t W~';~l",,~{,,~~gum:;;Jj'~~ t r,"'-lj'::'.: . f .; i " THI. ~~& r.01l ""CORCIlR'. un 8 Jnbibibual Joint tltenanc!, J)eeb WEeT.lItH ,..TLa "0"" NO tOS fOR \" \LUE RECEIVED. S'l'ElTE VEITENHElMER MORRIS BURMAN and HENIA BURMAN, his wife, GR 0\ SL...!!-Io Counl~ C'I SANTA CLARA City of CAMPBELL . Slale 01 California. dc...:nbed as {ollows: ,.. JOI~T TE~"STS at: thaI real propeny Slluate in the I 1\ I ?or "eacrlption of the pre"ises, Exhlbi": ;,1':';,1che,j her~l;o. .J. M-i3lJl BY 22 .., ,U. II. ( "111'0....'" I _ (; __ _ (''''.'Y''' _i~~!~.arL- f " ,;,/l..LH .::...L,,' . ...,,,. _,'M u.....'...Md. . Nz" 1',,"'''' '" .IMI 'or ..14 ...... ,..-'IY .......NIL-._ :it"vo_VUUnnell11er . "'''''" ,.. .... '" ho 1M ,.,,,,,,_ wtNM u"'" ou'"""..... II> Ih. .,Ih,. ',,"IFUNtll, .1Id ac,_Itd...d In - Ih.. _M- ..,.u..d 'M -, "/11 "~( ~~ . ..;' 'Yv_~AJ ~:.-J.. ~~~_._- ,,-..-. '/ ,. Ngta,,'U \'1'1.00 ...c, \1,0' ~' , 6/ r ~' '- lJ;~'"""" . "'I t ..,j,,'J ~ ')J'~.~ oJ eve Ve tdll u:lLlIler -_._--- .- ------.- .. .~._.- .._---------- -----.---- FOil N\ ""'RV .1l...L OR .T"''''~ ~.. 'un.'.'.........,."......, .,,'........,....'1.'..; to:" II. uttH"'. lito'''' · i,.~ ,~ NI'\'1.L1S J. CI~'; ~,". \1 ~ . '~'i 1(..1""'\.11...... . :~t..,. ,tU"""""."'-"" I " ,_""" tot ......." " .. '''''''''H''HI''''''''''I:''I''~"''''''''.'.J i ;" I \ ? , r " ~ 0' :;,~...,.; !' i.:. ~~?~~.- .' ,-' '::. ,', , L L>:'.~J "'^:1,;:~~\ . ",,'. .. . ., ~! / ,.;:1.; ',,::;3 .....~..,'-, 3i '{ .'" ':~~ IV' \ t 1 : I ~fi iat }; i .", >>. . _.- f.I"! 1~ ..~~"W' j GI ~~'j' m13 ,\,,:.676 EXhiblt A as 1'eferred to 1n the Deed dateJ Janua1'Y 22, 1~68 froll steve veltenhelme1' to 1401'l'18 :BUt'man and Me:lia 3\Jr'11an, hU wlfe. The real property referred to is described as follows: :f\::.~!rhose parcels of land in the City of Campbell, County of Santa _.__""." .Clara, State 01' Ca11fornia, described as follows: ~ I ~O ~~ PARCEL ONE A portion of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 south, Range 1 West, M. D. B, & M., described as fo11~ws: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the parcel of land conveyed to Morris aurman, et ux, by Deed recorded Ju~e 8, 1962, nook 5602 Official RecordS, page 168, said ~oint being in a Southerly line of the parcel of land conveyed to steve Veitenheimer, et ux, by Deed recorded March 28, 1945, Book 1243 Official RecordS, page 4?6; . thence from said point of beginning~ along the boundaries of said Veltenheimer parcel as follows: S. ~90 45' E. 42.97 feet, S. 00 50' W. 44 feet; s. 890 45' E. 99 feet; N. 330 54' E., S8.31 feet; N. 450 36' w. 10C.15 feet, and N. 380 20' w., 40.67 feet to the most Easterly co~ner of the parcel of land conveyen to Morris Burman et ux, by Deed recorded July 29, 1959, Bool':: 4496 Officlal Records, page 201; thenc~ along the Southeast line of said ~urman parcel, S. 390 43' 30" ~., 154.79 feet to t~~ :'~~~~ea~t corner of the f1rRt above mentioned Burman VCll'cel; tr.e~c.' "n:: the East I1ne of sald p".rcel. S. 00 15' E., 20 feet to tr,(. : of beginning. PARC~I;.~:T'h ~t - -'7~jl~':::- A non-exclusive easemeHt as app'ui:~nan:' '." Farcel One above, as reserved in Deed to, Morris Burman'~:', et UJ'., ~'~~orded June a, 196;:, BOok 5602 Offic~.al;~Oords, page i68, for ingress and egress over portion of the southW~8t 1/4 of Sect1~n 35, Township 7 South, Ra~~e 1 ~o/est, M D, B. & M.I,' described t..s follows; Beg1nning at the intersection of the East Jlne of Mc Glincey Lane, a~ widened by Deed to City of Campbell, recorded April 12, 1963, nook 5982 Official Records, p~ge 446, and the foutnerly 11n~ of tne parcel conveyed by Deed to Morris BU1~n, recorded July'29, 1959, BOok 4496 Offlcial RecordS, page 201; thence from said point of beginnlng S. 890 48' E. along the southerly line of said Burman parcel 293.93 feet to t 1 angle corner therein; thence S. 00 15' E. parallel w1th the East .!.ine of Mc Qlincey Laue, 20 feE:t to a south~rly line of that parcel of land described 1n Deed to steve veitenhelmer, et ux, recorded March 28, 1945, Book 1243 Oflicial RecordS, page 456; thence N. 8ge 48' W. along said 11ne, 293.~3 feet to said East line of Mc Qlincey Lane; thence N. 00 15' W. along sa1Q ~1ne 20 feet to the polnt of b~gtnnlng. . (. j';!. ;',;;. , .r _ 'T. It.., ;,.. ~." - .~..... ~ >to . .~ (,). ,.;,:!. .' . 1'\) , 'C,T' ~ ...~ _......~I-' , tl ..';. . r. C I . . ~ ,~ I: 0 . ..,- ---- i' IUI'(t\U::l 1'111'(( 4I:::Jd b4(C::ll.b'~.~-- -. . ',:, Ai c.'f . '.:lc. .L~".L:> CL...L(...t\I'IHli N I ,. ~.l 0 ~~~ )>> Cl . P1 ~..' n I . ,~ t- O' ~ .0 ., H" w \1 ,. t ,~ 0 '1 I . ~Ir ;\- . 30' 'I \ t ~: . . I~ ~. (~ ..~ O. ... ~\I ,~ -" ~' I tlO '- lilr " , ..l " ~ \. ts l l I w. - " ~ l~ en I VElrlNHIEMER Rl'w ~ 0 .al. , . .. .. ~ C . 114 "1 . ... " , ~ -f 51 ,- .. !:)::r ".41 ~ ~ €>. - 0 ~ 'ts .I~ ~ - 0 l~ ~ OJ i:t f~ .n '0 I I. .t JO' ::0;:1 ~ t^,.1 a Jh __ 'h. :r-' Ci) &1 0 w, 0 VI- en -!: -_..Ju.u.__ -...-.J.!UL____ \lI .. a 'I . ,. ..r: o CI. . ....' C n 5 S . 't. N . ..... I W fl' f ~-< t 1." 14', . . 'I " Ie., ~ u. · · , --.rn. ".. *~ I' t) ) " 1ft I .... u. N RECEIUED FROM 408 647 2116 \. 06.24.1992 14:25 P. 8 r CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP 8 ELL, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 January 5, 1992 Mr. Colin Jaques 2050 veronica Place San Jose, CA 95124 Subject: 184 veitenhiemer Lane Dear Mr. Jaques: Enclosed please find three copies each of the two documents required for your proposed development on veitenhiemer Lane. The Deferred Street Improvement Agreement obligates you to install street improvements at some indeterminate time in the future. The pump and appurtenant storm drainage improvements which are shown on your grading and drainage plan are not covered by this agreement, as they are to be installed concurrent with your development. The second document, the Irrevocable Offer of Dedication of Fee Title, offers for dedication the required right-of-way for street improvements. This document has been prepared in such a format that it only takes effect if and when the City Council formally accepts this offer for the installation of public improvements on veitenhiemer Lane. The City is not accepting the offer for dedication at this time. Please return two copies of each document, signed and notarized. The additional copies are for your files. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 866-2158. Very truly yours, ~~~ Michael A. Fuller Assistant Engineer ~tJi Attachments f:184Veit.ltr P. O. B. N/E COR, \2.88 OR 37~ VI:: \ T~N\-\ \ E.MEl< LA~E. ... 1'3f,.72 c N N 890 5c;'E ??/ ~I <C (]\ -l (Y: () uJ 0 ~ ul ~ 1 " ill ..q- "- C() - CO '='l :r. c;<l C"'-l :z Q Il1 ! 0 >- 0 I- C'-l 0 - tU (/) u.1 <;;f" Z <.J > Z -.r -11 00 -:2. 0J - (L <.J 1'21,72 <( ~ , 30 t f. ~~7d LAND TO BE GRANTED CONTAINS 0.02.27 Ac.re.5 LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL INFORMATION PLAT BASED ON RECORD DATA SCALE: I U ~ 50/ DATE: Dec.. \992 DR. BY: J. 'P. CK. BY: ;?~C'E/ V&l:) i~Y M/?/J- C;po/i2 Santa Y-tl r::nra I e Company o 701 MILlER STREET AT TAYLOR, SAN JOSE, CA 95110 .,...".,.,.,.. (408) 288-7800 o 320 SARATOGA AVENUE. LOS GATOS. CA 95030 ....,.......,.",... (408) 395-70n o 4020 MOORPARK AVENUE. SUITE 116, SAN JOSE, CA 95117 ..,..,.." (408) 985-8120 o 700 SOUTH BERNARDO AVENUE. SUNNYVALE, CA 94087 .......",.. (408) 733-5591 o 1475 SO. BASCOM AVENUE. SUITE 104. CAMPBELL. CA 95008 .....". (408) 371-0104 o 419 SO. SAN ANTONIO ROAD, SUITE 106. LOS ALTOS. CA 94022 ....., (415) 949-0870 o 2BOO EL CAMINO REAL. SUITE 100, PALO ALTO. CA 94306 .......,..., (415) 858-1281 o 20375 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, CUPERTINO, CA 95014 ........ (408) 252-0600 o 1231 SOUTH PARK VICTORIA DRIVE, MILPITAS. CA 95035 ....,..,.". (408) 263-2555 o 50 W. SAN FERNANDO ST.. SUITE 420. SAN JOSE. CA 95113 ...,..,.,. (408) 266-7800 o 1622 E. CAPITOL EXPRESSWAY, SAN JOSE, CA 95121 ....,......,... (408) 238-1133 o 1303 JACKLIN ROAD. MILPITAS. CA 95035 ,."..................... (408) 946-4101 PRELIMINARY REPORT BUckman Turkus Attn: John Allard 25 Lower Ragsdale Dr.. #1-100 Monterey. California 93940 Property Address: 184 Veitenhiemer Lane Campbell. California IMPORTANT WHEN REPLYING REFER TO OFFICE NOTED ABOVE. OUR NO. LG 73278 YOUR NO. ESCROW OFFICER: Glori Jarnagan TITLE OFFICER: Al Pielenz/ rk In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, this Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbr- ance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Condi- tions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached, Copies of the Policy forms should be react They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. The form of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: CLTA STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY Dated as of May 19 , ,19~,at7:30a.m. C-~~ 5;:,,.., -j Title Officer The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A Fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: ROBIN R. FORSBERG AND NANCY LEE FORSBERG, Trustee under Revocable Trust Agreement dated December 19, 1991, also known as the "Forsberg Family Trust, as their community property At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed Exceptions and Exclusions in said policy form would be as follows: See following pages for exceptions. LG 73278 Page 2 1. TAXES for the fiscal year 1992-93, a lien, not yet due or payable. 2. TAXES for the fiscal year 1991-92, a lien, shown as follows: 1st Installment $495.11 2nd Installment $495.11 Assessor's Parcel No. 412-34-009 Land $78,829.00 IMP NONE PP PAID DELINQUENT-PENALTY $59.51 Code Area 10-106 NONE Exemp NONE 3. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5, (commencing with Section 75) to the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. 4. An easement affecting a portion of said land and for the purpose stated herein and incidental purposes. The exact location of which cannot be ascertained of record In favor of San Jose Water Company For Right of Way for pipe lines Recorded May 25, 1870 in Book 18 of Deeds, Page 88 5. An easement affecting a portion of said land and for the purpose stated herein and incidental purposes. The exact location of which cannot be ascertained of record In favor of F.J. Fisher, etal For Pipe Line for irrigation purposes Recorded March 31, 1924 in Book 78, Page 242, Official Records 6. An easement affecting the portion of said land and for the purpose stated herein and incidental purposes, In Favor Of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a California corporation For Underground main or pipe line Recorded April 13, 1948 in Book 1610, Page 265. Official Records Affects Northerly 10 feet 7. Covenants, conditions and restrictions in the deed, Recorded May 14. 1948 in Book 1615. Page 199. Official Records. Restrictions, if any. based upon race. color or creed are deleted. Said covenants. conditions and restrictions do provide for reversion of title in the event of a breach thereof. Which provides that a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. Reference to the records is hereby made for further particulars. LG 73278 Page 3 8. An easement affecting the portion of said land and for the purpose stated herein and incidental purposes, In Favor Of San Jose Water Works, a California corporation For Transmission and distribution of water Recorded April 14, 1949 in Book 1773, Page 134, Official Records Affects Northerly 15.00 feet of said land 9. Certificate of Against Amount Tax Year Assessment No. Recorded amount of unsecured property tax and penalties-- Forsberg, Robin R. & Nancy L. $30.45 1986 86-990945-7 February 6. 1987 in Book K 030. Page 996. Official Records 10. Certificate of amount of unsecured property tax and penalties-- Against Forsberg. Robin and Nancy L. Amount $185.32 Tax Year 1986 Assessment No. 86-991295-6 Recorded February 6, 1987 in Book K 030. Page 1139. Official Records 11. Rights of parties in possession of said land by reason of unrecorded leases. or rental agreements. if any. 12. Any facts. rights. interests or claims which a correct survey would show. 13. Terms and conditions contained in that certain Trust Agreement disclosed by the deed to Robin R. Forsberg and Nancy Lee Forsberg. Trustee under Revocable Trust Agreement dated December 19, 1991. also known as the "Forsberg Family Trust" as their community property and the requirement that a true copy of the trust agreement and any amendments or supplements thereto. be submitted for examination. NOTES: a. This report does not reflect requests for notice of default. requests for notice of delinquency. subsequent transfers of easements. and similar matters not germane to the issuance of the policy of title insurance anticipated hereunder. b. If this company is requested to disburse funds in connection with this transaction. Chapter 598 of 1989 Mandates of the California Insurance Code requires hold periods for checks deposited to escrow or sub-escrow accounts. Such periods vary depending upon the type of check and anticipated methods of deposit should be discussed with the escrow officer. LG 73278 Page 4 c. No endorsement issued in connection with the policy and relating to covenants. conditions or restrictions provides coverage for environmental protection. d. There is an additional $10.00 fee for recording a deed with a Legal Description other than an entire lot on a recorded final map. e. According to the public records. no Deeds conveying the property described in this report have been recorded within a period of two (2) years prior to the date of this report. except as shown herein-- NONE f. The property as described herein does not appear to have any access of record to any public street. road or highway. Date Last Insured: 12-31-85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: "SCHEDULE C" LG 73278 All that real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe set on the North line of that parcel of land described in the Deed to L. DuBurg, recorded October 3, 1945, Book 1288 Official Records, Page 374, distant thereon North 890 59' East 136.72 feet from the Northwest corner thereof on the East line of HcGlincey Lane; thence from said point of beginning North 890 59' East along said line of the lands of L. DuBurg, 55 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 00 28' East parallel with said line of HcGlincey Lane, 150 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 890 59' West, parallel with said lands of DuBurg, 55 feet to an iron pipe. thence North 00 28' West and parallel with the said line of HcGlincey Lane, 150 feet to the point of beginning. ARB No. 413-50-11 ~i ~v.. .a~ --ii" ~ i iI:' t _ 11( l;~ ~S"-, =- ;:: :I 10 '" . ~;:;i ~- :: ~ " .., ~ ;.~~ :~ :::.. II! is-a. ~:r" ~l \- (J) o c: ~~ ~:I: ~ ....... ~ ~ 0') .. IQi ..- >: )0' 1'0 .. l\ii "".... ..0 :1 f'YI o ,.. z .. "'''' "0 .. ... lua 10' ::g ~ I '" 10 i .. P C) 01 0 en r (,n Z 0 . n~ :c: 0, "" rr1 "" -< :~ ..Ut ~ C) ~ 0; Q) ~ Ch cf\ .. - \aN a,~ II' .. '3 \'\ ~ '" o '" o N~ ~ o Ut I~ .... w WiI - 130 .... o. 150 I~ ~ VEITENHIEMER293" R/W '21.71 "n ,,-1 '.1 eo ~oo :~ ... I~ ~ €). - 0 I~ I:::: VI 0 I~ , " 1,'.'.7 ,., .~? 60 14'.2' 212.29 10) ~ I~ 0 14&.2S ... --- ---.... 112,49 3~74-------:~ 'II'" .' I'\) I~ 212. 7' .. . I~ 231.42 II\) N ~ o l>> n t "" ~ I~ ~ ...... e . ... .. ~ " '541 = o I~ ~ , J ~ IQ) ~ o " \ \ / Do>-\ 0\J .'\ ~-<-'E t- o""J, T ::Fa ,4 ..d ~OfC4"""6'C' , c () - .- * " .":'. * 11 ,. q V - ;. < a \o"t Of I C 1>-\' CITY OF CAMPBELL CA. MEMORANDUM To: Michael A. Fuller, Assistant Engineer Date: November 2, 1992 From: Bill Seligmann, City AttorneY'JjW ! Subject: 184 Veitenhiemer ---------------------------------------------------------- CONFIDENTIAL: A TIORNEY -CLIENT PRIVILEGED BACKGROUND The existing lot at 184 Veitenhiemer was legally created sometime prior to the City's subdivision regulations. At present, it has easement rights for ingress and egress, but does not have direct access to a public street. ISSUES 1. Does Section 20.84.020 of the Campbell Municipal Code require that land development is subject to all restrictions imposed on subdivisions, including frontage on a public street? 2. Can development take place on a legally existing lot that does not have frontage on a public street? DISCUSSION A. Interpretation of Chapter 20.84 Section 20.84.020 is somewhat ambiguous, since it refers to "the regulations in this part." Unfortunately, the Municipal Code is divided into Titles, Chapters and Sections, not "Parts." Normally, "parts" are more inclusive than "chapters," but less inclusive than "titles." Consequently, the term does not really fit into the Municipal Code scheme. However, the content of Chapter 20.84 seems to suggest that "part" was intended to refer to the Chapter. This interpretation is reinforced by the fact that Section 20.84.020 lists certain applicable regulations, rather than simply referring to the overall Title. Therefore, the regulations of Section 20.16.030 governing street frontage do not appear to be incorporated in Chapter 20.84. Michael A. Fuller, Assistant Engineer 184 Veitenhiemer November 2, 1992 Page 2 B. Street Requirements for Existing Lots A legally existing lot must be allowed some reasonable use. To totally preclude all reasonable development could subject the City to an inverse condemnation action, requiring the City to acquire the lot. Following from this principle, the City cannot preclude development of a legal lot that has no public street frontage. Although the City cannot preclude development on a legal lot, the City, of course, retains the authority to require reasonable conditions on the development. These conditions, however, must (1) be reasonably related to a legitimate health, safety and welfare concern; (2) be so designed as to reasonably advance that concern; and (3) not be so burdensome as to make the development impossible. CONCLUSION 1. Section 10.84.020 of the Campbell Municipal Code does not require that land development is subject to all the restrictions of Title 20. 2. Development of a legally existing lot can take place without having frontage on a public street, if other access is provided. WRS:jjs f:fuller/ A CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: william Seligmann City Attorney Michael A. Fuller qrtb- ~ Assistant Engineer Date: October 20, 1992 From: Subject: Chapter 20.84 of the Municipal Code 184 Veitenhiemer Lane ---------------------------------------------------------- This memo is to follow-up on our conversation approximately two weeks ago regarding development on lots without public street frontage. Section 20.84.020 of the Municipal Code reads in part as follows: "In addition to any other regulations provided by law, the regulations in this part shall apply to all developments or parts of developments hereafter made of land within the limits of city." A copy is attached for your reference. The questions was posed: Does this mean that land development is subject to all restrictions imposed on subdivisions, including the requirement for frontage on a public street (per Section 20.16.030, attached)? Is it your opinion that development can take place on a legally existing lot which does not have frontage on a public street? A written response would be appreciated, as this impacts a development application received by Planning for 184 Veitenhiemer Lane. This property fronts on a private street/easement off of McGlincey Lane. 20.16.010--20.16.030 (b) Tentative Parcel Maps. The planning director shall constitute the nadvisory agencyn for tentative parcel maps. (Ord. 1619 ~1 (part), 1986). Chapter 20.16 PARCEL MAP PROCEDURES Sections: 20.16.010 20.16.020 20.16.030 20.16.035 20.16.040 Requirement. Tentative parcel map. Action on tentative parcel maps. Exception to access requirement. Parcel map waiver. 20.16.010 Reouirement. A parcel map shall be filed and recorded for any subdivision for which a tentative and,final map is not required by the Subdivision Map Act except for subdivisions created by short-term leases (terminable by either part on not more than thirty days notice in writing) of a portion of an operating right-of- way of a railroad corporation defined as such by Section 230 of the Public Utilities Code; provided, however, that upon a showing made to the planning director based upon substantial evidence that public policy necessitates such a map, this exception shall not apply. Such maps shall meet all requirements of the Subdivi- sion Map Act and of this title and shall show all dedica- tions or offers of dedication thereon. The planning director may require that such dedica- tions or offers of dedication be made by deed in lieu of or in addition to appearing on the map. (Ord. 1619 ~l(part), 1986) . 20.16.020 Tentative parcel map. When a parcel map is required by this title, a tentative parcel map shall first be filed with the director of public works. Said map shall meet all the requirements for tentative maps provided by the Subdivision Map Act and this title. (Ord. 1619 ~1 (part), 1986). 20.16.030 Action on tentative parcel maps. The planning director shall approve or deny an application to subdivide lands into four or fewer lots. Applications therefor shall be accepted only upon payment of a fee in an amount prescribed by resolution of the city council. 295 (Campbell 8/91) 20.16.030 Before approval or conditional approval may be given, such subdivision must be considered by the city engineer. All conditions required by the city engineer shall be incorporated in the planning director's conditional approv- al. Denial by the city engineer shall require denial of the tentative map. All lots created by such subdivision shall have front- age upon a street dedicated as a public street, provided that the planning director may approve not more than one lot without such required frontage on a public street, hereinafter referred to as nrear lot,. under the following conditions: (1) The front lot shall meet all of the requirements of the zoning district within which it is located. (2) The rear lot shall meet all of the requirements of the zoning district within which it is located and, in addition, shall have an area which exceeds the lot area requirement by ten percent exclusive of any access to a public street. (3) Access to the public street for a rear lot shall not be over an easement but over land under the same ownership as that of rear loti such access shall have a minimum width of fifteen feet and shall have a paved way not less than ten feet in width. The planning director shall have authority in granting such application to impose such conditions as are deemed ' necessary to protect the best interests of the surrounding property or neighborhood consistent with the general pur- pose and intent of this title, including, but not limited to, adequate provisions for fire protection, easements for public utilities and improvements of all proposed streets to the standard prescribed in Title 11 or such lesser stan- dards as may be approved by the planning director. Before such subdivision is approved, the applicant shall pay all unpaid county and municipal taxes except taxes not yet payable. A denial of such application may be appealed by the applicant to the planning commission within ten days after the mailing of notice of the decision of the planning director to the applicant at the address shown on the application. The appeal shall be in writing, shall be filed with the secretary of the planning commission, and shall gener- ally set forth the grounds of appeal. Any decision of the planning director not so appealed shall be final on that tentative map, and any appeal not filed within the specific time shall be dismissed by the planning commission. After due consideration, the planning commission may approve, ap- prove subject to conditions or disapprove the appeal. (Campbell 8/91) 296 20.80.010--20.84.020 Chapter 20.80 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL Sections: 20.80.010 20.80.020 Environmental impact. Grading and erosion control. 20.80.010 Environmental impact. No parcel or tentative map filed pursuant to the provisions of this title shall be approved until an environmental impact analysis is pre- pared, processed and considered in accordance with the pro- visions of city EIR guidelines. The subdivider shall pro- vide such fees as may be required for the preparation and processing of environmental review documents. (Ord. 1619 Sl (part), 1986). 20.80.020 Grading and erosion control. Every map approved pursuant to this title shall be conditioned on com- pliance with the requirements for grading and erosion con- trol, including the prevention of sedimentation or damage to off-site property. .(Ord. 1619 Sl (part), 1986). Chapter 20.84 LAND DEVELOPMENT--GENERAL PROVISIONS sections: 20.84.010 Development defined. 20.84.020 Regulations. 20.84.010 Development defined. "Development" means any land or portion thereof shown on the last preceding tax roll as a unit or as contiguous units, the use of which is to be so changed as to require a rezoning, building permit, use permit, variance, "CM" zoning area approval or "5" special zoning area approval. (Ord. 1619 Sl(part), 1986) . 20.84.020 Regulations. In addition to any other regulations provided by law, the regulations in this part shall apply to all developments or parts of developments hereafter made of land within the limits of city. (1) Easements for streets and public service purposes shall be dedicated as required by the city engineer. (2) Standard street improvements shall be installed as required by the city engineer. 318-1 (Campbell 9/88) 20.88.010 (3) Fees shall be paid in an amount prescribed by res- olution of the city council for the purposes of defraying the actual or estimated costs of installing storm sewers, or plan checking and inspection of street improvements. (Ord. 1619 S 1 (part), 1986). Chapter 20.88 PENALTY Sections: 20.88.010 Penalty. 20.88.010 Penalty. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to violate any provision, or fail to comply with any mandatory requirement of this title. Any person, firm or corporation committing any unlawful act under this title shall be guilty of a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1.04.010 of this code. (Ord. 1693 Sll, 1988). (Campbell 9/88) 318-2 CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM From: Gloria Sciara Planner I Mike Fuller ~~ Assistant Engineer Date: October 7, 1992 To: Subject: 184 veitenhiemer Lane This memo is intended to supplement Comment #2 in the Engineering Division's previous comments dated September 8, 1992, regarding the above application: 1) The applicant shall make an irrevocable offer of dedication of eighteen feet along the veitenhiemer Lane frontage of his property. This offer of dedication will be accepted by the city at such time that veitenhiemer Lane becomes a public street. 2) The applicant shall sign a deferred street improvement agreement for the improvement of the Veitenhiemer Lane frontage of the property. 3) The applicant shall demonstrate that veitenhiemer Lane is constructed in such a way as to withstand the potential traffic generated by the proposed use at this property. Any portions of Veitenhiemer Lane which are insufficient must be improved so as to withstand this traffic. Our remaining comments still apply. If you have any questions, please call me. / 7/,1/1 ~ ~) f:VEITl (WPjJD) DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET SITE & ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE PLANNING COMMISSION SARC meeting date: General Comments Due: Preliminary P.c. Date: August 24, 1992 September 10, 1992 September 7, 1992 September 22, 1992 Date Routed: ROUTE TO: Architectural Advisor Fire Department Police Department Redevelopment Agency Engineering Corporation Yard Building Division PROJECT DESCRIPTION S 92-04 Public Hearing to consider the applictaion of Mr. John Jaques for a Site and Architectural Permit to allow a 3190 square foot industrial building located at 184 Veitenhiemer Lane in a M-1- S (Light-Industrial) Zoning District. APN: 412-34-009. PROJECT INFORMATION: See Plans Application No. S 92-04 Applicant: John Jaques Property Owner: Location: APN: General Plan: Zoning: Proj ect Planner i ...... .., 184 Veitenhiemer Lane 412-34-009 AUG 24 1992 {"\::.,:!j ,-, \"L;' 1"-. . , ;.::::g;::::c:::;-j:J:J Light Industrial Gloria Sciara ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: X Categorical Exemption Negative Declaration has been prepared Environmental Impact Report will be required If your department believes that additional environmental review is required, please attach an Initial Study identifying and discussing your areas of concern, 3Ee rlTf1-?CllcD L C' /Z--11V1 [/1/73' CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: Gloria Sciara Planner I Date: September 8, 1992 From: Mike Fuller Assistant Engineer Subject: 184 veitenhiemer Lane, S 92-04 The Engineering Department's comments regarding this application are as follows: 1) Since access to this site is available only from a private right-of-way, the applicant must demonstrate his authority to use this right-of-way for ingress and egress to the site. 2) The Redevelopment Agency has considered making veitenhiemer Lane a public street as part of their work in the McGlincey area. If this is a realistic possibility, we should secure a commitment from the owner to dedicate right-of-way and install improvements. We should get RDA involved to establish what the possibilities are for Veitenhiemer, and then decide what to require in terms of dedication and improvements. 3) Recalling deficient required, further. my discussion with you on 9/3, parking appears on the current application. If dedication is the parking opportunities will diminish even This problem must be addressed. 4) A grading and drainage plan must be submitted to show how the runoff from this site flows to a public street. There is no storm drain in McGlincey at veitenhiemer. The storm drainage system in this area appears to be deficient, and an upgrade may be in the Redevelopment Agency's plan for this area. Off-site storm drainage improvements may be required for this development. 5) Standard driveway widths and parking clearances must be observed if public improvements are required on the frontage of this property. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please let me know. I' ri 'at;h1B: dj r Ref. No. TELEPHONE CALL DATE 7/50/5 2- I TlME.A I ~ (Jl) PRoJlct V~fT!1fJ ffl'~e7t RECORD ,B3 PLACED CALL C RECEIVED CALL MJClF NAME OF C I~ ~ C,?;e1/Z1/C.C. COMPANY OF C of'C SPOKE WITH BI!.t S6 t./6'M/I/VN NAME TELEPHONE NO. ITEM DISCUSSED/o\CTION REQUIRED BILL Slim 7NAr WHIl6 fl6 '/)lJ65 It1(fr 7lI11/Jr; 7JJ.lr >U~1/lSltJlII fu8LIC. sne~ttr Hec65S I9PPL/6S 7CJ C-I4NJ> bt::1J~LlJP~ePVT; fie 7MIIlI=S {)J~ c.~J1/ 1<.e t;(h'e~ ~J)IC*tT7"", t.M)fJ tI!Q{j IS/V7fJPt/ 7lJ f?tt)t/ {PiS Po $1- Ie. Rcc655 Ft>r2 M (/ t5(;t:)~ If A/r TflIS /.~ '/11f!i/6- 6t/(f1t/ IF ?HE ':;PPt..ICJfl/IAT !INS Pl2I(/~ fJ~SS -m H/S LaT, DISTRIBUTION: CONTINUED: eYES rp NO MEMORANDUM ~" 0\ (4",,,,,, *. '.'0"0'.' . ,." ~ ' * ly '1 a ~~ fit ( p..\'" (: CITY OF CAMPBELL From: Don Wimberly, Joan Bollier, Michelle Quinney, Gary Kruger Mike Fuller /Pla/1;' Assistant Engineer 184 Veitenhiemer Lane Date: September 21, 1992 To: Subject: ---------------------------------------------------------- The planning department has received an application for a light industrial building on 184 veitenhiemer Lane. veitenhiemer is currently a private street which is part of 864 South McGlincey (see attached map). An issue that arose from this application is the future disposition of this private street. The Redevelopment Agency has considered making it a public street as part of their McGlincey Lane area work. However, there is no design and no schedule for this work. If we ever want to convert veitenhiemer to a public street, we should commit this applicant to dedication and improvements now. The right-of-way is very narrow, however, and a standard cul-de- sac does not appear to be readily possible. My questions are these: 1) Does Public Works look favorably on converting this to a public street? If so, what are our options considering the physical constraints? 2) Could we let this property develop on a private street? What sort of dedication/improvements will we require? If you need any additional information, please let me know. I have asked for a grading and drainage plan so that the drainage issue can be addressed. There is no storm drain in McGlincey Lane at veitenhiemer. ,'" " oK" , .. - _u _~- ,- _~- ,. -':'~.''''~~,".'''''I'''':''''''"'J...-...-.~ _~--=-_''''. :-. ..- -"~'-"""""""Ji; .~'":!~~ OfFICE' OF COUNTY -- ASSE-SSOR~ , S A'NT A- CLARA cau>' C-a. eLN @ @ " , I = I (Jf) ~~ s. C. V, W, D, /8 (' ~ ~ -\ 1/16 SEe, LN. /6 ;;O~fC N .,....... ~ ~ '" 20 150 I~ O~ '-I '" ~ '" /I 0'" <oN N N 5 '" 36.01 '" 't: on '" 2.40 A C, 73.'31 @ /7 on-" ~ In~ /0 10' ",. 105.09 129.05 ;: i~ .:::N.I ',- 150 o on /5 z ~ 49.32 L 70 .0 8$4 ~ . 75 898. SOUTH ROS /7/26 : I I I ' i I )Jtw I Nt/. (?U I L.-O f "'~ 1'~L-~A-- ~,\40- IN l t. 4 \ i .. ~ ", ......:.::.:; :;--, :t ; I I (\ II I ~ -~ ~ Q~.~ ~~r.:~:,. " . --, ~, .. , I v ~ '1 .' l J- r--l I I I -\ I I ~ I \f' I r: I I ~ I :. . -- t ~T"-;;; . .. . -. . ']....0' . ~Y'~ - ~ 1 ? .I ~_... ._, .,.....- --.~ -J ' '1. f5 ' "'l- 0 - -----.--------.---.- -.-------.-- 6' {p Cor-\P.~P~ 1 Rt:CtM"~i'; OCl 15 1992 Public Works/EnginocrinQ ..,- ~/~Gr t ~ --_.._....~ ... -....- ~/ / - o 'U@~ W~nlF~[Mtf{lrn:niM\\E~ 1b~lNl~ b-- " I c.....t:--.Al-1:': , ~ (0-0" PA~(~Cr-: ~P~"f'~MPo U1J"t.. C-l~" ,,,,,,P-S. ~ P'V"-UrLt IMP~~W" t;>y err", 0'" '. t.'AMP~ OCT