1670 Westmont Ave. (1971) ". . 1 ~-- dl ! , Z JII' l\J ~ l\l Q , .&':>.00 , 20 g~ '0 ~([> I\J I- - - ff ~r ~ z di~ .. J..ll 0 IJ ~ ~ ~~ 0) I- .t.B" ~ ~3. .II QU ~ ill , <G r:- S -0 ~ () d cfR (V - >.2 d .l-$ Set 2 ~ .E .J E~ viJ f1 6 tfJ tJ; ci U- !}!~ j ~ -~ L..l. -lJcQ 3 ~ o m <<) If! , "'f o ~lC) <<J :z ) N ,,,,060' 'J.I I ". ... 'O~~ \ I , ! "20.00 ( \=<-.. B\o~ t:= ~B.?;\ l tlJ' ()? j.AND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELl.... I kand to be ,ranted to City Con-b.\V"'l\Y1C) 1~~'3.6g o.c..:t. .. ~ f1 6) (l.. i1 l{) -~ ~-~ ~~ cf~ ~et:,~ ~ ~ -C..f: 0 o ~ ~~ i'? ~ 6' ~ ~ (i) 16' " t:l 7 \11, - ~a. '0 ~ Prepared by the Office of the City Enolneer, Campbell, California . .. - . 1 April 13, 1971 CITY ENGINEER' S CONS'l'RtlCTION COST ESTIMA'l'E FOR OLIVER J.: ft~ ~UTH MEA,BRUSTER, dAPN 40~-13-036 1610 WESTMONT AVENUE A. CL~INO AN1) GRUBB INCh 1. pavenent Removal (10)(70.73) - 707.3 sq. ft. 78.6 sq. yds. @ $1.50 2 . Earthwork (60.73)(33.0)(1.3)/27 - 96.5 cu. yds. 96.5 cu. yds. @ $3.50 $118.00 337.75 B. C9NS'J.'RUC'nON: 1. portland Ceent Concrete Class A (siX sack) Curb and OuttAr 60.73 lin. ft. @ $3.25/11n. ft. 191.25 2. Portland c.ent. Concrete Class A (slx sack) Res1dental Sidewalk (40.73)(4.5) - 183.3 sq. ft. 183.3 sq. ft.. @ $0.75/ sq. ft. 137.50 3. portland c.ent. Concrete Class A (slx sac:k) Residential Dlri"..y Approach (21)(9.5) - 199.5 sq. ft.. 199.5 sq. ft. @ $1.25/sq. ft. 4. 1 1/2" R191d Clalvanind Metal Conduit Per UL Publication tJL 6 wl1:h 2 No. 8 AWG Solid Copper Conductors 60.73 lin. ft.. @ $2. 7S 249.50 161.00 " . . 1 5. Class 2 AcJ9r8CJ&'te Baa., 1 1/2" IIIrX. SiIIe (60.73}(33.0)(1.0)(O.07) - 140.3 tons 140.1 tons @ $4.00 6. 'l'yl;)e S Aepba1 tic concrete (60.73)(33.0)(0.33)(0.075) - 49.6 tons 49.6 tons @ $12.00 561.25 595.25 7. street Trees 1 @ $17.50 17.50 8. 2 It X 8 It Redwood HM.derboard 66 lin. ft. @ $2.50 165.00 SUB TOTAL: $2,546.00 15% CONTImDCIES t 382.. 00 TOTAL: $2,928.00 Us. $2,950.00 for Bond ~ount ($2,950.00) (0.035) - $103.00 for Plan Examinat.ion and Construction Inspect.lon Pee atom Ora inage Area re. (182.74) (60) = 123~tto40 - 0.2517 Ac. (0.2517 Ac.) ($765.00) - $192.55 - . i I May 12, 1970 Pyramid Homes 1142 Winchester Boulevard San Jose, California ATTENTION: Mr. George H. Sauer SUBJECT: APN 403-13-036 Irving F. Buckland Buildinq Permit Application Gentlemen: Enclosed please find an agreement and a bond form for the construction of the public street improvements.in front of subject property on Westmont Avenue. The City Engineer will recorrnnend that a building permit be issued as soon as we are in receipt of the agreement and bond, executed by the appropriate parties and notarized. It shall also be required that the storm drainage area fee cited in the agreement be paid to the City of Campbell. We also enclose a grant deed for the right of way on Westmont Avenue. This instrument is to be executed by Cal Pac Builders, Inc. In case that you may have been misinformed or may have misunderstood any statement made to you concerning the issuance of a building permit, I wish to inform you that this office, the office of the Director of Public Works and City Engineer does not issue building permits. The building permits are issued by the Building Department of the City. This office will recommend that the building permit be issued when the agreement, bond, and grant deed are executed and returned to this office and when the storm drainage fee is paid. Very truly yours, BILL M. HEIMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER CSG:cc Enclosures By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer I -, 'r-' ,.,~,_,,,:,i,[~"-:::_'''' , I .... , I . ' .., 1 , \",' ~. .~ ,,' ......~.;~~:~-- -...-..........;.. .1, i, ,j)' 0, -" i!: I , .. , ( '.-,' .::. '. , ',' 'I.. . /4- :$-':::>., :<~ - ;, \.'\ ~', ,. , l,\" (, ", . " I);' ';.1' ;./, ,:; " , ,'j' . , ~ ~, .~ ,'\ " ~ .... () o~ ,) '~ ~ ~ ~ ':',1 ,'I, '" " ,.', . .': r . I': 1.'.,1 \ " ( \ '", ~ / l . ,',>' I , /1 \ ~ . ., ......._.~....t--.........- , .' ,{'oj', , : ".'. , ,\ " r"': " 'r." "'jJ "'II I. , ., , '.:1.( . '1' ",~-!. , . ,~~ ~ , ( ~I '. ," ~ . - ,..01(0 ~OS - - - " I , ~ "":\ ' 1 ,'. ~ . 1'1\:';:'" , '\ " t " ,~,r'f I . ' ;, I " . ' ~ ., I"~ ~ ,~, " w " " ~7~ ~;J:MI-""I . ~.. ~~~~~~~~j~~~~'1 6, 0.0 f.' ~, i, ',,' )'" ..'.:' '" I' i ,. ~ ; ~. . . I ' " ~ ~ : -';Y -.~;, ,;', ~.' : ! ''t. I l I' ( ", I', , . j' },' 'f ' ~ " J,. ;1 ", ,'1'/' . ,I. -:.." . I . ) I ~'., . ."....; . . I " I' ".f: ;: "I j: \.!; t ,\ ~,.' , , f ., . \ /,i;: '" "1 'I ' ..~ ~ / , , , 'I, ,':\ '."'1' . :1' ,,"1, ".; '\ ;,,' ....!~~~.;'?:,,:,. I', "'f' t .i."~' . . . ~t ' " . " . ". 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