240 Vietenheimer Ln. (69-47) f' ,/\ \A .~. I I : , /Jt~/Jj(ZJ fI /7/ . 'J ,tf'- f7 , , / })LANN 1 NG DE P J\l~Ti\H;:rr CITY or: Cl\1WBELL 75 NOWHl CE;~TIZi\L ^ VENUE C^~IPHELL, CALIFOIUHA DATE: .July ~, 1 ()fi(l CONDITJOXS ATTACHElJ TO liS" APl'ROVAL OF PLANS OF f r a-nk-fH-d+rtt11't"--------.- __ ___.____~_-._._.___________.____ , r 0 R CON S T R U C T ION 0 F --w~&\:! s c 1, lr~l(l in R TO BE LOCATED AI, "An Vi, L i J ", --._w--..y--, :-eteRue mer-- ~f' CONDITIO;~S : conditions of approval attached " , Section 9316.1 of the Campbell ~luJl:icipal Code reads as fo110\','s: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eight)' (180) clays after the date upon h'hich stich approval Has granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by r.iaking written applicatio'~ fOT sal;l::~ to the Planning 'Commission at least .fifteen (15) days prior to the expir2.tioll date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner pTovic;ccJ fOT in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA~.lPDELL PLANNING Cm.r:\IISSIO;~ AT A REGULAR f-lEETU~C; HELD ON TilE 7th July, 1969 DAY OF ", C1 TY OF CA~,lPDELL PLAN;'! I NG C00101I 55 I ON pka cc: l:ngineerin.g -wiatt. ,.--, ~/ ./// By: . {,{ L.{ A:.L(...A./ /-S ~~. ----AI{f1T01T-~u;t:\\~y . The applicant is It~Lified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell: A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utili ties to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities, including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Storm drainage fee in the amount of $330.00 be be paid. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Camphell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. 1. Property to be lced and landscaped as i-'" "ated and as added in "red" on p. s. 2. A 20 foot wide driveway from McGlincey Lane to the property line to be surfaced with AIC paving. Driveway to include the 10 foot strip along the existing cabinet shop and an additional 10 feet to the center line of Vietenheimer Lane. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing, striping of parking area and paving of driveway access easement within three (3) months of completion of construction. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash container in an area approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. Said enclosure to be 8' x 12' minimum with 6 foot self~closing gates. , , . ;'~. ,~,',. ,~"'l{~.i,t;:!;; . , ,.,. ,'t";!;0' ,. ..~~ F'^,",",.... " . l\' ,:.\ .~<)"J; ~. ~"l"'~'" <,':~ ''!'t ,'n, " '..i" , ' ",,'\~., .{. . ~ >> Ii' '''-ft' ~~. ...' ;i/-'-" , "'. ." '''!I.!i!i.. ;,....,/ '" :,. " , . '~~,.,!" '-.~:,'" '; . " "(P,.A~" ", ", .'\">: '" ' " . lj' >.,< . ,.,~, -,..,~. "",v, ~.\ r,* , :.~Jl;~~~l::.~1:li::~.~;t~.~~ f~~i<a~~_;~~.;~i:_^ . ., ,t,!:_ . ;i ',' .' d~:;~,~. ~" ""; v fAReBL ONE . ' , , p., .;" ; ,:," t, '," . . , .' ,. ,.' A. portion ()'Wi.~.....'..,...h...'....'......;.'~.!;u..'.'..t1i:............".w...e..$~on lS, Tcnrn.lIfJ 7 S~~II.. Rail'. 1 W..t",!I~!:I!'l"J:\:i .' S :fOllows: , ' " ,- ic-.:". ..:.... 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'" );, 411.67 ;~eCl~t~ ..OS;tEaS1:erlY~orn.r of t"", ~~v:~yed tOIofl>J'ri.$ ~an etlllt,by ~ed r.cord.,}.u >'~l!l';. \*~6, ~:fi~~w.'~:c>_~l;:i, i~~,."a~O:f _ tr.~~ t ..t. ~"1;7.c1f 'th," first .bove m~Uone.lur ,.the lait li~. of said parcel. South 0.15" B 'Joint of" ~et}lUlin,., ,: .. . , .~,f~" ' PARCEL TWO"'-"l"t.: .'<. ' . .. :...,~~,,:~..;~~,;;ti".... ,.., ..,; ,'d, , .. ...... "c.U$~re, e"llIIi~t ..~~~~>tO P~.1' 011. ..\1~ ',~ tl!~ed to M.rt~\~l!~.t"". rec.....w.t .1_1,,' .61................2. ,.Of. ficia;Jf:./.Re.....c.. .O...l".....d..s ,'.....P._......l~..8, for.. ia., '.1'..........,.4.........'. ' 'l;-;of"he SOUf~.t 'fl4 of SectIon 3S, Towts.~,~, ..}:~. D. B. S\~'j. aescl"'ibod .. fOllows: ' " ,.~,'t- :~, "". ~.