1689 Walters Ave. (97-11) TO BE f:;;:cd~;::;m \i!"c;;OUT r-:,: t' " ".r' _ . p. SECT(Ci~'~ tll r;3 C.;.().vEr(>,.:f{i:~~'S-~' '''O;")E :""_. --'j DOCUMENT: 4 :f' ), T .T~'~:~ ~'~-~<~l; :,ri:",- (;'-; cr'~"( ;-'.,;: ; 13911773 '11111111 ~ 11111111111111 1O:11013911773!Oi ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BRENDA DAVIS ) SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER ) Recorded at the request of ) Ci ty , . . Recording Requested by CITY OF CAMPBELL When Recorded Mail To Tit I es: I / Pages' Fees . No Fees Taxes Copies AMT PAID City Clerk City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 ROE i:t 002 10/28/1997 -12 : 20 PM (Space Above ThiS" Line For Recorder's Use) GRANT OF PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT FOR V ALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, :BE-//WdZ Bff//,eL:;~/Z (-'TN PUV/.? .e.HA-#6/1cJ~/2":ALJeff hereby GRANT(s) to the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, an easement for public services, all of that certain real property within said City and more particularly described as follows: Legal description entitled Exhibit "AW i~ attached and made a part hereof. ~~at .entitled Exhibit "B" is atta9h~d an<~ ffii;ide a part hereof. Said property contains acres, more or less, and is generally shown on the attached Plat Map. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF :5AN'l;.J {; U-JR If On (}C7 or(:/{ q, / 5' 'J 7 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared BEHROUz. t: /<DUZIAtJ /14 till- EUAM9't1oL1 -. ly known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose narne(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislherl their authorized capacity(es), and that by hislherl their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS mY~? o. ..~ Signature ~~0-( Name tYi4RLZ7f/e- H, // () (typed or printed) j: \fonns\pubsrves(7/97) DATED It::.'/~/ 47 c:;::s~- SIGNATURE . ?SE//L'h/Z ~~~/::? / ///\( ?!zoo:r Primed.d , PI! SIG~ P If I~ V I Z EJ11 A Y'Yl G-/IGH Z!f P Typed or Printed . CHARLENE H. HO Commision '1131207 :3 . Notary Pubiic. California g I . .Santa Clifa County ..~. . My Comm. Expires Mar. 24,2001. . ...............................1 This area for official notarial seal. ., EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California described as follows: Beginning at a point that is distant N 15053'00" W 823,50 feet along the center line of Harriet Avenue and N 76040'00" E 90,00 teet along the center line of the right of way hereinafter mentioned from the point of intersection of the center line of Harriet A venue with the northerly line of Pollard Road; thence leaving said center line N 15053'00" W 20.02 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence parallel with and distant 20.00 from said center line N 76040'00" E 70.00 feet; thence N 15053'00" W 10.01 feet; thence parallel with and distant 30.00 from said center line S 76040'00" W 70,00 feet; thence S 15053'00" E 10.01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel ofland containing 700 square feet or 0,0161 acres, more or less. Prepared by: Marvin D, Kirkeby R.C,E, No. 14001 Expires 3/31/01 ~ ..., \Jj ~ ~ ~ llJ -...... ~ Q:: '~ ::t: 5ca/<'!:/'!Zo' ~ ('I) t\) IQ I ~ ~~ . ~ ~ I , -- . zo' JJ71i-40' E 20' --'.. ;, ' ' ---.:.. Po . ' I..,-~ ~ ,~D /1/76>-40' E _ _ 70,00 .., I , \ , ' , I . A.P.IY. 403- /8-0eg 4:, 379 s.F. I , Iq ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " AI 7~ 640"6" 70.00 ~ ~ ' <".I " " " "',, " " " " ~ ~<!'~ I~ t/o' oublie 5t!]rvice Eas n7ei7t-. ~".t~ I~~ r4 .... I'tit, ~~ "" "" "" 7,<O",S.{:~ ""'.,~ "",,~, ~ , N'7~<>40'E 70.00 \;'1)'<'\ ~~ ~t\i t-...\J\. ~ J:f!o.B../ IN ~ ~ c;:\.) ~ 400 S;;:;" ,''\} - ~ ~ ,.~ .~ ~: I ~ \\) . 90.00 ~ ; .. -,/. 1!D.8. _/ WAL TERS' N 76> .40' E 70.00 AVE. . ,., ." ~,- NLY LINE of POLLARP ROIID RD. KIRKEBY ENGINEERING" 2397 FOREST AVENUE SAN JOSE. CA 95128 (408) 984-033.1, "E)(f/ / BIT B" . PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION SC'AlE: /"= 20' DATE: OCr.'/997 .,lOB NO. ACCEPTED ON TH!S J.Y.d day of ~JI?97 for and on behalf of the City ef Campbell, a Municipal Corporation, of the State of California, pursu:::mt to Re~olution No. 749, recorded in Book 4509 - B g 180 San Clara County Records, Anne Bybee, City Clerk City of Campbell, Cal,ifornia ':\ , Recording Requested by S::-g) ;~::~ ::~;,:;~~:;t~:) ",'" ",-' 'CiTY OF CAMPBELL'~' .;: :::':-:::T:;~'-" DOCUMENT: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) When Recorded Mail To City Clerk City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 1391177't Tit I es: I 1 Pages: 4 11111'"' 1'1I111111/,1111 '"'13013911774,", Fees * No Fees Taxes Copies, AMT PAID BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Ci ty RDE ** 002 10/28/1997 12:20 PM (Space Above This Line For Recorder's Use) GRANT DEED FOR PUBLIC STREET P{JRPOSES FOR VALUABLE .CONSIDERA TIO~ receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, geH~~/Z 8e#...e~.//z//7/V P/ft€.VIZ EH;4/7G;/~L/Zr4P.e#- hereby GRANT(s) to the City of CampbeU, a municipal corporation, of the County of Santa Clara, Stare of California, for publicstreet'''aJ:1d related purposes, all of that certain real property within said City and more particularly'described as follows: Legal description entitled Exhibit "A" is attached and made a part hereof. Plat entitled Exhibit "8" is attached and made a part hereof. Said property contains STATE OF CAUFORNIA COUNTY OF <S44-7A acres, more or less, and is generally shown on the attached Plat Map. E~~~- SIGNATURE CL/-fi?/t ~~~/2'" ~-#~//Z/A-/~ On O:ropB< 1. 11? 7 befnre me, Printed ~ the undersigned, a Notary Public in and, for said 9 ,. ... ' ", . . , ' State, perso. ...uy appeued f,*'ROUl. BEH fioUZ.J/j~ / _~~ ' .~ PIJI<V/Z El-fAMtrlfoL/-zA Z7:::t(personaIly known SIGNATURE to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are E.a ~ V,Z- E VYlA W\C;-JjOLt~ DE H- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged Printed to me that he/she/theyexecuted the same in hislherl their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislherl their signamre(s) oothe instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the insaumenL ~s my ~~~ sru. ?4 Slgnamre ~a' Name C(/AIfLl?r'E /I, I/o (typed or printed) 1...........................rI it) CHARLENE H. HO '. Commision 11131207 co 3 ' ' Notary Public. California Q Santa Clara County :IE f . MYCOmm.ExPirtsMar.24,200t.i j:\forms\granrpsp This area for official notarial seal. EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California described as follows: Beginning at a point that is distant N 15053 '00" W 823.50 feet along the center line of Harriet Avenue and N 76040'00" E 90.00 feet along the center line of the right of way hereinafter mentioned from the point of intersection of the center line of Harriet A venue with the northerly line of Pollard Road; thence along the center line of said right of way N 76040'00" E 70.00 feet; thence leaving said center line N 15053 '00" W 20.02 feet; thence parallel with and distant 20.00 feet from said center line S 76040'00" W 70.00 feet; thence S 15053'00" E 20,02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel of land containing 1,400 square feet or 0.321 acres, more or less. Prepared by: Marvin D, Kirkeby R.C.E. No, 14001 Expires 3/31/01 Llj ~ ~ ~ l1J ........ ~ 0:: ~ ::t: I , -- . x /1/ 7~. 40' E 70,00 \ I I I , , I ,/ ' 5cole:/'cO . . . 1 A,P.N.403-/8-023 P;079 5,;:: '<) '1C't) .l:\) "3 0\ . ~ '<) ,l'r) ~ ,~ .~ ~ ~ ~ " .... ,\() " ~ . . ~ .~ '<) I~ 1"-= ~ 20' ~ \\) ~, C\) /J 760.4o'.E" ~ <'l) t\J CO / ..p. 0,8, -,/ WAL TER5' , AVE. 20' ,. I ~ '~ . ~ ~ ----- POL.L.. ARD ...." NLY LINE of POL,LIlRP ROAP RD . "EXHIBIT 8" PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION SCALE: /"s 20' DATE: OCr. /997 J<;>B NO. KIRKEBY ENGINEERING 2397 FOREST AVENUE SAN JOSE,CA 95128 (408) 984-0331 ~tCEP1ED ON lH\S~day of{)f'/'u,/tj?l for and on behall 01 the City 01 Campbell. a Municipa\ Corporation, of the State of CaHtornia, pursu;~nt to Res0\utioll No, 749, recorded in BooK 4509 - Pa 0 Santa Clara County Records. Anne Bybee, City Clerk City of Campbe\\, Cal,ifornia o \'. Cttllt !..:~~. .o~t<' ... ~ U t'"' . . .... ... '$0 '" ~. ".... O"CHA~'O' I ~ g 9 wa1L+..,,~,,' CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department September 17, 1997 Behrouz Behrouzian 481 Northlake Drive San Jose, CA 95117 Re: S 97-11 - 1689 Walters Avenue Dear Mr. Behrouzian: Enclosed is a copy of the Certificate of Compliance released to your title company for recordation. Before the Public Works Department can give clearance for issuance of building permits please provide the following: 3. Dedication of a 20' of right-of-way for public street purposes and a 10' public service easement. Enclosed are forms for granting the right-of-way and easement. They must be completed by your civil engineer or surveyor. "/4. Payment of the storm drain area fee of $233. Y'9. Completed site plan for approval by the City Engineer. Please give me a call if I can be of assistance regarding this matter. cc: Building Department File: 1689 Walters Avenue h: \wordllanddev/1689walt(np) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TOO 408.866.2790 FILE NO. CC 97-01 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF CALVIPBELL 70 N. FIRST STREET CAlVIPBELL, CA 95008 (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIAJ.~CE Lands of: BEHROUZ BEHROUZIAN Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 66499.35 of the Government Code of the State of California that the real property described in "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, complies with the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of said Government Code, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Further, that as a result of this Certificate of Compliance, the sale, lease or financing of any separate parcel as described herein shall not constitute a violation of said Division 2 of Title 7 or local ordinances. CERTIFICATE OF COrvIPLIAL"TCE NO, CC-97-1 Date:qjtrjn Date: fJvj' r2CJ, / ~~ 7 velopment Michelle Quinney City Engineer By rtkt/uft'L- cCUI/JI",u;l- CITY OF CALVIPBELL This document is for the benefit of the City of Campbell. Request for recordation without fee is made in accordance with Section 6103 of the Government Code of the State of California. Attest, Steve Piasecki Director of Community Development By J:FORMS\CERTCOM2(WORD)(rev 3/97) Page 1 of3 EXHIBIT A The following described Real Property in the State of California, County of Santa Clara: Beginning at a point that is distant N,15053 'W 823.5 feet along the center line of Harriet Avenue and N,760 40'E. 90' feet along the center line of the right of way hereinafter mentioned from the point of intersection of the center line of Harriet Avenue with the Northerly line of Pollard Road; running thence N,760 40'E. 70 feet; running thence N,150 53'W.92.65 feet; thence S.76040'W.70 feet; thence S.15053' E.92.65 feet to the point of beginning and being a portion of Lot "D" of Partition of Lot 3 of the Parr Partition in the Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos. Together with a right of way for ingress and egress in common with the public over a 40 foot strip of land to be known as Walters Avenue, beginning at a point in the center line of Harriet Avenue, distant thereon N .150 53'W, 823.50 feet from the point of intersection of said center line of Harriet Avenue with the Northerly line of Pollard Road; running thence N. 76040'E. 764.54 feet and as said Walters Avenue was deeded to the County of Santa Clara, by Deed from John A. Black, et al in Book 1683 of Official Records, page 315, records of said County. H:\ word\landdev\cc97-0 1 (mp) 'UBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECEIPT Effective July I, 1996 TO: City CIeri; PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO, PROPERTY ADDRESS \.~~ \.K1'')'....\ .I~~=~ Plcuc collect &: receipt for the foUowinl maaics: l\ (I _ -=s,;".,... 9~-=, t I ACCT, I ITEM AMOUNT 43S,S3H921 Project Revenue (~ify nroject) S ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 4722 Application Fcc Non-Utility Encroachment Permit (S22S) R-I Fi... PenDi.(No Fee). Sub.....n. PenDitlYr (SIOO) Utility Enc;r1lll<hmeot PenDi. AneriaVCoIJee"" Stroet (S32S) Rosideotial Street/Other Aroas (S22S) 2203 Plan Check Deposit. 2".ofENGR. EST. (SSIMlmin) . 220] Faithful Perfono.... Security (FPS) (IOCW.ofENGREST,) . no] Labor and Materials Security (I00%ofENGR EST,) 2203 Monumentation Security (IOCW.ofENGREST,) . 220] Cash Deposit (4% of ENGREST,XSSoo minIS 10.000 ma.) . Plan Check & Inspection Fcc (Non-Utility) 4722 Engr.Esl < S2.'lO.OOO (12% ofENGR EST.) .. 2203 Engr,ESl>S2.'lO.OOO (Deposit 8". of ENGR. EST JS30.000 min.).. . 4722 Utility < SIlMl.IXMI Minimum Charge Per Location (SI20) ConduitslPipclincs up 10 '00 Feet (SI.60/fl) Above SIMI Feel (SLlO!ll.) ManholesIVaultsIEtc, (SillS/eo) Pole Set/Removal (S illS/eo) Street Tree Planting/Rcmoval (SIIl51ln:e) .. 220] Utility> S I 011,000 Actual Cost + 2lW. .. . 4722 Street Tree PlantinglRcmoval Permit (SillS) 4760 Project Plans & Spccuacatioris Project No. 4760 Standard. Specifications &: Details (SllPg S12IBook) 4760 Copies of Engineering MaIM &: Plan, (S,50/so,ft) 4722 Penalties: Failure to restore public improvements (SIOIllCaleodar Day) (Muni Code Section I L34,OIO) 4722 Penalties: Failure to correct unsafe conditions (SIOIl/Caleodar Day) LAND DEVELOPMENT 4722 LoI Line Adjuslmenl (S5011) 4722 Parcel Man (4 loti or Less) (S 1.060 + S25/Lo.) 4722 ....1 Tract Mao (S or More Lots) (SI,380 + S2.'l/Lot) 4722 Certificate of Compliance (S5IMl) 4722 Certificate of Correction ($300) 4722 Vacation of Public Slrects &. Easements (S550) 4722 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment FirslSpJit (S5S0) Each Additional Lot (Sl70) 4721 Slonu Dninagc Area Fcc Pcr Acre (R-I, S2,OOO) <'It; ~~ 0= (Multi-Res, S2.2.'lO) (All Other. S2.5(11) 4920 Paritland Dedication Fcc 4965 Postagc TRAFFIC 4728 Intorscction Tum Counts (Two-Hour Count) ($60) 4728 Intersection Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. neaks) (S12S) 4728 Traffic Flow Map (Daily Tl'1IIffic Volumes) (S27) 4728 Campbell Traffic Model (Full Scope Assessmeot) (S2.HO) 4728 CamDbcll Traffic Modcl (Reduced Scope Assessment) (S740) 4271 Truck Permits ($35Itrip) 4728 No Parkin. Si AS (S I/each or S25/IIXI) OTHER TOTAL S?--~, ~ NAME OF APPLICANT P <A:f' I/' " z:- LI'Yl ,""VVI q h O~ I Z <;/( de Y\ ?r<..l$- C3j 5"3 \ 'Z 63 NAME OF PAYOR PHONE " '1 b- 11"1 ADDRESS J.r ~ , fll61 R,11+1-A k P- 'DR #2\0 ZIP "Actual COSI Plus 20-1. Ovcrhead (Non-Interest bearing deposit) FOR CITY CLERK ONLY RECEIVED SEP 2 4 1997 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE -for: ,Plan, Check. ,and <:ash, Deposits; scAd-)'cUowcopy- to-rmancc: h:Vecfno4(CltC)mp(n:v Ilm7) ~ \) ~ '\ / .~~ (} CITY OF CAMPBELL, CA RECVD BY: SHARONM 01000105564 [:!\\/iii)II OAuiiT'7 L"~,i.4i;iJni i7Ait In; ut\':: i nr-.v.}. ~I1MiIUllu....L...n.lJ TGDAY'S DATE: 09/24/97 REGISTER DATE: 09/24/97 TIME: 15:27:06 nESCEIPTIDN t.':nmli t In'I..n..'lt ; STORM DRAIN FEES FN 2 $233.00 Tn Hi : '.0.:: :;:_ nUE: $233~OO CHECK PAID: CHECK NO: i276 TENDERED: <<~'7'1 (u; ...;..ww.vv r-UAUt;:" ~ L.liiiii,U~1I $233.00 .;: 'H"t .f.;;;.; t 4.~'Of.CA4t.4~ ~ t<> ... t'" U r" . . .... ... 'So ... ~. ",' O~CHA"O' 1 ) ./. i{.."Ct...U. (".- :~ CITY OF CAMPBELL City Clerk's Office July 17, 1997 Gary Thompson 1667 Walters Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Thompson: At its regular meeting of July 15, 1997, the Campbell City Council held a public hearing to consider your Appeal of the Planning Commission decision approving the application of Mr. Behrouz Behrouzian for Site Approval to allow the construction of a single-family residence on property located at 1689 Walters Avenue. After due consideration and discussion, the City Council adopted Resolution 9252 denying your Appeal and upholding the decision of the Planning Commission. Enclosed is a certified copy of Resolution 9252 for your record. Should you have any questions regarding the City Council's action, please do not hesitate to contact this office (866-2117) or Gloria Sciara, Community Development Department. Sincerely, Anne Bybee City Clerk cc: Behrouz Behrouzian (Applicant) Ron Perry (Appellant) Gloria Sciara, COInmunityDevelopm.ent Department 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2117 . FAX 408.374.6889 . TOO 408.866.2790 RESOLUTION NO. 9252 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL DENYING THE APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION APPROVING A SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL PERMIT FOR A NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1689 WALTERS AVENUE IN AN R-I-9 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT, APPLICATION OF MR BEHROUZ BEHROUZIAN. FILE NO. V 96-02. After notification and public hearing, as specified by law on the application of Mr. Behrouz Behrouzian, as per the application filed in the Community Development Department on May 13, 1997, and after presentation by the Community Development. Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the City Council did find as follows with respect to application S 97-11: 1. The subject parcel was legally created under the jurisdiction of the County of Santa Clara prior to subdivision regulations, and can legally developed in accordance development standards of the R-I-6 zoning district of the San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan. 2, The lot dimensions of the subject property, after the required dedication of the street right-of-way, are 72.65 D x 70.00 W. 3. The right to develop of a legally created, non-conforming parcel, supersedes the density that results from its development, therefore, a general plan amendment is not required for this project. 4, The proposed project meets the development standards of the R-1-6 Zoning District and the San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan. 5. The proposed dwelling is well designed and is architecturally compatible with the surrounding area by featuring architectural features and building elements commonly found in the neighborhood and encouraged by the San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan. 6. The proposed single family home is consistent with the intent of the General Plan density of allowing one dwelling unit per lot. 7. The two mature trees along the frontage of the property will be retained with the proposed development. 8. The location of the driveway has been deemed acceptable by the Traffic Engineer subject to conditions of approval. THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. ATTEST: A E YBEE, CITY CLERK. CITY OF CAMP!; CAlIFO A., BY 7/J Af17 DATED City Council Resolution No. 9252 S 97-11 - 1689 Walters Avenue Page 2 Based upon the foregoing findings of fact, the Planning Commission further finds and concludes that: 1, The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and zoning, and 2. The proposed project will aid in the. harmonious development of the immediate area. The applicant is hereby notified, as part of this application, that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California, The lead department with which at the applicant will work is identified on each condition. Additionally, the applicant is hereby notified that he/she is required to comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California that pertain to this development and are not herein specified, 1. Ap{:>roved Proiect: Approval is granted for a Site and Architectural Review Permit allowing a new single family residence on property located at 1689 Walters Avenue, Project approval shall substantially comply with project plans prepared by R. E. Hinson dated May 22, 1997, except as modified by the Conditions of Approval herein, 2. Landsca{:>ing: Submit a landscaping plan indicating tree protection and three additional trees (non-fruit bearing) along the eastern property line as indicated on the site plan to the Community Development Department-for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits, 3. Dedication to City: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall dedicate right-of-way along the street frontage to provide for a 20' half street right- of-way, Applicant shall prepare all documents necessary to record dedication and submit to the City for review, acceptance and recording. 4. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall pay the then current required storm drain area fee. The current fee is $2,000 an acre or $233, 5. Grading and Drainage Plan: The Building Division will determine grading and drainage requirements. 6. Standard Street Improvements: Prior to issuance of any building permits for the site, the applicant shall prepare a plan, pay fees, post securities and provide insurance, as appropriate, to obtain an encroachment permit to construct the AC driveway approach to the public street, as required by the City Engineer. , ~ City Council Resolution No. 9252 S 97-11 - 1689 Walters Avenue Page 2 7. ~,. f) 9. 10. 11. 12. Under~ound Utilities: All new on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall provide evidence from all utility companies that the application as proposed caTl be served. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting and fee requirements of the serving utility company. On-Street Parking: Parking shall be prohibited in the public right-of-way adjacent to the driveway. The public improvement plans shall reflect "No Parking Permitted" within this area. Site Plan: Prior to issuance of the grading, drainage or building permits, the applicant must submit a Plot/Site Plan for approval by the City Engineer. City Engineer's Requirements: Applicant shall comply with the street improvement policies of the San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan. Park Impact Fee: The applicant shall pay park impact fee of $10,990 or the current fee in effect at the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Official for the new single family residence. Development Approval Expiration: The Site and Architectural approval for this project is valid for a period of one year from the Planning Commission approval and expires on July 15, 1998, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 1997, by the following roll call vote: Dougherty, Watson, Furtado, Conant None Dean COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: None APPROVED~~'~ /? ~ Barbara D. Conant, Mayor ATTEST: l~ Anne Bybee, City Clerk AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CITY OF CAMPBELL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Please complete this form and return it, in person, to the Community Development Department of the City of Campbell, along with: 1. 1 3 copies of Assessor's Parcel Map and 3 copies of a general location map. 2. 3 copies of the Legal Descriptions of each property in question. 3. A Preliminary Title Report. 4. Information necessary to substantiate a finding that the lot(s) conform to the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances pursuant thereto. Such information may include: evidence of prior subdivision or parcel map approval; an official map prepared pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 66499,52 of the Subdivision Map Act; evidence of separate ownership prior to 1967; gift deed or other evidence relevant to the division of the property in question. Conditional Certificates of Compliance may be issued to require whatever alterations and/or public improvements are necessary to bring the lot(s) into conformity with the Map Act and local ordinances prior to issuance of any future construction permits. 5. Fee: Per Fee Schedule (payable to the City of Campbell) $ G/J/tJ. ~ ,6. Assessor's Parcel Number(s) 4(') 3'; - I ~ - (j 2 -.:s NOTE: The action required for the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance has been deemed a "ministerial action" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and does not usually require that additional environmental information be submitted with this application. Owner's Name ?iF#R~L/7 ~#~,//.:2"/A-rJ Address ~.z.'14 E"L#H~L'D SA 1J ':S'c-5F". cA , 7)R. J VE 4S-'::C;c>- 1817 Telephone No. @.of)2~Cj- 7nSZ Dated this /1'rl( Day of S~.e' ,199 7 Owner's Signature ~- /" ~-=-- (Notarized) - J:\FORMS\CERTCOM2(WORD)(rev 3/97) Affidavit of applicant-owner (Execute before a Notary Public) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) CITY OF tNvIPBELL S4t<J );]0$ ~ IlWe l~H.Rb'ff2 'i5L!Afl:2bJdZ/AN (Print or typewrite names in full) being duly sworn, depose and say: that I/We am/are the owners of the property described in this application, and that the statements and information contained herein and in the attached exhibits are in all respects true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. ~ ~~~- (SIGNED) Subscribed and sworn to before me this / 9 flL day of ~~a JU/Ve:- ,199~. (SIGNED) UP 8) CHARLENE H. HO Commision '1131207 0 8 Notary Public - California ~ . Santa Clara County My Comm. Expires Mar. 24, 2001 J:\FORMS\CERTCOM2(WORD)(rev 3/97) Page 3 of3 l'UBLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECEIPT Effective July I, 1996 TO: Cily Clerk PUBUC WORKS FU..E NO, PROPERTY ADDRESS \ (i:>~ ~L-~<::;' 1... Please collect &: receipt for the fo11owin1l monies: ACer. I ITEM ..,., .." .,. ,..",.",.""", ..",..",."", <A:MouNI',<" 435,535,4921 Pro'ect Revenue (specify project) S ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 4722 Application Fee Non-Utility Encroaclunent Permit (S225) R-I First Permit (No Fee), SubleOuent PermitIYrlSIOOl Utilitv Encroachment Permit Arterial/Collector Streel S325) Residential StteelIOther Areas S225) 2203 Plan Check Deoosit - 2"/. ofENGR, EST, S500 min \ . 2203 Faithful Perfonnance Securitv (FPS) 100'10 ofENGR,EST,) . 2203 Labor BIId Materials Securitv 100'10 ofENGR, EST,) 2203 Monumentation Security 100'10 ofENGR,EST) . 2203 Cash Deoosit 4'10 ofENGR.EST,YS500 minIS I 0,000 max) . 2203 Labor and Material Securitv 100'/. ofENGR. EST.) . Plan Check &: Inspection Fee (Non-Utility) 4722 Engr,Est < S250,000 (12"10 ofENGR. EST) .. 2203 EnlZJ',Est,>S250,OOO IDeoosit 8'10 ofENGR, EST,1S30.000 min, .. . 4722 Utilitv < SIOO,OOO (8"/.) Minimum Charge Per Location (SI20) ConduitsIPipelines up to SOO Feet (SL6O/ft) Above 500 Feet (SLlOIft,) ManholesIV aultsIEtc, (SI05/ea) Pole SetlRemoval (SI05/ea) Street Tree PIBlltinlliRemoval 1$ 105/tree .. 2203 Utilitv > SI 00.000 Actual Cost + 20'10 .. . 4760 Proiect Plans &: Soecifications Proiect No, 4760 Standard Specifications & Details (SliP. Sl2IIlook) 4760 Conies ofEn~ineerin~ Maps & Plans (S 50/", ft) 4722 Penalties: Failure 10 restore public improvements (SIOO/Calendar Dav) (Muni Code Section 11.34,010) 4722 PenaltIes: Failure 10 correct unsafe conditions (SIOO/Calendar Dav) LAND DEVELOPMENT 4722 Lot Line Adjustment S500) 4722 Parcel Man (4 Lots or Less) SI,06O+S25ILot) 4722 Final Tract Man (S or More Lots) SI.380 + S251Lot) 4722 Certificate of Comnliance S500) . c.'~ 4722 Certificate of Correction S300) 4722 Vacation of Public Streets &: Easements S550) 4722 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split (5550) Each Additional Lot (SI70) 4721 SlOnn Drainage Area Fee Per Acre (R-I, S2,(00) (Multi-Res, 52,250) (All Other, 52.5(0) 4920 Parkland Dedica1ion Fee 4965 Postal<e TRAFFIC 4728 InterSeCtion Turn Counts (Two-Hour Count) $60\ 4728 Intersection Turn Counts (am, or n,m, oeaks) 5125) 4728 Traffic Flow Man (Dailv Traffic Volumes) 527) 4728 Camnbell Traffic Model (Full Scope Assessment) S2.250) 4728 Camnbell Traffic ModellReduced Scone Assessmentl 5740\ 4271 Truck Permits S35/trin\ 4728 No Parkin~ SilUls Sl/each or S25/1(0) OTHER TOTAL 5 <So-O. GO NAME OF APPUCANT NAME OF PAYOR B _.,t ... ~e:){~)"2.. ~e:,,", n.t-~O-Z.l,;.,......... PHONE ADDRESS 1t. 4- ~. ZIP'9 CS;\~O-\.~l . , ~ ~9 4- e~e::.t:::I \":::> r;::;,('2... ~ ~"'S..e~- .. Actual Cost Plus 20'10 Overhead (Non-Intenl bearin~ deoositl n FOR \ .. ..%>> d< RE CITY CLERK RECENED BY , ..... ONLY Necei~# ..\0)\00\.. , Date '.... . ,...... JU '\\ .. , ..... ' ..,' ".' ...,. >-..l"e:: 'For Plan Check and Cash Deposits, send yellow copyll> Financ:e. CEIVED N 2 0 1997 .CITY. CLERK'S OFFICE h:\recfnn4, wk3( mp )rev7/1196 . i . ~ . .,. .'- . '-0 " CITY OF CAMPBELL~ CA RECVD BY: JANH 01000103109 PAYOR: BEHRDUZ BEHROUZIAN TODAY'S DATE: 06/20/97 R~~~~T~~ nai~' r.~i?oi07 -Ij~~. lOO!?A!i? (t",ivl t,\ ~.:u~: .w ~~.. .' , .&.:u..= v.....:....... DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ENGR & SUBDIV FILING F S500.00 ---------------- TOTAL DUE: $500.00 CHECK PAID: CHECK HO: 3394 TENDERED: CHANGE : 1500.00 $500.00 $.00 ~