710 West Valley Dr. (71-56) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL ME110RANDtJM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT ~,d?/L ~O^-.J SE.A..-J T/ ,j,JO BUILDING ADDRESS 7/0 JUc:;r-r //d~CEY D/2./ J/E" COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ~ /3- ~ / - c:?.:ff.4 "S It APPROVAL NUMBER 7 J - S ~ PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER /VI c- (;- I 2-rD WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF, PUBLIC WORKS By ~/ ,L-..1jL- , Da te 1- - ~ - 7 Z-.. /?:(;//,L~/ / l~ 0 -: , J'-tv ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAHPBELI. 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA t ':',,"" 1-;; ',~~ ": ,', I'~ ' ,f DATE: j} r-"~, c' I': ~':) t.', CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL or PLANS OF , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF t~ .... !Jt" it n ;'~ r", t \'~ (:' "~r; +.' ..t ,.~ ','10. TO BE LOCATED AT ~1 rr;. t '.; i ; .] CONDITIONS: ~: c>. J. ';~ .L :', r '''!'' ~'> 'If ; t '" " it "_~ Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No buildine permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRAN7ED BY THE CITY OF".GAMPBELL PLANNING..(,~OMMIS,SION AT A REGUL.AR , '. ~"J. ,.~'~ ".' l ~:. .:: ,"~ MEET ING HF.LD ON THE day of .,.' .. , 19 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ...... ~" .", i '#-1' ,I ~:1. j,// ;" ~ BY: ..' . , ARTHUR KEE, SECRETARY ~ - ,"~ ;' \ l' I t~l l CONDITIons or 111'1': 'VAL "s" 71-55 Froese J ,j, 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant mateY'ial, location of hose bibs or 5~rinkJ,er system and type of fencing to be submitted for. ?pproval of the Planning Director at time of application for buildillf:, pcrrni"l. 3. ~'aithful performance bond ill th8 amo\Jnt or $500 to be posted to insure l~ndscaping, fencing and striping of parkin8 area witllin ~hrec (3) months qf completion of construction, or applicant ~~y file written ~greelnent to complete landscaping~ fencing and s'~-l'iping of parking area prior to final buLlding department clearullcc. 11 . Lan d sea pin g s haIl be III a in t a in cd in ace 0 yo d eJ nee \.j i t h t 11 car P l' 0 V c d limdscape plan. 5 ; ^ i) p 1 i c a 11 t t 0 ins tall an en c 10 sur c t 0 h 0 use a 11 t l' C1. S 11 con t ('I j ! 1 e :~' s con::;tl'\1oted of a six foot hiz,h siz,ht--obscul'ing fenc8, ""i th coner-cte riooT's' a.nd f;ix foot self-closing geltes in Cln arEca appl'c..vcd by the fire department. , . . . Th9 ~pplicant is notified ClS part of this application ~~ired ~o meet the following conditions in accor-dance of the City of CaJ:lpbcll. t hat h e i s 1" (' _. Hi't;1 0 r d i 11 c:t !I C C S A: All ~~rking ~nd driveway areas to be developed in c60~ii~nce with ~ e c t ion 9 3 1 9 0 f the C <,un p bell !.j u n i 0 i P cd. Cod e . ~.. , ;H-,. )Ji}clergro_und, ut3.1itie_sto be. provided as re,gu.ire,d ..b'y Sect<1.qn.9110.6 b r the C a lfl p b c 11 :,1 u n i 0 i pal Cod e . t : 1:' 1 ~ I} s sub:n i t t e d tot he b u i 1 din e cl e par t ;18 n t for p J. i} n c he c k s h ,! J I in~i<;a~e clearly the location of all oonn80tions- for underground bt~ii~ies including water, sewer, electrio) teJ.c~h6~e and U:devisioIlS cables, etc. D: ~t~h ~ppiication to be submitted in accordance ~ith ~rovi~ions 8 f the s i g II 0 r d i 11 an c (' f 0 Y' a 11 S l Z. n f; . Nos 5 g n t 0 be ill S t a 11 e d ~htil appJ.ication is approved and p~Y'mit issued t~ the buiidil1g aep~l'trnel1t. E~ A~~iicant to ihstRll fire extinguishers in bY'e~k~~i~~~ ~~binets 3n i~ltlilcJi'Y rCjOIIi a.nd ca.rports. 1'; Ai)pU.cant to bbti:d.ll (:XCi;v"t iOll PC:i"i1i t ff):c' c1r5.v..;way ~i)ili'o;'!ch COllstruct ion. , . . . Th(:,~pplic'l11t is notif5e:c! tllCit lIe sha1.l C01.\~)Jy \d.ti~ aU. Eli.)ilJ:icd)~e Cc,'_lcs 8!-' .Oi'd5.na.ncc;s of. the City of C;;u'Il,1)(:}} ,,;hich I".:;r.taiii to tLis d:.;v~loi,~ccrlf: it it d a l' C 11 () the l' e illS pee j fie cl .